HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitAIIAPPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date.10119/2020 Permit Number: Building Permit Application Plonning and Development Services Building qnd Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: 1772\ 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial x Residential PERMIT TYPE: PROPOSED IMPROVEM ENT LOCATION : Address: 5047 N Highway A1A PH-s Fort Pierce, FL 34949 Property Tax lD #:1414-610-01A1-000-5 Lot No Site Plan Name:Block No. Project Name: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replacement of a 4 ton water cooled heat pump unit; Iike for like; 14 SEER CONSTRUCTION IN FORMATION : Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Electric _ Gas Tank _ Plumbing * Gas Piping _ Sprinklers _ Shutters _ Windows/Doors Generator Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost ofConstruction: 5 4971 Utilities: _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height: lf value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. lf value of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: N261g Michael and Karen Hitscherich Address: 5 Lakeville Rd City: Sussex, NJ -. State: ZiP Code: 07461 Fax: phone 11s. 97 3-222-9222 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Name: James J Wauters Company:Just Chillin' HVAC LLC Address:5422 NW Cromey St City:Port St. Lucie StAtE: FL ZiP Code: 34986 Fax: phone pe 772-940-4373 E-;y1s i1 justchillinair@hotmail.com State or County Usgn5s CACl8'19351 SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable Name: Address City:State: zip:Phone MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City:State: Zip: _ Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE Name: HOLDER: _ Not Appticable Address City: zip:Phone: BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Address: City: Zip: _Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie Countv makes no reoresentation that is erantine a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subiect structure which is in conflict with anv a'oplicable Home Owfrers AsSociation rules. bvlaws or and covenants that mav restrict <ir orohibit such structure. Please consult with'iour Home Owners Association and review'your deed for any restrictions dhich may apply. ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use ..WARIIIIUG TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A TTOTICE OF COMiIEN€EMEIUT MAY RESULT IIU YOUR PAYI'{G TWICE FOR IiIPROYEMEIUTS TO YOUR PNOPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEIIIEI{T MUST BE RECORDED AND posTED oII THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FTRST INSPECTIOIU. tF YOU trrEND TO OBTAlit FINA'UCING, COilSULT W]TH YOUR LENDER OR Ail ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTI€E OF STATE OF FLORIEA ? I COUN1-y OF 17. L-slct €- The forsoins instrument tuas acknowledeed before me trris 3D aiy * 5tPT ,267a ov OR Produced tdentification \ of person making statement. ct Q acknowledged before me zoloby 4./14 C 'fu'l ement. OR Produced ldentification X Tvoe of ldentilffalion produced fe' STATE OF FLO COUNTY OF The fqrgoing ins this'J? dav of n ixprres, ltlovember Sonded hrur Aarcr Gertificate of Product Ratin AHRI Gertified Reference Number: 205767498 Old AHRI Reference Number : Product : Water-to-Air and Brine-to-Air Model Number : TGHA/048A Brand Name : ClimateMaster Date: 10-09-2020 Model Status:Active Rated as follows in accordance with ANSI/AHRUASHARE/ISO Standard 13256-1 Water-toAir and Brine.To-Air Heat Pumps and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHR|-sponsored, independent third party testing: Air Flow Rate - Cooling: Air Flow Rate - Heating: WLHP (Water-Loop Heat Pumps) Cooling Capacity (Btuh) Cooling EER Rating (Btuhlwatt) Cooling Fluid Flow Rate (gpm) Heating Capacity (Btuh) Heating Cop (watVwatt) Heating Fluid FIow Rate (gpm) GWHP {Ground Water-Heat Pumps) Cooling Capacity (Btuh) Cooling EER Rating (BtuhMatt) Cooling Fluid Flow Raie (gpm) Heating Capacity (Btuh) Heating COP (waiUwatt) Heating Fluid Flow Rate (gpm) GLHP (Ground -Loop Heat Pumps) Cooling Capacity (Btuh) Cooling EER Rating (BtuhMatt) Cooling Fluid Flow Rate (gpm) Heating Capacity (Biuh) Heating COP (wattiwatt) Heating Fluid Flow Rate (gpm) lndoor Blower Motor Fan Type : PSC Sold ln? : USA, Canada Full Load 1600 48000/48000 1 3.30/1 3.30 13.00 53600/53600 4.70!4.70 13.00 542AU54200 2A.5A120.50 13.00 45300/45300 4.10t4.10 13.00 50400/50400 M.7A114.70 13.00 36500136500 3.40!3.40 13.00 Part Loadl Part Load2 Part Load3 Where rating shows value/value, the flrst value is at minimum voltage, the second value is at 230v for a dual volt system. t'Active" ft4odel Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or otfering for sale; OR new models that are being marketed but are not yet being produced."Production Stopped" Model Stalus are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still sellrno or offeflno for sale. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s) Iisted on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising oui of the use or pedormance of the product(s), or the unauthorized alteration ot data listed on this Certificate. Certifled ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for individual, personal and confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's individual, personal and confidential reference. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at , click on " 'link and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, which is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is listed at bottom right. @2020Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration lnstitute CERTIFICATE NO,: AIR-COtaDtTlONtNG, HEAT|NG, & REFRIGERATION INSNTUTE te make Iife better'* 13246741178377725