HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval; Roof Deck Structural Components8712/2019 ! n: Florida Building Cade Onfine .. . t 41 4 r�l/ 4 .i','•��rf t t� .+ffl� t.l t..cf.I �.1- ,�''y r �1��,+L`. . . - acts Hame raq in usernesistntlan ;^H-vr-p(a i submasurckvge..SWt•4Fact; ; vuUUoUons j eontaet•U. ;'act551to Mop"'I. Unks i 5emch flarida . d •� Product Approval . 1., --+ ysm. public Usu : .. .. ... : vmdnctariniewl Nenu a PmAvmor Mnl(mrhn Searrh a 8P,jlcatran UM> ApP11=tlon aatall - FLU .. FL27402- :.: � -:, ; Appllcatlon Type . Revisl6n Code Version Z017 ... APPIIcatlon Status Validated Comments Archived Product Manufacturer'. Carports Anywhere Address/Phane/Emall 10856 S.E. Cc_unty Road 221 Starke, FL .. _ (352)468'1116 bodom@qipoFtsanywhere.com Authorized Signature Bmnile'Ddom b odom@6 rpa itsonywhere.ca m Technical Representative AddressjPhone/Email Quality' -Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emall . Category' Structural Components •. .. Subdntegary Roof Deck Compliance Method evaluatlori Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Ucensed Florida • Professional Engineer Evaluation Report = Hardcopy,Received Florida -Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Terrence E. Wolfe Evaluation Report Florida License. .. PE 44923. Quality Assurance Entity . PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 06/23/2023 - Validated B Y . Brian ]a►cs, P.E. . Validation Checklist-Hardcapy Received - ' Certificate of Independence FL27402 Rl COI Lettor of Certiflcation:odf ' Referenced Standard and Year (of. Standard) Standard ear ASTM E 1592 2005.... . FM 4471 1992 - Equivalence of Product Standards Certified BY Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D https:11%vww.0oiidabuilding.org/prtpr app ill.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquHOE2Y%ve%2bOsJNKRVGZO`/a2(BUr,KohQePIKVJQggR7MmYIHAa%3d%3d 1/2 PL # Modelr Num[iec or Name Description' 27402.1 '' Hampton Rib Roof panel Hampton'RIb Roof Pand over Open Flaming ' Limits or Uso Approved for use in HVHZ:. No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes' ' Impact Reststanl: N/A Design Pressurer+46.0 psf/-57.3 psF ' Other: See evaluation report.for various design pressures Install per Manufacturer's details., Not for use in HVHZ Zones.... Installation Instructiod '. EL27402 RI"'rs Hampton Rib Roof Panel Over open frdminnpdF Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Thlyd Party: Yes' Evaluation Reports . FL27407. RI AE Hampton Rib Roof Panel over o2en. . lG1IDICL7.Rdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes cmmcitlfc;; 2sit Pier Stan, amd. nilAh.mci, Fl. 37799 Ptionr: a511•in7--tn76 .. . . The Stale of Florida Is an WEE, emplaycr. Copyzf fit 7nn7OW State of nodda: ;: Prrwcy Smtemrnc:: AaealMllty Statrmrat :; Pofand Statement .. Under FlOdda live, email addreies ire public mmnls: Ifyoti do mt nantymr c-mall address released In msponse to a public-mcaids request, do not send elcamle - _ malt to this antIty.Instead, contact the effIce by phone or by bad3limal=11. Myeu have any questlaw, please contact 110.407.139S.•pursuant to Section 455.275(1), ' Fladdo Statutes, effecUve Odober 1, 2012, licensees Deemed undorthapter455, F.S. mot provide the Department with an email address R they have one: Tha amalis provided maybe used for ofadal communication witiilhe lfccasm. flawev-11 addresses am public=rd. lryou do notwlsh to supply, paronal address, please - - praviddtheDeprtmentvdih anamalladdrewwhlcfiran bem7deavalfablem the pubOeTa detenninalrym am a Cceasee under thapter455, P.S.,,please r➢ckh .- . . .. .. PmduetAppreval Accaptsi .. Credit Card • httpsahvww.Rarid6building.org/prlbr app till.aspx7param=wGEVXQtvtDquHOE2Y%ve%2bOsJNKRVGZO*/*21BUxKphQePIKVJQggR7MmYIHAYa3d%3d 2J2 Force Enginccnng &Tcating .. .. .' .. .'. ". .' 19530n3mbiesroodDrive. .. .. .. .. .. HumL1c,TX 77338 Compliaece statement: .The productas descn'bed in: this report ha3.demanstrated, compliance with,the ' • Florida euTding Cade 2017; §ectians 1504.3.2; 3504.7. Product Description: Hampton Rib 26 Ga. and 29 Ga..Steel Roof Panel, 36" Wide, through fastened structural roof panel.: Structural Application: PanetMaterfaf/Standards: Material: 26 Ga. Steei, Am A792.or ASfM A653 G90 Grade 54, 29 Ga, Steel, ASTM A792 or ASfM A653 G90 Grade 80 'C6nforming'1:6 Flarida'Building Cade 2017 Section 1507A.3-, Optional paint finish. Corrosion Resistance: Panel.Materiai shall comply with Florida Building Code 201 ,. .. .. .... .. 7, Section 1507.4,3..' Panel Dirtiension(s): Thickness: ' 26Ga. :0.0185"+min. order thickness 29 Gm:cl.0142" min, order thickness Width: 36"-maximurn6verage... . '- Rib Height .' Y.." major rib at S" O.C. Panel Roilformer, MRS Metal Rollforming Systems. Panelfastenere #1244 x.Y" HWH SOO with 14mm neoprene bonded washing or approved .. .. .. ".equal.....- .. .. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2617,Section 1507.4.4. Substrate Description: Minimuml4 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel framing; Minimum 16 Ga, (Grade 50) Steel framing, or Minimum 18 Ga. (Grade 50) Steeftraming. `See Table A &B (or steel . gauge. Framing must be designed in accordance w/ Florida Buiiding Code 2017: •Allowable Design Pressures: •' Tablev, ZG Ga.Ifamptan Rib Roof Panel " Maximum ticslen Pressure ' -57.3.psf 77-9 psf -67.7 psf +46.9 psi ' ' +54.7psf ' PanelFastcnerPattcm: 2-1.2-1 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 _ 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 _ Panel spani 5'-0° O.C. 4'-0" O.C- 4'•O' 04 5'-0" O.C.. 4'-O" O.C. substrate:: " Min.14 Go. Steel Oramlag.' . Min;14 Ga. -Stcef framing. Min.18 Ga. Steal framing . Mln.18 Ga- Steel Framleg . • MIn.18 Ga. Steel Framing. •. Maiilmum Oesign Pmsiurc: --57.3psf -1soA psf 49.0 psf 4143.1 psf FastencrPattern: 6"-3'-6"-31-6"-3"4" G 3•fi'3"•6'-3'-b" . 6,3'6•,3'-G_3.6• 6.3•_6.3",6"_3"__6„ Fasteder5padng:. 4'-0' O.C. r-0" O.C. .' 4 -W O.C. . 'Z W O.0 ' Substrate: MIn.16 Ga., -Steel Framing' . Min.15 Ga., ,stWjFMMIP3 '' Min.:16 Ga. StcclFramfng ' Min. is Go. • , Steel Framing ' •Design Pressure Includes a safety Factar=LO. Code Compliance: The praductdescribed herein has demonstrated camplfance'wlth The Florida: Building Cade 2017, Section 1504.3.2,1SO4.7:. " Evaluation Report Scope: The product evaluation.is limited to compliance with the structural wind load requlrements of the Florida Building Code 2017, as relates to Rule GIG20.3: PerfarmanceStandards: Theproductdescribed herein has demonstrated compliance with: ASiM E 1592-OS (2012) Test method for structural performance of sheet metal roof and siding systems by uniform static air pressure, difference . - FM'4471-92- Foot Traffic Resistance Test, Reference. Data: 1. ASTM E 1592.05 (2012) Test. Farce Engineerfng'&Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization I1TST--5328) Report N0. 667-0O6Gf-S8A-E, 667-0061T-18A-D 2. TM 4471-10, Section 4.4 Foot.Traffic ResistanceTest Force Engineering &Testing, Inc (FBC Organization RTST 5328) Report No.'657.0060T-18F, 667-006Tf-18E 3. Certificate of Independence ' By Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. (No.44923) @ Force Engineering &Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization ►►ANE ID:1920) :.Test Standard Equivalency: The FM4471-10,FootTrafficResistance feststandardisequivalentto, FM 4471-92. Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in . _ . accordance with the Flarida Building Code and. Rule 61G20-3.005 (3) for ,ttttltlllrlrsl,` .. .4t cErys�,C = ��. a. No.449� IT .. jii a • STATE OF Sar Apo . ,p i R A :- F. O 1 v y sa s % .'CUA.�ONAL ri�G, n4- 27402.1 Rl August 8, 2019. . r •. :. •: Forcc Engincec g & Testing :. ''. .' .. .. 195301imnblexoodAme- .. .. .. - .. .. - . ... Elumblc,T87733a manufacturing under a.quallty assurance program audited by an approved .' . Minlmum slape,Range: Minimum Slope shall amply with Florida Building Code 2017, including Sectido ' 1507.4.2 and in accordance with.Manufacturers recommendations. For slopes less than 3:12, lap sealant must be used in the panel side laps. ' Installation:.., Install per manufactures recommended details: insulation: ... Manufacturers approved product (optional) ' Roof Panel Fir eCiassification: Fire classification is notpartefthisacceptance. Shear Diaphragm: l Shear diaph'ragmvalues areoutside the scepg of this report " Design Procedure: ".' Based an the dimenslons of the structure, appropriate wind loads are •. " determined using Chapter 16. of the Florida Building Code 2017. for roof cladding wind loads. These componentwind loadsfor roof cladding are compared to the allowable pressure listed above. Tile design professional shall select the appropriate erection'detaiis to reference In his drawings ferproperfastener attachment to his structure and analyze the panel fasteners for pullout and ver pullover. Support framing must be in compliance with Florida Building Cede 2017 Chapter 22 for steel, and Chapter 16 for structural loading: _ ��tuir+tp C E CE N S�0j',i� .. lie ��c:.FLO&IbA 4.,NAL FL# 27402:1 R1 August 8, 2019 M CA. HAOTON RIB FASTENER PATTERN2-1-2-1