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W.1111100T.L# a16048=R4
Ap#flcabion Type 'Re.vIIsian
'Code'Versibn '2014
Application Status Approved
Product Manufacturer Tri-Built Materials Group, LLC
,address/Phone/EmaPt PQ Bbx 70'
Rutherford,.NJ 07070
Authorized Signature David Ruiz
Technical Representative David Ruiz
Address/f?,hone/.Email .250.Route 17 North
'fast Rutherford, N3'07073
(laved.euiz'@tri•buittmat*er alS—9, up':+cbm
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Underlayments
Compliance f etiiad Evatuation Revolt f cmrt a;Fbrida;lYQr3bStered Ai ck(itect.or a Lit
Florida Professional Engineer
%s Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert Nieminen
the Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-59166
s�aiity Assurance Tzouty UL"LLL
.Quality Pssurarice Contract Expiration•Date 10/1,5/2017
Vaiidated'By John W.Xnezevich,PE
Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL16048 R4 COI 2016 01 COI Nieminen.pdf
1 910
� .
Referenced.Standard and Year.(of Standard) StandardF1
• ,.
ASTM D1970 �l "2009
'ASTK G15&_ 20Q5::
FRSA/TRI Aprff 2012(04-12) 26iZ
TAS 103 1995
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
-Sections from the jCflde
hf4)s:T/�vwwllorldabullding orgYpeJ,pr_SAP_dtl;aspPparam=wGE i QwfD[itFf'?mdYiN1J19Urwiprrtf0.nR8jv%p2fglJauQKOQ65filN9BigGztlg°Io3d°/s i7 412
3/1/2017 _ Florida Building Code Online
Product Approval Method Method(I Option it
Date Submitted 10/06/2016
Date Validated 10/17/2016
Date Pending FBC Approval 10/19/2016
Date Approved 12/13/2016
Stamis to of Products
FL# Model,Number or Name Descdption
1161148:1 I1ti4Ml3r Roof Virlderiayrl eril s Seif-adhering,mo�Hfjed,bitumen roof underlayments
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16048 R4 II 2016 10 FINAL ER TRI-
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes BUILT UNDERLAYMENTS FL16048-R4.Ddf
Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166
Design Pressure: +N/A/-67.5 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Other:,1.)The design pressure noted herein pertains to use ,Evaluation Reports
of foam;on We systems overtop the self-adher,�ng; FL16048 R4'AE-2016 '1,'Q FINAL ER-TRT i
underlayment for one particular.application. See ER Section BUILT U14DERLAYMENTS FL16048 R4.pdf
5-.6.4 for:detaiis, 2:)Refer to ER-Section.S for other Lirnits of Greated;"bv IhdepeIndent.Third-Party^ Yes
Back Next
Contact Us;:2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824
7'Aae State of'Floride;is-an AAM-EO emp(oygcCowridtrt 21107-2D13 State of 1Elonda.::tiPrivacY,StdtemerR::AccessibilityStatement::'Refund Statement
Under Florida Jaw,-email addresses are.public records.If you-do not want your e-mail address-released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic
:srrdd t9;tivs:snt"rty.3nstead;.>;onta,Cttae.nffiee bypho[re:or%tey Rradiflor>a1 mail.?If9*an'>haveam/.questions,:please:�cocdact:$5fl:48,7.T395..:!Pwsu-ard-to SPiion
'455:275(1"),.Florida Statutes,effective-odobec a,2012,,licensees,licetase'd of der'GfxaPter 455,,F.S.,rraust,provAde,4he.Department"with"ata email address it"they have
one.The emails provided may to used for official communication viith the`licensee.However emaii addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a
personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter
455,F.S.,please click here.
Product Approval Accepts:
https:/Avww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_01.aspx?param=wGE\(X QwtDqLFPmdYiNDWrwipmtAnR8jv%2fglJauQKOQ6ShWgBigGzhg%3d%3d 2/2
fr "� F,JfiTEfQIt RESEPtRCEt•8t DES16Pt,LLC.
€.: ..
� Certificate of Authorization/i95Q3;
R1 1
G 1�- ; OXFORD,Cr 06478
` PHONE: (203)262-9245
Allied ButEd ng Prorktect .Eorp: EVafetati n.Re#zortA4296010;12-R4:..
. tl6a TR�SCIKT�aefing Products. . EI��6048-�4
9050 Louisiana Street Vate-of Issuance:,10/25/2012
Merrillville,IN 4641Q Revision 4::10/06/2016
This.Evaluation Report is jssued.under Rule 61G20-3 and .the applicable rules and.regulations governing theuse of
-caastrL,tion>rnaiteriials:i4m:the,State of-Flor.Atiia.'Th.e�docurner ion,submitted--as-been reviewedby.RobeTtMieminen,
P.E. 'for use of theproduct :under the' Florida Building Come. and Florida'.Building Code, ResidentiA'.Volume: _The: .
;;products described.hereTta.-.ave iieera evaivated Jb.r zomptiancewith th:e 5t' fdition.`(L.014) ioMai$uilc�tfg:Gude
sections noted herein.
LABELING Labeling shall be in accordance.-with the requirements the..Accredited.Quality Assurance Agency noted
CONTINUED COMPLIANCE] This1vaivation Report is valid until'such time as the named prod*uct(s)changes,.the ref,&Onced
Gltialitlr-A'ssu.mnce docurtentation changes,ar'provisLo%:'af the Code thar;Kelate to the prod.uct-change,-Acceptance of
this Evaluation Report. by the named. client,constitutes agreement.to .notify Robert Nieminen, P.'E. if the: product
changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity]ERD requires a.compl.ete review.of.this
Evaluation Report refative.to4clated Code requirements wiih.each Code Cycle..
ADVERTISEMENT: The-lEvaluation:`Report:'number preceded by the words "Trinity IERD Evaluated" may be displayed ln-
advsrtisipg Uteratiure. if mypor, ora of the Eval.uati+on.Report is displayed,theta it shawl be done in its entirety:.
-INSPECTION:Upon request;a co Y of;this.entire;Evaluatifln Report sha}I:be.provided to the user by the manufacturer or
-its dort tre Jn? ;te atthe feuest.xF the$ altg. 3ffc .c .
This Evaluation Report.consists:of pages Ithrough 5.
Prepared by:
.. rr Crr r3-�rtJ tr i
RQbettl illi I�lieixiit► r;'P E.. �y,s ThefacsimUeseal.appearingwasauthori;Qdby:Robertttiemineo,. .
., t l+✓�,�i �i`s -' P.F;o tolggMT6.Tihis_d'aes.not serve asanefectronicaHysigned
Florida Registration No..59166,.Florida DCA ANE1.00 document.Signed,sealedhardcopleshavebeen transmittedtothe
Prodtia..Approvaf Administrator:and'to the namei3.client
1. Trinityl ERD does not.have, nor does it intend to:acquire or will it acquire; a'.financial interest.in any company.manufacturing or
.,.distributing products it evaluates.
2. TrinitylEfRQ:is_ oa owned,;operated_or contraUed 4y any comparry manufacturing or distributing products it.evaluates.
3. ::Robert.Nieminen,`P;E:;tloes not have<nor will-acquire,a financial interest in any•company manufacturing orAisteibuting products for'
which tt a evaivation repcins are being issued,
A. k3dbert;Niemiraea,.:P E.does a?ot:have,Aaar will acquire,a.:f4iarxd kinterest;im any.,othererztity'involved n.tt:ie alppioval:process of he
5. This is a building.code evaluation, Neither Trinityl ERD`nor Robert Nieminen;P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any
project on which this Evaluation"Report,or,previous versions thereof,is/was:used for permitting or'dPA' gutd ce un s e
specifically,for that purpose.
Product Category: Roofing.
Sub-Category:. Underlayment _
Complia'rice:statement: TRI=Si31iT Roof Underlayments,as produced:b}-TRi-$Utl_T,l ave:demanstrated-'comOli4nce
withthe'fodiowlhgsections of the.Fforida Building Code through testis �n accordance with`ttie following Standards,
Gompf.ia i ce;isx biect�the'I.nsta#fatran equ remonts rnclsl ir�aitatl ns �fottwh*ereint.
Section Property Standard. Year
1507.2.4,1507,2.8,.1507:2.93, Physical Properties ASTM D1970 2009.
1507.4.5.1,1507.5-.3i 1507.7.3
-1504.6 Accelerated Weathering ASTM:GM 2005.
..1507:3,3 installation Practice FRSAM April•2022(04.-12). . 2012
1523.6,5:2: Rkiysi RPropettles TAG G3 1995
Entity Examination Reference. Date
ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 540540:02-.13-1... 02/19/2013
ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 540540.11.13 11/19/2013.
ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 540540;03.14 03/26/2014:
IRD;(T5T-6049), a Physica[Properties `544870.04.14-2. ' 04/t12/2{314,
ERD(TST6049 ). P'hysicay Properties 544870:04:14-3 04/02/2014
£RD 576049) Physicai',P,rop ies S44970:04.14-1. 04110/2014
E.RD.(TST6049) - PhysicalProperties S44870.04.14-4 04/10/2014
ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties S'43530:02.14-1-R1 05/14/.2014
ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 543530;05,14 05/28/ 2014
ERD`(TST6049) Physical Properties 540540.10:14 10/31%2014
ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties SC7645.0215. 02%13/2015
ERD-(TST6049), Accelerated Weathering SC8520.04.15 05/27/2015
U1,LLC.(QUA9625) QualAy Controli Ilrlipltipie-..L'istimg 1116814 Q J04/2015
UL,.CCC:(aUA962% Quality:Control Service CordIrmation Exp,10/161201T
4.1 Self-Adhering :lnderlayments:.
4.1.1: Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle. Underlay is a self=adhering,:glass-mat reinforced,sand-surfaced., SBS.
modified bitumen roof underlayment,with a-36-inch sheet width. .
4.1.2- T0.14wift$/A+'LT.:TU-underlay )is:a.self-adhesfimg,,nan-woven,.p6IV6stdr falbejc wdaced,SBS modified
bitumen roof underlayment
4'1-;3 TrwBW-It _Srno4 th FIT:SJA -Ujidrlayrnent xis;a 3afF-adhbvipg; glass,mat irernfo.rced, fiiaat-surfaced, $S
modified bitumen roof.underlayment.
5.11 This.is a building code ev6luation. Neither TrinityLERD :nor'Robert Nieminen; P.E. are, in any way, the
Designer of Record for any project on which.this Evaluation Report, or previous.versions thereof, is/was
eised{for permitting.or desgargttidar►ce t}nlss.`retairied specifically for that_Ptrrpose.,
5.2. This Evaluation--Report is-notfor use-ih the-kV.HZ..
5;3 dire Classifj_eatiDn J� not part of Wig.Evalttatibp Repo& refer.ta curteot'Approved. Et taf&n40-
Directory for fire ratings of this product..
Exterior Research anN.Oesigo,LLC. Evaluation.RepdrtA42R6010:12-114
ejf*mte.ofAuffwJiaVQ0M 03. f8CW0N!1HV#1Z;filt,�WA7rt0N oftwA$_,R -
=�giseon 4"107U6�204;fi.
Page 2 afS
. ,
ER :
5.4 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayment' rimay I) used with any.prepared roof.cover where the .product':is
specifically referenced within.FBC approval documents. I:f'not listed,a request May made to.the.AHJ for
approval based:on:this evaluation combined W. supporting data for the:prepared roof covering.
5.5 Allowable roof covers applied atop.the underlayments are as follows,
..da -
r> �2 i 'ABt.E ROQF CUllER C�P;IOIVS t� ?z r F R s
;�., ,>;� f9,,.,.r.�a.,�,r'„ ..�_,�a .,t.,: ,r,. -�n , x,. •s.ts+,.c. axv , k,f..r+;fir. >.�iz...,r ��;�hr. �, f, -
Asphalt Wood Shakes .
:tlndeiby.ment ;ala-tPO.n3�le ;Rant-01.1 ::Metal... date
-Shingles &Shingles
Tri-Built Sand-R.SA Shingle
Underlayment Yes.' No, No No Yes Yes.
Yes. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Underlayment See 5.34.
Tri-Built Smooth H•T'S/A ,� No No Yes Yes Yes
515.1. "Foam-On Tile" is.limitedto use of the following.:Approved tile adhesives'unlesstensil.e adhesion/ long
term-aging data from an accredited testing laboratory.is provided.
Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment with'$M- 2-Component.Roof Tile Adhesive AH-160(FL6332) or
DowTileBond""Roof Tile Adhesive(FL717)
,5:6 Allowable substrates are noted below:
S,i6,3 'tDireic�=$Dnd'to`l3ec'�:
Tra 4t Sand R:'SA3tungle l� fiaWneni;�T u ill. ] J l-U".UAdL ayxnex�x oa rrB `It z�o##i':l IT'SJ#1.
Underlayment:applied to:
.Plywood;ASTM D41 primed plywood; OSB;ASTM'D41 primed OSB;Southern Yellow Pine;ASTM D41
primed Southern Yellow Pine;.ASTM D41 primed'st.n ctutal concrete.
While not required over plywood, OSB or Southern Yellow Pine substrates,. TRI-BUILT recommends
priming the deckif the final'roof cover is,not,slated for installation wiithih 24 hours. (Vote: T116BUILT
requires torrgpe and-groove.board;decking be eravered wiiih plywood'or 056 pridr.tii irisiailation of the
5.6.2 •BandAo-Insuiaerrorr:
Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayrnent;Tri-Built-S/A HT TU Underlayment or-Tri-Built Smooth:HT'S/A
Underlayment applied to:
:➢ Dens Deck Prime;,SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board.
For installation under mechanically attached preparedroof:coverings, insulation shall .be attached per
Iminimam requirements..of thepreparpd-roof--covering manufacturer's Product Approval.•:For installatiom
_ untler°€Darn-oil file systems (Tn Bvilt S/A.AT TO..`l nbfei ayrrient• only), insulation a9taament-.shah.be.
degipgd by.a qu-Mifiied design prm€essiraaiai areal"instailed'based ora zestiiig of tl;rei'selation funderday►nerr'k
system in accordance with FM 4474;Appendix:D or TAS 114;,Append.'ix J. .
5.6.3 Bond.to Mechanically Attached Base Laver:
Tri-Built Sand-11 SA Shingle Underlayment,Tri-Bulli S/A HT TU Underlaym rL-BEMOC(lpy
Underlayment.-Applied to:.
A5TM.D226T -leo
For installations-under mechanically;attached prepared roof Covermp,,base layer shall be attached per
m,iniaxwn.:codrfiied -regiva_t;e eats.: Fort insta#attibpis wjndeR^:fba.w lire tile systeix►s (Tri-Btriit SIA HT TU
Underlayment only),base layer shall be attached per minimum requirements of FRSA/TRI.:April 2012.(04-
Exterior Research;and:Design,LLC. EVa..lu_atiun:Report A42960.30.12-R4
SerfiflabteatArithgizaYign,0503 EEfilUolUaill#fZYAWA7oN 'PL7iO4$=R4
Revision 4:10/06/20ig. '
Page3 of.5
5.6.4 Wind Resistance for Underlayment Systems.in Foani=On Tile:Applications:: FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12)
does not'address wind uplift.resistance.ofall.underlayment.systems beneath foam-on tile systems;..where
the underlayment.forms part of'.tli'e load-path. The following'wi:nd uplift limitations apply to direct-d'eck
underlayrnent.systems that.are not addressed in FRSA/TR.I April 2012 (04-fit)and:are used in foam-on tile
applications. Maximum Design Pressure is the..result.of testing for wind Load resistance based on
aldoinrablei wind loads,and reflects the ulG*Ma'te passing pressure-divided'by`2(Ehe 2 to.1 margin:oof safety
per FBC 15134:9 figs_already=been applied); R-ferto:FB:C 1609 for:determination of design wind pressures.
MaA murn Uesien Pressure=AA vsf..:
Deck: Min."15/32-inch plywood to:meet project requirementsto-satisfaction of AH J.
P.ritner: (Optional)ASTM D41
Underlayment: Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment;self-adhered.
5.6.4:2. Maximum Design Pressure=-67.5:psf:
Deck: Structural concrete to:meet proif ct~requirements ba satisfactionofANjt
Primer: Soprema.Elastocol 660c
Underlayment: Tri=Buitt.S/A HTTU Undertayment;.self-adh< red
5:6.4.3 Maximum Design Pressure -60.0 psf.
Deck: Min.19/32-inch plywood to:meet project requirements tor. atisfaction of:AHJ,
Base Sheet: Soprema.Sopra=G or Modified.Sopra G rnechanically attached.with nails(FBc 1:5175A)
and tin caps(FBC 15175.2)spaced:64kh ox.at'the 4-inch laps and 6-inch o.c.'in three,
equally spaced rows in the:center of the sheet.
nderlaiyrn Tr=ftllt,-$/AA i'1T T-UiUndeelaymen selered.
. �dM
53 ; xposure.Lin3izatiopi
531- Tri B.uitt Santl-R SA Shingle Underlaymentor.Tfi=6;uitt Smooth`HT S/A U.nderfayment shall not be left
exposed for longer than 30-days after installation
5.7.2 Tri,Built_:S/A,HT TU Underlayment shall:not be left exposed for Tonger than 180-days after installation.
6:.1 TRt=BUILT Roof UncFerfayir�er ts.s[ally be insta�iitedJ atcorrda�.ce wath TRf=Bt11LT' pufjl sl ed it srellatioia.,.
requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below.
6.2 ae=fasten any loose docking pagels,anel check for irtotrudft-'nail head's. Sweets the substrate;ChOra ghly
to remove any dust and debris priorto application,and primethe substrate,(if"applicable).
6.3. Tri-Built Sand-R.SA Shingle Underlayment;Tri-Built S/A FIT'T.0 Underlayment:or Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A:
6.3.7:. . Shall be installed in complla,nce with:the requirements for ASTM D1970:Underlayment in FBC Sections
.-1547to..r.tbe Vpe of)prepared)roof covering xo be,installed:
6.3.2 Non-Tile applications:
While>;prmming ms opticrmal,TRI BUILT reoo;rrrrraernels ip'.r>imrrggithe deck5ffalae;fifh'al)roof cover its not slatedJor
installation within 24 hours.
Apply sheet.parallel to the roof.'edge. Roll out:approxirriately 10 ftof-membrane,and.peel back the first 3.
ft of release,film.
Adhere the exposed part to.the substrate,and unroll the remaining membrane as far as:possible.,
Once the entire length.of membrane is in:place, peel-.off the release film.,diagonally while holding,the
membrane;tight .Firmlyrolt,lyrgom.or Hand=press the membrane into place to achieve a:bond;
.1 6rizontal`AA,searms-stj:oulU`be':irtim. m,3=inches;'configured-to shed:-water_: Verdcaf=seAms shvecld tie Er-.
inches andstaggered not less than 2-ft from vertical seams in the dour ON ,s a in ccor,dk;cUPY
TRI-BUILT requirements. IL
Exterior Research and,Design,LLC. Evaluation.Report A42960:10.12-R4
Ferre'-wVfAjthariiatl #9503 nC3ItON4l VIMEVAMA'tION X65348 R4:
Page 4pt.5
When installing atslopes above 8:12;TRI:BUILT r.eco►ximends back-nailing:in the overlap area at.the top of
the sheet at 12-inch:o.c.
For Valleys and.Ridges: Cut underlayment into 4 to.6.foot lengths.-Peel;t1e.release paper and center sheet,
over-valley or ridge. Drape and press sheet into place, working.from the center of the valley:or ridge:in;
each direction. For valleys;apply.fhe sheet starting at the:lowesx�point and-work..upward.
6-3.3 Tle-Applications(Tri-SWItSZAHT TiTi7nderlaymentonly):
��teference vs oracle to iRRSA/IRI April 2012'04-123 Instaiiation Manual and Ta.ple I 'berein, using .the
instructions noted above as,,a guideline.
For foam-on.tile applications,reference is made to:Section 5.6.4:herein for.wind resistance.limitations that.
fall outside the scope of FRSA%TRI.April 2012(04.12):
Tile shall be loaded and staged in a ,manner that prevents the.slippage and/or damage to the:
As required by the.Building'Official,or Authority Having Jurisd;iction. order to properly evaluate the.installation of
this product:
Contact the noted QA agency for information on productlocat ons-.covered:for.F:A.C:Rule 9N-3 QA requirements.
MIN. Opy
-Exterior Research.and;Design,LLC- Evaluation Report A4296010.12-R4
I'ert#icvftofAuthoriia;ion#9503 TBCYM-MVWTEVAMARON -IFL-1604:6=R4
Page 5 of S.