HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information Mail Lien-Satisfaction to-Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles,Neil Kirkman Building,Tallahassbe,FL JLJUU-UUUU Vessel Regis.No Title PR45 I HS 57 Body WT-L-BHP Identification Number Year 40098!'' 19841 ' Registered Owiier: Date of Issue 12/19/2016 Lien Release Interest in the described vehicle is hereby released WYNNE BUILDING CORP By 8000 S US HWY I STE 402 PT ST LUCIE FL 34952-2338 Date Title IMPORTANT INFORMTION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred,the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of -\,Iail To: the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle,the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. WYNNE BUILDING CORP 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 8000 S US HWY 1 STE 402 4. See the web address below for more information and PT ST LUCIE FL 34952-2338 theappropriateforms required for the purchaser to title and registerthe vehicle,mobile home orvesse hitp:/AvWw.iihsmv.govlhtmi/tillinf.htmI I III I IIIIII I If I I I lift 11 1 1 111 11 11 11 11111 1 1 11 1111 11911 11 11 111 of i i�71 N W inner: :y ry tl�entifid I er ear. ak6 L e 4 71 res desc b i tl'�/11 -fH �PR15S- AS, vehicle ple y Is ..". I.. 1.,19 84] ".5 [,-40098534 Interest o4e I by. 368431A Prey issue Date f Brian Pre a d' Sec6nda �.y �/2-0.16 Stif i®r FL 11UNK Tale. ... ..... E,A,1/i domeler StiAdis or Vessel a r ti�fa M cturer.or OH use ull Material .-'Prop, Date of issue $ Date- 12/19/2016,1 oozier WYNNE BUILDING CORP `8000.S US--HWY A.STE 402 PT ST LUCIE FL'34952-23lZiS a I st Lieitb6lder NONE'- DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERVICES TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES -7 -12" 2-11 Control Number Robert.R.Kynach Terry L.Rhodes Director: Executive Director TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER(This section must be completed at the time of sale.) Federal wiWorstate law require that the sell ler gate the milegi purchas-cr's nrane,selling price and date sold in connection with die transfer of own ership. Failure to con plefdorprovidingu fidse statement unty result in fines surdtor imprisonment. is warranted to be free tionian-v liens except w�anted on the-face of the certificate and the motor vehicle or vessel described is hereby transferred to: Seller TIaare:- Address: Seller Mus.1 Enter Sell iiii;Price:_ Seller Must Enter Dale Sold: L%Veelate thfifthis[]5+rF]6.digilodoinetertio%%,read+�I_11-11-1,1' 11 It. 1.1 X I(no tenths)mites,date read and I hereby cerlitv that to the best ofnay know ede - — — — I e the odometer reading:, E31.reficci,,ACTUAL MILEA GF- 2.is]IN'EX.CESS OF MR.TkIECRAMCALLINUTS.. F1 3.is-NOTTI]EACTUALD41ILF-AGE UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY,I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. SELLER Most CO-SELLER Sign Here..-- Here: Sign Printnere: Print Hero P ai� eNarnbir: TXeNo - Ta<coll.cjea- .; % M License Mardian PURI TIASER MaJ CO-PUACRASER Most StEn Here: 8 l6n Here� 11 E Print Here--- Prin A NOTICE PENALTY/S RE4UIRE0 BY LAW iF NC+T :O.FOR--,TRANSFER WITHIN 30 1.)AYS AFTER DATE OF PURCHASE Mail Lien-Satisfaction to:Dept of Highway Safety and Mrdgr Vehicles,Neil Kirkman Building,Tallahassee,rL jLju----- Body WT-L-BHP Year Identification Number- Vessel Regis.No. Title V I 2281ti" 1984 ARES I H5 57' - -, 11 lil, Registered Oxmier: Date of Issue 12/19/2016 Lien Release Interest in the described vehicle is hereby released WYNNE BUILDING CORP ey 8000 S US HWY I STE 402 ------ PT ST LUCIE FL 34952-2338 Title Date IMPORTANT INFOMIATION is 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein transferred,the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of title. Mail To: 2. UPon sale of this vehicle,the seller mus Pleto the notice Of S21e on the reverse side�f`�this"forrri. WYNNE BUILDING CORP 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. z 8000 S US HWY I STE 402 PT ST LUCIE FL 34952-2338 4. See the web address below for more information and f i the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle,mobile home or vessel: http:/Iwww.flhsmv.gov/htmi/titlinf.htmi N:V� 7 Itlerttdkadvn,hainh —.-Make­i&W Llen R�le er.; �y esse; a9m. Nl� eby � sse FH36843,11B-� erest In the e.i �cte is her I a4.�PRES_ -H S. 5" 9 j'281SIZ8 e Date released`:r Fran -6 Secondary Brand Prov Go r, W. '7 By i Aran I` FL t 11/23/2016 ::P [,UNk RIVAT 7. :6d"I.r Siatii.bVess Manufacturer CH use 7 . kull Meiorat Oro p, Date Issue Date i2/19/2016 :Registeied Ovner N zi WYNNE BUILDING CORP -8000-S US HWY.-.1 'STE 402 :PT.:ST;LVCIE FL%.34852-2338 o Ist.Lie nh6ld er k0NF a DrVISICN OF MOTORIST SERVICES TALLAHASSE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGK'4AY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES ' E 1--7 12 8 33 4 2-10 Terry L.Rhodes Control*'N-umber Robert R.Kynoch Director Executive Director TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER(This section must be completed at the time of sale.) Federal and:or slate I aw require that the seller state the rni I ige.p urchoseeL norne r el I ing price and date so Id i it connection with the transfer of ownership. Failure to conq4ele arprovidiag a fidsesinfernent inay result in fines andlor imprisonment-. This title is wnnanjed to be live front any liens except as noted an the face offfic certificate and the molorvehicle orvessel described is.hereby trnnsferrcd to: S.her"Must Enter ANrcs.i: wrilosi Enter Selling Pdce:* Seller Mast Eater Dal.Soldt e -reads I X I(no tombs) ilcs,ri�e read and I hereby certify that to the bcsl ofmay knowledge the ode erreading: L'We'stwe that this F1 dis W Sat-Fl6digitudonn terums 1.rett ccls AMILEAGE. F7i 2:i4 LN FXCESS OFM MECELAM2CAL L114TS. 3.isNOTTREACTITTAL MILE—NOE. UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY,I DECLARE THAT 114AVE READ THE FOR 7 FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED N IT ARE RUE. Co-SELLEKMust SELLER tvhv Sign qcre: .., Pant Herv: Print Here: g alePs LiansseXtkuher:- Z T*�qo.'i T=C.11.cfed: PI.TkAASER M;i:t': Sig"qiry j: --Print Here NOTICE PENALTY!S RE4UtFtt D BY,LA4Y FOR-TR N .IRNOT'SUB SUBMITTED TRANSFER DATE OF PURCHASE,'—