HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubs PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division NO - BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I i I i 6 Z&_ 7r.r c- L have agreed to be (Co parry Name/Individual Name) the L le c-T s, -z e� / Sub-contractor for Ac e/e /q f^ e.� (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned i project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) S&P34COSFMACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) PRINT NAME PRINT NAME *� COUNTY CERT>FICATIONNUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of Lv( t.e-1 State of Florida,County of 6A c i-f— The foregoing instrument was signed before me this '!day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of by 1,_aW\4t1&U i who is personally!mown—Kor has produced a ,,. „..,'• who is personally known AL or has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public Signature of Notary Public j Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public I act r Notary Pubik State of.:Fonda `"` " LAURA R.CUBBEDGE Kern Bu0a Commission#GG 0220T6 My Commissicut FF..978543 AA, pires October2f 2020 Expires 05125/2020 . Revised 11/10016 r�o, Exp ��;o„„t°`'� BondeditwTroyFainUbur+neelpp,BS,lpf9 a i f PERMIT# ISSUE DATE rA 'PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division t i BUILDING PERMIT . SUS-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT _ I rV i Ge S n e, have agreed to be ompany Name/Individual Name) • I the 1M h ub-contractor for q R n£. (Type of Trade) (PrimAry Contractor) For the project located at �� (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) i It is understood that, if•there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned j project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the II filing of.a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-C CTOR SIG ATURE(Qualifier) f W L. -tee air Ll M PRIM NAME PRINT NAME o ISASG 8 l stoag COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of 7T. Cr State of Florida,County of—Sk LLI C2,P-- The foregoing instrument was signed before me thi��day of The foregoing instrument was sign d before me this ay of '^JG 20n by 1"\Q\ �,e � , �. 20)a,by ©bP t'i Lu Gl f t(ll who is personally known or has produced a who is personally known o has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP STAMP Signature of NotrkPublic fffiglturffleof Notary Publi —Z)OlQ cY l"'L`'1 j4N,J �j J4SKe r.� �N.�e �Nodry rPrint Name of Notary Publicriotublic oit.,..e'y I DbROTHYANN BASKINx.,a.,,''r..g�;.:. .........._. m..._."�w MY coMMISSION#GG 030145 EXPIRES.October2,2020 tnY?ce., RH0NDA l_AFFERITY Bonded'Thru Notary Public Underwriters Rev �, MY COMMISSION#EE854297 f •;FOF�tiQ:, EXPIRES January 08,2017 r j (407)39&0153 FloridallotaryService.com j ►��,m.< 1, iiiC:.'tfir'r4'r"i„'=Si$+Rhi.5:�sr1�':it�'r:;':.`',. �I�. PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLAN11TYlt1`G&DEVELOPMENT-SERVICES Rtaid"ing& Cnd�Compliance Division on • r tA )3Wb*G`PERIVIIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control a€ St.. Lucie County, lAc.. have,agreed-to'be (Company Nhine4ndividLW Name) the H-VAC Sub-odntra,Ctorfor Wymne Deve7.onment Corp. (Type of Trade) — (Friniary Coxltractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address&Pi4erty Tax m#) it is understood:that,if there is any change of status.regarding our participation with the above mentibned.. project,the Building and Code Regalation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONT"CTOR SIGNA'I M(QilaGfier)• WNA,TTItE(QuuNer) -'Matthew Lil.e Wynne Bar=man PRINT NANZ PMT NAME 08.89.8 . .. 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NCIMER COUNTY CERTWCATION NUMBER $rate of p'lorida,County 0f S I. e F State of Florida;County of S C- ' , i The forbgoing insft*ent was aimed before me this 1�1)-y of The ford_oing instrument was signed before me this "y of 2#a by who is personally.known✓Or me produced a Who is personally known W",r has produced.a ' as identification. as identification, aTAIVYp STAWMt Signature afN•otary blic SignatureofNot9ty tre �//�1� � �o:u2'.o--M l:Ay,y AASKIa Amu Print Name of Notary Public print Name of Notary Public •<:°:? DOROTHY ANN BASKIN DOROTHYANN BASKIN*: MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ;Q��.., c= MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 EXPIRES;October 2,2020. Bonded Thru Notary.Pubryc Ur&r.A.hers ;; p EXPIRES:October 2,2020 Revised 11l16/2018 �''•pF FAO••. eatiaed t►+n,Notary Pabr�c U��,.n. ly ndenvritets. L66-A 3646f Z64Ud trL9�il 999L8L$ZLL d,l oo Bu i p[ i n8 auuAM -W08J S 4=Z L 9 L r6o-•Z L I .. PERMIT# ISSUE-DATE FT�ANNLNG` DVEI,4PMENT:SER' ICS Comgl>lanee Division $UiLDINGr:PEWT. SUB=CO1�fTRACTOR AGREEtitElv`T' I i .Treasure Coast Roafa ng:: klaveagceecltabe (C:izmpanyNamellndividual 3�Tatne):_ the. Roofs n:g: Sub-ecirihae -.for W:Xnne Deve1'opment C.0-ro AA {Type of Trade) (Primary Conttaetor). I Foi�the pFo3ect Iocated:at ����� . (Project:Sfreet Addressror Propetty Taxr;ID�) I If is understood that,if`there'. s any°cliange.+of status regadxng our participation vtntl the above:mentioned; prp.Jot,file Burl wg and Corte egWahon Davis an of Sty Lucie County.W.1 be adv sed.pursuant to the fiiiag of�a Glaange of 5ab-cQntraetornotice . I CONTRACTURSTGNATI7RE:(Qaai�Ser)`, SCJ C.0`i9"CTOR: NA. nalfier) atth:e:w I;.yle. Wynne . . .. . . . Brian Mai oney PItIi�IT lyAME ARTNT i I cQ[I1VTY CERTIFICATCON hLnaaaER:: C0r7W CERMCA1lO1,r:?4UMER' $i*. ptoritla,Couatyof_E r r State:ofFlonda CoudtyofS of The forego�ngrinstrnment wns. igned.befoxe:me:thisyof Theforeo�ug ristcumeuwas signed kefore`me tlu5 �`"Ylsyof. 2Q\I,by A.d.��2 20. wko:is.pecsonally known✓or-:has pradaceda.: .� who is:peisoua]tylu�bwn:.✓or lies prnducea s i : s identification:. ;as;ident>ca6oh STAWl t`gnature of Note Pub rc Signature of Notary ublkr ,Q Do..w-0— 14—f A^rej 614s l.000 ... __Dz�.2 o`n4NI..)-tNN /J�SK1 Print Name;OfNDtaryl'ub)ic PriuYName of?totary;Tnb)ie: 1 DOROTHY ANN BASKIN ° `� DOROTHYANN BAL MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 :rzoS••••gc� 's�;rQ P EXPIRES:October 2,2020 ems; MY COMMISSION#G�F F��••� Bonded Thro Notary Public Underwriters ; �c;3 EXPIRES:October 21I/ib/2Q16` Bonded Thru Notary Pubue:u i I