HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction PlansTA INSPECTION GUIDE FOR POOL ENCLOSURES LEGEND 1. Check the building permit for the following: Yes No This engineering is a portion of the Aluminum Structures Design Manual ("ASDM") developed and owned by Bennett Engineering Group, Inc. a. Permit card & address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — ("Bennett"). Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the following conditions are a mandatory prerequisite to Contractors purchase of these $ b. Approved drawings and addendums as required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — m s c. Plot plan or survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — materials. o d. Notice of commencement . w 1. Contractor represents and warrants the Contractor. Z 2. Check the approved site specific drawings or shop drawings against the "AS = LL BUILT" structure for. Yes No 1.1. Is a contractor licensed in the state of Florida to build the structures encompassed in the ASDM; a rn a. Structures length, projection, plan & height as shown on the plans. . . . . . . . — 1.2. Has attended the ASDM training course within two years prior to the date of the purchase; i b. Beam size, span, spacing & stitching screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — E 1.3. Has signed a Masterfile License Agreement and obtained a valid approval card from Bennett evidencing the license granted in such v :3c. Puriin size, span &spacing . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — w � � d. Upright size, height, spacing & stitching screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — agreement e. Chair rail size, length & spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 1.4. Will not alter, amend, or obscure any notice on the ASDM; o f. Eve rail size, length, spacing &stitching of 1" x 2" to 2" x 2" . . — .9. Enclosure roof diagonal bracing is'lnstalled snug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 1.5. Will only use the ASDM in accord with the provisions of Florida Status section 489.113(9)(b) and the notes limiting the appropriate use o h. Wall cables or'K' bracing are installed snug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — of the plans and the calculations in the ASDM; o 1. Knee braces are properly Installed 3. Check load bearing uprights for the following: Yes No 1.6. Understands that the ASDM Is protected by the federal Copyright Act and that further distribution of the ASDM to any third party (other o a. Angle bracket size & thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — than a local building department as part of any Contractors own work) would constitute infringement of Bennett Engineering Group's m b. Correct number, size & spacing of fasteners to upright '. . . . . . . . . . . . — o c. Correct number, size & spacing of fasteners of angle to deck and sole plate . copyright; and d. Upright Is anchored to deck through brick pavers then anchors shall go through 1.7. Contractor Is soley responsible for its construction of any and all structures using the ASDM. 3 0 pavers into concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 2. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the ASDM is provided "as is" and "as available." Bennett hereby ` 5 4. Check the load bearing beam to upright for. a. Upright to beam connection and / or splices have correct number & spacing of Yes No expressly disclaims all warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non -infringement. In particular, Bennett its officers, J screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ . — employees, agents, representatives, and successors, do not represent or warrant that (a) use of the ASDM will meet Contractors requirements ? Z Lj o: b. Overlap beam to upright or gusset plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — or that the ASDM is free from error. c. If angle brackets are used in framing check for correct thickness and size & number Z H k of fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Contractor agrees that Bennett's entire liability, if any, for any claim(s) for damages relating to Contractors use of < Q W Q Z 5. Check load bearing beam to host structure and / or gutter for. Yes No the ASDM, which are made against Bennett, whether based In contract, negligence, or otherwise, shall be limited to the amount paid by Z Q W w a. Receiver bracket, angle or receiving channel size & thickness . . . . . . . . . — Z W Q O) m b. Size, number & spacing of anchors of beam to receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . — Contractor for the ASDM. In no event will Bennett be liable for any consequential, exemplary, incidental, indirect, or special damages, arising W Ur U DO uj c. Size, number & spacing of anchors of receiver to host structure of gutter . . — from or in any way related to, Contractors use of the ASDM, even if Bennett has been advised of the possibility of such damages. U) W 0 N v d. Correct anchoring of gutters to host structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LU Z J Z r Z 4. INDEMNIFICATION. Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Bennett harmless, from and against any action brought against Bennett, Q ( ) 6. Check the wall cables: Yes No UJ fn W a. Location & number . . . . . . . . . — by any third party (including but not limited to any customer or subcontractor of Contractor), with respect to any claim, demand, cause of action, W 0 Q J Z g b. Top bracket size and fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — debt, or liability, including reasonable attomeys' fees, to the the extent that such action is based upon, or in any way related to, Contractors use C) Q W LL c. Eye bolts are welded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Q Z Ur m 2E O d. Bottom strap to concrete connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — of the ASDM. 7. Check wall 'IC bracing (If required): Yes No � 0 W Z Q J O CONTRACTOR NAME: i/ % W ' CD a. Location & size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — _ O Q W Q 0 U) b. Angle, gusset or clip size & number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Q Z W I � c. Number &size of fasteners n O�� O U W_W LL u) a 8. Check electrical ground: Yes No CONTRACTOR LICENSE NUMBER: /� /0 a. Properly completed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — — w 2 � (� I, w b. Angle, gusset or clip size & number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — (L Z Z CD r- c. Number & size of fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COURSE # 0002299 ATTENDANCE DATE: — N of 9. Check the doors on pool enclosures: Yes No w u 2 a. Door handle @ 54" from the deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Q ~ � CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE: Q j `-� m O x SUPPLIER: O r_ Z of BUILDING DEPARTMENT w (010 a CONTRACTOR INFORMATION AND COURSE #0002299 ATTENDANCE DATE HAS BEEN VERIFIED: —(INITIAL) z (7 N r' Z Z O J W m m 0 O LL ty O LL W t7 u 2 O tll LL W Z R J Q O a) LLI w C a Y 3 U � j Vl 3� O Ul m D C n a r' °' r° t a ¢ c �` x m> rcU O w m O a r Z rr m 0 THE DESIGNS AND SPANS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE Fmn N BASED ON THE LOAD REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2007 EDITION W/ 2009 SUPPLEMENTS.o.0 AN w JOB NAME: [ %L SHEET z ADDRESS: f l✓ w W Z Z w m DRAWING FOR ONE PERMIT ONLY 2009 OF 21 DESIGN CHECK LIST FOR POOL ENCLOSURES 1. Design Statement* These plans have been designed in accordance with the Aluminum Structures Design Manual by Lawrence E. Ben eIt and are In compliance with The 2007 Florida Building Code with 2009 Suppleme hapter 20, ASM35 and The 2005 Aluminum Design Manual Part I -A & II -A; Exposure 'B'_ or'C'_ or'D' Importance Factor 0.87 for 100 MPH and 0.77 for 110 MPH and higher, Negative I.P.C. .0(�/ MPH Winne for 3 second wind gust; Basic Wind Pressure, Design pressures are PSF for roofs 8 PSF for walls. (see page 3 forwind loads and design pressures) A 300 PLF point load is also considered for screen roof members. Notes: Wind velocity zones and exposure category is determined by local code. Design pressures and conversion multipliers are on page 3. It. Host Structure Adequacy Statement: I have inspected a d verify that the host structure Is In goo repair and attachments made to the sb=,e will be s lid. I Contractor /Autho' e(p se print) z DaterCony tf d ep' Signature jr , h� to-,, lrilvdJ �vC%5/! and Job tares&Address Must have attended Engineer's Continuing Education Class within the past two years. Note: If the total of beam span & upright height exceeds 50' or upright height exceeds 16', site specific engineering Is required. III. Building Permit Application Package contains the following: Yes No A. Project name & address on plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ik✓. - B. Site plan or survey with enclosure location . . . . . . . . . C. Contractor's/ Designer's name, address, phone number, & signature on plans D. Site exposure form completed . . . . . . . _ E. Enclosure layout drawing @ 1/8" or Ill 0" scale with the following:. . . . . . 1. Plan view with host structure, enclosure length, projection from host structure, .. _ and all dimensions f 2. Front and side elevation views with all dimensions & heights . . . . . . . . Note: All mansard wall drawings shall include mansard panel at the top of the wall. 3. Beam location (show in plan & elevation view) & size . . . . . . . . . . _ (Table 1.1 & 1.6) Roof frame member 11 wable span conversions from 120 MPH wind zone, "B" Exposure to i `,/,ff �tNPH wind zone and / or _"C" or= D" Exposure for load width of . F /IP IC Note: Conversion fact�fs`�o not apply to members subject to point load (P). Look up span In appropriate 120 MPH span table and apply the following formula: SPAN REQUIRED ---I I -" 1 EQUIRED S�r` P,A`�NNEEDED IN TABLE -/-(bord)=-i"V 7 !ne✓' EXPOSURE MULTIPLIER (see this page 3) 4. Upright location (show in plan & elevation view) & size . . . . . . . . . . (Table 1.3 & 1.6) S. Chair rail & girt size, length, & spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Table 1.4) 6. Eave rail size, length, spacing and stitching of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -✓ (Table 1.2) Wall frame member allowable span conversions from 120 MPH wind zone, "B" Exposure to/ MPH wind zone and / or _"C' or _"D" Exposure for load width of Look up span in appropriate 120 MPH span table and apply the following formula: SPAN REQUIRED REQUIRED SPAN NEEDED IN TABLE 1 �t _/_(bord)= Y � EXPOSURE MULTIPLIER 6 (see this page 3) Yes No 7. Enclosure roof diagonal bracing in plan view• . • • • • • • • 8. Knee braces length, location, & size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -AZ (Table 1.7) / 9. Wall cables or K-bracing sizes shown in wall views . . . . . . . . . . . . - IV. Highlight details from the Aluminum Structures Design Manual: A. Beam & purlin tables with size, thickness, spacing, & spans / lengths - (Tables 1.1 & 1.2 or 1.9.1' & 1.9.2) / ✓- B. Upright & girt tables with size, thickness, spacing, & spans / lengths (Tables 1.3 & 1A) / C. Table 1.6 with beam & upright combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-/ D. Connection details to be use such as: / 1. Beam to upright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Beam to wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Beam to beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -/ 4. Chair rail, puriins, & knee braces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Extruded gutter connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r - 6. Angle to deck and / or sole plate . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Yes No 7. Anchors go through pavers into concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � - 8. Minimum footing and / or knee wall details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Cable or K- brace details Section 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Wall area calculations for cables: W = wall width, H = wall height, R = rise W1 = width @ top of mansard, W2 = width @ top of wall E. Select footing from examples in manual. F. To calculate the number of cables needed. Example 1: Flat Roof Front wall @ eave: _ft x ft = ft2 @ 100% _ , • , _ . . . . . W H a Largest side wall: fL x ft = _ft2 @ 50% = . , , _ • , , . . _ . W H b Total area / (233 fL2 / cable for 3/32") = _cable pairs TOTAL or Total area / (445 fL2 / cable for 1/8") = cable pairs Side wall cable calculation: ft.2 @ 100% _ . • • , , . . b Side wall area / (233 ft? / cable for 3132")=_cable(s) or Side wall area / (445 ft2 / cable for 1/8")=_cable(s) -�Wl R H FW HOST FRONT SIDE WALL WALL P ft2 fL2 * W2 R H - - W1 Example 4: Mansard Roof Front wall @ eave: it x fL = fL2 @ 100% = , . _ • , . . _ fL. W H a Front mansard rise: _ft x 1/2(__ft. + ft.) = _fL2 @ 100°/ R W1 W2 b Largest side wall: ft. x- = _fL2 @ 50% = . . , , • , . . . • ft2 W H c Largest side mansard rise: _ft x 1/2(_fL +_ft) = ft 2 @ 50% _ _ fL2 R W1 W2 d = Total area / (233 ft2 /cable for 3/32") =_cable pairs TOTAL 11.2 or Total area / (445 ft2 / cable for 1/8") = cable pairs ft? Side wall cable calculation: _ft.2 +_ft2 = fL2 @ 100% c d Side wall area / (233 ft 2 / cable for 3/32") =cable(s) or Side wall area / (445 ft2 / cable for 1/8") = cable(s) Example 5: Dome Roof Example 2: Gable Roof Front wall @ eave: ft. x if f . = _ R' @ 100 % = . , , . . , . . . . , fL2 Front gable rise: ft x 1/21. ft.) _ fL� @ 100% _ fL= R W b Largest side wall: �ft x � = ft? @ 50% = _ _ _ fL2 W H c Largest side gable rise: ft. x ft. = _ft2 @ 50% _ , . . . _ _ . . . ft2 R W d TOTAL = . ft2 Total area / (233 ft.' / cable for 3/32") = t cable pairs or Total area / (445 11.2 / cable for 118") = cable pairs Side wall cable calculation: f .2 +_ft2 = fL2 @ 100% = _ ft. d �I`' Side wall area / (233 ft2 / cable for 3132") = Acable(s) or Side wall area / (445 ft? / cable for 1/8") = cable(s) R x W R[��R x (1/2)W [:�� H HOST FRONT SIDE WALL WALL Example 3: Transverse Gable Roof Front wall @ eave: ft x _fL = R2 @ 100% = _ . , , • • • , • , ft.2 W H a Front gable rise: iL x ft = ft 2 @ 100% = . • _ , , • . _ fL2 R W b Largest side wall: it. x =_ft2 @ 50% = , _ . • • . , . , . . fL2 W H c Largest side gable rise: ft. x 1/2 (_ft) = ft? @ 50% _ _ ft2 R W d TOTAL = . .. ft2 Total area / (233 fL2I cable for 3/32') = cable pairs or Total area / (445 ft2 / cable for 1/8") =_cable pairs Side wall cable calculation: fL2 + ft.2 =_fL2 @ 100% = , . _ , . , ft? c d Side wall area / (233 ft 2 / cable for 3/32") = _cable(s) or Side wall area / (445I' 2 / cable for 1/8") = cable(s) Front dome wall @ eave: ft x _R = fL @ 100% W H a Front dome rise: fL x 1/2(_ft) = ft2 @ 100% R W b Largest side wall: ft. x _ _ ____fL2 @ 50% = . . . . . . . . . . . . . W H c Largest side dome rise: ft. x f . = ft? @ 50%= . . . , , , , . . R W d fL2 fL, ft2 fL2 a? TOTAL = . . . . . fL2 Total area / (233 ft2 / cable for 3/32") =_cable pairs or Total area / (445 ft? / cable for 1/8") = cable pairs Side wall cable calculation: ft.2 + fL2 =_ft2 @ 100 % = ft? c d Side wall area / (233 ftr 3/32") = 2 / cable for cables) or Side wall area / (445 ft.' / cable for 118") = _cable(s) Example 6: K-Bracing K-bracing shall be used for all wind zones of 130 MPH and higher. 1) The following shall apply to the Installation of K-BRACING as additional bracing to diagonal wind bracing for pool enclosures: a) FRONT WALL K-BRACING - ONE SET FOR EACH 800 SF OF TOTAL WALL AREA TOTAL WALL AREA =100% OF FRONT WALL + 50% OF ONE SIDE WALL EXAMPLE: FRONT WALL AREA @ 100% (8' x 32') = 256 Sq. Ft SIDE WALL AREA @ 50% (8' x 20') = 80 Sq. FL TOTAL WALL AREA = 336 Sq. Ft 800 SF > 336 SF THUS ONE SET OF FRONT WALL K-BRACING IS REQUIRED. b) SIDE WALL K-BRACING -ONE SET FOR 233 SF TO 800 SF OF WALL c) To calculate the required pair of k-bracing for free standing pool enclosures use 100% of each wall area & 50% of the area of one adjacent wall. I 0 Z W a. of O u- w to O J I--' Q CO � J Q Y W 29 o U Z W Z) 000 0 W _J W U 0 W W U Z W W fj(-)Z U) O Z U CL Z) CO Q Z Z O F-- LU C1 W 0 o 0 N Z fn Z W m Q W Q' 11 O� J LL U) r- to O CD CD0 N N 2 H Z N LJL Wmm 2 LL LLI m E w m tl n N O o ^ 33 0) � U) m m LLB y 3 M L ro m N = U C U m c i 10 SHEET w U 2 J 2 Is w m % f m L w w = � z w FILFM 12-01-2009� OF 21 C GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. The following structures are designed to be married to site built block or wood frame DCA approved modular structures of adequate structural capacity. The contractor / home owner shall verify that the host structure is in good condition and of sufficient strength to hold the proposed addition. 2. If the owner or contractor has a question about the host structure, the owner (at his own expense) shall hire an architect, engineer, or a certified home Inspection company to verify host structure capacity. 3. The structures designed using this section shall be limited to a maximum combined span and upright height of 50' and a maximum upright height of 16'. Structures larger than these limits shall have site specific engineering. 4. Spans are for enclosures with mean roof heights less than 30'. For greater heights• site specific is required. 5. Connections to fascia shall be limited to overhangs shown in table 1.11 or less unless site specific engineering is provided. 6. The proper structural name for a'ohair rail or top rail of an enclosure is a girt. Thus the terminology shall be interchangeable. 7. Screws that penetrate the water channel of the super gutter shall have ends dipped off for safety of cleaning gutter and the heads of screws through the gutter into the fascia shall be caulked. 8. Span tables and attachment details for composite panels are in the solid roof panel products section. 9. When using TEK screws in lieu of S.M.S., longer screws must be used to compensate for drill head. 10. An additional super gutter strap or ferrule is required to be located near the midpoint of the beam spacing.Straps shall be attached to each truss / rafter tail when a 2" sub -fascia does not exist Straps at the beam are not required when straps are placed @ each truss / rafter tail and spacing of straps does not exceed 2'-V. 11. Super or extruded gutter details are applicable to all widths of super or extruded gutters, and gutters maybe substituted. Gutter straps and/or ferrules shall be the width of the inside and outside of the super or extruded gutter respectively. The center of the knee braces shall not be more than 6" above the top of the super or extruded gutter. 12. If the sub -fascia is 3/4", and the sub -fascia is in good repair, a 3/4' P.T.P. strip the width of the fascia may be added to the existing sub -fascia by attaching the plywood with (2)16d x 3" common nails or (2) 98 x 3" screws. This gives the equivalent of a 2" fascia. 13. Spans may be interpolated between values but not extrapolated outside values. 14. All 2" X 4" and larger purlins shall have an Internal or external angle clip or screw boss to fasten the bottom of the purlin to the beam. 15. Load width and / or panel spacing used in determining spans / heights is measured from center to center of the members. EXAMPLE: Screen panel A is 6' center to center. Screen panel B is T center to center. The load width of the frame member between panel A and B Is (672 + 772) = 6.5' or 6-6". The distance, spacing or load width is not measured between frame members as that would reduce it by 2" to the load width if figured that way. 16. Definition, standards and specifications can be viewed online at www.lebpe.com. 17. Moment connections and moment tables can not be used in solid roof/ screen roof combination enclosures or any connection that requires a knee brace such as in a dome roof. 18. All aluminum extrusions shall meet the strength requirements of ASTM B221 after powder coating. 19. Other shapes than those shown in Section 8 with Stale Product Approvals may be used with the details of this section so long as the shapes are compatible with the details. 20. All aluminum shall be ordered as to the alloy and hardness after heat treatment and paint is applied. Example: 6063-T6 after heat treatment and paint process. 21. Aluminum metals that will come in contact with ferrous metal surfaces or concrete /masonry products or pressure treated wood shall be coated w/ two coats of aluminum metal -and -masonry paint or a coat of heavy -bodied bituminous paint, or the wood or other absorbing material shall be painted with two coats of aluminum house paint and the joints sealed with a good quality caulking compound. The protective materials shall be as listed in section 2003.8.4.3 through 2003.8.4-6 of the Florida Building Code or Corobound Cold Galvanizing Primer and Finisher. 22. All fasteners or aluminum parts shall be corosion resistant, such as non magnetic stainless steel grade 304 or 316; Ceramic coated, double zinc coated or powder coated steel fasteners. Only fasteners that are warranted as corrosion resistant shall be used; Unprotected steel fasteners shall not be used. 23. Any structure within 1500 feet of a salt water area; (bay or ocean) shall have fasteners made of non-magnetic stainless steel 304 or 316 series. 410 series has not been approved for use with aluminum by the Aluminum Associaton and should not be used. 24. Any project covering a pool with a salt water chlorination disinfection system shall use the above recommended fasteners. This is not limited to base anchoring systems but includes all connection types. SECTION 1 DESIGN STATEMENT The structures designed for Section 1 are framing systems with screen roofs & walls and loads have been determined by wind tunnel test that include any negative internal pressure coefficient Since these structures are open, the negative internal pressure coefficient is considered to be 0.00. The design loads used are from Chapter 20 of The 2007 Florida Building Code with 2009 Supplements. The loads assume a mean roof height of less than 30 ; roof slope of 0" to 20% 1= 0.87 for 100 MPH and 0.77 for 110 or higher. All loads are based on 20 / 20 screen or larger. All pressures shown in the below table are in PSF (#/SF). All framing components are considered to be 6063-T6 alloy. GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SECTION 1 TABLES SECTION 1 Uniform Loads for Structures with Screen Roof & Walls Wind Velocity (m.p.h.) Basic Wlnd pressure (P s.L) Exposure 'B' Ecposure'C' Roofs .s.f. Windward Walls P.s.f. Leeward Walls (p.s.f.) Roofs .s.f. Windward Walls (P.s.L) Leeward Walls (p.s.f.) 100 13 3 12 10 5 17 13 110 14 4 13 9 5 18 14 120 17 4 15 13 6 21 17 4.3 15. 13.3 6.3 222 17.6 k4A 0 14 7 25 19 15 8 29 23 150 1 26 1 7 1 24 1 18 9 1 33 1 27 Loads per table 2002.4 Multipliers only apply to members when spans / heights are controlled by wind pressure, not by point load. Conversion Table 1A Wind Zone Conversion Factors for Screen Roof or Wall Frame Members From 120 MPH Wind Zone to Others; Fxposure'B' 17-f W"e" Wind Zone MPH Applied Load N SF Conversion Factor Applied Load rp SF Conversion Factor 100 3 1.15 12 1.12 110 4 1.00 13 1.07 120 4 1.0o 15 1.00 123 4.3 0.96 15.9 0.97 130 5 0.89 18 0.91 1401 & 2 6 0.82 21 -0.85 150 7 1 0.76 1 24 6.79 Note: Multipliers are for wall loads only. Multipliers only apply to members when spans / heights are controlled by wind pressure• not by point load. Conversion Table I Load Conversion Factors Based on Mean Roof Height from Exposure "B" to -C" & "D" ernoeum ^B" to •C" I Exposure "B" to "0" Mean Roof Height' Load Conversion Factor Span Multplier Load Conversion . Factor Span Multiplier Bending I Deflection I Bending I Deflection 0-15, 121 0.91 0.94 1.47 0.83 0.88 15' - 20' 1.29 0.88 0.92 1.54 0.81 0.87 20' - 25' 1.34 0.86 0.91 1.60 0.79 0.86 25' - 30' 1.40 Us 0.89 1.66 0.78 0.85 30' - 40' 1.37 0.85 0.90 1.61 019 0.85 Use larger mean roof height of host structure or enclosure Values are from ASCE 7-05 Multipl ers only apply to members when spans / heights are controlled by wind pressure• not by point load. Conversion Example (Convert span for Exposure •W to •C"): If max span found from span tables for Exposum'B' = 31'-11•=31.97 and the mean roof helghl of the structure Is 0.1 S then multiply span by 0.91 the span for Exposure -C Is 31.9Y • 0.91 = 29.05' = 29'-1" SITE EXPOSURE EVALUATION FORM �---- --- --- -• --- --- --- --- --- --- -'- I I I I QUADRANTI I 600 EXPOSUREYJ I I I I 600• I I QUADRANT IV100, i EXPOSURE I 40' I i too too' QUADRANT II I I 40 I Rd I I I too• I EXPOSU I 600',-.-.--. �I I I I QUADRANTIll I EXPOSURE sop I � I I i I L-------•--•-----•--•-•--•------- NOTE: ZONES ARE MEASURED FROM STRUCTURE OUTWARD SITE SCREEN (TYP.) 'f- W SIDE WALL MEMBER CABLE CONNECTION I l (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) HOSTSTRUCTURE GIRT 1" x 2• (TYP.) GRADE K-BRACING (OPTIONAL) CABLE CONNECTION (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) TYPICAL FLAT ROOF - FRONT WALL ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. EXISTING STRUCTURE -� K-BRACING (OPTIONAL) USING THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, EVALUATE EACH QUADRANT AND MARK IT AS'B','C', OR'D' EXPOSURE. 'C' OR'D' EXPOSURE IN ANY QUADRANT MAKES THE SITE THAT EXPOSURE. EXPOSURE C: Open terrain Wh scattered obstructions, Including surface undulaidons or other Iregularities, having heights generally less than 30 feet extending more than 1.500 feet from the building site in any quadrant 1. Any building located within Exposure B-type terrain where the building is within 100 feet horizontally in any direction of open areas of Exposure C-type terrain that extends more than 600 feet and width greater than 150 ft. 2. No short term changes In'b', 2 years before site evaluation and build out within 3 years, site will be'b'. 3. Flat, open country, grasslands, ponds and ocean or shorelines in any quadrant for greater than 1,500 feet. 4. Open terrain for more than 1.500 feet in any quadrant. SITE ISEXPOSURE: & EDBY: G 4 �( �DATE: SIGNATURE: LICENSE #: SIZE MEMBERS PER APPROPRIATE TABLES TYPICAL FLAT ROOF - ISOMETRIC SCALE: N.T.S. SIDE WALLS AND FRAMING SIZES (TABLES 1.3, 1.4 & 1.6) ALUMINUM BEAMS (TABLE 1.1 OR 1.8) PURLIN DIAGONAL ROOF BRACING (SEE SCHEMATIC SECTION 1) GIRT (TYP.) CABLE BRACING TYPICAL NOMENCLATURE FOR SCREENED ENCLOSURES: H- MAXIMUM UPRIGHT HEIGHTS L- MAXIMUM BEAM SPAN WITHOUT KNEE BRACE. (ADD HORIZONTAL LENGTH OF KNEE BRACE TO SPAN FROM TABLES) SW- SIDE WALLS CAN BE FRAMED WiTHOUT TOP BEAM AND CAN BE SMALLEST EXTRUSIONS ALLOWED BY SPAN TABLES W- SCREEN PANEL SPACING CONNECTION DETAILS AND NOTES ARE FOUND IN SUBSEQUENT PAGES. J Q z O z F Q U) 0 W ZU) ��0 to WIXZp(7N (!) J I- - r fn0 g(Qj_JH jy U Z LLZ) W 5 z W U m:E Uz �LU d0_� IL � W z 0 0 11 1-IY Oz_1:D fn (.) H Q LL Cl) W CD 0 z NN J Q V) � r 2 co r` LLL W M aroi uu ` 2 x ll u � d W Cn m a,8 W - n Nr ^ d o c a 4 4) j o) xo n r LLI m x " U> m at V � o L n �A F s F I ..i x OPT .7 • fSHEET 1 -LE t rl• 1 OF a 0 O tr f7 z Z K w w z C7 U, wF W z z w m 1� SEE TABLES 1.3, 1A & 1.6 K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR 121 MPH EXPOSURE C OR HIGHEF GIRT (TYP, SCREEN (TYP., W PURLINS (TYP.) SIDE WALL MEMBER CABLE CONNECTION (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) GIRT GRADE CABLE .CONNECTION (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) NOTE: USE H2 FOR CABLE AREA CALCULATION TYPICAL MANSARD ROOF - FRONT WALL ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. EXISTING STRUCTURE SCREEN (TYP.) K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR 120 MPH EXPOSURE C OR HIGHER FRONT WALL ALUMINUM COLUMNS (TABLES 1.3, 1 A & 1.6) GIRT (TYP.) 1"x 2" (TYP.) ALUMINUM BEAM (SEE TABLE 1.1 OR 1.9.1) SIDE WALL FRAME (TABLES 1.3, 1A & 1.6) DIAGONAL ROOF BRACING (SEE SCHEMATIC SECTION 1) CABLE BRACING SIZE MEMBERS PER APPROPRIATE TABLES TYPICAL MANSARD ROOF - ISOMETRIC SCALE: N.T.S. CONNECTION DETAILS AND NOTES ARE FOUND IN THE SUBSEQUENT PAGES. W PURLINS (TYP.) SCREEN (TYP.) CABLE CONNECTION (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) HALTERNATE CABLE (SEE TABLES 1" x 2" (TYP.) 1.3 OR 1.6) 1 N 0 GRADE 5 K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR 120 MPH EXPOSURE C OR HIGHER CABLE CONNECTION GIRT (TYP.) (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) TYPICAL DOME ROOF - FRONT WALL ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. EXISTING STRUCTURE ALUMINUM BEAM (TABLES 1.3, 1.4 & 1.6) L SIZE MEMBERS PER APPROPRIATE TABLES H K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR 120 MPH EXPOSURE C OR HIGHER GIRT (TYP.) SCREEN (TYP.) FRONT WALL ALUMINUM COLUMNS ( ) (TABLES 1.3, 1.4 & 1.61.6 1"x 2" (TYP.) RISER WALL WHERE REQUIRED PURLINS (TYP.) DIAGONAL ROOF BRACING (SEE SCHEMATIC SECTION 1) CABLE BRACING SIDE WALL FRAMING (SEE TABLES 1.3. 1A & 1.6) TYPICAL DOME ROOF - ISOMETRIC SCALE: N.T.S. CONNECTION DETAILS AND NOTES ARE FOUND IN THE SUBSEQUENT PAGES. PURLINS (TYP.) CABLE CONNECTION (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) ALUMINUM BEAM (TABLE 1.1 OR 1.8) Fi GIRT (TYP.) (SEE TABLE 1.3) 1" x 2" (TYP.) GRADE CABLE CONNECTION SCREEN (TYP.) (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) TYPICAL GABLE ROOF - FRONT WALL ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR 120 MPH EXPOSURE C OR HIGHER EXISTING STRUCTURE PURLINS (TYP.) . { L RISER WALL WHERE [WI REQUIRED ALUMINUM BEAM (TABLE 1.1 OR 1.9.1) SIZE MEMBERS PER APPROPRIATE TABLES SIDE WALL FRAMING (SEE TABLES 1.3, 1.4 & 1.6) DIAGONAL ROOF BRACING (SEE SCHEMATIC SECTION 1) FRONT WALL ALUMINUM COLUMNS (TYP.) (TABLE 1.3, 1.4 & 1.6) GIRT (TYP.) SCREEN (TYP.) CABLE BRACING TYPICAL GABLE ROOF - ISOMETRIC SCALE: N.T.S. DETAILS AND NOTES ARE FOUNDJN-TH&SUBSEZ PURLIN (TYP.) SCREEN (TYP.) T (SEE TABLES 1.3 & 1.6) K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR 120 MPH EXPOSURE C OR HIGHER CABLE CONNECTION (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) GIRT (TYP.) 1" x 2" (TYP.) GRADE CABLE CONNECTION (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) TYPICAL TRANSVERSE GABLE ROOF - FRONT WALL ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. RISER WALL WHERE EXISTING STRUCTURE REQUIRED �wi PURLIN (TYP.) SIZE MEMBERS PER ALUMINUM BEAM APPROPRIATE TABLES L (TABLE 1.1 OR 1.9.1) DIAGONAL ROOF BRACING (SEE SCHEMATIC SECTION 1) H / K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR 120 (TABLE 1L3, 1.4RA& 1 6)G MPH EXPOSURE C OR HIGHER FRONT WALL ALUMINUM COLUMNS (TYP.) (TABLES 1.3, 1.4 & 1.6) KGIRT SCREEN (TYP.) TYP.) SIDE WALL FRAMING (TYP.) (TABLE & 1.6) E BRACING TYPICAL TRANSVERSE STACKED GABLE ROOF - ISOMETRIC SCALE: N.T.S. CONNECTION DETAILS AND NOTES ARE FOUND IN THE SUBSEQUENT PAGES L SIDE MEMBER SCREEN (TYP.) CABLE CONNECTION (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) H 1" x 2" (fYP•) (SEE TABLES GIRT 1.3 & 1.6) GRADE K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR CABLE CONNECTION 120 MPH EXPOSURE C OR (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) HIGHER TYPICAL MODIFIED HIP ROOF - FRONT WALL ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. EXISTING STRUCTURE ALUMINUM BEAMS (TABLE 1.1 OR 1.9.1) DIAGONAL ROOF BRACING (SEE SCHEMATIC SECTION 1) K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR 120 MPH EXPOSURE C OR HIGHER SW GIRT (TYP.) FRONT WALL ALUMINUM CABLE BRACING COLUMNS (TABLE 1.3. 1A & 1.6) SIDE WALLS AND FRAMING SIZE MEMBERS PER SIZES APPROPRIATE TABLES (TABLE 1.3, 1A & 1.6) TYPICAL MODIFIED HIP ROOF - ISOMETRIC SCALE: N.T.S. PURLIN (TYP.) SCREEN (TYP_) H (SEE TABLE 1.3 & 1.6) CABLE CONNECTION (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) CABLE CONNECTION /- (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR 120 MPH EXPOSURE C OR HIGHER GIRT (TYP.) 1" x 2" (TYP.) O GRADE w w of O TYPICAL TWO STORY POOL ENCLOSURE - FRONT WALL ELEVATION o (ALL ROOF TYPES) SCALE: N.T.S. FRONT WALLS FRAMING (SEE TABLE 1.3, 1A & 1.6) K-BRACING REQUIRED FOR 120 MPH EXPOSURE C OR HIGHER FRONT WALL SCREEN (TYP.) 1' x 2' (IYP.) w PURLIN (TYP.) m ALUMINUM BEAM -� (TABLE 1.1 OR z DIAGONAL ROOF BRACING _ w (SEE SCHEMATIC SECTION 1) z SIZE MEMBERS PER APPROPRIATE TABLES 0, LL,Y EXISTING STRUCTURE SIDEWALUCABLE ALUMINUM 6OLUMNS w (TABLE & 1.6) (TYP.) ir U) w J Z O Z F- Q w p 2 0w W 0 O W W J U N w : Q Z . W 0 w Z Z - m w Tf w Z M U Z 0 0 -j w F-E IL D- � w LUL I J Z) C/) U U) LL U) �c/) �o Oa O Z N N J ?> Q It co (o r U N m J W cNi LL LLI = j m w 2 IL m co n m it m � r w m `m m x vS 't U c o L 6 m m p SHEET U a 0 a TYPICAL TWO STORY POOL ENCLOSURE - ISOMETRIC w `w (ALL ROOF TYPES) o w N.T. uwi Z CONNECTION DETAILS AN OTE.(((FOU . :1N7jnMG n ^ co 2 009 OF G 1 O GALVANIZED METAL PLATE TRUSS TAIL #2 P.T.P. AND SUB -FASCIA ' SEE TABLE 1.11 FOR MAX TRUSSES OR SPAN (LOH) RAFTERS ASSUMED TO BE @ 2'-0' O.C. TRUSS / RAFTER TAIL SCALE: 1" = T-0" 112" x 8" "L" BOLT W/ 2" SQUARE WASHER ON PLATE ALTERNATE ROOF TYPE RAFTER TAIL #2 P.T.P. AND SUB -FASCIA 2 x 8 P.T.P. TOP PLATE SEE TABLE 1.11 FOR MAX TRUSSES OR SPAN (LOH) RAFTERS ASSUMED TO BE @ 2'-0" O.C. ALTERNATE TOP PLATE TRUSS / RAFTER TAIL ASSEMBLY SCALE: 1" = V-0" MINIMUM POST SIZES REQUIRED FOR EACH BEAM SIZE (SEE TABLE 1.6) SELF -MATING BEAM 1" x 2" OPEN BACK SECTIONS ATTACHED TO 2" x 2" W/ #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. OR CONTINUOUS SNAP SECTIONS OR 2" x 3" (4) SPLINE GROOVE SECTION a° ea 1" x 2" OPEN BACK FASTENED TO POST W/ (2) #10 x 1-112" S.M.S. SELECT FASTENER SIZE, ALTERNATE NUMBER AND PATTERN FLAT ROOF (SEE TABLE 1.6 & 9.5A OR 9.513) UPRIGHT ATTACH PURLINS TO SELF -MATING BEAMS W/ S.M.S. PER TABLES SLOPING BEAM TO UPRIGHT CONNECTION DETAIL (PARTIAL LAP) SCALE: 2" = V - 0" OPTIONAL POSITION OF TOP RAIL W/ 1" x 2' 1" x 2' SNAP SECTIONS 1, ATTACH TO 2" x 2" W/ #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. OR CONTINUOUS SNAP SECTIONS OR 2• x 3' (4) 1 o • ° GSOO SPLINE GROOVE SECTION 2" x 2" AND 1" x 2" MAY BE ROTATED TO RECEIVE 1"x 2" SNAP SECTIONS ATTACH TO 2" x 2" W/ #10 x 1-1/2' S.M.S. @ 24.O.C. OR CONTINUOUS SNAP SECTIONS OR 2' x 3"(4) SPLINE GROOVE SECTION 4ECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2" = V-0" LTERNATE FLAT ROOF SELECT FASTENER SIZE, M y1 NtWB ATTERN (SEE TABLE OR 9,5) (FULL LAP) •�ri%,/, a ° ° o ® ALTERNATE FLAT ROOF GUSSETT PLATE 0.050" OR r GREATER. GUSSET PLATE = SHALL HAVE AN ULTIMATE YIELD STRENGTH OF 30 KSI a OR HIGHER SELECT FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND PATTERN (SEE TABLE 1.6 & 9.5A OR 9.5B) UPRIGHT CONNECTION WITH GUSSET PLATE DETAIL (FULL LAP) SCALE: 2" = V-0• PURLIN 2" x 3" MAX ATTACH GUSSET PLATES TO PURLIN & POSTS 2" x 2" EXTRUSION a a 6 1" x 2" OPEN BACK ° ° ALL GUSSET PLATES SHALL EXTRUSION BE A MINIMUM OF 5052 H-32 ALLOY OR HAVE A ULTIMATE BEAM NOTCHED AROUND (1) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. 24" O.C. as YEILD STRENGTH OF 30 KSi. CONTINUOUS 2" x 2" OR (4) 9 1/16" RECEIVING CHANNEL OR SPLINE GROOVE 2-x 3" ° a ° MP�`NG NOTCH POST GUSSET -PLATES o a r�E�F (4) #10 S.M.S. EACH SIDE ° ®® ALTERNATE FLAT ROOF COLUMN PER TABLE 1.3 OR 1.4 ° _T x 4" MAXIMUM r MINIMUM POST SIZES FOR LARGER UPRIGHT USE REQUIRED FOR EACH BEAM ALTERNATE BEAM TO POST � SIZE (SEE TABLE 1.6) CONNECTION FULL LAP SELECT FASTENER SIZE, PURLIN TO UPRIGHT SAME AS NUMBER AND PATTERN MIN. UPRIGHT TO BEAM (SEE TABLE 1.6 & 9.5A OR 9.56) TABLE 1.6 (I.E. 2" x 7" UPRIGHT REQUIRES 2" x 4" BEAM TO UPRIGHT CONNECTION DETAIL (FULL LAP) BEAM) SIDE WALL TO PURLIN DETAIL SCALE: 2"=T-0" SCALE: 2" = V-0" BEAM / PURLIN 2" x 3' MAX. ATTACHED TO RECEIVING PURLIN 2" x 2' EXTRUSION 1"x 2" OPEN BACK EXTRUSION (1) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S.24.O.C. NOTCH POST BEAM POSITION VARIES (MANSARD SHOWN) 0.045" x 1" X 2" H CHANNEL W/ (6) #10 x 1/2' S.M.S. EA SIDE (6) TOTAL COLUMN PER TABLE 1.3 OR 1.4 2" x 4" MAXIMUM FOR LARGER UPRIGHT USE ALTERNATE BEAM TO POST CONNECTION FULL LAP DETAIL THIS PAGE AND MIN. PURLIN TO UPRIGHT SAME AS MIN. UPRIGHT TO BEAM TABLE 1.6 (I.E. 2" x 7" UPRIGHT REQUIRES 2" x 4" BEAM) BEAM TO POST CONNECTION SCALE: 2" = V-0" #8 x 3/4" WASHER HEADED CORROSIVE RESISTANT SCREWS AS SHOWN (SEE TABLE 1.6) 1" x 2" SNAP SECTIONS ATTACH TO 2" x 2" W/ #10 x 1-1/2" S. M. S. @ 24' O.C. OR CONTINUOUS SNAP SECTIONS OR 2" x 3' (4) SPLINE GROOVE SECTION 1' x 2.OPEN BACK FASTENED TO POST W/ (1) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. EDGE OF EXISTING UPRIGHT EXISTING 2" x 3 OR LARGER ADDITIONAL FASTENING, NUMBER OF FASTENERS PER TABLE 1.6 & 9.5 EXCEPT ALL SHADED LOCATIONS SHALL BE FILLED MINIMUM OF ALL OUTER LOCATIONS ®"i e MPS NGB NOTCH BEAM TO RECEIVE POST ADDITION ATTACH AUXILLARY MEMER TO BEAMS W/ (2) #10 x 2-112• S.M.S. AND16" O.C. Existing Hollow Member Added Equivalent Hollow Member Member 2'x2"x0.040" 10 x2'x 0.044• 2x3"x0.045 2'x2"x 0.044" T_x3•x0.040' 1"x2"x 0.044' 2x Xx 0.045 2'x2'x 0.044" 2"x4"x0.040" 1'x2'x11.044' 2x4•xo.045 1 x4'x0.044"" COMPOSITE BEAM W/ ADDITION OF AUXILLARY MEMBER TO EXISTING HOLLOW MEMBER FOR EQUIVALENT HOLLOW MEMBER SCALE: 3" = V-0" Z) O a Z p Q W Q W z w Z O m (7W Uo ui U) of J oN U W Z) Q Z, w Q U)� E5 U) Jz 3 w-.a 5U - g 0 07- W Z z U Z 0 _j V) EE 0_ D- Of Of W O � Q co U U) LL U) w a (n rn O 00 W r Z 0CV N 3 F- � x r r Q O x r_ 3 v Q (0 a z *k 2N� R` (7 D m LL ttu M !a O J ? z LL W i � 3 3 n w of w - O a r v a ❑ Of c n° ^� 0 ❑ � N j m n m � m � 0 d j �o LLl aStnmL am m w C M _ M Or U CO 0 (0 n r z l w w J 13 r z 0 ` Z ut o o i � OLLI'i r 'i N I a O SEAL O Z Lu L) J w z C7 Z SHEET m ❑ �y �5 w k w w rn r w Z Z M O 4 ADDITIONAL FASTENING, NUMBER OF FASTENERS PER TABLE 1.6 & 9.5 EXCEPT ALL EXISTING HOLLOW OR SHADED LOCATIONS SHALL SELF MATING BEAM BE FILLED MINIMUM OF ALL OUTER LOCATIONS (10) #8 x 1/2' S.M.S. EACH SIDE #10 x 3 1/2" S.M.S. 16" O.C. OF BEAM/POST 1" x 2" OPEN BACK ATTACH TO 2' x 2" W/ #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. @ 24' O.C. OR CONTINUOUS 2" x 3" (4) SPLINE GROOVE SECTION • CONNECT 2" x 2" OR 2" x 3- TO BEAM W/ MIN. OF (3) • • #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. INTO o • SCREW BOSSES °: • • o • • •°o°111111L • • ° • ° • �_ PROPOSED 2" x 3" x 0.050" • • SMOOTH SIDE DOWN • 1/8" x 2-3/4" x 8" GUSSET EACH SIDE OF POST AND BEAM (FASTEN PER TABLE 1.6) UPRIGHT PER TABLE 1.6 ADDITION OF 2" x 3" TO EXISTING S.M.B. SCALE: 2" =1'-O" ADDITIONAL FASTENING, NUMBER OF FASTENERS PER TABLE 1.6 & 9.5 EXCEPT ALL SHADED LOCATIONS SHALL BE FILLED MINIMUM OF ALL #8 x 3/4" WASHER HEADED OUTER LOCATIONS CORROSIVE RESISTANT NEW POST ADDITION INSIDE SCREWS AS SHOWN BEAM (SEE TABLE 1.6) 1" x 2" SNAP SECTIONS ATTACH TO 2" x 2' W/ #10 x 1-1/2" S. M. S. @ 24" O.C. OR CONTINUOUS SNAP SECTIONS OR 2" x 3" (4) SPLINE GROOVE SECTION ® ® eX11\\AG NGB� LF 1" x 2" OPEN BACK FASTENED TO POST W/ (1) #10 x 1-1/2" e ®® S.M.S. a e EDGE OF EXISTING UPRIGHT a CH BEAM TO RECEIVE e POST ADDITION EXISTING 2' x 3" OR LARGER 2" x _" (0.044" MIN.) HOLLOW ADDITION ATTACH TO BEAMS W/H-CHANNEL (2) #10 x S.M.S. AND 16' O.C. BOTH SIDES 2" x _ HOLLOW EXTRUSION 2" H-CHANNEL ALTERNATE POST / BEAM ADDITION OF 2" x " TO EXISTING 2" x " SCALE: 2" = V-0' 1-3/4" STRAP MADE FROM REQUIRED GUSSET PLATE MATERIAL (SEE TABLE FOR LENGTH AND # OF SCREWS REQUIRED) CONNECT 2" x 2' OR 2" x 3" TO BEAM W/ MIN. (3) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. INTO SCREW BOSSES 1' x 2" OPEN BACK ATTACHED TO 2" x 2" W/ #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. SCREW LOCATIONS PER TABLE 1.6 FILL OUTSIDE LOCATIONS FIRST Strap Table Beam size Screws #/size Strap Length 2' x 7" (4) #12 2-3/4' 2" x 8" (4) #14 3-1/4" 2' x 9" (4) #14 3-1/4" 2'x10' (6)#14 4-1/2' d -1/2" 4- 4- A- 4- tom" BEAM CUT TO ACCEPT WALL UPRIGHT 1 1-3/4" STRAP MADE FROM REQUIRED GUSSET PLATE I MATERIAL (SEE TABLE FOR LENGTH AND # OF SCREWS REQUIRED) SELF -MATING UPRIGHT CUT TO MATCH BEAM ANGLE "ALL SCREWS 3/4' LONG V Notes: 1) Fill outer screw positions first until required number of screws is achieved. 2) See Table 1.6 for screw sizes and number. 3) Screw pattern layout with spacing between screws greater than minimum is allowed so that equal spacing is achieved. 4) 2" x 8" beam with 2' x 5' upright shown. Other beam to upright combinations per table 1.6 may be used. ALTERNATE BEAM TO POST CONNECTION (FULL LAP) rLl= 1f4L TOTAL SPAN FROM TABLES 4 SPLICE POINTS FOR FLAT OR DOME ROOF SCALE: N.T.S. SPLICE POINT --\ /— SPLICE POINT 1/4L 1/4L 1�L= TOTAL SPAN FROM TABLES SPLICE POINTS FOR FLAT OR DOME ROO SCALE: N.T.S. SPLICE POINT SPLICE POINT SPLICE POINTS FOR GABLE ROOF SCALE N.T.S. SPLICE POINT OR SUPER GUTTER SPLICE AT RIGHT ANGLE TO BEAM DOOR HINGE LOCATION 2 x 2 EXTRUSION 2 x 2 EXTRUSION z HINGE LOCATION w EL o: O LL HINGE LOCATION m O H C7 z• NOTES: m W 1. Door to be attached to structure with minimum two (2) hinges. } z z w 2. Each hinge to be attached to structure with minimum four (4) #12 x 3/4" S.M.S.. of 3. Each hinge to be attached to door with minimum three (3) #12 x 314" S.M.S.. 4. Bottom hinge to be mounted between 10 Inches and 20 inches from ground. w f 5. Top hinge to be mounted between 10 inches and 20 inches from top of door. 6. If door location is adjacent to upright a 1" x 2' x 0.044" maybe fastened to upright with #12Ua- S.M.S. at 12" on center and within 3" from end of upright. v TYPICAL SCREEN DOOR CONNECTION DETAIL w E: p w u1 tIIII %J PlY22009 00 J Z Z) O Z 2 ❑W (DLU fA OO (n of J (D (V W Q Z W JO ❑ - Z Z — m W W Z I UZO �_� CL W of LU0 a -1 J❑ fn U to W fn ti O D 0 O Z N 04 0 ~ J Q m � m LJL Lu M 2wsE'E ai W 2 � ti cOi d W m ai -r O a o � 33 j to ro 3 n W y a v t m m x U >`°4t C U m o L t � 0 O � O HIY O SEAL z K w w SHEET z C7 z 6 w w z z 21 uJ to OF 0 CUT 2" x 4", 2" x 5", OR 2"x 6" 2" x 2"PURLINS ATTACHED BEAMS TO SLIDE OVER EACH TO BEAM W/ MIN. OTHER 2" x 7" & LARGER (3) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. PROVIDE GUSSET PLATE r(INSIDEOR OUTSIDE BEAM) -SAME WALL THICKNESS AS BEAM WALLS OR LARGER (SEE TABLE 1.6) ®� MINIMUM SPACING - (PER TABLE 1.6) — (SEE SPLICING DETAIL PAGE 1-21) FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND SPACING PER "TYPICAL BEAM SPLICE DETAIL AND TABLE" THIS PAGE (SEE TABLE 1.6) TYPICAL SIDE PLATE CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2" = V-0" CUT 2"x 4", 2"x 5", OR 2"x 6" BEAMS TO SLIDE OVER EACH OTHER 2" x 7" & LARGER PROVIDE GUSSET PLATE ® ® ® d (OUTSIDE BEAM) SAME WALL THICKNESS AS BEAM WALLS 0 X110 OR LARGER (SEE GUSSET PLATE TABLE) ® ® ® e ® ® FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND 0 SPACING PER PAGE'TYPICAL BEAM SPLICE DETAIL AND TABLE" THIS PAGE AND (SEE TABLE 1.6) ALL GUSSET PLATES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5052 H-32 ALLOY OR HAVE AN ULTIMATE YIELD STRENGTH OF 30 KSI TYPICAL SIDE PLATE CONNECTION DETAIL - MANSARD ROOF SCALE: 2" = V-0" CUT 2"x 4", 2"x 5". OR 2"x 6" 2" x 2" PURLINS ATTACHED BEAMS TO SLIDE OVER EACH TO BEAM W/ MIN. OTHER 2" x 7" & LARGER (3) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. PROVIDE GUSSET PLATE (INSIDE OR OUTSIDE BEAM) SAME WALL THICKNESS AS BEAM WALLS OR LARGER w (SEE TABLE 1.6) i ® .. .. 1 ®` ® 0 i MINIMUM (P RTABLEI6) —J (SEE SPLICING DETAIL THIS PAGE) FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND SPACING PER "TYPICAL BEAM SPLICE DETAIL AND TABLE" THIS PAGE AND (SEE TABLE 1.6) ALTERNATE SIDE PLATE CONNECTION DETAIL GUSSET PLATE MOUNTED INTERNALLY CUT 2" x 4", 2" x 5". OR 2" x 6" SCALE: 2" = V-0" BEAMS TO SLIDE OVER EACH OTHER 2" x 7" & LARGER PROVIDE GUSSET PLATE (INSIDE BEAM) SAME WALL ®® THICKNESS AS BEAM WALLS ®�® OR LARGER (SEE TABLE 1.6) /® ® 901 FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND �® ® SPACING PER "TYPICAL BEAM SPLICE DETAIL AND TABLE" ®®®� THIS PAGE (SEE ALSO TABLE 1.6) ALL GUSSET PLATES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5052 H-32 ALLOY OR HAVE AN ULTIMATE YIELD STRENGTH OF 30 KSI ALTERNATE SIDE PLATE CONNECTION DETAIL - MANSARD ROOF GUSSET PLATE MOUNTED INTERNALLY SCALE: 2" = V-0" BEAM SPLICE SHALL BE MIN. BEAM HEIGHT MINUS 1/2" AND 2 x (d - .50") LENGTH d = HEIGHT OF BEAM MIN. EDGE DISTANCE ' — 2 x (d-0.50") d-1.00" T d-1.0� SPLICE LOCATED 1/4 TO 113 BEAM SPAN STAGGERED EACH SIDE OF BEAM PLATE CAN BE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE BEAM OR LAP CUT v 1" ++++++++ MAX. —�Ilc MIN. EDGE DISTANCE DENOTES SCREW PATTERN NOT NUMBER OF SCREWS Minimum Distance and FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND SPACING (SEE TABLE 1.6) Screw S"a tls (In.) Edge to Center 2ds in. Centeno Canter 2-112ds In. Beam Size Thickness In. #8 0.16 318 7116 2x7'x0.055'x0.120— 1116=0.063 410 0.19 3/8 112 2' x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224' 1/8 = 0.125 #12 0.21 7116 9116 2' x 9" x 0.072" x 0224' 118=0.125 #14 or 114" 025 12 5/8 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.306' 1/8 = 0.125 5116" 0.31 5/8 314 2' x 10' x 0.092' x 0.369" 114 = 025 refers to each side of splice use for 2" x 4" and 2' x 6- also Note: 1. All gusset plates shall he minimum 5052 H-32 Alloy or have a minimum yield of 30 ksi. TYPICAL BEAM SPLICE DETAIL SCALE: 2" = T-0" INTERNAL BRACING: 1-3/4" x 1-3/4" x 0.125" ANGLE (T-6 ALLOY) OR CUT FROM BEAM MATERIAL PLAN VIEW SCALE: 2" = T-o" ISOMETRIC VIEW SCALE: N.T.S. MIN. (3) #10 x 2" CORROSION RESISTIVE WASHER HEADED SCREWS '" x 8" BEAMS AND ERADD (1)3/8"x(W+ ).LAG.SCREW INTO THE =R TAIL CLOSEST TO THE IER ON EACH SIDE FRAMING BEAM ' x 1/8" ANGLE W/ (4) #10 x ACH SIDE C-CHANNEL W/ THRU BOLT 2" REINFORCING STRAP W/ (2) #10 x 2" INTO HOST THRU BOLT SIZING: STRUCTURE AND (2) #10 x 5/8" (2)1/4" UP TO 2" x 7" BEAM INTO GUTTER (3)1/4" FOR 2" x 7" BEAM 1/8" PLATE OF 5053 H-32 (3) 3/8" FOR 2" x 8" & 9' BEAM ALLOY OR ULTIMATE YEILD (3)1/2" FOR 2" x 10" BEAM STRENGTH OF 30 KSI W/ (4) #10 x 5/8" EACH SIDE OUTER MITER DETAIL FOR SUPER GUTTER TO CARRIER BEAM SCALE: 2" = T-0" STRAP SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER jOST STRUCTURE / SPACING/2�SPACING/2 SPACING /2�SPACING /2 BEAM SET SPACING BEAM SET SPACING STRAP LOCATION FOR SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER REINFORCEMENT SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" 2" S.M.S. OR LAG SCREWS 2" x MIN. (4) #10 x 2" CORROSION EACH AND @ 1/: RESISTIVE WASHER HEADED (• SCREWS :RNAL BRACING CUT FROM IE BEAM SIZE W/ 2-1/4" TH .LINS : TABLES 1.2. 1.6, OR 1.92) LATERAL BEAM BRACING DETAILS (FOR SPANS GREATER THAN 40'-0" NOTES: 1. REQUIRED FOR SPANS GREATER THAN 40' AND ALL DOME OR TRANSVERSE GABLE ENCLOSURES. 2. FOR ALL PURLINS & GIRTS SHALL USE ALL SCREW BOSSES AVAILABLE & IF THERE IS NO BOTTOM SCREW BOSS ADD AN EXTERANAL OR INTERNAL CLIP TO ANCHOR BOTTOM OF PURLIN OR GIRT. SCREW P) ... . ".. ..., ".., -". (SEE TABLES OR NOTES FOR SIZE AND NUMBER OF SCREWS) 0 Of w EL of 0 0 03 0 O Z F- Q 2 0 W W C) O O Cn 0_ J 0 N W Z) Q Z W JO w Z � LU Z r- 03 W Z U Z O 0 w D- W W U) U U) L :2 U) ti CD D CD CD O C:) Z N N D J ?> Q It Z N r LJL Uj Uj IL v W m x g m 0 w Eta 0 .: - O a ¢ v m r• LV ya�L .a m 2 oIN t a Cq , ECEIVING =E SECTION 9 0 I • . % )) Cl A, a ICE FROM FASCIA :ZUCTURE(SEE w CUT OFF BEAM & O' HEET w z CAP W/ RECEIVING CHANNEL 0 c7 z TERNATE FLAT BEAM CwD k 0 LL z TR EDAMh 93RV 21 a 12-01- 9 OFCC SELF -MATING BEAM Y (SIZE VARIES) 1/4' x 2' LAG SCREWS @ 24" O.C. OR #10 x 2" SCREWS @ 12" O.C. TAIL CUT OFF BEAM (OPTIONAL) 2" x 2" ANGLE WITH (4) S.M.S. (SEE SECTION 9 FOR SCREW SIZES) EACH SIDE TO BEAM SUPER GUTTER RECEIVING CHANNEL 2-1/8' x 1" W/ (2) #8 x 1/2" S.M.S. EACH SIDE OF BEAM r SUPER OR 3/4' FERRULE WITH 3/8" x 8" EXTRUDED LAG SCREWS @ EACH BEAM GUTTER MAX DISTANCE FROM FASCIA TO HOST STRUCTURE WALL (SEE TABLE 1.11) SELF MATING BEAM AND SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER CONNECTION SCALE: 2" = V-0" 1/4" x 2" LAG SCREWS @ 24" O.C. OR #10 x 2" SCREWS @ 12- O.C. MIN. AND (2) @ EACH STRAP OPTIONAL 1" x 2" OR 2" x 2' FOR SCREEN SELF -MATING 2" x _ x 0.050" STRAP @ BEAM SUPER OR EACH BEAM CONNECTION (SIZE VARIES EXTRUDED AND @ 1/2 BEAM SPACING W/ 0GUTTER (2) #8 x 1/2' S.M.S. PER STRAP ANGLE. INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR RECEIVING MAX DISTANCE FROM FASCIA CHANNEL (SEE SECTION 9) TO HOST STRUCTURE WALL (SEE TABLE 1.11) SELF MATING BEAM CONNECTION TO SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER SCALE: 2" = V-0" 1/4" x 2" LAG SCREWS @ 24" O.C. OR #10 x 2" SCREWS @ 12" O.C. MIN. AND (2) @ EACH STRAP OPTIONAL 1" x 2" OR 2" x 2" FOR SCREEN SELF -MATING ® (' BEAM (SIZE VARIES) 2" x _" x 0.050" STRAP ® @ EACH BEAM CONNECTION SUPER OR AND @ 1/2 BEAM SPACING W/ ® EXTRUDED (2) #8 x 112" S.M.S. PER STRAP GUTTER MAX DISTANCE FROM FASCIA ANGLE, INTERIOR OR TO HOST STRUCTURE WALL EXTERIOR RECEIVING J (SEE TABLE 1.11) CHANNEL (SEE SECTION 9) ALTERNATE SELF MATING BEAM CONNECTION TO SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER SCALE: 2" = V-0" 2-1/2" MIN. S.M.S. OR LAG SCREW INTO 2' x _ FASCIA OR IF NO SUB -FASCIA INTO RAFTER TAILS 2" WIDE x 0.050" (MIN.) STRAP SPACING PER LOCATION DETAIL (SEE PREVIOUS PAGE) SELF MATING BEAM (SIZE VARIES) IF TRANSOM HEIGHT EXCEEDS 6-0" USE CANTILIEVER BRACE DETAIL w co zao BEAM - SCREEN ROOF a g > 2 woF- 0.050" H-CHANNELw w = ' OR GUSSETS m ®0)� '~' O G ®. V45Y SOFFIT ® NOT MORE 1" x 2" x 0.062" P.T. LUMBER THAN 1/3 OF BLOCKING W/ 0.024" BREAK LENG OF ® ® GUTTER HEIGHT FORM CAP OR 1' X2' KNEE B E LLOW BLE O LY / FOR SCREW SIZES SEE SECTION 9 2" x 2" ANGLE W/ (4) S.M.S. (A A N W ROOF EACH SIDE TO BEAM TO ANGLES LESS THAN 23" UP TO SUPER OR EXTRUDED 5' IN 12" ROOF SLOPES) GUTTER FOR ROOF SLOPES GREATER HOST STRUCTURE THAN 5" IN 12" USE 1/8" x 2" x ROOFING RECEIVING CHANNEL ANGLE AS REQUIRED 2-1/8" x 1" W/ (2) #8 x 1/2" (2) 2".LAG SCREWS S.M.S. EACH SIDE OF BEAM MAX DISTANCE FROM FASCIA (SEE SECTION 9 FOR SIZE) TO HOST STRUCTURE WALL (SEE TABLE 1.11) 2" STRAP - LOCATE AND TYPICAL SELF MATING BEAM AND FASTEN PER STRAP SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER CONNECTION LOCATION DETAIL PAGE 1-24 SCALE: 2" = V-0" FASCIA AND SUB F BEAM - SCREEN ROOF POST TO BEAM FASTENING w ui Q uj a (SEE TABLE 1.6) > W0=o ®® Ozc9 ®® ®® a5 REQUIRED KNEE BRACE MININUM SIZE AND CONNECTION (PER TABLE 1.7) IF KNEE BRACE LENGTH EXCEEDS TABLE 1.7 USE CANTILEVERED BEAM CONNECTION DETAILS KNEE BRACE ATTACHMENT 6" 2 ABOVE TOP OF GUTTER MAX o FASCIA AND SUB -FASCIA (2) 2- SCREWS (SEE SECTION 9 FOR SCREW SIZES) 1/4"0 BOLT @ 24" O.C. MAX WITHIN 6' OF EACH POST FASTEN 2" x 2" POST W/ (3) EACH #10 S.M.S. INTO SCREW SPLINES USE ANGLE EACH SIDE FOR 2" x 2" TO POST CONNECTION W/ HOLLOW POST 2"STRAP-LOCATE AND FASTEN (DETAILS PAGE 1-24) 2" x 2" x 0.093" ANGLE W/ (4) S.M.S. (SEE SECTION 9 FOR SCREW SIZES) EACH SIDE TO BEAM TO SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER m F J io SCREW PATTERN SHOWN IS A POSSIBLE NUMBER OF SCREWS. ACTUAL FIELD SCREW PATTERN MAY VARY. COMPOSITE 2' x WEAVE RAIL FULL LAP CUT POST TO BEAM FASTENING (SEE TABLE 1.6) POST (SEE TABLE 1.3) SCREEN (MAY FACE IN OR OUT) REQUIRED KNEE BRACE MINIMUM SIZE AND CONNECTION (SEE TABLE 1.7) IF KNEE BRACE LENGTH EXCEEDS TABLE 1.7 USE CANTILEVERED BEAM CONNECTION DETAILS - ASCIA COMPOSITE EAVE RAIL W/ 2" x 2" FASTENED TO BEAM / 2" x 2" ANGLE WITH (4) S.M.S. UPRIGHT W/ (3) #10 x 1-1 2" (SEE SECTION 9 FOR SCREW ® SUPER OR S.M.S. MIN. INTO SCREW SIZES) EACH SIDE TO BEAM EXTRUDED BOSSES. 1"x 2" ATTACHED TO SUPER OR EXTRUDEDGUTTER GUTTER MAX. DISTANCE TO TO 2" x 2" W/ #10 x 1-1/2' S.M.S. HOST STRUCTURE i @ 24' O.C. CONTINUOUS 2" x WALL (SEE TABLE 1.11) 3" SNAP SECTION FASTENED THRU SCREW BOSSES W/ (3) SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER MIN. #10 x 1-1/2" OR 2" x 3" RISER (OR TRANSOM) WALL AT FASCIA - DETAIL 2 HOLLOW SECTION FASTENED SCALE: 3" = 1'-0" THRU SCREW BOSSES W/ #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. SCREEN(MAYFACE IN OR OUT) SCREW PATTERN SHOWN IS A POSSIBLE NUMBER OF SCREWS. ACTUAL FIELD SCREW PATTERN MAY VARY. HOST STRUCTURE ROOFING — 2" LAG SCREWS ® (SEE SECTION 9 m SUPER OR FOR SCREW SIZE) EXTRUDED MAX DISTANCE TO 2" STRAP LOCATE AND GUTTER HOST STRUCTURE FASTEN PER STRAP ALL (SEE TABLE 1.11) LOCATION DETAIL PAGE 1-24 ALTERNATE LAG SCREW AND _ FERRULE IF TRANSOM HEIGHT EXCEEDS x 6'-0" USE CANTILNER BRACE 2" 2"ANGLE WITH 4 ( ) S.M.S. DETAIL (SEE SECTION 9 FOR SCREW SIZES) EACH SIDE OF BEAM AND SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER FASCIA AND SUB -FASCIA SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER RISER (OR TRANSOM) WALL AT FASCIA - DETAIL 1 SCALE: 3" = V-0" NOTE: MINIMUM POST SIZES ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH BEAM SIZE (SEE TABLE 1.6) SELF -MATING BEAM (SEE TABLE 1.1 OR 1.8) 2" x 3" COMPOSITE EAVE GIRT ®® ®® ® G FASTENERS SIZE, NUMBER ®0 ® OF AND PATTERN (SEE TABLE 1.6) \®® POST SIZE (SEE 1.3 OR 1.6) >� ,a..:ussa�mmn SOFFff ® SUPER OR ® EXTRUDED ® GUTTER MAX DISTANCE TO HOSTSTRUCTURE WALL (SEE TABLE 1.11) O LL F' d c� o w z j = LL C am d0 E w � �ou z¢ N _ D m o0 ,= o 0 � LL �w o� Z) O z f- k Q W Cl 2 0 W ( z U) O O t N J C9 N i W Q z . -- U) U WOJO JZ U r 00: W Z UZ0 0-W-I W F- _D_ - [if0_ F- M w O 0 U) V O) LL U) g U) 0) i D O O k Z N (V 1 i J � M a F � m C CD n r � z N U- Wmm zLL� W O m X 8 Wm w ai ¢J O v m 0) ¢ o N j m W yam r x U � '° m OF I i i i �f m O DAL 10 it w ' w z z Z 8 w w z z w 21 0 N_ N 0 CCi 13ENNETT ENGINEERIN=ROUP 1 M b11 FOR -ENGINEERING TO BE VALID FOR PERMITTING a 7� In .�.I ODDDN m m °$ Z x o=x cm n C) m v y= , (P� Wp I 0 2��MO O� p1�D x 0 zN�< o�c3Nmc o z��yZ x 3 cnIn0 m� M0 ZO '�3 'D2Oo TN 1 —0 -`000 m Z O W Ocn Dx Ncn Nvm i Nn X mx z X Nz iZ�� �� m N�NP N rne`-kO a _*zCp) �cn rn CI -0 x Nco m�i Dcu-i m-01D m c z —XO L�mm �wre SCREEN ENCLOSURES E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 ALUMINUM STRUCTURES DESIGN MANUAL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING fw 315HerbertSt.,PortOrange,F132129 SECTION 1 DETAILS�sephone #: (366) 767-4774 Fax #: (366) 767-6556 holesale Aluminum DlstributOrs http://www.lebpe.com/ 2007 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE WITH 2O09 SUPPLEMENTS- 2009 EDITION L9999 AUDERDA"LE FLORIDA 3309 1-800432-501OAD, FORT 9 "OAX' 19541972 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E_ BENNETT. P_E. NOTE: IF HEIGHT FROM GUTTER TO BEAM IS GREATER THAN T-0" A KNEE BRACE IS REQUIRED .60 9®® (2) ANGLE STRAPS OR FERRULES REQUIRED (3) #10 x 1/2" S.M.S. EACH CONNECTION ill (9) #12 x 3/4" TEK SCREWS ® ®®® p THROUGH ANGLE INTO SUPER ®® GUTTER FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND PATTERN (SEE TABLE 1.6) PATTERN (SEE TABLE 1.6) BEAM AND UPRIGHT _ EXTRUSION SIZES (SEE TABLE 1.1 AND 1.3) SUPER GUTTER TO UPRIGHT WITH ANGLE CONNECTION DETAIL. FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND PATTERN (SEE TABLE 1.6) (2) ANGLE STRAPS OR FERRULES REQUIRED (3) #10 x 1/2" S.M.S. EACH CONNECTION ®®® ®®® e (9) #12 x 3/4" TEK SCREWS 'MM:\_ THROUGH ANGLE INTO SUPER GUTTER FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND PATTERN (SEE TABLE 1.6) PATTERN (SEE TABLE 1.6) BEAM AND UPRIGHT EXTRUSION SIZES (SEE TABLE 1.1 AND 1.3) SUPER GUTTER TO UPRIGHT WITH ANGLE CONNECTION DETAIL PRIMARY BEAM SCREEN ROOF > p 0.050" H-CHANNEL OR GUSSETS 45 LENGTH OF KNEE BRACE (1) #10 SMS 24" O.C. (3) #10 x 3" INTO 2" x 4" (MIN.) SUB -FASCIA EACH SIDE BEAM TO WALL CONNECTION (SEE SECTION 9) SEE TABLE 1.6 FOR BRACE SIZE SAME AS RISER ANGLE CUT FROM S.M.B. SAME SIZE AS CANTILEVER BRACE OR LARGER (# OF SCREWS BASED ON DEPTH OF PRIMARY BEAM PER SIDE OR PER CONNECTION) = (D - 1) #10 FOR 2"x 4'- 2"x 7" (D-i)-#12FOR 2"x8" (D-1)#14 FOR 2'x 9"& 2"x 10" 2" x 2" (MIN.) x 1/8" ANGLE NOTE 1. For post to beam sLzing see Table 1.6. 2.2. or 3.3 2. For connection members see Table 9.8 U-Channel 3. Inside connection members shall be used wherever possible i.e.Use U-Channel in lieu of angles where possible. ALTERNATE CANTILEVERED BRACE CONNECTION TO WALL AND FASCIA DETAIL COMPOSITE 2" x 2" + 1" x 2"_ ALL 0.044" MIN EAVE RAIL BEAM TO MIN. POST (SEE TABLE 1.6) so SEE TABLE 2-3 OR 3.3 FOR BRACE SIZE SAME AS PURLIN / GIRT MINIMUM CANTILEVER BRACE t z CONSULT TABLE 1.6, 2.2 OR 3.3 W y 2" x 3" x 0.050" OR EQUAL TO n¢ z w POST SIZE (BRACE DEPTH +1) d ¢ REQUIRED NUMBER OF of #10 x 9/16" S.M.S. EACH SIDE m0x �® �4w 2" x 4" PURLIN MIN. (3) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. ------ \ 2' x 9" S.M.B. x 2' x 2" 5052 H-02 0R H-04 BREAK FORM ANGLE 2' WIDE x _ 5052 H-32 PLATE BRACING SYSTEM FOR STEEP ANGLE GABLES GUTTER IS NON STRUCTURAL MAY USE ROLL FORMED GUTTER NO STRAP IS REQUIRED EXCEPT FOR EXTRUDED GUTTER (3) 1/4" x 1-3/4" TAP CON OR LAG SCREW VARY SIZE WITH WIND ZONE li MINIMUM 2" x 4' FASCIA NOTCH ANGLE FOR GUTTER MUST REMAIN FOR ANGLE STRENGTH , 2" x 3" x 0.050" MIN. W/ (4) ANGLE, ANCHORS, AND #10 x 3/4' S.M.S. FOR.LARGER BEAMS USE (BEAM DEPTH +1) RELIEVING CHANNEL PER FOR NUMBER OF SCREWS SECTION 9 (SEE SECTION 9) , (3) #10 x 21/2' S.M.S. @ � RAFTER TAILS OR 2' O.C. MAX W/ 2" x 6' SUB FACIA f J Z Z F � cl W (!) W fA O O Cn of J (9 N W Z) Q Z � � 0 � Z � U — m W � LZLI Z � U Z D � J W � d D � O Z N N J Q OF O z �EIAL` z W_ (2) #10 x 1/2" S.M.S. TOE SCREW INTO BEAM AND/OR SIDE WALL RAIL CONNECTION APPLIES AT BOTH ENDS OF BRACE ANGLE OR PLATE AT BOTTOM OF BRACE 2' x 2" EXTRUSION W/ 1"x 2" EXTRUSION EAVE RAIL WIND BRACE CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2" = V-0" NOTES: 1. Wind bracing shall be provided at each side wall panel when enclosure projects more than (4) panels from host structure. 2' x 6" BEAM CONNECTOR MAY BE (2) ANGLES, INTERNAL 'U' CHANNEL OR EXTERNALLU' CHANNEL EACH SIDE OF CONNECTING BEAM W/ SCREWS (PER SECTION 9) CARRIER BEAM (SEE TABLE 1.5) MINIMUM NUMBER S.M.S. 3/4" LONG REQUIRED EQUAL TO BEAM DEPTH (SEE SECTION 9) EXTRUSIONS W/ INTERNAL SCREW BOSSES MAY BE CONNECTED W/ (3) #10 x 1-1/2" INTERNALLY _ PRIMARY BEAM (SEE TABLE 1.1 OR 1.8) CARRIER BEAM TO BEAM CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2' = V-0" BEAM TO WALL CONNECTION: (2)2"x2'x0.060" EXTERNALLY MOUNTED ALTERNATE: ANGLES ATTACHED TO WOOD 1" x 2", 1" x 3" OR 2" x 2' \ FRAME WALL W/ MIN. (2) 3/8" x ATTACHED TO WALL W/ #10 x 2" LAG SCREWS PER SIDE OR 2" S.M.S. @ 16" O.C. TO CONCRETE W/ (2)1/4" x ® 2-1/4" ANCHORS OR MASONRY WALL ADD (1) ANCHOR PER HOST STRUCTURE MASONRY w .� = SIDE FOR EACH INCH OF BEAM OR FRAMED WALL � m DEPTH LARGER THAN 3" (SELECT FASTENERS FROM w ® ALTERNATE CONNECTION: SECTION 9 TABLES) a ® (1)1-3/4" x 1-3/4" x 1-3/4" x 1/8" ® INTERNAL U-CHANNEL ATTACHED TO WOOD FRAME PRIMARY OR MISC. FRAMING p WALL W/ MIN. (3) 3/8" x 2" LAG SCREWS OR TO CONCRETE BEAM (SIZE PER TABLES) OR MASONRY WALL W/ (3)1/4' ANGLE OR RECEIVING x 2-1/4' ANCHORS OR ADD (1) CHANNEL ANCHOR PER SIDE FOR EACH CUT RECEIVING CHANNEL TO FIT BEAM AND BRACE ANGLE WIND BRACE v (3) MIN. #10 x 1/2" S.M.S. OPTIONAL BRACE TELESCOPE MIN.12' 1-3/4" x 2" x 1-3/4" RECEIVING CHANNEL ATTACHED TO BEAM W/ (4) (TOTAL) #10 x 1/2" S.M.S. 2' x 2" EXTRUSION W/ 1' x T EXTRUSION OR 2" x 3" SPECIAL SECTION BRACE ATTACHED TO CHANNEL W/ (4) (TOTAL) #10 x 1/2" S.M.S. (2) TOP AND (2) BOTTOM EAVE RAIL TELESCOPING WIND BRACE CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2" = V-0" NOTES: 1. Wind bracing shall be provided at each side wall panel when enclosure projects more than three panels from host structure. Structures of four or more panels shall be spaced for even number of panels for opposing wind bracing. 2. Cut brace parts with min. 12' lap of larger and smaller btiracd. 3. Cut receiving channel with angle. INCH OF BEAM DEPTH LARGER THAN 3" BEAM TO WALL CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2" = V-0" SLOPED ROOF OR GABLED END ROOF 1'x2'OR2"x2"ATTACHED TO WALL W/ #10 x 2" S.M.S. @ 16' O.C_ w � °Jo Lu oW a RIMARY ISCELLAN4 ING BEAM (SIZE PER TABLES) 4d (1" FOR 1/4") .2d (1/2" FOR 1/4-) z_ d HOST STRUCTURE TRUSS / _ RAFTER TAILS OR BARGE R S CT FASTENERS FROM SECTIO UPLIFT/FORCE ON FASTENER I ANCHOR IN SHEAR LOAD ANCHOR IN TENSION OR TENSILE LOAD A k CALCULATE THE NUMBER OF SCREWS REQUIRED BY SOLVING THE FOLLOWING EQUATICky 011 ,/_ - ROOF WIND LOAD' x BEAIGf SPACING x ( BEA SPAN ` (I = C ` 2 J J F CHORS ANCHOR ALLOWABLE LOAD p I) FIND ROOF WIND LOAD IN DESIGN SPECIFICATION.' ON PAGE 3 BEAM TO FASCIA CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2" =1'-0" U z 0_ rr O W in O z w w W z 0 -z w a W J Z Z) O Z F Q W Q :E 0 W z U) O O fn of J (D N W D Q Z W O 0 = Z z— m W W Z W U Z 0 0 Q' IL - of W 0 Z) U) U .cn LL fn 2 U) 1- O) C)O O Z N N !9 _ D F- Q It W CO E LL W M LL 2" i£ E m W U rn m coi 0_ W m LL m _ a Oot r � o r j � r r W �mm p SHEET U J 'mILE C%JFy 11 co L 12-01-2009 OF 21 Ld a PANELS/ELEMENTS UNBRACED BY HOST STRUCTURE TO BE BRACED BY DIAGONALS IN - PERIMETER PANELS (MIN.) ELEMENTS BRACED BY HOST Q STRUCTURE CONNECTION BEAMS AND / OR PURLINS o Z HOST STRUCTURE OELEMENTS BRACED BY DIAGONALS M TERNATE BRACING — — YHi"ILfv,.CORNERBnACFS STILL REQUIRED CABLE OR K-BRACING (IN WALLS) CABLE OR TYPICAL LAYOUT CABLE OR K-BRACING BEAMS OR PURLINS K-BRACING (IN WALLS) (IN WALLS) ADDITIONAL ROOF BRACING IS REQUIRED FOR ALL SIDE EACH DIAGONAL TO BE WALLS LARGER THAN 4 2 x 2 (MIN) ROOF DIAGONAL, FASTENED EACH END W/ (2) PANELS. NUMBER OF PANELS MEET WALL AT WALL BRACING EACH #10 S.M.S. (MIN.) SHOULD BE EVEN TO PERMIT AT CORNERS (TYP.) POSITION OF BRACES ALTERNATING (POOL ENCLOSURE SCREEN ROOF MAY BE FLAT, GABLE, MANSARD, DOME, OR HIP) POOL'ENCLOSURE DIAGONAL BRACING - SCHEMATIC PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1/4' =1'-W HOSTSTRUCTURE LAYOUT � n BEAMS OR PURLINS WIND BRACING PATTERN TYPICAL FOR EVEN NUMBER OF SIDE PANELS OVER 4 SCALE: 1/8" = T-0' HOSTSTRUCTURE Hz o� gD o. t¢1 0 TYPICAL LAYOUT BEAMS OR PURLINS WIND BRACING PATTERN TYPICAL FOR ODD NUMBER OF SIDE PANELS OVER 4 SCALE: 1/8" = T-O" CABLE BRACING General Notes and Specifications: i) .I ne following shall apply to the installation of cables as additional bracing to DIAGONAL bracng for po I enclosures: '''��''''`ddd�,,,,;... L a) FRONT WALL CABLES - 7 x 19 STAINLESS STEEL i d- vW� �^ ��Fp''��� 1/'8'� 445 Sq. FL / PAIR 6rCABLES - �:� / TOTAL WALL AREA =100 % OF FRONT WALL+ 50% OF ONE SIDE WALL EXAMPLE: FRONT WALL AREA @ 100% (8' x 32') = 256 Sq. FL SIDE WALL AREA @ 50% (8' x 20') = 80 Sq. Ft. TOTAL WALL AREA = 336 Sq. FL 233 Sq. FL x 2 sets = 466 Sq. Ft. > 336 Sq. Ft; thus two sets of 3132" cables is required. b) SIDE WALL CABLES- 7 x 19 STAINLESS STEEL lI% SIDE WALL CABLES ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR SIDE WALLS LESS THAN 233 Sq. FL CABLE DIAMETER SIDE WALL CABLE c) To calculate the required pair of cables for free standing pool enclosures use 100% of each wall area & 50% of the area of one adjacent wall. NOTES: 1. Where wall height is such that a girt is required between the top or eave rail and the chair rail, (i.e. a mid -rise girt), then the front wall shall have two cable pairs and they shall be attached to the top rail and the mid -rise rail. If more than one additional girt is required between the top or eave rail and the chair rail, then there shall be an additional front wall cable pair at that girt also. 2. Side walls do not require cables until the side wall area is greater than 233 Sq. Ft.. The side wall cable may be attached at the mid -rise girt or the top rail. 3. Standard rounding off rules apply. ie: if the number of cables calculated is less than 2.5 pairs use two cables; if the number of cables calculated is 2.5 pairs or greater use 3 pairs of cables- 4. Additional roof bracing is required for all side walls larger than 4 panels. Number of panels shall be even and position shall be alternating. 5. Cables shall be snugged up tight only to not put strain on cables. - (5) #10 S.M.S. (MIN.) - 1/8' x 1-112" x 8" FLAT BAR ® 125' PLATE OUT ON45° ANGLE V LT OR TURNBUCKLE FOR CABLE TENSION T OVER TIGHTEN CABLES SNUG UP ONLY STAINLESS STEEL (SEE TABLE) PERIMETER FRAMING _ MEMBER TYPICAL CABLE CONNECTIONS AT CORNER -DETAIL 1 ' SCALE: 2" =1'-0" A ALTERNATE: USE (1)1/4' x 1-1l4" FENDER WASHER EACH SIDE OF 1" x 2" x 0.125' CLIP AND (4) ®® FRAME MEMBER #10 x 314" S.M.S. EACH SIDE FOR CABLES EITHER A OR B B MIN. (2) CLAMPS REQUIRED (IYP.) MIN.1/4' EYE BOLT. WELD EYE CLOSED (TYP.) ALTERNATE TOP CORNER OF CABLE CONNECTION -DETAIL 1A SCALE: 2" =1'-0" 3-1/2' ASTM A-36 PRESSED STEEL CLIP MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR 2"x 2"x 0.125'ANGLE / MIN. 3-3/4' (4" NOMINAL) SLAB S.S. CABLE @40° - 60° MAX. I MIN. (2)1/4" OR 5/16' x 1-314" ANGLE W/SLAB MIN. Sd CONCRETE ANCHORS ALTERNATE CLIP: MIN. 5d � 3"ASTM A36 PRESSED STEEL CLIP TYPICAL CABLE CONNECTION AT SLAB DETAIL -DETAIL 2 ANCHOR PER TABLE 9-1A MIN. SHEAR 607# FOR 3/32" CABLE AND 902# FOR 1/8' CABLE FOR 3/32" CABLE 5/16' x 2" CONCRETE ANCHOR W! CABLE THIMBLE AND WASHER 7 SCALE: 2" =1'-0° SLAB FOR 118" CABLE SHALL HAVE ATHICKENED EDGE TO ACHIEVE 5d MIN. AND A 3/8" x 2'ANCHOR z � g OZ z� � tV U) A 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE 6x6-10x10WELDED WIRE MESH OR FIBER MESH CONCRETE ALTERNATE CABLE CONNECTIONS AT FOUNDATION -DETAIL 2A SCALE: 2" =1'-0" S.S. CABLE.@ 40° TO 60° MAX. ANGLE TO SLAB CABLE CLAMP (SEE TABLE) NOTE: SEE GENERAL NOTES AND SPECS. FOR NUMBER OF CABLES REQUIRED 3-112' ASTM A-06 PRESSED STEEL CLIP MAYBE SUBSTITUTED FOR 2" x 2' x 0.125"ANGLE A c z U. iw HIVULC -1/4' x 1-1/2" CONCRETE ANCHORS (MIN.) ALTERNATE CLIP: 3' ASTM A-36 'RESSED STEEL CLIP MAY BE IUBSTITUTED FOR 2" z 2" xof L125'ANGLE C7 z )ISTANCE FROM EDGE OF 0- ;LAB = 5(D) OF SCREW � - o ALTERNATE CABLE CONNECTION AT SLAB DETAIL - DETAIL 2B a SCALE: 2" = 1'-0'4L, Co o Q' Al oz z2 0° u1 z � J w ALTERNATE CABLE w SELECT ANCHOR FROM TABLE CO 9-1, MIN. SHEAR 607# FOR 0 3/32" CABLE AND 594# FOR 1/8" Z CABLE, FOR 3/32' CABLE (1) � 1/4' x 1-1l2' CONCRETE w ANCHOR (MIN.) @ 5d MIN. z (7 TYPICAL Z _ w u�i O I %­- U 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE _J 6 x 6 -10 x 10 WELDED WIRE MESH OR FIBER MESH Ib CONCRETE 4Y � J Q Z Q zU) Ow fn <Z' J_ ❑ fn W OJ ❑ � Z � LlJ Z U Z 2 � of W C/) U co Z J Q — W ❑ ❑ W Orn Uo (9 N Z I ❑ W lb Q W OD J � w t� O O O o C) N N 2 0 4 201 SEAL SHEET 12 OF 21 ui D.: DOUBLE COMPRESSION SLEEVES 3" ASTM A-36 STEEL CUP WITH CONCRETE ANCHORS TO O CONCRETE DECK 1/8' STAINLESS STEEL CABLE 40" TO 60" MAX - AN GLE TO SLAB NOTE: CLIP MAY ALSO BE MOUNTED TO SIDE OF SLAB. MAINTAIN 2" EDGE DISTANCE 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE 6 x 6 -10 x 10 WELDED WIRE MESH OR FIBER MESH CONCRETE ALTERNATE CABLE CONNECTIONS AT FOUNDATION - DETAIL 2D SCALE: 2" = T-0" EAVE RAIL 0,01 x 4" x 0.062" PLATE e ®I®®® 2'x2"x0.044"BRACE ® T®®1�®, CHAIR RAIL 1/4" x 1-1/4" EMBEDMENT EXPANSION BOLT @ 24.O.C. 1 x 2 SOLE PLATE SEE TABLE 1.8 FOR REQUIRED QUANTITY OF #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. K-BRACING CONNECTION DETAILS NOTES: SCALE: 2" = V-0" 1. Can trim plate this area. 2. Alternate connections use'H' bar cut to fit connections. . K-BRACING General Notes and Specifications: 1) The following shall apply to the installation of K-BRACINGas additional bracing to diagonal wind bracing for pool enclosures: a) FRONT WALL K-BRACING -ONE SET FOR EACH 800 SF OF TOTAL WALL AREA TOTAL WALL AREA = 100 % OF FRONT WALL + 50% OF ONE SIDE WALL EXAMPLE: FRONT WALL AREA @ 100 % (8' x 32') = 256 Sq. Ft SIDE WALL AREA @ 50 % (8' x 20') = 80 Sq. Ft TOTAL WALL AREA = 336 Sq. FL 800 SF > 336 SF THUS ONE SET OF FRONT WALL K-BRACING IS REQUIRED. b) SIDE WALL K-BRACING - ONE SET FOR 233 SF TO 800 SF OF WALL c) To calculate the required pair of k-bracing for free standing pool enclosures use 100% of each wall area & 50% of the area of one adjacent wall. NOTES: 1. K-bracing shall be used for all wind zones of 120 MPH EXPOSURE "C" and higher. 2. Side walls do not require k-bracing until the side wall area is greater than 233 SF. 3. Standard rounding off rules apply. le: If the number of k-bracing sets calculated Is less than 1.5 sets use one set of k-braces; if the number of k-braces calculated Is 1.5 sets or greater use 2 sets of k-bracing. EAVE RAIL (4) #10 x 1/4" S.M.S. OR TEK FASTENER TYP. OF CLIP OR FRAME CONNECTION 2" x 2" x 0.044" BRACE (TYP.) TELSCOPING BRACE SYSTEM ALTERNATE K-BRACING CONNECTION DETAILS SCALE: 2" = V-0" NOTE: Alternate connections use W bar cut to fit connections. PURLINS ANCHORED W/ CLIPS OR 910 SCREWS THROUGH PURLINS INTO SCREW BOSSES EAVE RAILS SHALL BE STITCHED W/ #10 x 1-1/2" SMS @ 6" FROM EACH END AND 24" OC MAX FRONT AND SIDE BOTTOM RAILS ATTACHED TO CONCRETE W/ 1/4" x 2-1/4" CONCRETE/MASONRY ANCHORS @ PRIMARY & SECONDARY ANGLES OR @ 6- FROM EACH POST AND 24" O.C. MAX. AND WALLS MIN. 1" FROM EDGE OF CONCRETE OR CHAIR BEAM 0&f (4) PURLIN, GIRT, OR CHAIR RAIL \BLE GIRTS ANCHORED W/ CLIPS OR THROUGH #10 SCREWS INTO SCREW BOSSES 1"X2"OR1"x3' 4 PURLIN & CHAIR RAIL DETAIL SCALE: 2" = V-0" SNAP OR SELF MATING BEAM ONLY SCREW BOSSES O SNAP OR SELF MATING BEAMS ONLY OFOR WALLS LESS THAN 6'-8' FROM TOP OF PLATE TO CENTER OF BEAM CONNECTION OR BOTTOM OF TOP RAIL THE GIRT IS DECORATIVE AND SCREW HEADS MAY BE REMOVED AND INSTALLED IN PILOT HOLES OFOR ALL OTHER PURLINS AND GIRTS IF THE SCREW HEADS ARE REMOVED THEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE CONNECTION MUST BE STRAPPED FROM GIRT TO POST WITH 0.050" x 1-3/4" x 4' STRAP AND (4) #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. SCREWS TO POST AND GIRT IF GIRT IS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE POST THEN STRAP SHALL BE 6" LONG AND CENTERED ON THE POST AND HAVE A TOTAL (12) #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. PURLIN TO BEAM OR GIRT TO POST DETAIL SCALE: 2" =1'-0" Z m W of O LL m O Z Z W w z w J Z a Z O ZZ F- W p 0 W z w Z U) O o� co W fn O O w U) W J (7 N U W Z Q Z, w 0 U) F- O W 0 U)3 J I— J o 4 O Z W Z to 2 Z U Z O 0-i R) W W U EE W 11 O S2 F-- W , W U) (..) to J � LL w a � U) � � O z W Z 25 N N X 3 D I- _ r J a r Z) to r m �k 2 N r m ULL W m '2� Z ll E W (D rn m coi W U. m 0 r m ir m � t W m U> n 3t U 0 0 r a d F- n w a � M W,�l O N 0010 z w SHEET w U Z J < z w � � w 0) � w w Z Z m OF 21 0 0 SCREWS OR THRU-BOLTS f (SEE SECTION 9) 1' x 2" EXTRUSION ANCHOR TO CONCRETE W/ CONCRETE ANCHORS WITHIN 6" OF EACH SIDE OF EACH POST AND @ 24- O.C. MAX. SELECT CONCRETE ANCHORS FROM SECTION 9 POST SIZE 2" x _. SEE 1.3 SERIES TABLES MIN. 3-1/2" SLAB 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 WELDED WIRE MESH OR FIBER MESH CONCRETE SIDE WALL POST TO PLATE TO CONCRETE DETAIL SCALE: 2" =1'-W 2" x 2" x 0.063" ANGLE EACH SIDE ATTACH TO POST AND CONCRETE @ LOAD BEARING WALL W/ (2) MIN. S.M.S. (PER POST SIZE 2" x _. SECTION 9) EACH SIDE FrTc SEE 1.3 SERIES TABLES MIN. 3-1/2" SLAB 2500 P.S.I. 1" x 2" EXTRUSION ANCHOR TO CONCRETE 6 x 6 -10 x 10 p CONCRETE W/ CONCRETE WELDED WIRE MESH OR ANCHORS 6" MAX_ EACH SIDE FIBER MESH CONCRETE p OF EACH POST AND @ 24" O.C. MAX. OR THRU PRIMARY ANGLES AS SHOWN ABOVE ANGLE AND @ 24" O.C. MAX MAY BE USED TO CONNECT SELECT CONCRETE ANCHORS CHAIR RAILS AND PURLINS FROM TABLE 9.1 SIDE WALL ALTERNATE POST TO BEAM AND PLATE TO CONCRETE DETAIL SCALE: 2" = V-0" FOR WOOD DECKS (MIN. 2" NOMINAL THICKNESS) USE WOOD FASTENERS W/ THESE DETAILS 1' x 2" EXTRUSION ANCHOR TO CONCRETE W/ CONCRETE ANCHORS OR THRU PRIMARY POST SIZE 2' ANGLE 6" MAX EACH SIDE OF SEE 1.3 SERIES TABLES EACH POST AND @ 24" O.C. MAX. SELECT CONCRETE ANCHORS - FROM SECTION 9 MIN. 3-1/2" SLAB 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE 6 x 6 -10 x 10 WELDED WIRE MESH OR p A FIBER MESH CONCR p WALL //% SCALE: 2" = iW" / 1" x 2" EXTRUSION AA I' TO CONC. W/ CONC. ANCH_ 6" MAX. EA. SIDE OF EA. POST AND @ 24" O.C. MAX SELECT CONCRETE ANCHORS FROM SECTION 9 MIN_ 3-1/2" SLAB 2500 P.S.I. CONC. 6 x 6 -10 x 10 W.W.M. OR FIBER MESH CONC. 1/8' x 2" x 1-3W INTERIOR U-CLIP OF EITHER 6005 T-5 ALLOY OR BREAK FORMED 5052 H-32 OR 34 ALLOY 2-3/8" BRICK PAVERS THIN SET BETWEEN CONCRETE AND PAVERS ALL CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE RAWL EXPANSION BOLTS OR EQUIVALENT CONCRETE ANCHOR (SEE SCHEDULE THIS PAGE) 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE NOTE: DETAIL ILLUSTRATES TYPICAL 2' x 4' S.M.B. COLUMN CONNECTION PRIMARY 2" x TANGLE (SEE SECTION 9) CONCRETE ANCHOR THRU PRIMARY ANGLE 1" x 2" BASE PLATE (TYP.) SCREEN 'd' VARIES PRIMARY 2" x 2" x 0.063" ANGLE SCREE] I (4" SHOWN) EACH SIDE 1_ x 2" O.B. BASE PLATE f17/J #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. EACH SIDE ® ® (SEE SCHEDULE THIS PAGE) SECOND I ® ® 1" x 2" O.B. BASE PLATE (TYP.) 2" x (D - 2 ") x 0.063" ANT EACH SIDE OF COLUMN W/ 41 5d• MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE S., FROM ANCHOR TO OUTSIDE (SEE SCHEDULE THIS PA \`v EDGE OF SLAB CONCRETE A IC BOLT 0 •5d DISTANCE (SEE SCHEDULETHIS PAG 114' 1-1/4' 1 318- 1 _7/8' d NOTE: DETAIL ILLUSTRATE -� - GRADE TYPICAL 2" x 4" S.M.B. COLUM 1-1/4" (MIN.) CONCRETE CONNECTION ANCHOR EMBEDMENT 2- (MIN.) (MIN.)5d SIDE VIEW SCREEN TYPICAL SELF MATING OR SNAP SECTION CONCRETE ANCHOR THRU ANGLE OR WITHIN 6" OF (2) #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. EACH SIDE UPRIGHT IF INTERNAL SCREWS INTO SCREW CONCRETE ANCHORS BOSSES @ 24" O.C. ALL CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE RAWL EXPANSION BOLTS OR EQUIVALENT 4. 2-3/8" BRICK PAVERS MAX SPACING 24' O.C. THIN SET BETWEEN 6" (MAX) FOR BOTH SIDES CONCRETE LAYERS 1-1/4" (MIN.) CONCRETE 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE FRONT VIEW ANCHOR EMBEDMENT 2" x 4" OR LARGER SELF MATING SECTION POST TO DECK/PAVER DETAILS SCALE: 2" = V-0" NOTE: FOR SIDE WALLS OF 2' x 4" OR SMALLER ONLY ONE ANGLE IS REQUIRED. 1/8" X 2" X 1-3/4" X 2" INTERIOR SCREEN U-CLIP OF EITHER EXTRUDED 6005 T-5ALLOY OR BREAK 'd' VARIES ALL CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE FORMED 6063 T-6 OR 5052 H-32 (4' SHOWN) RAWL EXPANSION BOLTS OR EQUIVALENT OR 34 ALLOY #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. EACH SIDE 2-3/8" BRICK PAVERS L I� �- (SEE SCHEDULE THIS PAGE) THIN SET BETWEEN CONCRETE AND PAVERS 5d• MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE FROM ANCHOR TO OUTSIDE EDGE OF SLAB BOLT 0 •5d DISTANCE CONCRETE ANCHOR 1/a 1-1/4 (SEE SCHEDULE THIS PAGE) 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE GRADE NOTE: DETAIL ILLUSTRATES 1-1/4" (MIN.) CONCRETE TYPICAL 2' x 4' S.M.B. ANCHOR EMBEDMENT 2' x 2", 2' x 3' OR 2" x 4' COLUMN CONNECTION 2^ (MIN.) 5d HOLLOW SECTION SIDE VIEW (SEE TABLES) MIN. (3) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. INTO 1/8' X 2" X 1-3/4" X 2" INTERIOR TYPICAL SELF MATING OR SCREW BOSSES U-CLIP OF EITHER EXTRUDED SNAP SECTION 6005 T-5 ALLOY OR BREAK FORMED 6063 T-6 OR 5052 H-32 #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. EACH SIDE OR 34 ALLOY (SEE SCHEDULE THIS PAGE) MASONRY ANCHOR @ 6" EA. 1" x 2" BASE PLATE (TYP.) 5d' MINIMUM EDGE SIDE OF POST AND @ 24" O.C. MAX SELECT CONCRETE ALL CONCRETE ANCHOR 41 DISTANCE ANCHORS FROM TABLE 9.1 BOLTS TO BE RAWL FROM ANCHOR TO EXPANSION BOLTS OR OUTSIDE EDGE OF SLAB EQUIVALENT 11 11/4' BOLT 0 •5tl DISTANCE 1-1/4' SIDE WALL HOLLOW POST TO BASE DETAIL CONCRETEANCHORS ']A'O.C. 5/16- 1-5/8' MAX. @ SCALE 2" =1'-0" PREDRILL PILOT HOLE a POOL ENCLOSURE UPRIGHT TO DECK ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS ° MIN. General Notes and Specifications: 2-3/8" BRICK PAVERS 6" (MAX) MAX SPACING 24C_ " O. 1. The uplift load on a pool enclosure upright is calculated as 1/2 the beam span x the beam 1/2" (MAX.) TYPE S MORTER FOR BOTH SIDES spacing x the screen load of 7# / Sq. Ft BETWEEN CONCRETE LAYERS 1-114' (MIN.) CONCRETE EXAMPLE: 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE FRONT VIEW ANCHOR EMBEDMENT FOR A 2' x 6" BEAM WITH A SPAN OF 23' AND A BEAM & UPRIGHT SPACING OFT USE: 1/2 x 17'-11' x 7' x 10# / Sq. Ft. = 627.2# UPLIFT 2" x 4" OR LARGER SELF MATING SECTION POST TO DECK/PAVER DETAILS 2. Table 1.6 of this manual uses the worst case loads for all cases. SCALE: 2" = T-0" 3. In all cases there must be a primary anchor within 6" of each side of the upright NOTE: 1. FOR SIDE WALLS OF 2" x 4" OR SMALLER ONLY ONE ANGLE IS REQUIRED. 4. For attachment to wood deck (min. 2" nominal thickness) use wood anchors with details shown above (min.1-0/8" embedment). 2. PREDRILL PAVERS W/ MIN.1/4' MASONRY BIT. f - -cvnart=.S 4-SHOWN _10le # 2" x 2" x 0 63- PRIMARY ANGLE EACH SIDE #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. EACH SIDE (SEE SCHEDULE) 5d• MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE FROM ANCHOR TO OUTSIDE EDGE OF SLAB ' ;1rd- 1-n6- t-trz- r 2RP 1,1�1_f/ 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE OR " ALTERNATE 2"x-WOOD (MIN.) (MIN.) DECK �- SIDE VIEW TYPICAL S.M. OR SNAP SECTION COLUMN #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. EACH SIDE (SEE SCHEDULE THIS PAGE) PRIMARY 2" x 2" x 0.063" ANGLE 1" x 2" BASE PLATE (TYP.) NOTE: SELECT CONCRETE 1-1/4" MIN. CONCRETE ANCHOR FROM TABLE 9.1 ANCHOR EMBEDMENT 6" (MAX.) 6" (MAX.) 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE MAX SPACING 24" O.C. FOR BOTH SIDES FRONT VIEW 2" x 4" OR LARGER SELF MATING OR SNAP SECTION POST TO DECK DETAILS NOTE: SCALE: 2" = V-0" 1. FOR SIDE WALLS OF 2" x 4' OR SMALLER ONLY ONE ANGLE IS REQUIRED. 2_ PREDRILL PAVERS W/ MIN. 1/4" MASONRY BIT. DETAIL ILLUSTRATES TYPICAL 2" x 4" S.M.B. THRU 2" x 9" SUB CONNECTIONS CONCRETE DECK EDGE 2" x 2" PRIMARY ANGLE SCREEN "ABSOLUTE MINIMUM EDGE v OF CONCRETE TO C.O. VARIES 1" FASTENER = 5d 5d (MIN.)- 6EBr� la 2-1/2' (MIN.) SECONDARY 2" x 2" x 0.063" 5d ANGLE (SEE SECONDARY ® r ANGLE ANCHOR SCHEDULE 1" x 2"O.B. BASE PLATE (TYP.) AND TABLE 9.1) #10 x 3/4' S.M.S_ (TYP.) C CONCRETE ANCHORS INTO ® 16 PRIMARY AND SECONDARY 2' x S.M.B. COLUMN B ANGLES MIN. EDGE DISTANCE B:O.C. ANCHOR SPACING S.M.S. STITCHING SCREWS ANCHOR ALUM. WOOD CONC. @ 24" O.C. FOR S.M.B. ' 2-12d 4a 5d (SEE TABLE 1.6 FOR SIZE) 4 5 8' 1 1- 4 3/8'' z5/3r 1-11a" 1 -7/8' TOP VIEW POST TO DECK DETAIL 318' 15716' 1-12' 1-718' SCALE: 2" = l'-0" Primary and Secondary Anchor Schedule Column Secondary Angle Maximum Number and Spacing Anchors ' Size Angle Numberof Anchors 114' 1 5116" 318' Length"L" 114" 511V 318" # "A" "B" 'C' # "A" "B'12-7/9* # "A" 'B' 2 x 4 2' 4 4 4 4 1' 1' 1" 4 1' 1' 4 V 1- , �,1' 2 x 5 3' 4 4 4 4 1" 1-12" - 4 1' 1-112'4 1' 1-1/2" 2x6 4• 4 4 4 4 1' 2' - 4 1' 2'4 1• '2 - 2 x 7 5' 6 4 4 6 1' 518' t-71W 4 1• 2-12'4 1" 2-12' - 2x8 6" 6 4 4 6 1" 5/8' 2-3/8' 4 1• 3'4 1• 3•; - 2 x 9 7' 6 6 4 6 1" 5/8' 2-718" 6 T 13116' 4 1' 3-1Z - 2 x 10 8' 8 6 6 8 t' 518' 2• 6 1' 13/16' . 6 Example: Calculate the number of anchors required: 1.5 x beam span / 2 x beam spacing x roof wind pressure (PSF) = total #: If 1.5x3072 x6'x 10 PSF-=1350# and 114' x 114'Tepoon in tension @ 5d = 427# / ea. (see table 9.1) then 13509 / 427# / ea. = 3.16 ea. use (3) ea., Secondary angle not required Actual Edge Distance Example: Fmm edge of concrete to fastener = 2' / dla. of 025'P 91 Note:For attachment to wood deck substitute wood fastentIstenerlate a ui bar from Table 9.2 0 z W W 0 O LL W m 0 (9 z E W z z' W• Ot tL ME J Z O Q W i- :2 ❑ W z C0 0U o CO of_j (D N W ❑ Q Z r W JO ❑ Z ce Z m W =) W Z :2UZ O 0W-1 W W 0 � of W J ❑ U) U to LL fn U) ti o C5 t7 Z 04 (V J Q 0 co r` LJL W M CO W LL ? # E a W O rn m coi W m 0 n N 0 o c �aq tll Minna m 1 m 2- r7 m L W ,a ; 2 � m c 0 L n d m F SHEET' 1/8" x 2" x 1-3/4" x 2" INTERIOR U-CLIP OF EITHER EXTRUDED 6005 T-5 ALLOY OR BREAK FORMED 6063 T-6 RO 5052 H-32 OR 34 ALLOY CONCRETE DECK EDGE ------ VARIES 5d (MIN.)- 5d TYP. 1' x 2' O.B. BASE PLATE (TYP.) DETAIL ILLUSTRATES TYPICAL 2" x 4' S.M.B. THRU 2" x 9' SUB CONNECTIONS SCREEN Edge Distance BOLT 0 Metal 2-12d Concrete 5d 1/4" 518' 1-1/4' 5/16" 13/16• 1-9/16' 3/8• - 15/16' 1 1-7/8' WALL SCREWS #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. (TYP.) (SEE PRIMARY AND SECONDARYANCHOR SCHEDULE PREVIOUS PAGE) S.M.S. STITCHING SCREWS 2 " x S.M.B. COLUMN @ 24' O.C. FOR S.M.B. (SEE TABLE 1.6 FOR SIZE) TOP VIEW POST THRU PAVER DETAIL SCALE: 2" = T-0" EXAMPLE OF NUMBER OF SRCREWS REQUIRED: ANCHOR LOAD = BEAM / UPRIGHT SPACING x BEAM SPAN / 2 x 10 PSF" = P 1. CONCRETE ANCHORS: ANCHORS ARE IN TENSILE OR TENSION LOAD P / ALLOWABLE LOAD FROM TABLE 9.1 = TOTAL NUMBER OF ANCHORS 2. UPRIGHT WALL ANCHORS: ANCHORS ARE IN SHEAR & THROUGH BOLTS ARE IN DOUBLE SHEAR P / ALLOWABE LOAD FROM TABLE 9.4 = TOTAL NUMBER OF ANCHORS SEE PAGE 3 FOR ROOF WIND LOAD ALUMINUM FRAME SCREEN _ WALL ANCHOR ALUMINUM FRAME TO WALL OR SLAB W/ 1/4" x 2-1/4" MASONRY. - ANCHOR W/ IN 6' OF POST AND @ 24' O.C. MAXIMUM (1) #5 0 BAR CONTINUOUS - CONCRETE ANCHORS SHALL EMBED INTO CONC. THROUGH "H' CAP BLOCK OR BRICK 1-1/2" MIN. CONCRETE CAP BLOCK OR BRICK (OPTIONAL) 8" x 8" x 16" BLOCK WALL •i (MAX 32') (1) #4 BAR @ CORNERS AND ° "x" O.C. FILL CELLS AND I _ KNOCKOUT BLOCK TOP COURSE W/ 2500 PSI PEA ROCK CONCRETE I DECK OR GROUND LEVEL GRADE 'e.'' j"-- 8"MIN. a �: Knee Wall Table h W #3 N #4 x 32• 12'$3210'-0" 12"8'-0' 18•6'-0' 56" 18•4'-0' 64" 24"Z-8- 72" 30'11-8" OPTIONAL BRICK _ PAVERS 8' OR 12• OR 12 I - 6• OR 12" ALUMINUM STRUCTURE (16' MAX. HEIGHT SIDE WALL ONLY) FOOTING 2500 PSI CONCRETE W/ (1) #50 OR (2) #30 CONT. BARS MIN. 2-1/2" OFF GROUND RIBBON FOOTING -TYPE 1 SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" ALUMINUM STRUCTURE (ALL FRONT WALLS) FOOTING 2500 PSI CONCRETE W/ (n1) #30 OR (n2) #50 BARS CONTINUOUS BARS MIN. 2-1/2" OFF GROUND RIBBON FOOTING -TYPE 2 Allowable Beam Span for Wind Zone & Exposure Cateaory SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" Ribbon Footing Data 100-125 MPH 126-134 MPH 135-144 MPH 146-150 MPH AreasM0.52 Number of Bars Depth x n1" n2" B C B C B C B C Footing#30 950 8" 8' 2 1 15.4' 12.8' 15.4' 11.0' 12.8' 9.5' 11.0' 8.5' 64 2 1 12" 8" 2 1 23.0' 192' 23.0 16.5' 19.2' 14.4' 16.9 12.8' 72 2 1 8" 12" 2 1 23.0' 192' 23.0' 16.5' 192' 14.4' 16.5' 12.8' 72 2 1 12" 12" 3 2 24.0' 20.0' 24.9 17.1' 17.1' 15.0' 17.1' 13.3' 144 3 2 12" 16" 3 2 36.0' 26.6' 31.9' 21.9' 25.6' T9_. 21.9' 17.1' 192 4 2 12" 18" 3 2 37.9' 30.0' 36.0' 25.T 30-Cr 22.F 25.7' 20.0' 216 4 2 12" 24" 4 3 48.0' 40.0' 48.0' 34.3' 40.5' 30.0' 34.3' 26.7' 288 2 12" 30" 4 3 57.6' 48.0' 57.6' 41.1' 48.0' 36.0' 41.1' 32.0' 360 0.65 3 12' 36" 5 4 69.1' 57.6' 69.1. 49.4. S7.6. 4327 49.4' 38.4' 432 0.78 - 3 Nominal 4" Slab 100-125 MPH 126-134 MPH 135-144 MPH 145-150 MPH Depth B C B I C B I C I B I C 3-1/2" 1 50.4' 1 42.0' 1 50.4' 1 36.0' I 42.0' 1 31.5' 1 36.0' I 211H "n2 = number of #50 bars @ 0.31 sq. In grade 60 steel UPRIGHT SIZE VARIES ( 2"x 6" SHOWN) - o SEE POST TO DECK DETAILS SLOPE OF GRADE MUST ON PREVIOUS PAGES BE FLAT FOR AT LEAST 2' FROM OUTER SURFACEOF FOOTING Hi - #30 BARS HORIZONTALLY CONTINUOUS @ 12" O.C. MAX GRADE MAX. GRADE 1 6 DIFFERENCE t 8' l 930 BARS VERTICALLY CAGE ° I STEEL @ 12" O.C. MAX. <� RIBBON FOOTING OR Hz' I ° I MONOLITHIC IF MONOLITHIC - H1 = H2 = 24" MAX 2" MIN. TO 2-1/2" MAX. SLAB IS USED (SEE NOTES OF {.a •J COVER (TYP. ALL AROUND) DETAILS THIS PAGE) -e"- #5 0 BARS MIN. 2-1/2' OFF GROUND 12" MIN. TO 18' MAX. RETAINING WALL FOOTING - DETAIL 1 SCALE: 1/2" =1'-0" SEE POST TO DECK #30 BARS HORIZONTALLY DETAILS ON PREVIOUS PAGES CONTINUOUS @ 12" O.C. MAX UPRIGHT SIZE VARIES BEND (1) #30 BAR INTO 32" OF (2* x 6" SHOWN) SLAB @ 24" O.C. -tee KNEE WALL FOOTING FOR SCREENED ENCLOSURES SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" 24" MAX �{ #30 BARS VERTICALLY CAGE ` I I STEEL @ 12" O.C. MAX •., n GRADE 2"'MIN. TO 2-1/2" MAX < r ' COVER (TYP. ALL AROUND) 8"MI �w. .�I• 1/4" x 6" RAWL TAPPER d THROUGH 1"x 2" AND ALUMINUM FRAME SCREEN ° m ROWLOCK INTO FIRST o WALL W COURSE OF BRICKS o �- CAP BRICK BRICK KNEEWALL TYPES' Z) o LL am ALTERNATE CONNECTION OF o- MORTAR REQUIRED FOR 7 SCREENED ENCLOSURE FOR BRICK OR OTHER NON- LOAD BEARING BRICK WALL z j g 36" MAX vi STRUCTURAL KNEE WALL 4" (NOMINAL) PATIO ¢ ? 1' WIDE x 0.063" THICK STRAP @ EACH POST FROM POST TO CONCRETE SLAB (SEE NOTES CONCERNING FIBER MESH) (� 11 Z FOOTING W/ (2) #10 x 3/4" m m S.M.S. STRAP TO POST AND LL m (1)1/4" x 1-3/4" CONCRETE �< - •4 ' (3) #30 BARS OR (1) ANCHOR TO SLAB OR #50 BAR W/ 2-1/2" COVER t p o FOOTING • (TYP-) �" Ld BRICK KNEEWALL AND FOUNDATION FOR SCREEN WALLS SCALE: 1,/e2 t•0'� I 3 (2) #3 BAR CONT. OR 1" PER FT. MAX. FOR (1) #5 BAR CONT. 2'-0" MIN. K 3. I ALL L S S) a 12" BEFORE SLOPE 8" A. (3) #3 BAR CONT. OR III • \ ,k e" / TYPE I f\� TYPE II �`/ TYPE 111 FLAT SLOPE / NO FOOTING ODE TE BACK SLOPE FOOTI T P SLOPE FOOTING 0-2"/ 12" \2" / 12"- 1'4' > V-4" Notes for all foundation types: \ __ 1- The foundations shown are based on inimum soil bean g pre f 1,500 PSF. Bearing capacity of soil shall be verified prior to placing slab by soil test (soil eter) or a soil testing lab. 2. The slab / foundation shall be cleared of deb acted prior to placement of concrete. 3. No footing is required except when addressing ern the slab width in the direction of the primary beams exceeds the span per table on to the left, then a type II slab Is required under the load bearing wall only unless the side wall exceeds maximum height of tables in which case a type 11 footing is required. 4. Monolithic slabs and footings shall be minimum 2,500 psi concrete with 6 x 6 -10 x 10 welded wire mesh or crack control fiber mesh; Fibennesh® Mesh, InForce- e3- (Formerly Fibennesh MD) per manufacturers specification may be used in lieu of wire mesh. All slabs / footings shall be allowed to cure for 7 days before installing anchors. 5. If local codes require a minimum fooling use Type 11 footing or footing section required by local code. Local codes govern. SLAB -FOOTING DETAILS SCALE: 1/2" = V-0- NEW SLAB 12' 47" /,- EXISTING SLAB #30 RE -BAR DRILLED AND EPDXY SET A MIN. 4" INTO MIN. (1) #30 BAR EXISTING SLAB AND A MIN.4 CONTINUOUS 8' INTO NEW SLAB 6" FROM EACH END AND 48" O.C. DOWEL DETAIL FOR EXTENDING EXISTING 4" SLAB SCALE: 3/4" = V-0" 0 z W W o_ of O 0 w m 0 z w W z z W w W 0 J Z W O ° Z P:W z ❑ ❑ W w Z W O 0, to Ur f� O o N ui -110 W Z) Q ❑ fn l.- Z r p CO z W W O1 0 -' g W r z O �U W Z m2 z U Z 0 0 J � W U �- V) I- Er W U) O fn _j ❑ LL. fn W z � U) � � CD CD W Z N CD N CV D Q � � SHEET 12"MIN. TO 18" MAX v0 J RETAINING WALL TO FOOTING - DETAIL 2 w 5 SCALE: 112" = V-0" W - I It 7I Ifg!2% 1)UJ` OF 01 21 (09 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS: The following extrusions are considered to be "Industry Standard" shapes. The properties are based on die drawings furnished by Florida Extruders International, Inc.. * 3.00" * A = IA38 in? AT=0.2 8pin? I I 9.00" WT = 0.278 WT=1.648p.l.f. p.l.f. - o o Ix = 0.136 in.' 0.125 �- 0.044 o r�i Ix =1.984 In.' Sx =1.323 in. Sx = 0.137 in? 6063 - T6 6063 - T6 1" x 2" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION 3" x 3" x 0.125" PATIO SECTION 1.00' A = 0.287 in? A =1.938 in? "'k WT= 0.329 p.l.f. -74.00.11 � WT = 2.221 p.l.f. 0- o Ix = 0.368 in' Sx=0.247in. 0.12 ' + { o Ix = 4-854 in.' Sx = 2.427 in? �k 6063 - T6 6063 - T6 1" x 3" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION A = OA24 in? WT = OA86 p.l.f. 0.C)71rIx = 0.232 in! ������ Sx = 0.234 In' 6063 - T6 2" x 2" x 0.044" PATIO SECTION A = OA96 in? -�-2.0�0;� WT = 0.568 p.l.f. Ix = 0.276 in.' 0.055"+ , O � � Sx = 0.279 in.' 6063 - T6 2" x 2" x 0.055" PATIO SECTION 3.00" A = OA51 in? WT = 0.620 p.l.f. 0.045" + o Ix = 0.336 in. ' Sx = 0.3361n? 6063 - T6 3" x 2" x 0.045" PATIO SECTION A = 0.451 in? 2.00"� y,R = 0.620 p.l.f. Ix = 0.640 in° 0.045" ff+q�� Sx = 0.427 in.' 6063 - T6 2" x 3" x 0.045" PATIO SECTION 2.00 A = 0.685 in? WT = 0.785 p.l.f. Ix =1.393 in. 0.050 + o Sx = 0.697 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 4" x 0.050" PATIO SECTION 2.00 A = 0.954 in? WT= 1.093 p.l.f. Ix = 2.987 In.' 0.062" + o Sx =1.195 In? 6063-T6 2" x 5" x 0.062" PATIO SECTION A =1.081 in? 3.00 WT=1.239 p.l.f. 0.093" E o Ix =1.523 in. Sx=1-015In? 6063 - T6 x 3" x 0.093" PATIO SECTION 4" x 4" x 0.125" PATIO SECTION -2.0or A = 0.482 in? II WT = 0.552 p.l.f. 0.050" + o Ix = 0.609 in.' Sx = 0.406 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 3" x 0.050" TILT SECTION -2.00",- A = 0.582 in? WT = 0.667 p.l.f. Ix =1.228 in.' oo 0.050" + Sx = 0.614 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 4" x 0.050" TILT SECTION -2.00r A = 0.613 in? WT = 0.702 p.l.f. + oo Ix = 0.773 in- 0.045" " Sx = 0.515 In.- 6063 - T6 2" x 3" x 0.045" SPECIAL SECTION A = 0.562 in? �j3.00 WT =1.122 p.l.f. 0.093"+ ] I o Ix = 0.762 in' L SF Sx = 0.920 in.' 6063 - T6 3" x 3" x 0.045" FLUTED SECTION -12.00r A = 0.772 in? WT = 0.885p.1.f. 0.046"o 0 o Ix = 1.940 in.' v Sx = 0.959 in' 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 2" x 4" x 0.046" x 0.100" SELF MATING BEAM A = 0.964 In.' WT =1-105 p.l.f. 9.L�0.05"Ix = 3.691 fn. Sx =1.468 in? 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.120" SELF MATING BEAM -J2.00r A =1.095 in? WT =1.255 p.l.f. 0.050" + o Ix = 5.919 in o fO Sx =1.965 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" SELF MATING BEAM A =1.259 in? WT =1.443 p.l.f. 0.06" + o Ix = 8.746 in. n Sx = 2.490 in? cli 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 2" x 7" x 0.055" x 0.120" SELF MATING BEAM 2.00 A = 2.250 in? WT = 2.578 p.l.f. 0.06" o Ix=15.427 in. N Sx = 4.408 in' c 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 2" x 7" x 0.055" x 0.120" SELF MATING BEAM W/ INSERT 2.00 N A=1.8531 o WT = 2.12 0.07" + o Ix=16.638 of Sx = 4.157 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAM 2.00'� N A=1.9901 o WT=2.26 Ix = 21.981 0.072" + oo Sx = 4.885 LErn 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAM 2.00 A = 3.032 in? WT = 3.474 p.l.f. m Ix = 42.583 in. o Sx = 8.504 in? c 6063 - T6 0.092" o o STITCH W/(1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 2" x 10" x 0.692" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAM A = 0.666 In? (1) #8 x 1-112"-2.00'.- WT = 0.763 p.l.f. S.M.S. @ 6" c UPRIGHT: FROM ENDS, TOP ).044" + 4 Ix = 0.694 in! Sx = 0.466 in? OR BOTTOM AND ) 044'` BEAM: @ 16' O.C. o Iy = 0A06 in! Sy = 0.410 in? 12- 00" o 6063 - T6 1" x 2" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION WITH 2" x 2" x 0.044" PATIO SECTION (1) #8 x 2-1/2" S.M.S. @ 6" FROM ENDS, TOP A = 0.84710 OR BOTTOM AND -12.00'' f- WT = 0.971 p.l.f. @ 16" O.C. OR UPRIGHT: PILOT HOLE W/ 0-044' + Ix =1.295 in! Sx = 0.654 in? CAP AND (1) #8 x 1/2" S.M.S. BEAM: INTERNAL 6" ly = 0.540 in! Sy = 0.545 in' FROM ENDS, TOP 6063 - T6 OR BOTTOM AND @ 16" O.C. 2" x 2" x 0.044" PATIO SECTION WITH 2" x 2" x 0.044" PATIO SECTION 3 '2' 00" o A = 0.592 in? n' WT = 0.678 p.l.f. .l.f. )•044 UPRIGHT: Inn).044" t o be = 0.457 in.' Sx = 0.355 in? in.' ly = 0.369 in.' By = 0.369 in 6063 - T6 1" x 2" x 0.044" SNAP CAP SECTION WITH 2" x 2" x 0.044" PATIO SECTION 0 n? p.I.f. in. In? ,f2.00 io m A = 2.355 in? o WT = 2.698 p.l.f. 0.082" o Ix = 26.481 ink of Sx = 5.885 in.' 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 2'" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.306" SELF MATING BEAM (2) #8 x 2-1/2'S.M.S. @ 6' f 3.00" FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND I I A = 1.367 in? @ 16" O.C. OR PILOT HOLE W/ CAP 0.09 ' WT = 1.566 p.l.f. AND (1) #8 x 12" S.M.S. INTERNAL 6' - - FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM o + o Ix = 2.655 in.' AND @ 16.O.C. I��I Sx =1.328 in? LOAD APPLIED NORMAL TO THE -'k 6063-T6 4' DIRECTION 1" x 3" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION WITH 3" x 3" x 0.093" PATIO SECTION CORNER POST (2) #8 x 2-1/2- S.M.S. @ 6" FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND .00" o A = 1.367 in? @ 16" O.C. OR PILOT HOLE W/ CAP AND (1) #8 x 12" S.M.S. INTERNAL 6" WT = 1.566 o p.l.f. FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM + o be = 1.892 in.' AND @ 16- D.C. " Sx = 1.261 in? LOAD APPLIED NORMAL TO THE I 3" DIRECTION 4.00" -'i!` 6063-T6 1"' x 3" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION WITH 3" x 3" x 0.093" PATIO SECTION WALL POST (2) #8 x 2-1/2" S.M.S. @ 6' FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND .00^ o @ 16" O.C. OR PILOT HOLE W1 CAP A = 1.654 In? ANDx S.M.S.INTERNAL 6' WT=1.895p.l.f. FROM ENDNDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND @ 16' O.C. -(- o IX = 2.260 In.' - Sx =1.507 in? LOAD APPLIED NORMAL TO THE 5.00" -4 6063 - T6 3" DIRECTION (2) 1" x 3" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION WITH 3" x 3" x 0.093" PATIO SECTION WALL POST 4. 0" A = 3.706 in? WT = 4.246 p.l.f. N Ix = 33.276 In.' o Sx=8.314in? 0.07 " + 0 6063-T6 rD STITCH W/ (1) 98 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM 2) 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS 4. 0' A = 3.980 in? WT = 4.560 p.l.f. N Ix = 43.963 In' o Sx = 9.770 in? 0.072" + 6063 -T6 o o STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS iK 4.00' I A=4.710in? TrWT = 5.397 p.l.f. Ix = 52-963 In.' Sx=11.770 (n? 0.08 " + o0 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.306" SELF MATING BEAMS 4. 0* A = 6.063 ir1? m WT = 6.947 p.l.f. cq o Ix = 85.165 in.' Sx=17.007 in? 0 0.09A + + o0 6063 - T6 LUSTITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C.TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS 4.00' A=4A291n? WT = 5.075 p.l.f. N Ix = 48.889 In o Sx = 9.754 in' 0.072" + + 0 6063 - T6 o STITCH W/ (1)#8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C.TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" Section Alloy 6063 Gutter Edge 6063 EXTRUDED G 4.00" T N A = 4.702 in? o WT=5.388p.1.f. Ix = 62.947 in.' 0.072-'-, + o Sx=11.425 in? rn 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O-C. + o TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" 4.000" A = 6.249 in? a, WT = 7.160 p.l.f. 10 m Ix=101.446 in! o Sx=16.901 10 0 6063-T6 0.092. + + o STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM 21 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" -42.00',t- ? A = 0.569 in WT = 0.652 p.l.f. 0.045" I Ix = 0.332 in.' Sx = 0.332 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 2" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00:r A = 0.591 In? WT = 0.677 p.l.f. 0.045" + o o btF 0.812 in.' ai Sx = 0.545 in? EJ 6063 - T6 2" x 3" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00r A = 0.682 in? WT = 0.781 p.l.f. 0.045" + 1 o Ix=1.6311n! LIZSx = 0.816 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 4" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.323 in.' WT =1.516 p.l.f. 0.062" o Ix = 7.027 in! m Sx = 2.342 in? 6063 - T6 " x 6" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.437 In.- WT =1.658 p.(': Ix =1 n.151 in: `� 0.062" Sx = 2.900 In: 6063'.-T6 2" x 7" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION --LBYJ 3A0 19 1.BS = 1 I W dN 5$ o w z � =a am y h do Z vi EE ZQ 0 O m o � 09 Ld 3w ag J Z Z) O a W~ 2 Q W U W fn O O fn 0' J (9 N W =) Q Z r U)0 W _j Z U 00, m W Z W Z W UZ O 0--1 W 0- OZ) � (Cj U) LL U) ti o 3 CD Z N (14 2 _ D ~ J Q (9 Z W W a of O LL a W O r z z R W W z z W VA / SHEET J W Cn U, 16 0 1-2009 OF 21 S O x r O z e N C, 0 O t, Z W W Z 0 z W z z w O 2" x 2" x 0.044" PATIO SECTION 3 '2' 00" o A = 0.592 in? n' WT = 0.678 p.l.f. .l.f. )•044 UPRIGHT: Inn).044" t o be = 0.457 in.' Sx = 0.355 in? in.' ly = 0.369 in.' By = 0.369 in 6063 - T6 1" x 2" x 0.044" SNAP CAP SECTION WITH 2" x 2" x 0.044" PATIO SECTION 0 n? p.I.f. in. In? ,f2.00 io m A = 2.355 in? o WT = 2.698 p.l.f. 0.082" o Ix = 26.481 ink of Sx = 5.885 in.' 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 2'" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.306" SELF MATING BEAM (2) #8 x 2-1/2'S.M.S. @ 6' f 3.00" FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND I I A = 1.367 in? @ 16" O.C. OR PILOT HOLE W/ CAP 0.09 ' WT = 1.566 p.l.f. AND (1) #8 x 12" S.M.S. INTERNAL 6' - - FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM o + o Ix = 2.655 in.' AND @ 16.O.C. I��I Sx =1.328 in? LOAD APPLIED NORMAL TO THE -'k 6063-T6 4' DIRECTION 1" x 3" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION WITH 3" x 3" x 0.093" PATIO SECTION CORNER POST (2) #8 x 2-1/2- S.M.S. @ 6" FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND .00" o A = 1.367 in? @ 16" O.C. OR PILOT HOLE W/ CAP AND (1) #8 x 12" S.M.S. INTERNAL 6" WT = 1.566 o p.l.f. FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM + o be = 1.892 in.' AND @ 16- D.C. " Sx = 1.261 in? LOAD APPLIED NORMAL TO THE I 3" DIRECTION 4.00" -'i!` 6063-T6 1"' x 3" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION WITH 3" x 3" x 0.093" PATIO SECTION WALL POST (2) #8 x 2-1/2" S.M.S. @ 6' FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND .00^ o @ 16" O.C. OR PILOT HOLE W1 CAP A = 1.654 In? ANDx S.M.S.INTERNAL 6' WT=1.895p.l.f. FROM ENDNDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND @ 16' O.C. -(- o IX = 2.260 In.' - Sx =1.507 in? LOAD APPLIED NORMAL TO THE 5.00" -4 6063 - T6 3" DIRECTION (2) 1" x 3" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION WITH 3" x 3" x 0.093" PATIO SECTION WALL POST 4. 0" A = 3.706 in? WT = 4.246 p.l.f. N Ix = 33.276 In.' o Sx=8.314in? 0.07 " + 0 6063-T6 rD STITCH W/ (1) 98 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM 2) 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS 4. 0' A = 3.980 in? WT = 4.560 p.l.f. N Ix = 43.963 In' o Sx = 9.770 in? 0.072" + 6063 -T6 o o STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS iK 4.00' I A=4.710in? TrWT = 5.397 p.l.f. Ix = 52-963 In.' Sx=11.770 (n? 0.08 " + o0 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.306" SELF MATING BEAMS 4. 0* A = 6.063 ir1? m WT = 6.947 p.l.f. cq o Ix = 85.165 in.' Sx=17.007 in? 0 0.09A + + o0 6063 - T6 LUSTITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C.TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS 4.00' A=4A291n? WT = 5.075 p.l.f. N Ix = 48.889 In o Sx = 9.754 in' 0.072" + + 0 6063 - T6 o STITCH W/ (1)#8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C.TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" Section Alloy 6063 Gutter Edge 6063 EXTRUDED G 4.00" T N A = 4.702 in? o WT=5.388p.1.f. Ix = 62.947 in.' 0.072-'-, + o Sx=11.425 in? rn 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O-C. + o TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" 4.000" A = 6.249 in? a, WT = 7.160 p.l.f. 10 m Ix=101.446 in! o Sx=16.901 10 0 6063-T6 0.092. + + o STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM 21 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" -42.00',t- ? A = 0.569 in WT = 0.652 p.l.f. 0.045" I Ix = 0.332 in.' Sx = 0.332 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 2" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00:r A = 0.591 In? WT = 0.677 p.l.f. 0.045" + o o btF 0.812 in.' ai Sx = 0.545 in? EJ 6063 - T6 2" x 3" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00r A = 0.682 in? WT = 0.781 p.l.f. 0.045" + 1 o Ix=1.6311n! LIZSx = 0.816 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 4" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.323 in.' WT =1.516 p.l.f. 0.062" o Ix = 7.027 in! m Sx = 2.342 in? 6063 - T6 " x 6" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.437 In.- WT =1.658 p.(': Ix =1 n.151 in: `� 0.062" Sx = 2.900 In: 6063'.-T6 2" x 7" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION --LBYJ 3A0 19 1.BS = 1 I W dN 5$ o w z � =a am y h do Z vi EE ZQ 0 O m o � 09 Ld 3w ag J Z Z) O a W~ 2 Q W U W fn O O fn 0' J (9 N W =) Q Z r U)0 W _j Z U 00, m W Z W Z W UZ O 0--1 W 0- OZ) � (Cj U) LL U) ti o 3 CD Z N (14 2 _ D ~ J Q (9 Z W W a of O LL a W O r z z R W W z z W VA / SHEET J W Cn U, 16 0 1-2009 OF 21 S O x r O z e N C, 0 O t, Z W W Z 0 z W z z w O 0 n? p.I.f. in. In? ,f2.00 io m A = 2.355 in? o WT = 2.698 p.l.f. 0.082" o Ix = 26.481 ink of Sx = 5.885 in.' 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 2'" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.306" SELF MATING BEAM (2) #8 x 2-1/2'S.M.S. @ 6' f 3.00" FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND I I A = 1.367 in? @ 16" O.C. OR PILOT HOLE W/ CAP 0.09 ' WT = 1.566 p.l.f. AND (1) #8 x 12" S.M.S. INTERNAL 6' - - FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM o + o Ix = 2.655 in.' AND @ 16.O.C. I��I Sx =1.328 in? LOAD APPLIED NORMAL TO THE -'k 6063-T6 4' DIRECTION 1" x 3" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION WITH 3" x 3" x 0.093" PATIO SECTION CORNER POST (2) #8 x 2-1/2- S.M.S. @ 6" FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND .00" o A = 1.367 in? @ 16" O.C. OR PILOT HOLE W/ CAP AND (1) #8 x 12" S.M.S. INTERNAL 6" WT = 1.566 o p.l.f. FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM + o be = 1.892 in.' AND @ 16- D.C. " Sx = 1.261 in? LOAD APPLIED NORMAL TO THE I 3" DIRECTION 4.00" -'i!` 6063-T6 1"' x 3" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION WITH 3" x 3" x 0.093" PATIO SECTION WALL POST (2) #8 x 2-1/2" S.M.S. @ 6' FROM ENDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND .00^ o @ 16" O.C. OR PILOT HOLE W1 CAP A = 1.654 In? ANDx S.M.S.INTERNAL 6' WT=1.895p.l.f. FROM ENDNDS, TOP OR BOTTOM AND @ 16' O.C. -(- o IX = 2.260 In.' - Sx =1.507 in? LOAD APPLIED NORMAL TO THE 5.00" -4 6063 - T6 3" DIRECTION (2) 1" x 3" x 0.044" OPEN BACK SECTION WITH 3" x 3" x 0.093" PATIO SECTION WALL POST 4. 0" A = 3.706 in? WT = 4.246 p.l.f. N Ix = 33.276 In.' o Sx=8.314in? 0.07 " + 0 6063-T6 rD STITCH W/ (1) 98 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM 2) 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS 4. 0' A = 3.980 in? WT = 4.560 p.l.f. N Ix = 43.963 In' o Sx = 9.770 in? 0.072" + 6063 -T6 o o STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS iK 4.00' I A=4.710in? TrWT = 5.397 p.l.f. Ix = 52-963 In.' Sx=11.770 (n? 0.08 " + o0 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.306" SELF MATING BEAMS 4. 0* A = 6.063 ir1? m WT = 6.947 p.l.f. cq o Ix = 85.165 in.' Sx=17.007 in? 0 0.09A + + o0 6063 - T6 LUSTITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C.TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS 4.00' A=4A291n? WT = 5.075 p.l.f. N Ix = 48.889 In o Sx = 9.754 in' 0.072" + + 0 6063 - T6 o STITCH W/ (1)#8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C.TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" Section Alloy 6063 Gutter Edge 6063 EXTRUDED G 4.00" T N A = 4.702 in? o WT=5.388p.1.f. Ix = 62.947 in.' 0.072-'-, + o Sx=11.425 in? rn 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O-C. + o TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" 4.000" A = 6.249 in? a, WT = 7.160 p.l.f. 10 m Ix=101.446 in! o Sx=16.901 10 0 6063-T6 0.092. + + o STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM 21 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" -42.00',t- ? A = 0.569 in WT = 0.652 p.l.f. 0.045" I Ix = 0.332 in.' Sx = 0.332 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 2" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00:r A = 0.591 In? WT = 0.677 p.l.f. 0.045" + o o btF 0.812 in.' ai Sx = 0.545 in? EJ 6063 - T6 2" x 3" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00r A = 0.682 in? WT = 0.781 p.l.f. 0.045" + 1 o Ix=1.6311n! LIZSx = 0.816 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 4" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.323 in.' WT =1.516 p.l.f. 0.062" o Ix = 7.027 in! m Sx = 2.342 in? 6063 - T6 " x 6" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.437 In.- WT =1.658 p.(': Ix =1 n.151 in: `� 0.062" Sx = 2.900 In: 6063'.-T6 2" x 7" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION --LBYJ 3A0 19 1.BS = 1 I W dN 5$ o w z � =a am y h do Z vi EE ZQ 0 O m o � 09 Ld 3w ag J Z Z) O a W~ 2 Q W U W fn O O fn 0' J (9 N W =) Q Z r U)0 W _j Z U 00, m W Z W Z W UZ O 0--1 W 0- OZ) � (Cj U) LL U) ti o 3 CD Z N (14 2 _ D ~ J Q (9 Z W W a of O LL a W O r z z R W W z z W VA / SHEET J W Cn U, 16 0 1-2009 OF 21 S O x r O z e N C, 0 O t, Z W W Z 0 z W z z w O 4. 0" A = 3.706 in? WT = 4.246 p.l.f. N Ix = 33.276 In.' o Sx=8.314in? 0.07 " + 0 6063-T6 rD STITCH W/ (1) 98 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM 2) 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS 4. 0' A = 3.980 in? WT = 4.560 p.l.f. N Ix = 43.963 In' o Sx = 9.770 in? 0.072" + 6063 -T6 o o STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS iK 4.00' I A=4.710in? TrWT = 5.397 p.l.f. Ix = 52-963 In.' Sx=11.770 (n? 0.08 " + o0 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.306" SELF MATING BEAMS 4. 0* A = 6.063 ir1? m WT = 6.947 p.l.f. cq o Ix = 85.165 in.' Sx=17.007 in? 0 0.09A + + o0 6063 - T6 LUSTITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C.TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS 4.00' A=4A291n? WT = 5.075 p.l.f. N Ix = 48.889 In o Sx = 9.754 in' 0.072" + + 0 6063 - T6 o STITCH W/ (1)#8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C.TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" Section Alloy 6063 Gutter Edge 6063 EXTRUDED G 4.00" T N A = 4.702 in? o WT=5.388p.1.f. Ix = 62.947 in.' 0.072-'-, + o Sx=11.425 in? rn 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O-C. + o TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" 4.000" A = 6.249 in? a, WT = 7.160 p.l.f. 10 m Ix=101.446 in! o Sx=16.901 10 0 6063-T6 0.092. + + o STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM 21 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" -42.00',t- ? A = 0.569 in WT = 0.652 p.l.f. 0.045" I Ix = 0.332 in.' Sx = 0.332 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 2" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00:r A = 0.591 In? WT = 0.677 p.l.f. 0.045" + o o btF 0.812 in.' ai Sx = 0.545 in? EJ 6063 - T6 2" x 3" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00r A = 0.682 in? WT = 0.781 p.l.f. 0.045" + 1 o Ix=1.6311n! LIZSx = 0.816 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 4" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.323 in.' WT =1.516 p.l.f. 0.062" o Ix = 7.027 in! m Sx = 2.342 in? 6063 - T6 " x 6" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.437 In.- WT =1.658 p.(': Ix =1 n.151 in: `� 0.062" Sx = 2.900 In: 6063'.-T6 2" x 7" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION --LBYJ 3A0 19 1.BS = 1 I W dN 5$ o w z � =a am y h do Z vi EE ZQ 0 O m o � 09 Ld 3w ag J Z Z) O a W~ 2 Q W U W fn O O fn 0' J (9 N W =) Q Z r U)0 W _j Z U 00, m W Z W Z W UZ O 0--1 W 0- OZ) � (Cj U) LL U) ti o 3 CD Z N (14 2 _ D ~ J Q (9 Z W W a of O LL a W O r z z R W W z z W VA / SHEET J W Cn U, 16 0 1-2009 OF 21 S O x r O z e N C, 0 O t, Z W W Z 0 z W z z w O 2) 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS 4. 0' A = 3.980 in? WT = 4.560 p.l.f. N Ix = 43.963 In' o Sx = 9.770 in? 0.072" + 6063 -T6 o o STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS iK 4.00' I A=4.710in? TrWT = 5.397 p.l.f. Ix = 52-963 In.' Sx=11.770 (n? 0.08 " + o0 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.306" SELF MATING BEAMS 4. 0* A = 6.063 ir1? m WT = 6.947 p.l.f. cq o Ix = 85.165 in.' Sx=17.007 in? 0 0.09A + + o0 6063 - T6 LUSTITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C.TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS 4.00' A=4A291n? WT = 5.075 p.l.f. N Ix = 48.889 In o Sx = 9.754 in' 0.072" + + 0 6063 - T6 o STITCH W/ (1)#8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C.TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM (2) 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" Section Alloy 6063 Gutter Edge 6063 EXTRUDED G 4.00" T N A = 4.702 in? o WT=5.388p.1.f. Ix = 62.947 in.' 0.072-'-, + o Sx=11.425 in? rn 6063 - T6 STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O-C. + o TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM x 0.224" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" 4.000" A = 6.249 in? a, WT = 7.160 p.l.f. 10 m Ix=101.446 in! o Sx=16.901 10 0 6063-T6 0.092. + + o STITCH W/ (1) #8 S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH BEAM 21 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" -42.00',t- ? A = 0.569 in WT = 0.652 p.l.f. 0.045" I Ix = 0.332 in.' Sx = 0.332 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 2" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00:r A = 0.591 In? WT = 0.677 p.l.f. 0.045" + o o btF 0.812 in.' ai Sx = 0.545 in? EJ 6063 - T6 2" x 3" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00r A = 0.682 in? WT = 0.781 p.l.f. 0.045" + 1 o Ix=1.6311n! LIZSx = 0.816 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 4" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.323 in.' WT =1.516 p.l.f. 0.062" o Ix = 7.027 in! m Sx = 2.342 in? 6063 - T6 " x 6" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.437 In.- WT =1.658 p.(': Ix =1 n.151 in: `� 0.062" Sx = 2.900 In: 6063'.-T6 2" x 7" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION --LBYJ 3A0 19 1.BS = 1 I W dN 5$ o w z � =a am y h do Z vi EE ZQ 0 O m o � 09 Ld 3w ag J Z Z) O a W~ 2 Q W U W fn O O fn 0' J (9 N W =) Q Z r U)0 W _j Z U 00, m W Z W Z W UZ O 0--1 W 0- OZ) � (Cj U) LL U) ti o 3 CD Z N (14 2 _ D ~ J Q (9 Z W W a of O LL a W O r z z R W W z z W VA / SHEET J W Cn U, 16 0 1-2009 OF 21 S O x r O z e N C, 0 O t, Z W W Z 0 z W z z w O 21 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" SELF MATING BEAMS W/ 2" x 4" x 0.038" -42.00',t- ? A = 0.569 in WT = 0.652 p.l.f. 0.045" I Ix = 0.332 in.' Sx = 0.332 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 2" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00:r A = 0.591 In? WT = 0.677 p.l.f. 0.045" + o o btF 0.812 in.' ai Sx = 0.545 in? EJ 6063 - T6 2" x 3" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION -2.00r A = 0.682 in? WT = 0.781 p.l.f. 0.045" + 1 o Ix=1.6311n! LIZSx = 0.816 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 4" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.323 in.' WT =1.516 p.l.f. 0.062" o Ix = 7.027 in! m Sx = 2.342 in? 6063 - T6 " x 6" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.437 In.- WT =1.658 p.(': Ix =1 n.151 in: `� 0.062" Sx = 2.900 In: 6063'.-T6 2" x 7" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION --LBYJ 3A0 19 1.BS = 1 I W dN 5$ o w z � =a am y h do Z vi EE ZQ 0 O m o � 09 Ld 3w ag J Z Z) O a W~ 2 Q W U W fn O O fn 0' J (9 N W =) Q Z r U)0 W _j Z U 00, m W Z W Z W UZ O 0--1 W 0- OZ) � (Cj U) LL U) ti o 3 CD Z N (14 2 _ D ~ J Q (9 Z W W a of O LL a W O r z z R W W z z W VA / SHEET J W Cn U, 16 0 1-2009 OF 21 S O x r O z e N C, 0 O t, Z W W Z 0 z W z z w O -2.00r A = 0.682 in? WT = 0.781 p.l.f. 0.045" + 1 o Ix=1.6311n! LIZSx = 0.816 in? 6063 - T6 2" x 4" x 0.045" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.323 in.' WT =1.516 p.l.f. 0.062" o Ix = 7.027 in! m Sx = 2.342 in? 6063 - T6 " x 6" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION T.00r A =1.437 In.- WT =1.658 p.(': Ix =1 n.151 in: `� 0.062" Sx = 2.900 In: 6063'.-T6 2" x 7" x 0.062" SNAP EXTRUSION --LBYJ 3A0 19 1.BS = 1 I W dN 5$ o w z � =a am y h do Z vi EE ZQ 0 O m o � 09 Ld 3w ag J Z Z) O a W~ 2 Q W U W fn O O fn 0' J (9 N W =) Q Z r U)0 W _j Z U 00, m W Z W Z W UZ O 0--1 W 0- OZ) � (Cj U) LL U) ti o 3 CD Z N (14 2 _ D ~ J Q (9 Z W W a of O LL a W O r z z R W W z z W VA / SHEET J W Cn U, 16 0 1-2009 OF 21 S O x r O z e N C, 0 O t, Z W W Z 0 z W z z w O W dN 5$ o w z � =a am y h do Z vi EE ZQ 0 O m o � 09 Ld 3w ag J Z Z) O a W~ 2 Q W U W fn O O fn 0' J (9 N W =) Q Z r U)0 W _j Z U 00, m W Z W Z W UZ O 0--1 W 0- OZ) � (Cj U) LL U) ti o 3 CD Z N (14 2 _ D ~ J Q (9 Z W W a of O LL a W O r z z R W W z z W VA / SHEET J W Cn U, 16 0 1-2009 OF 21 S O x r O z e N C, 0 O t, Z W W Z 0 z W z z w O Table 1.1 130 r, Allowable Beam Spa 60 CI1, ndustnes, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 TS r 130 M. lid one, Exposure "B" and Latitudes Below 30'30'-00" North (Jacksonville, FL) KIinHo SF, a Point Load of 300 #fSF over (11 linear f . Is also considered Tdbutary lnadiMdth W =Beam Soacinc Hollow Sections 3'-0" 4'-0' -0 J 1 6'-0' 1 7'-0" 1 8'-0" 1 9'-0- Allowable S an'L' f Point Load P or Uniform Load (Ul. bendin b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044" 5'-9' Pd 5'-9' Ptl F-9' Pd 5'-9' Pd 5'-9' Pd 5'-9' Pd S-9- Pd 3" x T" x 0.045" 6'-11' Pd 6'-11' Pd 5-11' Pd 6'-11' Pd 6'-11' Pd 6'-11' Pd 6'-11' PO 2" x 3" x 0.045" 9'-6' Pd 9-6' [Pd 9'-6' Pd 9'-6' Pd 9'-0' Pd 9-6`Ptl 9'-0' Ptl 2" x 3" x 0.060" l l'-I' Pd l l'-1' Pd 11'.1- Pd 11'-1' Pd 11A" Pd 11'-1' Pd 10'-11: Ud 2" x 4" x 0.050" 14'-2" it 14'-2' Pd 14'-2' Pd 14'-2' Pd 14'-0' Ud 13'-5- Ud 12'-11 Ud 2" x 5" x 0.062" 20'-0' Pd 20'4i' Pd 20'-1' Ud 16'-11' Ud 17'-11' 11 Id 1T-2' Ud 16'-0' Ud Self MatingSections Tdbuta Load Wldth'VY'=Beams acin 3-0^ 4'-0" 5' ^ -0 S-0" 7'-0" 9'-0" Allowable S an'L' / p or Uniform Load U bending b deflection d 4' x 0.046^ 16'-7' Pd 76'-7' d 116'-7- 6'4' Ud 15'-7- lud 14'-10' Ud 14'4' Ud x 0.096" 22'-9' Pit 27.9' Ud 20'3' Ud 19'-3' Ud 18'-S Ud 1T-0' Ud 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 2B'-10' Pd 2T-2' d 26-7 Ud 23'-9' Ud 22'-6- Ud 21'-1' Ub 19'-6' Ub 2" x 7" x 0.060" x 0.120" 34'-t' Ud 30'-11' Ud 28'-9' Ud 2T-1' Ud 25'-S' Ub 23'B' Ub 22'-7' Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072' x 0224" 42'-1" Ud 38'3" Ud 35-6' Utl 33'.5' Ud 31'-9" Ud 30'4- Ud 29'-Z' Ud 0.072' x 0224" 46'-0' Ud 42'-1- Ud 39'-1' Ud 35-9- Ud 34'-11- Ud 33'-5- Ud 3Z-7' Ud 2" x 9" x 0.082• x 0.306" 49' 8 Ud 45'-1' Ud 41'-10' Utl 39'S' Ud 37'S' Ud 35-9' Ud 34'-5' Ud 2" x 10- x 0.092" x 0.374" 5T-4' Ld 5Z-4' Ud 48'-T Ud 45-8' Ud 43'-5' Ud 41'-0' Ud 39'-11' Ud Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are'nominar Industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040'. 2 The structures designed using this section shall be limited to a maximum combined span and upright height of 50' and a maximum upright height of 1 S. Structures larger than these limits shall have site specific engineering. 3. Span Is measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 4. Above spans do not include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 5. Tables are based on a maximum wail height of IV Including a 4' max mansard or gable. 6. Spans may be interpolated. ' 7. To convert spans to'C' and'D" exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1 B Page 3. Table 1.2130 A wable Purls ns 6005 TCI To ustries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 TS For 130 M.P.H. Wind Zones, Exposure ^B" and Latitudes Below 30°30'.00" North (Jacksonville, FL) Unit. Load - 5 #ISF, a Point Load of 300 #ISF over (1) linear fL is also considered A. Sections Fastened To Beams With Clips Hollow Sections Tdbu Load Width W - Puriln ac 3'-6" 4'.0 4'-6 1 5'-0" V-V* 6'-0" 1 V-V` Allowable S an'U / Point Load P or Uniform Lo bending b deflection &-9' Pd 9-9 Pd 6'-11' Pd 5-11' Pd 5-11• Pd 6'-11' tl '- 7- -11' Pd 5-1" Pd 5" 9'-0' Pd 9' 6' Pd 9. - Pd 9'-0' d 9'-0' Pd 9'-6' Pd 2 x 3" x 0.060" 17'-1' Pd 11'-i' Pd 11'-1- Pd 11'-1' P 1'-1" Pd 11'-1' Pd 11'-I- Pd 2" x 4" x 0.050" 14'-T Pd 14'-2' Pd 14'-2- Pd 14'-2' Pd 14' 2- Pd 14'-2' Pd 14'-2' Pd 2" x 5" x 0.062" 20'-6' Pd 20' 6' Pd 20'-0' Pd 20'-1' Utl 19'-S Ud 10'-11- Ud 1 B'-3" Ud Into Hollow Sections Tdbuta Load Width W - PurU S acin T-6- 4'-0" 4'-6' 5'-0" 5'-fi" 6'-0" 6'3" Allowable S an'L' / Point Load P or Uniform Load U bending b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044" 13' Pb T-3' Pb Pb T3' Pb 7'3' Pb 7' -3' Pb T3' Pb 3" x 2" x 0.045" 9'-2' Pb 9'-2' Pb Pb 9'-2' Pb 9'-2' Pb 9'-2' Pb 9'-2" Pb 2" x 3" x 0.045" 13 6" Pb 13'-6' Pb 126'-2" Pb 13'-6' Pb 13'-fi" Pb 13'-5' Ub 12'-5' Ub 2" x 3" x 0.060" 16'-7' Pd 16'-7' Pd Pd 16'-7' Pd 16'-T Pd 16'3' 1"'. Ub 15'-S Ub 2" x 4" x 0.050" 29-11 Ub 2T-11' Ub Ub 24'-7' Ub 23'-3- Ub 22-t Ub 20'-9' Ub2"x 5" x 0.062" 29'-1' Ub 27'-1' Ub Ub 23'-71' Uh Uh 20'-5' Ub Note: 1. Thicknesses shown am "nominal" Industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040". 2. Span Is measured from centerof beam and upright connection to fascia orwall connection. 3. Tables are based an a maximum wall height of 1S Including a 4' mm mansard or gable. 4. Spans may be interpolated. 5. Y x 4• & 2' x 5' Hollow Girls shall be connected w/ an Internal or exlemal 1-11T x 1-10 x 0.044' angle. 6. To convert spans to'C. and'D' exposure categories see exposure muldpriers and example on Table 1 B Page 3. CHECK TABLE 1.6 FOR MINIMUM PURLIN SIZE FOR BEAMS. Table 1.3130 Allowable Post pYrqht ts/ 6005 TCI tyi3r4 es, Ir m n Alloy 6 05 TS For 3 second wind gust at a velocity of 130 , Expos`re "B' or an applied load of 18 Wall. ft. Hollow Sections I-TfIbutary L Will W = Upright S acin ll T-0^ 1 4'-0' 5'-0" L 6'-0" 1 7'-0" Allowable Hel ndin deflection fdl 2" x 2" x 0.044^ 6'-0' d S-l' d -W d 1 V-4' Id I S-0' d 4'-9' b 4'-0' b 3" x 2" x 0.045" TS I d 6'-10' d I 6'-8' d 1 6'-1' Id 5-7' b 5'-2" b 4'-10' b 2" x 3" x 0.045" 9'3' Id 8'-5' d 8'3" d T-0' d 6'-11' b V-V` b SAb 2' x 3" x 0.060" 10'-4' tl 9'-0' d 9'.5' d 8'-T tl T-11• d T-5' b 6'-11' b d 11'-0' 9'-0' b x 5" x 0.062" 15.6' Id 14'-1' 13'-1' 11-11 b 10-17' b 10'-3' b 9- A' b Sections ' -Tributary F oNd Width W -1 d ht Spacing T.0" 1 4'-0^ 5'-0" 6'-0" T-0' I 8'-0" S'-0" Allowable eI ht "H" I bending b deflection d 2^ x 4" x 0.046" x 0.100" 13'.5• d 12'3' d 10'-11' b 9'-11' lb I 9'-2' lb 8'-7' b 1 8'-1' lb 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.096" 1 S-0' d 14'-11- b 13'A' b 17-1' b 71'-2' b 10'-5' b 9'-10' b 2' x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 19'-2- b 16r 7 b 14'-9' b 'S' b 11'-T b 10'-11' b 2" x 7" x 0.057 x 0.135" 21'-6' b 18'-6" b 16'-0' b '-11' b 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224" 2T-6' d 24'-11' d 23'-2' d -11' 0 18'-7- D 1T-6lb 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0224' 30'3" d ZTS' d 25'-2' b 1'-2' b Xbl 19'-9' b 18'-782"x0206' 32'-S d 29'-5' d 27-4' d '-1' b 22'-0' b 2l'J"x0.374' 3T-Td 34'-1d 31'-0' d '-4' d 27'-0' b 25'-6 Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are'nominar Industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040'. 2. Using screen panel width 'W'select upright length'H'. 3 Above heights o no n length f b Add vertical distance from u center f brace to beam h g is d t Include le lit o knee race. d plight to ce o connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 4. Site specific engineering required for pool enclosures over 30' In mean roof height 5. Height Is to be measured from center of beam and upright connection. to fascia or wall connection. 6. Chair rans of 2' x 2" x 0.D44• min, and set @ 36" In height are designed to be residential guardrails pmvided they are attached with min. (3) #10 x 1-1/2' S.M.S. Into the screw bosses and do not exceed 8'-0' in span. 7. Max. beam size for 2' x 5' Is 2' x T x 0.055' x 0.120" 8. Spans may be Interpolated. 9. To convert spans to'C' and "D" exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1 B Page 3. Table 1.4130 Allowable P Girt / Chair R der Spans &Upright Heights 6005 TCI Town & Cou Indust Aluminum All 600 For 3 second wind gust at a velocity of 130 posure ^B^ or an applied load of 18 # / sq. ft. A. Sections As Horizontals Fastened To Posts With CIIDs Hollow Sections Tnbuta Load lldth'W'=Members acin 3'1" 4'-0" '-6" 5'-0' S-6" 6'-0" 1 6'-8" Allowable Hel ht "It" or So an "L" / bending b deflection fill 2" x 2' x 0.044" 6-4' Id& -I- d 5'-10' Id I S-8' Id I SS Id 5-4' Id I S-1' lb T-2- d 5-10' d 6'-9' d S-4' b 5-11- b S-8' b ' 8'-10" d V-T d 8'-8' d 8'3" d T-9' d T-0' -11, 2" x 3" x 9'-9' d 9'-0' d 9'-11' d 9'S' d 8'-11' it 8'-7' 2' x 4" x 0.050' 11'-0' d 17'-0' d 11'-3' d 10'-T d 9'-11' d 9'-0' b 8'-11' b 2" x 5" x 0.0--- 14'-9' d 14'-1' Id ll3 Ill'-I" b 11'-5' b 10'-9' b Hollow Sections Tdbuta Load Width W =Members acin T-6" 4'-0" 4'1" 5'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 6'-6" Allowable Height "H" or Span "L' / bendingb deflection d 2" x 2' x 0.040" T3" b 6'-9' b 6'-0- b 6'-0' b 6-9- b 5'S' b b 3" x 2" x 0.045" 7'-9' b T-2- b 6'-9'%64b 5'-11' b 5-8' _El- b F-3' b 2" x3" x 0.045" 9'-10' b 9-2b B-8b 7'-9" b T-4" b 6'-11'2' x 3" x 0.060" ll'-3- b 10'-0' b 9-11b 8'-11' b 8'7 b 8'-2- b 2" x 4' x 0.050" 12-9' b 11'-11b 1'-3'b 9'-11" b 9'-6" b 8'-11" b 2" x 5' x 0.062" 15'�' b 14'-3' b 1 T-5' I b 12'-8' lb 11.11" b 11'-5- b 10'-9" b Note: 1. Thicknesses shown ere nominal' Industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040'. 2. Using screen panel width W select girt lengths. 3. Site specific engineering required for pool enclosures over 30' in mean roof height 4. Spaniheight Is to be measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or well connection. 5. Chair rags of 2' x Z' x 0.044' min. and set @ 36' In height are designed to be residential gardrails provided they are attached with min. (3) #10 x 1-1/2' s.m.s. Into the screw bosses and do not exceed 8'-0" O.C. 6. Girt sparing shag not exceed 6-0'. 7.Max. beam size for 2'x5" Is 2' x 7' x 0.055' x 0.120' 8. Y x 4' & 2' x 5' hollow gins shag be connected w/ an Internal or external 1-10 x 1-1/2" x 0.044" angle. 9. Spans/heights may be Interpolated. 10. To convert spans to "C' and'D" exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 113 Page 3. Table 1.5.1 130 Town & Country Industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Spans for Miscellaneous Framing Beams as Supporting Screen Roof Frame Members Aluminum Alloy 6005 TS for Areas with Wind Loads up to 130 M.P.H., Exposure "Bo and Latitudes Below 30'J0'-00" North (Jacksonville, FL) Untforrn Load . 5 #/SF, a Point Load of 300 #ISF over (1) linear R Is also consldered Single Self-Madng Beams Tributa Load Width 10'-0" 14'-0' 18'-0' 22'-0^ 26'-0" 30'-0' 34'-0" 1 38'-0" 42'-0' 46'-0" 50'-0' S4'-0" Allowable S an'L' / Point Load P or Uniform Load IUI. bending b deflection d 2" x 4^ x 0.046" x 0.100' 14'-11 U b I 1Z-8- U b 17,-2" U 10.-1. U b b 9.3" U b 8,-0, U b 8,-1. U b 7,$. U b 7.�. U b 6'-11' U 6,-0. b U 8.-0, U b b 2' x 5" x 0.050" x 0.096" 19'-1' U b 16'-2, U b 14'-3, U 12'-10 U b b 11'-10 U b . U 11'-0 10'4"U 9'-9 U 9'�. U 8'-11 U 8'-6, U 8'-3. U b b 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 21'-W U 18'-4- U 16•_2• U 14'-8" U 13'-0' U b 12' 6' U b 11'-9' U b 11'-2' U b IV-7'U b 10'-1' U 9'-8' b U 9,-0, U b b 2" x 7" x 0.060" x 0.120- 26-0' U b 21'S• U b 18'-11 U 1T-7' U b b 15•-g° U b 14,-8" U b 13•_y U b 12'-11 U b 12'-0' U b i t'-10' U 11'-0' b U 10'-11 U b b 2"xe•xo.ore• o2za'' X U 28'-2' Ud U 2S-T d 23'-Y U U 21'-8' d d U 20'-i' b U 18'-9' b U iT-T b U 1 S-0' b U 15'-10 b 15-2' U b 14'-0' U U 13'-11 b b 2' x 9' x 0.072" x 0224' U 30'-11 2T-9 ,U d 2S-0 ,U .0 23'-9 d b U 21'-11 b 20'-4 .0 b ,U 19'-2 b .0 18'-1 b 1T-3 ,U b Ill's U ,U b 15'-9 .0 15'-2 bb x 9" x 0.082" x 0206' 33'-3' ,U 29'-8 d jU 2T� .0 U d2S-T d U 24'-Y d U 27-T D .U.0 21'-3 D20'-1 D .0 t9'-1 D IV-3 U . 1T-0 U2" D 16'-10 D2" x 10" x 0.092' x 0.374' 38'-0' 34'S U 0 31'-0' U 29'-7' U tl d 28'-0" U d 25-9' U d 25'-Y U'-70 b U22'-0' b U b 21'8' U 20'-9'U19'-11 b U b b Double Self-MaUng Beams Tdbuta Load Width 10'-0" 14'-0" 18'-0" 2Z-0" 26--0" 30'-0" 34'-0" 38'-0" 42'-0" 1 46'-0" 1 Allowable S n'C / Point Load P or Uniform Load (U),bending b deflection d (2) 2' x 8" x 0.072' x 0224" U 5'-11, D U '-9' D '-2 D, U 0'-11 D. U U 28'S D 26'S b U 24'-11 DU U 3'-6' D T2'-5 D.0 21'-S U -0 . b 20' U D 19'-9"U b (2) 2" z 9^ x 0.07Y x 0224' U 9'-11 b .0 42'-2 D 3T-T U .0 D 33'-8 D U 30'-11 D U 28'-10 D .0 2T-1 D U 25-7" D ,U 2W-4 D 2T-3 U b 121.b U .0 21'-0 b (2) 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0206" 55-0' p 46'-9' b 41'-3' D 3T-4' D 34'4" b 3l'-11 bU 30'-0' h 28'-5' D 2T-0" D 25'-10- D 24'-9' b 23'-10 b (2) 2" x 10' x 0.092' x 0.374" U 65-T D U SS-S I 48'-11 U .0 D 44'-3 D U 40'-8' D U 3T-10 D .0 35'-7 D .0 33'-8 D ,U 3Z-0 D 30'-T U "U D 29-4 .0 D 28'-3 D 1. It Is recommended that the engineer be consulted on any carrier beam that spans more than 50' 2. Span is measured from center of connection to fascia or wall connection. 3. Above spans do not include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance fmm upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 4. Spans may be interpolated. _ 5. To convert spans to'C' and •D' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1 B Page 3. Example: The Maximum 1: for a 2' x 4' x 0.044" x 0.100' Single Self -Mating Beam with Tributary Load width = 22'-0' Is 10'-1" Table 1.5.2130 T Town & Country Industries, Inc. Allowable Spans for Miscellaneous Framing Beams as Supporting Screen Roof Frame Members One End of Beam Attached to Host Structure for Areas with Wind Loads up to 130 M.P.H., Exposure "B" and Latitudes Below 30°-30'-00" North (Jacksonville, FL) Uniform Load �5 r#SF, a Point Load of 300 #fSF over (1) linear It. Is also considered Aluminum Alloy 6005 T-5 Single Trlbuta Load Width Single Self -Mating 10'-0" 14--0" IV-V" 22'-0' 26'-0" 30'-0' 34'-0' 38'-0" 4T.0- 1 46'-0- 50'-0" 54'-0" Beams Allowable Sp an'L' I Point Load P or Uniform Load (U), bending b , deflection d 2' x 4• x 0.D46' x 0.100" 12'-11 P 1Z-4* d U 10'-11 b U 9•_101 b U 9•_7• b U W-51 U b b T_11' U TS b U T-Y U b b 6'-10' U 6' 6- b U 1 6-4- U b b 2' x 5' x 0.050' x 0.116' 15-9' P d 14'-11 U . D 13'-2 U D 11'-11 U D 10'-11 U . U D 10'-2 D 9'-T U , D 9'-1 U U D 8'-T b 8'3 U . D T-71 U U D T-T D 2' x 6' x 0.050' x 0.120" 181S P 16'-4' d U 14'-S b U 13'-0' b U 11'-11 b U 11'-2' U b b 101-6' U 9'-11' b U 9'-5' U b b 9'-0' U S-8. b U 8.4. U b b Y x 7' x O.OSS x 0.120' 20'-11 P .0 d 1T-9 D 15'-0 "U D 14'-2 .0 D 13'-0' U U D 12'-2 D 11'-5 ,U D 10'-9 .0 .0 b 10'3 b 9-10 .0 b 95 " U . U b 9 -1 b 2' x 8' x 0.070' x 0.224' 25'-0' P 25'-0' d P 22'-0' d U 20'3' b U 18'-7" b U 1 T-0" U b b 16'_3• U 15'S' b U 14'-0' U b b 3'-11' U 13'5' b U 2'-11' U b b 2' x 9' x 0.070" x 0.204" 27'3' P . d 26'-1 U . D 23'-0 U . D 0'-10 U D 19'-T U U D IT-10 D 16'-9' U D 15'-10 U U D 15'-1' D 14'-5 . U D IT-10 U U D 13'-4" D 2' x 9' x 0.082' x 0.326" 29'3' P d 29-3 P d 28'3 U D 25'-0 U D 23'-0° U U D 21'-10 D 20'-6' U D 19'-5 U U D 18'1i D 1T-8 U D 16'-11 U . U D 16'-3 D 2' x 10" x 0.090' x 0.374' 34'-2- P 34'-2' P I"IV-1 d U 30'-9- b U 28,3• b U 2V4- U b b 24•_y U 23'-5' b U 2Z3' U b b 21'3- U 20'S' b U 19'-7' U b b Note: 1. It is recommended that the engineer be consulted on any carrier beam that spans more Ulan 50' 2 Span is measured from center of connection to fascia or wall connection. 3. Above spans do not Include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance fmm upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 4. Spans may be Interpolated. 5. To convert spans to'C' and'D' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 18 Page 3. I Q Z Z) Z O Z Q (... Q 0 W ❑ ❑ W Z Of O M W m V o W ? W Z CI W O Z Z Q CoW H W 3:Q W U Z 06 ❑ --I d � W � � � �U LLU) = b O Z N C4 C' cH Q � SHEET s EC%'0%9 iP T2-01-2009 OF Table 1.1 140 Allowable Beam Spans 6005 TCI Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T5 For 140-1&2 M.P.H. Wind Zone, Exposure "B' and Latitudes Below 30'30'-00' North (Jacksonville, FL) Unif- Load = 6 WSF. a Point Load of 30a WSF over f11fin ear it Is alsn cnnsld-d Hollow Sections Tdbuta Load Width'IM - Beam S cln 3'-0" 4'-0" &-a- 6'-0" 7'-0'I e'-0'--1 91" Allowable Span *I: ! Point Load P or Unlform Load U bending b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0,044" 5'-9' IPd1 1 5'-9' IPd 1 5'-9" IPd 1 S-9" 10d I 5'-9' IPd 5'-9' IPd S-9' Pd 3" x 2" x 0.045" U-11' IPd 1 6A 1' IPd 1 6'-11' lPd I 6-11" Pd 1 6'-1 I" lPd I 6'-11' IPd 1 6'-11' lPd 2' x 3' x 0.045' 91S' d 9 Pd 93'P Ud x 3" x 0.060" 11'-1' Pd 1'- 11S PPdd- 11S1' Pd Ud1-4'2" Ud 2" x 4" x 0.050" 14.2" lPd 14'-2' lPd 14'-Z- lPd 13'-11- jUd 13'-2- jUd 1Y-T- jUd 1Y-1- jUd 2' x 5" x 0.062" 20'-T 113d 20'-C jUd 18'-11' jUd 1T-9' lUd 16'-11' JUd 16'-2' jUd 15'S Ub Self Mating Sections T bulF Load Width'IM =Beam S ae n i 3'-0- 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 7'-0" 8'-0" I 9'-0' Allowable S n'L' / Point Load P or Uniform Load U bending b deflection d 2" x 4" x 0.046" x 0. 00" 16'-7" Pd 16-7- Pd 164' Ud 1 BS" Ud 14'$' Ud T-11" Ub 12'-11" Ub 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.096" 2T-9' Pd 21'-10" Ud 20'-3" Ud 19'-1' Ud IVA" Ud 17'-2" Ub 15'-11' Ub 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 28'-1" Ud 26-6" Ud 23'-9' Ud 22'4' Ud 20'-T Ub Ub 1 T-9" Ub 2" x 7" x 0.060" x 0.120' 32'-1" Ud 29'-2' Ud 27'-1' Ud 25'-2' Ub 2ZY-1" Ub 21'S' Ub 20'-0' Ub 2' x 8' x 0.072' x 0.224' 39$' Ud 36'-0' Ud 33'-S Ud 31'-5' Ud 29-11' Ud 28'-7" Ud 2TS' Ud 2' x 9' x 0.072" x 0224" 43' 7' Ud 39'-7' Ud 36'-T Ud 34'-T Ud 3Y-10' Ud 31'S' Ud 30'-3- Ud 2" z 9' x 0.082' x 0.306' ,6W Ud 4T-5' Ud 39'S Ud 3T-1' Ud 35'3' Ud 33'$" Ud 3Z-5' Ud 2" x 10- x 0.092" x 0.374" 54'-2 Ud 49'-T Ud 45'$' Ud 42'-11' Ud 40'-10' Ud 39'-l" Ud 3T-T Ud Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are 'nominal' industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shag be less than 0.D40'. 2. The structures designed using this section shag be limited to a maximum combined span and upright height of 501 and e maximum upright height of IV. Structures larger than these Emits shall have site specific engineering. 3. Span Is measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 4. Above spans do not Include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center or brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. S. Tables are based on a maximum wall height of 16' Induding a 4' mam mansard or gable. 6. Spans maybe Interpolated. 7. To convert spans to "C` and "D' exposure categories we exposure multipliers and example on Table 18 Page 3. Table 12140 Allowable Purlin Spans 6005 TO Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T-5 For 140-1&2 M.P.H. Wind Zone, Exposure "B" and Latitudes Below 30°30'-0D" North (Jacksonville, FL) Uniform Load = 6 WSF, a Point Load of 300 WSF over (1) linear ft.Is also considered A. Secdnns Fastened To Reams with Cll- Hollow Sections Tdbuta Load Width •1M=Purlln S acin T-6- 4'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0' S'$" a'"1 61" Allowable Span W / Point Load P or Uniform Load U bending b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044" S-9" Pd 5'-9' Pd 5'-9" Pd 6-9' Pd 5'-9° Pd 5'-9" Pd 5'-9" Pd 3" x 2" x 0.045" 6'-11" Pd 6•-11' Pd 6'-1 l" Ptl 6'-11' Pd 6'-17" Pd 6'-71" Pd 6'-11' Pd 2" s 3" x 0.045" 9•S Pd 9'S" Pd 9'S' Pd 9'S Pd 9'$° Pd 9'$' 2' x 3" x 0.060" 11'-1- Pd 11'-1' Pd 11'-1' Pd 11'-1' Pd 11'-1' Pd Pd 11'-1' Pd 2" x 4"-x 0.050" 14'-2' Pd 14'-2' Pd 14'-2" Pd 14'-2" Pd 14'-2- Pd 3'-11' Ud 13'S' Ud 2" it 5"1- 0.062' 20'$' 1Pd 20'4' Ud 19'-7' Ud 8'-11' IUd 18.4- Ud 1T-9' Ud 17'-2' Ud imr, Hollow Sections Tdbuta Load Width'W'=PudlnS acin T-6- 4'-0' 4'$" 5'-0' S'$" 6'-0"1 6'$" Allowable S an'L' ! Point Load P or Uniform Load U bendln b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044" T-3' Pb T3' Pb 7'3' Pb 7'J' Pb 7'-3' Pb T-0" Pb T-3' Pb 3" x 2" x 0.045" 9'-2' lPb 9-2" Pb 9'-2' IPb 1 9'-2' lPb 9'-2' lPb 1 9'-2' lUb 1 8'$' jUb 2" x 3"X 0.045" 3 b 1 3S' Pb 13'$' Pb 13'S'UPb 25'1$' Ub Ub 11'-0' Ub x 3' x 0.060" - 16'7'P d 16'-T Pd 16'-7Pd IF b U2' b 4'-10' Ub 14'-1' Ub 2"x4"x0.050" Pd 20'S 1Ub 8'-11' jUb I1T-V` IUb 16'$' Ub 115'S IUb 14'4' IUb 2' x 5" x O.O6T 26'-5' Ub 24'-T lUb 23'-1' lUb 21'-9- Ub 20--7- lUb 19'-7' lUb 18'-F lUb Note: 1. Thicknesses shown am "nominal" Industry standard tolerances. No wag thickness shall be less than 0.040" 2. Span Is measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 3. Tables are based on a maxlmum wall height ofIF Including a 4' max. mansard or gable. 4. Spans may be Interpolated. 5. 2' x 4' & 2' x 5' Hollow Girls shall be connected Wen internal or external 1-11T x 1-112' x 0.044' angle. 6. To convert spans to'C" and'D' exposure categodes see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1 B Page 3. CHECK TABLE 1.6 FOR MINIMUM PURLIN SIZE FOR BEAMS. Table 1.3140 Allowable Post Upright Heights 6005 TCI Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T5 For-3 second wind gust at a velocity of 140-1&2 MPH, Exposure "a" or an applied load of 21 #/sq. f . Hollow Sections Tributtaryy Loa 1 'yM - Upright S acin T-0' 1 W-0 5'-0" 6'-0" 1 7'-0' 1 8'.0- 9-0" Allowable Hel ht" ndinq deflection d 2' x 2" x 0.044" 64' I d 1 5'-9' Id 1 V-4' d 5'-0' d 4'-9' b q•S• b 4'-2' b 3" x 2" x 0.045" T-2' d 6'$' d 6'3' d 5'$' b 5'-2' b 4'-10' b 4'-6 b 2" x 3" x 0.045" 8'-10' d8 -0' dT-T d 6-11' lbi 6 6-0' b 2" x 3' x 0.060" 9'-9" ld 8'-11' Id 1 V-8- ld T-11' I it 1 T-4- b&-70- b 6'S lb 2" x 4' x 0.050" 2" x 5' x 0.062" Self MatingSections TEL Load Width 'yY'=Upright Spec in 3'-0" 4'-0' 5'-0" W-u- T-u- 9'-0" 8'-0" Allowable Hei ht'H" I bendln b deflection d 2" x 4" x 0.046" x 0.100" 12'-9' d 11'S' b 10'-2' lb I "' lb 1 8'-7- b I T-11' I b I TS' b 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.096" 15'-10' d 13'-10' b 1Y4" b 11'-0' I b 10'S' b 9$• b 9'-1^ b 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 17'-9" b 164" b 13'$' b I IT-6- 1b 11'S' b 10'-9' b 10'-1' b 2" x 7" x 0.057" x 0.135" 19'-11- 6 1T-2- b 1 S4' b T-11' b 12Ll- b 11'4- b 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224' 26'-1' d 23•-9" d 21'-11. b 19'-11' b 18'$' b 17'-3" b 163' b 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224' 28'$' d 26-1' b 2Y4- b 21'3' 1 b 19'$' b 18'4" b t T-3" b 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0206' 30'-9" d 2T-11" d 26-11' tl 24'-2' b 22'4- b 20'-11" b 19'$' b 2" x 10' x 0.092" x 0.374' 36-8' d 3YS- d 30'-1- d 28'4' d 26'- ' b 25-1' b 23'-T b Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are 'nominal Indus standard tolerances. No wall thickness shag be I than 0.040 try less 2. Using sin screen panel width seledupright len 'H'. 9 P(;th 3. Above heights do riot include length of knee brace. Add vertical distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 4. Site specific engineering required for pool enclosures over30' in mean roof height 5. Height Is to be measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wag connectlom 6. Chair rails of 2' x T x 0.044' min. and set @ 36" in height are designed to be residential guardrails provided they are attached with min. (3) #10 x 1-11T S.M.S. into the screw basses and do not exceed &-W in span. 7. Max. beam sae for 2' x 5' Is 2' x 7' x 0.055" x 0.120" 8. Spans may be Interpolated. 9. To convert spans to "C' and "0' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 18 Page 3. Table 1.4140 Allowable Post/ Girt/ Chair Rail / Header Spans & Upright Heights 6005 TCI Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T5 For 3 second wind gust at a velocity of 140 1&2 MPH, Exposure "B" or an applied load of 21 # / sq. R. A_ Sections As Hndz..W, Fastened To Pos Weh Min, Hollow Sections Tdbuta Load Wldth'W'=MemberS acin 3'-6" 4'-0' '$" S-0" 5'$" 6'-0- 1 Allowable Height "H" or Span 'L" I bendln h deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044" 6'-0' Id 5'-9' d F-Tld 64' 1 d 5'-2' 1 d 4'-1 I' I b 4'$' 1 b 3" x 2" x 0.045" 6'-10' 1 d 6'$' d 6'-2" I b I 5'-9' lb I 5'-5' I b 1 5'-2' 1 b 4'-10' lb 2" x 3" x 0.045" 8'-5" d&-0" d w-o" d T$' d T-1" b 6'$' b 6'-3' b 2" x 3" x 0.060" 9'4' d 8'-1 I- d 9'-2' d F-8- d F3' d T-11' d T-6- d 2" x 4" x 0.050" 10'-11" d 10'$" d 111 d 9-5' 6 8'-10' b T-3w b T-V` b 14'-0' d 13'-2' b 12'4' b 11'-7' 6 11'-0' Hollow Sections Tdbuta Load Width'IM=Members acin 3'$" 4'-0' 4'-6" 5'-0' 5'-0" 6'-0" Allowable Hel ht"H'orS an'L"! bendln b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.040" 6'$' b 6'3' b T-11' D 5'-T b 5'3' b 4'-11' b 4'$' b 3" x 2' x 0.045" T-1' ti 6'-7' b 6•-2' b 5'-9' b V-V` b 5'-2' b 4'-10' b 2" x 0.045" '2" 9'-1' b 8'$' b 8'-0" b 7'$' b 7'-1' b 6'$' b 6--3-b 2" x 3' x 0.060" 10'S' b 9'-9' b 9'-2' b 8'-8 b 8'-3' b T-11' b 7'S' b 2" x 4" x 0.050- 11'-10' b 10'-17' b 10'-2' b 9'-5- b 8'-10' b ti'-3. b 7'$' b 2" x 5" x 0.062" 14'-2' b 13'-2" b 1 Z4' b 11'-T b 11'-0' b 10'$' b 9'-10' lb Note: 1. Thicknesses shown am *nominar industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040'. 2. Using screen panel width select girt lengths. 3. Site specific engineering required for pool enclosures over 391n mean roof height 4. Span/height Is to be measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 5. Chair rolls of 2' x 2' x 0.044' min. and set Q 36' In height are designed to be residential gardralis provided they are attached with min. (3) #10 x 1-11T s.m.s. into the screw bosses and do not exceed V-W o.c. 6. Girt spacing shall not exceed V-8". 7. Max. beam size for Tx 5' is T x T x 0.055'x 0.120' 8.2' x 4' & 2' x 5' hollow girls shag be connected w1 an internal or external 1-1/2' x 1-1/2' x 0.D44" angle. 9. Spans/heights may be Interpolated. 10. To convert spans to'C'and'D' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1B Page 3. Table 1.5.1 140 Town & Country Industries, Inc. 6005 TO Allowable Spans for Miscellaneous Framing Beams as Supporting Screen Roof Frame Members Aluminum Alloy 6005 T5 forAreas with Wind Loads up to 140-1&2 M.P.H., Exposure 'B" and Latitudes Below 30°30'-00' North (Jacksonville, FL) Uniform Load = 6 WSF, a Point Load of 300 NSF over (1) linear ft. Is also considered Single Self -Mating Beams Tdbuta Load Width 10'-0" 14'-0" IV-0-22'-0" 26'-0" 30-0" 34'-0" 38'-0" 42'-0" 46'-0' S0-0` 54'-0" Allowable Span 1: / Point Load P or Uniform Load U bendln b deflection d 2" x 4" x 0.046" x 0.100" IT-S' U b 71,-7^ U 10,-2, U 9,-3^ U 8•$• U T-11' U 7--5-7'-0^ U 6'-8- U 6--4- U 5_7• U 5'-11' b b 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.096' U 17'-5' b 14'-9 ,U b 12A 1 U ,U 11--9 b b 10'-10 U b 10--1 .0 b U 9'S b 8'-11 ,U b U 8'-6b &-1 U b T-9 U U T$ b b 2' x 6' x 0.050" x 0.120' U 79'-10 b ,U 16'-9 b 14'-9 ,U ,U b 13'4 b U 1Y3' b ,U 11'S b ,U 10'-9 b U 10'-2' D U 9'$' b 9-3 U ,U D 8'-10 U D V-6 D 2" x 7" x 0.060' x 0.120' U 23'-2' b 1 '-U 9 T b 1T3' U U 15-T b b U 14' 4 b U 13'-0' b U 1 -7' Y D U 17'-10 b U 11'3- b 10'- ' 9 U b 10'-4' U U '- 1' 91 b b 2' x 8' z 0.072' x 0224^ U 26'-6' d U 23'$' d 21'-10 U U 19'-11 d b 18'-0' U b 1T-1' U b 16'-1' U b .0 75'-2 b U 14'S b 13'-10' U b 13'-3' U U 12'-9' b b 2' x 9" x 0.072" x 0224" U 29'-2' d ,U 26'-1 d 23'-11 U UU U 10'-T b ,U 1T$ b ,U 76'$ b ,U 15-9 b 1S-0,U b 14'S ,U U b 13'-10 b 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.206" U 37'-3' d U 2T-77 d 2S$ , Mb ,U 20'-8D ,U 19'S b ,U 18'4 b U 1 T-S D 16'$ U b 15,-11 U U b 15'-S b 2' x 10" x 0.092' x 0.374' 36'-3' U 32'-S U d 29'-10 24'-5'U2Y-71 b U21'-9U b b 20'$' U19''U'U78'-3'd b b b b Double Self -Mating Beams Tribute Load Width 10'-0' 14'-0" 18'-0" ZZ-0" 26--0" 30--0" 34'-0" 1 38'-0" 42'-0" 1 46'-0' 1 50'-0" SW-0- Allowable S an'L' /Point Load P or Uniform Load U bendln b deflection d (2) 2" z 8' z 0.072' x 0224' 41'-11 D 35'S' b 31'3' b 28'3' b 25'-11 b 24'-2-D 2Y-9" b 21'-T b 20'-S b 19'.6' b 1S'-9' b 181-V b (2) 2' z 9" x 0.072" x 0224" U 45-7" D ,U 38'$ b 33'-11 U ,U b 30'-9 b U 28'3" b ,U 26'4 b ,U 24'$ b ,U 23'4 b ,U 22'-3 b ,U 21'-3 b 20'4 ,U U b 19'-T D (2) 2' x 9" x 0.082' x 0.206' 50'-6'U ' b 4Y-9.b U 3T$ b.0 34'-1 b,U 31'4' bU 29'-2' bU 2TS' D U 25'-11 DU 24$,D U 23'-T U D 22'-T U 21'-9,b D U (2) 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.374' 59-11 U b 50'-7.b U 44'$, b U 494 b,U U 3T-2' D I 34'-T U b I 32'-6" b U 30'-9.D U 29'-3,D U 2T-11 DU 26-9 b.0 25-9,U b 1. It Is recommended that the engineer be consulted on any carrier beam that spans more than 50' 2. Span is measured from center of connection to fascia or well connection. 3. Above spans do not include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 4. Spans may be interpolated. 5. To convert spans lo'C' and'D' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 7B Page 3. Example: The Maximum U for a 2' x 4' x 0.044" x 0.100" Single Self -Mating Beam with Tributary Load Width = 22'-0' is 9'-3' Table 1.52140 T Town & Country Industries, Inc. Allowable Spans for Miscellaneous Framing Beams as Supporting Screen Roof Frame Members One End of Beam Attached to Host Structure for Areas with Wind Loads up to 140 M.P.H., Exposure "B" and latitudes Below 30'-30'-00' North (Jacksonville, FL) Uniform Load = 6 #/SF, a Point Load of 300 WSF over (1) linear f . Is also considered Aluminum Alloy 6005 TS Single Single Self -Mating Beams Tdbula Load Width 10'-0' 14'-0" 18-0'-0 ' 22` 26'-0" 30'-0" I 34'-0" 38•-0" 42.4- 46'-0" 50'-0" 54--0" Allowable Span 'I:* ! Point Load P or Uniform Load (U), bending (b), deflection d 2" x 4" x 0.046" x 0.100" 12'-11 P 1 T-3- d U 9'-11- b U 9'-0' b 8'J' U b b� 7 $8 U T3- U b b 6'-10' U 6•$, U b b V-3- U 5'-11' b U 5•_g. U b b 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.116- 15'-9' P 13'-7' d 1Y-0' b U 0'-10" D U 9'-11' U b b 9'4- U 8'-9- U b b 8'3' U T-10' b b T$' b T-2' 6'-11' b b 2' z 6' z 0.050" x 0.120" ITS' U �U b 14'-11 D IT-2 U D 11'-11 U U D 10'-11 b 10'-2 9'-1 U U D B'-T D 81- U b T-71 U U D T-T D 2' z 7' x 0.055' x 0.120' 19'-T U 1S3 b U , b 14'4 U , 2-11 b U U 11'-11 b b , 11'-19' . -10 U , U -9'4 b b 8'-11 , U 8'-T b U . U 8'-3 b b 2" x 8' x 0.070" x 0224" 2S4' P 23'-2' d U 20•S" b U 18'-5' b U 15-11 U b b 15-10 b 14'-0' U 13'4• U b b 12•_y U 12.3• b U 11•_y, U b b 2" x 9" x 0.070" x 0204" 27'-3' P 2T-10 d U 21'-0" b U 19•-0• b U 17•-6• U b b 16,-0• U b k 14,$• U 13•_9• U b b 13•_2• U 1Y_7• b U 1Y_2, U b b 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.326" 29'$' P 29'-2" Id b 25'-9' 23'4' b U 21'S' U b 19'-11iT$' b U 16'-10 b b 16'-1" 15'S' b 14'-10 b b 2"x10'x0.090'x0.374' 34'-2' P34'-2' d P31•-0, d U28•_t• b U 2S_10 U 24'-0' U b 21'4^ U 20'4- U b b 19S' U 19'-T b U tT-11 U b b Wore: 1. It is recommended that the engineer be consulted on any carrier beam that spans more than 50' 1 2. Span Is measured from center of connection to fascia or wall connection. 3. Above spans do not Include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 4. Spans may be interpolated. S. To convert spans to'C' and "D' exposure categories we exposure multipl ers and example on Table 18 Page 3. J in Z Z D Q O ZQ (n F- (Q j ❑ W Z Cf) in 0 O W O W ? Z N ❑ in J p U) LU Q =I Z ?ED Z06 °� m2 W W 0 ❑ d d U = U)LLin gU I--rn oil Z N N N .6 2 QO 2 f7 Z_ IY W K O U. W O O Z 0: W U7 Z Z Z „ W +`t11 GI/.W/rFAIF IL K UJ VO,4911 m SEAL Z w � p SHEET w w U Z a Z w w17A-140z m 12-01-2009 OF 21 ra Table 1.6 Inimuip Upright Sizes and Number of sc o-r- -�-- onnectlon o till - - _gitis-oPBeam Splicing Beam Minimum Minimum Minimum Girt Minimum Beam Stitching Size Upright/Column Fortin I I Number of Screws- A Screws Connection Example: 2' x T Beam & 2- x 4' at beam & gusset plate, (14) #8 x 11T sms & upright & gusset plate (14) #8 x 11T sms ea. side of beam & upright. Note: 1. Connection of 2" x 6" to 2' x 4' shag use a full lap cut or 1/16' gusset plate. 2. For beam splice connections the number of screws shown is the total'for each splice with 12 the screws on each side of the cut 3. The number of deck anchors is based on RAWL R Tapper allowable load data for 2.500 psi concrete and / or equal anchors may be used. The number shown Is the total use 12 per side. 4. Hollow splice connections can be made provided the connection is approved by the engineer. 5. If a larger than minimum upright Is used the number of screws Is the same for each splice with 12 the screws on each side of the wL 6. The side wall upright shag have a minimum beam sae as shown above, fe., a 2" x 4- upright shall have a 2 x 3' beam. 7. For minimum girt sae read upright sae as a beam and purfin sae is minimum girt sae. (i.e. 2' x 9' x 0.072' x 0219" s.m.b. w/ 2" x 6" x 0.050 x 0.135' s.m.b. upright requires a 2' x 3" x 0.045' girt / chair mil.) 8. All connections shall use a full lap mt. Table 1.7 Minimum Size Screen Enclosure Knee Braces and Anchoring Required Aluminum 6005 T-5 Brace Length• Extrusion Anchoring System 0' - 2'-0' 2' x 2" x 0.044" 2- H-Channel With 3 #10 x 12" each leg of channel To T-0' 2' x 3" x 0.045" 2" H-Channel With 3 #10 x 12' each leg of channel Up to 6'-0' 2" x 4' x 9.046' x 0.100' 2' H-Channel Wim 4 #10 x 12" each leg of channel Knee brace length shall be the horizontal and vertical length @ a 45' angle from the center of the connection to the face of the beam or upright - Note: 1. For required knee braces greater than 4'-6- contact engineer for specifications and detags. 2. Cantilever beam detail shown on page 1-00 shall be used for transom wag structure host scture attachment when knee brace length exceeds 6'-0". Table 1.8 K-Bracing Fastening Schedule Number of #10 x 314" S.M.S. Required Maximum Wall Width = Comer Post @ Top Diagonals ( per End Intermediate Post @ Chair Rall Comer Post @ Bottom Plate to Sole Plate 20'-0" 2 2 4 2 2 30'-0" 2 2 4 2 2 40'-0" 3 4 6 2 2 50'-0" 4 5 8 3 3 60'.0" 6 7 12 3 3 • Use screw sizes specified In the table below. Use front wall width when determining number of s.m.s. for the side wall K-bracing. Use side wall width when determining number of s.m.s, for the front and / or back wall K-bracing. Wind Zone Screw Size 90 MPH #10 100 MPH #10 ' 110 MPH #10 120 MPH #10 130 MPH #12 140-1&2 MPH #14 150 MPH #14 Table 1.11 Maximum Overhang for Rafter/ Truss Tails when Connected to Screen Roof 20' Max. Enclos!!ZSpan Rafter/Truss Tall #2 Span / bending b or do action d Wind Zone ("B" Exp.) Wind Pressure 2x4 /\ "' v/J 2x8. 2x10 2x12 100-110 4 7-2" b 5- b b 15'-0- bs 120 4 2'-7 b 5'.4- b 9'3' b 15'-0" b 123. 4.3 2'-0' ba -If b 8'-7' b 13'-11" b 130 5 1'-9" '4'.3' b T-5- b 17-0' b 6 1'-S b '- 6'-2' b 10'-0' b150 7 1'-3' b T-W b 53' b 8'-T b 30' Max. Enclosure Span Rafter / Truss Tall #2 Span / bending b or deflection Wind Zone ("B_ gyp.) Wind Pressure 2.4 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 100410 4 1'-5' I b T-7- 1 b 6'-2' 1 b 10'-0' 1 b b 120 4 1' b 3'-T b 6'-2' b 10'-O b b 123 4.3 1'-4" b 3'-0- b 5'-9" b 91-4' b b 130 5 1'-Z' b 2'-10' b 4'-11' b 8'-0' b L14--10- b140 6 0-11' b 2-4" b 4'-1" b 6'-0- b b150 7 0'-10' b 7-0' h 3'-6' b S-9' bb 40' Max. Enclosure Spin Rafter /Truss Tall fY! Span / bending b or deflection d) Wind Zone ("B" Exp.) Wind Pressure 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 100-110 4 1'-1" b 2'-8" It 4'-7" b 7'-6- b 11'-1" b 120 4 1'-1' b 2'-0- b 4'-T b T-0' I b 11'-1' b 123 4.3 1'-0' b 2'-0' b 4'-4' b 6'-11" b 10'-0' b 130 5 0'40' b 7-2' 1 b 3' 8" b 6'-0' 11b 8'-11- b 140 6 0'-9- b T-9- b T-1- b 5'-0' b TS' b 150 7 0'-T b 1'-0' b 7-8" b 4'-0' b 6'-0' b Note: 1. For overhangs with spans that exceed those listed above site specific engineering Is required. If truss bottom cord extends more than 24" over the wall site specific engineering is required. 2. To convert from exposure'B" spans to'C" or"D" exposure spans see multipliers and example Table 1Bon page3. Example: For a pool inclosure with 3U max beam span. In a 123 MPH wind zone.'B' exposure. For 2 x 6 rafter / truss the max overhand from the wag of the host structure to the sub -fascia Is T-4 . LATITUDES NORTH 30 - 30' - 00" NORTH (JACKSONVILLE. FL Table 1.9.1 Allowable Beam Spans TCI 6005 Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 TS for Areas In Wind Zones up to 130 M.P.H., Exposure B" and Latitudes North 30'.30'-00" North (Jacksonville, FL) Uniform Load =151#SF, a Point Load of 3001#SF overt linearR Is also considered Hollow Sections Tribula Load Width 24M Beams acin 3'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" T-0" 8''I 9'-0" AllowableS on't! / Point Load P or Uniform Load U bending b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.040" 6-6" Pb 5'-T Pb V-6 Pb 6-F Pb S-2' Pb 4'-11' Ub 4' 7" Ub 3' x 2" x 0.045" 6'-0' Pb 6-3- Pb 5-0' Pb 5'-9' Pb 5'-7 Pb 5'-2' Ub 4'-9' Ub 2" x 3" x 0.045" 9'-0' Pd 8'-11' Ud 8'-4' Ud T-10' d Tom' Ub 6'-8'. Ub 5-2' Ub 2" x 3" x 0.060" 70'-11' Ud 9'-11" Ud 9'-3- Ud 8'-0' -1. Ud 8'-3' Ud T-11' Ud T-T Ud 2"x4"x0.050" 12'-11- Ud 11'-0" Ud 10'-10' Ud 10'-0- d 9'-5' Ub 8'-0- Ub T-71" Ub 2" x 5" x 0.062" 15-6' Ud 14'-11' Ud 13'-10' Ub 72'-b' Ub 11'S Ub 70'-T Ub 9'-10" Ub Self Self Mating Sections Tributy Ld Width 3M = Beam S acin 3'-0" 4'-0' Soa'Op 8'-0" 9'-0- Allowable S an'L- I Point Load P or Uniform Load U bendin b deflection(d) 2" x 4" x 0.046" x 0.100" W-4- Ud 12'-11' lUd I I T-S" Ub 10'-T Ub 9'-0' Ub 8'-11' Ub V-4' Ub 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.096" 1T-8" Ud 16'-V lUb 14'-2- Ub 12'-10" Ub 1'-10' Ub 10'-11' Ub 10'-3" Ub 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 29-0" Ub 1T-9" Ub 15-9" Ub 14'-3- Ub 1T-l' Ub 17-2" Ub 114" Ub 2" x 7" x 0.060" x 0.120" 23'-2' Ub 1 19'-7l' Ub IT-W Ub 16'-0' Ub 14'-9' Ub 13'-8' Ub 17-9" Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" 29'-2" Ud 26'-0' Ud 24'-W Ud 23'-2- Ud 21'-6" Ub 20'-0" Ub 18'-10' Ub 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0224" 32'-l' Ud 29'-2' lUd 2T-11 1'-;'4'-R' Ud 24'-8" Ub 27-9" Ub 21'-2' Ub 19'-11" Ub 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.206" 34'S- Ud 31'-3- Ud 29'-0" Ud 27*-4' Ud 25-11" Ud 24'-4" Ub 22'-11' Ub 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.374" 39'-11' Ud 351' 11 14 Ud 31'-W Ud 30'-l' Ud P8'-9" Ud 2T-8" Ud Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are -nominal' Industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040". 2. The structures Uniformed using this section shall be limited to a maximum combined span and upright height of 50' end a maximum upright height of 75. Structures larger than these limits shall have site specific engineering. 3. Span is measured from centerof beam and upright connection to fascia orwall connection. 4. Above spans do not Include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 5. Tables are based on a maximum wall height of 15 induding a 4' max. mansard or gable. 6. Spans maybe Interpolated. 7. To convert spans to "C- and 'W exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1B Page 3. Example: Max.'L' for 2" x 4" x 0.050" hollow section with W - 5%0"-10'-10" Table 1.92 Allowable Pullin Spans Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T-5 for Areas In Wind Zones up to 130 M.P.H., Exp. "B" and Latitudes Norm of 300-00'-00" North (Jacksonville, FL) Uniform Load =15 i#SF, a Point Load of 300 #/SF over (1) linear It. is also considered A. Sections Fastened To Beams With Clips Hollow Sections Tdbuta Load Width a PurtlnSpacing X-6- 4'-0- 4'-6" 5'-0" S-0" 6'-0" 6'-8" Allowable S an'L' / Point Load P or Uniform Load U bendl deflection Idl 2' x 2' x 0.044" 5-V Pb S-0' Pb 5'-6- Pb V-5- Pb 5'-2- Pb 4'-11- Pb N-9' Pb 3'n045" 6-V Pb 6-3' Pit 6'-0" Pb 6-9" Pb 5'-7-Pb 5_' Pb 5'-1- Pb 2" 0.04% 9'4" Ud 8'-11' Ud 8'-7" Ud 8' 4' Ud 8'-1' U T-I Ub T-2' Ub 2 x .060" 19-F Ud 9'-11' Ud 9'-7" Ud 9'J' Ud 6'-11" Ud Ud 8'-5- Ud 2" x 4" x 0.050" 12'-0" Ud 11'-8' Ud 1l'-3" Ud 10'-10' Ud 10'6- Ud I-Ud 9'-8' Ub 2" x 5" x 0.062" 15'-8' Ud 14'-11' Ud 14'-5' Ud T-10' Ub 13'-2' Ub 12'lb 11'-9- Ub Into Hollow Sections Tribute Load Width 'V0 =Puriln 5 acin T-6- 4--0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 6'-8" Allowable Span 'U / Point Load P or Uniform Load U bending h deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044" T.3" Pb T-T Pb 6-111' lUb 6'-0' Ub 6'-1' Ub 5'-9- Ub 5'-4- x 2' x 0.045" 8-T Pb T-10' Ub T-3 Ub 6-9' Ub 6�' Ub 5-11 Ub S-6' 2"x 3'x 0.045" 10'-9' Ub 10'-1 Ub 9'-0 Ub 8'-10 Ub 8-3 Ub 7-9 Ub T-2' 2" x 3" x 0.060" 17-4" Ub 11-0' Ub 10'-10' Ub 10'-3' Ub 9-10 Ub 9'-5' Ub 8'-11- dUb3" 2" x 4" x 0.050" 13'-11' Ub 13'-l" Ub 17-2- Ub 11-6' Ub 10-10' Ub 10'-0' Ub 9'-0' 2" x 5' x 0.11 15-10 Ub 15'-0" Ub 14'-8' Ub 13'-10 Ub 13-2 Ub ITS' Ub 11'9' Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are "nominal" Industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040". 2. The structures Uniformed using this section shall be limited to a maximum combined span and upright height of 50' and .9 maximum upright height of 16'. Structures larger than these limits shall have site specific engineering. 3. Span Is measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 4. Above spans do not Induce length o1 knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to be connection to the above spans for total beam spans. , 5. Tables are based on a maximum wall height of 16' Including a 4' max mansard or gable. ' 6. Spans may be interpolated. 7. To convert spans to "C' and'IY exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1B Page 3. ' Example: Ma t.'L' for 2" x 4" x 0.050" hollow section with -W = 5'-0" = 9.10" 1 , _ i J Z 0 Q LLI 0 2 ❑W (7 W O co W W W O N ❑Um o(n LLI F- J Z U r ❑ W Z m F-W QW W F- -1Z) IY U LL U) C0 1` O � O Z N N J Q Nt Ct' u`oi to � O � � 2 N to ZF- LJL W t m LL 2 W Q) F rum c� Q W m aL W m n C a v 33m O 0 LL 1 3 Oir j U) ` m r` Q > rn m A t W d W ID 7t 0 F o (7 Z t n m IJ J Fm- l� LL 10 SHEET W 17B 21 i OF 2" x 9" x 0.072" X 0.224' BEAM SHOWN i% 1-3/4" STRAP MADE FROM REQUIRED GUSSET PLATE MATERIAL (SEE TABLE FOR LENGTH AND # OF SCREWS REQUIRED) WHEN FASTENING 2" x 2" THROUGH GUSSET PLATE USE #10 x 2' (3) EACH MIN. ,ya ALL GUSSET PLATES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5052 H-32 ALLOY OR HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 23 ksi db = DEPTH OF BEAM ds = DIAMETER OF SCREW 2ds 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" UPRIGHT SHOWN MOMENT CONNECTION TABLES CAN ONLY BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ONE OF THESE DETAILS V ALTERNATE FLAT ROOF tias 2(db- 2") STRAP TABLE BEAM SCREWS STRAP SIZE #/SIZE LENGTH 2" x 7' 4 12 2-3/4* 2' x 8' 4 #14 3-1/4• Y x 9' 4 #14 3-1/4' 2' x 10" 6 14 4- ' ALL SCREWS 3/4' LONG NOTES: 1. FILL OUTER SCREW POSITIONS FIRST UNTIL REQUIRED NUMBER OF SCREWS IS ACHIEVED. 2. SEE TABLE 1.6 FOR GUSSETT SIZE, SCREW SIZES, AND NUMBER. 3. GUSSET PLATES ARE REQUIRED ON ALL BEAMS 2" x 7' AND LARGER. 4. SCREW PATTERN LAYOUT W/ SPACING BETWEEN SCREWS GREATER THAN MINIMUM IS ALLOWED SO THAT EQUAL SPACING IS ACHIEVED. BEAM SPLICE CUT. GUSSET PLATE CONNECTION & GUSSET SCREW PATTERN BEAM TO POST MOMENT CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE 2' = V-0' 2 x 6 UPRIGHT CUT TO MATCH BEAM ANGLE AND NOTCH FOR EAVE RAIL 1-3/4" STRAP MADE FROM REQUIRED GUSSET PLATE MATERIAL — (SEE TABLE FOR LENGTH AND # OF SCREWS REQUIRED) (18) #8 SCREWS PER TABLE 1.6 2 X 6 SELF MATING BEAM — SCREW LOCATIONS PER TABLE 1.6 FILL OUTSIDE LOCATIONS FIRST NOT ALL LOCATIONS ARE REQUIRED ALL GUSSET PLATES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5052 H-32 ALLOY OR HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 23 ksi STRAP TABLE d -1/2' BEAM SIZE SCREWS # I SIZE STRAP LENGTH 2' x 7- (4) #12 2-3/4" 2' x 8- (4) #14 3-1/4' (4) #14 3-1/4' 2"x1V (6)#14 1 4-1/T 'ALL SCREWS 3/4' LONG I � __ d I oaae� ® ®I I I ® ® d-1/2' ® ® ATE I R OF ® ® x 1-3/4" x 1-3/4" 50h2 H-32 ®® ® i L=SAMETjpWEjSAS GUSSET PLATE FOR BEAM ® ® I MATERIAL { ® ® 2" x 8' BEAM CUT TO ACCEPT ® WALL UPRIGHT ® ® ® ® ® I NOTE: 2"x 8'BEAM W/ 2"x 6" ® I ® ® I UPRIGHT SHOWN OTHER BEAM TO UPRIGHT ® ® COMBINATIONS PER ® ® I TABLE 1.6 MAY BE USED ® ® I T BAR" INSIDE WALL I J SECTION ® G ® (SEE TABLE 1.6 FOR ® THICKNESS & SCREW L PATTERN) NOTES: 1. FILL OUTER SCREW POSITIONS FIRST UNTIL REQUIRED NUMBER OF SCREWS IS ACHIEVED. 2. SEE TABLE 1.6 FOR GUSSETT SIZE, SCREW SIZES, AND NUMBER. 3. GUSSET PLATES ARE REQUIRED ON ALL BEAMS 2" x 7" AND LARGER. 4. SCREW PATTERN LAYOUT W/ SPACING BETWEEN SCREWS GREATER THAN MINIMUM IS ALLOWED SO THAT EQUAL SPACING IS ACHIEVED. 5. BEAMS THAT ARE 2 x 7 OR LARGER MUST HAVE GUSSET PLATE. 6. MOMENT CONNECTIONS AND MOMENT TABLES CAN NOT BE USED IN SOLID ROOF / SCREEN ROOF COMBINATION ENCLOSURES OR ANY CONNECTION THAT REQUIRES A KNEE BRACE SUCH AS IN A DOME ROOF. ALTERNATE BEAM TO POST MOMENT CONNECTION DETAIL z SCALE: 2" = V-0" r- .r W w z z w O LL Km F L ;r C dumb 00• J J Q Q W Z (n Z — W O_ 0 U w W U JO Z ?ZO (_ W I— U Z Z � cr-O UU2 67 — Z z O U J W Q U) 4 R Z O H W 0 0 W Oo C� (V Z /n Z W m Q w OD i LL r— O) O O C7 0 (V C4 2 F- C_ a 0 0 m Q c� z z w w z t9 w w z z w m Table 1.1M 130 Moment Connection 6005 TO Allowable Beam Spans Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T-5 For Wlnd Zones up to 130 M.P.H., Exposure "B" and Latitudes Below 300.10'-00" North (Jacksonville, FL) Uniform Load - 5 #/SF. a Point Load of 300 #/SF over (1) Ilnearft. is also considered Hollow Sections Tdbuta Load Width = Beam S cin T 4-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 7'-0 8'-0"I 9'-0" Allowable Span *I! / Point Load P or Uniform Load U bending b deflection Wit 2" x 2" x 0.044" T-T Pb TJ' Pb T- ' Pb T-3' Pb T•3' Pb T•3• Pb T-0" Pb 2" x 3" x 0.045" 9'-2' Pb 9'-2" Pb 9'-T' Pb 9'-2' Pb 9'-7 Pb 8'-11' Ub 8'-2' Ub 2"x3"x 0.060" 13'-T Pb 13'-6' IPb 1T-F IPb 13'-0° IPb IZ-8" lUbIll'-7' 111b 10'-8- Ub 2"x4"x 0.050" 16'-7' Pd 16-7'-PH 16'-7' IPd 19-3' jUb 15'-1' JUb 14'-1' lUb IT-3" Ub 3" x 2" x 0.045" 18'-9' lPb 18'-9' lPb 1T•3' lUb 115W jUb 114W lUb 17-11' lUb 17-0' Ub Self Mating Sections Tribute Load Wldth'IM = Beam S acin 3-0" 4-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" T-0" Allowable S an'L' / Point Load P or Uniform Load U bending b deflection d 2" x4" x 0.046" x 0.100- 24'-2' lPb 2Z-9' lUb 20'-2" Ub 18'-2' Ub 16-W Ub 15'S' Ub 14'S Ub 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.096" 3T-3' Ub ZT-9' Ub 24'-T Ub 22'-3' Ub 20'S Ub 8'-11' Ub 1 T-0" Ub 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 35'-10' Ub 30'-10' Ub 2T-0" Ub 24'-9" Ub ZZ-6' Ub 21'-1" Ub 19-8" Ub 2" x 7" x 0.060" x 0.120" 40'-Z' lUb 34'-6' IUb W-8' Ub 2T-9' Ub 25.6' Ub 23'-8' Ub 27-1" Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" 51'-3" Ld 49'-9' Ub 44'-0' Ub 40'4' Ub 3T-2' . Ub 34'-8' Ub 37-7" Ub 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" 54'-1" Ld 52'-10' Ub 4T-1" Ub 42'-9' Ub 39'S" Ub 36'-9' Ub 34'-6' Ub 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.206" 54'-S ILd 54'5' Ld 53'.9' Ub 48'-11" Ub 45'-2' Ub 4Z-2' Ub 39- Ub 2" x 10- x 0.092" x 0.374" 5T4' ILd 5T4' lLd 5T4' Ld 5T4' Ld 54'-6' Ub 50'-11' Ub 4T-11' Ub Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are'nominal' industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040% 2. The structures designed using this section shall be limited to a maximum combined span and upright height of 50' anti a maximum upright height of 16. Structures larger than these limits shag have site specific engineering. 3. Span is measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 4. Above spans do not Include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 5. Tables are based on a maximum wall height of W including a 4' max mansard or gable. 6. Spans may be interpolated. 7. To convert spans to'C' and "D" exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1 B Page 3. 8. Moment connections and moment tables can not be used In solid / screen roof combination enclosures or any connection that requires a knee brace such as in a dome roof. Table 1.3M 130 Moment Connection 6005 TCI Allowable Post / Upright Heights Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T5 For 3 second wind gust at a velocity of 130 MPH, Exposure "B" or an applied load of 18 #/sq. ft. Hollow Sections Tdhuta Load Wldth'W'=U rl htS acin 3'-0' 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 7'-0" 8'-0" Allowable Hel ht "H"! bending b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044" T-9" b 6'-9- b 6'-0' b 6•6" b 6-1" b 4-9. 3" x 2" x 0.045" 8-9b T-6b 6-8" b 6'-1" b 5'-7b 5'-0' 2" x 3' x 0.045" 10'-7' b 9'-b 6'-3 b T-0' 6 6-11b 6-0 M 2" x 3" x 0.060' 12'-1" b 10'-6b 9'-S b 8'-T b T-11b T-5 2" x 4" x 0.050" IZ-6' b 10-9b 9-T b 8'-9' b 8-0b T-0 Self Mating Sections Tributary Load width =Uri ht Spacing 3'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 1'-0" 1 8'-0' 1 9'-0" Allowable Height 'H" / bendln b deflection d 2' x 4" x 0.046' x 0. 00' 14'.1' b 174' b 10-11 b 10'-0' b 9'-3" b 8'-7' b 8'-1' b 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.096' 18'-l' b 15-7" b IT-10" b 12'-7- b 11 W- b 10'-9" b 10'-1' b 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120' 20'-T b 1T-9' 6 15-9' b W4' b 13'-2" b 12'-0' b 11'-6' b 2" x 7" x 0.060" x 0.120" 24.2• b 20-10• b 18'-7- b 16'-10" b 16-6- b 14'-6- b 1 T-T b Y x e" x 0.072" x 0.224" 30'-T b 21 b 23'-W b 21'-7• b 19'-11 • b 18'-W b 1 T-7- b 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0 E4" 32'-7' b 28'-2' b 26-2' b 22'-11' b 21'-3' b 19-10" b 16'-8' b 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.206 37'-0- b 37-0- b 26'-7 b 26'-1' b 24'-2- b 22WA b 21'J' b 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.374" 44'-3" b 38'4" b 7-3- b 31'.9" b 28-11 b 27'-1" b 25'-V b Note: 1. Thicknesses shown am'nominal" industry standard tolerances. No wall -thickness shall be less than 0.040'. 2. Using screen panel width'W select upright length'H'. 3. Above spans do not include length of knee brace. Add vertical distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 4. Site specific engineering required for pool enclosures over 30' In mean roof height. 5. Span Is to be measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 6. Chair rags of 2' x 2' x 0.044' min. and set @ 36' In height are designed to be residential guardrails provided they are attached with min. (3) 910 x 1-11T S.M.S. Into the sore. bosses and do not exceed 8'-0" In span. 7. Maximum beam size for 2. 5' Is a 2 x Tx 0.055'x 0.120" 8. Spans may be Interpolated. 9. To convert spans to'C' and "D' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1 B Page 3. MOMENT CONNECTION TABLES CAN ONLY BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ONE OF THE MOMENT CONNECTION DETAILS ON PAGE 18A Table 1.6A Moment Connection Minimum Upright Sizes and Number of Screws for Connection of Roof Beams To Wall Uprights or Beam Splicing Beam Size Minimum Uptight Size Minimum Purlin Size Minimum Girt & Knee Brace Size Minimum Number of Screws' #8 x'W 010 X V #12 x'A" Beam Stitching Screws & S acin 2" x 3" x 0.045" Hollow 2• x 3' x 0.5; Hogow 2' x 2 x 0.044" Hollow 2' x 2 x 0.044• Hollow 6 4 4 2" x 4'.x 0.050" Hollow 2' x 3" x 0.045" Hollow 2' x 2 x 0.044' Hollow Z' x 2 x 0.044' Hollow 8 6 4 2"x5"x0.062"Hollow 2"x3'x0.045 Ho11ow Z"x2x0.044"Hollow, Z'x 2 x 0.044• Hollow 8 6 4 2" x 4" x 0.046" x 0.100" SMB 2' x W x 0.045" Hollow Z" x 2 x 0.044" Hollow Z" x 2 x 0.044" Hollow 8 6 4 #8 @ 24- O.C. 2'x5'x0.050"x0.116"SMB 2"x 4' Hollow or SMB T x 2 x 0.044• Hollow 2" x 2 x 0.044• Hollow 8 6 4 #8 @ 24.O.C. 2" x 6' x 0.050' x 0.120"SMB 2'x4' Hollow or SMB 2 x2X0.044'Hollow 2"x 2 x 0.044• Hollow 10 8 6 #10 @ 24. O.C. 2"x7"x 0.055'x 0.120"SMB 2-x P Hollow orSMB 2' x 2 x 0.044' Hollow 2" x 2 x 0.044• Hollow 14 12 10 #12 @ 24.O.C. 27x8"x0.082"x0.306"SMB 2• x 6' x 0.050' x 0.120' SMB 2' x 3'x 0.045" Hollow 2'x 2 x 0.044' Hollow 16 14 12 #14 @ 24.O.C. 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" SMB Z' x 6' x 0.050" x 0.120" SMB Tx 3' x 0.045" Hollow 2" x 2 x 0.044" Hollow 18 16 14 #14 @ 16- O.C. 2"x9"x 0.082"x 0.306" SMB 2• x T x 0.055"x 0.12W SMB 2'x4"HollowarSMB 2" x 2 x 0.044' Hollow 20 18 16 #14 @ 16. O.C. 2"x 10-x 0.092"x0.374"SMB 2' x 8• x 0.082' x 0.306' SMB 2' x 5' Hollow or SMB 2"x3"x 0.045'Hollow 20 1 18 16 Screw Size Minimum Distance and Spacing of Screws Gusset Plate Thickness Edge To Center Center To Center Beam Size Thickness #a 5716 ' 5/8' 2" x 7" x 0.055" x 0.120" 1 0.063, #10 3/8" 3/4- 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" 0.125' #12 1 - 1' 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0224" 0.125' 014 or 114" 3/4' 1-12' 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0..306" 1 0.190' 5116- 7/8' 1-0/4' 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369' 1 0250" 3181, 1" 2" Refers to each side of the connection of the beam and upright and each side of splice connection. Connection Example: 2' x T beam & 2' x 5" at beam & gusset plate, (14) #8 x 1/2' sms & uptight & gusset plate (14) #8 x 1/2' sms ea. side of beam & upright. Note: 1. Connection of 2' x 6" to 2" x 3' shall use a fug lap cut or l/16" gusset plate. 2. For beam splice connections the number of screws shown is the total for each splice with 1/2 the screws on each side of the cut. 3. The number of deck anchors Is based on RAWL R Tapper aflowable load data for 2.500 psi concrete and / or equal anchors may be used. The number shown Is the total use 12 per side. 4. Hollow splice connections can be made provided the connection is approved by the engineer. 5. If a larger than minimum upright is used the number of screws is the same for each splice with 1/2 the screws on each side of the cut. 6. All beam to upright connections for 2" x T beams or larger shall have an Internal gusset plate except when a knee brace is used at the connection. Gusset plates are required for mansard, gabled and all spliced connections. 7. For gusset plate connections 2" x 9" beams or larger use 3/4" long screws. 8. The side wall upright shall have a minimum beam size as shown above, ie., a 2" x 4° upright shall have a 2" x 3" beam. 9. For minimum girt size read upright size as abeam and pudin size is minimum girt size. (i.e. 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" s.m.b. w/ 2" x 6" x 0.050 x 0.120" s.m.b. upright requires a 2' x 3" x 0.045" girt / chair rail.) Table 1.9.1M Moment Connection TC16005 Allowable Spans for Primary Screen Roof Frame Members Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T-5 For areas with wind loads up to 130 M.P.H., Exposure "B' and latitudes above 300.10'-00" North (Jacksonville, Florida) that are subject to Ice and snow. Uniform Load on Screen =15 WSF 3009 Point Load Is Considered over (1) LF of Beam Hollow Sections Tribute Load Width'1M a Beam S acin T-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 7'-0" I Allowable Span V / Point Load (PI or Uniform Load U bending b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044" T.1' 1pb I T-3' lPb 6'-TU b511 b5'-5' Ub 4-11" Ub T Ub 3" x 2" x 0.045 8T Pb 7-10' Ub 61UbIg Ub 5-7' lUb I 5'-Z' lUb 1 4'-9' Ub 2" x 3" x 0.045" 13-0' 9 Ub 6'-8' Ub 6T'--28'' UUb 2x3"x0.060' 3 11 Ub 10U-S 9'-1' Ub 8T Ub 8'-T b b 2" x 4" x 0.050" 15'-1' Ub IT-1" Ub 11'-0' Ub 104" 9'-5' Ub 8'-8" Ub T-11' Ub 2' x 5" x 0.062" 1tf'-0' Ub 15-8' Ub 13'-10' jUb 1T-6" IUbII1W UD 10'-T Ub 9'-10' Ub Self Mating Sections Tdbuta Load width 'W'=Beam S acin 3'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 7'-0"I 8'-0' I g'-0" Allowable S an'12 / Point Load P or Uniform Load 1111, bending b deflection d 2" x 4" x 0.046" x 0.100" 15'4- Ub 13'-2' lUb 11'-8° Ub 10'-6' lUb 9'-8' Ub 8'-11• Ub 8'4' Ub 2" x S" x 0.050" x 0.096" 18'-0' Ub 1S-0' Ub 14'-2- Ub 12'-10- Ub 1'-10" Ub 0'.11- Ub 1V-W Ub 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 2". Ub 1T-9" Ub 15'-9' Ub 1W-3" Ub 13'-1" Ub 12'-2' Ub 11'4" Ub 2" x 7" x 0.060" x 0.120" 23'-T Ub 19'-11- Ub 17'-0' Ub 16'-0" Ub 14'-9' Ub 1T-8' Ub 12'-9" Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224" 33'J' Ub 28'-9" Ub 25W" Ub 2Y-3" Ub 21'-0" Ub 2U-0' Ub 16'-10' Ub 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" 35'4' Ub 30'-6' Ub 27'-2" Ub 2N-W Ub 22'-9" Ub 21'-2' Ub 19'-11' Ub 2" x 9" x 0.08T x 0.206" 40'4' Ub 34'-10" Ub 31'-1" Ub 29-3" . Ub 26'-1' Ub 24'4- Ub 22'-11' Ub 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.374" 48'4' Ub 41'-10' Ub 37'4' Ub 34'-1" Ub 31'-6" Ub 29'-5' Ub ZT-8" Ub Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are "nominal" Industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040'. 2 The structures designed using this section shall be limited to a maximum combined span and upright height of 50' and a maximum upright height of 16% Structures larger than these limits shall have site specific engineering. 3. Span is measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 4. Above spans do not Include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 5. Tables are based on a maximum wall height of 16 Including a 4' max. mansard or gable. 6. Spans may be Interpolated. 7. To convert spans to'C' and •D' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 18 Page 3. Example: Max.'U for 2" x 4" x 0.050" hollow section with 'W'.5'-0" . 11•-0" O Z_ of W Q. cc O LL 0] O t7 Z W W W Z Z W Z ::) W O Q m ) 1- ❑ W CCU) Z OUo WO o W Z U Z r ❑ fn W fn W OJZ J Z in� U O D W Z 111 I- W Q W ILDWW Wa � W 0 ❑ Cl) V O W cn �fn:2 tirn = o 0 zIl ON 04 2 o F>- Q SEAL SHEET iico• ' F=m I L L__ e C W PY r r09 OF Table IIAM 140 Moment Connection 6005 TCI Allowable Beam Spans Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T-5 For Wind Zones up to 130 M.P.H., Exposure "B" and Latitudes Below 30'-30'-00' North (Jacksonville, FL) Uniform Load = 6 #ISF_ a Point Load of 300 #1SF over (11 linear ft. Is also considered Hollow Sections T buty Load Width W =Beams acin T-0" 4'-0' S6'-0" 7'-0" - 8'-0" 9,_0 Allowable S an'L' I Point Load P or Uniform Load U bending b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044" -' 7'-3' Pb T-3' Pb 7 '.3' Pb T-3' Pb TJ" Pb T-Y Pb T-1" Ub 2" x 3" x 0.045" 9'-2' Pb 9'-2' Pb 9'-2' Pb 9'-2- Pb 6'-8' Ub T-11' Ub T-0" Ub 2" x 3" x 0.060" 13'-6' Pb 13'-6' Pb 13'-0" Pb 12'-7- Ub 11'-4" Ub 10'-0" Ub 9'-0' Ub 2' x 4" x 0.050" 16'-7' Pd 16'-7" Pd 16'-T Ub 14'-10' Ub 1 T-9' Ub 12'-10'JUL 17-1' Ub 3" x 2' x 0.045' 18'-9' Pb 17'-9' Ub 15'-T Ub 13'-11' Ub 12'-8' Ub 11'-7' Ub Ub Self Mating Sections TributaF Load Width W - Beam S acin 3'1" 4'1" 5-0" 6'-0" 7'-0" 8'-0' 9'-0" Allowable S an'U I Point Load P or Uniform Load U bending b deflection Id 2" x 4" x 0.046' x 0.100" 24'-2' Pb 20'-B' lUb 181J' Ub 16'-6' Ub 15'-1" Ub T-11' Ub 2'-11" Ub 2" x 5" x 0.050- x 0.096" 29'S" Ub 25'-0" Ub 22'4' Ub 20% Ub 1W-W Ub 1T-2" Ub 15'-11" Ub 2"x6-x 0.050"x 0.120" 3Z-8' Ub 28'-0' Ub 24'40' Ub 22'-5" Ub 20'-T Ub 1T-l" Ub IT-9" Ub 2" x T x 0.060" x 0.120" 36'-7' Ub 31'.5" Ub 2T-10" Ub 25'-2' Ub 23'-l' Ub 21'-5' Ub 20'-0" Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224" 51'-3 Ld 46-4' Ub 40'-0' Ub 3&-8' Ub 33'-10" Ub 31'-T Ub 29'-7- Ub 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0224' 54'-1' Ld 48'-2" Ub 42'-IT Ub 38'-11' Ub 35-10' Ub 33'-5" Ub 31'-4" Ub 2" z 9" x 0.082' x 0206 54'-5- Ld 54'-5' Ld 49'-0- Ub 44'-7- Ub 41'-2' Ub 3B'-0' Ub W-1" Ub 0.374- 5T-0" Ld 57'-4" Ld 57'3- Ld 53'-9' Ub 49'-9" Ub 45-5" Ub 43'-9' Ub Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are'nomfnal' industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shag be less than 0.040'. 2. The structures designed using this section shall be limited to a maximum combined span and upright height of Strand a maximum upright height of 16'. Structures larger than these limits shag have site specific engineering. 3. Span is measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 4. Above spans do not include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 5. Tables are based on a maximum wag height of I& Including a 4' max. mansard or gable. 6. Spans may be Interpolated. 7. To convert spans to'C' and'D' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1 B Page 3. 8. Moment connections and moment tables can not be used in solid / screen roof combination enclosures or any connection that requires a knee brace such as In a dome mof. Table 1.3M 140 Moment Connection 6005 TCI Allowable Post / Upright Heights Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 TS For 3 second wind gust at a velocity of 140.1&2 MPH, Exposure "B" or an applied load of 21 #Isq. It. Hollow Sections Tribute Load Width W = U ri ht S acin 3'-0" 4'-0' S'-0" 6'-0" 7'- 8'.0 Allowable Height "H" / bending b deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044" T-3' I b V-3' 1 b S-T 1 b 6-1' 1 b 4'-9' 1 b 4'-5' lb 4'-2' lb 3" x 2" x 0.045" &-1" b 6'-11' it 6'-2' b 5' -7' b 5'-2' b 2" x 3" x 0.045' 9'-10" b 8'-6' b T-7' b 6'-11' b S-5' b 6*-0 lb 5'-8' lb 2" x 3" x 0.060" 11'43' lb 1 9'-9' I b 8--8' 1 b 7'411' 1 b 1 T-4" I b 5-10' lb I 6'-0' lb 2" x 4" x 0.050" 11'-6' lb 9-11' 1 b 8'-10' lb I W-T lb I T-5' lb 6-10' lb 161 -5' lb Self Mating Sections Trihuta Load Wltlth W e U ri ht5 acin T-O" 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 7'-0" 9'-0" Allowable Height "H" I bendln b deflection d 2" x 4" x 0.046' x 0.100" 13'-2' b 11'-5" b 10'-2' b 9'-3" b 8'-6' b T-11' 2- x 5" x 0.050" x 0.096" 16'-9' b 14'-6" b 12'-9' b 1l'-T b 10'-7' lb I9'-9" b 9'-2- b 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 18'-11" b 16'-3' b 14'3 b 13'-W b 11'-11' b 11'-1' b 10'-4' b 2" x 7- x 0.060" x 0.120" 22'-2' b 19-1' b 15-11' b 15S' b 14'-2' I b 13'-2- b 12- - b T x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" 28'-4' b 24--T b 21'-10" b 19'-11" b 18'S' lb 1T-3' b 16'-3' b 2" x 9' x 0.072' x 0224" 30'-2' b 26'-1- b 213' b 21'-T b 19'-T h 18'-0' b 1 TJ' b 2" x 9" x 0.082"x 0.206" 34'J' b 29'-7" b 26'4i' b 24'-2' b 22'�' b 20'-10' b 2" x 10 x 0.092" x 0.374' 40'-1 T b 3V-6' b 31'-9' b Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are "nominar Industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040'. 2. Using screen panel width W select upright length'H% 3. Above spans do not Inciude.length of knee brace. Add vertical distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the abovei spans for total beam spans. 4. Site specific engineering required for pool enclosures over 30' In mean roof height 5. Span is to be measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 6. Chair rails of 2' x 2" x 0.044' min. and set @ 36" in height are designed to be residential guardrails provided they are attached with min. (3) 910 x 1-12' S.M.S. Into the screw bosses and do not exceed 8'-0' In span. 7. Maximum beam size for Tx 5' Is a 2"x 7"x 0.055x 0.120" 8. Spans may be Interpolated. 9. To convert spans to -C- and'D' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 1 B Page 3. MOMENT CONNECTION TABLES CAN ONLY BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ONE OF THE MOMENT CONNECTION DETAILS ON PAGE 18A Table 1.6A Moment Connection Minimum Upright Sizes and Number of Screws for Connection of Roof Beams To Wall Uprights or Beam Splicing Beam Size Minimum Upright Size Mlnlmum Puriln Size Minimum Girt & Knee Brace Size Minimum Number of Screws• #8 x %" r#10 )r h" #12 x'A" Beam Stitching Screws & S acin 2" x 3" x 0.045" Hollow 2' x 3' x 0.045" H011ow 2" x 2 x 0.044' Hollow 2 x 2 x 0.044' Hollow 6 4 4 2- x 4" x 0.050" Hollow 2'x3'x0.045'Hollow 2"x2 x 0.044" Hollow 2" x 2 x 0.D44' Hollow 8 6 4 2"x5"x 0.062"Hollow Z'x3'x D.045"Hollow 2' x 2 x 0.D44' Hollow 2' x 2 x 0.044' Hollow 8 6 4 2"z4"x0.046'x0.100"SMB ' ollow 2"x3'x0.045 H 2'x2x0.044'Hollow 2' x 2 x 0.044' Hollow 8 6 4 #8 24- O.C. 2"x5"x0.050"x0.116"SMB 2'x4"Hollow or SMB 2' x 2 x 0.044" Hollow 2-x2x0.044"Hollow 8 6 4 #8 @ 24"O.C. 2' x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" SMB 2'x4"HolloworSMB 1 2"x2z0.044"Hollow I 2'x2x0.044'Hollow 10 8 6 1 #10 @ 24"O.C. 2"xr x0.055"x 0.120"SMB 2'x5'HOIIow0rSMB 2'x2 x 0.044' Hollow 2'x 2 x 0.044" Hollow 14 12 10 #12 24.O.C. 2" x 8' x 0.082" x 0.306" SMB 2' x 6" x 0.050- x 0.120- SMB 2" x 3" x 0.045" Hollow 2"x 2 x 0.D44' Hollow 16 14 12 214 24' O.C. 2"x9"x0.072"x0.224'SMB 2' x 6" x 0.050x0.120SMB 2'x3"x 0.045' Hollow 2"x 2 x 0.044' Hollow 18 16 14 #14 16O.C. 2"x9-x0.082'x0.306"SMB I 2'x7'x0.055"X0.120"SMB I 2'x4"Hollow or SMB I 2"x2x0.D44'HoI 20 1 18 1 16 1 #14 @ 16.O.C. Yx10"x0.092"x0.374"SMB 1 2"x8" x 0.082' x 0.306' SMB 1 2"x5"Hollow or SMB 2'x3'x0.045"Hollow 1 20 1 18 1 16 1 #14 @ 16'0.C. Screw Size Minimum Distance and Spa Ing of Screws Gusset P ate Thickness Edge To Center I Center To Center Beam Size Thickness #8 5115' 1 518" 2" x 7' x 0.055" x 0.120" 1 0.063' #10 318' 3/4' 2" x 8' x 0.072" z 0.224" 0.125" #12 12" 1' 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224' 0.125' 014 or 1 4" 3K' -1/2" 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0..306" 0.190' 5/16" 718' 1-314" 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" 0250" 318" i' 2' Refers to each side of the connection of the beam and upright and each side of splice connection. Connection Example: 2' x 7' beam & 2"x 5' at beam & gusset plate. (14) 98 x 12' sms & upright & gusset plate (14) #8 x 12" sms ea. side of beam & upright. Note: ' 1. Connection of 2" x 6" to 2"x 3" shall use a full lap cot or 1/16' gusset plate. 2. For beam splice connections the number of screws shown is the total for each splice with 12 the screws on each side of the cut. 3. The number of deck anchors is based on RAWL R Tapper allowable load data for 2.500 psi concrete and / or equal anchors may be used. The number shown Is the total use 12 per side. 4. Hollow splice connections can be made provided the connection is approved by the engineer. 5. If a larger than minimum upright is used the number of screws is the same for each splice with 112 the screws on each side of the cut. 6. All beam to upright connections for 2" x 7" beams or larger shall have an internal gusset plate except when a knee brace is used at the connection. Gusset plates are required for mansard, gabled and all spliced connections. 7. For gusset plate connections 2" x 9" beams or larger use 3/4" long screws. 8. The side wall upright shall have a minimum beam size as shown above, le.. a 2"x 4" upright shall have a 2"x 3" beam. 9. For minimum girt size read upright size as a beam and pur in size is minimum girt size. (Le. 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" s.m.b. w/ 2" x 6' x 0.050 x 0.120" s.m.b. upright requires a 2" x 3' x 0.045" girt / chair rail.) Table 1.9.1 M Moment Connection TCI 6005 Allowable Spans for Primary Screen Roof Frame Members Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T-5 For areas with wind loads up to 130 M.P.H., Exposure "B" and latitude. above 30'.30'-00" North (Jacksonville, Florida) that are subject to Ice and snow. Uniform Load on Screen =15 #1SF 300# Point Load Is Considered over (1) LF of Beam Hollow Sections Trlbutary Load Width W = Beam Spacing T-0" 1 4'-0" 1 5'-0" 1 6'-0" 1 T-0" Allowable S an'L' / Point Load P or Uniform Load U bending (b); deflection d 2" x 2" x 0.044' T3' Pb I T-3' lPb 1 6'-7' lUb 5'-11' jUb 1 5'-5' lUb 4'-11' jUb 4'-7' lUb 3" x 2" x 0.045" 8'-7" Pb T-10' Ub 6'-11' Ub %-Y Ub 5-7-Ub S-Z' Ub 4'-9' Ub 2" x 3" x 0.045" 11'-0' Ub 10'-1' Ub 9'-0- Ub 8'-1' Ub T-4- IUb 1 6'-8' Ub 6'-2' Ub 2" x 3" x 0.060" 13'-3' Ub 11'-6' Ub 10'-0' Ub 9'S' Ub 8'-0' Uh 8'-2" Ub 7'-8' Ub 2" x 4" x 0.050" 15'-1' lUb 13'-1' lUbIll'-6' Ub 10'-4' lUb 1 9'-5- lUb I F-8' lUb T-11- Ub Ub 13'-10' jUb 12'-6' lUb 11'-5' IUb 10'-7' lUb 9'-10- Ub Self Malin Sections TrIbuty Load Width W = Beam S acln T-0' 4'-0" 5'-0' , IV 7' " Allowable S an'L' / Point Load P or Uniform Load (Ul. be ding b deflection d 2" x 4" x 0.046" x 0.100" 15-4- Ub 13'-2' lUb 11'-8' Ub 10'-0' lUb 1 9'-8" Ub 8'-11- Ub 6'-4- Ub 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.096" I&-8' Ub 16'-0' lUb 14'-2" Ub 12'-10' Ub 1'-10' Ub 0'-11- Ub 10'-3' Ub 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 20'-0' Ub 1T-9' Ub 15'-9' Ub 14'-0' Ub 13'-1' Ub 77-2' Ub 71'4' Uh 2" x 7" x 0.060" x 0.120" 23' T - I IT-11' lUb 17--8' Ub 16'-0- Ub 14'-9" Ub 13'-0' Ub 17-9- Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224' 33'.3" Ub 28'-9' Ub 25'-T Ub 23'-3' Ub 21'-6' Ub 20'-0' Ub 18'-10' Ub 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0224" 35'-4' Ub 30' Ub 2T-2" Ub 24'-8' Ub 2P'-9" Ub 21'-2- Ub 19'-11" Ub 2" x 9' x 0.082" x 0.206' 40'A' Ub 34'-I(r Ub 31'-1' Ub 28'-3' Ub 26'-1' Ub 24'4' Ub 22'-11- Ub 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.374' 48'-4' Ub 41'-10- Ub 3T-0' Ub 34'-l" Ub 31'-6' Ub 29'-5' Ub 2T-0' Ub Note: 1. Thicknesses shown are'nominal" Industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040'. .2. The structures designed using this section shall be limited to a maximum combined span and upright height of W and a maximum upright height of 16'. Structures larger than these limits shall have site specific engineering. 3. Span Is measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall connection. 4. Above spans do not include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. S. Tables are based on a maximum wall height of 16' Including a 4' max. mansard or gable. 6. Spans may be Interpolated. 7. To convert spans to'C' and'D' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on Table 713 Page 3. Example: Max.'L' for 2" x 4" x 0.050" hollow section with W = S-0" =11-0" O fn W Z m O Q F ~ Z 0 W OUO (D WF U o N W Z) W Z O O -J Z U U lb W P- W Z Q Ill U Z W 2 0 J ER Q- RW0 co O(L U a LL 0 04 o Z 0 N N Q N 04n10 , SEAL -IEET Table 1.10a 110 T Town & Country Industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Spans for Super Gutter and Self Mating Beam Screened Enclosure One Side/Solid Roof Other Side Aluminum Alloy 6005 T.5 ForAreas In wind Zones of 110 M.P.H„ Exposure'B" or Less and Latitudes Below 30'30'-00" North Uniform Load on Screen-4#ISF, Solid Roof =232 WSF and 300# Point Load Is Considered over (1) LF of Beam c" o...... r_-- -A Cplf MaHrn R.- Single Self -Mating Beams Trtbuta Load Width 10'-0' 1 12%0" 1 14'-0" 16'-0" 18'.0' 1 20'-0' 2Y-0" 24'-0" Allowable Span W I Point Load P or Uniform Load U , bendin b or deflection Id 2" x S" x 0.050' x 0.100- 11'-11 Ub I 11'$' Ub I 11'-Y LI 11'-2' Ub 10'-11 Ub 10'$' Ub 10'S" Ub 10'5' Pb 2" x 6- x 0.050" -x0.120- 12'$ Ub 17-2- Ub 11'-11 Ub 11'-7' Ub 11'-0" Ub 11'-2' Ub 10'-11 Ub I 10'-1" Ud 2" x T x 0.055" x 0.120' 12-11 Ub 1Z-W Ub 12'4- Ub 12'4' Ub 11'-10' Ub I 11'-T Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224" 18'-2' Ub 1T$' Ub 1T-3- Ub 16'-11 Ub 16'$' Ub 16'-T Ub 15-Im 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0204" 19'-2' Ub 18'$' Ub 18'3' Ub 1T-10 Ub 1 T-5' Ub 1T-1' Ub 16'-2" x 9- x 0.082- x 0.326" 23'-1' Ub 22'-F Ub 21'-11 Ub21'$' Ub 21'-0- Ub 20'-T Ub 20'-' 0" 0.090" x 0.374" 2'x1 z 2T4' Ub Z6'$ Ub 2 6'-0' U b 25 '-5' Ub 24'-10 Ub 24'-4' Ub 23'- Note: . . - 1. If the solid panel Is greater or less than 10'-0', then the 12 the allowable screen root beam span shall be adjusted by the factor of +/. 2 x 12 (the solid roof panel span difference between the actual and 1(Y-0"). The adjustment to the allowable screen roof panel width Is applied as a plus tithe solid roof panel is larger than 10'-0' and minus H the solid roof panel is smaller than 1U-0'. 2. For span of'L' of beam; use screen panel width -W from drawing. 3. Load span =12 of screen beam length + 12 of solid roof span . 4. Spans may be Interpolated. 5. For minimum beam to upright sizes use Table 23 6. To convert spans to'C' and 'D' exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on page 141. Table 1.10a 120 T Town & Country Industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Spans for Super Gutter and Self Mating Beam Screened Enclosure One Side/Solid Roof Other Side Aluminum Alloy 6005 TS For Areas In Wind Zones of 120 MP.H„ Exposure "B" or Less and Latitudes Below 30030'-00" North Uniform Load on Screen - 4 #ISF, Solid Roof - 27A #ISF and 30D# Point Load Is Considered over (1) LF of Beam S" I-- PnHpr pnd Splf Mafinn Rpam Single Self -Mating Beams Tdbuta Load Width 10'-0` 12'-0" 14'-0` 16'-0" 18'.. '201' 1 22'-0' 1 24'-0- Allowable S an'L'/ Point Load P or Uniform Load U , bendin b or deflection d 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.100" 11'-3' Ub 10'-11 Ub 10'-9' Ub 10'-T Ub 10'-0' Ub 10'-2' Ub 9'-11' Ub 9'S' Pb 2` x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120' it'-9' Ub 11.5" Ub IV3" Ub 10'-11' Ub 10'-9" Ub 10'-7' Ub 10'-5' Ub 10'-1' Ud 2" x 7" x 0.055" x 0.120" 12'-2" Ub 11'-11 Ub 11'$' Ub 11'S' Ub 11'-3' Ub 1 T-0" Ub 10'-10' Ub 10'-2' Ud 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224" IT-W Ub 1G$' Ub 16'4' Ub 15-11 Ub 15'$' Ub 155- Ub 15-1' UD 14'-5' Ud 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0204" 17"A l Ub 1T-T Ub 1T-2" Ub 16'-10 Ub 16'$' Ub 16-Y Ub 15-11 Ub 15'-11 Ud T x 9" x 0.082' x 0.326" 21'$' Ub 21'-2' Ub 20'-9' Ub 204' Ub 19'-11 lJb 19'-T Ub 19'-Y Ub 18'-9' Ud 2" x 10' x 0.090" x 0.374' 25'$' Ub 25'-1' Ub 24'-7' Ub 24'-1' Ub 23'-T Ub 2T-2' Ub 22'-9" Ub I 22'S' Ud Note: 1. If the solid panel is greater or less than 10'-0". then the 112 the allowable screen roof beam span shall be adjusted by the factor of +/- 2 x 12 (the solid mot panel span difference between the actual and 10'-0'). The adjustment to the allowable screen roof panel width Is applied as a plus if the solid roof panel is larger than 10'-0" and minus if the solid roof panel is smaller than 10'-0% 2. For span of of beam; use screen panel width 'W from drawing. 3. Load span =12 of screen beam length + 12 of solid roof span . 4. Spans may be Interpolated. 5. For minimum beam to upright sizes use Table 2.3 6. To convert spans to'C' and 'D" exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on page 141. Table 1.10a 130 T 'Town & Country Industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Spans for Super Gutter and Self Mating Beam Screened Enclosure One Side/Solid Roof Other Side Aluminum Alloy 6005 TS For Areas In Wind Zones of 130 M.P.H., Exposure'B' or Less and Latitudes Below 30'30'-00" North Uniform Load on Screen - 5 (#SF, Solid Roof= 322 #/SF and 300# Point Load Is Considered over (1) LF of Beam .. C....... I-, --A .-K M„Rnn Room Single Self -Mating Beams Tdbufa Load width 10W IT-0' 14'-0• 16'-0' 18'-0' 1 20'-0" 22'-0" 2", Allowable Span *I: I Point Load P or Uniform Load U , bentlIn b or deflection d 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.100" 10'-7' Ub 10'-0• 2" x 6" x 0,050" x 0.120" 10'-11 Ub 10'-9' Ub 10'-T Ub 10'-S Ub 10'3' Ub 10'-1' Ub 9'-11' Ub 9'-9' Ub 2" x T x 0,055" x 0A20" 11'S' Ub 11'-3' Ub l l'-W Ub 10'-10' Ub 10'$' Ub 10'5- Ub 10.3- Ub 10'-1' Ub 2" x B" x 0.072" x 0224" 15'-11 Ub 15'$' Ub 15'-T Ub 15-1- Ub 14'-1D Ub 14'-7- Ub 14'4- Ub 14'-2' Ub 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0204" 16-10 Ub 16'S' Ub 163' Ub 15'-11 Ub 15'$' Ub 16-5 Ub 15'-2' Ub 14'-11 Ub 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.326" 20'4' Ub 19'-11 Ub 19'-T Ub 19'-2- Ub 18'-10 Ub 18'-7' Ub 18'-W Ub 1T-11 Ub 2" x 10" x 0.090' x 0.374" 24'-1' Ub 2T-T Ub 23'-Y Ub 22'-9- Ub 22'4- Ub 21'-11 Ub 21'-T Ub 21.3" Ub Note: 1. If the solid panel Is greater or less than 10'-0'. then the 12 the allowable screen roof beam span shall be adjusted by the factor of +/- 2 x 112 (the solid roof panel span difference between the actual and W-13"). The adjustment to the allowable screen roof panel width Is applied as a plus If the solid roof panel Is larger than 10'-0' and minus if the solid hoof panel Is smaller than 10'-0". 2. For span of V of beam; use screen panel width W from drawing. 3. Load span = 12 of screen beam length + 12 of solid roof span . 4. Spans may be Interpolated. 5. For minimum beam to upright sizes use Table 2.3 6. To convert spans to'C" and'W exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on page 14. Table 1.1 Da 140 T Town & Country Industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Spans for Super Gutter and Self Mating Beam Screened Enclosure One Side/Solid Roof Other Side ,Aluminum Alloy 6005 T5 for Areas In Wind Zones of 1404&2 M.P.H„ Exposure 'S" or Less and Latitudes Below 30'30'-00" North Uniform Load on Screen - 6 f#SF, Solid Roof - 37.3 #ISF and 300# Point Load Is Considered over (1) LF of Beam _" Q..- r ,.- pnd Cprf Maftnn Rpam ' Single Self -Mating Beams Trtbuta Load Width 10'-0" 12'-0" 14--0" 16'-0" 18'-0"1 201' 22'-0" 24'-0'. Allowable S n'U / Point Load P or Uniform Load U , bending b or deflection d 2'x5-x0.050'x0.100" 9'-11'UD I 9-9' Ub 1 9-7' Ub 9'-5' Ub 9'4' Ub 9'-2* Ub 9' -0' Ub 8-11' Ub 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 10'4' Ub 10'-2' Ub 10'-0' Ub 9'-10' Ub 9--8-Ub 9'-7- Ub 9'-5- Ub 9--3- Ub 2" x T x 0.055' x 0.120" 10'-9' Ub 10'-T Ub 10--5-Ub 10'3' Ub 10'-1' Uh 9'-11" Ub 9'-9' Ub 9'$' Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224" 15'-1' Ub 14'.9' Ub 14'-T Ub 14'4" Ub 14'-1' Ub 13'-11 Ub 13'$' Ub 13'$' Ub 2' x 9" x 0.072" x 0.204' 15'-11 Ub 1 S-T Ub 154' Ub 15-1" Ub 14'-10 Ub 14'$' Ub 14'S' Ub 14'3' Ub 2' x 9' x 0.082" x 0.326' 19'-2- Ub 18'-10 Ub 1W1 Ub 18'-2' Ub 11-11 Ub 17'$' Ub 17'.5' Ub 1i-2" Ub 2' x 10" x 0.090" x 0.374' OW Ub ZZ'3' Ub 21'-11 Ub 21'-7' Ub 21'3' Ub 22'-lt Ub 20'-7- Ub 20'J' Ub Note: 1. If the solid panel Is greater or less than 10'-0', then the 12 the allowable screen roof beam span shag be adjusted by the factor of +/- 2 x 12 (the solid mot panel span difference between the actual and 10'-0r'). The adjustment to the allowable screen roof panel width is applied as a plus if the solid roof panel is larger than 10'-0' and minus if the solid roof panel is smaller than 10'-W. 2. For span of'L' of beam; use screen panel width -W from drawing. 3. Load span =12 of screen beam length + 12 of solid roof span . 4. Spans may be Interpolated 5. For minimum beam to upright sizes use Table 2.3 6. To convert spans to'C' and "D' exposure categories we exposure multipliers and example on page 1.0. Table 1.10b 110 T Town & Country Industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Spans for Super Gutter and Self Mating Beam Screened Enclosure One Side/Solid Roof Other Side Aluminum Alloy 6005 TS For Areas in wind Zones of 110 M.P.H., Exposure "S" or Less and Latitudes Below W-W-00" North Uniform Load on Screen - 4 WSF, Solid Roof- 232 #/SF and 300# Point Load Is Considered over (1) LF of Beam 7" Surer r"nffpr and Sptf Mafinn Rpam Single Self -Mating Beams Tributary Load WIdN 10'-0' 1 12'-0' 14.4- 16'-0" 1 18'-0" 1 20•-0" 1 22--0" 2W.O" Allowable S an'L' / Point Load P or Uniform Load U , bendlng_JbJ or deflection 2' x 7" x 0.055" x 0.120" 15'-5' Ub 15'-1' Ub 14'-9' Ub 14'-T Ub 14'-l" Ub 13'-9' Ub 13'$' Ub 1T-10 Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224' T lub Ub 1 T3 1T U 1'b T-2' U 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0204' $U 19'-1' Ub18-2' 60 UbS U 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.326" 24'4" Ub I 23'-9' Ub 23'-2' Ub I 22'$' Ub I 2Z-2' Ub I 21'-9" Ub 1 21'-0' Ub 20'-11 Ub 2" x 10" x 0.090" x 0.374" 2T-11 Ud I 27'$' Ub 26'-10 Ub I 26'3' Ub 25'$' Ub 25'-2' Ub I 24'$" Ub 1 24'-2' Ub Note: 1. If the solid panel Is greater or less than 10'-0", then the 12 the allowable screen roof beam span shall be adjusted by the factor of +/- 2 x 12 (the solid roof panel span difference between the actual and 1(7-0'). The adjustment to the allowable screen roof panel width is applied as a plus if the solid mot panel Is larger than I V-O' and minus if the solid roof panel is smaller than ITV. 2. For span of'L" of beam; use screen panel width'W' from drawing. 3. Load span = 12 of screen beam length + 12 of solid roof span . 4. Spans may be Interpolated. 5. For minimum beam to upright sizes use Table 2.3 6. To convert spans to "C' and 'D" exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on page 14. Table 1.10b 120 T Town & Country industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Spans for Super Gutter and Self Mating Beam Screened Enclosure One Side/Solid Roof Other Side Aluminum Alloy 6005 TS For Areas In wind Zones of 120 M.P.H., Exposure'B" or Less and Latitudes Below 30130'-00' North Uniform Load on Screen = 4 #ISF, Solid Roof = 27A #ISF and 3000 Point Load Is Considered over (1) LF of Beam r' s„npr 1-. f- and cplf Maim.. Rpam Single Self -Mating Beams Tdhuta Load Wldth 10'-0- 12'-0' 14'-0' 16'-0' 18'-0' 20'-0" 22'-0" 24'-0" Allowable S pan I: / Point Load P or Uniform Load U , bendin b or deflection d 2" x 7" x 0.055" x 0.120" 14'$' Ub 2" Ub 3'-11' Ub 13'-7' Ub 13'-0' Ub 13'-1' Ub 12'-10 Ub 12'-10 Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224" 1F-9' Ub 18'4' Ub 17'-11 Ub 17'-7' Ub 1T3' Ub 16'-11 Ub 16'-7' Ub 16'-2' b 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0204" 19'-2" b 18'-9' b 18'-5- b t8'-X b 1T$' b 1T4' b 1T-0° b 16'3" b 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.326" '-11 b 22'S' b i'-11 b 21'-6' b 21'-1' b 2" x te" x 0.090-- 0.374" 2S5' b 5-11 b Note: 1. If the solid panel is greater or less than 10'-0', then the 1/2_the allowable screen roof beam span shall be adjusted by the factor of +/- 2 x 12 (the solid roof panel span difference between the actual and 10'-0'). The adjustment to the allowable screen roof panel width is applied as a plus if the wild roof panel is larger than 10'-W and minus if the solid roof panel is smaller than 10'4•. 2. For span of'L' of beam: use screen panel width'W' from drawing. 3. Load span = 12 of screen beam length + 12 of solid roof span . 4. Spans may be Interpolated. 5. For minimum beam to upright sizes use Table 2.3 6. To convert spans to'C' and *D* exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on page 141. Table 1.10b 130 T Town & Country Industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Spans for Super Gutter and Self Mating Beam Screened Enclosure One Side/Solid Roof Other Side Aluminum Alloy 6063 T$ For Areas In Wind Zones of 130 M.P.H., Exposure'B" or Less and Latitudes Below 30.30'-00" North Uniform Load on Screen - 5 #ISF, Solid Roof w 32.2 WSF and 300# Point Load Is Considered over (1) LF of Beam T' S.mpr C-ff-and Suif Mafinn Roam Single Self -Mating Beams Tribute Load Width 10'-0" 12'-0" 14'-0" 16'-0'I 18'-0` I 2D'-0' 1 22'-0" 1 24'-0`- Allowable Span 'I: / Point Load P or Uniform Load U , bending b or deflection d 2' x 7" x 0.055" x 0.120 13'-7' Ub 13'-0' Ub 13'-1' Ub 12'-10 Ub 12'$' Ub 12'-5' Ub '' Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224" IT-7' Ub 17'3' Ub 16'-11 Ub 16'-T Ub 16'4" Ub 16'-1' Ub Ub 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.204" 18'-0" Ub 17'$" Ub 1T4' Ub 1T-0' Ub 16'-9' Ub 16'S' UbUb �W-318'-11'Ub 2• x 9" x 0.082" x 0.326" 21'S' Ub 21'-1' Ub 20'$' Ub 20'-3 Ub19'-11 Ub 19'-T Ub 2" x 10" x 0.090" x 0.374" 24'-10 Ub 244 Ub 23'-11 Ub I 23'-6- Ub I 23'4' Ub ZZ'$' Ub 224' Ub 21'-11 Ub Note: 1. If the solid panel is greater or less than 10'-0', then the 12 the allowable screen roof beam span shall be adjusted by the factor of +/- 2 x 12 (the solid roof panel span difference between the actual and 10'-W). The adjustment to the allowable screen roof panel width Is applied as a plus if the solid roof panel Is larger than 10'-W and minus If the solid roof panel Is smaller than 10'-0'. 2. For span of'L' of beam; use screen panel width "W from drawing. 3. Load span =12 of screen beam length + 12 of solid roof span . 4. Spans may be interpolated. 5. For minimum beam to upright sizes use Table 23 6. To convert spans to'C" and "D' exposure categodes see exposure multipliers and example on page 141. Table 1.10b 140 T Town & Country industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Spans for Super Gutter and Self Mating Beam Screened Enclosure One Side/Solid Roof Other Side - Aluminum Alloy 6063 T6 for Areas In Wind Zones of 1404&2 M.P.H., Exposure'B" or Less and Latitudes Below 30'30'-00" North Uniform Load on Screen = 6 #1SF, Solid Roof -37.3 WSF and 300# Point Load Is Considered over (1) LF of Beam 7" 3uner rnffer and Self Maf,n.. R- Single So"ating Beams butary Load width '10'-0" 1 '12'.0" 1 14'-0".' 1 16'-0" 1 18'-0" 1 2W4" 221-V 24'-0' Allowable S an'L' I Point Load P or Uniform Load U , bending b or deflection d 2" x T x 0.055" x 0.120" 12'-10 Ub 12'-T Ub 12'S' Ub 12'-2' Ub 17-0' Ub ' Ub 11'$' Ub 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" 16'-T Ub 16'-3' Ub 16'-0' Ub 15-9' Ub 15'-6' Ub 1" Ub 14'-10 Ub 2" x 9• x 0.072" x 0.204" 16'-11 Ub 16W Ub 16W Ub 16'-2" Ub 15'-11 Ub 5' M212(Y-1VUb Ub 15-2' Ub 2' x 9" x 0.082' x 0.326" 20'-W Ub 15-11 Ub 19'-T Ub 19'3' Ub 18-11 Ub ' Ub 18'-1' Ub 2` x 10" x 0.090" x 0.374" 23'5' Ub 23'_0 Ub Ub 22'3" Ub 21'-11 Ub " Ub 20'-11 Ub Now: 1. If the solid panel Is greater or less than 10'-0", then the 12 the allowable screen roof beam span shag be adjusted by the factor of +/- 2 x 12 (the solid roof panel span difference between the actual and 10'-0'). The adjustment to the allowable screen roof panel width Is applied as a plus if the solid roof panel is larger than 1U-0" and minus if the solid roof panel Is smaller than 10'-0'. 2. For span of'L' of beam; use screen panel width -W from drawing. 3. Load span =12 of screen beam length + 12 of solid roof span . 4. Spans may be Interpolated. 5. For minimum beam to upright sizes use Table 2.3 6. To convert spans to "C" and "D' exposure categories we exposure multipliers and example on page 14L l7 FZ F- W O LL Q W On O t7 z W W W �Z C9 Z ul • O i LL Z Z D� O Z Q Q Z H W 2m 0W OUo (90U) 05 U W CJ N W lL Ib Z r W EYl.- Z W 0 Z m W W U 0 O 0 �U)a- \ :E WCL 0 LL f� 0 0 LL U) D t) Z O C.4 LZ W Q > U SHEET Fm I L E C y� " r2"" Y �•K 1 11• • m 0 N V rn. a O rY (7 O Z K W W z_ 0 Z W W Z Z W m •,♦.tom{ L Table 22.1 Allowable AtWbutable Roof Area per Post Wind Zone = Avolled Load (#ISF)- 100 MPH 110 MPH 120 MPH 123 MPH 130 MPH 140-1 MP 140-2 MPH 150 MPH 16.60IfP 17.7#Ift 21.1#Ife 2#lft 4.8#Ift' 8.7#/ft° 30.9#/fe 33#/fe Max. eight Max. Load # All." a Roof Area n square, Feet for Various Loads on Post 3" x 3- x 0.060" Roll Formed - uminum Alloy 3105 H-14 r-0' 1 6110 368 345 1 290 275 1 246 1 213 1 198 1 185 8'-6" 4976 300 281 236 224 201 173 1 161 11 51 1o•-0' 3596 217 203 1 170 162 145 125 1 116 1 109 17•-6" 2719 164 154 1 129 122 110 95 1 88 1 82 13%0" 2128 128 120 1 101 96 86 74 69 64 140•6" 1710 103 97 81 77 69 fill 1 55 1 52 16%0" 1404 85 79 1 67 63 57 49 1 45 1 43 Max. Height Max. Load # Allowable Roof Area in Square Feet for Various Loads on Post 3" x 3' x 0.060" Fluted Hallow Extrusion -Aluminum 6063 T-6 7'-0- 7575 456 428 359 341 305 264 245 230 B'-6" 5646 340 319 268 254 228 197 183 171 -0 10'" 4079 246 230 193 184 164 142 132 124 11'-6' 1 3085 ' 185 174 146 139 124 107 100 93 13'-0" 1 2414 145 136 114 109 97 84 78 73 14'-0' I 1940 117 110 92 87. 78 68 63 59 16'-0" 1 1594 96 90 76 72 64 56 52 48 Wind Zone - Applied Load(NSF)= 100 MPH 110 MPH 120 MPH 123 MPH 130 MPH 1404 MPH 140-2 MPH 160 MPH 16.601ft 17.7#/it 21.1#IT 222#/11' 24.8#/fl 28.7#If- 309#/fP 33#/fN Max. Hal ht Max. Load Allowable Roof Area In Square Feet for Various Loads on Post 3' x 3" x 0.090" Hollow Extrusion -Aluminum Alloy 6063 T-0 7%0" 10680 643 506 481 431 372 346 324 8%6" 7244 436 343 326 292 252 234 220 10'-0" 5233 315 248 236 27 182 169 159 11'-6" 3957 238 L4O9 188 178 160 138 128 120 13%0" 3097 187 147 139 125 108 100 94 14'-0" 2489 160118 112 100 87 81 75 16'-0" 20" 123 97 92 82 71 66 62 Max. Hel ht Max. Load (#) oo a n Square Feet for Various Loads on Post 3"x 3n x (.125" HoowE -AumnumA T r-0" 14340 864 810 680 646 1 578 1 500 464 1 435 8,11" 9725 586 549 461 438 392 339 315 295 10'-0" 7027 423 3 77 333 317 283 245 227 21-3- 1 V.6" 5313 320 300 252 239 214 185 172 161 13'-0" 4158 250 235 197 187 168 145 135 126 3342 201 189 158 161 135 116 108 10 16'-0" 2745 165 155 130 124 ill 96 89 83 Max. Height Max. Load (#) 135-w-515re7FElAmair uare" et tor various Loads on Post 4" x 4" x 0.125" Hollow Extruslon -Aluminum Alloy 6063 T-6 T-0" 26177 1577 1479 1241 1 1179 1 1056 1 912 1 847 793 8'-0" 23401 1410 1322 1109 1054 944 815 757 709 10'-0" 17191 1036 971 815 774 693 599 556 521 11'-0" 12999 783 734 616 586 524 453 421 394 13'4" 10172 613 575 482 458 410 1 354 329 308 14'-0" 8176 493 462 388 368 33tl I 285 265 24t3 16%0" 6715 405 379 318 1 302 271 1 234 217 203 Notes: 1. Design must wdsly both height and area requirements. 2. Areas may be interpolated. Table 2.3 Schedule of Post to Beam Size and Number of Thru-Bolts Possible w/ Min. Edge Distance of 24/2d Beam She Minimum Post Size Max.#Thru-Bolts @ Beam (a) Max. #Thru-Bolts @ Post Base (Note 5) Minimum Knee Brace' (Note 5) Mlminum# Knee Brace Screws- (Note 4) Minimum Stitching Screws Spacing 1/4' S/16' 3/8" 12" 1/4' 5116' 318" 12' Hollow Sections 2" x 4" 0.050" Tilt 3' x 3" x 0.060' 1 5 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 - 2' x 3' x 0.045' 3 1 #8 a 24' O.C. 2" x 4' x 0.050" Hollow 3' x 3• x 0.060' 1 7 5 4 3 5 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2' x 3' x 0.045" 3 1 #8 @ 24" O.C. Self -Mating Beams 2" x 4" x 0.044" x 0.100' 3' x 3' x 0.060- 5 4 2 2 5 3 3 1 2 1 2' x 3" x 0.045' 3 #8 @ 24" O.C. 2" x 5" x 0.050• x 0.116" 3' x 3' x 0.060" 7 5 3 3 5 3 3 2 1 2" x 3" x 0.045' 3 010 @ 24- O.C. 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 3' x 3' x 0.060' 8 6 3 3 5 3 3 2 2' x 3" x 0.045" 3 #10 @ 24" O.C. 2" x 7' x 0.055" x 0.120" 3' x 3" x 0.093" 10 7 4 4 5 3 3 2 2" x 4" x 0.050' 3 #10 @ 24" O.C. 2" x 8" x 0.082" x 0.306' 3" x 3' x 0.125" 11 9 5 5 5 3 3 2 2" x 4' x 0.050' 3 #12 @ 24" O.C. 2" x 9' x 0.072" x 0.224" 3' x 3' x 0.125' 13 10 6 6 5 3 3 2 2' x 4' x 0.050' 3 #14 @ 24' O.C.­ 2" x 9" x 0.082" x 0.306' 4' x 4' x 0.125' 13 11 6 6 7 5 4 3 2' x 4' x 0.05D" 3 #14 @ 24- O.C.- 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.374" 4" x 4' x 0.125" 15 15 7 7 19 5 4 3 2' x 4' x 0.050' 4 #14 @ 24- O.C.- The minimum number of thin bolts Is (2) 1. • Minimum post(beam may be used as minimum knee brace 2. •' Fasten external screws or dips. See Details 3. -For screw she we wind zone chart 4. (2)1/4' Thru-Bolls maybe substituted for screws. 5. AN Thor -Boos shall have minimum 5/8' diameter washers and lock nuts. Example: Number of bolts required for 120 MPH, B' exposure, Attached (Endosed) structure; MWFRS Design Load 14 PSF load width of post =12', post sparing =10', w2 =14 PSF Post Uplift = 12' x 10' x 14' = 1680# From Table 9.4A' use wall thickness of lesser member Example: use Twall = 0.60' Allowable Loads # Bolts R 'd • @ post base beam 1/4' = 468# / bolt 3.52 use 4 yes yes 5/16'=61091 bolt 2.75 use yes yes 3/8' = 731# / bog 2.29 use 3 yes yes 12'=1,004#/bolt 1.67 use yes yes ' These values are good for post base & beam bolts Material Type Top Edge In Direction OfAppffed Load & Center To Center Side Edge Aluminum 2-12 D 1 D Concrete 5 D 5 D Wood 4 D 4 D Knee Brace Min. Length eX Lencith 2' x 2' x 0.044' 11' 2'-0" 2-x3'x OA45' 1'-0' Z-6' 2' x 4' x 0.050' 1 11-6" T-W Table 2.4.1 Footings -Maximum Roof Area for Screened Enclosure One Side I Solid Roof Other Side Wind Zone (MPH) - 100 1 110 120 1 123 130 1 1404 140-2 1 150 Attached Cover Uplift • 16.6 NSF 17.7 NSF 21.1 NSF 222 IF 24.8 NSF 28.7 WSF 309 WSF 33.0 NSF Free Standing Uplift = 10 NSF 10 NSF l l NSF 12 NSF 13 NSF 15 #!SF 15 NSF 17 NSF Existing Slab on Grade wl unknown rehrfcrcement in good repair I 22 19 15 15 13 1 11 1 11 1 10 Isolated Footing Dlmenslons" Uplift Rating bs. Maximum Attributable Roof Area In Square Feet V-0" x 1'-0" x 1'-0" 306 18 17 15 14 12 11 9 9 1'-41' x V-4" x 1'-" 597 36 34 28 27 24 21 18 18 1'-0" x 1'.6" x 1'-0" 799 48 45 37 36 32 28 24 24 V-8' x l'-8" x 2%0" 1,223 74 69 58 55 49 43 37 37 V-8" x 1'•8' x 2'-V 1,529 92 86 72 69 62 53 46 46 2'-0" x 2'-0" x 2'-0" 1,584 95 89 75 71 64 55 48 48 Ro" x T-0" x 2'-0' 1,980 119 112 94 89 80 69 60 60 2'-0" z 2'-6" x 2'b' 2,756 166 156 131 124 111 96 84 84 2'-6' x 2'-0" z 3'-0' 3,308 199 187 1 157 1 149 1 133 1 115 1 100 100 ' Roof areas based on attached cover uplift loads. Notes: 1. Isolated Footing Is a poured concrete rectangular solid (Length x Width x Depth). 2. Slab on grade must be new or In good condition. 3. For free standing covers, multiply above roof areas by the appropriate multiplier from the table below. Pre -Cast Block Footing Precast footing block (16" x 16" x 4" ) at 24" below grade with 80 # bag pne r lx concrete and backfilled to grade. Wind Zone(MPH)= 100 1 110 120 1 123 1 130 1 1404 140-2 150 Attached Cover Uplift • = 16.6 NSF 17.7 NSF 21.1 NSF 222 #ISF -24.8 NSF28.7 #/SF 309 #ISF 33.0 NSF Free Standing Uplift = 10 #ISF 10 NSF 11 NSF 1 12 NSF I 13 NSF I 15 #ISF 15 NSF 17 NSF Dimenslons'• Rating Iba. Maximum Attributable Roof Area In Square Feet 1 x 80# Bag 1,734 110 103 86 1 82 73 63 55 55 (2) x 80# Bag 1,819 115 108 90 811 77 1 66 1 58 1 58 3) x 80# Bag 1.904 115 108 90 1 66 77 1 66 1 58 1 58 Note: Maximum uplift on post Is determined by multlpying maximum attributable roof area x applied load. Example: Post tributary roof area = 77. Applied load for 110 MPH wind zone = 24NSq. FL, Uplift on post = T7 x 24 = 1,540# Roof Area Conversion Multipliers Conversion Multipliers for Freestanding Carports with Mono Sloped Roofs Wind Zone 100 110 120 123 130 1404 140-2 150 Roof Are a Multiplier 1 1.00 1 1.05 1 1.13 1 1.36 1 1.48 1 1.56 1.00 1.00 *COATED ALUMINUM POST IN CONCRETE #40 BAR 12" LONG POURED CONCRETE (REFER TO TABLE 2.4) III NOTE: *POST SET IN CONCRETE OR ANY ALUMINUM THAT WILL COME IN CONTACT WITH PRESSURE TREATED WOOD SHALL HAVE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING VAPOR BARRIERS. 1. PEAL AND SEAL OR OTHER WATER SEAL TAPE. 2. COVERED IN 0.006 MIL-15 # FELT PAPER PLASTIC 3. PAINTED WITH ROOFING CEMENT ISOLATED FOOTING Z 0 Z Q 1- m ❑ W OUo (90cn fn U J (7 R ❑OQ zfn cn 0 F-. 0 I- lY W' Z ❑ D W m J U000 0_j ALL OG" fn00 LJi� �00 r`CY) C:)o �W Z Z N C4 W W = 0 Q � rtOo [fl an %t 2 co LJL WMrn W Z W�m"g CL w La LL n -¢r O a L r• n t` m m to Z 2LU L oe m 2 y 0) O m o � n d r F- raaT,:l" IL Lu we 1LU r.t 1 JP 1 11• a 0 O R' L7 (9 Z ir W W Z_ z Z W W Z 2 W m ), Table 3A.2110 Allowable Upright Heights, Chair Rail Spans or Header Spans 6005 TCI Under Solid Roof Town & Country Industries, Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T-5 For 3 second wind oust at 110 MPH velocfly: usina deslan load of 13.0 XSF Sections T bate Load Width 'W'= Member s acn 3'-0" 3'-0' 4'-0" 4'-0' 5-0" 5-0" 1 6'-0" 1 6'-0' 1 T-0" 7'-6' Allowable Height 'H' / bendln 'b' or deflection *d' 2" x 2" x 0.044" Hollow b 7'-11' b 7'-V b 6'-11, b 6'-8' b 3" x 2" x 0.045" Hollow b 8'-8" b 8'-1' b1411'-Ta b 7'-3' b 6'-11' b 6'-7' b 6'4- b 6'-1' b 5'-11" D 2" x 3^ x 0.045" Hollow b 9'-10" b 9'-2' b b 8'-2- b T-10- b T-6' b T-2- b 6'-11" 2" x 3" x 0.060' Hollow b 12'S' b 11'-7' b' b 10'4' b V-10" b 9'-5' D 9'-1' b 8'-9' b 8'-5' b 2" x 4" x 0.050^ Hollow b 11'-10' b 11'-1' b b 9'-111' b W-W b 9'-1' b 81-8' b 8'-5" b 8'-l' b 2" x 5' x 0.062" Hollow b V'-11 1T3' b 16'-2" b 14W b 13'-9- b 13'-2' b 12'-8' 77-3' b 1'-10' b 2"x4"x0.046x 0.100" S.M.B. b 14W' b 13'-7' b " b 12'-2' b 1T-7" b 11'-1' b 10'-W b 10'3' b 9'-11' D " 0100" S.M.B. 2"x5"x0.050 x . b 1T-0' b 16'4' b' b 14'-0' D 1 '-11- b 3 1T4- b 12'-70' b 12'4' b 1'-11- D 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" S.M.B. ' b 20'-3' b 18'-11' b " b 16'-11' b 16'-2' b 15'-6' b 14'-10' b 14'4' b T-10" b 2" x 7" x 0055" x 0.120" S,M,B. b 24'J' b 22'-9" b ' b 20'4' b t9'4' b 18-7- b 1T-10- b 17'-Y D 16'-7- b 2"x8^ x 0.072" x 0224" S.M.B. b 29'-T b 27'-10- b' b 24'-11' b 23'-9' b 22'-9' b 21'-10' D 21'-0" D 20'4- b 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" S.M.B- 37-3- b 34'5' b 32'3' D b 28'-10' b 27'-0• 2F-3' b 24'4- b 23'-6 b Z" x 9^ x 0.082- x 0.310" S.M.B. 41'S• b 38'S' b 35'-11' b 1' b 37-2' b 30'-0' b 29'4' b 2&-3' b 27'-2" b 26'-3- b 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" S.M.B. 53'-11' d 51'-0- d 49'-0' d d Notes: 1. Above spans do not Include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 2. Spans may be interpolated. Table 3A.2120 Allowable Upright Heights, Chair Rail Spans or Header Spans 6005 TCI Under Solid Roof Town & Country Industries,Inc. Aluminum Alloy 6005 T-5 For 3 second wind oust at 120 MPH veloclty: usina desion load of 15.0 XSF Sections dbuta oa ldthW= emberSpachrok 1 4'-6' 5'-0" 1 5'-0" 1 6'-0" 1 6'.6" 1 7'-0" 7'-0" Allowable Height 'H' I b.ndIna b' or defle on'd' 2" x 2" x 0.044" Hollow b 7'S' b 6'-11' b 6'-6' b 6'-2' D 5'-11' b 5'-B' b 5'-5' b 5'-3' b 5'-0' ❑ 3^ x 2" x 0.045" Hollow b 8'-0' bR25�11" b 7'-1' ❑ 6'-9' b 6'-5' b 6'-2' b 5'-11- b 5'-8" b 5'-6' b 2' x 3" x 0.045" Hallow b 9'-2' 6 b 8'-1' b T-8' b T-3' h 6'-11' b 6'-a' b 2" x 3" x 0.060" Hollow b 1 V-6" b b 10'-2' b 9'-8' b 9'-2' b 8'-10' b 8'S' b 2" x 4" x 0.050" Hollow ' b I V-0" b " b 9'-9" b 9'-3' b 8'-10' b 8'-5' b 8'-7' b T-10' b 7'-6- b 2" x 5" x 0.062" Hollow b 929'-11' 16'-1' b " b 14'-2" b 13'5' b 2'-10" b 12'-3" D W-10" b 11'4" b 10'-11' b 2" x 4" x 0.046 x 0.100" S.M.B. b IT-6" b b 11'-17" b 11'4- b 0'-10- b 10'4" b 9'-11" b 9'-T b 9'J' b 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.100" S.M.B. b 16' 3" b ' D 14'4" b 13W* b 2'-11' b 12'-5' b 11'-11" b 1 V-6' b 11'-1" D 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" S.M.B. b 18'-10- b ' b 16'-8- b 15'-9' b 15'-0' D 14'-5' b 1T-10' b 13'4' D 2'-71" b 2^ x 7' x 0.055" x 0.120^ S.M.B. b 27-7- b ' b 19'-11' b 18'-11' b 18'-0' ❑ 1 T.9' b 16'-T b 15'-11- b 15'-5' b 2" x 8' x 0.072^ x 0224" S.M.B. ' b 27'-8' b 1" b 24'-5' b 23'-2' b 22'-1" b 21'-2' b 20'4' b 19'-7' b 1&-11' b 2" x 9" z 0.072' x 0224" S.M.B. 34'�' b 32'-7' b b 28'3' b 26'-10' b 25'-7' b 24'-6" b 2T-6" b 22'-8b 21'-11' b 2"x 9" x 0.082" x 0.310- S.M.B. 38'-8' b 35'-10" b " b 31'-7'b 29'-11" b 28'-7' b 274' b 25'3" b 25-4' b 24-5" b 2" x 70" x 0.092- x 0.369" S.M.B. 51'-5' d 48•-10- d ' 44'-0" b 41'-11" b 40'-0' b 38'4' b 36'- 0- D 35'-Bw b 34'-3' b Notes: 1. Above spans do not include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 2. Spans may be interpolated. Table 3A.2130 Town & Country Industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Upright Heights, Chair Rail Spans or Header Spans for Screen, Acrylic or Vinyl Rooms Aluminum Alloy 6005 T5 Fora second wind gust at 130 MPH loci ; usinu desl n load of 18.0 #ISF Sections Tribute Load Wldth'1M Member S ac n T-0" T-6- 4'-0" 4'-6" 5'-0' Allowable Height 'H' I bendlnq 'b' or deflection'd' 2" z 2' x 0.044" Hollow 7'3' b 1 6'-9' bV-8' b b 5'3' b 5'4' b 5'-2' b 4'-11' b 4'-9' b 3" x 2" x 0.045" Hollow T-11" b 7'4' b " bb V-2" b 5'-10' b 5'-7' b 5'-5' b S-2" b 2" x 3" x 0.045" Hollow 9'-0' b 8'4' b ' bb 6'-11' b 6'-6' b 6'4' b 6'-7' b 5'-11' bb 2" x 3" x 0.060" Hollow 11'4' b IV-6" b " bb 8'-10-b 8'-5-b B'-0' b 7'-9' b 7'-5' bb2" x 4" x 0,050" Hollow 10'-11' b 10'-1" b" b b 8'-5' b 8'-0" b T-8' b T-5' b 7'-1' b b2" x 5" x 0.062" Hollow 19-10' b 14'-B' b ' b ' b E6b 12'3' b 11'-8' b 11'-3" b 10'-9' b 10'-5' b E5b b2^ x 4^x0.046x0.100" S.M.B. 13'4- b 12'4-b - b - D 10'4-b 9'-10-b 9'-5- D 9'-l' D 8-9' Db2- x 5^ x 0.050" x 0.100" S.M.B. 16'-1- b 14'-10' b 1- b b 12'-5- b 7'-10' b 11'4" b 0'-11' b 10.6- ❑ b2"x6'x0.050"x0.120" S.M.B. W-7- b 17-Xb " b b 14'-5" b 13'-9" b IT-2- b 12'-8" b 12'-2' b b2" x 7' x 0.055" x 0.120" S.M.B. 22'4' 20'-8' b " b b 17'-3- b 16'-6' b 15'-9" b 15'-2" b 14'-7' b b 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224" S.M.B. 27'4' b 25'3" b ' b 22'-4' b 21'-2' b 20-2' b 79'4' b 19-7' b 17'-11' b 17'J" b2"x9^x0.072"x0224" S.M.B. 3 'S' b 29'3" b - b 25'-10- D 24'S' b 23'4' D 22'4' b 2 '-6' b 20'-8' D 20'-0' ❑ 2"x9"x0.082'x0.310" S.M.B.3' b b 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.359" S.M.B. 4t'S- tl 45'-10" b 42'-1w b 40'5' b 38'4' 0 36'-6' b 34'-11' b 33'-7' b 3T-5' b 31'3' b Notes: 1. Above spans do not include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 2. Spans may be interpolated. Table 3A2140 Town & Country Industries, Inc. 6005 TCI Allowable Upright Heights, Chair Rail Spans or Header Spans for Screen, Acrylic or Vinyl Rooms Aluminum Alloy 6005 T5 For 3 second w(nd mtet at Ian MPH vafociN: umna daslan load of 21.0 #lSF Sections TrIbutary Load Width Wlr= Member Spacing 3'-0' 1 T-6- 4'Z- 1 4'-6' 1 V-0" 5'-6' I 6'-0"1 6'-6' 1 T-0" T-6' Allowable Hai ht'H'/bendln 'b'ordeflectton'd' ' 2" x 2^ x 0.044' Hollow b 6'-3' b 5'-10' b 5'-0' b 5'3' b 4'-11' b 4'-9" 4'-7" b 4'-5' b 4'3' b 3" z 2" x 0.045" Hollow b 6'-9- b 6'4" b 5'-11' b 5'-8' b 5'S' b 5'-2' b 4'-11' b 4'-70' b 4'-8' b 2" z 3" x 0.045" Hollow b 7'-9' b T-3' b 8'-10' b 6'S" b 6'-2' b 5'-11' b 5'3' b 5'-5' b 5'3' . b 2" x 3" x 0.060" Hollow b 9'-9' b T-1' b 8'-7' b 8'-2' b T-9' b T-5" b T-2' b 6'-11' b 6'-8' b 2" x 4" x 0.050" Hollow b 9'A- b 8'-9' b 8'-3' b T-10- b T-5- b 7'-1- b 6'-10' b 6W- b 6'4' b 2" x 5" x 0.062^ Ho low b 13'-7' b 1Z'-9' b 17'-11- b 11'4' b 10'-10' b 10'5' b 9'-11" b 9'-T b 9'J' b 2" x 4' x 0.046 x 0.100" S.M.B. D P"" 115' b 10'-W b 10'-1' b 9'-7' b 9'-Y b 8'-9" b 8'S' b 8'-l' b T-10' b 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.100" S.M.B..' b 13'-9' b 7- 0' b 12'-2' b 11'S' b 10'-11' b 10'S" b 10'-1' b 9'-9- 2" x 6' x 0.050" x 0.120" S.M.B. - b 15'-11" b 4'-11' b 14'-1' b 13'4- b 12'-9' b 12'-2' b 11'-8' b 11--W 10'-11' b 0.055^ x 0.120' S.M.B. ' 19'-1' b 17'-70' D 16'- 0' b 75'-11' b 15'-0' b 14'-7' b 14'-0' b 13'S' D 13'-1' b 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0224" S.M.B. b 2N-6' b 21'-71' b 20'-8' b 19'-T b 1 B'-6b 1T-11' b 77'-2' b 16W- b 15'-11" b 2" x 9' x 0.072" x 0224" S.M.B. - b 2T-1' b 25'4' b 23'-11' b 22'-8' b 21'-8b 20'-8b 19b 19'-2- b 18'-0- b 2^x9" x 0.082" x 0.310" S.M.B. ' b Xr3' b 28'-4- b 26'-0' b 25'4' b 24'-2' D 23--1' b Z7-2- b ZT-5' b 20'-8' b 2" x 10^ x 0.092" x 0.369' S.M.B. 45'-10' b 4Z-5' b 39-0' b 37'S' b 35'-6' b 33'-10- b 32'-5' b 13V-1' b 29'-11' b 29-11" b Notes: 7. Above spans do not Include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 2. Spans may be Interpolated. i f(9 m ul t ALUMINUM / STEEL COLUMN 2" x 2" WITH WALL THICKNESS ANCHORS (SEE SECTION 9) EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN COLUMN WALL CONCRETE SLAB OR FOOTING a MAX CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEE TABLE NEXT PAGE)• ' FOR POST CONNECTIONS TO WOOD DECKS (2- NOMINAL LUMBER) USE THESE DETAILS W/ WOOD FASTENERS (1-3/8- EMBEDMENT) Notes: 1. Angles or U-Channels shall be a minimum of 2-1/8" In height and shall be 0.125" 6063 T-6 extruded alloy or 0.125" 5052 H-32 break formed alloy. POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL ANGLE CLIPS ATTACHMENT DETAILS a ALUMINUM / STEEL COLUMN SHOWN REQUIRE DIAGONAL BRACING FOR m FREE-STANDING COVERS A INTERNAL EXTRUDED ALUMINUM BASE OR BREAK CORROSION RESISTIVE STEEL = FORMED U-CLIP THRU BOLT PER SCHEDULE ' (4) MAX. 114" X 2-1/2" WEDGE CONCRETE SLAB OR FOOTING BOLT OR EQ- (SEE TABLE BELOW FOR NUMBER OF BOLTS TYPE 1 POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION TUBE COLUMN BASE SCHEMATIC INTERNAL BASE ATTACHMENT DETAILS SHOWN REQUIRE DIAGONAL BRACING FOR FREESTANDING COVERSt CORROSION RESISTIVE STEEL THRU BOLT PER SCHEDULE CONCRETE SLAB OR FOOTING ALUMINUM / STEEL COLUMN EXTERNAL BREAK FORMED ALUMINUM BASE OR BREAK FORMED U-CLIP (8) MAX. 1/4" X 2-1/2" WEDGE BOLT OR EQ. (SEE TABLE BELOW FOR NUMBER OF BOLTS) FOR POST TO WOOD DECK (MIN. 2" NOMINAL LUMBER) USE THESE DETAILS W/ WOOD FASTENERS. NOTE: ALL BASE PLATES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2-1/8" IN HEIGHT AND SHALL BE 0.125" 6063 T 6 EXTRUDED ALLOY OR 0.125" 5052 H-32 BREAK FORMED ALLOY TYPE 11 POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION BREAK FORMED COLUMN BASE SCHEMATIC EXTERNAL BASE w i m� N t ALUMINUM/STEEL COLUMN 'U' CHANNEL (SEE SECTION 9 FOR ANCHORS (SEE SECTION 9) CONNECTIONS) a•• MAX. CONCRETE ANCHORS CONCRETE SLAB OR FOOTING (SEE TABLE NEXT PAGEr ' FOR POST CONNECTIONS TO WOOD DECKS (2" NOMINAL LUMBER) USE THESE DETAILS W/ WOOD FASTENERS (1-3/8" EMBEDMENT) POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL RECEIVING CHANNEL Number of Wedge Bolts (POWERS or Equal) for Super Base Connection Wind Zone (MPH) Wind uptlR (PSF) Post Sparing / Number of Fasteners 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 14'4' W-13" 1 18'-0' 1 20'-0' 100 16.6 2 2 3 1 3 4 4 1 5' 110 17.7 2 2 3 3 4 4 5' 120 21.1 2 3 3 4 5' 5' 6' 123 222 2 3 4 4 5' 5' 6' 130 24.8 3 3 4 5' 5' 6' 7' 1404&2 28.7 3 4 5' 5' 6' 7' 8' 150 33.0 4 5' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9" For connections that require more than (4) fasteners use type II base. " For connections that require more than eight bolts use the'Super Base'. Note: Allowable load on 1/4' x 2-12' Wedge Bolt or EquIv. Q 5d is 878#. Example for Base Connection: # of anchors = area over post' applied load / allowable load on anchor For a 30' x 16' carport with 2' overhang in a 120 MPH wind zone,'B' exposure the load width on the front wall is: 15 / 2 + 2' =10', assume posts are at 10' O.C. then area = 100 SF and the applied load is 21.1 PSF x 100 SF = 2110# fora 3x3'x0.060" post Allowable load for wedge bolts 878# each, 2110# / 878# = 2A souse (3) wedge bolts z_ K d ll_ O Q W O Z Z K w „Z 3 Z W 2^ IV mm Z 6 =u � am 2 ZQ a r E oa Z Q (a OQ m � •K O tip j � LL y m of �o i¢ 30 g Z O_ Z Q Q Z W m 0 W 00 (D 0 fn V W o 0 N W LL Z r 5 W of H IY LU Z Ep W - LU _I 000 0� �U)D_ E2a U)00 Lj 00 rn t) C) Z Z • N (V W UJ = Q �> > � 'ct 3- m LL W m L.L LL W ? X E oh m uj m LL 0 n � Q 6 v d a) Q: on a) j to m m 0 c to a m L W m m U Z n a C U c� 0) o L L n F- N 0 4201 EET W Ol. I LL"o C U s� " y t t0 w 1" f GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATONS 1. Certain of the following structures are designed to be married to Site Built block, wood frame or DCA approved modular structures of adquate structural capacity. The contractor / home owner shall verify that the host structure is in good condition and of sufficient strength to hold the proposed addition. 2. If the contractor / home owner has a question about the host structure, the owner (at his own expense) shall hire an architect, engineer or certified home inspection company to verify host structure capacity. 3. When using TEK screws in lieu of S.M.S. longer screws must be used to compensate for drill head. 4. For high velocity hurricane zones the minimum live load shall be 30 PSF. 5. The shapes and capacities of pans and composite panels are from "Industry Standard" shapes, except for manufacturers proprietary shapes. Unless the manufacturer of the product Is known, use the 'Industry Standard" Tables for allowable spans 6. When converting a screen room to a glass room or a carport to a garage, the roof must be checked and reinforced for the enclosed building requirements. 7. Composite panels can be loaded as walk on or uniform loads and have, when tested, performed well in either test The composite panel tables are based on bending properties determined at a deflection limit of L/180. 8. Roll formed roof panels (pans) are designed for uniform loads and can not be walked on unless plywood is laid across the ribs. Pans have been tested and perform !letter in wind uplift loads than dead load + live loads. Spans for pans are based on deflection of L/80 for high wind zone criteria 9. Interior walls & ceilings of composite panels may have 112" sheet rock added by securing the sheet rock w/ 1' fine thread sheet rock screws at 16" O.C. each wa 10. Spans may be interpolated between values but not extrapolated outside values. 11. Design Check List and Inspection Guides for Solid Roof Panel Systems are included in inspection guides for sections 2, 3A & B, 4 & 5. Use section 2 inspection guide for solid roof in Section 1. 12. All fascia gutter end caps shall have water relief ports. 13. All exposed screw heads through roof panels into the roof substructure shall be caulked w/ silicon sealent. Panel area around screws and washers shall be cleaned with xylene (xyiol) or other solvent based cleaner prior to applying caulking. 14. All aluminum extrusions shall meet the strength requirements of ASTM B221 after powder coating 15. Disimilar metals: Aluminum metals that will come in contact with ferrous metal surfaces or concrete /masonry products or pressure treated wood shall be coated w/ protective paint or bituminous materials that are placed between the materials listed above. The protective materials shall be as listed in section 2003.8.4.3 through 2003.8A.6 of the Florida Building Code or Corobound Cold Galvanizing Primer and Finisher. 16. Fasteners or aluminum parts shall be corrosive resistance materials such as non magnetic stainless steel grade 304 or 316; Ceramic coated double zinc coated or powder coated steel fasteners only fasteners that are warrantied as corrosive resistant shall be used: Unprotected steel fasteners shall not be used. SECTION 7 DESIGN STATEMENT The roof systems are main force resisting systems and components and cladding in conformance with The 2007 Florida Building Code with 2009 Supplements. Such systems must be designed using loads for components and cladding. Section 7 uses ASCE 7-05 Section 6.5, Analytical Procedure for Components and Cladding Loads. The procedure assumes mean roof height less than 39; roof slope 0 to 20"; 1= 0.87 for 100 MPH and 0.77 for 110 MPH or higher wind loads for Attached Carports and Screen Rooms and I =1.00 for Glass and Modular Enclosed Rooms. Negative internal pressures are 0.00 for open structures, 0.18 for enclosed structures, and 0.55 for partially enclosed structures. All pressures shown are in PSF. 1. Freestanding structures with mono -sloped roofs have a minimum live load of 10 PSF. The design wind loads are those for an open structure and are reduced by the ASCE 7-05 open mono -sloped factor of 0.75. 2. Attached covers such as carports, patio covers, gabled carports and screen rooms have a minimum live load of 10 PSF for 100 to 140-1 MPH wind zones and 30 PSF for 140-2 to 150 MPH wind zones. The design wind loads used are for open and enclosed structures. 3. Glass room roof design loads use a minimum live load of 20 PSF for 100 to 140-1 MPH wind zones and 30 PSF for 140-2 to 150 MPH wind zones and wind loads are from ASCE 7-05 for glass and modular rooms. 4. For live loads use a minimum live load of 20 PSF or 30 PSF for 140E and 150 MPH zones. Wind loads are from ASCE 7-05 Section 6.5, Analytical Procedure for glass and modular rooms 5. For partially enclosed structures calculate spans by multiplying Glass and Modular room spans for roll formed roof panels by 0.93 and composite panels by 0.89. Design Loads for Roof Panels (PSF) Open Structures Mono Sloped 1- 0.87 for 90 to 100 MPH 1= 0.77 for 100 to 150 MPH KCpI=0.00 Zone loads reduced by 2516 Screen Rooms & Attached Covers 1- 0.87 for 90 to 100 MPH I= 0.77 for 100 to 150 MPH KCpI-0.00 Zone Glass & Modular Enclosed Rooms & Roof Ovens 1=1.00 KCpl=0.18 Zone Overhang / Cantilever All Rooms 1-1.00 KCpI=0.18 Zone Basic Wind Pressure Effective 50 20 Area 10 Basic Wind Pressure Effective 5o 20 Area 10 Basic Wind Pressure Effective 50 20 Area 10 Basic wind Pressure Effective 50 20 Area 10 100 MPH 13 13 1 16 1 25 17 20 23 26 17 23 27 30 17 27 38 45 110 MPH 14 14 17 1 20 18 21 25 28 18 27 32 36 18 33 46 55 120 MPH 17 17 20 23 22 25 30 33 22 32 39 43 22 39 54 65 123 MPH 18 17 21 24 23 26 32 35 23 34 41 45 23 41 57 69 130 MPH 20 20 23 27 26 29 35 39 26 38 45 51 26 46 64 77 140-1 MPH 23 23 27 31 30 34 40 46 30 44 53 59 30 53 74 89 140-2 MPH 23- 23 27 31 130 34 40 46 30 44 53 58 30 54 74 89 150 MPH 26" 26 32 36 34 39 46 52 34 51 60 68 34 61 65 102 - Minimum live load of W PSF controls In high v4nd velocity zones. To convert from the Exposure'B" loads above to Exposure "C" or "D" see Table 7A on the this page. Anchors for composite panel roof systems were computed on a load width of 10' and 16' projection with a 2' overhang. Any greater load width shall be site specific. Conversion Table 7A Load Conversion Factors Based on Mean Roof Height from Exposure "B' to "C' &'D• Mean Roof Height• Load Conversion Factor Span Multiplier Load Conversion Factor Span Multiplier Bending I Deflection Bending Deflection 0 -15, 121 0.91 1 0.94 1.47 0.83 0.88 15' - 20' 129 0.88 1 0.92 1.54 0.81 0.87 20' -25' 1.34 0.86 0.91 1.60 0.79 0.86 25'-30' 1A0 0.85 1 0.89 1.66 0.78 0.85 30'-40' 1.37 0.85 1 0.90 1.01 0.79 0.85 " Use larger mean roof height of host structure or enclosure Values are from ASCE 7-05 Conversion Table 713 from Enclosed to Partially Enclosed Building Classification Exposure"B" Multipliers for Roofs Loads Sans Deflection 1.03 0.92 Bending 1.05 0.90 2" x S.M.B. 1"x2"x0.0413• PATIO EXTRUSION 1/4" x 1-1/2" S.M.S. SIDE OF BEAM & 24" O.C. TRUFAST HD x ("t" + 10) FASTENER @ 8.O.C. FOR UP TO 130 MPH WIND SPEED; 6" O.C. FOR ABOVE 130 MPH AND UP TO 150 MPH WIND SPEED 3" COMPOSITE PANEL #14 TEK SCREWS (4) EACH BRACKET 5" SUPER GUTTER BRACKET 6' WIDE AT EACH BEAM AND MID -SPAN 0.95" BEAM GUTTER 3" x 3" x 0.090" COLUMN SUPER GUTTER 40 U TRUFAST SIP HD FASTENERS W/ 1-1/4"0 FENDER WASHERS @ 8. O.C. UP TO 130 -D- @ 6. O.C. 130 "D- AND UP TO 150 MPH "D" EXPOSURES (LENGTH = PANEL THICKNESS +1") @ ROOF BEARING ELEMENT(SHOWN)AND 24" O.C. @ NON BEARING 2" WIDE x 0.050' (MIN.) STRAP ELEMENT (SIDE WALLS) SPACING PER LOCATION MAX" DETAIL PAGE 1-24 1-1/2• x 3' x 124"" M X 0.050• #10 x 1/2• TEK SCREWS RECEIVING CHANNEL W/ (1) @ 8" O C. #10xl/2" TEK SCREW @ 8" O.C. ROOF PANEL (PER TABLES SECTION 7) ® TRUFAST HD SIPS FASTENER .... ........ ......... ® 1-1/2' x 1-1/2" x 1/4" ANGLE - EXTRUDED OR W/ (2) #10xl/2" TEK SCREWS e e SUPER GUTTER @ 8.O.C. ANGLE OR - RECEIVING CHANNEL SUPPORTING BEAM (SEE TABLES SECTION 9) (PER TABLES) ALTERNATE RECEIVING CHANNEL 2-1/8• x 1' W/ (2) #8 x 1/2- S.M.S. EACH SIDE OF BEAM AND BEAM TAIL REMOVED SELF -MATING BEAM POST AS REQUIRED SIZE VARIES (PER TABLE 2.3) WITHOUT SITE SPECIFIC ENGINEERING Notes: 1. Variations of Super Gutter attachments maybe modified to attach to composite roof system. 2. Caulk all exposed screw heads. 3. Can not be used in conjuntion with moment connection. 4. All solid roofs shall drain to gutter and away from host structure. CONNECTION TO SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER WITH COMPOSITE PANEL COMPOSITE PANELS SHALL BE THRU SCREWED THRU THE ENDCAP AND INTO THE GUTTER TRUFAST HD SIPS FASTENER SUPPORTING BEAM (PER TABLES) W w 2• x 2" x 0.125" ANGLES W/ (3)1/4"THRU-BOLTS O O THROUGH ROOF BEAM AND(3) #14 TEK SCREWS POST AS TO GUTTER (EACH SIDE) REQUIRED 2" x W x 0.125• ANGLE EACH (PER TABLE 2.3) SIDE W/ 3/8" THRU-BOLTS & WASHERS TO GUTTER AND 3/8' THRU-BOLTS TO POST Notes: 1. Can not be used In conjunction with moment connection. 2. All solid roofs shall drain to gutter and away from host structure. ALTERNATE SELF -MATING BEAM CONNECTION TO SUPER GUTTER 24" MA SOLID COVI ATTACHI (PI SECTION (2) #10 x SUPER OR I GUTTER ATT BEAM WITH 2 S.M.S.SELEC SECTION 9 SIZE SPACED FOR ALLOWABLE SPANS OF SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER AND CARRIER BEAM (SEE TABLE 1.10) Notes: 1. Beam may be attached to super gutter and solid roof to self -mating ItLE. or ferrule is provided at each beam. 2. Can not be used in conjunction with moment connection. 3. All solid roofs shall drain to gutter and away from host structure. SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER - SOLID ROOF / SCREEN ROOF ! BREAK FORMED OR EXTRUDED END CAP W/ „ .ram .... OOF OR = PANEL. t00F. :FORMED P OR 4P W/(2) R 1/4"THRU- O OR EQUAL z .C. k ,TION w o. W O LL W M O ES - ik )RROSION .' EAND WASHER SCf;EWS (PER: SECTION 9) O' d 4,.. Z Z _ F Q Z 11) W � M U 0 W 0 0 OO fn O O (-9N WLL Q' 0Od Z r pfn J W W W Z Z m J U) LL j - CL Fw- 10 LL 0 fn O CO 20 r`0) DQ' J Z (n 00 N 04 IZ LIJ = JQ >H U I;r - f9 0 C.0 0 r; T e7 *k i N J W cNi m LLLy LLI Zt LL # E m fi W m ro -1 O v d 0) o n 3 LLI ro 2 v c 0 � a 3 m d r � 20A 0F 21 EXISTING TRUSS OR RAFTER #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. OR WOOD WOOD SCREW (2) PER RAFTER OR TRUSS TAIL #10 X 3/4" S.M.S. OR WOOD SCREW SPACED @ 12- O.C. #8 x 1/2" S.M.S. SPACED @ 8" O.C. BOTH SIDES CAULK ALL EXPOSED SCREW HEADS ROOF PANEL EXISTING FASCIA ROOF PANEL TO FASCIA DETAIL. EXISTING HOST STRUCTURE SCALE: 2" = V-0" #14 x 1/2" WAFER HEADED WOOD FRAME, MASONRY OR �- S.M.S. SPACED @ 12" O.C. OTHER CONSTRUCTION y FOR MASONRY USE: •::� :•:�::�:: (2)1/4' x 1-1/4' MASONRY ANCHOR OR EQUAL @ 12" O.C.-�=-;'u'�; •::;•�: FOR WOOD USE: #14 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. OR WOOD SCREWS @ 12" O.C. FLOOR PANEL ROOF OR FLOOR PANEL TO WALL DETAIL SCALE: 2" =1'-0" WOOD STRUCTURES SHOULD CONNECT TO TRUSS BUTTS OR THE SUB -FASCIA FRAMING WHERE POSSIBLE ONLY.15% OF SCREWS CAN BE OUTSIDE THE TRUSS BUTTS. SUB -FASCIA AND THOSE AREAS SHALL HAVE DOUBLE ANCHORS. ALL SCREWS INTO THE HOST STRUCTURE SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 1-1/4" WASHERS OR SHALL BE WASHER HEADED SCREWS - HEADER INSIDE DIMENSION SHALL BE EQUAL TO PANEL OR PAN'S DEPTH "I". THE WALL THICKNESS SHALL BE THE THICKNESS OF THE ALUMINUM PAN OR COMPOSITE PANEL WALL THICKNESS. HEADERS SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE HOST STRUCTURE WITH ANCHORS APPROPRIATE FOR THE MATERIAL CONNECTED TO. THE ANCHORS DETAILED ABOVE ARE BASED ON A LOAD FROM 120 M.P.H. FOR SBC SECTION 1606 FOR A MAXIMUM POSSIBLE SPAN OF THE ROOF PANEL FROM THE HOST STRUCTURE. ANCHORS BASED ON 120 MPH WIND VELOCITY. FOR HIGHER WIND ZONES USE THE FOLLOWING CONVERSION: 1100-1231 130 140 150 t/8 1 #10 #12 #12 #8 x 1IT ALL PURPOSE SCREW @ 12" O.C. BREAKFORM FLASHING s" 10" 3" COMPOSITE ROOF PANEL / (SEE SPAN TABLE) / STRIP SEALANT BETWEEN FASCIA AND HEADER 7 1/2"SHEET ROCK FASTEN TO PANEL W/1" FINE THREAD SHEET ROCK SCREWS @ 16" WHEN SEPARATION BETWEEN O.C. EACH WAY DRIP EDGE AND PANEL IS FASTENING SCREW SHOULD LESS THAN 3/4" THE FLASHING BE A MIN. OF 1" BACK FROM SYSTEM SHOWN IS REQUIRED THE EDGE OF FLASHING NOTES: 1. FLASHING TO BE INSTALLED A MIN. 6" UNDER THE FIRST ROW OF SHINGLES. 2. STANDARD COIL FOR FLASHING IS 16' .019 MIL COIL. 3. FIRST ROW OF EXISTING NAILS MUST BE REMOVED TO INSTALL FLASHING PROPERLY. 4. FLASHING WILL BE INSTALLED UNDER THE FELT PAPER WHEN POSSIBLE 5. HEADER WILL BE PUTTY TAPED AND CAULKED EVEN THOUGH FLASHING IS TO BE INSTALLED. 6. IF THE DROP FROM THE EDGE OF THE SHINGLE DOWN TO THE TOP OF THE HEADER IS MORE THAN 1' THEN THE DRIP EDGE WILL HAVE TO BE BROKEN TO CONFORM TO THIS DROP. 7. WHEN USING FLASHING THE SMALLEST SIZE HEADER AVAILABLE SHOULD BE USED_ 12" .03 MIL. ROLLFORM OR 8" BREAKFORM IS BEST SUITED FOR HEADER SINCE IT KEEPS THE FLAP LIP OF THE HEADER BACK FROM THE EDGE OF THE FLASHING. 8. WHEN SEPARATION BETWEEN DRIP EDGE AND PANEL FLASHING IS REQUIRED 1/2" SEPARATION MINIMUM. 9. STRIP SEALANT BETWEEN FASCIA AND HEADER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ALTERNATE DETAIL FOR FLASHING ON SHINGLE ROOFS SCALE: 2" = T-0" EXISTING HOST STRUCTURE: WOOD FRAME, MASONRY OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION HOST STRUCTURE TRUSS OR RAFTER BREAK FORMED METAL SAME iv THICKNESS AS PAN (MIN.) EXTEND UNDER DRIP EDGE 1" N MIN. ANCHOR TO FASCIA AND RISER OF PAN AS SHOWN 1" FASCIA (MIN.) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. @ 16" O.C. 0.040" ANGLE W/ #8 x 1/2" S.M.S. @ 4" O.C. r COMPOSITE ROOF PANEL HEADER (SEE NOTE BELOW) #8 x (d+1/2') S.M.S. @ 8" O.C. FOR MASONRY USE 1/4" x 1-1/4" MASONRY ANCHOR OR EQUAL @ 24" O.C.FOR WOOD USE #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. OR WOOD SCREWS @ 12- O.C. COMPOSITE ROOF PANELS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EXTRUDED HEADER W/ (3) EACH #8 x (d+1/2") LONG CORROSION RESISTANT S.M.S. COMPOSITE ROOF PANEL TO WALL DETAIL SCALE: 2" = V-0" CAULK ALL EXPOSED SCREW HEADS SEALANT UNDER FLASHING 3" COMPOSITE OR PAN ROOF (SPAN PER TABLES) #8 x 1/2" WASHER HEADED CORROSIVE RESISTANT SCREWS @ 8" O.C. ALUMINUM FLASHING LUMBER BLOCKING TO FIT PLYWOOD / OSB BRIDGE FILLER COMPOSITE ROOF: #8 x "I" +1/2' LAG SCREWS W/ 1-1/4"0 FENDER WASHERS @ W O.C. THRU PANEL INTO 2 x 2 2' X 2' x 0.044" HOLLOW EXT. 5/16'0 x 4' LONG (MIN.) LAG SCREW FOR 1-1/2" EMBEDMENT (MIN.) INTO RAFTER OR TRUSS TAIL CONVENTIONAL RAFTER OR FOR FASTENING COMPOSITE PANEL TO TRUSS TAIL ALUMINUM USE TRUFAST HD x ("C + 3/4") AT 8" O.C. FOR UP TO 130 MPH WIND SPEED "D" EXPOSURE; 6' O.C. ABOVE 130 MPH AND UP TO A 150 MPH WIND SPEED "D" EXPOSURE. WEDGE ROOF CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2" =1'-0" BREAK FORMED OR EXTRUDED HEADER PLACE SUPER GUTTER BEHIND DRIP EDGE i EXISTING TRUSS OR RAFTER SEALANT #10 x 2" S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. 1/4" x 8" LAG SCREW (1) PER TRUSS / RAFTER TAIL EXISTING FASCIA SEALANT #10 x 4" S.M.S. W/ 1-1/2"0 FENDER WASHER @ 12" O.C. CAULK SCREW HEADS & WASHERS CAULK EXPOSED SCREW HEADS 3" COMPOSITE ROOF PANEL (MIN. SLOPE 1/4" : l') 1/2" 0 SCH. 40 PVC FERRULE EXISTING ROOF TO COMPOSITE ROOF PANEL DETAIL 1 SCALE: 2" = V-0' CAULK EXPOSED SCREW HEADS PLACE SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER BEHIND DRIP EDGE #10 x 2" S.M.S. @ 24" O.C. OPTION 1: 2" x _ x 0.050" STRAP @ EACH COMPOSITE SEAM AND 1/2 WAY BETWEEN EACH SIDE W/ (3) #10 x 2' INTO FASCIA AND (3) #10 x 314" INTO GUTTER OPTION 2: 1/4" x 8" LAG SCREW (1) PER TRUSS / RAFTER TAIL IN 1/2"O SCH.40 PVC FERRULE ::.:••:.:: 3" COMPOSITE ROOF PANEL = { (MIN. SLOPE 1/4":1) EXTRU EXISTING TRUSS OR RAFf_/ DED OR TER SUPER GUTTER EXISTING FASCIA 3" HEADER EXTRUSION FASTEN TO -PANEL W/ #8 x 1/2" S.M.S. EACH SIDE SEALANT @ 12" O.C. AND FASTEN TO GUTTER W/ LAG BOLT AS SHOWN EXISTING ROOF TO COMPOSITE ROOF PANEL DETAIL 2 SCALE: 2" = V-0" GUTTER BRACE @ 2'-0" O/C CAULK SLOPE I (2) #10 x 1/2" S.M.S. @ 16' O/C FROM GUTTER TO BEAM O z w w af 0 LL m l ,O S2 SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER FSOFFrr 2" 0 HOLE EACH END F94"T" WATER RELIEF Z �O O z> O W U 00cl Oo UU O C.)c� W LL 0_ Z 0O0- p(A W 0_ W Z of � Z m W FF-- --1 0- Q W UO LL o_j ZO o:a O g 0 o r` � of J c' Z Z 0 N (V W = W F_ Q U > C.0 � m M LJL W M ' W waLLc4 O n o � d) > co to zz: D] mm r W d C (� c 0 a m N i DID MMIR Won COE=h SHEET LF l'Tw LOB SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER TO 2" x 9" BEAM DETAIL 21 SCALE: 2' = l'-0" 12-01-2009 OF 0 N m a 0 O z C7 z z 'z w w z z z w tu z z m O FLASHING 0.024" OR 26 GA. GALV. 2" x 2" x 0.06" x BEAM DEPTH + 4" ATTACH ANGLE "A• TO FASCIA W/ 2-318" LAG SCREWS @ EACH ANGLE MIN. 2" x 3" x 0.050" S.M.B. (4) #10 S.M.S. @ EACH ANGLE EACH SIDE �-AK B SELECT PANEL DEPTH ALUMINUM SKIN FROM TABLES E.P.S. CORE J W 0-SIDE CONNECTIONS VARY a o :::1— A-- (DO NOT AFFECT SPANS) d`-- 48.0 COMPOSITE ROOF PANEL [INDUSTRY STANDARD] SCALE: 2" = V-0" MPH I I f I I I I I I I I J Z 100 s anfload• s aMoad• sparoad• 1&-4' 13 17•-2' 13 16'-T 13 s anfioad• s aMoad• s aMoad• 11•-5' 23 1Z-9' 23 12'A• 23 s anlload• 10'-0• 27 s aMoad• 11'-9° 30 s aMoad• 11'4S 27 Roofs 4'-0" 45 Q 0 Z 110 13'-F 17 1V-8" 14 16'-1' 14 10'-11- 25 12'3- 25 11'-10' 25 9'-2- 36 10'-10" 36 10'-0" 32 T-8; 55 n � O A = WIDTH REQ. FOR GUTTER 120 12'-2• 20 15•-1- 17 13'-2' 20 9'-6- 33 11•-2' 30 10'-10' 30 8'•4- 43 91-4 39 9'-0• 43 3'S' 65 Z Q (•- B= OVERHANG DIMENSION 123 130 11'-1T 21 13'4' 21 1r-10" 21 1t'-4- 23 1Z-8" 23 12•-3' 23 9.3" 35 10•-11" 32 10'-T 32 8'-9" 39 10'-4- 35 9'-6' 39 8'-2• 45 7'S' S1 F-1' 41 B'-7' 45 8•-9• 45 8'3' 51 3•-0" 6s 7-1" 77 Q Z (0 W O 140-1 10'-6' 27 11'-9' 27 11'-Y 27 8'-1- 46 9'-0' 46 8'-9' 46 7'-0' '5 2'-11' 89 0 BEAM TO WALL CONNECTION: 140-2 10'-0" 27 11'-9' 27 11'-5' 27 6'-1- a6 9'-0' 4s 8'-9' 4s T-2- 5s T-17" 53 T-8• 5s r-1 r 89 Z 0 (A 2" 2' 0.060" EXTERNALLY MOUNTED ANGLES ATTACHED TO WOOD WALLW! MIN. 3l8" 2" 150 s'-z" 3s loar 3z 10'-7- 32 T-7- 52 6'-5- 52 e'-2• 52 6'-6- 68 rs so r-r ss 2'-9 102 C� p U O (2) x x (2) x 3" x 48' x o.030" Panels Aluminum Allo 3105 Core Density Foam H-14 or H-25 1cr 07 U 0 0 N LAG SCREWS PER SIDE OR (2)1/4" x 2-1/4" CONCRETE ANCHORS TO CONCRETE OR MASONRY WALL ADD 1 ANCHOR PER SIDE FOR EACH INCH OF BEAM DEPTH LARGER THAN 3' () Wind Open Structures Mono -Sloped ed Roof en Screen Rooms & Attached Covers Glass 8 Modular Roams Enclosed Overhang Cantilever W LL rt Z r p 0 a Zone 182 3 4 182 3 4 1&2 3 4 All - (MPH) s aMoad• s anfload• s annoad• s aMoad• s ardload• s aMoad• s Moad• s aMoad• s anfload• Roofs U) 0 J J F' 1-314" 1-0/4' 1/8' INTERNAL U CLIP ATTACHED TO WOOD WALL W/MIN. 100 78'-2' 13 20'-0' 13 19'-7' 73 13'-0' 23 16'-Y 20 15'-8' 20 17.6' 27 15'-1' 23 13'-0" 27 4'-0' 45 W a W Z p (ALTERNATE) (1)1-3l4' x x x (3) 110 1r-8• 14 1s•-9" 14 19'-r 14 12'-1 V 25 15-10- z1 1s'3 21 111- 32 12'-10' 32 1r-5 32 aw 5s Ix Z W m 3/8" x 2" LAG SCREWS PER SIDE OR (3) 1/4' x 2-1/4" CONCRETE ANCHORS TO CONCRETE OR 120 16-11" 17 17•-10" 17 17.3" 17 tr-10' 30 13'3- 30 12'-s' 30 1os" 39 1 r-7 3s 1 r3" 3s a'-0 s5 p Q MASONRY WALLADD (1)ANCHOR PER SIDE FOR EACH INCH OF BEAM DEPTH LARGERTHAN 3- 123 16-6- 17 17'-0- 17 16-9- 17 11• r 32 12•-t1• 32 17-0 132 9•-7- 45 114' 41 10'-11• a1 a Q W 130 13'" 23 W-5" 20 15'-10' 20 S W-11' 35 1Z-T 35 11'-10• 35 -1 9'- 51 19-10' 45 10'-5" 45 3'-8' 77 U LL p J CANTILEVERED BEAM CONNECTION TO FASCIA DETAIL i4o•z 12�- 27 isJ" 23 13-6' 27 9-7r" 46 115' 40 ii-i ao 19'S' 9=� s9 3s' es _ = U W SCALE 2" = V-0" 150 11W" 32 1r-11- 32 12'-6• 32 ti'-11• 52 10'-8- 46 10'-0' 146 0-5- 59 T-10• 68 59 T-9- 68 8'-0' 68 Y-3' 102 a 0 0 4" x 48" x 0.024" Panels Aluminum Alloy 3105 H-14 or H-25 1.0 EPS Core Density Foam - (� 0 a U, (n Wind Open Structures Screen Rooms Glass & Mod u ar Rooms Overhang Mono -Sloped ed of 8 Attached Covers Enclosed Cantilever 0 O O WHEN FASTENING TO Zone MPH 1&2 3 4 s annoad• s aMoad• s artnoad• 1&2 3 4 s anfload• spas anlload" 182 s aMoad• 3 spa 4 Spa All Roofs D O c, z Z 0 N N ALUMINUM USE TRUFAST HD x 100 1T-9' 13 19'-10- 13 19'-2" t3 14'-2- 23 15'-10- 20 15'3" z0 13'-2' z7 to-s' z7 1a3 27 a:0 as W U _ t + 3/4" AT 8" O.C. FOR UP TO (" " ) FOR PAN ROOFS: 110 17'3- 14 19'3" 14 18'-7" 14 13'-10- 25 15'-5- 21 14'-11- 25 11'-2" 32 13'-7' 32 1T-2' 32 4' 0" 55 W ~ 130 MPH WIND SPEED 120 15'-7' 17 1T-5' 17 76'-10' 17 72'-8" 30 14'-2' 30 13'-8' 30 70'-2' 43 12'-6' 39 10'-11' 39 4'-0- 65 D (3) EACH #8 x 1/2' LONG S.M.S. EXPOSURE "D"; 6" O.C. FOR 123 15'-2- 17 16'-11- 17 16'-5- 17 12'-4- 32 73'-10• 32 13'-0• 32 9'-11• 45 11'-1- 41 10'-8- 41 4'-0' 69 J V PER 12" PANEL W/ 314" ABOVE 130 MPH AND UP TO ALUMINUM PAN WASHER 130 140-7 14'-0' 23 16-0" 20 16-6" 20 13-0 27 W-11" 27 14•-5' 27 10'•8" 35 13'-2' 35 12'-8" 35 10'-0" 45 11'-r 40 10'-10" 40 9'-5• 51 9'-5' S1 19-6" 45 1o's 45 10'-2' S7 1o'-z s1 3'-11' 77 3'4' 6s Q 150 MPH WIND SPEED 140.2 13'�' 27 14•-11" 27 14'-5• 27 10'-0• 46 11'-T 40 10'-10• ao 8' 8 59 s-9 ss 9-5• 59 3'-0 Bs EXPOSURE "D° 150 12'-6' 32 14'-0" 32 13'S' 32 9'-0' S2 10'-5' 46 10'-7' S2 8'-2' 68 9'-2' 68 8'-10' 68 3'-2' 102 4" x 48' x 0.030" Panels Aluminum Allo 3105 H-14 or H-25 1.0 EPS Core DensityFoam .p CAULK ALL EXPOSED SCREW Open Structures Screen Rooms Glass & Modular Rooms Overhang HEADS & WASHERS ROOF PANEL Wind Me oSlo ed Roof & Attached Covers Enclosed Cantilever r9 (PER TABLES SECTION 7) FOR COMPOSITE ROOFS: Zone 182 3 4 MPH s aMoad• s aKd• s anfload• 182 3 4 s anfload• s anfload• s anfload• 182 s anlload• 3 s aMoad• 4 s aMoad• All Roofs n O rn ? #10 x (t+ 1/2') S.M.S. W! SUPPORTING BEAM 700 110 20'-5" 13 22'-10' 13 2r-1' 13 19'-11• -3" 14 21'-6" 14 W-4' 20 18'3- 20 1TA" 20 15'41• 21 77'-10' 21 1r3- 21 15'3' 23 12'-11' 32 17'-0- 23 15'-9' 27 16'-5- 23 15'-2' 27 4'-0' 45 4' 0" 55 rc --I W rmj 1-1/4"OFENDER WASHERS PER TABLES ( ) 120 1r-11- •-r 17 19'S' 17 13'-0' 30 16'-4" 25 15'-9- 25 1T-8' 3s 13'-1 39 12'-0' 3s a'-0 ss Z_ a z @ 12° O.C. (LENGTH = 123 1T-0' '-7' 77 18'-1 t' 77 ' 13'-0' 32 15'-11' 26 15'S' 26 17'-5• 41 12'-9' 41 12'-4' 41 4'-0' 69 st W V n PANEL THICKNESS+1") 130 16'-6- 6' 20 17'-10' 20 $231T-3" 12'-0' 35 15'-2' 29 13'-0' 35 10'-11' 45 12'-2' 45 11'-9 45 4'-0' 77 ' k X 140-1 15'S 23 16'.W 23 11'-7- 40 1Z-71• 40 12'-0• 40 10'-11 45 89(@ ROOF BEARING ELEMENT 740-2 15•5" -3- 23 16'-W 23 11'-7' 40 12'-71" 40 12'4i' 40 96" 59 17'-3' 53 10'-10' 53 4'-0' 89 -r O(SHOWN) AND 24" O.C. @ 150 13'-0' '-2' 26 15'--r 26 10'-9' 46 12'-0' 46 11-0' 46 8'-10' 68 10'-6' 60 9'-7' 68 3'-7' 102 W Lu r NON -BEARING ELEMENT (SIDE Note: Total mof panel width -mom width +wag width + overhang. 'Design or applied load based on the affective area of the panel it a v WALLS) � j ROOF PANEL TO BEAM FASTENING DETAIL CD ll— m r SCALE: 2" = V-V' > W a m W �x m0 U U c F `Z Q o L Z N _ W W. F / Z, 1 0 1 SHEET L x/ 07" P K3y . 1*Fm� I m� �. r. , - - 1 11• 1 OF 0 N O t- a 0 0 tz O C7 z W W z 0 z Lu W z z W m Ill U co O m MANUFACTURERS PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS SET WITH DEGASEL 2000 OR EQUAL CHAULK AND OR ADHESIVE ON TOP AND BOTTOM LOCK GROOVE 1.0# OR 2.0# DENSITY E.P.S. FOAM & 0.024" OR 0.030" 3105 H-14 OR H-25 ALUMINUM ALLOY SKIN ELITE STATEWIDE APPROVAL # FL 5500 8r FL7561 ELITE ALUMINUM CORPORATION ELITE PANEL SCALE: 2" = 1'-0" Table 7.2.1 Elite Aluminum Corporation Roof Panels Allowable Spans and Design I Applied Loads` (#ISF) Manufacuerers' Proprietary Products: Statewide Product Approval #FL1049 ..-re nr.....r......, n Open Structures Mono -Slope ed Roof Screen Rooms 8 Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang 1&2 annoad• 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad' 1&2 s annoad• 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad' 1&2 s annoad' 3 s nnoad' 4 s annoad' Cantilever '-10" 13 21'-1' 13 20'-5' 13 15'-1' 20 16'-10' 20 16'-3' 20 12'-11- 27 15'S' 23 15'-2- 23 4'-0' 45 8'4" 14 2V-6- 14 19'-10` 14 IT-6 25 16'-5- 21 15'-11' 21 11'-11' 32 13'-0- 32 72'-10' 32 4'-0- 55 6'-7' f16 17 18'-T 17 1T-11' 17 12'-0' 30 15'-1". 25 13'-3' 30 10'-9' 39 12'-1' 39 11'$' 39 4'-0- 65 6'-2' 17 16'-1' 17 1T-5' 17 12'-0' 32 13'-5' 32 12'-11" 32 10'-7- 41 11'-10' 41 11'.5- 41 4'-0' 69 5'-3' 20 1T-1' 20 16'S' 20 11'-5' 35 12'-9- 35 1Z4" 35 9'-5- 51 11'.3- 45 10'-10- 45 T-10' 77 -11' 27 15'-11' 23 1S4' 23 10'$' 40 11'-11' 40 1V-6" 40 91.5' S1 11'3' 45 10'-10' 45 T-7' 89 -11' 27 15'-11' 23 1S-0' 23 10'$' 40 11'-11'. 40 11'$" 40 8'-9' 59 10'-0' S3 9'$- 59 3'-7" 89 2'-0' 32 13'$' 32 12'-11' 32 9'-0' S2 11'-1' 46 10'-9` 46 8'-2' 68 9'-2- 68 8'-10' 68 3'-0' 102 Wind Open S umMono-SlopedRoofl Screen Rooms & Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang Zone MPH 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad' 4 spannoad' 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad' 4 s aniload' 1&2 s nnoad• 3 s annoad• •4 s aNload' Cantlever 100 2Z-2- 13 24'-9' 113 23'-11- 13 1 17'$' 120 1 19'-9- 20 19'-1' 20 16'-6- 231 18'-5' 123 17'-10' 123 1 4'-0' 145 110 21'$' 14 24'-1- 14 2T-3 14 17'3- 21 19'3' 21 1"" 21 15'3- 271 17'-0' 127 16'.5' 27 4'-0' 55 120 19'S" 17 21'-9- 17 21'-0' 17 15'-10' 25 17'$' 25 17'-1' 25 12'$' 39 15'-T 32 15'-1' 32 4'-0' 65 123 18'-11" 17 211 17 20'$" 17 15'$' 26 17'3' 26 16'$' 26 12'-5' 41 15'-2' 34 13'4' 41 4'-0' fi9 130 IT-1 1' 20 20'-0' 20 19'4" 20 73'-0' 35 16'-5' 29 15'-10' 29 11'-9- 45 13'-2' 45 12'-9' 140.1 16-8" 23 1"" 23 1&-0" 23 12'$' 40 15'-2- 34 1T-6' 40 11'-9' 45 73'-2' 45 12'-9" 45 4'-0' 89 740-2 16'$' 23 1"' 23 18'-0" 23 12'$' 40 15'-2' 34 13'$' 40 10'-10" 53 12'-2' 53 11'-9" 53 4'-0' 89 46 12'-7- 46 9'-7' 60 11'-0' 60 3'-11' 102 Open Stmctures Mono -Sloped ed Roof Screen Rooms & Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang 1&2 annoad' 3 s annoad• 4 spa nnoad' 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad* 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad' 4 s an/load• Cantilever '$' 13 23'-Y 13 274' 13 16*-6 20 18'$' 20 17'-10.20 15'.5' 23 17'3' 23 16'$' 23 4'-W 45'-1' 14 22'$' 14 21'-9' 14 16'-2- 21 18'-0' 21 17'S' 21 13'-1' 32 15'-11" 27 15'4- 27 4'-0' 65 E10020'-8- '-2' 17 20'4' 17 1W-8- 17 1T-6" 30 16'$' 25 15'-11' 25 11'-10" 39 13'-3' 39 12'-9'39 4'-0' 65 '-9' 17 19'-10" 17 19'-2" 17 13'-2' 32 16'-2' 26 15'-T 26 11'-7' 41 12'-11' 41 12'-6'14'-0"696'-9" 20 18'S' 20 18'-1- 20 12'$" 35 15'-4 29 13'$' 35 11'-0' 45 12'4' 45 11'-11' 45 4'-0- 775'-7" 23 17'S' 23 16'-1 D' 23 1V-8" 40 13'-1" 40 12'-8 40 11'-0' 45 12'4' 45 11'-11-45 T-11" 89 5'-7' 23 1T-5' 23 16'-10' 23 11'$' 40 13'-1' 40 17$' 40 9'-7' 59 11'4' S3 10'-11' S3 3'-11' 89,3'-2' 32 16'4' 26 15'-10' 26 10'-11' 46 12'-2' 46 11'-9' 46 8'-11' 68 10'$' 60 60 3'$' 102 Open Structures Mono -Slope ed Roof Screen Rooms &Attached Covars Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang 1&2 annoad' 3 s annoad• 4 s annoad' 1&2 span/load' 3 s annoad• 4 s annoad' 1&2 s annoad• 3 spa 4 .s annoad' Cantilever '-10' 13 26'$' 13 25-9- 13 19'-1' 20 21'4' 20 20'-T 20 17'-9- 23 19'-10'23 19'-2' 23 4'-0" 45 3'-2" 14 25'-11" 14 25--1- 14 18'-7- 21 20'-9' 21 20'-1' 21 16'-Y 27 1827 1T-'9' 27 4.0 55 L10D23'-IO* '-11- 17 23'-5' 17 27$' 17 17'-0' 25 19'-1' 25 18'S' 25 15'-1' 32 16'-10' 32 16-T 32 4'-0' 65 0'$' 17 22'-10' 17 27-1' 17 16'S' 26 18'-7' 26 17'-11' 26 13'4' 41 16'S' 34 15'-10'69T 20 21'-7' 20 20'-10' 20 15'-10' 29 17'$' 29 17'-1" 29 12'41 45 15'.5'38 13'A' 45 4'-0' 77 '-11' 23 20'-1' 23 1W-5- 23 13'-6- 40 16'4- 34 15'-9' 34 12'S' 45 15'-5' 38 13'-9' 45 V-O 89 '-11- 23 20'-1' 23 19-Y 23 IT-6- 40 16'4' 34 15'-9' 34 1V-8' 53 73'-7' 53 1Z-8' 53 4'-0' 89'-10' 26 1&-10' 26 18'3' 26 12'-7' 46 153 39 13'-7' 46 10'-11' 60 12'4' 60 11'-11" 60 11021 Note: Total roof panel width = room width +wall width + overhang. 'Design or applied load based on the effective area of the panel Note: Below spans are based on test results from a Florida approved test lab 8r analyzed by Lawrence E. Bennett Sr U180 Table 7.2.2 Elite Aluminum Corporation Roof Panels Allowable Spans and Design 1 Applled Loads' (#ISF) Manufacturers' Proprietary Products: Statewide Product Approval #FL1049 Open Structures Mono -Sloped ed Roof Screen Rooms &Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang 1&2 annoad' 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad' 182 s annoad' 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad' 182 s annoad' 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad' Cantilever '$' 13 23'-1' 13 22'4" 13 i6'$' 20 18'-5" 20 17'-10' 20 15'-5' 23 17'-2' 23 16'-7' 23 4'-0' 45 '-1' 14 2Z-5' 14 21'$" 14 i6'-1` 21 18'-0- 21 17'-5" 21 13'-1' 32 15-11' 27 15'-0' 27 4'-0' 55 8'-2` 932 17 20'-4' 17 19'$' 17 131. 30 16'$' 25 15'-11' 25 11'-10' 39 13'3' 7'$' 17 19'-9' 17 19'-1' 17 13'-Y 32 It, 1; 26 15'-7' 26 11'-7' 41 12'-11' 41 12'$' 41 4' -W 69 6'-9' 20 1&-8- 20 18'-1' 20 12-6' 13'S' 35 11'-0- 45 12'4' 45 11'.11' 45 4' -W 77 '-T 23 17'-5' 23 16'-10' 23 71'$' M 12'-7" 40 11--0" 45 17-0' 45 11'-11' 45 3'-11' 89 5'-T 23 17'-5' 23 16'-10' 23 11'-6' 12'-7" 40 9'-T 59 11'4' 53 10'-11' 53 3'-11' 89 3'-Y 32 16'-0' 26 15'-9' 26 10'-11' 1T-9' 46 I 8'-11' 68 iu-tr 60 -- co 3'$' 102 nd Open Structures MonoSlo d Roof Screen Rooma & Attached Covars Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang Zone MPH s annoad'oad•s 1&2R21'-1 4 annoad• 1&2 s nnoad' 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad' 7&2 s annoad' 3 annoad' 4 sea rmload' Cantilever 100 24'3' 1313 26'- - 13 1W4- 20 21'$' 20 20'-71' 20 18'-1' 23 20'-2' 23 19'$' 23 4'-0' 45 110 23-7 14 23 14 25'-6" 14 18'-11' 21 21'-Y 21 20'-5' 21 16'$' 27 ' 18'$' 27 18'-0' 27 4'-0' 55 120 21'4' 17 17 2T-O 17 17'-0' 25 19'4' 25 16'-9" 25 15'-4' 32 1T-1' 32 1V-6' 32 4'-0' 65 123 20'-9' 17 17 22'-5' 17 16'-11' 26 78-17' 26 18'3' 26 13'-7" 41 16'$' 34 16'-1' 34 4'-0' 69 130 19'-T 20 20 21'-2' 20 16'-1' 29 17'-11' 29 17'4'29 12'-11' 45 15'$' 38 15'-2' 140-1 18'-3' 23 23 19'-9' 23 13'-8" 40 16'-T 34 16'-1' 34 12'-11' 45 15'$' 38 15'-2' 38 4'-0' 89 140-2 18'3' 23 23 19'-9' 23 13'$' 40 16'-7' 34 i6'-1' 34 11'-11- S3 13'4' S3 12'-10' S3 4'-0' 89150 17'-2' 26 26 18'S' 26 12'-9' 46 15'$' 39 13'-10' 46 11'-2' 60 12' 6' 60 12'-1' S1 Wind Open Structures Mono -Sloped ofl Screen Rooms &Attached Covers I Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang Zone MPH 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad' 1&2 s nnoad• 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad' 182 s annoad' 3 spa 4 s niload' Cantilever 100 22'$' 13 25'4' 13 24'$' 13 18'-1' 20 20'3' 20 19'-7" 20 16'-11' 23 18'-11' 23 18'-3' 23 4'-0' 45 110 22'-0' 14 24'S 14 23'-10' 14 1T$' 21 19'-9' 21 19'-1- 21 15W" 27 1T-5' 27 16'-10' 27 4'-0' S5 120 19'-11" 17 2Z3' 17 21'$' 17 16'-2' 25 18'-1' 25 1T-6 25 12'-11' 32 15'$' 32 4'-0' 65 123 19'-5' 17 21'$" 17 20'-11" 17 15'-10' 26 1T$' 26 17'-1' 26 12'$" 34 15'-1' 34 4'-0' 69 130 18'4- 20 20'$- 20 19'-10' 20 1&-G' 29 16'40- 29 16'3' 29 12'-1' 4140-1 17-7' 23 19'-1' 23 18'-5' 23 12'-10' 40 15'$' 34 15'-0' 34 12'-1' 244., 13'-0' 45 4'-0' 69140-2 17'-1' 23 19'-1- 23 1&-5' 23 12'-10' 40 15'$' 34 15'-0' 34 11'-1' 53 12'-0' 53 4'-0" 89150 16'-0` 26 17'-11' 26 17'4' 26 11'-11' 46 13'4' 46 12'-11' 46 10'-5" 60 11-4 60 4'-0' 102 Wind Open Structures Mono -Sloped Roof Screen Rooms & Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang Zone MPH 1&2 s annoad' 3 s angoad' 4 s annoad' 1&2 s annoad• 3 s annoad• 4 span/load' 182 s annoad• 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad' Cantilever 100 26'-2" 13 29'-W 13 283- 13 20'-10' 20 23'4- 20 22'-7' 20 19'$' 23 21'-9' 23 27'-0' 23 4'-0' 45 110 25'-5---14 2&-5" 14 27.5" 22'-9- 21 22'-0" 21 17'-71- 27 20'-1' 27 19'S' 27 4'-0' 55 120 2Z-11' 17 2&-8- 17 24'-10' 25 20'-10- 25 20'-2' 25 16'-6' 32 18'-5' 32 1T-10' 32' 65123 22'-0' 17 25'-0' 17 24-2' 26 20'-5' 26 19'$" 26 16'-1' 34 17'-11' 34 174' 34 4.069130 21'-2' 20 23'$' 20 22'-10' *W�4--21 29 79'-5' 29 18'-9" 29 15'-2' 38 16'-11' 38 16'4' 38 4'-0- 77140.1 19'$' 23 21'-11' 23 21'3' 34 17'-11" 34 17'3" 34 15'-2' 38 16'-11" 38 16'-0' 38 4-0' 89140-2 19'$- 23 21'-11' 23 21'3- 34 7T-11' 34 17'3- 34 12'-10' 53 15'-9- 44 15'-2' 44 4'150 18'$' 26 20'$' 26 19'-17' 46 16'$' 39 16'-2" 39 Note: Total roof panel width = mom width +wall width + overhang. 'Design or applied bad based on the affective area of the panel d' om Z LL a = C am 2 N 00 �E g N ryCW C •� N m a: m O ❑ Qm J o Z Q � (C io og Z Z O ¢ZU) Wo OU CD (9 0 � o cn U O WLL13� Z 5 W Z tY W �W It Z m J d Q W UO 0 LL. J 0 W O O :20 do S W J O O NN ZWO �W QU � (n 0 1.p ( (0 r � ro J 4.1 LLLu Z G Z W 8 F " m _ W m LL d R. a oo m o O j to �-,.z; t > W co t7 m 0 ro o \ Z t y W' ca F J Lu { i O SHEET J W Cn 20D 2 OF 1 m 0 0 0 a 0 0 c� r, z it W z Z Z W K Z z w to �O mo 0 (O MANUFACTURERS PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS SET WITH DEGASEL 2000 OR EQUAL CHAULK AND OR ADHESIVE ON TOP AND BOTTOM LOCK GROOVE 48" 1.0# OR 2.0# DENSITY E.P.S. FOAM & 0.024" OR 0.030" 3105 H-14 OR H-25 ALUMINUM ALLOY SKIN ELITE STATEWIDE APPROVAL # FL 5500 & FL7561 ELITE ALUMINUM CORPORATION ELITE PANEL SCALE: 2" =1'-0" Table 7.2.3 Elite Aluminum Corporation Roof Panels Allowable Spans and Design / Applied Loads* (#/SF) Manufacturers' Proprietary Products: Statewide Product Approval OFL1049 Wind O en Structures Mon loped Roof I Screen Rooms & Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang Zone (MPH) PH 1&2 s annoad• 3 s annoad• 4 II I s an oad' 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad• 4 s annoad• 1&2 s a oa4' M 3 s a Moad• 4 s annoad• Cantilever 100 25'-9` 13 28'-9" 13 27'-10' 13 20'-7' 20 2Z-11' 20 2Z-2" 20 19'-2' 23 21'-5' 23 20'$' 23 4'-0' 45 110 25'-0' 14 27'-71' 14 27'-0' 14 20'-1- 21 2Z-5- 21 21'$- 21 17'$' 27 19'-9- 27 19'-1• 27 4'-0' 55 120 22'-T 17 25'-4' 17 24'-5' 17 18'S' 25 20'-7' 25 19'-10' 25 76'3` 32 18'-2' 32 17'-7' 32 4'-0- 65 123 27-0- 17 24'$- 17 23'-10' 17 1T-11' 26 20'-T 26 19'S" 26 15'-10' 34 1T$' 34 17'-1' 34 4'-0' 69 130 20'-10" 20 23'-3" 20 22'$' 20 17'-1' 29 19'-1' 29 18'-5" 29 13'$` 45 16'$^ 38 16'-1' 38 4'-0' 77 140.1 19'-0' 23 21'$' 23 20'-11' 23 15'-9' 34 1T-T 34 1T-0' 34 13'$' 45 16'$' 38 76'-1' 36 4'-0- 69 14152 19'-0' 23 21'$' 23 20'-11' 23 15'-9- 34 1T-70 34 1T-0' 34 12'-7' S3 15'-6` 44 1T-W 53 4'-O 89 150 18'-2' 26 20'4' 26 19'$' 26 13'-T 46 16'-5' 39 15'-17' 39 11'-10' 60 13'-3' 60 12'-10' 60 4'_o 102 Wind Open Structures Mono -Sloped Roof Screen Rooms & Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang Zone PH 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad• 4 s nnoad'ad- 3 s annoad• 4 s annoad' 1&2 s annoad• 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad• Cantilever 100 29' -W 13 33'-2' 13 37-1- 7320 26'$' 20 25'-T 20 22'-1' 23 24--W 23 23'-10- 23 4'-0' 45 110 26'-10" 14 32-3' 14 31'-2- 1421 25-10" 21 24'-11' 21 20'-5' 27 22'-10' 27 22'-0- 27 4'-0' 55 120 26'-1' 17 29-2' 17 2&-2" 725 k23'-B- 2X-8- 25 22'-11' 25 18'-9' 32 20'-11' 32 20'-3' 32 4'-0' 65 123 25'-5" 17 28-5' 17 27-5' 1726 23'-2' 26 27-4• 26 18'.3' 34 20'-5' 34 19'$' 34 4'-0- 69 130 2T-11' 20 2&-10" 20 25'A 1' 2029 22'-0- 29 21'.3' 29 17'-2' 38 19'-3 3 8-7' 38 4'-0- 77 1404 ZZ-4" 23 24'-11- 23 24-2' 2334 20'-0' 34 19'$' 34 17'-2' 38 19'3' 38 18'-7- 38 :iW 89 140.2 2Z-4' 23 24'-11" 23 24-2' 2334 20'-4' 34 19-F 34 15'-11' 44 17'-10- 44 17'J- 44 W-W 8920'-11" 26 23$' 26 2Z-8- 26 16-11 39 18'-11' 39 18'4' Wind Open Structures Mono -Sloped ed Roof Screen Rooms & Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang Zone MPH 1&2 s annoad• 3 s annoad• 4 s antload• 182 s annoad' 3 s nnoad• 4 s annoad• 1&2 s annoad• 3 s annoad• 4 I s annoad• Cantilever 100 29'-11' 113 1 33'$' 131 37-5' 113 23'-11- 20 26'-9- 20 25'-11" 20 22'-4' 23 24'-11- 23 24'.2' 23 4'-W 45 110 29'-2' 14 32'-7' 14 31'S' 14 23'-4' 21 26'-2' 21 25-3 21 20'-7' 27 23'-1" 27 27-3' 27 4'-0' S5 120 26'4' 17 29'-6' 17 28'S' 17 21'-5- 25 2T-11- 25 23-7 25 18'-11- 32 21'-2' 32 20'-5' 32 4'-0- 65 123 25'$- 17 28'-9- 17 27'-9' 17 20'-11' 26 235' 26 27-T 26 18'-5^ 34 20'-7-34 19-11- ' 34 4'-0' 69 1.0 24'-3' 20 27'-7- 20 26'-2' 20 19'-11" 29 2Z-3' 29 21'S' 29 17'-5' 38 1T-5` 38 18'-9' 38 4'-0' 77 140-1 ZT-7' 1231 25'3` 231 24'S' 123 18'4' 34 20'S- 34 19-10` 34 17'-5- 38 19'5` 38 18'-9' 38 4'-0' 89 140-2 22'-t- 23 25'3` 23 24.5" 23 18'4' 34 20'$' 34 19AG' 34 16'-2' 44 18'-1" 44 17'5 144 4'-0' 89 150 21'-3'26 2T-9' 26 22--11' 26 17'-T 39 19'-2' 39 18'S' 39 73'-10' 60 16'-9' S1 16'-Z' 51 4'-0' 112 Wind O en Structures Mono -Sloped Roof Screen Rooms & Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Endow Overhang Zone MPH 182 s annoad• 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad• 182 s annoad• 3 s annoad• 4 s annoad• 1&2 s annoad• 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad• Cantilever 100 34W" 13 38'$° 13 3T5' 13 27'$' 20 39-11' 20 29'-10' 20 25'-9' 23 28'-100 23 27'-10° 23 4'-W 45 110 3X-S" 14 37'-7' 14 36'-0' 6- 14 26'-11' 21 30'-2" 21 29'-2° 21 23'-9' 27 26'-7" 27 2T-8- 27 4'-0' 55 120 30'-5" 17 34' -W 17 3 17 24'-9° 25 2T$° 25 26'$° 25 21'-10' 32 24'-5° 32 23'-7' 32 4'-0' 65 123 29' 7- 17 3T-1' 17 32'-0' 17 24'-2' 26 26'-11' 26 26'-1' 34 34 22'-11' 34 4' 130 2T-11' 20 31'3" 20 30'3' 20 27-71' 29 25'$' 29 24'-9' 29 20'-1' 38 22'-5' 38 21'$' 38 4'-0' 77 140-1 26'-1" 23 29'-1' 23 28'-2' 23 21'-2" 34 23'$' 34 22'-11° 34 20'-1' 38 22'S' 38 21'4' 38 ' 89 140-2 26'-1' 23 29'-7" 23 28'-2- 23 21'-T 34 23'$' 34 ZZ-11' 34 18'-W 44 20'-10' 44 20'-' 44 4'-0° 89 150 24'S" 26 27'-0' 26 26'-5' 26 19'-9' 39 22'-1' 39 21'-5' 39 17'-0' 51 1— S1 18'$' 51 4'-0- 102 Note: Total roof panel width = room width + wall width + overhang. 'Design or applied load based on the affective area of the panel Note: Below spans are based on test results from a Florida approved test lab & analyzed by Lawrence E. Bennett & U180 Table 7.2.4 Elite Aluminum Corporation Roof Panels Allowable Spans and Design / Applied Loads* (#/SF) Manufactumrs' Proprietary Products: Statewide Product Approval OFL1049 Wind Open Structures Mono -Sloped d of Screen Rooms &Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang Zone MPH 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad• 1&2 s annoad• 3 s annoad• 4 Spanoa 182 s annoad' 3 s aoad• nn 4 s annoad' Cantilever 100 28'-2- 13 3V-6- 131 30'S" 1131 2Z-6- 20 2&-2- 20 24'-4- 20 20'-11- 23 23'$' 23 22'$' 23 1 4'-0` 45 110 27'5' 14 30'$" 14 29W 14 21'-11' 21 24'-7- 21 2T-9` 21 19'-4" 27 21'$' 27 20'-11' 27 4'-V S5 120 24'-9' 17 27'$' 17 26'-9' : 17 20'-2' 25 2Z4 25 21'-9' 25 17'-10' 32 19'-11" 32 191-3 32 4'-0' 65 123 24'-2' 17 26'-11' 17 17 19'$' 26 21'-11' 26 21'-3" 26 17'-0' 34 19'-4' 34 18'-W 34 V-W 69 130 22'-10' 20 25'$' 20 20 18'$' 29 20'-11' 29 20'-2' 29 1 '�' 6 38 1"" 38 17'$' 38 4'-0' 77 140-1 21'3' 23 23'-9' 23 Z24'-8" - 23 17'3' 34 79'-0' 34 1W-8- 34 76'-0' 38 18- 38. fr- 38 4'-0' 89 140-2 21'3' 23 23'-9" 23 - 23 17'-W 34 19'-4' 34 18'$- 34 15'-2' 44 16--11 44 16'S' 44 4'-0^ 89 150 19'-11" 26 2Z-3' 26 21'$' 26 16'-1' 39 J&.0" 39 17'-5- 39 1Z-11' 60 15'-9" 51 15'.9' 51 4'-0' 102 Wind O en Structures M loped Roof Screen Rooms & Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang Zone MPH 182 s annoad' 3 s annoad' .4_ s annoad• 1&2 s annoad• 3 s Moad' 4' s annoad• 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad• 4 ' s annoad' Cantilever 100 32'S" 13 364" 13 35.2- 13 25'-11- 20 29'-0' 110 31'-T 14 35'-4" 14 34Z2- 14 25'4- 21 2&-4- 21 27'-0' 21 27.4- 27 24'-11- 27 24'-2` 27 4'-0- 55 120 26'-7' 17 31'-11' 17 30'-11" 17 23'.3' 25 25'-11- 25 25'-1- 25 20'$` 32 ZT-11' 32 22'-2' 32 4'-0' 65 123 27'-10" 17 31'-1' 17 30'-1' 17 22'$' 26 26-4- 26 24'S' 26 19'41' 34 27-0' 34 21'-7' 34 4'-0' 69 130 2"' 20 29'-5' 20 28'S" 20 21'-7" 29 24'-1' 29 23'-3" 29 18'-10' 38 21'-1' 38 20'-0' 38 4'-0' 77 140-1 24'$' 23 27'4' 23 26'-5- 23 19'-71' 34 ZZ-T 34 21'$` 34 18'-10- 38 21'-1' 38 20'-0' 38 4'-0- 89 140-2 24'S' 23 27'-4' 23 26'S' 23 19'-11' 34 2Z3' 34 21'S` 34 17'$" 44 19'-7' 44 18'-11- 44 4'-0- 89 150 22'-11' 26 25'$" 26 24'-10- 26 18'-7' 39 20'-9' 39 20'-1' 39 16'3- 51 18'-2' 61 U 7- S1 4'-0' 1 22 Wind Open Structuren ope,d Roof Screen Rooms 8 Attached Covers Glass 8 Modular Rooms no used Overhang Zone MPH 182 s annoad' -3 s annoad' 4 s annoad' 182 s annoad' 3 s Moad' 4 s annoad• 182 s annoad• 3 s annoad• 4 s Moad' CamHaver 100 34'-7- 13 38'$' 13 37'-5' 13 27'$' 20 29'-10' 20 25'-9' 23 28'-10' 23 2T-10' 23 4'-0" 45 110 33'$' 14 3T-T 14 36'-4' 74 26 111" 21 29'-2- 21 23'-9' 27 26'-T 27 25'-8' 27 4'-0' 55 120 30'S- 17 34'-0" 17 37-10- 77 24'-9- 25 26'$- 25 21'-10' 32 24'S' 32 23'-T 32 4'-0'- 65 123 29'-T 17 33'-1" 17 32'-0" 17 24'-2' ` 26 26'-7' 26 21'-3' 34 23'-9' 34 27-11' 34 4'-0' 69 130 2T-11' 20 31'-3' 2030'3" 20 22'-11' W130'-11"" 29 24'-9' 29 20'-l' 38 2Z-5' 38 21'-8' 38 4'-0' 77 140-1 26'-1' 23 29'-l' 23 28'-2- 23 21'-2° 34 22-11" 34 20'-1' 38 22'S- 38 21'$' 38 4'-0' 89 140-2 26'-1' 23 29'-1' 23 28'-2" 23 21'-2' 34 0 11' 34 18'$- 420'10'89 150 24'$" 26 2T-4' 26 26-5' 26 19'-9' ' 39 21'-5' 39 1T-4' S1 19'�' S1 18'$' S1 4'-0' 102 Wind O en Structures Mono —Sloped of Screen Rooms &Attached Covers Glass & Modular Rooms Enclosed Overhang Zone MPH 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad' 4 s annoad• 1&2 s annoad• 3 s Moad• 4 s annoad• 1&2 s annoad' 3 s annoad• 4 s annoad• Cantilever 3T-11' 13 47S' 13 40'-11' 13 30'3' 20 3T-10' 20 37$' 20 283' 23 31'-7- 23 30'S' 23 4'-0' 38 36'-10" 14 41'-2' 14 39'-10' 14 29'$" 21 33'-0" 21 31'-11' 21 26'-1' 27 29'-1' 27 28'-7 27 4'-0' S5 33'4' 17 3T3- 17 36'-0- 17 27'-1' 25 30'3- 25 29'3- 25 23'-11- 32 26'-9' 32 25'-10- 32 4'-0' 65 37S' 17 363' 17 35-1' 17 26'-5' 26 29'-7' 26 28'-7' 26 23'3' 34 26'-0` 34 2&-2' 34 4'-0' 69 V40-2 30'$' 20 34'-3' 20 33'-1' 20 25'-2' 29 28'-1' 29 ZT-2' 29 21'-11' 38 24'-7' 38 23'-9' 38 4'-0" 77 28'$' 23 31'-11' 23 30'-10" 23 2T-r 34 25'-11' 34 25'-1' 34 21'-11' 38 24'-T 38 23'-9' 38 4'-0' 89 28'-5 23 31-17' 23 30'-10' 23 23'3' 34 29-11' 34 25-1' 34 20'-5' 44 22-10' 44 22'-l' 44 4'0" 89 26'-10" 26 0-11' 26 28'-11' 26 21'$' 39 24'3' 39 23'-5' 39 18'-11' S1 21'-2' 51 20'$' 51 4'-0' 102 Note: Total roof panel wldth = room width +wall width + overhang. *Design or applied load based on the affective area of the panel dN rr m� ow Z R O LL ;Q S a a 2 () Q w �E m y �o m � LL Qm J 2 Q iK 3 ❑ 8ga Z � P O W p 00 U 0 W 00 0 OU Uz' CD CVO UN W LL. C,(- Z r 00 o- Q to J W W- W Z m Q F- C_ W 00 LL. pJ Z) U)O IYM OLfn U)O �00 rrn J p , O 04 CV Z W 05 W 0 0� H QU (0 CO � it Z N r 0 J W p m LL. r z kW 2 # CO o' x o g O_ W o aL m (L n qQ m o C ti�v O o Zi C N jio ^� m t > v~iam W m 00 C U c1 c o � z t m 3 a W J ~ Z' Z LLI Of 0 0 SHEET ul 0-59 20E Ln 12-01-2009 1 OF 21 0 0 N V a 0 O t� Z z z to W z ZZ W LU Z Z m O 1:\ ri GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS: 1. The Section 9 tables were developed from data for anchors that are considered to be "Industry Standard" anchors. The allowable loads are based on data from catalogs from POWERS FASTENING, INC. (RAWL PRODUCTS), other anchor suppliers, and design criteria and reports from the American Forest and Paper Products and the American Plywood Association 2. Unless otherwise noted, the following minimum properties of materials were used in calculating allowed loadings: A. Aluminum; 1- Sheet, 3105 H-14 or H-25 alloy 2. Extrusions, 6063 T-6 alloy B. Concrete, Fc = 2,500 psi @ 28 days C. Steel, Grade D Fb / c = 33.0 psi D. Wood; 1. Framing Lumber #2 S.P.F. minimum 2. Sheathing, 104 ply CDX or 7/16" OSB 3. 120 MPH wind load was used for all allowable area calculations. 4. For high velocity hurricane zones the minimum live load / applied load shall be 30 PSF. 5. Spans may be interpolated between values but not extrapolated outside values 6. Aluminum metals that will come in contact with ferrous metal surfaces or concrete /masonry products or pressure treated wood shall be coated w/ two coats of aluminum metal -and -masonry paint or a coat of heavy -bodied bituminous paint, or the wood or other absorbing material shall be painted with two coats of aluminum house paint and the joints sealed with a good quality caulking compound. The protective materials shall be as listed in section 2003.8.4.3 through 2003.8.4.6 of the Florida Building Code or Corobound Cold Galvanizing Primer and Finisher. 7. All fasteners or aluminum parts shall be corrosion resistant such as non magnetic stainless steel grade 304 or 316; Ceramic coated, double zinc coated or powder coated steel fasteners. Only fasteners that are warrantied as corrosion resistant shall be used; Unprotected steel fasteners shall not be used. 8. Any structure within 1500 feet of a salt water area; (bay or ocean) shall have fasteners made of non-magnetic stainless steel 304 or 316 series. 410 series has not been approved for use with aluminum by the Aluminum Associaton and should not be used. 9. Any project covering a pool with a saltwater chlorination disinfection system shall use the above recommended fasteners. This is not limited to base anchoring systems but includes all connection types. SECTION 9 DESIGN STATEMENT: The anchor systems in Section 9,are designed.for a 130 MPH wind load. Multipliers for other wind zones have been provided. Allowable loads include a 133% wind load increase as provided for in The 2007 Florida Building Code with 2009 Supplements. The use of this multiplier is only allowed once and I have selected anchoring systems which include strapping, nails and other fasteners. Table 9.1 Allowable Loads for Concrete Anchors Screw Saxe d=diameter Embedment Depth (In.) I Min. Edge Dist 8 Anchor Spaeing Sd (In.) Allowable Loads Tension I Shear ZAMAC NAILIN (Drive Anchors) -112' 1-1/4' 273E 236E 2" 1-1/4^ 316E 236# TAPPER (Concrete Screws 3116" 1-114" 1 15116" 288# 167# 1-314 15116" 371E 259# 114" 1.1/4" 1-114" 427# 200# 1314" 1-1/4" 544# 216# 318" 1.12' 1 1.9116" 511# 402E 13/4' 1 33/8' 703# 456# POWER BOLT Expansion Bolt 114" 2" - 1414" 624# 261# 5116" 3" 1-7/8' 1 936# 751# 342" 1 1.9116' 1 1,575# 1,425# 12' 5'1 2-112" 1 2,332E 2,220# POWER STUD (Wedge -Bolt 114' 2-3/4-1-114' 812E 03l8" 4-114" 1-7/8" 1,358E 921E 1/2" 6'1 2-12' 1 2,271E 1 1,218# 518" 7' 1 2.114' 1 3,288E 1 2,202# Wedge Bolt 1/4' 1 2-12' 1 2-114- 1 878# 385# 318" 3-1/2" 1 3-114' 1 1,705# 916# 112" 4" 1 3314" 1 1,774# 1.095E Notes: 1. Concrete screws are limited to 2' embedment by manufacturers. 2. Values listed are allowed loads with a safety factor of 4 applied. 3. Products equal to rewi may W substituted. 4. Anchors receiving loads perpendicular to the diameter are In tension. S. Allowable loads are Increased by 1.00 for wind lead. 6. Minimum edge distance and center to center spacing shall be Sd. 7. Anchors receiving loads parallel to the diameter are shear loads. 8. Manufacturers recommended reductions for edge distance of 5d have been applied. _.. Example: Determine the number of concrete anchors required fora pool enclosure by dividing the uplift load by the anchor allowed load. Fora 2' x 6' beam with: spacing = T-0" O.C. allowed span = 20'-5' (Table 1.1) UPLIFT LOAD=12(BEAM SPAN) x BEAM & UPRIGHT SPACING NUMBER OF ANCHORS= 12(2OA2')xTx10#/Sq.Ft ALLOWED LOAD ON ANCHOR NUMBER OF ANCHORS = 714.70# = 1.67 427# Therefore, use 2 anceom. o.w (+) on each side of upright. Table Is based on Rawl Products' allowable loads for 2.560 p.s.i. concrete. Table 9A Maximum Allowable Fastener Loads for SAE Grade 5 Steel Fasteners Into 6005 T-5 Alloy Aluminum Framing (As Recommended By Manufacturers) Self -Tapping and Machine Screws Allowable Loads Tensile Strength 55,000 psi; Shear 24.000 psi Screw/Bolt Allowable Tensile Loads on Screws for Nominal Wall Thickness rtl fibs.) Multipliers for Other Alloys 6063 T-6 1269 5052 H-25 1522 6005 T-5 2030 Allowable Load Coverslon Multipliers for Edge D istances More Than 5d Edge Distance Multipliers Tension Shear Sd 1.00 1.00 6d 1.D4 1.20 7d 1.08 1.40 lid 1.11 1.60 9d 114 1,80 log 1.18 2.00 11d 121 t2d 125 Table 9.2 Wood & Concrete Fasteners for Open or Enclosed Buildings Loads and Areas for Screws in Tension Only Maximum Allowable - Load and AtWbutable Roof Area for 120 MPH Wind Zone (27A2 # / SF) (For Wind Reasons other than 120 MPH. Use Cornrersion Table at Bottom of this page) CONNECTING TO: WOOD for OPEN or ENCLOSED Buildings Fastener Diameter Length of Embedment Number of Fasteners 1 2 3 4 1" 264#-10 SF 528E-19 SF. 792E-29 SF 1056#-39 SF 1/4"o 1-12" 396#-14 SF 792E-29 IF 1188#-43 SF 1584#-58 SF 2-112" 6604-24 SF- 1320#-48 SF 1980E-72 SF 2640#-96 SF 1" 312#-11 SF 624#-23 SF 9369-34 SF 1248#-46SF 511670 1.12" 468#-17 SF 936#-34 SF 1404#-51 SF 1872#-68 SF 242" 780#-28 SF 1560#-57 SF 2340#-85 SF 3120#-1145 318"o 1? 356#-13 SF 712#-26 SF 1068#-39 SF 1424#-52SF :1-1/2' •534#-19 SF 1068#-39 SF 1602E-58 SF 2136E-78SF 2.112' 890#-32 SF 1780E-65 SF 2670#-97 SF 1 3560#-130S CONNECTINGTO: CONCRETE [Min. 2,500 psi] for PARTIALLY ENCLOSED Buildings Fastener Diameter Length of Embedment Number of Fasteners 1 2 1 3 4 TYPE OF FASTENER -"Quick Set" Concrete ScZamLaqu N19o3ESF 1-1 273E-10SF gSF -r0 -40 SF1/4"a 2" 1 316#-12 SF 1 632#-23 SF 1 948#-35 SF 1 1264#-46SF TY STENER-Concrete Screw Rawl Tapper or Equivalent 31 14 1260#- 576#-21 SF 864#-32 SF 1152#-42 SF -14 742#-27 SF 1113E-41 SF 1484#-54 SF • 14' 730#-27 SF 1095#-40SF 1460#-53 SF 13W 427#-16 SF 854#-31 SF 1281#-47 SF 1708#-62 SF 318"o 1-12" 1 511#-19 SF 1022#-37SF 1 1533E-56 SF 2044#-75 SF 13/4" 1 703#-26 SF 1406#-51 SF 1 2109#-77 SF 2812E-103 SF TYPE OF FASTENER= Expans on Bolts Rawl Power Bolt or Equivalent) 318"0 2.112" 105D#-38SF 2100#-77SF 3150#-115SF 4200#-153 SF 3-112" 1575E-57SF 3150#-115SF 4725#-172SF 6300#-230 SF 12"e 3"K 1399# - 51 SF 1 2798# -102 SFI 4197# -153 SF 5596# 5" 2332# - 85 SF 14664# -170 SFI 6996# - 255 SF 9328E - 340 SF Note: WIND LOAD CONVERSION TABLE: 1. The minimum distance from the ad of the For Wind ZoneslReglons other than 120 MPH concrete to the concrete anchor and sp ng (Tables Shown), between anchors shall not be less than where d multiply allowable loads and roof areas by the Is the anchor diameter. conversion factor. 2. Mowable roof areas are based on as for Glass / Enclosed Rooms (MWFRS); I = 1. . 3. For partially enclosed buildings use a m tiplier to roof areas of 0.77. 4. For sections 1 & 2 multiply mot amas by 30. WIND REGION/ APPLIED LOAD CONVERSION FACTOR 10 26.6 1.01 0 26,8 1.01 120 27A 1.00 12,t�- 0.97 130 32.2 140-1 37.3 0.86 140-2 1 37.3 1 016 150 1 42.8 1 0.80 Table 9.5A Allowable Loads & Roof Areas Over Posts Table 9.6 Maximum Allowable Fastener L ads / ' ,�/ able 9.9 for Metal to Metal, Beam to upright Bolt Connections for Metal Plate t Wood Support r!V/G Open or Enclosed Structures @ 27.42 #/SF r^a-� Fastener Table 9.3 Wood & Concrete Fasteners for Partially Enclosed Buildings Loads and Areas for Screws in Tension Only Maximum Allowable - Load and Attributable Roof Area for 120 MPH Wind Zone (35.53 # / SF) (For Wind Regions otherthan 120 MPH, Use Conversion Table at Bottom of this page) CONNECTING TO: WOOD for PARTIALLY ENCLOSED Buildings Fastener Diameter Length of Embedment Number of Fasteners 1 2 3 4 1" 264#-7 SF 528#-15 SF 792E-22SF 1056#-30 SF 1/4"0 1-12" 396#-11 SF 792#-22 SF 1188#-33 SF 1584#-45 SF 2-12" 660# -19 SF 1320# - 37 SF 1980# - 56 SF 2640# - 74 SF 1" 312#-9SF 624#-18 SF 936#-26 SF 1248#-35 SF 5/16"e 1-12" 468#-13 SF 936#-26 SF 1404E-40 SF 1872#-53 SF • 2-12' 780E-22 SF 1560#-44 SF 2340#-66 SF 3120#-88 SF 318"o 1" 356E-10 SF 712#-20 SF 1068#-30 SF 1424#-40 SF 142' 534#-ISSF 1068#-30 SF 16029-45 SF 2136E-60 SF 24/2" 890#-25 SF 1780E-50 SF 2670#-75 SF 3560E-100 SF ONNECTING TO: CONCRETE [Min. 2,500 psi] for PARTIALLY ENCLOSED Buildings Fastener Length of Diameter Embedment Number of Fasteners I 1 2 1 3 4 TYPE OF FASTENER - "Quick Set" Concrete Screw (Rawl Zamac Nallin gr Equivalent "TT, 1/4'0 1-12" 233E-BSF 466E-17SF 699E-25 Su SF 2"1 70#-10 SF I 540#-20SF I 810E-30SF 1 1080#-39 SF PE OF FASTENER= Concrete Screw Rawl Ta per or Equivalent) 1-12" 246#-7 SF 492#-14 SF 738#-21 SF 9a4#-28 SF1314" 317#-9SF 634#-18 SF 951#-27 SF 1268#-36 SF L3116"o "e 1-12" 365#-10 SF 730#-21 SF 1095#-31 SF 1460#-41 SF 1.314" 465#-13 SF 930#-26 SF 1395#-39 SF 1860#-52SF "0 1-12" 437#-12 SF 874#-25 SF 1311#-37SF 1748#-1.3/4" 601#-17 SF 1202#-34 SF 1803#-61 SF 2404#-68 SF OF FASTENER = Ex anslon Bolts (Rawl Power Bolt or Equivalent8"e 2-12' 1205E-34 SF 2410E-68 SF 3615E-102 SF 4820E-136 SF 3-12^ 1303E-37SF 2606E-73 SF 3909#-110 SF 5212#-147 SF 12"a 3" 1806#-51 SF 3612E-102 SF 5418E-1525 7224E-203 SF 5' 1993#-56 SF 3986#-112 SF 5979#-168 SF 7972E-224 SF Note: 1. The minimum distance from the edge of the concrete to the concrete anchor and spacing between anchors shall not be less than 5d where d is the anchor diameter. 2. Allowable loads have been Increased by 1.33 for wind loading. 3. Allowable roof areas are based on loads for Glass / Partially Enclosed Rooms (MWFRS) I = 1.00 4. For Glass / Enclosed Rooms and Sections 1 & 2 use a multiplier to roof area of 1.30- dlam, min. edge distance min, ctr. to ctr. No. of Fasteners / Roof Area (SF) 1 / Area 2 / Area 3 I Area 41 Area 114" 12" 518" 1,454-53 2,908-106 4,362-159 5,819-212 5116' 318" 718" 1,894-69 3,788-138 5,682-207 7,576-T 3l8' 3!4^ 1" 2,272 - 82 4.544 -166 6,816 - 249 9.088 - 331 112" 1" 1-1/4" 3,030-110 6,060-221 9,090-332 12,120-442 Table 9.5B Allowable Loads & Roof Areas Over Posts for Metal to Metal, Beam to Upright Bolt Connections Partlall Enclosed Structures @ 35.53 #/SF Fastener dlam. min. edge distance min. air. to ctr. No. of Fasteners / Roof Area (S 1 I Area 2/ Area 3 / Area 4 / Area 1/4" 112" 518" 1,454-41 2,908-82 4,362-125 5,819-164 5116" 3/8" 718" 1,894-53 3,788-107 5,682-160 7,578-213 318' 3!4" 1" 2,272-64 4.544-128 6.816-192 9.088-256 12" 1" 1-1/4" 3.030-05 6.060-171 9.090-256 12,120-341 Notes for Tables 9.5 A. 8: 1. Tables 9.5 A & B are based on 3 second wind gusts at 120 MPH; Exposure "B'; I =1.0. For carports & screen rooms multiply the Glass / Partially Enclosed loads & roof areas above by 1.3. 2. Minimum sparing Is 2-12d O.C. for screws & bolts and 3d O.C. for rivals. 3. Minimum edge distance is 2d for screws, bolts, and rivals. Allowable Load Conversions for Edge Distances More Than 5d Edge Distance Allowable MuRI Load Item Tension Shear 12d 1.25 11d 1.21 10d 1.18 2.00 9d 1.14 1.80 Bell 1.11 1.60 7d 1.08 1A0 6d 1.04 120 $d 1.00 1.00 Screw ae o 0o u o Metal to Plywood 12" 4 p 518" 4 ply 3f4" 4 cal Shear (Ibs.) Pull Out (Ibs.) Shear (Ibs. Pull Out (Ibs.) Shear (Ibs.) Pull Out fibs. #8 93 48 113 59 134 71 #10 100 55 120 1 69 141 78 #12 118 1 71 131 78 143 94 #14 132 1 70 145 88 157 105 Table 9.7 Aluminum Rivets with Aluminum or Steel Mandrel Aluminum Mandrel I Steel Mandrel Rivet Diameter Tension (Ibs.) I Shear Tension (Ibs.) 1 Shear 118" 129 176 210 325 5132" 187 1 263 340 1 490 3116- 262 1 375 445 1 720 Table 9.8 Alternative Angle and Anchor Systems for Beams Anchored to Walls, Uprights, Carrier Beams, or Other Connections 120 mph " C" Exposure Vary Screw Size w/ Wind Zone Use Next Larger Size for "C" Exposures Maximum Screw! Anchor Size Max Size of Beam Upright Attachment Type Size Description To Wall To Upright/ Bea 2" x 4" x 0.044" Angle V x 1"x 0.045' 3/16' #10 2" x 4" x 0.044" Angle 1' x 1' x 1/16' 0.063') 3/16' #12 2" x 5" x 0.072" Uchannel 1-1/2' x 2-1/8' x 1-1/2' x 0.043' 12" 914 1 2" x 6" x 0.072" Uchannel 1' x 2-1/8" x 1' x 0.050" 5/16' 9/16 2" x 8" x 0.072" Angle 1- x 1" x 1/8" (0.125') 3/16" #12 2" x 10" x 0.072" Angle 1-120 x 1-12' 1/16"(0.052') 1/4'w1/2" 2" x 7- x 0.072" Angle 1-12' x 1-12' 3116"(0.188') 1/4" 2" x 10" x 0.072" Angle 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" 1/8'(0.062') 1/4"2- x 7" x 0.072" Angie 13/4'x 1314'x 1/8'(0.125') 1/4"2" x 10" x 0.072- Uchannel 13/4" x 1-3/4'x 1-314'x 118' 3/8'2" x 10" x 0.072" Angle 2" x 2'x 0.093' 3/8'2" x 10" x 0.072" Angle 2'x 2"x 118'(0.125") 5116'2"x10"x0.072" Angle 2'x2x3/16"(0.313') 12' Note: 1. # of screws to beam, wall, and/or post equal to depth of beam For screw sizes use the stitching screw size for beam / upright found In table 1.6. 2. For post attachments use wall attachment type = to wall of member thickness to determine angle or u channel and use next higher thickness for angle or u channel than the upright wall thickness. 3. Inside connections members shall be used whenever possible i.e. Use In gee of angles where possible. 4. The thicker of the two members u channel angle should be place on the Inside of the connection If possible. WIND LOAD CONVERSION TABLE: For Wind ZoneslRegions other than 120 MPH (Tables Shown), multiply allowable loads and roof areas by the conversion factor. WIND REGION APPLIED LOAD CONVERSION FACTOR 100 25 1.22 110 30 1.11 120 35 1.03 123 37 1.00 130 42 0.94 140-1&2 48 0.88 150 55 0.81 Minimum Anchor Size for Extrusions Wall Connection Extrusions Wall Metal Upright Concrete Wood 2" x 10" 1/4" #14 1/4" 1/4' 2" x 9" 1/4" #14 114" 1/4" 2" x 8" 114" #12 114" #12 2'x7" 3116" #10 3116' #10 2" x 6" or less 3116" #8 3/16' #8 Note: Wall, beam and upright minimum anchor sizes shall be used for super gutter connections. Table 9.10 Alternative Anchor Selection Factors for Anchor / Screw Sizes Metal to Metal Anchor Size #8 #10 #12 #14• 5116" 318" #8 1.00 0.80 0.58 0.46 027 021 #10 0.80 1,00 0,72 0,57 033 026 #12 0.58 0.72 1.00 0.78 OA6 0.36 #14 0.46 0.57 0.78 1.00 0.59 0.46 027 0.33 OA6 0.59 1.00 0.79 ' 318" 1 021 0.26 0.36 0.58 1 0.79 1.00 Alternative Anchor Selection Factors for Anchor I Screw Sizes Concrete and Wood Anchors (concrete screws: 2" maximum embedment) Anchor Size _ 3116" 114" 3/8" 3116" 1.00 0,83 0,50 114" 0.830.59 318" 0.50 0.59 1.00 Dyna Bolts (1-5/8" and 2.114" embedment respectively) Anchor 3/16" 1/2" Size 3116" 1.00 1, 0.46 112" 1 OA6 1 1.00 ' " Multiply the number of #8 screws x size of anchor/screw desired and round up to the next even of screws. Example: If (19) 98 screws are required, the number of #10 screws desired Is: 0.8 x 10 = (8) #10 J Z D o Z 1-- 2 DW (� W 00 o (n [Y Cr) N 0 U) U) -0 r W W - Z Z W CO Z W 0 U) 0 J U Q d � W LL 0 IL oZ) co U IJi U) U) 1` 0) 0 O 0O Z CV N 0 J Q (9 U) CID 9 � m m LL LU Uu mo d£ W U cr m cQ d W m u o) O n o � 1-- a T C:j Co n CO IW- m roamW s LU ,4 co a) = v U U 0o r n F p SHEET FI J W L N_ 21 E12-01-2009� GAO'4'OF OF 21 0 N m IL O tY (7 Z Z K W w Z U Z W W Z Z al