HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval; Roll-Up Exterior Door Assemblies6/9/2020 Florida Building Cade Online {' i 'l^e •,• V.'..+ i !yrc :%{ N'W¢ `r g 3,n G[P {y, ^ 9I ^�- .. ...., f r._._..�:^• .9 •"'�'•'Sj•f""�'Sl'r'�'`tt�! ."9� •t?��`fi'`'a•" - .. aetS Hpme, lg9ln 1 User Regrstratlon i HotTepfes.I: Submit 5urrhscge .l:Stots& Facts I'PubRoUans I [antad: Us, I aces SRrMap i- Unks I Search l• 4 O'E' ProductAppropal USER Publle User . db .. .. .. .. .. ProduRMoroval Menu product or A°nllcatlon Scarch> pULG0 on & > Applicatron.Datall 3'x FL .. FLZ1450-R4 . Application Type . Revision:.. Code Verstnn 2017 APPltwtion Status, Approved' - "Comments Archlved .. .. Product Manufacturer .. ]anus International Group", LLC. Address/Phone/Ernail 135 Janus International Blvd, Temple, GA 30179, ' (770),562-6135 Ext 360'' .. curts@jandsintf.com . . . Authorized Signature Curtis' Schroeder :. eurts@Jailusintl.com ' jitchnlcal•Representative' .. Curtis L.'Schroeder AddressJPhone/Email 134 ]anus International Blvd. Tempiey GA 30179 (770).5624850 Ext.360' cults@Janusintl.com • Quality Assurance Representative Chris Meyer Address/Phone/Email 19S Janus International. Blvd Temple, GA 30179 (776) 562-2850 1 ri s.meyer@Janus ntLcorn" Category. . Exterlor'Doors Subcategory. Rolf=Up Exterior Door Assemblies Compllance"Method : Evaluation Report from a"Florida Registered Architector a Licensed Florida - Professional Engineer. -.• Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the:]ohri E.,5cates Evaluation Report Florida Ucense PE-51737 Quality Assurance Entity. National Accreditation and Management Institute Quailty Assurance Contract Expiration Date' 12/31/2020 Validated By. - Kurt Dietrich PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence ' Ft7,1450 R4 COI Cert of"Ind Smtes 7020 s.odF Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108; 2012' " ANSI/DASMA 115 2012 ASTM 630 2002 . r Equivalence of ProductStandards Certified ey https://www.ilodd5building.6rglpOo app. d0.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtgHSol0oK:voSYnvsFH5gjldw ey0h5tum153°�2byNruu3g°%3d%3d- 113 . t ` 6/2/2020 .. . Florida Building Cade Online Sections frain the Code Product A ro6al Method . pp Method.l Option D Date Submitted 04/07/2020 Date Validated 04/08/2020• ' Date Pendin4 FBC Approval .: 04/16/2020 :. Date A roved pp 06/02/2020 summa .. of Products- , FL # Model, Number or Name;. Description.. _ 214SD.1' Series 1100 Series 1100 - 26 Gauge Door Assembly Maz size: 8'-8" x 14'-0" Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: N0 Approved. for use outside-HVHZa Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +24.4/-27.0 Other: Not. for use In High Velocity. Hurricane.Zones Installation instructions, . F�21450 R4 it TL017_ ReyD 'a, Verified By; Jahn' E: States PE-51737. "Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Ft21450 R4 AE EvalReot Made175B. 1100 r2 s:odf Created by'IndependentThird Party: Yes 21450.2 Series 1100 Series 1100 - 25 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: IO'-0:' x . . Limits of'Use Approved for use in HVHt: No. :. Approved for use outsideD HVHZ: Yes' Zmpacp.Reslstant;.No. Design Pressure: +19:4/-22.7 Other: Installation Instructions FE21450 R4 iI T1013 Revs pQE Verified By: John Ei States PE=51737 'Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL21450 R4 AF EvalReot M4de1750 1100 r2 s.pdf Created by Independent7hlyd Party: Yes 21,450.3 . Series 3100 Series 3100 - 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 20' 0° x 20'-O" Limits of Use Approved for use1n HVHZ:. No Approved for use outside HVHZ:'Yes Impact.Reslstant: No Design Pressure: +40/-40 : Other: . ' : Installation Instructions' ' FL21450 R4 II 11015 RevB s:pff Verified By, John States FL-51737 Created by IndependentThlyd Party: Yes Evaluation Reports F21450 R4 AE EVAIReot MadeW00-114 rY sodf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes . 21450.4 Series 3100 Series 3100 - 26'Gauge Door Assembly Max Size; 20'-0" x 20'-0" Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ; No Approved for, use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +42.51-45.. Other..... Installation Instructions FL21450I R4 it T1016 Rev- s,off Verified By: John Scates FL-51737 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FV1450 R4 AE EvalReot Model3100-IM rl s.pd Created by IndependentThird'Party: Yes 214SO.5 Series 3100-IM Series 3100-IM - Impact Resistant 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 16:-0" x 20'-O" Limits of Use Approved for use in mvpki No Approved for use outside itvmd Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Desigd Pressure: +42.5%-45 ' Other:... Installation Instructions FL21450 R4 11 T1016 Rev- s.pd verified By: John Scates FL-51737 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports, FL21450 R4 AE EvalReot Model31D0-IM rl s.odf Created by Independent ihlyd'Party: Yes 21450.E Series 3100-IM Series 3100-IM-- Impact Reslstant 26 Gauge Door Assembly. . . Max Size:' 14'-0" z 20'-0" Limits, of Use Approved for use In HVHZ:- No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes .. Impact Resistant Yes. 'Design Pressure: +40/-40 : Other: Installation Instructions FL21456 R4 11 T1015 RevB s:odf Verified By: ]ohd5cates FL-51737 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes. Evaluation Reports FL21450 R4 'AE EvalRept Mode13100-1M rl 's.pdf Created 'by,IndependentThird Party:,Yes " httpsJiwww.flaNdabuilding.orglpr/pr app dU.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqtgHSdIOoKyoSYnvsFH50jKZwiey0h5tuml53'/°2byNruu3g%3d"/o3d 213 . 6/2/2020 Flotilla Huiiding.Code Online Q1450.7 - . Series 750 Series 150 ,-,26,Gauge Door Assembly Max Slze:: Y-0" x 12'-0". Limits of Use Installation Instruc tUans Approved for use in HVHZ: Na FL21450 R4 II T1000 ROVE s Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ-. Yes Verified By: John E. States; P.E. Si737 Impact Resistant Na Design Pressure: +35/r45 Created by Independent Third Party;. Yes ' Other: Not foruse in High Ve(ocity'Hurricane Zones: Evaluation Reports EL214SO R4 AE EvalReot Mode1750 :1100 r2 s.adf Created by Independent Third Partya Yes 21450.8 Series 750 ' . Series 75CI - 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size:;W-0" x 12'-0" - Limits of Use •. Installation Instructions - Approv'O.for use in HVHZ: No, EL21450 R4 jr T100t RevF s p¢f -. Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: John E. States, P.E. 51737 Impact Resistant: No' Design Pressure: +19.9/-24:4 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes . 'Evaluation 6t6er:'Design Pressures listed as a test width OF 6 0". For Reports FL21450 'R4 AE' Evallle t- Mbde1750 1100 r2 s.Ddf pressures vs. widths, see table, sheet 1 of 2, dwg T1001. Not ' .Created by IntlependentThtrd Party: Yes for useiII, High Velocity Hurricane Zones. 2145.0.9 Series 750 Series 750.- 26 Gauge Daar Assembly Max Size: B'-8" x 12'-0". Limits of Use :. Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL21450 R4 41 T1002 RevF s pgif - Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: John E. Sates, P.E. 51737 Impact Resistant: No . Design Pressure: +24.4/-27.0 Cteatedby IniiependentThird Patty: Yes ' Other.' Not for use in High :VelodtyHurrlcane Zones::. Evaluation,iteports 921450 R4 'AE EvalReot Mode1750 1100 r2 's odf. :. Created byindependentThlyd Party: Yes 21450.10 Series 750 Series 750 - 26 Gauge DoorAssembly Max Size: 10'-0" x 12r 0n . Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No ' Installation Instructions Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FI 71450 R4 iI T1003 RevF s 6df Verified By: John E. Sates;' RE. 51737 Impact Resistant: No .Created by Independent3ttlyd Party:. Yes. Design Pressure: +19,4/-22,7 Evaluation. Reports. Other: Not for use;ln High Velocity Hurricane Zones.: FL21450 R4, AE EvalReot Mode1750 1100 r2+s odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Contact .Ui :: 7601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee n 32399 phone: 850-487-1024 • The State of Fibrida Is an WEED emplpyer. rg2 ydght 7oo7-7013 State of Fladda: ;; privacy Statement:: attessibll:ty Statement :: Refund Statement .. _ .. Urndar Florida law, email addresses are public remrds. If you do net want your e-mall address released In respontdto a publle;rceerds request' do nctsenI eleeuonle mall to lhls entity. Instead, contact tho'office by phone or by tradleenal mall. lf.you have arty questlons, please mntocte50:497:1395: -pursuant to Section 455.275(1); -. Florida Statutes, effective October'1, 2012, flcensens licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address, If they haveone. The email$ - Provided may be used far official cummunfwUdn with the Ilcensec.. However email addresses arc public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provlde the department with. an email address which.on be made available to the public. To determine If you are a Ircerisde under Chapter_45S, F.S., please click figm. .. .. Produet'Approval Accepts: - Credit.Card .. Safe . httpsJ/www;tloridabuliding.org/pr/pr_app_rill.aspx4param=wGEVXQwtDgtgHSolOoKVoSYnvsF.H50pQivley0h5lum1535.2byNruu3g%3dbA3d 3/3 . HEADROOM REQUIRED. - .. REVISIONS " An3ourxr REV OESCRIP110N . DATE APPROVAL PGoaTFoaunoiwexwurewLw.oaTav3atw•Lam. . f7. �RuaowN T . ... .. ... HAWING RELEASE 424tB C3. . s1ISL lcxacer.cncs>ru:t.urLlra pme RtMa000°RYE�TJwW, w•' RIu a ,� - IA4lNiA 1• OYenAt1 p- AlYGr3Y3 rvNo.:rFlaynato.3ro0p 8.05HU SR . J lmmtrK pApNaA.up,OLY r� 0 Eadwaw, - roaae $R RrAanm F.1m ssY 20rwRwAJJ.apSnvuevron( • (CEVtaPFNRc1., O w N� IYATOaronl t11T.ar1 . .M 34. tu131>¢T" c'a. a cunu.lrum is' - r��w�'aT wlaatxml . _ I�ONAVil04im ATWi1 Ilata3nitaK on.wGlewlevwac 16AOei0P a IlmratHillN IM(NWtGNT31TtlAFpLi Alc Rmr�� na3R wrAiouta:Raa MIRIaDIIa MRl04T(a �M - ASi31AGi1 GR�24ia1bAlTp]iEEy. AT•c3p{GO ', . �) `IOLT l041iD1rmfAllnRla . GI{133 'PIIEYNNfE➢117711NLLCWTOFPWYERNO Naar Ia344116RLV1YL . cUlal6fERGl1D .liAllm 9YCOhlTLaP4YF71IXLFPa3NIbAr IIM4a34TPaG10.iK =&IIAR Ol0allllaG Ir OALVITAN OeiAt GtPMIa - m . �°Ir ALLOWABLETR/NSVERSE DESIGN VINO LOADS ALLOWA13LETRAHSVERSE OESIGNIN(OLOADS t°m°n++•ArG•'afnai lasJJtlrDaal NON•IMPAOT RATED SERIE57100000R9ONLY IMPAOT.RATED fiERIFS]100•IM OOORSONLY ' . as" (PSF) �(PSF)MAX IxOTNn" lem " DESTGNLOAO DESIGN LOAD NA% IIAX OP�Nrt gNSTMpEp. : 1�'^•' WL-i' . {li W G� . OPfiNHO POSRIVE NEGATIVE OPk7nN Og.. . NID711. FIFJW(T - P 5 N1a7H tlDlifr p _rGl•urRAT(.inry . • GAtK 111mNn3i - S1• 2P-0' _ "66.0 61A IC-0- 2P-0` .<OA �0.0 Amwoxaua alaA+Iw3nt-' '1R-0' mw SS] 65,2 eaTrwrur Asvu. +LLcama'IEMaawLOE . "ZC-0' .505'- WS - A.m1Aau 5iEGNaln FTwImtYAvx•�A . . ixa 20•-0•.' +aa : aa4 PFHJ3TNAdlGaip \\1111111f1//' a mOdaAaAs3omr t]'Jy 20'-0• :' 4as az6 SIDE VIEW . INSIDE ELEVATION - la-0• 27-0' 440 40.0 y� `� \O?`�cexaE•F@' /i`. - 19-W 2r-0- 3Se i5A e:� .Y' zmo N0. 51737 •• r 1-r�, _ '16'-0• 2C-0• 3LO "720 Digitally 319ned by.16hn ESatu P.E. " - I uat Icniuour.ei... ,T.O•. '27.0• 2Ao 29,0 u_Y JJJ D110:2019.0&1617;10A9;OSQ0' *.� tr •�' - . . Jdm E. S-ta3. P.E. ' � q •. " OF . 1P 0•m43weanl+w3w1 10'-W W-W.' 25.{ _ 26.1 .STATE �` . L wa3r a.maroGm� " 256opngAdh.,OW,St.31as4 ��p•... f� Y �I VA16t GNa y i r-0 21W 242 24.2 LG rIMVaTXTs 1ss i O,i; •• FZORiOP� zr-0 :r-0 2x3 22.7 PrOfa331m31 EngWald - vwi6GGlwt r(wrlmo�a mt3wlmor, aGauG. nlcC'cwvmumu°oounrtSmmwrnOIIT �GnmxrAuitxroRwncwnpAracPA�Tuirwm:Ra." JANUSINTERNATIQNALGROUP I.I.C. AJmwrn0iaenaRmulxnattumro3wna'AeILxeANmFNoavAJrtlwwu11a1raraRANr S _ P'e"MY1uvnurwwaatarus3nrF=PuyiWM0Faa,oFENcamt3wytTnpvr. --:135JANUSINTERNATIONAL BLVD TEMPLE,GA30170 ' nmEwp=puuY wNOFJAMZ YMCHWAYPZM")Oa1t¢NtOATAWn r. 770562.2U50/F01c7705fi&2264 - © 2018 Janus Intamatfonal Gtaup. LLC• Al Woos Roscrvl d - ,�",-1 ^•,n �,�q - UNLESS O7NERN95ESPECIF�°pMEN510N5 ARE IN INCHES. " JINCES LISTED BELI]W. OE CERTIFIED WIND LOAD RATED 26 CIA- SERIES uau'� •.u' ,�„a, g1A"LnGNs ANGLES I(°LE°uMETms SERIES s100l3100-IM ODOR - RRI>• ��""-T �s •F11t6•• -. H-0•alT UNDEROZ51• •� - . J. scoTT RoeiLLARO o4za-16 ASSEMBLY m Ga1W 'Le.•3Ba ,0.251-0.500 M11m ATLla4C ..Iim3 RT9CHRDEE�0.4-24-40T10'5 OVER0.500 . SEESHEET2FORNOTEwRSREE� B " NONE SHEET:., OF 2 GENF,R 0UAJ Fa 1L�..�'RhYAlONS, ..�. TIEa RoVWOAUZTA=aIRPRE. Jn CTE6TP ANUUSMhtr4 a1WA . : I RR� REV DESCRIPTION ' . - ' DATE APPROVAL . Ta TI@YAVOIW SfAMNR PRE:SUFIETEST PFRAILS{0�,111I4,TIElMGE 'aw" OcmvGWVISICuaa '.DRAYVING RELEASE- - 42&ie CS - . WSSIPed'AarTEST/YmT@CYOlCN1naPRESLa1LUYm10t[7rIFA ryMR:. - �• . Aruvu]wnswu+PloEPn{carttcmlawmwanuxcTOTAsmI.Pi; - 'aiadrolnuanoacfaac A AawTmwwlapan�aumF-, aas.to ' SR' ]. oEECYLaw. C PSF .AY14'W0E .�. B Esay O,YG.a 7a0,19 ' . „f: cLnuTso�raaTa - SR ',l•L:'• ITaCT[Ytmlp(raP . lAPPROPdATEW20SP=ANDCE256WILL06&7MDPFDa1'APRU=%ImmMEd:FRYA'0 s1QPIWEWIOLLL J•-• ¢1RomgRL ':fig'-�wu . .APRiWRNTEwNa SPFIDAna aE7CNCMEWAM7000fIWYaEaSED N1f[71ETIEOE<JG7UYD., - - wEnaRExccmPna oEycNuvnwxT>�ouwovoosJaa . a.=PEmlaostntaunMMJ�$AC3FA lTMDOCRNMDE&lutrnAlv.NmWxrnE]t.. - - - Q- L FLLWE1DWaanNaOEPE%iDPYFaaTOWJanPbNTlDOir N/�IOIJJtXN11NAWSSaE�iCaila`6• OE•rta01 CYtKN � _ •..� OD 4p 1Va1aTJ Ra01' aLl IATEEfED1naRA11NT1a1Ra EJECINaaESSIWiCWaaRYTO AWL.K1GRAOEEaa _ ur _ ' �R�a'Ra�alCmNm. '"Taaa'rY: a9oaaiR '+r - LALLI-L.A.W ROMWL] IMlamurd.uau.ATT16C , O:i!@ON11Ot _ aPWwNbm AmYua r.,w..�TaArmwAwPJuuuuaEe:ivuaanaR%na.wETm.Nm+Awr.umlTwxEcmnmm eoamaRaroPa w' e� e ' aFmllEl ma,YAaW auononu O O Guv.nmq••-••-•..••• mRra➢rGaLT miet LOM. MMKNM00a LPE>,cnoYTEoonmmERNnlimwoRAiaRES TEsrRoanrnarvmN»clmnaa.Paa. -. wJml.aw' . RI[nRCvaYaa _._ m6u[w L ANCNO ELMED IN Gu4fF WIMo.a1.M RMCYOFaptarta'N-.+MN YN%WI�. W�YI'.Cl' . A FORIfa TRlENaTN oafs Har CCLLa o UCCa nr mj aam.malvwna:i%w. . . 0. EaRDaLLONWSaNRY,nLLALL FJ2La 0ANCNanMmlmaaPq NIOIWCn00f. - RMILarR¢1owa41a C ANCNOR]41WJLEIYIIfM.r^PIAFLJNaaN[EYaMaWaiaCNlFAaaPEmlaaTa2 YRx u'anaLiOeflRa 0.]a4a PS1YWJ1114CaN[LCiEEM[gVCREIEJum! - ... '' wwat RaaumJ7a. . aVr —� _ ;Yanaoa. 16a0a11aPEMTM719ETa0ERlaNIP.IWOCIWILOROECIfCC. ll:TWWDXWALLDPE"0 rM 14-.WXjVfW�'FAOYILWRNOPaflaWroPaFT�WN1.oPENtMO._ . .. 1L TPSTa00RwALLOPENWOLTE: la'-O%1a•v. . r N.yI JNR aI - LaF�l�a w•aov'�1 w'anoul - pan°wunnal . ..� nnrAm . _ �r ry : - Prri Pl•.+,.mR..Yam.,, ixv NLalaaO wl wwNa�aFoaapAnaol I aTr.eunauelwa.NaC ' ••, Gr Nmaaun%i�ro R 1. aPnarclaaloa�,acwaam _ •. :' •: wvtraa.coaaim .' INavLiLi Cr aria � ' .: V�.IairM Ya sr P1E7 _ --.BRveanal a pa•'w' _ Oair NutrE •, ��. Va-ISar CYRYN CIMaN -- M.1Y10'la1 mgVGlaal -' YaOaaOa[NIROOE% - . MfN%LtGT m.l{aJ:W /// - .w.Tuwn. N�rv�l .. .. .. ,�wa Ywn Pawaamuwn+ww .. \\\\��i E: 9C4 ' .�a�ca w.rartd�o"mYaarrmumaloalYuoP •:.-. . - - - ' Alp •'PNaaeuwartm.aaN � i • No. 51737 SUPERIMPOSED LOAD DIAGRAM . _ John E.Smla,P,F_ �•O'ta STATEOF' . '25so IftlAalhur Lt4 Sm L2454 ~ • •• � .�t'ORl•P •�• g %Y'loel" CCsnwam¢ J°LPE5fl27 /I///�,l\S/0... �•�'���`\\\`' .ten Pn raulPlw rsommr. E. ! wa�lam mr raf /`/Lj1!/f l Ill \����\` wilmilon of walaoad COminlcgm ddaia. 'Y'%YaaAEaiwraaTNam cLRrJnaRLa morrq�aM%� ��r JANUS INTERNATIONAL GROUPi LLC, oE'az°Nkai� Y RAPaSE0MGT1aN11NTN1aW UNfCCSwIYfORPRffNUTKH of.OS OFE%aStmmlaNTnouE '. 13S JANUS INTERNATIONALBLVD TEMPLE, QA 30179 n¢wPELSPmwssla'IOPiaRus vmol WYuuu.00euYun:Arem r.+a . 770.562.285gfFaX7705S2 2264 r �- p,2a10.Janus Inlomallonal Gmup, LLC• All Rights Rosclvod lu UNLESSOTHER\VISESPF.CIFET]nnAENUON9MR 1-4INCITES- TOLFR.WCESUSfET]RELaw .Iaa.YamJunm aY+li 1' DECllW. FRACM13HS• ANGLES' taLr DLMZrERS - AaPAO o a.,%" CERTIFIED WIND LOAD RATED 2s GA.' SERIES 310013100dM DOOR xJa '.14= •wNc .r.o'ao' IINDER0Z.51 sCOTiROBILIARD 04.24.1e ASSEMBLY Fnmoe uh.n .. X1000 •mow 0751-0.501) .ama R na - ne S :DYEROSOO :� CURLST CIIAOEOER �-24 s - .10�1 e 4IDT CURTSCHROEDER 04:24.18 'NONE ISHEET.2 OF'2