HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransmittal Letter; FDEP No. SL-231COASTALTECH COASTAL ENVIRONMENTAL CIVIL ENGINEERING AND PLANNING COASTAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 3625 20TH STREET, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960.2409 I PHONE: (772] 562.8580 FAX: (772) 562.8432 TRANSMITTAL LETTER 25325.03 November 30, 2007 To: Alan Tarpell. Phoenix Realty Homes, Inc. 4540 PGA Boulevard, Suite 216 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33419 Via: Federal Express — Priority Overnight RE: FDEP Permit No. SL-231 Newman Residence — Lot 42 Transmitted: Item Description 1) One (1) copy of the FDEP Notice To Proceed for the Newman residence Comments: As you requested, enclosed -are copies of the permit and drawings for. the Newman residence. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, COASTAL TECH 4 Pati B. Gattis Permit Specialist T VERO BEACH • MELBOURNE SARASOTA • AUSTIN PL,ORIDA D PARTM)ENT OF.,. 1t01E(110 , 1-k. Iret ENVIRONMENTAL,. PROTEC ION. a: kill 1 Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems FLORIDA (39)0. Commonwealth Blvd., Mail Station 300 Tallahassee, Florida M99-3000 Telephone (850) 488-7708 NOTICE TO PROCEED P.ermittee Name: Permit Number: SL-231 Permit Expires; _ October 16, 2009 Eugene W. and.Lynda Newman c/o Pati B. Gattis, Permit Specialist Coastal Technology: Corporation .3625 20.`h Street_.., Vero Beach, Florida 32960 You are hereby granted .final authorization 1.to proceed with construction or activities authorized by this ,notice. Authorized work must_ conform. to the project description, approved plans, all the conditions of .Chapter,. 62B-33,-.Florida .Administrative Code, any -preconstruction requirements, and all pennit.. conditions of the Final Order. Project Description: Construction of a single-family dwelling and other structures/activities. Project Location: Between approximately 271 feet and.. 311 feet north of the Department of Environmental Protection's reference monument R-65, in St. Lucie. County. Project Address: 4844 Watersong Way, Ft. _.. Pierce. ..Special Instructions: A preconstruction conference is required. The:permittee shall comply with .all permit conditions. Questions regarding this notice should be directed to the undersigned at the above. address. a—Icy,-�� Arlssl�'dlqelson Sella, Environmental Manager Date v KNS/dw cc: Permit File John McDowell, Field Inspector Eugene W. and Lynda Newman, .Pri St. Lucie County, Building Official Post Cons] N Owner ly on the S=te DEP Form 73-131 (Updated 2/06) x BE AXS Architectural Lighting FixWres land produots Rage 1 of I Recessed wall - stainlass stool wf louvers Deslgnsd for low mounting heights for the Illumination of steps, stairs, ramps, aisles' and other interior and exterior locations. Recessed luminaires with $116" thick stainless steel faceplate with integral louve4- Etchad tampered glass diffuser. U.L. listed, suitable for wet locations. Prolectlon class: IP164 Finish: #4 brushed stainless steal. Select product W s I �:, : - No. for details ~ 2046P rv4K Jtd�W�ta�l®S 11 204711 Lamp (1) 5W CF twin-2p (1) 9W CF twin-2p Lumen 2so 60o APPROVED PLAN AS PERMITTED 'Copyright 2005 sEGNUS, All rights reserved. • BY BUREAU OF BEACHES AND COASTAL SYSTEMS FLORIDA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPROVED CONSTRUCTION AND ANY OTHER AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES MUST COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT. CONSTRUCTION AND ACTIVITIES ARE STRICTLY LIMITED TO THOSE BOTH SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS AND LISTED IN THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION. 'PHIS PERMIT IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO CH. -161, F.S., AND OT ER PERMITS MAY BERROUIRED A s 3 sne 7 im 3 sne 10311 REVIEWED DATE PERMITNO. a r ri, littp://www.bega=us,corn/groupdetail.aspx?groupidFl Wamily'd=l3 5/24/2006 E00/Z00 'd 66Z0 W LOOM S1O31IHOW 13�O1S '3 -nVONdb SV :60 (01 90E-VZ-W T,.E..KA I L L U M I N A T 1 0 N 5" Description Exlrtrio.r. wall mounted clownlight lurnindito lor PAR 30 frimp Malerials and Construction A. Cast bronze cap B. Heavy pure copper shado C. Slainless aloal or copl.mw on mainlasi sleal ring baffels D. Solid, brass. upoeols E. Cast olunflilutil woll plofe with pure copper cover F. Fluavy Ime copper stem - 7/V 0. D. Mounting Raqussud 4 creloo6nal wiring box Plvayct Number Lamp Rings T-21 'Beacon Wall. Mount AN AS P ERNIITTE D UOFBEACHES .... . ...... TAL SYSTEMS FLORIDA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPROVED CONSTRUCTION AND ANY OTHER AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES MUST COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS. OF THE PERMIT. CONSTRUCTION , AND ACTIVITIES ARE STRICTLY LIM ITED TO THOSE BOTH SHOWN ON THE APPROVED -PLANS AND LISTED IN THE *PROJECT DESCRIPTION. T14IS PERMIT ... IS ISSUED PURSUANTTOCH: 16.1, F.S., AND OTHER PERMITS MAYBEREQUIRED; REVIEWED RECE J '2 9 2006 OFBEACHES 1,0 BUREAU .pjlon 0VVM-2 140 / Nofurol 75W PAR 30 Cooper Rrovhi Patina AND COSWAL L-ve-raAq BWM-2118 /Wafu'ro -Potirlo I 75W'PAR 30 51 511. BWM-2166 / NiclAll 75W PAR 30 51.511. Nona' *NlekelPlate Options avallable Cl! c1d4lonal cost A. Add suffix BP for brown patina U.L and CUL lislad, tulloblo for wer locations. TrWA ILLUMINATION, INC 86 Gibson Roof, 113 Toitiplaiciii,Ccilifornit-.j9a4eA5 (805)434-3511 Fox (805) 434-35 12 www.felta-Illuminallon.com oa r, 'KA204 QL 8OWWd; 'I InVONVH S'v: 80 (00900Z-VZ"� VN BEGA/US Architcotural Lighting 5bctmeS and Producis Pago 1 of 1 41 i ' •:r.: I.u::•�r� Recessed ceiling - stainless steal Designed for down jli6htins atriums, canopies, passages,'and other interior and exterior locations. Recessed calling lu;minalres with stainless steel faceplate and perforated baffle. Clear tempered glass diffuser. U.L. listed, suitable'for wet locations. Protection class, IP!65 Finish: #4 brushed stainless steel. Select product No. for details Lamp Lumen A a 6940/541 (1) 50W PAR-20 550 4 3M ... 7 8940MFi1562MH (1) 39W PAR-20 MH 2100 4314 7 09411561 (1) 75W PAR-30 1050 6:s11e 7 5/s 69411111H156sMH (1) 70W PAR-30 MH 4860 6 stle 7 srs 69421571 (1) 90W PAR-38 1350 9 v2 9 118 6947IVIH1564MH_ (1) 100W PAR-38 MH 6500 6112 91/8 Copyright 2005 BEGAIUS. All rights reserved. APPROVED PLAN AS PERMITTED BY BUREAU OF BEACHES AND COASTAL SYSTEMS FLORIDA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION . APPROVED CONSTRUCTION AND ANY OTHER AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES MUST COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS OF THE .PER -MIT. CONSTRUCTION AND -ACTIVITIES ARE STRICTLY LIMITED. TO THOSE BOTH SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS AND LISTED IN THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION. THIS PERMIT 1S ISSUED PURSUANTTO CH. 161, F.S., AND OTHER PERMITS MAYBE REQUIRED. AA REVIEWED 'DATt PERMIT;NO. i littp://www.bega-us.com/goupdotail.aspx?grolupid=55&familyid=14 5/24/2006 £00/£00 'd 66d0 M 199 (XVA) i M1 IIH%V id�M '3 TVON H 9b:60 (030OF-2-A W a- _f----------- e � b ly ri •.y� �/ i 0 z ue a ® Z p LL a © Z Lw-• M ------------- d y 0 m,' �.. d ,J _ FIRE ST�OPP Y ( .. wro�ua�iup�b t - —I� OrMiuMilF— ca � ��� :� Jy ucN w FI%IUPE SCHEDULE APPROVED PLAN AS PERMITTED 1A — -� - BY BUREAU OF BEACHES AND COASTAL SYSTEMS �°' �� q► H a 0 itz a e FLORIDA DEPTOF z x rya ®' p"� ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION I - ►� aC/)� APPROVED CONSTRUCTION AND ANY OTHER AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES MUST COMPLY -WITH -ALL CONDITIONS. OF THE F ell U" PERMIT. CONSTRUCTION AND ACTIVITIES ARE STRICTLY v LIM 1TED TO THOSE BOTH SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS AND LISTED IN THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION. THIS PERMIT »�- 1S ISSUED PURSUANT TO CH. 16I, F.S.,AND OTHER PERMITS No, of fih4. , MAY BE REQUIRED. l Eb4 REVIEWED DATE PERMIT NO. GTAtI'�AfA ELECEN1UL.I c�.Frm ® o� «� o b y�0 wo ■ _° _ ® o -Ke Z w � C 0 D 0 0 cn 0-1 113 6TFfD/�RD ELECIRr"• LEGEem '°0 O v 0 � � O o e ® o � o . FIRE STQE01 W-MIR M W •+ro warunxe APPROVED PLAN AS PERMITTED BY BUREAU OF BEAC14ES �4HFU:G Fl.'�i UHE SCMEOUEE _ m MprFww�.ennn:�terau� AND COASTAL SYSTEMS ' FLORIDA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPROVED CONSTRUCTION AND ANY OTHER AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES MUST COMPLY WITH- ALL' CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT. CONSTRUCTION AND ACTIVITIES ARE STRICTLY LIM ITED:TO THOSE BOTH SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS AND LISTED IN THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED PURSUANTTO CH.161, F.S., AND OTHER PERMITS ,MAY BEREQUIRED. REVIEWED 11A7E PERMITNO. a N• a H F U A E" d zcx x< L Q 2 o.re No. ar EMi. r — z �m g 16. lo F Z L a a lqx�l o 4 a FF'R STOPPM EEMIREMENTy APPROVED PLAN AS PERMITTED` 4 ca S `,�°""""'�'°"` SCMED"� � BY BUREAU OF:BEACHES `°'� �^ewix AND COASTAL: SYSTEMS ��,:�"�< o a I� FLORIDA DEPTOF z O x ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION 11 APPROVED CONSTRUCTION AND ANY OTHER AUTHORIZED ACTIVI-TIES-MUST COMPLY -WITH'ALLCONDITIONSOFTHE -- - 5 .. mI PERMIT..C6ONSTRUCTION AND ACTIVITIES ARE STRICTLY - LIMITED TO THOSE BOTH SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS � AND LISTED IN THE. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO CH. 161, F.S., AND OTHER PERMITS •Dat�!" N.. a N ' MAY BE REQUIRED. « .. REVIEWED DATE PERMI'TNO. %� �peC(�G[,l iC:i�i'1 fT (rgY1�1��51n `�7 Department of Environmental. Protection leb Bush Governor Eugene W. and Lynda Newman c/o Pati B. Gattis, Permit Specialist Coastal Technology Corporation 3625 20`h Street . Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Dear Ms. Gattis: Notice to Proceed Withheld Permit Number: SL-231 Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399.3000 October 16, 2006 Permittee Name: Eugene W. and.Lynda Newman Colleen M. Castille Secretary Your request for' a permit pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, for construction or other activities seaward of the coastal construction control line, has been approved by the Department of Environmental Protection. However, construction may not commence until after the permittee has received a notice to -proceed in accordance with Special Permit Condition(s) 1 and 2, andthe permittee complies with any preconstraction requirements described in Special Permit Condition 3. Please read the permit and permit conditions including both the. General Permit Conditions and any Special Permit. Conditions closely before starting construction. General Permit Conditions 1(q), 1(r), and 1(s) pertain to written reports which must be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection at specified times. Forms for us in preparation of these reports are enclosed. Make sufficient copies of the periodic report form to provide the required reports. The periodic reports are due in the office of the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems on a'monthly basis on the last working. day of each. month. No progress reports are required until such time as construction activities have started. The permit will expire .on October, 16, 2009: Upon receipt of a tm Y written request signed b .the permittee or authorized agent, the Department will consider extending the permit for up to but no more than one additional year. You -must apply for a new permit for completion of any work not accomplished under the original permit. Although you may apply for a new permit, there is no assurance that such new permit for the same construction or activities would be approved. Any person whose substantial interests are affected by any .decision of the Department on the application has the right to request an administrative hearing in accordance with the. -provisions. of Sections 120.569 and lX57 of the Florida Statutes. Should you desire an administrative hearing, your,request must comply with the provisions of Rule 28-106.201 of the Florida Administrative Code, 'as indicated below. Send requests for hearings to the Department of Environmental Protection, .Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard,.Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The Department must receive the request within twenty-one (21) days after your receipt of this notice. •, ram., "More Protection, Less Process" L `._ �Fi EC 1 .m `� Printed on recycled paper. L . . Pati B. Gattis', Permit Specialist October 16, 2006 Page 2 When the. Department receives an adequate and timely filed request for hearing, the Department will request the assignment of an administrative law judge. Once an administrative law judge is requested, the referring. agency will take no further action with respect to the proceeding except as a party litigant, as long as the Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the formal proceeding._ Rule 28-106.201(2), Florida Administrative Code, explains what must be included in a petition for a formal administrative proceeding. (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected, by the agency determination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Department's action; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of in fact. If there are :none, the petition must so indicate; (e) A concise statement of ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Department's proposed action; (f) A statement of the specific rules or statute the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Department's proposed action, including an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules or statutes; and (g) A statement. of the, relief sought by the. petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the Department to take with respect to the Department's proposed action. A person may request an extension of time to petition for an administrative hearing. The person filing the request for extension must do so within the time limits for filing a petition described above and serve all parties with the request. The request must state why .an extension is needed. The: Department will grant an extension only when good cause is shown. If a petition or request for extension of time is filed, further order of the Department becomes necessary. to effectuate this notice. Accordingly; the Department's final action may be different from the. position taken by it in this notice. Actions undertaken by you under this permit, pending the lapse of time allowed for the filing of such a request for hearing, may be subject to modification, removal, or restoration. Failure to petition within the allowed time frame constitutes waiver of any right that such a person has to request a hearing under Section 120.57 of the Florida Statutes and to participate as a party'to the proceeding: If a legally sufficient petition for hearing is not timely received this notice constitutes. final agency action. When. this order. becomes. final, any party to the order has the right. to seek .judicial review under Section 1�20.57 of the Florida Statutes and Rule 9.030(b)(1) and 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure by filing a notice of appeal with the Department of Environmental Protection, Office of General Counsel, Department Clerk, 3900 Commonwealth Bouievard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, and with the Pati B. Gattis, Permit Specialist October 16, 2006 Page 3 appropriate district court of appeal within thirty days after this final order is filed with the Department Cleric. The notice filed with the district court must be accompanied by the -filing fee specified in Subsection 35.22(3) of the Florida Statutes. Any subsequent intervention will only be at the approval of the presiding officer upon motion filed under Rule 28-106.205, Florida Administrative Code. A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's proposed agency ;action may choose to pursue mediation as an alternative remedy under Section 120.573 before the deadline for filing a petition. Choosing mediation will not adversely affect the right to a hearing ifinediation,does not result in a settlement. The procedures for pursuing mediation are set forth below. . A person may pursue mediation by reaching a mediation agreement.with all.parties to..the proceeding (which include the applicant, the Department, and any person who has filed a timely and sufficient petition for a hearing) and by showing how the substantial interests of each mediating party are affected by the Department's action or proposed action. The agreement must be filed in (received by) the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, by the same deadline as set forth above for the filing of a petition.. The agreement to mediate must include the following: (a) The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of any persons who may attend the mediation; (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the mediator selected by the parties, or a provision for selecting a mediator within a specified time; (c) The agreed allocation of the costs and fees associated with the mediation; (d) The agreement of the parties on the confidentiality of discussions and documents 'introduced- during mediation; (e) The date, time, and place of the first mediation session, or a deadline for holding the first session, if no mediator has yet been chosen; (f) The name of each parry's representative who shall have the authority to settle or recommend settlement; and (g) Either an explanation of how the substantial interests of each mediating party will be affected by the action or proposed action addressed in this notice of intent or a statement clearly identifying thepetition for hearing that each party has already filed, and incorporating it by reference. (h) The signatures of all parties or their authorized representatives. As provided in Section 120.5.73 of the Florida Statutes, the timely agreement of all parties to mediate will toll the time limitations imposed .by Sections 120.569 and 120.57 for requesting and holding an administrative, hearing. Unless otherwise agreed by -the parties, the mediation must be concluded within sixty days of the execution of the agreement. If mediation results in settlement of the administrative dispute, the Department must enter a final order incorporating the agreement of the parties: Persons whose substantial interest will be affected by such a modified final decision of the Department have a right to petition for a hearing only in accordance with the requirements for such set forth above, and must' therefore file their petitions within r Pati B. Gattis, Permit Specialist October 16, 2006 • Page 4 twenty-one days of receipt of this notice. If mediation terminates. without settlement of the dispute, the Department shall notify all parties in writing that the administrative hearing processes under Sections 120.569 and 120.57 remain. available for disposition of the dispute, and the notice will specify the deadlines that then will apply for challenging the agency action and electing remedies under those two statutes: You are advised that notice of this agency's final action on this permit has been given to other interested parties. They have fourteen (14) days from receipt of the notice to exercise any rights they may have under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Actions undertaken by you under this permit, during this period may be . subject to modification, removal or restoration. The authorized work is strictly limited to that described on the enclosed Final Order. If _ you have any questions pertaining to this permit, please contact me by mail at the letterhead address (add Mail Station 300), by telephone at (850) 921-7778, or by email at mailto.:amy.albanese0dep.state. fl.us. Sincerely Fritz stein, Environmental Manager Bure of Beaches and Coastal Systems FW/aw Enclosures cc: John McDowell, Field Engineer St. Lucie, Building Official Eugene W. and Lynda Newman; Property Owner --y ,-, - F C 0 Lrk: NOTE: THIS AUTHORIZATION IS DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL REQUEST. SEE SPECIAL PERMIT CONDITIONS. PERMITTEE Eugene W. and Lynda Newman c/o Pati. B. Gattis,.Permit Specialist Coastal Technology Corporation 3625 20`h Street Vero Beach, Florida.32960 pRO1E(IIO STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION %14- P Division of Water Resource Management r k Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems FLOR A 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. - Mail Station 300 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 (850) 488-7708 . PERMIT -NUMBER: SL-231 PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR OTHER ACTIVITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 161-.053, FLORIDA STATUTES FINAL :ORDER FINDINGS OF FACT: An application for authorization to . conduct the activities seaward of the coastal construction control line that are indicated in the project description, was filed by the applicant/permittee named herein on April 24, 2006, and was determined to be complete pursuant to rule on July 19, 2006. The . proposed project is to be located landward of the 30-year erosion projection. There is no reasonably continuous line of construction established by similar existing major structures in this 'area due to sparse development of the subject shoreline. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: After considering the merits of the proposal and any written objections from affected persons, the Department finds that upon compliance with the permit conditions, the activities indicated in the project description of this permit are of such a nature that they will result in no significant adverse impacts to the'beach/dune areas or to.adjacent properties; that the worlc is not expected to adversely impact nesting sea turtles, their hatchlings, or their habitat; that the work is expendable. in nature and/or is appropriately designed in accordance with S. ectiori 62B-33.005, Florida Administrative Code; and that it is an activity or type of construction which the Chief of the Bureau.of Beaches and Coastal Systems -has authority to approve or deny pursuant to Delegation :of Authority, DEP Directive 100, effective September 27, 2002. The direct and cumulative impacts to the beach and dune system that will be caused by the seaward location of the proposed construction represent the maximum such impacts that are acceptable to the Department. Therefore, future construction on the site seaward of the coastal construction control lineshall not extend further seaward of the proposed structures approved pursuant to this permit. Based on the foregoing considerations, the Bureau Chief approves the application; authorizes construction and/or activities at the location indicated below in strict accordance with the project -description, the approved plans (if any) -and the General, Permit Conditions which are,attached and are by this reference incorporated herein, and any additional conditions shown below, pursuant.to Section 161.053(5), Florida Statutes. EXPIRATION DATE: October 16,.2009 LOCATION: Between approximately 271 feet and 311 feet north of the Department' of Environmental Protection's reference monument R-65,'in St. Lucie County. Project address: 4844 Watersong Way, Ft. Pierce. ., orrx l t. r: PERMITTEE NAME: Eugene W. and Lynda Newman PERMIT FILE NUMBER: SL-231 PAGE 2 r PROTECT DESCRIPTION: Single -Family Dwelling 1. Location relative to control line: A maximum of 139.19 feet seaward. 2. Exterior dimensions: Approximately, 80 feet in the shore -normal direction by 28 feet in the shore - parallel direction. 3. Type of foundation: Piles. Other Structures/Activities: 1. A paver driveway is to be located approximately 60. feet seaward of the.control line., 2. A walkway is to be located approximately 59 feet seaward of the control line 3. A paver terrace is to be located approximately 150 feet seaward of the control. line. 4. Equipment pads are to be located approximately 109 feet seaward of the control line. 5. Landscaping is to be conducted approximately 160 feet seaward of the control line. See Special Permit Condition 4. 6. Permanent exterior lighting. See Special Permit Condition 5. SPECIAL PERMIT CONDITIONS: - No work shall be conducted under this permit until the pennittee has received a written notice to proceed from the Department. 2. Prior to issuance of the notice to proceed, the permittee shall submit documentation that the dune enhancement and protection work. authorized and required under the Department Permit SL-185 has been completed pursuant to the special permit conditions of that permit.. Work shall include dune restoration, including the construction of a berm with a 14-foot (NGVD) crest elevation, planting of native species within all disturbed areas seaward of the control line and installation of a 3-foot high decorative dune protection fence on the landward toe of the frontal dune. 3. Prior to commencement of construction activity authorized by this permit, a preconstruction conference shall be held at the site among the contractor, the owner or authorized, agent, and a -staff representative of the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems to establish an understanding among the parties as to the items specified in the special and -general conditions of the permit. The proposed locations of the structures shall be staked out for the yference. C tact b 'n. keno ,,e�I, toll -free pager number 1-877/314-1329 to schedule aonfe`.e ce A' eee��� I�i� 4 PERMITTEE NAME: Eugene W. and Lynda Newman PERMIT FILE NUMBER: SL-231 PAGE 3 4. Landscaping shall be in accordance with the Department approved plan. The permittee shall remove . all invasive. nuisance plant species from seaward of the control line, including ;but not limited to Australian pine, Casuarina spp., Brazilian pepper, Schinus terebinthifolius, beach-naupaka, Scaevola taccada, and others on the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Advisory Council List'of Category I and 11 Invasive Species. Plantings in other -areas of the project site shall not include invasive nuisance plant species such as listed in. the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council's May 2003 List of Invasive Species Category I and 11. Ligustrum lucidum must he removed from the planting plans. 5. All lighting shall be installed and maintained as depicted in. the approved lighting schematic with the following conditions:. recessed canister down light fixtures shall be equipped with black baffles and shall be limited to one fixture per egress or 100 square feet of ground area; wall -mounted canister down light fixtures shall be equipped with black baffles and shall be limited to one fixture per egress; flood lights shall be removed from the proposed lighting plan. No additional permanent exterior lighting is authorized. CAVEAT: Due to potential adverse. impacts .to the beach and dune system that may result from additional development on the property, the seaward extent of the permitted structures shall not be increased, nor will any additional major structures be permitted which would exceed the limits established by the permitted construction seaward of the coastal construction control line. Approved plans are incorporated into this permit by reference. Done and ordered this kwRday of Ocpcyel_c"� 2006, in Tallahassee, Florida: Attachment: General Permit Conditions FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to S 120.52. Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby knowledged. Deputy Clerk late State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection C? C_`QQ �,9. Michael R.. Barnett, P.E., Chief Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems cot PERIODIC PROGRESS REPORT Bureau of Beaches and Coastal.Systems q tiEr% , Division of Water Resource Management FLORIOA Florida Department of Environmental Protection PERMIT NUMBER: SL-231 Mail to: 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 300 EUGENE W. AND LYNDA Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 PERMITTEE NAME: NEWMAN If construction has occurred, please describe its maximum extent in the space provided below (If no work at all has been performed, please report "Not Started." If construction or other authorized activity has begun but no progress has been made since the.last report, please report "No Progress"): CONSTRUCTION TO DATE INCLUDES: 2. All -work performed .as of this date is described above and is hereby certified to be in compliance with the project description and plans approved by the Department of Environmental Protection as part of the permit and with all conditions of the permit. Locations and elevations of all construction as of this date have been specifically verified as applicable and have been found to comply with the project description, .approved plans, and conditions of the permit. No unpermitted construction or activity has occurred (Any.exceptions to the statement above are to be described and explained Under Item Number 1 above, as part of this report. The explanation should state whythe construction or activitiesnot in accordance with the permit has occurred.) 3. The property owner or authorized agent may sign these progress reports. However for new armoring or major reconstructed armoring, the reports must be signed by an engineer licensed in the state of'Florida following each period in which construction has occurred. ' Signature of Engineer (if applicable) Date (Seal) Typed or Printed Name of Engineer (if applicable.) Florida Registration Number (if appllcable) Signature of Property Owner or Authorized Agent (if applicable) Date Typed or Panted Name of Property Owner or Authorized Agent LE.. C " y DEP Form 73-111 (Revised 6104) FINAL CERTIFICATION ��ly�yYiC�E(EIO.Y - ,� Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems 1 u�, Division of Water Resource Management y FLOR@A Florida Department of Environmental Protection Permit Number: SL-231 Mail to: 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 300 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Permittee Name: Eugene W. and Lynda Newman This is to certify that the work under the permit for construction or other activities seaward of the coastal construction control line pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, was inspected by the undersigned and was found to be acceptable and satisfactory in accordance with the approved plans and project description and with all conditions of the permit. All permitted construction or activitieshave been completed,: and no unpermitted construction or activities have occurred. Location and elevations specified by the permit and approved plans have been verified and found to be correct, and topography and vegetation have been either preserved or restored as required by the permit. FOR WORK INCLUDING: Construction of a single-family dwelling and other structures/activities. NOTE: Any deviations from the permit and -any portions of the permitted work not actually performed shall be noted and described in detail as an exception to this certification. ISignature of,Engineer or Architect Date Typed or Printed Name of Engineer or Architect .(Seal) State of Florida Registration Number^=,`?, DEP Form 73-115B (Updated 9/05) K FOUNDATION LOCATION CERTIFICATION Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems FtoRf�A Division of Water Resource Management - Mail to: Florida_ Department of Environmental Protection Permit Number: 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 300 SL-231 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Permittee Name: Eugene W. and Lynda Newman This is to certify that all aspects of the foundation location, as constructed, are in accordance with both the plans and the project description approved by the Department of Environmental Protedtion as part of the permit. The foundation location certification is based upon such surveys as are necessary to determine the actual location specified below: Distance the seawardmost piling has been placed as measured perpendicular to the. coastal construction control line: feet Note: Any deviations from the approved.plans and specifications shall be stated as an exception to this certification. No further vertical construction on the permitted structure is authorized until the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems has notified the permittee, in writing, that this foundation location certification has been approved. Signature.of Applicant Date 'Typed or Printed Name of Applicant .Signature of Surveyor .. Date -Typed or Printed Name of Surveyor (Seal) YStateof rorida RegistrationNumber � � � DF 11 Form 73-114B (Updated 9/05) n n ' n) All windows and glass doors visible from any point on the beach must be tinted to a transmittance value (light transmission from inside to outside) of 45% or less through the use of tinted glass or window film. o) The permit has been issued to a specified property owner and is not valid for any other person unless formally transferred. An applicant` requesting transfer of the permit shall sign two copies of the permit transfer agreement form,• agreeing to comply with all terms and conditions of the permit, and'return both copies to the Bureau. The transfer request shall be provided. on the form entitled "Permit Transfer Agreement" - DEP'Fbrm 73-103 (Revised 1/04), which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference. No work shall proceed under the permit until the new owner has received a copy of the transfer agreement approved by the Department. A copy of 1he transfer agreement shall be displayed on the construction site along with the permit. An expired permit shall• not be transferred. p) The permittee shall immediately inform the Bureau of any change of mailing address .of the permittee and authorized agent until all requirements of the permit are met. q) For permits involving major structures- or activities, the permittee shall srbmit to the Bureau periodic progress reports on a monthly basis beginning at the start of construction and 'continuing until all work has been completed. If a permit involves either new armoring or major reconstruction of existing armoring, the reports shall be certified by an engineer licensed in the State. of Florida. The permittee or engineer, as -appropriate, shall certify that as of the date of each report all construction has' been performed in.compliance with the plans and project description approved as a part of the permit and with all conditions of the permit, or shall specify any deviation from the plans, project description, or conditions of the permit. The report shall aiso_•state the percent of -completion of the project:and each major individual.component. The reports shall. be provided to the Buieau.'using the form entitled "Periodic. Progress Report'--: DEP Form• 73=111 (Revised 1/04); which is her eby:adopted and :'',incorporated by reference. Permits for minor structures or activities do not require submittal of periodic reports unless. required by -special permit condition. r)' - For permits involving habitable -major structures, mi all construction on the pertted structure -shall stop when the 'foundation pilirigs .have been installed. At that time the foundation-. location form° shall be submitted to and accepted by the Bureau prior - to• proceeding with further vertical construction above the foundation: The form shall be signed by a professional surveyor; licensed pursuant to Chapter 472, F.S., and shall be based upon.such surveys performed in accordance with Chapter 472, F.S., . as are necessary to determine the actual configuration and dimensioned relationship of the installed pilings. to. the control line. The information shall be :provided to .the Bureau using the form -entitled "Foundation Location Certificatiozi" •='DEP Form 73: 114B (New 1/04), which is hereby -adopted and incorporated by reference. Phasing of foundation certifications is acceptable. The Department shall notify the permittee of approval or rejection of the form within seven (7) working days . after staff receipt of the form. All survey information upon which the form is based shall be made available to the Bureau upon request. = ' Permits for repairs or additions to existing structures with nonconfor wring foundations. are exerript firom this condition: For permits, involving major structures, the permittee shall provide the Bureau with a report by an. engineer or architect licensed in the State of Florida within thirty (30) days following completion of the.work. The report. shall --state that all - locations specified by the permit have been verified and that other construction and activities authorized by.. the permit have -been performed in compliance with the plans and project description approved as apart of the permit and all conditions of the permit; or shall describe. any deviations from the approved.plans, project description,'or permit conditions, and any work not performed. Such report shall not relieve the permittee of the provisibns'of paragraph 62B-33.0155(1)(a), F.A.C. If none of the permitted work is performed, the permittee shall inform the Bureau in writing no later than 30 days following expiration of the permit. The report shall be provided on the form entitled "Final Certification" D$P Form 73-115B (Revised 1/04), which is hereby, adopted and incorporated by reference.. t) Authorization, for construction of armoring or other rigid coastal structures is based on an engineering review and assessment of the design.agd anticipated. performance and impact of the structure as a complete unit. Construction of any less than the complete structure as approved by the Department is not authorized and shall result in the assessment, of an administrative Erne and the issuance of an order to remove the. partially constructed structure. Modifications to the project size, location, or structural design shall be authorized by the Department in accordance with Rule 6213-33.013, F.A.C. ' 2 The permittee shall not commence any excavation, construction, or- other physical activity. on or encroaching on the sovereignty land of Florida seaward of the mean high water line or, if 'established, the erosion'control line until the permittee has received from the Board- of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust;Fund• the required lease,, license, easement, or other. form of consent authorizing the proposed use.. 3 The permittee shall obtain any applicable licenses or permits required by Federal, state, county, or municipal law. 4 In, the event of a conflict between a general permit condition and a special permit condition; the special permit condition shall prevail. /f 5 . Copies of any forms referenced above can be obtained' by: writih to De arfine t of ,E vrro` ` entaill Pro ctio P n, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, 3900 Commonwealth Borilev_ar LailLlation 300,41 Ta1 ahassee, �ltlorida2399-3000, or by telephoning (850) 488-7708. General,Permit Conditions (June 13; 2004) mama