HomeMy WebLinkAboutIsland Storage_IR1_7-28-20_SSIR1 OF 1 IRRIGATION PLANBARON SELF STORAGEST. LUCIE COUNTYFLORIDAREVISION COMMENTSDRAWN BYDESIGNED BYDSDS7-28-20201" = 20'SCALEDATETHIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY REDTAIL DESIGN GROUP, INC. SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO EDC, INC.DATE9500 S. OCEAN DRIVENORTHNORTH Scale: 1'' = 20'-0" 20' 40' 10'0'STATE ROAD A -1 -A100' R IGHT OF WAY PROPOSED DRY DETENTION EX. SIDEWALK PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE PROPOSED PRIVATE GRINDER STATION PROPOSED DUMPSTER PROPOSED 8' HIGH OPAQUE FENCE (TYP) PROPOSED 8' HIGH OPAQUE FENCE (TYP) BUILDING "A" 1-STORY 2,050 GSF BUILDING "B" 1-STORY 3,120 GSF BUILDING "C" 1-STORY 5,760 GSF BUILDING "D" 1-STORY 4,800 GSF BUILDING "E" 1-STORY 3,120 GSF BUILDIN G " F" 1-STOR Y 1,440 G S F PROPOSEDDRYDETENTION Irrigaton Key 1. Irrigation backflow device to be installed as per local code requirements. 2. Irrigation system shall comply with all local codes and industry standards. 3. Rain Gauge/Moisture sensor to be installed as per local code requirements. 4. Irrigation Contractor to verify final location of irrigation controller with General Contractor. 5.Controller and rain sensor location to be determined by owner/ general contractor and wired by electrician. 6. If irrigation water is to be supplied by well, final location of well and required equipment to be verified by Irrigation Contractor and General Contractor. 7. Irrigation Contractor shall be responsible for all zoning and valve locations. 8. Mainline location is approximate and maybe adjusted as necessary. 9. Automatic irrigation system to provide head-to-head coverage and 100% overlap. 10. All watering times shall comply to all local code requirements. 11. Irrigation Contractor to adjust all heads to not over spray onto hardscape or any structure. 12. Irrigation Plan is designed to be a guideline for the design of the irrigation system layout, adjustments may be necessary to achieve coverage goals in the field. 13. Water supply location to be determined. 14. Backflow to meet all county codes. 15. Refer to landscape plans when trenching to avoid trees and shrubs. 16. All main line piping to be buried to a minimum depth of 18". All lateral piping shall be buried to a minimum depth of 12". 17. Call 1-800-432-4770,72 hours before digging (Sunshine State One Call Center). *Install flood bubbler at base of all new palms and / or trees. General Notes for Irrigation Plan 1 - HUNTER ICM-400 1 - HUNTER MINI-CLIK RAIN SENSOR 18 - HUNTER ICV-101G-FS 1 - HUNTER ICM - 800 1 - HUNTER ICC2 CONTROLLER MODEL 12C-800-PL 1,040' - 2" PURPLE MAIN LINE 13 - PGP ULTRA, 4" POP-UP ROTOR PGP-04-CV-R 146 - PROS-06-PRS30-CV-R (12" OR SHRUB HEAD IN PLANTINGS) 96 - AFB, ADJUSTABLE FLOOD BUBBLERS 3,300' - HUNTER DRIPLINE HDL-09-12-PC 220' - 2" SCH 40 SLEEVES 40' - 4" SCH 40 SLEEVES