HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISION, Response to debbe's comments,10.20.20OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE )FILED: REVISION FEE: PERMIT # RECEIPT # PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462.1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 160 Princess Dr PERMIT NUMBER SLC2005-0253 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: Low slope roof, can not put shingles per florida building code, see attached BUR RAS 150 install double 301b felt & Hot Mop /Hot Asphalt Polymer Modified bitumen Cap Sheet CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE Of FL REG./CERT. #: CCC1326620 BUSINESS NAME: Roof Doctors LLC QUALIFIERS NAME: Calvin Lars Christensen ADDRESS: 884 NE Pop Tilton PI CITY: Jensen Beach STATE: FL PHONE (DAYTIME); 772-20a-s61a OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: James De Vercelly ADDRESS: 3085 SW Rosser Blvd CITY: Port Saint lucie PHONE (DAYTIME: 772-341-9898 STATE: FL ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130117 STATE: ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: FAX: 1"AK: FAX: ZIP: 34957 ZIP: 34953 ZIP: L V; 3. 3.0 ROOFING APPLICATION STANDARD (RAS) No,1,5fl PRESCRIPTIVE BUR REQUIREMENTS Scope a 3.2 ATTACHMENT: All roof coverings shall be attached to the various types of decks 1.1 This application standard shall be used by MOPPed-on adhesives or by mechani- where the authority having jurisdiction cal fastening as set forth herein, or by has adopted its use, and in accordance other approved materials or methods. with the provisions of this code. Definitions 2.1 for definitions of terms used in this appli- cation standard, refer to ASTM D 1079 and the Florida Building, Code, .Building. Built-up and Prepared Roof Covering Appli- cation % General 3.1 DECK PREPARATION: Before starting the roof Covering: 3.1.1 All roof decks shall be broom -cleaned and dry. 3.1.2 Where practicable, eaves; parapet walls; 'vertical walls; penthouses and similar structures above the roof level shall have been com- pleted. 3.1.3 Cant strips,. where provided, shall extend at least three inches (3 in.) up vertical surfaces_ 3.1.4 All eaves shall provide firm nailabie bae3ang for the secure at- tachment of gravel stops and cave and gable drip. 3.1.5 All precast and prestressed concrete roof components shall be provided with insulation, or other Ieveling fi11, where such component edges are more than one-half inch, (1/2 in.) from being Eush. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE --TEST PROTOCOLS Y,VHZ 3.3 ADIWSWES: 3.3.1 Bituminous compounds shall be as- phalt (ASTM D 312), coal tar pitch (ASTM D 450), modified bitumen, or cold -applied roofing cement (ASTM D 4586 or ASTM D 3019, Type III). 3.3.2 Hot asphalt shall be applied in a quantity not less than 25 pounds Plus or minus 15 percent per roof- ing square per ply and 60 pounds plus or minus 20 percent per square for flood coats and at a temperature recommended by the manufacturer for the system being installed. However, Mettle or tanker tempera- tures should not exceed the follow- ing: Type I Asphalt :............... • 475 T Type IR &IV Asphalt: 525 T NOTE: Asphalt can.behcatedtowidun25 T below the actual flash point, but this temperature limitation should never be exceeded. 3.3.3 Coal tar pitch shall be applies in a quantity not less than 25 pounds plus or minus 15 percent per z6bfing square per ply and 70 pounds plus or minus 20 percent per squareforflood coats and at a temperature of not less than 275 nor more than 350 OF (350 to 400 T in the kettle). 3.3.4 Where roof incline exceeds two inches (2 in.) per foot, bituminous (RAS)15D.1 (AAS) No. 'ISO commounds shall be steep asphalt TyPe Eft or Type N NOTE: Coal tar pitch not to exceed a slope of one_haW,nelh (1120. in.) per .foot uritli organic felts, if using glass felts or tar coated felts, slope not to exceed one -quarter inch { /4 in) per foot 3.3.5 Adhesive compounds oilier than lumen may be applis1lbject i_ ed girthan b l- manufaetrarer's sto Pe�frcations- 4. "'UT UP ROOF COVERING. 4.1 Materials: All materials used iu the as- sembly of f're.-retardant and ordinary built-up coverings shall bear the label of the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and be Compatible with Class A, CIass 13, er Class C r00%rlg_ Material shall be deliv- FolR Nl"FAUM BASE SHEET P 7 LAYEA, TYPE#au, ASTtA D 228 - TYPE II Mean Roof Height (Ft) D-30 40 Ft7i3 MIN(MUM SARP SHEEY (6) 7 LAYMIYPE243 AST61 132621- TYPE f Mean Roof 0-30 TABLE 1 W ,Perimeter Edae (2) Bred in origin al packaging bearing the wanufacturer's labels. 4.2 A,I4CHOR SST The anchor sheet, as def'ned herein, shall be a Miali3muln one Q, ! felt lapped fumed two inches (2 in.) and tap vertical surfaces a �inittrn of four inches (4 in.) and secured asset forth herein. 4.3 WOOD DECKS: 5 in. @ 1aps, 2 rows@m6 in. itse 6 in. @ laps, r2 rows @ 6 ' L ia nlidslir t Perimeter Fri aP r2) 4.3.1 _Fasteners securing the anchor $beet to nominal one inch (I in.)11unber or to wood based structural -use parcels three-quarters inch 0/4 in_) or more in thickness shall be n011corrosive smooth shank nails with a shank di- ameter of aminimum of 0.11 g inches Or II gage, heads not Iess than three-erghths inches 0A in.) (0.375) diameter,md notless titan oneincl] (1 in-) iu length, or noa-corrosive 12 gage wire ring-sbailk d mails having Pattern (t) .Field (4) b in- @ laps, 2 rows @ 12 in. a,idshc 6 in. laps, 2 rows @ 9 in. midsheet Pastern (t) Feld (4) 4fl eek 12 in. @ Iags, 2 rows @ 18 ill_ inidsheet 12 in. @ laps, 2 rows @ 12 M. rnidsbeet 12 in. @ laps, 2 rows @ I8 in tnidsheek TOOTNOMM: (1) See section 4 for fasteners. (2) Perianeter edge is measured from alr roof edges and each side of ridgc as fj3 s. The smaller of t)"ti x mirAmula building width or 0.4p x me (3) This tabt: applies io roof slopes up to three inches Mof hr'ght, gat not less than 0-04 x minimum _ridding width or 3 feet (4) Rows of fasteners, midsheet, sbal[ be event in') Per twelve ineftes (12 in (Maximum} () k'attems shown re vine a Y spaced across width ofsheet and staggered alone length ofsheet 9 minimu, withdraeval capacity of 34lb parfastaner (unfactored.) (6) Patterns Slratvn require a minimum withdrawal capacity of t37 ]b per fastener (unfactored-) (RAe)150.2 12 in. @ laps, 2 rows @ 15 in midsh FLORIDA BUILDING CODE -- TEST PHOToCOLS HVHZ (RAS) No. iso not less than 20 rizt gs per inch, not less than one inch (I in;.} in length 4.4 OTHER NA.ILABLE BECKS: poured with Ileads not Tess than three eighths inch (ls in.) in diameter. gypsum' precast gypsum ,planks, Poured Verznculite and Perlite (Iigt webi ght, in- sulating concrete), as well as foamed cel- 4.3.2 s sectt,,' the anchor sheeE to lular concrete and structural wood -;Fiber used as roof docking considered wood b woad based sE�..ic use panels less three -quarters three-quarters inch C/a in.) in bare n�able and anchor sheets shall be at - tacked as follows: thicl"" shall be non currosi-re smooth shank nails with a shank diam- eter of a mite of O.l 18 inches or eleven (II) gage, heads not less than 4.4.1 Poured gypsum and pre -cast sarnplanks: UsemecbanieaIfas�- thlea-eighths inch eA in.) (0.375 in.) diameteranduotlessinlelaAtha�,wM ers providing equal withdrawal resistance when spaced Penetrate such Wood based stria. as set forth in Table I of this Code. taral-use panels plus three-sixteenihs inch 011e 7n.); Or110MOIrosive 12 gage wzrering shankednadShmdngnotles' 4.4.2 Poured Vermiculite, Perlite, than 20 rings per inch, heads mt less than v foamed cellularcancrete, and other light-weight, insulating three-elth�e_ terandnotlesss�Iengththlan concrete: Use o11Iy mechanical fasteners will pone wood based trate suchstmctlzrai use panels plus three -sixteenths pro- viding resistance to Uplift not less th tl�arl use shows in Table 1. inch 0116 in.). 4.4.3 Structaral wood fiber units. Use 4.3.3 Such fasteners shall be a through-capsnotlessthanoacaed mechanical fasteners specified by the deck manufacturer, fiVe-Cightbs inch es (11/1, im) nor or after all ioints have been stripped with slut mom than two inches 2 In. III diameter ntch (6.iu.) wide felt applied with and of not less than 3loge sheet metal. aPProved cold adhesive, the anchor sheet may be solid mappEd to such decks. 4.3.4 Spacing of such fasteners alongthe Iaps of sheets and both ways in the 4.5 MOAT-NAILA$LE DECKS: Poured con- field between laps shall comply with Table 1, based up oin height crate and precast deck units are consid- erect non-nailable and anchor sheets shall above grade. be fastened as follows: 4.3-5 Where the architectural a earatice 4.51 Such decks shall be primed with as is to be preserved from below, - chOr sheet shall be secured, - Phaltprimer applied at therate of one and one third (I i13) aecor- dance with Section 1519.5.2 F e gallons per roof - mg square, solidly on poured decks butheld backfour inches (4 in.) from 4.3.6 Other sub -deck systems precast tint Joints. may use the spacing shown in Table I pro- videdeachfastenerhastherequired 4.5,2 �P or solid mop, holding back withdrawal load in the four inches (4 in.) from precast unit substrate for which the fastener joints, llsbg dead level asphalt or designed. coal tar pitch as the adhesive unless Otherwise specified on the plans 4-3.7 Sheatbiugpaper shall be applied on such decks ^where anchorslaeets �lpexmit and embed anchor sheet lapping Qur are pitch-tarred felts only and shall riot each sheet inches be required under asphalt felts. 4.5.3 Mere the incline of such decks ex- ceeds three inches (3 in.) per foot, FLORIDA BUILDING CODrM —TEST PROTOCOLS I-HVHZ (RAS)150.3 (RAS) No. Iso anchor sheets shall, in addition to mopping' be mechanically fastened to wood strips spaced not more than 24 inches apart, cast into such decks. 4.5.4 Such wood strips shall be not less than a nominal one by two inches (I in. x 2 in-). pressare treated with ap- Proved preservative, chatnfered or Otherwise secured. bush with the deck surface. 4.5.5 Anchor sheets shall be attached to such wood strips with three-quarter inch (14 in.) long fasteners applied through, tin caps and spaced as set f0rth herein. 4.5.6 Anchor sheet attachment Shall sat isfy the resistance to uplift require- ments of Section 4.3.6 herein- 4.6 METAL DECKS: Metal decks shall he covered with merban"allY fastened roof insulation. 4.7 QTTIER DECKS: Attachment of the an_ chor sheet to decks other than cthose spe- ihcally provided for herein shall be as approved by the building official. 4.8 ADDrnoNAL 3HERTS. 4.8.1 Each additional slheet above the an chor sheet shall be lapped a mini - MUM of two inches (2 in.) over. the Preceding $beet and shall be thor- oughly raopped between sheets with a bitumnous compound, or other approved adhesive providing equivalent bond, so that in no place felt touches felt. 4.8.2 Sheets-shahl be embedded without wrinldes or buckles. 4.3.3 Each sheet, like the anchor sheet, shall be timed up vertical surfaces El Minimum of four inches (4 in.). (RA5) Isosl 4.8.4 (aa) -Polymer modified bitumen mehnbranes may be applied as a sin- �e Por over a mechanically fastened ly anchor sheet without additional plies where slopes exceed one eighth inch (`19 in.) Per foot. An. additional ply is repaired for slopes less than `f$ b. per foot slope requirement applies to new .oafs, recoverroofs and reroofs. 4.8.5 l?alymer modified bita en mem- branes shall not be applied to slopes exceeding three inches (3 in.) per foot. At slopes exceeding one inch (i in_) per foots they shall be baeknailed four inches (4 in.) from the upper edge at maximum twenty-four inches (24 in.) on cen- ter, 4_$_6 i?olyaner madiftd bitumen must be applied utilizitlg hot or cold adlhe- sives as specified in Se� -Hion_ 3 2 4.4 FEI T FLASI3iN'CS: 4.9.1 Flashing used in the construction of built-up roof coveAngs shall be -car- ried over cant strips, where pro- vided, and turned up all walls and otber vertical surfaces a rninimura of eight inches 0 in-) and maxi- mum of twenty faurinches (24 in.). 4.9.2 Each layer of flashing shall be uni- fotzuhy Mopped with hot asphalt ap- plied in a quantity not less than 25 pounds plus or minus 15 percent per roofing square for each mop. Ping, or attached with approved cold adlaesiveprovidinZ E�ivaleat bond. 4.9.3 Flashing turned up vertical surfaces shall be not less than one ##3p felt starting four inches (4 in.) ont from the cant strip and carried up such vertical surfaces not less than six inches (6 in,), and one mineral sur- faced felt starting six inches (6,1L) out fronn the cant strip and carried up am?nimuut of eight inches (8 in.) above the top of the cant. FLORIDA 13UILDING COOS —TEST PRO'rnrtni c Mru-7 ' (RA-9) No.150 4.9.4 Such flashing shall be fastened to the wall one and onealfinches {l r/2 in.) chor sheets and mopped in as pro - down frorn the uppor edge every six vided in Sec inches (6in.)after which the top edge inclines :Eve don 4.8 herein, and on Shall be -bed with a three inch (3 per foot, s�clres (5 f --halm be in.) strip of membrane set in roofxaa clPscement (ASTM D 4586). baclolailed 18 inches on ceatez. 4.10 VALLEYS: 4.13.2 Cap -surfacing whit smooth or zninerai �_sudaeed felts of gl s, Or modified bitumef S$S 4-10.1 Valleys shall be metal shall not be limitn of to slope re- forth in Section 1517.6, Florida quirernents and may be: Building Code, Building. 4.11 pARApET WALLS: B 4•13.2.I Otte layer of rnineral ing felts shall not wrap Over walls cinore surfaced fiberglassfelt. that' 24 in. in height above: the deck and, where wrapped, shall be a AP lie 4.13.3 COATINGS lows: d as fol- 4.13.3.I Coatings shad be 4.11.I plashing turned up vertical sur- faces shall be not less applied no later tban 60 days after instal- than one ir30 felt starting in.) (4 cant ladonOfinembrane. Surface shall onches ut from the sip and carried up the face be clean and dry when over the top of the parapet, and one uF coatincr ' Is applied_ Roof to be surfaced rolled roofin (ASTM D 249) �ngsist inches coated shall shall not be glaze x(bn(6 in .) out from the cant strip and car- ned up and over- . Coatings shall coatedapbe plied in a the parapet to within thr, inches (3 in.) of the R�1ifRrin Coverage urith outside edge and fastened six inches (6 in.) no asphalt showing b through. on center. 4.11.2 TheresuitinQ frnished with Aluminum pig_ meuted coatings eitlaez a three inch (3 in.) strip of membrane set in Co"foriming to ASTM D ro-and LD cement (ASTMD 458 6) Painted 2824 TyPu I or III shall be with aluminum Ping or coping installed in ac- applied at a mini - Mum rate of 1.5 cordauce with Section 1517.6 of the .Florida Buildin gal_ Ionser I p 00 square Building. °de, feet. 4.12 INSULATION_ hoof insulation may be aPPlied 4_I3.3.3 Emulsion coatings conforming to under or over an anchor sheet and, where provided shall be attached as forth ' S TM l3 1227, Type Ill or IV set ill Section S herein_ shall be applied at the: 4.I3 SUREgC1G: �� Tate of 3 gallons per 100 square feet. 4.13.1 Mineral surfaced zoom shad not Ile applied onincl3nesone-halfirrch 4_I3.3.4 Acrylic coatings (r/z z°? or less per foot and, where shall not be applied used, --ball beapplied o jy over on slopes less than'/4 ZLI. per foot, and ""he" used, shall be PLOR1oA al11Lt]ING CODE -TEST PROTOCOLS HvHZ (RAS)150.5 (RAS) No.160 applied at the rate nnby the 5.1.3 Insulation may be fully mopped to coating coatma maurafac- au anchor sheet on a nailable- deck turer. without any fasteners in the insula- tion, 5. ROOF LNSIULATI.'pN 5JA Over NOUnailable Decks: 5.1 Application: Roof insulation shall pro- vide anacceptable baseforbwjtu P' polo' Roof insulation shall be mer modified bitumen, or single -ply Foal' solid -mopped as provided covetings, or shall become a part of such in Sections 4.5 and 4.6 roof coverings as follows: herein for anchor sheet at- tachment to nannailable 5,1.1 Over Wood Decks: Roof insulation roof decks. shall be mechanically fa5tcned di- Insulation used overstruc- rectly to wood decks or small be so,- aural or precast concrete idly mopped over an anchor sheet deck shall be a maximum as set forth in Section 4.2 herein. of 4' x 4' and fully mopped to the deck 5.1.2 Over Other Nailable Decks: To re- duce moisture absorption from the 5.1-4.3 Over metal decks, roof in - deck and preserve the insulating of sulation shall be mechw- fectiveness, roof insulation shall be callyattachedperTable 2. applied fiver an anchor sleet. 5.1.5 Over Anchor Sheet: Roof insula- tion applied over anchor sheets, at- tached as set forth W Section 4 TABLE 2 MECHANICALLY FAS3'ENER INSULATION FOR 13U1LDINGS 40 FEET OR LESS IN HEIGHT FASTENERS PER BOARD'As BOARD SIZE FIELD PERIMETER-4 WOOD FIBERBOARD CORNERS3 2 x 41 inch minimum 2 2 x 4 I inch minimum 4 3 4(4) 4x $ 1 inchminim6um 8 8(4) I2 FIBERGLASS 16[4) 4 x 4 3/4 inch rnioituum 5 4 x 4 1.5 inch minimum 4 $ I I 6 PFRi,ITE 8 2 x 4- 1 inch minimum 4 I50CYgNi1FiATE 8 (4) 4 x 4 I.3 inch miniuMM 5 4 x 4 1.5 inch minimum 4 S I I 5 $ FOOTNOTES (I) 1Enirnum 3-inch plates rnUst be used (2) Perimeter. Defined as the first board Ora minimum of 4 feet fmm the roof edge. (3) Corners: DeSned as S feet in from. each side. (4) Jf the building has gaapet walls 36 hiches or higber around the entire roof perimeter use the rrumiier of fasteners far the perimeter, (5) Wood and Steel decks use a miaimun #12 screw and penetrate through the deck a shin se thfmum of t/z inch. (6)`I'hezr3s[aIlatint ofielymerimet radcomenasasingle-plydireetiyappliedovarmccBanical]yfasteacdinsulatioarequiresDQTM Etheamount offastensrs in the freid, perimeter and corners_ (RAS) 1S0.6 RORIDA 13UILDING CODE — TEST PROTOCOLS HVHZ (HAS) No.150 herein shall be solid -mopped in as Provided in Section 8 herein. lapped4inches, Solidly mopped to aacbor sheet. 5.1.6 Under Anchor Sheet: 7.2 C3ver nounailable decks, 5.1.6" Where more than oRe vapor retarders shall be not less than two #I5 pound felts, "• Iapped 19 inches, layer O roof insulation is IS Provided, each successive shingled in and solidly with hot bItQ men. layer shall solid -mapped! all! $. Mopgfg Solid mopping shall be hot bitumen joints shall be staggered. Pplied in a quantity of not less than 25 pounds perroofing square at temperatures as setforth in ,S=ipi 3.3 and roofinsulatiOn S.I.b.2 Anchor sheets applied shall be laid with �aggered joiatsandpressed firmj Y2ntopnsition over such insulation shall be solid -mopped tberetO, T such Mopping is hot, Or mechanically fastened t13 Ough the insulation to nailable decks with ap- proved fasteners spaced as set forth in Table I and the mechanical fasteniug of the insulation may he anlitted. Additional built-up roof- ing above the anchor sheet stall be mopped in place as provided in Section 4.8 herein. - Attachment of other roof coverings over roof insu- lation shah comply with the specific provisions set forth ixi this RAS. 6. Roof Irncune: 6.1 Roof insulation applied to roof with in_ clines of OF More inches per foot (I inch Per foot OR steel decks) shall, be nailed, screwed or bolted through tin -caps spaced not 'niore than I2'aches On centers both Ways. 6.2 Only ASTM D 312 'ype III: Or iV asphalt shall be used on such applications. �- Vapar Retarders: Where vapor retarders are specified, they shall be as follows: 7.I Over wood and other mail-ble decks, va- porretarders shall benot less than uwo #IS felts lapped 19 inches, or One #30 felt FLORIDA 8UILDiNG CODE —TEST PROTOCOLS Hv,4Z (RAS)1 M7 (RAS) l5oz FLORA BUILDING CODE — TEST PROTOCOLS HVIJZ