HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: I r'r Planning and Development Services tion D'vision 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax.- (772) 462-1578 Building and Code Regulo Permit Number: Building Permit Application PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Shutter Commercial X Residential PROPOS.ED IMPROVEMENToil � 1, N--- . ........ �- ' Address: 7370 S Ocean Dr Apt 915 Legal Description: DUNE WALK BY THE OCEAN k SAND DOLLAR NORTH BLDG B UNIT 915 Property Tax ID ft- 3522-607-0107-000-5 Lot No. Site are Nair Block No. Pry Name: Pennington Setba cks Fro n t,,— B j< X Right Side: Left Side: - - - -------------- EPAI - --- IBM- ------ DETAILED DESCR T1 IP 1 i -O'N"O.F.WOR � ,. .'L III - . I •��� {_ ' '-ti'-. ...ki 4•.ti •, _.3}}L_+_ � •M1 .. w 1' .. 2•. ? . .. 1:�.f f}r{ rl, •��}'ti.• k ;� ' �S ri,¢i-: !4•. I _ { _ . h+NJ _ _ _ .!13'.',• .. ... �ta.r�Y ...w ra1"Yti airs ��_ ___. __A W— __ ... ., •:.;}, _ ------------- ti x Install 1 Accordion & 1 Roll shutter NJ CO 'RUCTION INFORMATION:. Additiona�orTc to 15e Perto rrneunderth" is De'rmit = I I HVAC U Gas Tank Electric 0 Plumbing Gas Piping Sprinklers Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: $ 31988•00 Utiliti O-WN ER/LESSE.E'.Name Bradford Pennington Address: 7370 S Ocean DR Apt 915 City: Jensen Beach State, FL Zip Code: 34-957 Fax: Phone No. 303-718-7379 E-Mail* Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page if different from the Owner listed above) appry: Shutters _J Venerator S Ft. of First Floor: indows/Doors Roof Roof pitch 3ewer tic builcling Height: r.A. CONT'RA TO R'th. .0 ....... Name: Michael Com anyd • Expert Shutter so ! 668 SW Whitmore a y Port Saint Lucie Stateo FL 7 4.1p* 34984 772-w871-0990 Pho-ne No. 772_8r 71-1915 0I aiR t Callexpert@aol.com I0 0 County License., 16572 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. "J11%%"Ad dL Lhw 4W%jW.Ya Ni .. .. Jt r L r- -� - ~ _L.. - .. r=titir �,',-„ ,. MIi•f# alyY r --_.� �..... -,.r-- ••-•- ��' '_-..•�• ': _ 'irs?'ti'f A/V�Y�, .lu.•r JJ4. 71�7� - - SUPPLEME-NTA'1.,, ,. L _ L -A'kAl FT), N A -LkT1 (1- &.1 7�1 .'.: '•.. �� '.•� •Jy'+ ,t' . r ''}•, 6���,u1�: ,:� vvr,�c�� 4en�ac/�vroi�ef�tt�r d5 Figf?tli f!p! l.1WilF..t' � Sig(18CUt"�'. GSI Gt)tltt'aCtt)Y/LICi?115� HgIdE?f STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY The fGroing Instrument was acknowl�:�l�e�i bffore me i el lb > 0)0( .0 &QA L r m kid a m n r.. er o a K own " i k ica -ion Wrype of dit�iProdUcc�d a�M. 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WWdW Ylii7l d.+... 0YJ FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER, Not. 7N+T� "�.ia YM J�Y1i• N a nie -- - - - - ------------------------------------------- y�•�Yar.Y+YY•y+irJ•i/YY/•ild3��%di%+��i Addressl, it St. Lucie-..- Count. makes no representation that is granti��,g a pf:nr,it will ;��,thurize the permit holder try build the subject structure WhiCfl iS I11 C(>tlIlct With anv armficabip I�Ir�ms� C3wnnrc /aaanriatinn ri�lnc n�ef�:s�xs� nr � y AY ICJUiI.I UI �JfU�IIfJR SUCF�siructurc>. P3Easr carisialt With your Nc�mE� Ciwr7�:rr; /�ssaciation and review your dead �c�r ariy r��strictians w�hIth may apply. 1l7 consideration of Che g in actorcianee with the <t r'�r�ti�ig ut �hi5 requ�:5t�°(i r�errrtit, I do her��hy agree LPiat I will, in all respects, {perform the work pp�•oved plany, the ('lc�rida Ctuilriir�g Codes aniy Sr. Lucie County Amendments. The. following building; permit applications are exempt from undYr�;oir7g a lull concurrency review: room adiitions,rlCCC'SSOCY S1illCtUl"f'S,5WI1Y1Yt11Ptypp()IS, fences, Wi3l1.5, SIg115, SCY('eit f0()tTl`, �Ir1{;� iiCC$SSUI')/ USt�S t:0r71'lf)YI14'f I"1iI1-�'PSI(if?11tIe3I USE'"WAi2N111�G Ttl I�YVMIL�R: YOUR FAILt)RE 7U (�iECClRb It Wt�ii�l� QF CC/MME11lCEMENT MAY RESULT iiY 'YaUit PAYthIC TwIGE FCtR IMPROVEMENTS TQ Yt3Utt Pttt3i�LRT�Y. a n�nrtr_t aF r.c1�rM��aeFw�F�r ��ic1w Qr nurrr►r.�nen xr�rr Pp5'1"ED ON 7i1! JbB 51TE BE�'ORE iH 'I�iTtl YiiURLENDEtt ORIYEX 5IMSCYOINTENl7 7O Oi3TA1N FINAiVC111iG, :IF012E i2ECORi?!NG Y013R nill"1'ICE OFCOW P-�f�p1Ei11T� ice" •Jill'` ;C.0eS .- �Y-4pp-mN� 4!• 17 7 Y r OY.. a. arlr... r.�+..+.+. �._._..-----.. J_�.#-4' -- --- - .wr+uaY....w+:aa■t+aid* FRON]' COtJNTER •:;-kovq " l9 fti • •ate} _ `..a. __ _ __�+++•F+rM=fr::v a_�rrr--ylY+iKi�j*� DATE IVED M•RECE 7rF-F•a --• fan • • __ DATE COMPLE"'rEf) �'ev. r # ZiJNING � IiEVIFW S(JPERV1'1')0. RE'VIEW +� W ' * y�+..++Y.YdYYi�j�*Y.rY "Iwo SI"A OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF��;, CONSULT -. iJ'.O._I.,a._... _._.... ._.ray•# i'hc: Jurgnin� instrurr�t�nt v�rd5 acknowlf>dged before me this /7 ,any at ClCt' 120 by ------ e ----- ------ - ..... . ........... Nt-inie of person incaking statement. P Ily Known ✓ OR Produced ldenufica,tjon Tyj)e of I denti fi ciitior) � Produ(-Jill .040 , .-- (Sigriature of Not<jry Public- State of Flo" shanon /2 NOTr ARY PUBLI C0111fil s-s'ton I oik IJe FLOR D cornm# GG2580 ow P[ANS I VEGETATION (tFVIEW I REVIEW •a.J.LL-!••tea#•-dL�"M''R-• �1•■1•R Y NJ 7•J 7. •r# SEA TURTLE: REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW .a•- � ' _ .._.,._ ... ..,,,., w,.......w,�.�w.� �ui....�,nitu 4V VGIIAIIIJ ul�� iu