HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering (2)C1 Sun shelf 8"deep 3'deep W rise LEU light 13' x 24' Custom pool Not more than 20' no less than 6' from pool Existing WP cFl Residence / 18 Skimmer 56"deep 0 166" 19" LEO light Swim out 8 18" deep ✓ac �� n Pool return 2" �1 l� Termite treat concrete FiI[er Pad Pool controlpanel Clear area n front of P ool panel, SCALE: 1/8" =1' THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT r MAY: BE NECESSARYIN.QRDERTO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, Pool Size: 13'x 24' Depth: 3' to5' 6" Area: 312 sq. ft. Perimeter: 84' Coping: Brick pavers Lights: 2 LED Filter: Cartridge Pump: Pentair varible speed Pool Coating: Gem Stone Deck type: Pavers Area: 969 sq ft Drain: Deck o drain Automatic Cleaner line ST. L CT Y6UNTV CX"VII nrur. TIMSION 11EVIF1i L0 FOR C . IPLIA�CE iti VILM LD B L1Vf2A1, jX,ivl DATE l _ :11—A- S AND PERMIT DUST BE KEPT ON JOB NO L\3PECTION WILL BE MADE. Pool and spa to be in accordance with FBC 2014 residen Install pool/spa per ANSI 3,5,7 and 15 - �' ial code chapter 45 Adams Consulting & Design Inc. [['�'Surfside danyelj78@gmail.com Designed Chandler Residence for: Engineer: Harvey E. Koehnen Professional Engineer PE -32831 G 12805 79th St S(- S nos Elyse circle ? \ ROCkSC1 es P Phone: 772 519 0772 265 Bermuda Beach Drive Pore Saint Lucie, 34952 � Fellsmere, FLorida 32948 Fax: 772 4612786 Fort Pierce, Fl. Fax (772) 489-3035 /� MCRT.1hIrlJ.re Nrn+n.�48o5Rn,voppDVlN4es+v..ewa.ry aautsemwe-sew Mas�6eLY'�w2en*,- IMISFCtlL6ldOfaE4�I�FGRDtv9Jfi I D ,- I9 _ 11. 1 �i MM.tWIAW]D` MAwwntx�elr NOTE: OIATsms Asi4t-e OF i2EP0.56 e' AND Fu121t16R all 4' THICK WALLS W/ #3's @ 12' O.C. W1. WAY 3'-5= S TO 6' TFHCK WALLS W/ #3's @ 1.2' O.C. ". WAY -WMB M - (01aw.cvu+La 6'MHFmt T,rrwu l-ONft1T 14G NAL POOL. SECTON ~�•-o It -c o tea• -p. :s v e^jd v' 6at' TO V THICK TL WALLS W/ ADD' #S'S @ i2'0.C, 6A. WAY AN4L6 of )2eroS6 -/.'teksrr eye ball ss Rabou"vpip("9 vets sola ar ChawaelDmty. Man flow a pm sw Easn+4 sirg4 CFawloutlet Pcr FRC 4141 41M.6.6 Q c� POOL MAIN D"t I DtTgIL O M yI.E OF 126FYt5E Flow and Friction Loss Per Foot Schedule 40 P.V.0 Velocity - Feet Per Second Pipe Size 8 fpc 10 fps 1" 21 gpm 0.23' 26 gpm 0.35' 1.5" 50 gpm 0.14' 623=0-21' 2" 82 gpm 0.10' 103 gpm 0.16' 2.5" 117 gpm 0.09' 146 gpm 0.13' 3" 181 gpm 0.07' 227 gpm 0.10' 4" 313 gpm 0.05' 392 gpm 0.07' 6" 712 gpm 0.03' sytems with a single body of water. wipaD.ouxH l'ur-sWal"A .11 r lmen T] All "n�Rwve 4Ata§W4 I-wacww§ AnYMhR11eN TDwa..nxrtse vr�D w.cttv. NOTA J1Dsk; Ivw W.au.-c Mr) -rdptcal WaLL g Ftoor section. / We0. Potwt Pool one pump System roaL equipwtw.t to be botkd per waufaxns specs. ,s= bout Filtration pump To be Installed on the filter A M pump for a final inspection Pressure guage 03• • PP C& Vacuum guage S E=Lev roN4 I - I A-12�- n�iN.v A wa 4 3 o-fwlla. p 3 6-Clltcrcxsrtrt 3 A "n awsywvzs nuwau,.s (� R 2 .rV ..e 2011 VGB Pool Entrapment Requirements APSP-5 and 7 Determine System Flow Rate: Minimum Flow Rate Required: 35 gpm per skimmer 1. Calculate Pool Volume: _12_ x_26_ Ft_4.5_ x 7.48 (gal/ Ft) =_10,501-gaL- (Surface Area) (Average Depth) (Volume in gallons) 2.Determine Flow Rate: _10,501$al_/_401_=_36gpm- + 36 gpm_ (Volume ) (Turnover Minutes) (Pool Flow Rate) (Feature Flow Rate) (System Flow Rate) Determine Pipe Sizes: Trunk Piping to be _2'_ Inch to keep velocity @ 8 fps max. at _62_ gpm Maximum System Flow Rate. Return Piping to be 1.5"_ inch to keep velocity @10 fps max. at _52_ gpm Maximum System Flow Rate. 2011 Pool Pump 1 Energy Efficiency Requirements APSP-15 Pool Pump Controller. Time Clock Set to run daily @ 36 gpm for 336 Min. to achieve one complete bum over In less than 12 his max. Minium run time of 240 mins. 8,640 gal. 136gpm = 240 min. Pool Filter 8,640 /240 min. /.375 = 96 filter's min sq. it Pump selection: (StaRite %h.p.2 spd) using TDH & Calculator ( see attached form) T H Calculator '1t,PentairlWater hw speed Ponl a"d Spa Pool Information Flow Rate: 35 GPM Total Piping Lengths: Suction Lilt: 0 Ft Inlet Slde: Ft 35.00 Gal/Min Discharge Sidor: Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes. (consuk your meal code) Inlet piping: 2.052 In Brandt Piping: a FUSeo Discharge Prow 2.052 In IPiping:g. 0Fusec Discharge Piping: Discharge rpe Piping: 10 FeSac Piping Head Loss at 36.00GaNMin: P 35.65 Gamin (1101111W (lingrl M Va1Ve4) Intel Piping. 1.31 Fl Pips 1.01 Disctter9e Pp'vp: 1.31 Fl For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions. this program maybe inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. 1 Results: Your TDH Calculation Inlet 20 Full Rated, Low Speed (012530) I 10 20 30 40 50 Volumetric Flow Rate (GPM) Selected Components Components z Name 320 Mlornatar 1.5 r x 2.5.3 way valve 2' x 2.5'2 way valve Main Drain PxC 1 inch Retun Stammer 2 Piping Name 90 degree elbcl, Tee Through Check Val. Pumps Nam. 0.75hp, E-. Full Rated, Low Speed (012530)Pentair Whispertlow_ 2 speed Designed by: Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 35.00 Gal/Min S anrh Piping: 1.5 1n Your Head Loss: 10.70 Ft InIY Piping: 1.5 1n Maximum Flow Rata Fellsmere„FLorida 332948 Discharge Piping: 1.5 In A Maxin s. RPM: 35.65 Gamin 0.39 Head Loss at 1.01 1 Maximum Flow Rate: 11.10 Ft 1 -0.29 Inlet System Head Pressure Curve Head Lossat 20 Full Rated, Low Speed (012530) I 10 20 30 40 50 Volumetric Flow Rate (GPM) Selected Components Components z Name 320 Mlornatar 1.5 r x 2.5.3 way valve 2' x 2.5'2 way valve Main Drain PxC 1 inch Retun Stammer 2 Piping Name 90 degree elbcl, Tee Through Check Val. Pumps Nam. 0.75hp, E-. Full Rated, Low Speed (012530)Pentair Whispertlow_ 2 speed Quantity y Pool 010A spa to be iw accords ce w tit Fae 2014 re-sidevd1al code chapter 45with 2614 cimev tinteitts (H601.1,DoDVS1301 ger ANSI 3.5.E svvcl �5 Adams Consulting & Design, Inc. Designed by: Hand Loss at danyelj78@gmail.com Quantity 3660GagMin 12805 79th Street 1 0.81 Phone: 772 519 0772 1 0.10 Fellsmere„FLorida 332948 0 0.00 Fax: 7724612786 1 0.39 1 1.01 1 3.38 1 -0.29 Inlet Discharge Head Lossat Quantity quantity 36.000aBMin 8 12 249 0 2 0.18 0 0 0.00 Quantity y Pool 010A spa to be iw accords ce w tit Fae 2014 re-sidevd1al code chapter 45with 2614 cimev tinteitts (H601.1,DoDVS1301 ger ANSI 3.5.E svvcl �5 Adams Consulting & Design, Inc. Designed by: danyelj78@gmail.com Designed Chandler Residence Engineer: Harvey E. Roehnen / 12805 79th Street Frank Adams 2/20/2017 Surfside Rockscapes Phone: 772 519 0772 iOC: 265 Bermuda Beach Drive Professional Elge Circle Po32831 y 52 Fellsmere„FLorida 332948 Fax: 7724612786 Fax / Fort Pierce, Fl.