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!)iMYlIA., do azR nmv_iP±beriv,>PmO=or Aaof3 BS, .jgpn Sraft>'Aontication;List,>ApplicatiOA.betdil
FL#D FL7804-RS
Application Type. Revision
code version 2014
Application Status Approved
Archived 1---i
Product Manufacturer Entegra Roof Tile,&T,LITcrp(_OL1Tti RL' nln
Address/Phone/Email 1289 NE 9th A4enAEVjf1A'E0 FOR r�iy7SIO
okeech8bee,FL 169,bllallll)
C0;12LLA_` .E
(463)467-0042 2 Y�-4 ((�tjohnson@rooftil 'E i 0;1
PL.4.i S AND PE ` z _/
Mthorized signature Terry Johnson OP 1\0 L�SPEC ROIT l�1LST BE KEPT ON JO
tjohnson6rooftile.corn v 1vILL BE
Technical Representative Jim Deyormond
Address/Phone/Email 1289 NE 9th Avenue
Okeechobee,FL 34§72
Quality Assurance Representative Terry Johnson
Address/Phone/Email :814 South Federal Hwy Suite 300
Category Roofing
Subcategory Roofing Tiles
Compliance Method- Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or`a Licensed
Florida Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report=Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer.or Architecthlame.who developed Robert Nieminen
.the Evaluation Report
.Florida License PE-59i66
Quality Assurance Entity PRI Construction Material$Technologies,LLC
Quality Assurance Contract,Expiration Date 11/04/2016
Validated By John W.Knezevicli,PE
W Validation Checklist-Hardcopy,Received
Certificate of independence E= 7804 R6 COT 2015 01 COT Nleminen,odf
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
ASTM C1492 2003
FRSA/TRI,April 2012 2012
SSTD 11 1997
TAS 100 '1995
TAS 101 1995
TAS 162 1995
TAS 102(A) 1995
7 AS 112' 1995
hUvs://www:floridabuilding.orIZ/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=vA?GEVXQWtDquovOiOHI%2... ::
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Florida Building Code Oft'AM' l )
Equivalence of Product Standards
Ceftified By
Sections from the Code
Product":Approval Method Methad 1 Option D
Date Submitted 07/02/2015
Date Validated 07/16/2015.
Date Pending FBC Approval 67/16/2015
Date Approved 08/18/2015
surnmarv,of products
FL# i4odel,Number or Name; Description
7804.1 Entegraa-Concrete Roof Tiles(HVHZ Concrete Roof Tile
Limits of Use installation Instructions
Approved for-use in HVHZ:Yes F127804 AS It 1015 07 FINAL ER ENTEGRA FL7804-
Approved for use outside.HVHZ:No RS HVHZ t�iLf,
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified S.y:.Robert'Nieminen PE-59166
Design pressure:N/A Created:by Independent Third Party:Yes
Clthe'r:Refer to ER Section-5 for Umits of Use.Refer to ER Evaluation Reports
Section 6 for installation. EL, l38 C 202 S 07 FINAL ER EN7EQRA F1-- iW -
R8 HVHZ,ridf
Created,by Independent Third Party:Yes
7804.2 Entegra Concrete-Roof Tifes(non Concrete Roof Tile
HVHZ jurisdictions)
Limits of Use. Installation Instructions.
Approvedfor-use in HVHZ:No F 7 n4 RS if:?015 07-FINAL.ER ENTEGRA FL7804-
,Approved for,use outside HVHZ-Yes R8 NON-HVHZ Correction;odf
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified, i
By:Robert Nieminen PE-59166
DeOon Pressu N/A Greated.by ndependeritThird Party.:Yes
Other:Re r.fer do ER Section 5'for Umfts of Use.Refer to ER Evaluation Reports
Section 6 for Itlstallation. i 7QQ9 R8 AE' 20I5 ill FINAL-ER EN7 � PL7804-
N ! tl:t!Z.4il3nn.odf
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Back Next
"Cggtart-tie::1940 North,Monroe Sh .TafiabaSSee fL 32394.Ptone:050-482-1824
The state of.Florida Is an AAtEEO"employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida—:i privacy.Statemert!::.Accessibility Statement:::Refund Statement
I ,
Under Florlda law,email addresses*e pubric remras.if you do not want your-e•malladdress released in response to'a public-records request,do not send
electronic mail to thWentity.Instead,b6mact the 6ftica by phone or by traditional mall,if you have any questions,Please contact;850.487.1395.*Pursuant to
Section 455.275(1),Sorida.5tatutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the.oepaAment,with an email address it
.they have one:The emails provided may be used for official communication'with the licensee:However email addresses ar"e Public record..If you do dot Wish to
supply a personal:address,please provide the;Department with an,unrt ll.address which can be made available to the.public.Ti)tletermine if you area licensee under
Chapter 455.ES...pteaSeYiBck here.. ,
Product Approval Accepts:
. .
htti)s://vAvw.floridabuildirig.org/pr/pr apt) dtl:aspx?Oaram=wGEVXQwtDquavOjOHI%2.:.
ry,D Cerfocote of.Authorizatton t13503
Entegra Roof Tile,LLC Evaluation-Report
1289 NE St Avenue FL7804-R8.
Okeechobee,FL 34972: Date of issuance.11/02/2011
Revision 3 07/15/2015
This Evaluation Report is-:issued under Rule 51G20-3 anal the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of
construction materials in the.State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been rediewed by Robert Nieminen,P,E:for
use of the.product.under the,Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code,Residential Volume, The products described
herein have been evaluated for compliance with the Sit,Edition (2014)Florida Building.tode(non-HVHZ)'sections noted'
DEscsiariclm Entegra'ConcreteRoofTiles(non-HVHZjurisdictions)
LABELING:tabelingshall be in.accordance with the requirernentsthe Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein.
oanrluieo CoMPLusNCE: this-Evaluation.Report,is valid until such time as the named products) changes, the referenced
'QualliyAssurance documentation changes,or provisions of:the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this
Evaluation Report=bythe named.client,constitutes agreementAci notify Robert Nierriinen -P.E,if the-product changes or the
referenced Quality Assurance.documentation changes. Trinity)ERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report,
relative to,updated Code requirements-with each Code Cycle.
ADVERTISEMENT: The,Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trinity ERD Evaluated" may be displayed in
advertising literature: If any portion of the Evaluation Report,is displayed,then it shall be done in its_entirety.
INSPECTION:Upon request,a copy of this:entire`fivalpatiion Report shall be provided to the.user by the'manufacturer Or its
distributors'and shall be available for inspection at the job site.at the,request ofthe`Building Official.
This,Evaluation Report consists,of pages--through 4.
Prepared'by:` ; atttwj,yfi,/'
' ,, R" rY ^`f The lacsrile seal appearing wasauthoru 6ed Rohert Nieminen,.
i RobertJ:M Nieminen,P.E. rr S C t" ;s�'': p:E.onU7/iSr4lS: noi'Thlsdocsseiveasanelectronicallysigried
FlorldoRegistrotionNo.5k66,Florldo'DCAANE1983 `y'�Jutuan�i KSStY daament.Srgncd"sealed hardwpresl�vEbeenttanstnittedtutle
i Product AppnnvalAdministrstorand to the narned client
1: TrinitylERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire;a financial interest in any company manufacturing.:or
distributing products it evaluates.
2. JrinityIERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or:distributing.products it evaluates.
3, Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have.norwill acquire,a financial-interest.in any company manufacturing or distributing=products for
which the evaluation reports are being issued.
4. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does'not have,nor will acquire,a financial'interest in any other entity involved in-the4pproval process of the
S. ;This is-.a building code evaluation. Neither TrinitylERD nor,Robert Nieminen,P.E.are;in anyway,the,Designer of Record for any
project on whieh'this Evaluation Report,orprevious versions.thereof,is/was,used for permitting or design guidanmunless retained
specifically for that purpose.
iVi a Ei1D.
Product Category: Roofing
Sub.=Category: Roofing'files
Compliance Statement:. Entegra Concrete Roof Tiles,as,produced by Entegra;Roof Tile,Inc.,.have demonstrated compliance with
the°following.sections:of the Florida:6uilding.Code through.testing.In,accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is
subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations J Conditions of Usenet forth herein.
Section Pro a Standard. Year
1507.3.5,R905.3.5 Physical Properties ASTM C1492 2003
1507.33,R965.3:7 Attachment Requirements FRSA/TRi April 2012'(04-12) 2012
1711.2.1 Overturning Moment SST011 1997
Ent Examination Reference :Date
PRi(TST5878) ASTM C1492 Est-001.02-1 1 11/0612006
PRt&STS878) ASTM C1492 s'l-002-02-01 Wo6/2006:
PRI(TST5878) ASTM C-1492 ESI-00-02-01 11/06/2006
PRI,(TSTS878) ASTM C1492 ESI-004-02-01, 11/06/2006:
PRI(TST5878) ASTM C,1492 E%005-02-01 12/12/2006
ATL(TST3782) ASTM C1492 RT0615.01-11 06f28/2011
ATL(TST3782) ASTM C1492 RTO615.02-11 06/28/2011'
ATL(TST3782) 'ASTM.6492 RT0615.03-11 -08/28/7011
ATL:(TST3782) ASTNiC1492 RT0615.04-11 06/28/2011
ATL(TST3782) ASTM C1492 RT061SM41 06/28/2011
Tite Roof Institute SSTD'11 Membership:Confirmation: Current
PRI.(QUA9110) Quality Assurance inspection Report 11/04/2915,
4.1 BERmur)A FIAT and P1ANTATIoN FLAT are ASTM C1492,Type III(low-profile)concrete roof tiles.
I_ P6'
". .. ...
Bermuda Flat
Weria..r Resurch"and Design;Em Evaluation Report E39310.11.11-2 R3,
CertfJltateof Authorization#9503 FL7804-R8
Page 2-6f 4
4.2 SEuA HIGH"S"and EsrATE"S"are ASTM D1492,Type 11(medium-profile)concrete roof.tiles.
itiail i'Inies
Bella High"5" Estate T'
4.3 GattwASPANisH"S"are ASTM C1492,Type I(high-profile)concrete roof fies.
Galena Spanish"5"
5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity)ERD nor Robert Niemineri,,P.E.are,in anyway,the Designer'of Record
for any project'on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used,for permitting or design
guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose.
5'.2 This Evaluation Report is,not for use in the HVHZ.
5.3 fire dassificatiod is not part of this Evaluation,°refer to F8C Section 150S, Exceptloin-2.or current Approved Roofing'
Materials Directory for fire rating of this product.
j 5.4 Underlayment shall be that approved by Entegra Roof Tile,which holds Florida Local or Statewide Product,Approval for
use vnth'tile roofing systems. The underlayment Product Approval shall specify allowable method(s)of tile installation
(mechanical attachment,martar•set and/or adhesive-set
),for-use with the specific underlayment. For mortar-seVor
adhesive-set-tile,roofing applications, the underlayment.Product Approval shall specify attachment methods for the
underlayment system to resist Wind uplift design.loads in accordance with Table SA of FRSA/TRI April 2012(0442).
5.5 Attachment:
5.5.1 for mechanically attached tiles,attachment for wind load resistance shall be in accordance with Table 3 of the FRSA/TRI
April;2012(q4-12).to resist,the Uplift Moment determined in Table 2A or23 of FRSA/TRIApril 2012(04-12).
5.5.2 For mortar-set or adhesive=set tiles,.attachment for wind load resistance shall be.in accordance with FBC Section
1609.5.3 in conjunction with the.mortar or adhesive manufacturer's Product Approval.
5.5.3 Hip and ridge the shall.be installed.in accordance,with FR5A/TRI April 2012.(04-12). For hip,and ridge tile.installations
atop_hip and ridge metal;refer to the hip and ridge metal manufacturer's Product.Approval(e.g.,FLS374)or test report-
In accordance with SSTD 11 for allowable loads to resist those determined in accordance with Table 1A of FRSA/TRI April
Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report E39314.11.U-2-R3
telvocaxte of.Authodmtkn#M3` FL7804=R8"
Revision 3:7/15j2015.
Page 1 of 4.
"' TI EC
5.7 All products in the.roof assembly shall have quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and
F.A.C.Rule 61G20-3.
6:1 Entegra Concrete.Roof Tiles maybe mechanically;fastened,mortar-set or adhesive-set. Installation.shall comply with
manufacturer's current published instructions,but not less than-the requirements of FBC Section 1507.3,the FRSAJTRI
Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay-Tice instaliation monuai;St"Edition and,for mortar-set or adhesive-set applications,
the mortar or adhesive manufacturer`s Product Approval.
7.1 Each unit shall bear the imprint.or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name.or logo. Tile,lots shall be labeled in.
accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein.
As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaivate,•the installation of.this product..
Contact the noted QA agency for informatiori'on productlocations covered for F.A.C.Rule 61G20-3 QA requirements.
10. QuAi mr AssuRANCE ENTM:
PR!Construction.MaterialsTechnolog es,LLC.—QUA9110,(813)621-W77
Exterior Research and Design,LLC: Evaluation Report E39310.11.t1<2,R3
cerufleate ofAtrtha zoWn#9503 FL7804 L$
Revision 3.7/15j201S
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