HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy CodeFEB-11-2009 10:03 From:9545967999 COUSINS AIR INC Pa9e:1-'35 92/07/2008 23:13 5617418909 COINNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 01/35 FORM 60OA-2004R EnergyGa' 400 4.5.2 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community'Affairs Residential Whole Building. Performance Method A Pro)ecl Name: WATERSONG - CA•WS-42 Builder: `ptJRUCKER MARRAN� Address: LOT -42, TPACT "A" Permitting Office: ST. LUCIE co City, State: HUTCHINNEWMANSON ISLAND, FL Permit Number: � /J !��©/C� Owner, S��Q ` I Climate Zone: Central Jurisdiction Number: 6 0 I. New construction orexistiag N _ 12. Cuoling systems 2. Single family or multi -family 3. Number ofwtits, if multi -family Single family _ a I Central Unit Cap: 57,5 kBtu�hr I 4. Number ofBedroomy 1 7 I b. Central Unit _ SFER' 13.50 5. Is this a.�rat case? _ Yes Cap: 34.0 katu/ttr 6. Conditioned floor area (ft') 7, Cast I and area: ypa (Label read 4582 ft I - by 13 104.4.5 c. Central Uoit • SEER 14.00 - I Cap: 23.2 kBtu/hr i a. U-1hetor i_f not default) Description Arett I 13. Hrming system, SEER; R: 14.00 A (or Singlet or Double DEFAULT) i b. MCC;P 79(Sogle Defau)t) 532.2 ftt - d Electric Heat Pum Cap: 11.0 JcBtu/hr - I (or Clear or Tim pEFAUL I) 8. Floor typcs 7b. (1 Jrn) 382;2 fta I b. Electric Heat Ptonp NSPF: 8.50 _ Cap: 17.0 kBtu16r ti a. Raised Wood de b. Slab-On-Graa iiuulatlon+ 0 R=1 I.D, 1241.6 it, _ I R�VO,105.9 f3' c. Electric Hcat PP HSPF: 8.00 Cap: 17.0 kBtu/hr , c. 2 Others 116.2 ft' 114. .Mot water sy u= HSFF: 7.90 - 9. Wall types a. Frame, Wood, Adjacent _ IZ 1i.0, 454.8 fl'' I a. Electric Resistance I Cap: eO.Oppllooa f b. Frame, Woad, Exterior _ R-11.0, 147.611P b, NIA EF: 0.- 81i I c. Concrete, laInsvl, 5xtmior - I R=d.l, 3651.7 R' - d. Concrete, latlnsul, Adjaoatt _ R=4.1, 153.0 fF I C. Consrnatioo mclits c. IQrA 4 _ (HR-Heat recovery, Solar 10_ Ceiling r)ges - I DHP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attie It-30.0 1382.2 fi' , 15. HVAC credits ' b. Under Attic Ru19.0, 348,5 fV (CF Carling fan, (r V-Cmss ventilation, �� -- c. NIA I Iff-Whole house fan, 11. Ducts _ n-Progran nrable 11i moatat, a. Sup: L'nc. Reh Una AU: Imerior Sup. R=6.0, 185.0 JP M&C-Multizone cooling, i b• 2 othere 250.0 R_ I W H-Multi2one heating) � Glass/FlaorArea� Total as -built points: 53755 PAS 0,13 Total base a - points; 55757 1 hereby oertify that the plans and SPOCifiCadOns oovered by I Rauigw of the plans and this Calculation are in cornpIkknce with the Florida Energy I specifications covered by this Code. PREPARED BY: C0M W8 ELCUCI calculation indicates compliance I i with the Florida Energy Code. DATE: 561-748.77A5• I Before construction is Completed this building wlll be Inspected for I I hereby oerttfy that this buildin , as desisovd. is In pliance with the Florida Energy Cod compliance with Section 853.9oo I I Fforida Statutee, -< OWNER/AGENT: i'' �Ct9�' BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: %l DATE: 1Vredominant laset typo. glass J L 9 yp 9 type and arcrrs, tee Summer a Winter Glass output on pogoo 244. EnergyGaugee (Version: FLRCSB v4.5.2) '+ ,rl I%. ,.. .:Etlii �`:i{('.,St^dV uti`✓M'tl;r d}tV �a w FEE-11-2009 10:04 From:9545967999 62/07/20013 23:13 56174IBS09 FORM 60OA-2004R COUSINS,AIR INC CONNIE'S E-CALCS Page:2/35 PAGE 02/35 EnergyGauge® 4.6.2 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: LOT - 42, TRACT "A", HUTCHINSON ISLAND, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .18 4562.0 24.36 26083.0 1.Single, Tint N 4.0 6.0 21,4 24.48 0.79 411 0 2.5ingle, Tint N 3.2 7.5. 25.0 24.40 0.80 528.0 '3,Single, Tlnt N 3.0 8.0 25.0 24A6 0.85 640.0 4.Single, Tint 18.Single, N 3.0 8.5 1519 24.46 0.90 340.0 5-Single, Tint N 1,3 6.5 8,0 24.46 0.94 184.0 6.Singie, Tint N 2,0 0:0 25.0 24.40 0.94 574.0 7.Single, Tint W 2.0 4.5 fi 4 47.90 0.78 297.0 Tint W 2.0 18.0 80 47.90 0.99 380.0 9.Sirigle, Tint . W 2.0 5.5 12.5 47.90 9,03 499.0 110.8ingle, Tint W, 2.0 11.5 12.5 47.90 0.97 679.0 11.8ingle, Tint W 2.0 10.5 16.0 47.90 0.90 733.0 12,Single, Tint W 2.0 21.0 25.0 47.90 0.99 1191.0 13,Single, Tint W 2.0 11.5 12.5 47.90 0.97 579.0 141.Single, Tint S 5.2 5.0 25.0 39.54 0.56 557.0 15,Single, Tint S 5.2 6.5 21.4 39.84 CAD 509.0 18.Single, Tint S 10.3 6.5 26.0 39.84 0,50 497.0 17.5ingla, Tint S 10.3 0.5 80.0 39.84 0.54 1714.0 18.Single, Tint S 10,3 ?.0 38.0 50.84 0.52 746.0 10.5ingle, Tint 6 '10.3 9.0 80.0 39.84 fj.Sb 1741.0 Z0.81ngle, Tint E 2.0. 23.0 25.0 53.27 0.99 1324,0 21.Single, Tint E 2.0 23.0 37.5 53.27 0.99 1987.0 22.S1ngle, Tint E 2.0 10.0 12.5 63.27 0.95 632.0 23.Single, Tint E 2.0 17.0 12.5 53.27 0.99 661,0 24.Single, Tint E 2.0 28.5 12.5 53.27 1.00 603.0 As -Built Total: 682.2 17074.0 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Paints Type R Value Area X SPM = Points Adjecont 607.8 0.70 426.5 1. Frame, Wood, Adjarcrrlll 11.0 454.0 0.70 318.4 Exterior 5799.3 1.90 7218.7 2. Frame, Wood, Exterior 11.0 147.6 1.00 280A 3. Conorete. IntInoul, Bxterior 4.1 3651.7 1,18 4309.0 4. ConCrete.•lnl Ineul, Adjacent 4.1 163.0 0.66 98.7 Base Tot9L 4407.1 7044,1 As -Built Total: 4407.1 $006.6 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM Points Adjacent 43.2 1.80 69.1 1.Adjaoenl Wood 43.2 2.40 1D3.7 EQerlor 83.1 4.60 398.9 2.Extedor Wood 83.1 7.20 598.3 Base Total; 126.3 4A8.9 AS-Built Total: 126.3 702.0 EnorgyGaugeO DCA Form 6MA•200411 F=ner9YGauge@UFIaR1:8'2004R Ft.RCS9 v4.5.2 r V •Y i, I.1 tfE FEB-11-200B 10:04 • 02/07/200B 23:13 Fr orn: 9545967999 561741B909 COUSINS, RIR INC CONNIE'S E-CALCS Page:3,35 PAGE 03/35 FORM 600A-2004R EnergyGaluge® 4.5.2 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: LOT -42, TRACT "A", HUTCHINSON ISLAND, FL, PERMIT* BASE (ZILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points I Type Under Attic 2230.7 2.13 4751.4 1 UndorAtNc 2. Under Attic Base Total; 2230.7 4751.4 As-601 Total. FLOOR TYPES Area X 138PM m Points Type Slab 105.9(p) •31.8 •3387 ti 1 Slab-On-Gr2ds Edge Insulation Raised 1357.8 -3.43 -4657.3 2. Raload Wood, Adjacent 3. Raised Wood, Post or Pier 4. Raised Concrete Brio Total;-8024.9 As -Built Total: INFILTRATION Area X 13SPM. = Points 4582.0 14.31 65588.4 AS -BUILT R-Value Area X SPM X 6CM = Points 30.0 1882.2 , 2.13 X 1.00 4009.1 19.0 348.6 2.82 X 1.00 982.8 2230.7 4991.9 R-Value Area X SPM = Points 0.0 109.9(N -31.90 •3378.2 11.0 1241.0 180 2234 9 11.0 27.8 1.83 60 7 11.0 88.4 -1.70 -180.3 Area X SPM = Points 4582.0 14.31 655ti8.a . Summer Base Points: 90490.1 Summer As -Built Points: 92899.9 Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X COP X Duct' X System X Crecilt = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier -Multiplier Points (System' • Points) (DM x DSM x AHU 90490.1 0-3250 (Sys 1: Comm) Unit 57500bbih .SEER/EFF(13.5) DuHp!UnC(3).Unl. ),Int{AH),RB.O(INS) 8Z900 - ' 0.50 (1.09 X 1.150 x 0.85) 0.253 0.950 11944.2 (Sys 2 Cenhel unit 3e000btuh ,SEER/EFF(14.0) Dvct$;Uno(S7,Uno(R),Ird(AH).Ra.o(IN3) 92900' 0.30 (1.09 x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.244 0.950 6810.4 (Sys 3: Central Unit 2=0btutt;8EER/EFF(14.0) Ducts: Uno(S),UnC(R),rnt(AH),Rsx(IN8) 92000 0.20 (1.08'x 1. too x 0.W) 0.244• 0.950 4647.1 29409.3 92899.9 1.00 1.069 0.248 0,960 23394.0 EnergyGaugoTM OCA Form 60DA-2004R EnergyGaugoWFIaRES1200411 FLRCSB v4.5.2 r LU 11-Crjwo LLJ-U-? �02/07/2008 23:13 FORM 60OA-2004R rrom:7'y'7br7yy 5617418909 WUSINS AIR INC CONNIE'U E-CALCS Paee:4/35 PAGE 04/35 EnerpGauge® 4.5.2 WINTER CALCULATIONS ' Residential Whole. Building Performance Method A - Details ' ADDRESS: LOT - 42, TRACT "A", HUTCHINSON ISLAND, FL, PERMIT A BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .15 X Conditioned X BWPM , Points Floor Area Overhang . Type/8C Orrtt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Poin .16 4582.0 9.11 7614.0 1.3In®le, Tint N 4.0 6.0 21.4 15,38 0.99 2.6iny10, Toni . 17,8ingle, N 3.2 7.5 25.0 15.38 0.99 328,0 382.0 3.Single, Tint .SinglO, Tint N 3.Q A 0 25.0 15.38 1.00 362.0 .Single, Tint N N 3.0 6.5 16.g 1.3 15.38 1.00 0 .SIng10, Tint N 8,5 8.0 2.0 0.0 15,38 1.00 � 122.0 122 Tint W 25.0 2.0 4.6 8.0 15,38 13.80 1.00 14.0 .Single, Tint W 2.0 * 18.0 8.D 13.80 1.04 1.00 1 114.0 110.0 .Slrfgle, Tint yy 2.0 5.6 12.6 13.80 1.02 176.0 10.6in9le, Tint W 2.0 11.6 12.5 13.80 1.00 172,0 II-SIn91c, Tint W 2.0 10.5 16.0 13.80 1.00 22t.0 12.Single, Tint W 2.0 21.0 25.0 13.80 1.00 344.0 13.Single, Tint W 2.0 11.5 12.6 13.80 1.00 172.0 14.Single, Tint S 5.2 5.0 26.0 10.88 1.87 508.0 15,5ingle. Tint 5 t3.2 6.5 21.4 f 0.68 1.66 387.0 16.Single, Tint 17.8in le, Tint g 120,Single, S 10.3 6,5 25.0 10.88 2.21 600.0 18.Single, Tint 5 8 10.3 8.$ 80.0 10.88 2.00 1740,0 19.Single, Tint 10.3 7.0 36,0 10.88 2,10 821.0 Tint 5 C 10.3 9.0 80,0 10.08 1.05 1 21.Single, Tint E 2.0 23.0 25.0 2.0 23.0 1,,04 1.00 327.0 327.0 22,61ngle. Tint 17 37.5 2.0 10.0 • 13.04 1.00 490.0 23.Single, Tint E 12.5 2.D 17,0 12.5 13.04 13.04 1.01 183.0 . 24.8inglo, Tint E 2.0 28.5 12.5 13.04 t.oD 1.00 187.0 163.0 As -Built Total; 582.2 1Q209.0 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X ' WPM � Points , Adjeoont t107.8 1.60 1004.0 1, Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 454.8 1.80 Exterior 3799.3 2.00 7596.5 2. Frame, Wood, EXt®OOr 11.0 147.6 818.6 S. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 3551.7 2.00 3.31 295.2 4, Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.1 133.1 123118.2 lase total: 4407.1 8692.8 As -Built Total: 2.D8 4407.1 13800.9 600.9 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjewnt 43.2 4.00 172.8 1,Adjacent Wood Exterior 83.1 6110 423.0 2.Exterior Wood 43.2 5.90 254.E 83.1 7•60 631.6 Base Total; 126.3 896.6 Aa•8 III Totrtl: ' 126 886.4 • Ener9yGau9e6 DCA Form 6011A 2004R EnergyGau9eWlaRES'2004R FI.RCSB v4.5.2 6 .�9 z N FEB-11-2008 10:09 -'02/07/2008 23:13 From:9595967999 5617418909 COUSINS AIR INC CONNIE'S E-C4LCS Page: 5= 35 PAGE 05/35 FORM 60OA-2004R EnergyGaugeO 4.5.2 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: LOT -42, TRACT "A", HUTCHINSON ISLAND, FL, BASE CEILING TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Typo Under Attic 223D.7 0.64 1427.6 1. Under Attie 2. UnderAitic BaseTvtal; 2230,7 1427,8 As -Built Total. FLOOR TYPES Area X 8WPM = Points Type 1,4. Slab 105.0(p) -1.9 -201.2 1. Blab -On -Grade @dyo Inoulation Raised 1357.8 -0.20 -271.0 2. Raised Wood, Ad)aoont 3. Raised Wow, Post or Pier Raised Concrete Base Total: -472.8 Aa-Built Total: INFILTRAT)ON Ar®a X 8WPM = Points PERMIT #: AS -BUILT R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Pointa 30.0 1652.2 0 64 X 1.00 1204,8 19.0 348.5 0,87 X 1.00 303.2 2230.7 1507.0 R-Value AIP-a X WPM - Points 0.0 105.9(p 2.50 264.8 11.0 1241.6 1.00 2234,9 11,0 27.8 0.47 13.1 11.0 ' 88.4 0.80 70.7 1463.7 2593. Area X VVPM = Points 4562.0 -D.28-1263.0 4682.0 -0.28 -1283,0 Winter Base Points: 16476.2 Winter As -Built Points: 27404.7 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Healing Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (System - Points) (DIN x DSM x AHU) (sys 1' Elwrle Heat Pump 17000 btuh ,EFF(8.5) Ducts:Unc(5),Ume(R),Int(AH),R6,0 27404.7 0.333 (1.078 X 1,160 x 0.87) 0.402 . 0.950 380a.3 (0y3 2: Elootrlo Hoat'Pump 1700D btuh X-FRO.0) 0U0tWU0o(S),Unc(R),lnt(AH),R0 0 27404, 7 - 0.353 (1.078 x I.150 x 0.67) 0.427 0.950 404e,3 . (sy>g 3: Elaclrle Heat Pump 17000 btuh ,EFF(7.9) Ducae:unc(S).Unc{R),Inl(AH),R6.0 16475.2 0.6540 27404.7 0.333 (1.078 x 1.160 x 0.87) 0.432 0.950 9127.2 1 27404.7 1.00 1.093 0.420 0.960 4097.6 11940.0 G110f9yGaugo- DCA Form 60DA-2004R EnergyGaugeVF611ES'2004R FLRCSB v4.5.2 mom C11 fir, esl `ii y, '1 FEB-11-2008 10:04 From:95459679.99 COUSINS AIR INC Page:6/35 02/07/2008 23:13 5617418909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 06/35 FORM 60OA-2004R EnergyGauge® 4.6.2 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method .A - Details ADDRESS: LOT - 42, TRACT "A", HUTCHINSON ISLAND, FL, . PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 7 2430.00 '7220.0 8D.0 0:86 7 1.00 2631.83 1.00 18421.4 As•Built Total! 18421.4 PASS -:] - EmrgyGaugeTM DCA Form SOOA•2004R EnergyGauge®/FIaRES'2004R FLRCSB v4.5.2 FEB-11-2008 10:05 02107/200B 23:13 From:9545967999 561741R9919 COUSINS,AIR INC CONNIE'S E-CALCS Paae:7.35 PAGE 07/35 FORM 600A 2004R EnergyGaugeaD 4.5:2 Code Compliance Checklist " Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: LOT - 42, TRACT "A", HUTCHINSON ISLAND, FL, PERMIT #: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS _ I SECTION .REQUIREMENTS FORF.ACH PRACTICE Exterior Windows & Doors , fi06.1 ABC.1.1 Maximarea;— CI —�-_, � cfm/sa tt• window ,5 c(mleg,tl, door area. _ Exterior 8 Adjacent Wally &OB.I,ADC.1.2. t I Gaulk, gwkct, weatlrarairip of 30al behveen, windowardoors.& Names, surrounding wall. ifoundation 8 wall sole or sill Plato; joint* between exterior wall panels at comers; utility ipeneirs6ona; between wait panels & top/bottom plates; between walla and floor, EXCEPTION: Frame walls wharo a eonllnuous infiltration barrier to installed that wdendm —�-- from, and Is sealed lo, the foundation to the top Date, Floors H06.1 AgC,1,Z,2 penetrations/openings >1/8" sealed unless backed by frVes or joint Members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infikration battler is installed that is sealed the per�elt;r, pattoUetions and seems. Ceilin9g 806A.A13C.1.2.3 i Between wails & callin s g ; PonstrQtlons of calling plane of top floor; Around shafts, chases,-1 soffits, chimneys, cabinet$ sealed to continuous air barrier, gaps in gyp board 6 top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION; Frame Ceilings where a cominuoue infiltration barrier la installed that is sealed at the Derimeter,netratlona and seams. Recessed Ushting Fi}tture9 608.1 mC.1.2.4 I Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside n i sealed DOX Min 1/2" clearanCe & 31 from Insulation; or Type IC rated with <2.0 cfrn from eondltlonod c coo tested. _ Multi" tory_Houses • O'V ABC.1,2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor Csvl between t1oorx. ` Addkional Infiltration'regts 1606.1.ABC,1.3 Exhaust farts vented to outdoor6, damperlf; oombuatlOn space heaters compry with NFPA, have combustion air. 6A-22 OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (must tie met or exceeded by all residences_) COMPOWNTS SECT10N REQUIREMENTS Water Healers 612.9 --- CHE Comply with efficiency requirements.in Table 612.1.gBC.3.2, Swllah or dearly marked cir breaker (electric) or Cutoff (gas) must be provided. External or buift-m nee{ tra r wired. _ Swimming Pools &Spas i 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-cornmcrcfal pools must have a Pump timer. Gas spa & pool healers must have a minimum lhormal Shower heads _ _ 612.1`� Wabrr flow m ct bo ragtrictOtl to no Moro than 2,6 all ns per. minute at 80 PSIG� Air Distribution Systems g10.1 I All ducts, fll IMS. machii I equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached sealed,, insulated, and installed In accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts in unconditioned attics: R 6 min. insulation, HVAC Controls 607.1 Se arste readi accessible�manual or automatic thermostat for caCh Iem. Insulation I 004.1, 602,1 1 Ceilings Min. R•19. Common walls -Frame R-1 t or CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling 8 nodrs R-t t. •-c, rr, MM COP tom. n �. FEB-11-2008 10:05 From:9545967999 COUSINS,AIR INC Page:8135 02/07/2008 23:13' 5617418909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 08/35 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTMATED ENERGY FE"ORKANOE SCORE*. _ 87,1 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. NEWMAN, LOT - 42, TRACT "A", HUTCHINSON ISLAND, FL, 1. New construciloo or existing New 2. Single family nr multi -family _ Single family _ 3, Number of units, if multi -family I 4. Number of Bedrooms _ 7 5, is this a wvzst case? _ ya 6. Conditioned floor area (fl?) 4382 Rs - 7. Glass type] and aura (Label regd. by 13-104-4.1 ltnoi default) a, U-factor- Description . Area (or Single or Double DEFAULT) 7a(SngIc Default) 582.2 fta b. SHGC: (or Clear or riot DEFAULT) 7b. (Tint) 352.2 W 8. Floortypes a. Raised Wood R=11.0, 1241.6 fN b. Slab -On -Grade Edge Dnaulation, 0 R-0.0, 105.9 fie _ C. 2 Otbcrs 116.2 W 9. Wall types '- a• Framo, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 454.8 it' b. Frame, Wood, Exterior R-11.0, 147.6 ftt c. Concrete, Ird Insul, F_xtedesp RM.), 3651.7 W d. Conerelo, lal Insul, Adjacent R 4.1, 153.0 W e. NIA 10.. Ceiling types a Under Attic R-30,0, 1892.2 tN _ b. Under Attic R-19.0, 348.5 fta c. NIA ` 11. Ducts a, Sup: Una. ReL Unc. AH: lhtrrzior Sup. R=6.0, 185.0 ft, b• 2 Others _ Z50.0 f1 12. Cooling rystems a. Central Unit b. Central Unit C. Central Unit 13. Heating ortatns a. Electric Heat Pump b- Eloetrio Heat Pwnp c, electric Heat Pump 14. 11ot watu ayotomo R. Electric ltesistanoo b. NIA c. Consecration credits (HR-Heat recovery, Sol ar A11P AC7dlCated heat pump) 15. 14VAC =flits (CF-Ceiline tan, CV -Cross ventilatlott, HF-Wbole house fan, PT-PM174mmable Thermostat, Mb-C-Mtrltizone cooling, MZ-H-Mulo"ne heating) l cerdfy that this home baS complied with the Florida Energy Ef finny Codo. For Building Const cation through the above MOM saving fcaLures which will be Installed (or exceeded) in this home before final ins ectinn. 0tharwfae, a EEL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code liant feattues. � Builder Siguatury %• �° at c Address of New Houle: A Q4 A 1T �$ S-N a y City/FL Zip: H ti� t r r- h i n a.-; o n, T s 1 a `NOAE: The homed comared energy performance score is only available Trro�A1t� a,F'949 urer program. This is not a Building Fnergy Rating ,{%yourscore is 80 or greater (or 86 for a US EPA/DOE Energ)t5tartmdesignaiton), your home may quay for energy efficiency mortgag¢ (EEAV incentives jl you obtQin a Florida Energy Gauge Rating - Contact the Energy Gauge Horline ai 321/6384492 of see the Energy Gauge web site at tvww,fsec.ucf. edu for i rformaliun and a hit OfCen ed,Raters. For Information about Florida's Energy Fficiency Coda For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community Affairs at 8501487-1824. Cap: 57.5 kt3tu/1tr _ SEER.,13.50 _ Cap; 34.0 kBtuthr MR:14,00 _^ Cap: 23.2 kBnubs _ SEER 14.00 Cap: 17.0 kBtu/hr _ HSPF:8.50 _ Cep; 17.0 kBra to RSPF:8.00 _ Cap: 17.0 kBtWhr HSPF; 7.90 Cap! $0.0 gallons _ E£: 0.86 1 Ptbdomiaant glass type. For actual glass typo And sro , 500 Summer & Wintu Ctlass out ut un ages 2&4 EAefgyGatige® (Velsl0n: FLpRU v4-5.2) rT, - F � 2 Y