HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval .''F'•` - rFw^ '`tin:; :t%:�i:J%�x�..'��i wAY.yil:ire.;:";��'^ti�.;�,3 •;�+:�.Sc:.:a'(<'. ,i.:,.i�,.�+,.., x:.;;c:
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dopr ' Product Approval
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4YCGYC-trr.V,:r{•,N....�:>.::.dvt':: ?i5+.'!_:l�Y. :r(a» 04mficmim Det" /�s`Jq�
FL F116429-
" "(: i 0 '%GG " C I IONS 2014
RE"�aif�L �hie;LD�IP��"����`ft���1 Proved
'Lr^«rVirttEntS ECESSANY IN Cly UM 1'0
Product Manufacturer POLYGLASS USA
Address/Phone/Email 150 Lyon Drive
Fernley,NV 89408
(570)384-1230 Ext 242
Authorized Signature lames Akins
Technical Representative Steve Wadding
ddrCo������/�AS�����5�RA�AC��7�rdfi� Fernley,LyoDrive ST LUCIE COUNTY
THE (602)363-7134 r
ARE THE pEpONClBli V Op 1HE stevewopolyglass.com ri2V2�vea'�D
THE ft k7 6 FOR Cor, F'" CE
u t �,r�dran�R��re�$JtBt_ixg ]amen Akins RE'VIEWE` By
Address/Phone/Email 555 Oakridge Road DATE FFIJf�IIUU Humboldt Industrial Pkw
Hazleton(800 894-563201 MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR
aklnsr�polyglass.cam II NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE
Category Roofing
Subcategory Modified Bitumen Roof System
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed
Florida Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert Nleminen
the Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-59155
Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/06/2018
Validated By John W.Knezevich,PE
Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence P t ad'9 R6 C01 2016 01 C'Oi Nle ImR�TLan.Odf
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard �J k ' Ott
ASTM 06162 tm 2 � :t`
ASTM D6263
220 —
ASTM D6164 2005
ASTM 06222 2008
ASTM D6S09 2009
FM 4470 1992
FM 4474 2004
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submitted 02/18/2016
Date Validated 02/19/2016
Date Pending FBC Approval D2/22/2016
Date Approved 04/12/2016
Summary of Products
FL 9 Madel.Number or Name Description
16429.1 XtraFTex APP and SBS Modified APP and SBS modified bitumen roof systems
Bitumen Roof Srtsems
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16424 R6 it 2016 02 FINAL AS R 5 F1E QDMT. P,16429-
Approved for use outside 14VHZ:Yes 95.Pdf
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By:Robert Nieminen PE-59166
Design Pressure.+N/A/-612.5 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:l.)She design pressure in this application Evaluation Re*orts
pertains to one assembly.Refer to ER Appendix F1.1,6429.Rfi AE..2Qk§_iZ FINAL_ES T AFLEX (MpagIT FL16429-
for all assemblies and max design pressures.2.) R5.odf
Refer to ER Section 5 for Limits of Use. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
eadc M
::2601 Slalr Stw*0.nad_TaltRtw ssea FL 32399 Phone:850487-1824
'The State of Moda is an AA/ao employer.:aprm'gU 2007-2013 State of Bodda_;:Privacy StaGema'it:;Ac26SLIt tY;tom::lesf Aid s7aeemerR
under Flonda law,email addresses ate public records.if you do riot want your email address released in response In a pubic-remrtla request,do not send electronic
marl m this entity.Instead,corpact tate*Nice by pflom a by traditional mai.if you love any cluestiors,please,bred 850.481.1395.-PuTw m t 6a Scobon 455.275
(1),Florida Stumes,edhxtise October 1,2012,8cerseor timed leder Chapter 45S,F.S.must provide the Department with an snail address if they hese ore.The
ernadsi prowled may be used for dfids commLv*=Uwr with the lkem.;uu.Fkmeva email addresses are public reavd.if you do not wish to supply a pers*rol atbes,
please provide the iaepirrunent with an emae address which can be made avadado to the pudic.To determine if you are a licensee under Charter 455,F.S.,please
dick hero.
Product Approval Amtplu
{"TIF"i t Card
� �. �
A1rPEmml-.ArTAruMMRWAMREt mnrtm WIMDUPUn PowAma
Tatar Dectt AttpRtatran Type Description Peg•
14 _ ltitrvd New orAertwf(I-Dur•Olf) Al _ Bondedinstdation,Boded Rn W_Cover _4
t&1 wood Ncw or Rd1Mf(Ttar•Off} A-« Meth.ArtachedAndcor Shue,Bonded tnsdafar.Bonded Roof cover J 4•0
1&2 Wood fa+w,Reroof Nar-w oritecover A-2 Mech.AttachedAntWt Sheet,Bondedlasutaton,Bonded Raaf Cover 9110
I l' wood. New,Retool ITear•OH}orReemer B Meca Attached Base msulation,Bonded Top Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 1I
1 D wood Atew•Beroof{Tear-om or Reawer C hbe h.Attached In tdation,Bonded knot Cover _12-14
wood New.hereof(Tear-Otf)or Pec,'Ver D Picone.,Atta0m nsWadon,h1.lch.Attached Base Sheet,Flooded Roof Cover 14•15
3F•1 wood New Or Rerool(Trar•UIf) E Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Bi eSheat lnaisf,Bonded Roof Cover 16-18
IF-? Wood New.Reroof Pea-OM or Rect:ver E Non-truncated.Meth Attached claw Sheet(screws&plates),flooded Roof Cover 1921
lU wood New or Reroof(few-0111 F Non-ins itzed.Bonded Roof Cover
2A SualorC.nnc. New,Retool(Year-Off)orRerwer _ a WthAttached Base)nsutatton,Bonded Top insulation,0codedRoof Cotw 22
28 S•,e<.I arC'.atrc. Nu W,Aerunt(Tear-0(Ugr Recover C f0w h Attad*d Ms i 60o,Bonded Roof Creel 2724
2C Steel vCafe. New.Reroof(Tear-01}or Rerewar D Prelim.Attxhed insutat'ion,Mech.Attacnad Base Sheet,Bondd Rant Goer 25.25
3A-1 CMKIKB Neeor Reroof(Tem-um A-1 Bonded lnstlatim,Bonded Roof foyer 21.31
34.2 Comet# New or Retool(Tear•t11f1 A•) 1Wd4d Temporary Roof,Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 31-99
3B Concrete N(.w or Rercwf(Tear-Of) F Nor-4iyi.Atec,Borded Roof Cover 33
eA -~� iWir aReoT _..- Al ^onddcFBonded Roof Cover --�yT-_�•_ _ 34.95
a8 MIC New or Ret rnf(T_car•Orp A-2 Mech,Actathed Anchor Shmt,Bonded lneilation.Bonded Rauf Ewer 36
F L1VIC Mewar Ruwf(Tear#ff £ Nuri snsutattd,Wch,Attached Base Shewt,Bonded Roof Cover 37-35
SA CM New of Reroof frear•OH) A•1 bonded tnsulatm,Bonded goof Cover 48
56 CWF t•tew.Retrroflfear-Oifior Recover w A•2 _-_ Mec_h,Attahed Ahthar Sheet,$awed tnm4atsgn,sanded Roof{•over 41
Sc m1f New.Retool(Tear-Otfj or Recover R Meeh.Attached Bast Inw18Jps,Bonded Tap hAulatlon,Bonded Roof Coco 42
SD CWF New,Rernof(Tear-ON)arRecover C Meeh Attachedlnudation.BondedRoofCover 47
SE CWF Now,Retool(Tear•Uffl orRoccuer _k _ Non lnstknted.Meth.Atud*d Use Sheet,Bonded Root CAver 47
6A Gypuum Retool(Tear-Offs Wi Bonded Insulation.Bonded Roof Cover 43-04
61B gypsum Retool tTear•Cliff or Reruver A-2 Meth Attached Anchor Sheet.Bondedin%dathm,Bo%*dRoof Cover 45
it Sypiirn Reraot(TeauftorRecover C Meth.Attached)nsulzbon,Bonded Roof Cover 45
so Gv047m Remo((Tear•Otf)of Recover C noon•tnsuiattd.rvlech Attached 6xe.SheeL Bonds d boor Cover 45
7A varitws Raulver w Ai ,3r,.uiodrnsWax�rr.&,ndgdRooftOrcx �.a8
76 V46ax Recnvvr f ._ Ilbrvirtsv+ateo.Bonded Base 51u>.tt,Bmdad Fc,urCtwer ��_.. .49
The follo to notts g(tothe Imste swttrinedhium:
1. r!sq rcaf,sYau+r,evalnaticx+hereon pgrtars tG ahnve•deck rUrf oomaat:am(.r. Roof decks end ANcturat motnbKs shag be in accordance wmr.FBC retlairements to the aattsfarnon of the Af(1 1.44 resistancitof the
too.`deck enalf:e document_d da car prover twified andJo FV Approval documentation
a. Ifrntladrn/bane dsnct fastanr;ts shat!be of suflrlent tanBlh far cne lol;awin6 dcsk¢ngageanela:
Wood. Wrtimurr.0.75-inch peneltatlon.
Supt: Minimum 0.75-inch penetration?Ad engage the top ttulrt of the Steel 606.
.Concrete: Minimum 1-lmh embedment into Oor,hole m acundance with fastener insto)(atgn 6lxtnxtkrns.
3. Unless otbemise nmed,.imulatlon,Inter be any one layer dr cantrrutl.n at pcCstsatvanurare,pdtvstyrtne,wood fiberboard,perlim gvormo-based roof board or m4wral•ywol n,of board that meets the QA
mquirerninits of F A.C.Rule 6l=3and rs das:etnented as oiwi%FMC 15051 and,lot foam plastk,f 06:ner 24,when+nstalled with the roof cover•
Eero,;or Research and Das9;n.M.dfbh frmnVIERD EvalFHtnSrt Repect KCt630%,13 Rb for FU6429 R6
Cert lyate ofAeth xa Won 495U3
At•u,sin n 6.02)161?tri6
?repareN+syn Roltatt Niemrxst.PE•59t68 - Apou;hx t,Page l of•49
4. Minimum 2110 psi,minimum 2-inch thick lightweight insulating concrete may be substituted for rigid insulation board to System type 0(mechanically attached base sheet,bonded rad cover},whereby the base
sheet fasteners are)nstaged through the INC to engage the alruclural steel or concrete deck.TM structural deck shall be of equal or greater configuration to the steel and concrete deck listings. Roof decks and
structural members shag bein accordance with FK requitementsto the satisfaction of the AW.Load resistance d the root deck shall be documented thtotgh proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation.
unlessomherwae noted,insulation adhesive application rates areas follows RLtxsn or bead unddth b time at the e of application;she rdlbons/beadsshall expand as noted in the manufacturer's put ished usstrucbms.
r Hot asphalt(HA): Ful coverage at I5.30lWsquare.
i,Dow tnsta-Stile Roofing Adhesive(D-ISI: Continuous 0.75 to l.itich wide ribbons,124rxh a.c.
i Millennium One Step foamab;e Adhesive(M-0SFA): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-mch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c.
OMGOfyBaimd500(08590): Continuous 0.75 to 1-mch wile ribbons,12-Inch o.e(PaceCart or SpotShot). hole: Ol Ercod Green may be used where 1*8end 500 is
i OlvRond Classic(OB Classic): Full coverage at 1 gal)sgiure.
o 3M CA-ID: Continuous 2.5.3-54nh wide ribbons.12-inch o.c.
.Nast:Whenmukiplelpyersjr)ofirmulotnnand/orcwerboordare insrobedMribbanappdedodhesne,baard/ointsAvilbesraggered.
Nae:The maxi muni edge distWelf0m the adhesive ribbon 10 the edge of rite insulation board shoffhe mat tendon tim-half the spedlied ribbora spddng.
6. Uruess aherwae noted,all!mutation$are Oat stock or taper board of the minfmixn thickness noted.tapered polvisocwtsorate at the following thickness limitations,maybe substituted with the following Maximum
Design Pressure IMDP)limitations.in no case shag these values be used lo'mcrease'the MOP listings In the tables;rnther if MDP listing below neat$or exceeds that listed for a particular system in the tables,then
the thinner board listed below may be used m adrop-!n for the equivalent thicker material fated in the table-
:Millennium One Stop FoamadeAdhesive(M-OSFA): MOP -157.5 list (Mo.05-itah thick)
.OMGOlysoodS00(OB500): MDP -45.09sl (Min.O.S.inch thick Multi•Max FA-3)
.OMG 049and S00(OBS00): MDP -1875 pst (Min.O,Sinch thick ISO 95*GO
OMG Olyflood 500(OBSOD): MOP -31S.Opst (Min,OS-inch thick ENRGY 31
.OMG OtyBoid SW(08500): MOP -487.5 psf (Min 0.5-inch IN&ACFoam III
r 3M Polyurethane Foam Insulation Adhesive CR•20: MOP .117.5 psi (Min 1.0-inch thick)
7. Bonded pdyESocyamsrate bmsulation boards shall be maximum 4%4 ft.
B. For mechanically attached components or partially bonded insulation.the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Lone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC
Chapter 16,aid Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment c!"stty designed by a qualified design professional to tesist the elevated prassure critula. Commonly used methods are RAS 117 and FM LP06 1.29.
Asumbkes marked with an asterisk'carry the limitadans set forth jr,Section Ftvl tPOS 1.29 for Zone 2/3 enhancements.
9. Fix fogy oonded assembtie%the maximum deilgn pmssurp Inc the selected assembly shah meet o ei teed ceWcal design pressure determined In accordance with FBC Chapter 16,and no rational analysis is permitted.
10. For mechmntalty attached components over existing decks.fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance A qualified design profssionat shall review the data for comparison to the
minimum requirements far the system.Testingand analysis shall be in accordance with TAS 105 or ANSI/SPRI FR-1,
11. far exadngsubstrates in a banded recover installation,the existing roof system shall be examined for compatibility and nand performance WO the selected adhesive,and the ekrttirigroaf system shad be capablDaf
resisting project design pressures on its Mo merle tothe satisfaction of the AHJ.as documented through field uplift testing inaccordahce with ASTM E907,FM LPDS I.52.ANSVSPRI W-1 orTAS 124.
12. For Recover Applications using System Type D.the insulation is oquonal;however.the"is"roof system shad be suitable for a recover appiisation.
33. LVAC shah be cast lnaccordance with FBC Section 1917 to the satisfaction at the Authority liavirt Jurisdiction.for systems where specific LWIC n teferenced,refer to current LWIC Product Approval tar specific deck
construction and Gmkations.For systems where specific L%MC isnot refemneed.the minimum design mi.shall be 30D psi. In all cases.the minimum lop-coat thickness is Vriches.FortWIC over structural concrete,
reference is made to FBC Section 1911.4.1,Pant 1.
Exten or Research and Design,t1C,dlb/a TrWtyl ERD Evaluation Report PW690Ab.13-R6 for F116429-116
Cenificateof Authontatonf%03 Rev;smon 6.Vjilil/2016
Preparodbr:Robed Nneminen,PF-59166 Appendix 1,Page I 01`48
14. Unlessotherwgernted,refer to the following references for banded base,ply orcap sheet appliratiom.
TAKE 2,MAP=Row Cams
Rekrenae layer fAatersaF ApDlic+tion
BP-AA _Base Fty_ One_or mote pries X1rMex G2 Base,FOC Approved ASTM 04601,Type II
Aqha1 (Rase and Ply sheets,Asphalt- •.• --_-Ply One,or more dies XtraFlex Ply N,XtraFlex Ply V1,FOC Approved ASTM 02178,Type N or VI FMt quare at 20.40
J Applredl —�----.... ._... lYote:_ AsaMlfwlakdsheets orinsuktlonsfa0not b_eappMedtop*,fi surfacedmembronet, •'tbYsOu+e
Base PN Ix Ply One or more plies XtraFlex 585 Gtass Base(poly/sandl,XtraFlex 585 Pont Base Ipoty/sand),XtraFlex SBS Glass fiderply,Xtraflex SBS
SifS,AA t f Base 650 Mot Asphalt at 20-40
! (SBS,A6phalt-Applied) Cap XtraFtexSOS Gksslnteryly,XtmFlex$05Glass G,XlWlex56SPoly G Ws/5quxe
1 Note Aipholt-oppNed sheds or kmilation sball rot he applied topohrfift surfaced membranes.
One or more pries XtraFlex SRS Glass Base(sandlpoly),Xtraflex SBS Glass Base(poly/poly),XtraAft SUS Glass Interpfs'.Xtraf Sex SBS
5R5-TA Base Ply or Ply` KT Blase 650 'Torch-Applied
J Cap ' WAR"585 Glass ft"w*,X WI#.x SRS GWm G.XtraFle.585 Poly G
1 Rase Ply 1 One or more plies IBraFlex SBS Rase SA '
SBS-SA Cap° XtfaFlcx 585 G 5A.XtraFlex Kool SBS 5 SA m Self•Adh ring
Jib(SOS,SeM•Adherksg) Note: Unfes�adumvise noted PermhOde merniwanesubstrotes far SSS,SA are"te d to dwseSSA Bax Ply options herein.XtraFkx
s M5 Uhas Base fpoly/l;and)orxtnWkxSOS Gloss ease tpdv/Pdk'1 i
t APP.TA Base Ply or Ply One or morn plies XtraRex APP Glass ease,XtraFlex APPS
(APP,Torch-Applied) Cap )XtraRexAPP S.XtraFlex APP G,XtraFlexWall APP G I Torch-APplied
XtraFlex APP G SA,Xtraf lex Kdol APD S SA 1
APP-SP. Unkisotherwim hoard,prmkOW membrane substroarsfor APPSA are FmBedto the SSSS48ase Ply opdans herein,Xtrarkx i Sell•Adhtring
(APD,SCY-Adhering) 'Vote:i
SOS GkusOasefpoW sand)orXtrdkaSOS"ss Rose(OdY19oW).
f5. Any of the following rBC Approved ceatino may be applied to the top roof membrane without adverse effect on the system wind load performarim Refor to current Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratiRF5
assodawti-A thcoatingusage.
Xtraflex 20flon-Fsbered Bituminous Roof Coating:
o XtraHrx 60rfon•F•dtered Aluminum Roof Coating;
XsraFlex 65 FiberedAlumiwm Roof Coating;
r XtraFlex 70 P,M. ium Aaylic FR Roof Coating or KM Acri4 25;
i XtraRm 70QS(Quick Set)Piemism Acrygc FR Roof Coating or KM Atryl 25-QS(tor granula-u riaced APP or SBS a dy);
XtraFlex 30 Asphalt Emulsion Roof Cosatirmg:
xtreFte:SRCg600 mgh Sokos Sldcoste Roof Coating of Xtrarlex SRC EOOO Sittone Roof Coati;*.
IG. The bilowing represent priming requirements for gypsum-bases onvert oards:
o Dens Deck and Dens lY-ck Prime stall be 8eid•pdmed w"XtmFlex 10 Prior to self-adhering or torch-applied membrane application.No pnmine is required for hot-asphalt membrane appF callosns.
P SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board does not require livid priming for any membrane application.
17. 'MOD'a Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load recistance based on atkm-Ale wind toads.Refer to F BC 1609 for determinadon of design wind loads.
Eacrior Resc-arch and Design,LIC Nb/u t m tylERO EvahmHlon Report De/M9DD6A"6 for FL16424R6
CerbRute of Aushuricatan ass Revmon 6:02118/1016
Prepared by:Robert Nkmi»tm.PE 59166 APpenoie 1•Pace of 48
Vol Vi
a -
System Deck(Sm Bate Sheet Rodfaver(See Tshk Il kAOP
Nate 1) typet fasten Attach Base Ply CAP lD�)
Min.19132- MCI$ SBSGtass Bae(poly-torn DekfastHex with DekW el4o.71031W Metal. 12-inch D.C.in 11-40 180 and 124wh D.C.in two S84 SA '�AW
- -525•
W T34 rich pilwood tool t In-latlon Plate with Trutass HO {2L equally%paced,staggered Ewer Tors SRS-TA,APP TA
j N'135 Min.19;32• XftaFkx 505 Glass Bae(poly4ikn �DekfastHexwith Dekfast 014 orTrufast r Metal 17-inch D.C.in 4-inChlap and 11-inch P.c.in two %UaFip[RPP Base Sp. 0.Sp.Ta
mchphwwd tovi { Insulation Plate with Trutass HD {2i.equally spaced,uaggaed//soar rrnts
' W 13h Min.19132• XtraFlex SBS Glass Base(poty-ifkn 4 0MG Mat Bottom Plates{square)with Roolgrip. 12-inch c.in a iT+cch lap and l2-irch D.C.in two S8S•SA 585.50.APP•Sl
' flKh plywood top)
all {T},e4nrally Spaced,uaBgpred rnrgn rows_, (581•iA,APP•TA !
W 13T M°i.19/32 XtraslexSBS Was Base(poly film i OMG Flat Bottom Plates jsquary with Roolsrlo 13-inchoc.in4=rehlap and 12-inch ax.in twr-•
' t }YrraFlev DPP Aatc SA a.PP•TA •:,DA•
Inch pNwwd tool s 012 i 2t ec"y sp~.wggliveo venter rows
System Deck(See Rod cover(see Tame 11
r }30. t NOW 1) P.krssr folnt Treatewnt BaeR IMt Ply Cap MDP{psi
Min.15132• (000naij%SA.%S- SB.S.5A,APP•SA.SBS• 90.0
%4.138 inch plywood IDPtiandi)XLraRex SD NO-* SBI SA TA.APP-TA TA.APP-TA
Min.15133-_ XTnFtex AsePPBaSA (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA
tt W139 inchplywood {Optional)XUaFlex 2D None
W.t40...m1n.15137- jOpcsraap)(traflex lD Plywood ioiptc are covered Swth 44nch wide strip,of XtroFlex 555 Base SA.rolled SOS-$A IOpnorWl 58S-SA,SOS- SBS-SA.APP-Slk SOS- r .115.0
intlsppywoodbsto place to create comnlwts bond TA,APP-TA SA,APP-TA
Min t5/37• Plywood i6nic are tovared with flinch wide strips of ktraFlex SBS Base S4,roded XUaflex APP lease SA IOpfionap APP-TA APP-IA •135.0
WaU l0ptlanaO XUaftex l0 �
L.F—a C n�P
loch OfyaraPd moo apace to create continuous bud. �__�.—�
Eatcrior ReSeartfi awl Desig+k LLC.d/bld Tr'PntyIERO Evaluation Repo"P406n8 D6.13-R6 bur ftt6429-R6
CenYiute of Authprirarion e95® 9twoDn 6:0211812016
vrepargt tiY RoW.rtN�mtrsen,PfS91FB Appptdix 1,P29e 21 fir 4R