HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Worksheets • - ■ _a •. c• _ . ■ M _V70 n ri .ii R. r .n LVA r roe• »a �• C � I •: r - I . .: I.3. 7 •• - V.a •r1 Z-;t. ..- . . . 1 1 .r. • �TITATI � MEN a�- MKAM =EMMMD�011-" ■■1 �t■ i ■ ■04■ ■ ■ Ir /–�'/ i s �--i / s=•s—" :r .V r-r.�1�s�ea7�3-3�{�3 rd- �IfxrA.i Z� •11 � �--—� � -� _ � �--_ ��� ..: a ..- . nrcr•: i itE{.►fiiiti:.�trfr[:��� r rs• r 1�S■■/■E■■E�3�f'#moils/Q■/t�iiQ�1�F�1�/i■!i/SSQ s/■//i/ii■Q�F�Q4Q■!QQ>Q��i�ll�t�■/■QQQ/QQO i(/■■t/i/■�.i96�tAs■IQ■■t��ut�3LLi®■<E//iii// - ■■t■■ltt/�i, 6E �■■■■■i■QE�17FS■■■■■t■■■■ Mum. z ■■■■■■s�ilT�Qf�E�T■ii■■t■�tE3�GG,■i■■■■■■■i ■■�t■■■■■i■intoe■■■■■■■n��■■■■■■■■■■ I .: ■■!■■■it![/■�lifl�■■■■/■■■��■tat.■■i/■�S■■ : -, r. . .- - . _- _ ■■■i■■�lt�■�i■6J�■■ii■■■tC..F_fFrGt"r',■■■■■■�■■■ - • I • • - rr.r _, • � ■■■■iti■�■iiFtr`3�:i■t■■■■■iL�■L■■■■■■■■■■ - I- i,�. _ , :=f . PERMIT WORKSHEET" � prig 2ai2 - PERMIT NU1MBM - - ---......... =- _ - _ srre Preparattan POCKET - 1_11Ef't3{ TES _ Debrls and organic matsriat_ ►�4�oved_ The Oxicel pen+elmmetertesfs are roundwn fa Wafer dtabage:Natural V Sale Pad Oihez Or check herelb declare 1 WO lb soil1. w tozii tsstlhg. - Fastenlne multi Wide un is X X X I r f=loor' Type Fastener; t. na h: Wafts: Type Fastener: Lon sith:� ung POCKET f�U EMOM1=7�R TE'"Ta 3Nt�TJ OHOD Root Type fastener. Lonli#b: SpacinS� `► ,:- Far_used homes a - SO 47auge.8M de,�nh i. Test She perim�er of the hotrre at 6 Tocatlorys� - will be centered Duro the beak of themf and fastened Qh galy. roofing traits at r on Mettler an both sides of the amimdina 2 Take the t ead"ing at the depth of the footer. - - a UAing Stat lb,fircrrrnenm;take the lowest reaft and round down to flat ihmment. l under-44nd a property Installed gasket Is a requirement of as newmnd used - - hordes and that condemsetlor4 mold,meldew and buckled mactfage wralls are ' a result of a poorty Installed or no gasket beinglnstalletL l tinderstsnd a strip. •X X _X of tapd MR not save as a Saskef. T&W- insli�ller's Inittals�����aJ QEPffOE Si Type gasket �C?U14[1 Installed: f - The results of the torque probe test Is ___.,.kmh pounds or check` - P8- Between Floors Yes v here if you are derhrIng V anchom w8lout testima , _ A test - Between Walls Yes showlnlf 275 kmji pounds or less will require 5 foot andhom _ Bottom of ftebeam Yes • Note; A state approved ietetaf atm system fs baI#rg used and tit. - znchom ere allowed attle sidewtmU locatl m f midemiand b ft wean+ kidhots are requited at aft centerline tie pokil;;vAU30 the torque test reading is 275or low and where the mobile Rome umnulaolurer may l ha bottomboard wM be repaired amVorteped. Yes Pg. requGas anchors w73htdiny7 capacity- ME=on toots is inst< installed to manukic er's spec atlorm- Yes � � irh atlet's Fireplace cfftney installed so as not to aP�of telt water. Yes ALL TI STs MUST 13E PERFOFI ED BY A L COISED TNSTAUIER a our Installer Nemre - Slitting to be insta i& Yes No - DateTested CWarvcnt itrstalled oiA da of sldrflrtg. Y~s�W!� _ Ran#e dawntlow vent imstatted-outrJde of ski_ WA �� Drain&nes supparted of 4 fo6t Intervals Y Electrical crossovem protected. Yes tbnneot electrical conductors bahveem rYh4fi-wide urft but not to the main pDwer ounce- •r'Wwlr eludes the bonding woe between roa It-wilder=Am F,�, Installer verlfi[es aU information givers w tfr this permit WOTksheet inq - M �. is accurate and true based on the zrnnpd all sewer drains to brt MdsllnA seweriaP ar:ept9c tank Pg- all s TTatla In `oras and of Rule ISQ-1 & S� [rtsralter slgnsiure - 1 / nrtn+ect elf potable wafer amply PIptny7 to an existing wafer meter,wafer tap,orathet — --- DDeettfepsncler�t yrafer supply sys3arns, Pg.