HomeMy WebLinkAboutFloor Plan60'-0" 10'-2" 6'-2," I 28"x 11 HRT Fixed Glass 1 T-1 " 14'-11`" 32'-6" 16" 48-Tall Wall with Temp. 4 2500# Glass Above Conn. o� Pad N 2668 g `l0 Pocket 2868 b w N F- 25 s.h. Egress I Bdrm.4 1 25 25 8'-1" Cing. & 126 12" Coffer 8`7 s.h. s.h. T ------------------------ i `° ,I ! T-6" a 10'-10"" o 8'-0" ' � 16'-0" 8'-6" I I "'blab Porch 4e I DI ing N Slope Cing. from 6068 Slope Cing. from to 10'-1" e� ti I I �j 8'-1" to 10,-1" S.G.D. from FFE from , N 1 r d 41"1c+lng- li G o o -- -- 12080 S.G.D. r 25 s.h. (— Master Bdrm H35 Egress — �� I I I8'-1"' Cing. & ( s.h. Range & Living 12" Coffer I I �p Exh. Hood I ( ) IINA m Bdrm. 3 l` t00 I 24"Coffer 0 I I C l r 8'-1" Cing. & Q d o I l 12" Coffer o I I r W T 6 I T-8" 0"`I 5-6 3'- 0"' 5'-0' I 14'-10" I r 16-0" I 'v L---- —J 8'- *ichen I I H32 CIn . 1 10'-1""Cing. �— J s.. s.h. J I a I I — � Ref. Cing. ----- H35 `rrv- B [//��y&� line f1a JJ s.h. i* 668 I 0 ?6�0 I 8 _ - w J .� on 3'-4" 2'-8" 2'-8" I X-4" 10" - 6 0" I- 5'-0'" Cing. Lv I 6�0 L �p6 o0 / 22.5 x 36 s Attic Acc. Ql J T n — F' - — _0„ „ 5-024 t4 2668 m 6068 Door & Ing. 10' "Fixed Glass IEgress „ 12' 25 s.h. CIn . g -1"' CIn . g Tran bove I 1". 1 I 0 2,_1 68 ,o I Bdrm. 2 I —� d v Thu I &5 uJ ry V iI qs 2668 V p P cke 12" Coffer 4 cCeo 1608 I � I w N o 23 / N �� 0� f V � H33 a.c. cond. on 4" — — — T-4" s.h. 8 4'-3' 8'-1" E. 'a 4'-2" 8 10' " / 3' o vlvr " p I 5' " do s.h. conc. pad. Fasten i HB unit to concrete using the metal g 11'-1 "Cing. from FFE uo m Den ' 48TallMs Temp. T I ' anchor flange by manufacturerwith v h, °� : uspended -------------- .------- 8'-1" Cing. % T g 9 with Glass Above 1/4'" x 3"" tapcons I Air Handler = z 38"'x 16"" typical (4) places o Unit Bollard R11 Batt insulatio Xy Fixed Glass in Adj. Walls bar--- I — — — -- I i I 1 m 25 s.h. $'-' Access with Attic Egress -orCing. (0 Ladder Q O o Garage V N 8'-1 "Cing. from FIFE 72"'x:3) Attic Trusses Above r Tub r 25 s.h. SafAy Glass 20'-0 O O HB Floor Plan 16070 Overhead scale: 1 /4" = 1'-0" X-8" 3'-8"' ------------I Project Data Project Name: Kaste residence Street Address: XXXX City: Port St. Lucie County: St. Lucie State: Florida Scope of Work New one level CBS single family residence Design Loads Roof Live Load: 20.0 p.s.f. Wind Speed: 150 MPH Wind Importance Factor: 1.0 Building Category: II Wind Exposure: B Internal Pressure Coefficent: .18 Structure Designed: Enclosed Soil bearing capacity: 2000 p.s.f. Building Data Occupancy Type: Group R Construction Type: V Number of Stories: One Project Area: 3502 s.f. Building Code 2017 Florida Building Code: Residential 2014 National Electric Code NFPA 70 Area Tabulation Living 2604 Garage 466 Porch 325 Entry 107 Total 3502 Total Cubic Volume: xxxx c.f. Climatic & Geographic Design Criteria Weathering: Negligible Termite Area: Very Heavy Flame Spread Index & Smoke Developed Index Insulation Flame Spread: Not to exceed 25 Insulation Smoke Developed Index: Not to exceed 450 Wall Finishes: Not greater than 200 Ceiling Finishes: Not greater than 200 DIMENSIONAL FIBERGLASS SHINGLES ON 30# ROOFING FELT OVER 5/8" C.D.X. PLYWOOD SEE CONNECTOR SCHEDULE ---\ PRE ENG. WD. TRUSSES 24"c.c. ALUM. DRIP EDGE ON 1 x2P.T.ON2x6 CEDAR FASCIA —, STUCCO SOFFIT WITH 8" x 16" SCREEN VENTS 8'-0"o.c. LEVEL RETURNS BY TRUSS MFG. 12 R30 BATT INSUL. 1/2" D.W. 1 x 4 P.T. FIRESTOP (2) COURSE BOND BEAM WITH (1) #5 REBAR FILLED WITH 0 IN 1 -6 GROUT EACH COURSE PROVIDE "CASTCRETE" PRECAST LINTELS ABOVE ALL OPENINGS TWO COAT STUCCO FINISH OVER CBS GRADE ,r 8x16x8C.M.U. WITH #5 VERT. DOWEL IN GROUT FILLED CELLS .l 1 x 2 P.T. FURRING 24"o.c. off} `I 3/4"" INSULATION BRD. ON C.B.S. AND 1 x 2 FURRING 16"o.c. 1/2" GYP. D.W. 1 x 4 P.T. FIRESTOP U �11 as N CO W CO (� z 10 -a C7 0 b.0 N �n N W i 00 ® J a-i \ r Q � v U z W O a it W LO 0 > M v YJ drawn S.I. checked s.l. date 6/25/20 F— 1 scale 4" 3000# FIBERMIX CONC. as noted OVER VAPOR BARRIER .006 ON CLEAN, COMPACTED, oh number TERMITE TREATED FILL zoos a sheet Typical Wall Section A-1