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PERMIT# — ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance Division B. D BUILDING PERMIT SUS-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Af c. r f c-- ` have agreed to be (Co parry Name/Individual Name) the z' / Sub-contractor for tAJ n t Ae&e_ /a �.�•%�c r/� (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at i,.`' (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) O RACTORSIGNATURE Qualifier �P�T�NAME PRINT NAME Gqlz , �l�r COUNTY CERTIFICATION�N'jUM)BER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of J1�l�y(_tom �y�, State of Florida,County of_ � •+C ve_ The foregoing instrument was signed before �me tbis 5� bay of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this ` S`"bay of ' ti�p.,�.1 ,200 6y NI�O C`lP _��l^�LJ `�a� •, l��C 20__by J_aW14t1 U who is personally knownor has produced a who is personally known_or has produced a as identification. /�j f as identification. d "' k C'`���y STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public Signature of Notar�ftblic I�022f c b Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public eo(;FloMeRHO ta.. E RA R.CU139EDGE mission#GG 0220T6 R FF 978543 Revised 11/162016 2o2oes Ociober2l'2020 ihNTroyFohka rteC9E0D385I019 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE i p - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 7 Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT c. have agreed to be "Xompani y Name/Individual Name) ib-contractor for n �, � Qpthe yy j m CO R P (Type of Trade) (PrimAry Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of•a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SU E(Qualifier) W L � nn 'PRIW NAME PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of 9r- t:r State of Florida,County of_St.Lli C.,1�_ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this\_�' day••of The foregoing instrument was sign d before lme this�Jla/y_of t�`Y.2 20��by't�'\ �� W h� JO 20�1 by ©br-1 LLAUL k� who is personally known or has produced a who is personally known or has produced a as identification. as identification. tea . STAMP P STAMP ure Signature of Not Public . Signat of Notary Publi Print Name of Notary Public Pridt Name of Notary Public DOROTHYANNBASKIN �: c, MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 r� <�, EXPIRES:October2,2020 i ot?I`Y"�ei- 7RE RT� Bonded Thm Notary Public Underwriters _+ •c ME854297 �+ 8,2017 (407)3@8.0153 .com • �,,,�..K�w..<,era.�J�:,:ram,�';7,r:P,�.�i,RkLt.iv^rAYcfr�l�_;"";�s.�-,.��.;8' PERMIT:9 ISSUE DATE u PLANNING VE.L _W G&DI OPM- -SkXMES n $uildiing&Code.Compliance DiviCOUNTY sion ` R e BC3ICDYi�iG'PERIVITT � • . AM-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control of St. Lucie County, Lnc. have agreed-to'be (Company Namellndividlial Naive) the H•VAC Sub-contractor for Wynne Development Corp. (Type ofTmrle) -- (Primary Co7ntlactor) For the project located at '(Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID#) It is understood:that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned.. -project,the Building and Code Replation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised puisuant.W the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CQNT"CTOR SIGNATURE(Qiia fier)• IGNAT'UItE(Qualifier) ,Matthew Lyle Wynne =r : rman PR11U NAME PRINT NAME 08.898 . ,. 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU tMER COUNI"Y CMTMCATION NUMBER State ofl±forida,county of ST, e,E M State of Florida.County of S C. The foregoing instruluent`vas s�i�ua before me this day of The foregoing instrument was ai�ted before me tTtig� ay of ,2p�]by4" Q .�J� � Q 2��,by ^�i�Ctfi ��.1�nn2Nv1�(, who is personally.known✓r has produced a'. who is parsonslly known✓r has produced-$ as identification. �p p as identification, 1 Xiw,n Ot4�Ye�c�. 53AW STANi Signature of Notary "Ne Signature of Notary t9ue l o.s2o-M. lcV �ASKta — print Name of Notary Public Print Nam of Notary Public •<�:'P� DOROTHYANN BASKIN '�R• °' <� °''• DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 gig•• �6 ' pW EXPIRES:October 2,,2020. COMMISSION#GG030145 Bonded Thru Notary.PUbC�c Undewters •o; EXPIRES;October 2 2020 40,p,. T..•.•p`,, Revised I 1/16/1416 %°„�°'' Bonded Thru Notary Pabfic Underwriters. L66-d ZOOO/Z000d t 0 li 999L8L8ZLL dAoo su i p l i n8 auuAM -WOa j g L:Z L 9 L -60-Z 4 I . PERMIT#' 1$tut.DATE. n ;orrrr sEres +Compliance l3;ivisoit ,: $UILDING'r:PER1VIfiT �IJ$-CONTRACTOR.AGREEMENT . ....Treasure Coast Roa;fin.g . haveagreedtabe (Company`Name/Indr<vidual Nainej the Roofs rxg Seontraetor:_for WYnne Dewed opment C:orp.. (Type of Txade) (Primary Cgnttactoi). Foie the prolect_taeated::at` (Project Street:Address or Property It is understood that,if there;:is any charlge:o€status regar"g:our parteipatiion with the above inentlonecl pr feet,:ttie Building;and Code egtz anon My w of St Lucie County will'be ad- ed.pursuant tb die. fil g of a:Change of:Sub contractor notice . CONTRAt;TOR SIGiV?1TITRE'.(Qnahfie)' SCJB=GOYf12A.�C.TOI2:. . NA . ... ual5er). Matth.esw ,Lyle. Wyrtme. . .. .. . . Brian Ma1on.e'y PRINT NAME PMT�FANlE Uaga CQ[Il\TY CEiiTIFlCATCON PI[+M$ER. COt<7NTY CER�IFICATION.NUMSER' $fate a Flo�r�tla�Couniy of 9T hUG r state':of Iovi6 Cou j`of Gf p Tb'e foregansripstrament�vas$igned befo;eme this��':day of• The;fore�oing:instrpineutwss:signed before me:tlus S` y.of. `1G` 20�1 by�11 "�.c..1r� W+✓rrty 20'by \Qn wtio:is.pecsonally known. a/or,tias prodaceii:a who is:persoia9]I-known:.✓ or ba- 'di eed:a As identifcatioo. as:identi64ati6h .dSrgiia SrAM P T.• tore of.Nota Pabkc SignalureoflNotary utilic. ,Q e0-r 1 A ro 6.4se1W ...:. .. :.Print Name;ofNotary.Pu6lic Pant naine'o£NdtaryPublic. DOROTHYANN BASKIN , MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 �,•�oS'�'°•:e�� DOROTHYANN BASKIN EXPIRES:October 2,2020 MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 Bonded Thru Notary_Public Underwriters �c,. EXPIRES:October 2,2020 .;;o{�°.•' Bonded Thru Notary Public.Underwrhm i I