HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Permit Number: Building Permit Application Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT TYPE: Shutter PROPOSED IMPROVE'.IV1EN7 LOCATION'. � . Address: 10701 S OCEAN DR 725 .......... Property Tax ID #: 4511-805-0126-000-1 _ _ _ Lot No. Site Plan Name: I, KI� Project Name Drinkard • _ .. f:LL r r err' _ n,�,{L .._ - __._. �C{ .� ti ',',-•.r•r ...: 5ti-r{dlt '�:•C., re "•rr' DETAILED DE5CRIP'FION t0:::RK1F tic ,..:..... t =•. r � - --- - - r—.w���a+�F�a .: '' ti - - __ � J __ •. r I � y �r 1'L U L L : Lti ��Y 1 �� ' Install 3 accordion shutters --------------- r'-Nti- r: - ti���yyy�,,}� 'ylti . . � • • ti ai 1t �'. _- - }.. .� ��yL�#- v . _ r fy 1,, � ..,. CTION;- I IFO'R- A J - - .. .. .. � } r • ter, , AyyLL + , Additional work to be performed Linder this permit — check all that apply: Mechanical Electric _ Gas Tani( _Gas Piping X Shutters Windows/Doors _ Plumbing ^Sprinklers _Generator _Roof Pitch MENOMONEE& Total Sq. Ft of Construction' _ Cost of Construction.: $ ],*'I I uuME%" , Utilities: O.WNER/LESSE-E. '� �� Name Betsey Raymond Drinkard Address.10751 S Ocean DR Lot B18 City: Jensen Beach _ State: FL Zip Code: 34957 Fax: Phone No. 774-216-9018 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page if different from the Owner listed above) Sq. Ft,. of First Floo Sewer r: _ Septic Building Height: lk C'ONT'RACT%OfN. .+ + ..... �:1-,�i .. .-. a.a r.. r. ram.=•:_-r. r� .. sf�•. .. - ,._.�:_.�._L. aaa�--------------_____. N_. ___. .. .. .. .-.- . Name: Michael He,1ssenb(:.,1rg Company:..Expert Shutter Services Address: 668 SW Whitmore Dr City: Port St. Lucie _ State: FL Zip Code: 34984 Fax: Phone No 772-871-1915 E,Ma-11 permits@expertshutters,,com State or County License 16572 If value of construction i's $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HVAC is $7.,500 or more., a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. r FIIAI Woldrbowmmy&&&I FdPr*AI iF■F r J r r■J , .. , , i t�+i,.�i�_i �4�i 4�•hi-r�fr-r T'•�•L�14Y�F*!Aa!•r•�i rR�•Ir L' L++N�k.a �,=!` �`__-• F 0 • _ _ . L-.•.: r -r rrrFy,.•�I��'�r�J��r�r ... �+�*•r,�.r.......f+.•r.t�+r��.+rYYYriV.+rtrV�4�J4•JjRA4y M+r+'y��.•wr �+��ar■r�rr.=■y,�+nrA,�lj SUP'PLEMENT-AL ■ 14 {rJ``, �J ICI ,I Ir IL •'._ti..-:.�_-. - .Y .�-..-_ � � _ � ' - # ar.:� C0N.STRtJ-CT1 .. ti r.iiara___ti "- _-rr•- _ r _ _-..�..y°' r ' . 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IMP&I ------------ --- S t a t e: C1 t y III �r,L•r•ILiLhf rdw ra•.F1.•.ti +++' ■■Y ■ram■ ■ rrf ++_,_ __ State r n Iy+li1I�ii i fi .............. ....r.ti�Fl LJtiZi P P h o E01 Z10: — ___ _.V� � . , aa1 .�rf •-ff�jrf - __ +aa.a..a+;ataarr • a i • ''+L�ii.■+r+a�{�'��.{+.{�N.4ArItiii i In iarti FEE SIMPI..E'TITLE HOLDERV N a nit� 4 +..... Addrossm - ----------------------- -- - --------- - city%,. f P z I) one * ■�I I�•wrr+Inrr *III■LR#!411r••rl 11'i4faa aaii++.... .... ,Sr +.•..rf a+-• Y.r rr r,rrw f �a aea i LLiaaa . *++Y • K �Y-44'+'�-=rr=�Vd4 � �rt'Fr • f f #+M'�rt/�IL+■•1 i[ti rt i i f i � JW lL{ r � . r , � BONDIAN'G COMPANY: No't Applicable a i Name., N•N■4FM•lYlYrT■■r���r■.rL�l ..++++i-� r�+, ti.. .. rr •faaw+ La JI+�}I+�,r �ti�7��tiM'-�•:'FFFrFrr. •'•'+ -- - - r rr .'�4•M•M+iYI r�T.-.r-r•.,�..�j���+�����+�����f�l!'�''17*�w�i1lM�4il�i/ii}��i Address. ('p Y L. -------------- -- I ---- ----- --------------- ---- ------------- ' �Mi ■ ��IYi�R�T+f.Y as iF1 III zi P P L hone 10, -------------- �Y4YIaY�rti1� �•eY+•\+•Lf-••--•-•-•-•--r:� - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - Lr OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVITv, Applicai:ir�n is herf'.l.by madeto obtain a pk�im t to da ttie work and instillation as indicated. I certity that no work or installation has comiyienced prior to the'issuance of a perm'l*t-, St. Lucia Count makes no representation that. is granting a permit wii! authorize the. pe rmit holder to build the subject StrUCWre whichsiin con litt with any applicable f-iome Owners Assoc i I-Rti on rules, bylaws or and covenants that May restriict or prohibit ,uch structure, Pleast, consult with your Hotiic 0'wners A5,socli)00r) :.ifid review your dee(i for any restrictions which may apply. In consWei-afion f the grantir�� of thi , rcquestc�d f)(- 0r��,rt, I da hereby agree that I will, in al! resp(­)cts, perform the work in accordance with the. approved plans, the. Florida Bu'ld'np (:odes and St. I_uc*1e County Amendments. The following building permit applicatioiis are. r:xempt from unde.rgoinE; a full concurrerxy reIv:c�w: roam add accessary structures, �wirrimir1t pools, fences, wails, signs, screen t"00111"I" and accessory user to another non "'WARNING TO OWNER l5 ilOflS, idential use YOUR FAILURE TO R.EX01�1b A �I�U�'iCE t31� Cii119N1ENCEMEN7' MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAIfINC TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO Y01JR PROPE�T'Y. A NOTICU� OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BIE RECOROEi) AND POSTEO ON TIE JOB SITE BEFORE YHIF'y''FIRST INSPECTION, if YOU INTEND TO 061"AIN FINANCING, CONSU�.T TTITH YOUR LENDER�}�ORNEY FORF PFCOt�201NG vi�UR NgiICE OF CC1 Signt-3wre of Owner/ Lessep./Corit:mctor as STATE OF FLORI-DA COUNTY OF ��j, __ - - - - - ____ __ I Y_&m_mmmmkx.L&I � � Ager3t f m,ne,r �W S!•TI�iFl■lf---------------- {__-.r,�-z-v ..__ �v-•_,r The for � b. ng i ru w acknowledged tflisv. dayof.. .�. as K.af as JZ� _ ��'1'M �f�i��f*� •i• + 13Y Namperson) ikstatt.1-mcA. Personall KnownProduII } . f +irr y T����yyyyrrFF� il���� ri��i. r�4 YLa Iden * � �T � ! � Type of Identificatfoll Produced..,,,LiL■4a.I +�+-+r r - ri■+ + II i &LkhmmF* iL. riY.�ytiy.� -- --••.-'SW C) Signakure of Notary Public- State Of 11111 1111 WI Con111101;Sion No.`�����V� r 11 Vi.�ryrL'{r�--�I+'= ---a-•-'--aaa•>-fir. .,-rr r•�•� r•. F'R . N ZONING COLJNI'ER REVIEW WIN 0 5 tom, of Contr�ctUr/Llt STA11 CIF FLORIDA COUNTY OFF} Y' I M f.I..LY�J✓ MENT 41 ems Holder i /L`.rrrli'� _ _ _ _ _ #5FF Via-.-r+�.Y�i���l �■ r'Yiit T'I e forgoing insUument was ackn owle d ge d before' me tt,ES �?d -a-, y of—do_OCt RIN, 20A by N<3ime of person 1riaking statement. ��� Person,ally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Idetitificatloo -N 4 . Pro(iuc(,;1,d anuT �� (Signature of Notary PuF3Eic State at FloNa.�ARY p� C()Mpot3G�580�� t..orr7�77ission Na. C��O�utl � JIP TXTE Of e y ire (j12 11 4-! • +-ri+..L-.aura•.-rr � .�r+,r� i rfi�F�l�IIf7 FOR �� � r�✓i��.�Y.�jL�Lf�ii.i��liLya+-aY+�aaaaaaa. PLANS VEGETAI]ON R U. VJ R E V I +•rM-�r-�-�,a•���r�TT��■}�ft1Y F I 1� r�r.Y,�`•.-- - -- - -- _ 'FFr*W •. w%+ P+FTFrNf7r rri ••`WWiJ+. is1 r1iiL Shgr�on �'S3�a NOTARY PUBLI STATE OF FLOR D COMM# GG2580 8 MIN A SEA U R,-,rL E I MANGROVE: REVIEW I RIVIEW