HomeMy WebLinkAboutDean Permit ApplicationSUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATIOR., DESIGNER/ENGINEER' Name_ Add res s Not Applicable City: state - Zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE FOLDER: Not Applicable Name: Address, City; zip: Phone; - MORTGAGE COMPANY: � � Not Applicable Name, Address, City : state: Zip; Phone; 80.NDING COMPANY: Not Applicable NiPMP-. Address.- city - zip; phone:_ OWN ER/ CO NTF ALTO R AF FIDVIT: Appl Fcatic-n is hereby made t o o btairr a pet raft to d o the woe k an d I n stall anan as i nd icated- I certify t h at n o work or i n st al I ation has commenced -pr I o{ t 0 the I SSU ante of a perm i[ . St. Lucie -Co u nt makes no represe n to tGon that i s granting a per rnit will a-uthorat a the pe rm I t hol d er to h wild the subject structu re wvhich is. i n c ()nfl id wit h a n y+ a pp I I ca bl a Hom-e owuners Assaotat I on rule S, bylaws or a n a Cove n ants that tn, festrl-Ct or pr Dhihit su-c h -Aructure Fl1ease consuit with your Hiarne Owuners Association and review your dee-d for any fistrIetionswhich may appky In eon si der at i Gn of t h e gra rrt i ng of khks reque Sted Re rmit, I do hereby a gree 0a 11 w i 11, i n all r@SipeCtS, perforrr7 the wor k in acc cIrda nce wi th the a ppr oved pla n-5, R he F I or,da Bui Iding Codes and St. Lu cie Co u r+ty Amendm a nts. The fo li-Dori ng bui I d i ng pe rM I t a;pPlic at io ns a re a KeMpt from undergo i n g a full c oncur re n CV revgew - room addibo n 5. &ccessory structu res, swi mm i ng pool s, fe aces, wa Cis, sig n sF w reen room S a n d at cesw ry u yes to a rl tithe r non, residen tia I use WAIF N I N G TO OW N E R: You r fa i lu re to R ecord a Matite o I Commen cement m3Y -re s jilt 1 n paying twi ce f o r of St. irnproveme-nts to your property. A N-DUce of Corrtmencem-ent must be recoe d trded in the �ubli n`ar� ir7gr-Erecord o Tuft L4. d e CC u my a nd poste d on the io bs I to be fore the f i rst 1 ns Ci ro - f V Oo with der or an attorney comrrtenctn oak �� re k ��r �lotiC� of Commencement. _ 5wgnat fe O r Lessee Cantractor as Agora for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA + j COUNTY OF svvn to (OF off irme d I and su bsr ribe d before me of R sical Presence or - Online NDtarization Ihi5 day of , 2020 by Name of per}on making statement. Personally Known _ OR Produced identification Type of Identification Noducedl t 1 Signat u re of Not ary P ubl ic- State of Florid a Commission N06K q l REVIEWS DATI RECEIVE DATE COMRLET e- FRONT �I --�CkNTER R Signs# of cork # act LicLicense idoldeF STA4 OF FLOJIDA COUNTY O l' i-A E— ' .5worrl- IQ lix a(f;rtnedJ and subscribed before me 4f x Ph-qSrcal Presence or _ OnItne Notarization this 31sr day o f JULY . 2020 by JAIEl K PHIL IP5 lame of Der wn making 5taterncnt. Personally Known x OR praduded IdentiIII cattOn 'Type Of 1 den [if f atl on Produced �Sigirat NoiatyPUblIG Gi11a� Florida earn ra C $enia n E i �r% r-1 +4 � r+€ �a a l Al of Notary Public- St ate of Florida EGETATION 1;vnluvL REVIEW REVIEW REVIE W I