HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval; Structural Wall Components9120/2016 "Florida Building Code Online.. ;q-�; .. BCIS Home log In User ReghtnU.n... HotTapic..;. Submft Surcharge • . Stats f: Fads . publotions 6n:acc0s. aCIS Slte Nap .. Unks , Sruril � aduct Aprovaf USR. ser. .dj b . m u An nmvnl'Flenu > Pmduct ar App.11 atfan Search > QpngtAUan Urt> gppfrotfon aodll ~r • FL p FL27403 --__..___.__.....APPIIcatlonType'. New . Code Version" 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product hlanufacturei . • . Carports Anywhere . Address/Phone/Emall 10858 S.E. County Road 221 Starke; FL (352) 468-1116 bodom@ca_rportsanywharp cam Authorized Signature a Brandle;Odom bodo m@carpo rtsanywhere.co m Technical Representative' Address/Phone/Emall 'Quality Assurance Representative ' • Address/Phone/Emalf Category' Structural Components Subcategory Structural wall Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florlda Registered Architect or a Licensed Florid; Professional Engineer .... Evaluation. Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Terrence E. walre Evaluation Report Florida License PE=44923 _ Quality Assurance Entity PRI.Constructlon Materials Technalogles, LLC Quality' Assurance ContractUpiratlon Date 06/23/2023 ' 'Validated By Gary Hartman;:P.E. Validation Checklist: Hardcopy Received 1 CertlflcatebfIndependence' FL7.7403 RO'COi"LetterofCerNfiotion,adf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) standard Year - AS M E 1592 200S . .ASTM E 330 - 2002 Equlvalefice,of Product Standard's Certified By Sections from the Cade hUpsa/wwtv.iloOdabuilding.org[pr/per app dtl.aspxloiram-wGEVXC!MpquHoEZYwe'/e2bosAuSaRld%2fiNjIdtaBICa/o2N/.2bLVSBRAA3xJ6YAIA3d%a3d. 1/2 5 rraa _ Products .. ". .. .. .. .. . FL # Madel, Number or Name Description 274034- ' Hampton Rib Wall Panel' Hampton R16 Well Panel over open Framing rnits'of Usr Installation Instructions pp for use in HVHZ: No F127403 RO Ir Hainatnn Rib -Wall Panel Securel:p Approved foe use outsideHVHZ: Yes Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Impact Resistantg N/A ... Created by IndependentThird Party: Yes ' Deslg6 pressure: +N/A/-57.3 psE ' Evaluation Reports Other.See Evaluation Report for various Deslgn.Pressures.. FL27403 RO AE Harrroton Rib Wall Palid Secured.pd� . Install per Manufacturer's Details. Notfac use In HVHZ Zones.. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes t -- 274D3.2 , . Resi-Lap Siding Wall, Panel Rest -Lap Siding Wall Panel.over open Framing Limit's of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No ' FL77403 RO- Ir Rc!5i-I.io wall Panel sealred.o ( Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes" ' Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +40.0 psf/-37.0 psf Evaluation Reports Other. +40.0'psf at 4'-0" 6.6. -37.0 psf at 4'-0" o.c. Install per F1.27403 AO 'AE Resi-Lan Wall Panel secured.pdF Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Manufacturer's Details. Not for u4e in HVHZ lanes. : • Wntoci us n 2601 elafr5tonc Road. 7bllahmm K 32399 phanc: 050.4137-I024 ' . ' The Stateof Fiadda Iran AA/E'eU employer Qopyr-jght2007-7013 State or Mudd a.::vva SWtamcnt::A-11,111ly Statement:: ficrund 5mtement Under flbdda fart, email iddres3es are public records, if you do notwont your a mill address mimed In msponse to a public-recmdrrequest, do notsend almtronil .mall to this entity. Instead, contact the offIce by phone'ar by hadl0onal mall. If you hove any quntfont, please conhict 8S0:407.1395. •Puauant to Section 455.275(1 ' Fiorlda Statutes, effective October 1, 2017, Ildensees licensed under Chapter 455; F.S. must provide the Department with an email address It they have one. The Mal pmvlded.may be used for official ocmmunlcadon with the Iiccasec..However. email addresses am public record, it you do not wish to supply a personal address, plea _ pio•Ade the Department with an email address which can be made awllabid to the public. To determine If you are a Ilcansea under chapter 455, F.S., please dirk htm _ Product Approval Acccpts: Credit Card Safe. hfips://m+Autioridabuilding.orgfpr/pr app_dll.aspx7param=wGEVXQwtDquHOE2Ywe%2bOsAu5aRIO%2rsNJldta6lC%2(%2bLV98RAA3xJ8YAD 3d% d .. 2!2 Force Ena necring t+u''Fasting Inc. .. .. .. .. .. 19530Itambr—ndDdve .- .. .- .. .. . . - .. .. 'Humbl.;=77330 .. .. .. - Compliance Statement: ' The'praduct as described in this report'has demonstrated comoliance with the Florida Building Code 2017,Sections 1709.2. Product Description: Hampton Rib 26 Ga. and 29 Ga. Steel Wall Panel,, 36" Wide, through fastened, . .. . structural wall panels; SvucturaPAppllcati6n. Panei'Material/Standards: Material: . 26 Go. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 Grade 50. 29 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASiM A653 G90 Grade 80 Conforming to Florida Building Cade 2017 Section 140S.7 Panel Dlmenslon(s): Thickness: 26 Ga.:0.0185" min. order thickness 29 Ga.: 0.014Z 'min. order thickness Width':' . 36".maximumcoverage Rib Height: W, major rib at 9° O:C Panel Roliformer: MRS Metal Rallforming Systems Panel Fastener: 612-14. 'x VV HWFf S093 with 14mm neoprene banded washing or approved equal. Corrosian Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2017.':. Substrate Description: Minimum 14 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel framing, Minimum 16 Ga. (Grade SO) Steel • framing, or Mlnimum•18 Ga. (grade 50) Steel framing. See Table A & B for steel , gauge. Framing musEhe designed in accordancew/ Florida Building Code 1017. 'Allowable Design Pressures:' .. Table V' 26 Go. HamPtan Rib Wall Panel . . MaAmurn Ccsign Pressure: -57.3 psf ' -72:9 psf -67.7 psf +46.9 psf +54.7 psf Panel FastenerPattcm: 2-1-I-1. 2-1-2-1. _ 2-1-2-1. 2.14-1. 2-1-Z-1. Panel Span: 51-01 O.0 . 4'-W O.Q _ _ • 4'V O.C. _ 5'-0" O.C. . 4'-0' O.C. Substrate: Min.14 Go. Steel Framing . Min.14 Ga. Steel Framing . Min.14 Ga, Steel Framing Min,18 Ga. Steel Framing. Min.18 Ga. SteelFramfeg Maximum Design Pressures esI 573 psf 1509 psf +34.0 psf' r143.1 psf Fastener Pattern: fi-_3"_6`_3„_6„_3"-6„ 6•-3„-6"-3„-6„3„-6„- 6"-3" 6"3„-6"-3"-fi" 6•-3" 5"-g"-6°�g„.5' 'Fasuner5padng: •o 4'-0'O.0 2'-a O.0 !t'•0"O.C' 'T-0'O.C. gnPrcUMIndudesaSuretyFactor 2.0. .. :- .. .. .. .. .. :. Cade Compliance: The pro ductdescrihed.hereln hosdemonstrated compliance with. The Florida: Building Code 2017, Section 1709.2: Eualuatlon Reporf Scope: The product evaluation is limited to compliancewith the structural wind load ' requirements of the Florida Building Cade 2017, as relates to Rule 61G20-3,. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: ASTM E 1592-0S (2l)12) Test method for structural perfarmance of sheet metal roofandsiding systems bytiniformstatic airpressure .. difference Reference Data: 1." ASTM E 1592-65(2012)test Force Engineering &-Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization if TST-5328) Report No. 667-0060T;18A-E,.667-oo61T-18A-D .2. Certificate of Independence By Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. (No.44923) @ Farce Engineering & Testing, Inc. " (FBC organisation B ANE ID:.1020) quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturerhasestablished compliance ofroof panel products in 'accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (3) far ' manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality. assurance entity. installation: Install per manufacturer's recommended detalls. Insulation: Manufacturer's approved product (Optional) Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification Is not part of thls acceptance. i CEHSFIc�r= i4D. n4TF OF '� �E AZ RI 9 4` 4',� O n.erms r, 'OD6 ' rt� s j �1V��` mum./j� ;. 0 11AL� £ �� 'rlrrttett'' FL# 27403.1 Jt*v&18, zois t=Z-I=Z •N8311Vd NA310"Id NO1dIYVH " Vo 9Z r 3/1.0/2018 .. y' Florida Building Cade Online. . • •aUS•Unkz.•! ,', •, ,'. UCISHome ;Lopro, u;tmsislrapce HatTaplc ;. Sutm1[Stitdtarpe $dL•rafacts„ T4bUatfmr, FoCStafr•� Site fl3p•f Seanh'�, Product Approval 4 JJ/ USER: PobUe U:cr, • arndue: nnpmvtl ucnu > Prnxurrnr.tnnP�.ttlnn Saarctf >_&pllannn Utt > Application Detail . . . FL _ FL17996-RI gPPllmtion'Type nHTrriraUan Code Versian 2017 Appiication Status Approved' Archived Product: Manufacturer. .. Elixir Door and Metal Company Address/Phone/Small 1215 pope Drive . " bougias, GA 31533 (912)493-2215 .... rya rberry@el(xirdinc.com Authorized Signature Randa if Yarberry ryatberry@elixlydmccom Technical Representative PTC Product Design Group Address/Phone/Email: Po, Box520775 Longwood,FL32752. (322) 6ga-1788 .... . info@ptc-carp.ccm 1 quality Assurance Representative - Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory. Swinging exterfo� Door. Assemblies' Compliance Method Cartillcatlon Mark or Usting. CertlHcatlon Agency Amerlcan.Archltectural ManuFacturers.AssociaUon Validated By American Architectural Manufacturers Association Referenced Standard and 'Year (oFStandard) Stondnrd Vear . - ' • .. " ... .... - ASTM E330 ... • . . 2002• Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By. I affirm that there are no changes -in, the new Florida Building. Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s) are In compilance=with the new Florida Bullding Cade. Docurnentatlon from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity .Yes ' No.. NJA:.. • W7996 RI gQC AFr-tntinn FL17996 410-1208 ss.pdF https/Avtvtutioddabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtLaspVpalam=wGEVXQtvIDquTWhTglc2%2bd3R%a2b%2bN9/a2f83 ds9RCIaMU9'e2blROgsg3ZdG)Xltvv%3d%3d 3130i2018 .. Fiodda Building Code Online. Product, Approval Method idethad 1 Option A �- Glcdel, Number or Name Descriptlan ' 1799E-1 Seder 202-205 Steel goer Series 202-20S Steel,O.S. Door:v/ Vertical Slider Window . Limits of Use Approved for use m HVHZ: No Approved for use: outfdc HVHZ: Yes .. .3mpacE Resist ant: No. .. Design Pressure: +3%30 . ., " ,. Other Certification Agency CertlfiwYe . -FI:1799Fi RT C t7� eXR 7.07-7.OS Vcr;ltalSeder nSTf•i F330 plusS:ndF' Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date ± '12/03/2018, SnstWlation Instructions ' - FL17996 Itt It OUX0034 Rev A Series 202-20S SS.ndf -Verifled By: Rabert J, Amoruso, PE Fl-PE No. 49752. - Created by IndependentThlyd Party: Yes Evaluation Reports .Fl 17496 Rt AF PFR T647 RP'i9 415-6705 Stlid , Created by independent Third Party: Yes 17996:2 Series 230 W9 steel Door' Series 230 W9 Steel O.S. Door vr/ Cottage Window' Limits of use. . Approved -for use in Iiumato • . Approved For use outside HVHZ: Yes ImpacE Resistant: No Design Pressure: +30/-30, Other- Certification Agency Certificate 'gL17996' R1' C CAC FXR 23n W9 Cntogo ASTf4 F.33n pus itF ;Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date ' 12/03/2018 Installatluwrnstructians . ' 'FI.1799G RI A all,=33 Rev A Series 230 VJ9 SS.oJF, . Verified By: Robert J. Arnoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752' -Created by Independent Third Party: Yes '. Evaluation Reports. -' rumii RL AF OF R i.G42 Re4:i ai5-n705 sc,pdF - Created.by IndependentThird'Party: Yes ' `17996.3 .. Series 402-14 Vinyl Steel Out-Sviinging Regular Door- 14'.'X14" Window Limits of Use 'Approved for use in HVHi-Ao Approved for use outslde.HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No ' . .. Design Pressure: +4*40 Other: . ., .. .. .. Certification Agency Certificate . FL1799f, Rl 'C CAC FY.R 407Z4E33n_plilsS.ndF Quality Assu_ ranee Contract Expiration Date 09/14/2020 Installation Instructions ,FL17996 R1 IT 5LIX0050 REV -A DS MO0EL402-14, ss,pdF Veriflad ay: Roberti. Amaruso, PE FL PE No, 49752 Created by Independent Third, Party: Yes . Evaluation Reports iFL17996 RI AF. PER 1951.41evta.415-07n5- ss.pdf:- •. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996:4 Series 462-205 Vinyl Steel Out=swinging' Ragular'Doar- 20" slider Window Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use out^Ide HVHZ: Yes ' ' Impact Resistant: No Design' pressure: +40/-45 Others _ Certifiwtian Agency Certificate FL1799fi RI C CAC cXR 402-7.OS E330 p n S' d Quality. Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/1i/2020 Installation Instructions .FL2799G RI. Tr F.I.TXn051 REwA OS MOD -L 402-205 Ss.ndF Verified ey:'Robert3. Amoruso; P,E FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports .. FL17996 Rt' AE PER 1951 Rev1a' 415-n705 _56�I1fir Created by TndependentThird. Party:. Yes 17998.5' Series 407 Vinyl -Steel Out -swinging Regular Dade- Blank (no.vithdow) Limits of use ,Approved for use in"HVHZ:.No ' .. Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes .. Impact Resistant: No. .. Design•Pressure: +40/-45 Other. . Certification Agency Certificate FL17996 R1.-C CAC FXR 407. ff lus5•ad( . . Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09114/202P - .. .. Installation Instructions FL17996r R1. Ir •EU1(O0S2 REV -A OS 5I0DEL 407 'suff Verined'By: RobertJ.'Anioruso, PE:FLPENo. 49752 . Created by IndependahtThird Party: .Yes Evaluation Reports 313012Di 8 Florida Building Cade Online - - - -M.17996 RI 'AE PER 1951 Revta.415-0705 si,hd Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17436.6 Series 430 W9 Vinyl Steel Out stringing Regular Door - 9-Ute Wlndow.(1'8" x' Limits of use Approved for use in HVHZ: kid Approved far use outside HVffz. Yes Impact Resistant: No- Design Pressure: +33/-40 Other,. - , . - : . Certification Agent/ Certificate FW996 RI C CAC. ExR 430-W9 E330 alus5.p, quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/14/2o2a dnstallatian Instructions ' Fi-17996 'ir( ii Fq_V'0053 Re" Or. 610001. 4304N9 ss:pdf Verified By: Roberti. Amoruso, PE FL PE No, 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes , Evaluation Reports .. FL17996 RI AE PER L951 Revla•415.0705 ss.pdf Created by IndependentThird Party: Yes L7996.7 . ' Series 6400' W9 Cottage Series 6400-W9.Non-Impact Inswing Painted Steel,Daor w/Starm Door' Limitz of use Approved far'use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside, HVHZ:.Yes Impact Resistant: Na Design Pressure: +66/-56 . Other: Certification Agency Certificate . . FI,17996 R;. C CAC F.:R6dn0 E330 pluss.ndf quality., Assurance Contract Expiration gate 09/16/2019 Installation Instructions r(.1799r. Rf tl FLD1005fi Rev -A ($ j(nOFl.6d0n-LV9 @lITH STORM DOOR sa.ridF Verified By: Robert J. Amorusa, PE FL PE Na. 49752 Created by. Independent Third Party,: Yes - EvaluatlarrReports' . .. F1 IMA 111 AF PFR 1954 ReV7 41.5-0705 ss.adf - Created by Independent Third Party! Yes .17996.8 Series 750(1 Oval Serles 7500 Non -Impact Inswing Vinyl Laminated Steel Door w/Adjustable Threshold Limit-- of Use Approved for use in HVHZ:,No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes . ' Impact Resistant: No' ' Design Pressure: +34/-50. Other. Ccrtifcation Agency Certificate FC17996 RL C CAC. MIR MO Oval 71 adinstablp. threshold F3,330 usS' AF ' qualitgAssudlrica Contract Expiration Date g9/17/2019 Installation Instructions • _ :EL1999f, Rl' li FLT::0(155 Red-A.19 MODEL 750n OVAI- 71. WITH knjt STABLFTHRFFSHOLD rs,nd . .. ' Verified By: Robert ]. Amaruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 : Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes : Evaluation Reports F 1799 1 AE PFn 1955 Rp0 415-0105 sc nd Created by IndependentThlyd.Party: Yes 17996.9 Series 7500 Oval Series 7500 Nan-(rnpact Insvring Vinyl Laminated Steel Door . " - w/StonnDoorand PVCJambs Limits,af Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No - - Approved for use ctitslde'liVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +5t1/-50: Certification Agency Certificate FL17 , Rj, C CAC CYR 75n0 Ova 7 F a 1pr1f ' Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/16/2019 ' Installation Instructions Other:. .. FI.17895 Ri - TT FI;TY,nn60 Rev -A iSj-1OD_tl, STR 7,Sn0 )a - Q]'B WITH 5M1114 r]nOR -Rdf .. - Verined ey: RobertJ. Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by IndependeritThlyd Party: Yes Evaluation (reports FI.Mgfi RA AF PER 1955'Rav7. 415-07r15 4s,pd6. . Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.10 ' ' Series 8400 W9 Cottage Series.84da-W9 Non -Impact Oval (ns1•+ing.Vlnyl Laminated Steel Doorw/Stone Door Limits.of.Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for -use outside HVHZ: Yes - - Impact Resistant :No Design Pressure:+50%50 Other: Certification Agency Certificate - F1.179g6 R1 C CAC FXR 04nn F330bi ri ns,prlf quality Assurance Contract Expiration Data 09/16/Z019 •InsWllatlon-Instructions FL17996 Rt iT- FLTYOn57 Rev -A IS MODEL. R4Da-W9-OVAL WITii STORM DOOR ss pd Verified By: Robert J. Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 : Created by Independent Third Party!. Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RV A@'PER 1954 Rav2 '415-0705 ss:odF' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes htipsJ/ynw4.iloridabuifding.orgipr/pr_app dli.aspx7param=lvGWCvilDquTluhTgiC2%2bd3R%2b% bN%e2(arjasgRCIoMU%2b[RDgsg3ZdG];CIW%3d%3d 3l30/2018 Florida Building Cade Online 17996.11 series 9000 Series 9009 Nan -Impact InsvBng'Wrtyl Laminated Steel Door yr/Starm Door - Limits of use ''- ` - Approved for, use In HVHZ: No, Approved for use outside: HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: DIG' Design Pressure: +50/-50 Other:. Cartification Agenef C,.riifieate FL17996 113 C CAC c'R 9000 5o E33o o6s5.pdf . - quality Assurance'Contract Expiration Date' 09/16/2019 Installation Instructions" 'F1.1.7996 Rl -.ir' Ef i.:01153 Rev -A IS RIANi< 90no DOnR vi. STORDI OOOR sa.ad` - Verified By:.Robert J. A'moruso; PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ' Evaluation Reports .. �FU7996 Rl AF PER 1954 Re_vZ 415-0705 ss.riff, - Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ' 17996.12 : Series 9400 Cottage . Series 94a0-W9 Non -Impact Insvring Vinyl'Laminated Stec[ '- Door yr/Starm Door Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant No Design Pressure: •P50/-50 Other: Certification Agency Certificate F117996 Rl . C MC' ..:R 9da0 r-330 rill dS P . . quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date . 09/16/2019 Installation Instructions ' FIA7995 III IT EtIXO059 Rev -A iS MODEL 94n0-W9 COTTAGE W. STORM DOOR ss,ndf - .. .. -' VerlBed By: Roberti, Amaruso; PE FL PE No. 49752 . Created by,IndependentThird Party: Yes , Evaluation Reports 01.17996 R1 AE PFR 195e- Rev. 475.0705 ss.ndf '. Created by IndependentThlyd Party:.Yes . i7996-13 SeriesAFiF7N .. SefiasAFIF7NNan-PmpactIS.Flberglass,Daor Limits.of.Use Approved,for usa.in, HVHZ: No Approved far use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No , Design Pressure: +311/1-38 Other: Certification AgencyCert(ficlte F1.17996- R1 C CAC FXR AERN E330 nfur-%lid quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/14/Z019 . . Installation Instru fans FL17996 R7 77 �E1.l'/M4n AFTF7N-RFII7rJi navA 55 pri .Verified By: Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No, 49752 ' Created'bydndependent Third,Party:. Yes' Evaluation Reports. frI7996 Rim Pi-R 195? RevR 415-070S «.p f ' Created h Inde endentThlyd.Pa Y P rtyi Yes 17996.14 Series AFOF7N Series AFOF7N Non-[mpact OS Fiberglass Door Limits, of use Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outride HVHZ: Yes, ' Impact Resistant: No.., Design Pressure;+38/--3B-. -,. ,', ,. Other: - Certification Agency Certificate FI,77995 Rl -C rAC P%R AFOF7N E330 nhisS.odf quality Assurance ContractEzplratian Date. 09/14/2019 . Installation Instructions. F1,179911 R1 MELIXrI0d7• AR M-RFOF7N Ra6A ss nrl1-' Verified By: Robert J: Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports - 11.1799G R1 AF PER 1.9.5 . R^v2 4i5-07ns ss.p�c f . Creatad by,rndependent Third Party: Yes 17996,15 Series AVIF7N Series AVIF7N Non -Impact IS Steel Door. Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes,, Impact Resistant: No ' ' Design Pressure: +25/-29 Other: - � - � . - - , CertificationAgency Certificate p ZT9gG R1 C CAC F•1:R AVIF7N r- �;���S�pJr f' quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. 04/05/2020 Installation Instructions FL17996 RV It F.I.Dm047 AVIF7N-13WFM ReVA' ss.p4.. Verified By: Robert I Amoroso,, P,E FL PE No, 49752 . Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ., Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI AE PER 1953 Rey2 415-0705 ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 1799636 -Series AVOF7N Series AVOF7N Nan -Impact OS Steel Doors Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Na Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +21/=21. Other: Certification Agency Certificate F117996 RI C GAG FXR AVOF7N F330 plus ndf. quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date . . 04/06/2020 Installation instructions FL179911 RI IT ELIX0048'AVOF7N-BVOF7NRevM1 ss:odf Verified By: Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 ' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes http's:lhnw+.tlbridabuitding,argljlr/pr ape d0.aspx7param--wGEVX4vilDquTluhTgi(2%2bdSR°lalb%2bN%2Bg039RCioMU%2bfRDgsg3ZdGjXI%v%3d%3d 3!301201B Florida Building Cade Online Evaluation Reports Fi•17990 Ri`E Pcr2 195? Rev? 4t5.07n5 ss•pdf' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes' 17996.17 . _ Series OHM,' Serles BFIF7N Non -Impact IS Fiberglass Door ' Limits'of Use 'Approved far use fn.HVli ; No, Appraved,Poruse outsideHUHZ! yesQualit?j Impact Resistant: No' Design Pressure: +36/-30 Other:.. .+' .. .. Certilcation Age'ney Certff(cate, . FI 17996 RI C CAC EXR BRIM E330 D us5 pHF . . Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/15/2019 installation Instructions ; FL17996 Rt If.•Efjl0040AFfr7N-9FIF7N RevA SS,ndf Verified By: Robert J. Amaruso, PE FL PE No: 49752 Created by'IndependentThird Party: Yes ' Evaluation Reports FL1799G RI A15 Pc'R 1952 ReY7. 415-0705 ss•pdf , Created by independent Third Party: Yes 17996.10.. Series B47S .. Serles BFIF75 Non -Impact IS Fiberglass French Door ' Limier of use Approved for use In HVHZ: No, - Approved for use outsideHVHZ: Yee Impact Resistant.. No .' design Pressure: +381-30 . "Other: Certification Agency Certificate FL17996 Rt C CAC Fr:R aF1f•75 E330 nfns df - quality Assurance Contract Eupiration Data . . 09J15/2019 Installation Instructions FLI7996 R1 •fit ELIX004G BFIF7S ReVA ss.pdf Verified By: Roberti. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 :Created by'IndeperidentThird Part/: Yes . Evaluation Reports.. - F,,,(.17996 Rl AEf'R 1252 Rev2 4L5-n705 sS.IL4f , Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.19. SeriesBFOF7N" Serles0FOF7NNen-Impact05'FlbergfassDoor. Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No ApproVCdfar use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resfstant No Design Pressure: +30/-30 Other: - Certification AgencyCertificate. .FL17996 rii C CAC. EXR-0FOF7N C-310 ofus5•ndF. . quality Assurance Contract Erpiration Date ,04/06/2020' ' Installation instructions 'FL1799G RL rr EJj-ateAFOF7N-HEOF7N RevAss.orlj .Verified By: Roberti, Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752.. , .. Created by1ndependentTh1yd Party: Yes . Evaluation Reports - .EI-17996 R1 AE PER .1252 Ri+,v7 41 •0 0 SS,R 'Created by IndependentThlyd Party: Yes 17996.2o Serles, BV1635 ' ' , ' Serfes 6VI63S Non-rmpactSingle Inswing DSor w/Fl:ied Ute Insert and Outsiving Stdrm Door',' Limits,of use . Approved far use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ; Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +65/-65 Other: .. Certification Agency Certificate .FI,t7996 lit CCAC ECR ayr63S E33t] nlus5.ndf quality, Assurance Contract E,Kpiration Date 12/17/2021 - Installation Instructions FL17996 R3 {1 ELIX0051. Gyr639 RevA ss.iL( 'Verified By: Roberti. Amoruso, PE FL PE No, 49752 Created by IndependentThlid Party: Yes Evaluation Reports . F1,17995 R1 AE PER 27,14 Ram? �LJ,,L06 , a.., Created by Independent Third Party: Yes' Go to. Page Conbct rh ::2601 nla/r Stono noad. s'allah.—ge F131399 Phone: 050••197-1924 The State or Florida I: an AAg;D employee 9yyht2on7-2o13 Stile M.dd.- :: Ply Statement:: n—,lbnttV Statement:: R°Fand State — under Florida law, small addresses am pub9e records. If you do not vrantyaurc•mall address released In response to a public -records request, do not send elecLunlc mail to thls entlLy. Instead, contact the M. by phancor by tradilF°na1 mail If yeu have any queatlons, please contact 959.497.139S.'Purmant to section ' IS5.27S(11, Fladda statutes, entolvp cached; 2012, 11censec livened under Chapter455, F.S. must provide the Department with an emall address II they have One. The cm4115 Provided may be used furoflWal cammuniw9vn with the Ilmhscc. Howevcremall addmssc am public record. if you do not wish to supply a personal addresr, Please provide the Department with an email addm= which can be inade available to the pub9c To determine If ydu arc a llconsee under Ctiapter455, F.S., ' .. 'Product Approval Accept., El F-� © rYrer Mips:lAwAY foddab6ilding:arglpr/pr_app_dif.aspx7param--%iGEVXCYiMquT[uhTgl(2%2bd3R%26%2bN/`21Bfjtls9RCIoMU°/2b02Dgsg3ZdGJXIIp%3d/.3d 'O 2 p 1 E In F: GEIIERAL NOTES: - - - - INSTALLATION NOTES: _ Q' ' 1.7HEPR000CiANCMORO'NE JJNAREABVMERE LYST,USE LONChORLOAUTONNIDHDR IS REONREO AT EACH ". '. '. S. EDGE V N TECITI HOFTDESICNED TO COMPLY VATNTHE CURREt1TE01710N OFTIE F Ali IMSPRO7ECT1011 REgU4TQAEtIT5 EXI5T, USEOFVl N,WACfPROEMSFE ANCHOR GOCAT011, '• WALL FINIS) BUT WALFINi51lE5; INCWOINOOUTNOT Uh1fTE0 To, NO UhIrrEEXCLUDE To, c ' FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FOCI EXCLUDING HIGH . " SYSTEMCCIJFLY44G VMH THE FGC REOUIRQ.LIITS FOR \'ANDBOIWEDEBRISREGIOIISISI•WIDATORYFORIME � - � � - � � �. ;• �. � - S7UCCO,FCVJ,ORILTCNENEER AND SIDING. VELOCITYI/URRICMIEZONEAIIOTHEDESI6N. PRODUCTHEREIIL.'.. ZIHEIIISTALLITICUXICHORSATIHESPACWOSSH01'Itl, OF ANCHORS•WO4UWUUhl'. ANCHORS PRESSURE(S) STATED HEREIN.. - " .'.AAETHEIMHIMUTANUALBER SP.\CU103 TO BE USED FOR P0.000CTINSTAW\TIDN. G. IHSTALLM1011 SNALLDE INSTALLED UI "L7.7HEPR000CT DETAILS CONTAIIJEOHEREIN ARE OASEO A:FRMJELLLTERIAL'ALWANUh1"ALLOYCOp TG '. -. ACCORDAYCE\NTHANCI(ORIJN7UFACTURER'S '. INSTALLATION INSTRUCT104SANO E,,1No' y UPON SIGNEOANOSFAEDTFSTREPORTOALAS GOORPMIELhUIERtAL•.OShULVN1YLµNIIIATED i.SHIMASREgWREOATEACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR- ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUGSTi(ATESYR711 STRENGTHS LESS W' b So_ LABORATORIES, INC. d47273M10 ASSOCIATED GALVMRZEDSTEELOIS''SVJNLYt UREI(WIEFOV.ICORE - WMI LOAD DEARING SHIMM. IWIMUM ALLOWABLE THAN THE MINIMUMSTRENGTH SPECIFIED IN THE "ANCHOR �'Q 0-6 u LABORATORYSTAMPEO DRAWINGS. ' :' ." 7.DESIGNATIONS 'X' STANOFOR THE FCLLOWING:_. SHIM SIZE OF IA INCH. SHAMYHERESPACE OF VIC INCH ORGREATEROCWRB, SIUM(S)SHALLBECONSTRUCTE_O " SCHEDULE' THIS SHEET. - �. p uWF ¢ = Sp. ±.AaEOW1CYOFTHEEXISTIIIGSTRUCTURAL7XFRV.IING _ Y:OPERABLEPANEL , - OF, HIGH OF14SITY PLASTIC OR BETTER; , - 7. INSTALLATION ANCHORS MO ASSOCIATED HARDWARE �y Lo O.�,a �� •ORSTEELFRMANG ASAMAINWINDFORCERESISTING, " O:FlXEO.PANEL. . . . . ' i,MNCHORS FOR INSTALLATION )JUST OEL=EQF CORROSION RESLSTANTh1ATERIAL 0.1]6 'G , SYSTEFI CAPAGLEOFIYITH5TAN01NG AND .. TRANSFERRING APPLIED PRODUCT LOADS TO THE - S.HARDWARE: INTO WOOD FRAIMIG OR . T•!(iA. MINIMUM STEEL SHALL SEAS SHOWN DI OR HAVE CORROSION Ru- ISTA7T COATING• p c] R -; FOUNDATION IS THE RESPGNSIGIUTY OF THE ENGINEER -t ILIFMt4GESI(4160D-76EX7RUOEDALUhlU(Uhl, 'ANCHORBCHEOULE'-THIS$HEFT. - OR ARCHITECT OF RECORD. 0. 1ATC11LCOI I(EYED C. DEADDOLT oW L7 .. P�G ' 3.1XN102X EUCKS(WHEN USED)SHALLBE DESIGNEDMIO ALL LOADS TO THE - O. SEE SHEET FOR DESIGN PRESSURECIIART. - _ •• a A A g es ANCHOREO TO PROPERLY TN45FER STRUCTURE DUCK DESIGNAND INSTALLATION IS THE - _ IIAG Cpi2 .Ihl . ' .RESPONSIBILITY OF 7HE QIGItNEER ORARC/G11170F y - RECORD. . '. -. '. 4.T1E1NST4LLATIDNOETAILS DESCRIBED HEREIN ARE, ' GENERICARDMAY NOTRQLECTACTUAL COAOITIONS, - : - - ~•� • FORA SPECIFIC SITE IF SINE CONDITIONS CAUSE INSTALLATION TODEVIATEFROM THEREOUIRMENTS DETAILED HEREIII.ALICE115Eo.EtiGINEER GRARCHITECj - SWVI PREPARE 5ITE SPECIFIC DOCULIE14TS FOR USE WITHTHIsocculmur. OFSIGII PRESSURE RATING (PSFI Ih1PT.CTRAT4IF WHERE WA7ER ulFILTRATIOH REQUIREMENT 15 NEEOEO VMFAEYJATERIIIFIL7M710N REQUIREMENT IS IIOTN'eEOED NONE. " I -"URITMUSTBEUlSTALLEOOENEATHMIAPPROVEDOVERHANG TABLE OF CONTENT SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 GEHEfAL. AND INSTALLATION NOTES p ELEVAT7ON, .ANCHORINC LAYOUT " 3 VERTICAL.CROSS SECTIONS' 4 HORtZONTAL-CROSS SECTIONS . - ANCHORSCH®LACE'. OOORFRATJE ' MAT.TJFACTURER ' 'ANOIOR EIdBEWdENT'•. EDGE OISTM'CE ANCHORCAPACfT1E7i, . SU85TRA7T: - TPE ME SHE' RIM- 14 BASSOON . SPECIFICATION (IN)IU14 SHEET _ .. NW:3 - .. .. Nc TAUSTEEL AShE HIB.G.I • THREAOS I.7N.00 1(SI YIELD TUBING 14 CA FIN Q•eAR) PMlIIFAi] NO.0 (1'APPINGSCREWI PAST INSIDE _ BIB'. STRNEGTii hTH. SURFACE OF 7HICHNESs :. :. :. SUBSTRATE . AJSIOI116.1 - ' .... OAMD SCREW]NITH'AMNIM1M ' 2XNVOD FIN (Z•BPR) PANHEA➢ .NO.0 OR L1' 112" 'SPECIFIC FRPNING - Ash 131a.0.4 1J.42. . - - � N'APPLVG SORE M ' �- 11FoRKWO ORTAFRK, SCRays IFs1LITTNGGA COttowaL BALL O.00T PLOTII:dE(ORLLSL'E�S). 21 �EOTAI:�ELIWSUti'DF'RUA16RIetZ50L-O=ANOfCRTO®GECFSVBS7iUlR ' " FL PE, NIL 45T52 OIDII1lly liBnud by Rouen J. Am0IYM DH:cn•Rohen J.am01u lo, e. ou-PTC P1adu4 DudSn Gmup, ' e U+mCcnvplccolptanl.�Us OM..2014.G50S MH7SG•0L'0P .5 . - - 3511716' IfAX. OA. FRAME WIDTH 34314'MAX . F� t. • DooaPANEL f. . . WIDTH 10'MAX.. �g p. 3-I=.(TYP.)--I 3-MAX. PPJ' . y.- K O N F4 F _ 4'AW;. _Jx o 4 4 N4W N G j( — LOCK ASSEMBILY(REGULAR DRIVEIN) _ tt1•MAX, �. No a . 79314" 70J1- - 4 4 . IS LOCATED APPROX. 38'ABOVE �a.C.(TYP.) .. MAX.O.A. MAX.- E O . BOTTOM OF DOOR LEAFANOTHEDEAD _ .O FMME DOOR q 4 BOLTASSEMBLYAPPROX:42'ABOYE 'j[ HEIGHT PANEL BOTTOM OF DOOR LEAF. SEE STRIKE O qo K;�x fir= HEIGHT - DETAILS THISSHE_ET- _ .:30,. .. 3J•61AX. '.. ... - .. .., .. � 0.W os'. •.5_S : .. . (nO av� _ofi P.) . !2 . - HALF HINGES WI 1 .. .A SX314"SCREWS li SILL ANCHOR SPACING, o,a A C .(TYp,) SAMEASHEADSPACG ,. W ANCHOR LAYOUT . _ EXImIORvIE%V ELEVATION Erremonvlay. ANCHORING NOTES; _ 1. 611NIh1UhINUhIDEROFANCNORSINJAMIBSIS 13,' - RB TAPPING SCREW. ANCHOR SPACING VARIES, BUT NOT TO EXCEED FL P.E. Nc.49752 I I !dOx2112'WOGD I I SCREW MUST BE OF 70'A1AXIh1UM O.C. 4 SCREW _ _ I a�-. SUFFICIENTLENGTHTO - • Dlgho0y 3lgnc0 JOx12•J� I 1 4• PENETRATE(3) THREADS 2 MINIMUMI NUAiBER OF ANCHORS INHFAOANO SILL : LypobmlJ: SCREWS I ' ' ( r� MINI .I SEYONO STEEL ' 15 7; ANCHOR SPACING VARIES, BUT NOT TO. - nmoruw 'TUBE, _ EXCEED 10•MA70MUh_I D.C.- 1 Am u=PTC Pro oTCPta duct ENTIIYDOOIt ENTRY DOOR � _ Dadgn G'c.p' S1'fUKE DM —AIL STllR.G llL1'.11L .' InN10 tx tliCiLtlS(6ATl' , S1ITLiL91[r�V=SIR�1C c•cafgwnuc. , wlc:�olsaa.05 t1750,�6.0i•0D• . 1'tAIN:EfdBEDMENT. : I:BWOODSCREW • INSTALLATION ANCHOR - e -; (BY OTHERS)' - 12'MIN. THREE ()THREAD a TO SEALANT SIDE (IF ouNriN FIN SIOEOF.MOUNTINGFIN "rE0GE01ST. I AtIN. PENETRATION - - - - lfaTAPPINGSCREW / INSTALLATION ANCHOR . • 1 ut � F r m SEALANT TAPE TO BACK SIDEOF MOUNTING FIN 318'MIN, FEDGE GIST. 11,1"MLXSHIhI. ��{ -. . EXTERIOR 12 INTERIOR �-` 2„1 i I• 74 G11. MtN, SQUARE ` _ !� _ Fz4�- STEELTUBING(BY Q N .'OTHERS) U �n �• _ .. EXTERIOR '..INTERIOR c� vUxio to x� S . -n 0S 0 oil B VCRTICALSCCTION . a u a�^'U t�= z . 1VODDF_I.MSUBS[RATE - - VERTICAL SECTION `� P: �; a . srEEL;ruulNGsunslR uE00 a w 40 ? x O' 6" EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR ?' i? .INTERIOR IE f •P� 1[a'AWCSHIM - . - r .. '% ., 14 GA hIIN. SQUARE.. .. /jSTEEL7UBING (BY - ..�•' I OTHERS) t Rd,onJ. NPoluso, P.E, SEALANT TAPE TO BACK - -" FL P.C. No.4075 t SIOEOFIAOUNTINGFIN 1t2- - EDGE GIST. '. � p - '. '" �. '. —j"'�' €,. 3/8•h1IH. ,•,�;. c Oiplwtly algncd 2X"V100, 0 FRAh1E OTHERS) i SEALANT TAPE TO HACK EDGEDISL _ by Rahc�iJ. .(BY .. _ _ -SIDE OFMOUNTING FIN ' ' " ' ' '" - `l ','�':• oN elnnRobciU. 1'MIN. EIABEWENi--y 'a8 W0005CREYJ THREE 3)THREAD ( 741 TAPPING SCREW INSTALLATION ANCHOR jr�% INSTALLATION ANCHOR AtIN. PENETRATION - {I,4�4{�y aunPTCPicduq .- v4Y"y /// 'oedpnemup, A VERTICAL SECTIONam ru-w -us WOOD FRA)••IEsuasnLATE C VERTICAL SECT IN - - _ 'oalc:lalsao as ";STEELTUUING SUn57RATOE" .. C3s¢ID•01ro0` 1/4' MAX SHIM _ )I,* MAX SHIM c 11V MIN. EDGE 1irAlIN. EDGE DIST. 2X WOOD FRAME E j 2XWOOD FRAME {BYOTHERS); - (BY OTHERS) S, E6 8 . • - k8 V1000 SCPEIY - - .. - INSTALLATION ANCHOR - . INTERIOR IN - "B WOOD SCREW INTERIOR. �— INSTALLATION ANCHOR ' k8 X4114'Sms - O N c ,i \\`\\\`.1., •••- -:--. ''T - •__=."i''r�z'_'_ a-.., .sJ l.r EMBEDMENT 1' MIN. . r' i� r. S___.. *.c^•r �"" - o g . Ll EMBEDMENT _ i - - "��'..—._7 �� . • (~ � Gioi� d $ W 5 SEALANTTAPETOBACK EXTERIOR, EXTERIOR SEALANT TAPE TO BACK SIOE:OF MOUNTING FIN - SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN `d m & v t W'(A T. V N _ - ru M9E a c. r Eee HORIZON AL SUCTION O - C . HORIZONTAL SUCTION r W00DFIIAMBSUDS _,.' ° p R WOUD PRAMESUBSTTIA'1'E - - - - 7 PC iV�ay 14 GA. MIN. SQUARE - ' U GA. I.IIN. SQUARE STEELTUBING(BY STEELTUBING(BY. 9B'AfIN.EDGE OIST.. OTHERS) OTHERS) .0/8•MIN:EDGEDIST. -- - INTERIOR INTERIOR kB TAPPING SCREW •�r -,�� 48 TAPPING SCREW INSTALLATION ANCHOR 08 X314� Sh1 INSTALLATION ANCHOR _. °�a�_L..1.'�.i'ti4mcc.""'"53ci.!':'•J �r.7CT:Ei?^. n'SL1!'.:,...; ,rc.�--:^�1: THREE {])7HREAD,� � � - � � - � � THREE (])THREAD MIN. PENETRATION _ - • MIN. PENETRATION. -_ S6LAIJ7 TAPE TO BACK - EXTERIOR - EFL P.E. No..•10T52XTERIOR - ftchml J.Am.E. SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN SEALANT TAPE TO BACK -_ - - SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN HORIZONTALSLC'I`ION HORIZUN'fALSUC'I'lUN FI BITiELTUUi Ci5UU�1'HAIL 0194a1y'rLgnc�hyRoDuRI. - G STEELT UIVU SUDS"flL17E Amctum . . . ORimBeEcr1l.Amorvi0.o. - - ou�PTCProduu DeUpPGiauP, Os1e l01 S.0a05 0250120•04-00•.