HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Worksheets t �' ~ ?2':�jSF�7k. l 11 g • v - - I.1 _ � �~ • - •1.•11 I 1 .t ■ _ _ _ •{{ . r . . ar6r�y,�Ir�yL•� VA rl NICE WIN IN M �r--—a a---i[ s M �—,_—` ��� _ - - ■a�z{sy.�{mss •��{ _ ►• ir�rrs �.�rra I. I!■M■M■M■�C� f MaMMatE i�M■!lMMMMMM,<M MEMMNSHOUNIH xMMEMwEM,MEl�EMMEMEMEMMMEN ■/■///aMF�lT�i[17 f»■M■QL'i�a�::'/■M/EMMMMMMMM■ ■■MMMM■ME M-qE] NU■NIM ]EMME■■MM■MM■M■MM■ ■■M■■■■ ■MM/M■ : . . ■MMM■MM MMMMM■ . . ■■■■o■■ ■■MM■■ ■■■■■■■■ M®F31!■MMit/tM�r:E:t■M■■MMM■■MSM■ MMtIMMM■C3l113 -IME M■MwL@ IFIBUI�3"■■■M■M■■MM■ ■■■MMM■■E3�1�a(E3liMM■■tlRlIrmAgu■■■rM■MM■�=■■ ■■■■■■■■■MedMMMMMr■EacL6w■MM■MMM■MM!■■ - IMMMMM■M■bIIu7g�!■■MMiEM��:�M■■■■/■■MiMM■ ' . ' " , ,. r_ .' •,_- MM,MI<iMMR'■■�J!■■■tt1fLS'■L/i�GMMMM■■■■■�■■■ _ •I.N = %, , •_ -:_r•: ■!■!M■■■MMYFaSMMOM�MMMM />M■M■M■■■M■1 r;: -_ •r :_ PERMIT WORKSHEET pago 2 o 2 . - - sire Prcparawon . POWET I=lvsJ RCO TM Debris and ot'ganic rnaterlaI_ tai oved 7lre pc�relmmetsrtests ars ro wn to psf Water drainage:Natural V swab Pae( Other—^ orcheckheralb declare 10M lb.,sol ww3hvzit testing, _ Frrstenrnq utura wrda tmlti' X X X t�11 IV. Raor: Type Fastenea: t snpfh: l Spadngc r` Walls: Tyne Pastener: Le�n�: Spadns % POCKET PENEMOMETt�t 1E'a"fJ S METHOD Floof. 'type Fastener. L enWfr For-used hornes a 80 gauge,8" %gaWantxed rn stiip ^' I. Test the perimeter of the hwha nt&bcatlons. - Writ be centered a{7erthe pe of the goof and fastened gh,pak tnofirrg nails at 0 on center on both sides of the cenimlms 2 Take the read-ng at fhs death of the footer .: - - - �,.a_skettrreaesi«�oi►ns�reguksu,erd� - 9. Hb9 SW 4 kiotmer4%take the lowest react and sound down to that increment. t tmders'tand a properfiy Installed gasket Is a rmquIrament of all newpnd used homes and that c ondensetlom mold.meld w and budkled marriage walls we a result of a poorly metalled or no gasW being lnstaliett I undeastand a strip X X _X of lapd will not serve as,a gasket. - lnstatlet's itriilals�=� Q it PaD E. ^ •_ Type gasket Instatleci 'the roswts of the torque probe testIs. —hrdh pom is,or-heck' - Pm Betwe m Roars as halts ti you aha der3arfng&anchors wBhout testing` . , A test - Fetwae n Wafts Yes :�rbtiwllyiJ X75 ince poctrrds or less ty}ll require S foes anchors Bottom of ridgebeam Yes Nate; A state approved lateral arm system Is being used and 4 I anchors are allowed at'lhe sldewail locations i uridwAand 5 tt wpm ;mss are required at all centerflne He poirx F wfx rsfhe torque test - - readhto I9275or Is=wW where the mobile_home ruanufadturermav ibe b-Mrnbnard wrM*Im repairer =Worteged Yes Ps requires anchors with kiln!capeditY. S-idura on unfits fs installed to cnanuf w tuer`s snecffhmUbns Yes 4 ' - In swler's intttais Fveplade d*nm p fistalted so as not to allow kdruslon of rain water: Yes ALLTEM'S MU>',T$E PM1F0 BY A 13MISED INSTALLER - Installer Name - Sk3[ttng to be installers Yes No I)ryerverrf walled orde of skfirlirrg Yes NI Date Tested Ilstrge downtfiow vent kist�ted'outslde of ski ' g„ �WA - - �..�.■ Ddh Ones suppi7rled at 4 foot intervals Y ._./ Electrical crossoversprotecte& Yes N/ Other. ' r=Wd eledricat condudom between multi wider tmJt%but not to the maul power (� outer)- 'J'his Wudes the bonding vents between mutt-wide un tm Pg Instafler verifies all icrforrnaiiorr given with this petxrrit Vrlcr*Sheet c-,n is ams and true basest ort the orurod all sewer drams to tn wish m sewer tap orsq%a tank. Per. trranufaciu Italia and of Mule 160.4& onneet all pantile water stgrply pll>ing to an ee6sting wafer meter,vmter rapt orother tnstaJter SJgnettrre Date .� xiependeryt water supply��;+&. firs- _