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identification Number Year - Sod VVr-L-BHP — Vessel Regis.No. Title I 361X42659A— a HS r, ' .. I It 1 8 il.-..;.-�'i S 6, i FLHMBC Registered Ovviwr: Date of Issue 02/06/2017 Lien Release Interest in the described vehicle Is hereby released WYNNE BUILDING CORP 8000 S US HWY 1 STE 402 - PT ST LUCIE FL 34952-2338 Title Date IMPORTANT INFOP14ATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred,the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by sailer section at the bottom of the certificate of title. Mail To: 2. Upon sale of this vehicle,the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. WYNNt BUILDING CORP 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 9000 S US 14WY 11 STE 402 4. See the web address below for more information and PT ST LUCIE FL 34952-2338 the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to. title and registerthe vehicle,mobile home or vessel: http://wwwJlhsmv.goWhtmiltitlinf.htmi I III I I I I I I I III1I II I I I a I I I I I I I I I II Ck ...... Lo M Number 4 WJ .E�k J 'A. _?5262327 I t.r n te¢Vettic{etsheretty'retease¢ ;'Y., Preva Do Issue,' at ..... ------ ........ ........ ..... Odometer -aIdsbfVeisel.MjTiufa6tu or OH Date. a R WVNNE*.BUILDING..CORP PT PT--.LUCIE FL 3"4952-2338 b., NE' 4 4 TALSAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES 01�16WOF MOTORIST SERVICES IiE FLORIDA�FLORIDA- DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAr C.ont 7�77' ro X= b 1,2910', "6 RdbdrtR*.'Kynoch Terry L-Rhode's- Ex cutive Mfiq e .:Direct tor or TRANSFER OF -tLg BYSEL I-Eft(This se6tion frui st b a c o4lete d'akthe.1i time"6iiale.) . ffie�ie Ing Feder6landforshue ia�' Pure ana Fiat In. ce*f1be dcori ccr1ifi&kc'an&1bembtoir\;eW .'A d Seller dress:777-7��� Nwtate'Purk SAIerlt;hmt tuterVole Sold: I It"y certify that e ed Ty. okVI c adomiefe ing� '-wi lhatii§n Sar b 66Agi!`o0o'r' X, odometer now mads A NICAI�IiNM.: ❑2;is IN F-XCES9-.OF rrS MECHA `rpfle�ACTUAL MHEAGE S S STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY I HAVE READ-THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THE FACT AT: . :? 7 SELLE -�o k MLMusi 6 Hem: Tax Collecte D Wer's Li a'AsWumbeir. ? Tac2Ja cr ' to El37c. SIM ,PriW-HZ. ercs' � KOTICE:-PENALTY AS REOUtPIED'Syk L AW IF SUS rrTgon1 TRANSFER,VATHIN 10-RAY0 AFTER DATE OF Off 6, INUERN IM M '00 N IN KI.,"Al • -.—._._._--'-'---"'-'__,.._....y....,.�........�..,.....,..w, .�,,,.,�a, en nnnma„ounuu,y, ,a+rmtassee,rL ataau-uauu �• _ _ I identification Number I Year - ^e-Body— UUT-L-BHP Vessel Regis.No.T752ozz Title I � IF LHMBC361X42659B r1998im��II HSI 66, - I 26I h Registered Owiier: Date,of Issue 02/06/2017 Lien Release WYNNE BUILDING CORP Interest in the described vehicle is hereby released 8000 S US'HWY 1 STE 402 By PT ST LUCIE FL 34952-2338 Title Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred,the seller MUST complete in full the 1 Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of I4ail To: the certificate of title. - 2. Upon sale of this vehicle,theseller must complete WYNNE BUILDING CORP the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 8000 S US HWY 1 STE 402 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. ® s PT ST LUCI E FL 34952-2338 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicie,mobile home or vessel: http.lfwww.flhsmv.gov/htMi/titlinf.html - z: - y ..��x .:1�� 'T:.dp '_;a t. i p 'it .. •.�e 3 ..•.•�,;,'. +t..i�a'_'+nr,.: .a r. �,,� + 41 � 'ii39 ��.'.{,jr ` i.� �t d ,3tt'; j� !f4L.�f-lr s8G=e:ST.• }. - - S— '_r��p�7Ya�s3.;.�„s°.`�€� •�r....�.z+��fit7 �r°f f Y,�v` fz.f�r ��.?`7`' %dP�i,'� ✓'�s+4 r}��,. .n :.`F. c f_,...`r tyy> T,^'" .!' s ✓:.��• `�'?ta��av ly- i�T. . �'' �r� Id`e9tr`fic�ttofCN'iunper , -----� year [fake tlod}X ( t tfllf'[�8t-tP Vessel Reyts No �, Title tdum�ee y '"�_ '' s x � :•t� � a tr Il I I r Lien RefeaseT y s' aV, FL`HMBC36 X-426598 199$TME' HS l 66 75262326 InteresttnthedescrmedvehtcteisttarebyrHeased r,� State Cdlor Prnrrary Brand £ Sedooda'ty.Brand� brands Use Pre�lssue Date -1gy FL IJNK �l t " JP IV $/06/200 r R ' Odamete�.Status or'Vessel FAanufaeturer:br OH use .: " Hull Material Prop ATE Tate of Issue T : :s.::.. >. .. F` Title �< Date ; I: . Io ,I Registed:O��mer ..,. . ,..: 2/06/20"1 WYNNE-.BUILDING,:CORP 8000 5 US=HWY 1:..STE >40'2 PT ST LUCIE FL '4952-2338 :- I st.Liertholdera _ • $; : ;5 .0 DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERVICES TALLAHASSEE:• . FLORIDA.: 'DEPARTMENT OF HIGN{NAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES. G:� Ctintroi A`umbtT P /t Kyn h Terry L,.Rhodes y DirectorExecutive Director' t C TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER(Ihls section mus[be completed at the tune of sale) i, Fmlure to cony5lete or prvrd ' ,sellingpcoalealdinconneioowihefm�Fed " ferofovnetship.hhh ; ua rngnfalse40nenmay result iqdines andlor imprisopmerit.' ' I •C i Tht`titlet wacroiiledlobe&eefromanv'licnseeceptsnotedontlietnceo£the'certrficateandahemotorvehideorvcsd'described.isherehytransfeiredro: i Set lerMust Eft terRnchaser'sName -< Sellff'Must Enter Selling Price •>3eller..MustEolcr Date Sold: Utireslatefhattlus❑Sor�6dWindometernowreads'I II II II It* II llX.l(do,le¢t1)rtulestlaferead` undTfiereby.cerfifylhalfottiefieMofmyLnuwledge'Iheadometerteadtog x _ r ❑1 rcllecU6.ACfU?LMIIEAGE: �� tsLNEXtESSOFrm`r�iEcHANICALL'IMI1S F ['3.h;140TTFIEACTUAh ?. UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY,I DECI.ARE:THATI HAVE—READ.—THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT.THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE SELLER Malt .. . r CO SELLEti Mat ..:.sigh Here; PrinlHere - �i Print Isere i $ellmgl)ealer'sTrceoseMtmber TnxNo Tax Collected y; t �`• t 4uchon Name Ltaense Yumher z " 5 PURt'HASE`tthtulP[ffiCHASERtviu..t � Stgp$dre s Sign Stere- t, r NUTtCE PENALTY{S.REQUIRED 9af LA4y IF tiOT SUBMITTED FOR TRANSFER 4MTHH3 36 f HAYS AFTER DATE OF PURCHASE t s ' t / �'� f ri .0 .,•, G •.o. t� $ ®{� © r 8 f t sS+. .''t:'• �t �7• II h�� �