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Subcontractor Agreement
RECEIVED PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ` `` '" Building & Code:Compliance Division. j BUII,DING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Law's Electric, Inc. have agreed to be (Company Naine/Individual Name) the Electrician Sub-contractor for Wynne Building Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) Itis understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project;the Building and Code.Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ofiling of.A Change of Sub=contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier). -CONTRACTOR S GNATURE(QualiSer). Matthew Lyle Wynne James W. .Law PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 08898 2098 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state of Florida,County of State ofTlorida,County.of The foregoing instrument was signed before nie this day of The foregoing instrument was signed beforeme this: day of 201 zo�1 by cx- W. who is personally known_or has.produced a who is personally kno _ or has-prodaced a as id till. on. as identification. `. STAMP � / STAMP igna re of Notary Public(: afii of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public SUSAN MAGEE MY COMMISSION 4 FF 187647 FF N y SUSANM::F:F187]647 + A EXPIRES:February 23,2019 F F oe' Bonded Thru tvotar/Public Undanrtiters MY COMMISSIOR"'� ?;� EXPIRES:FebrRevised 11/16/201 Pt ©opded 1'hru tvotar/P RECER"H 01 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT.' SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Wynne Building Corporation have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the P l u m b-e.r Sub-contractor for Wynne. Building Corp . (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is.understood-that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant,to the filing.of a Change of Sub-contractor'notice. _*n CONTRACT SIGNATURE(Qualifier). SU CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qu ifie William D. Brantley William D. Brantley. PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 29524-, 29524. : COUNTY CERTIFICATION N/—UMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION.NUMBER . State ofFlorida,County of ST UX—Le- State of Florida,County of LL)GU� The foregoing instrument wassignedbefore me this_IS day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this_1 day of 204byWillialii D. Brantley 20_obyWilliam D. Brantley who is personally known—,V--or has produced a who is:personally known 1` or has produced a: as identification. as identification. f (�., E- �'v tiC�/�R— STAMP ��1 �v �'�`�'�� STAMP Signature of Notary Public. Signature of Notary Public k'e,+rn E� Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Y Notary Public State of Fiorida kyr Po Notary Public Stele of Florida R, t; KeniBudka _° Kam Budka 878543 c My Commission FF 978543 MY comrnis5lon FF v� �o� Expires 0512512020 Revised 11/16/2016 "q `o� Expires 0512512020 RECEIVED 'NIAR 01 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE H + r&D► V ,IJP'IV ENT-MM CES -IMs``' `_-• bi ditiiig&Ct de Comp >alce Di isia>u "COUNTY 13MDl 4G'PFiIit1VIT!' Comfort Control df St. Lucie -Caun.ty, Inc.. have,agreed to'be (Company Namellnilividtial Naizae) the HVAC Sub-c6ritrect6rf6r Wynne beveloDment Corp. (Type Of Trade) (Pty M7 Conuutor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#�) It is understood;:that,if there is any change-of status:regarding our pardoipation"with the above mentioned. -project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County•will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractornotice. 1 . CONT"CTOR SIGNATM(Qua6Ser). CD IGNATURE(Qn Mar) ,'Mott-hew Lil.e Wynne S.a:r erman PRW NAAW. PR?i111T NAME lig. $ 82$.$ COUNTY CERTIFICATION NCIMPR COY3PY'CERTWC&TION NUMBER State omorlaa,County of 5-r,"c F State of Florida;County of Si Clf The foregoing instrunteht was siucc,t before me thisda ofs' The forejoing inshvment was s3gned before me tT�is� "day of 20n CL who is personally known-Zor has produced a who!v personsilly known✓r has produced.a as ldentificstiom as idendfim lon, STAW STA30 goatoie oflVotary iiiic Sipa.tu.re ofNotay e o:�eo-n►X . nv �RSa�a �a, o-sW.y ip► Q�sk�.� PrintKank ofNotaryPubltc Print-Name of Notary PubHe DORO'THYANN BASKIN. DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030745 :��QZ .BY�:; ' EXPIRES:October 2,.$020. MYCOMMISSION#GG 030145 &nded Th' Notary Pub1�c.Urxle vriiters 's; �o;: EXPIRES,October 2,2020 Revised l l/]6/1416 '.'P B Thm Notary Pubr�c urtdeMmters L66—d MVZ000d tL0—i 999L8L8ZLL dAoo sta I p i n8 auur4 -W08A qL:ZL 9 L -go-Z