HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal and Topo Survey 10.22.20LOT 15 BLOCK 77 (VACANT) ,a.2 SET 5/8" IR&C ALB 4286 47.02' 0 O .. 0 00 " w H 00 37.97 0 0 Z O LOT 16 z LOT 36 BLOCK 77 BLOCK 77 (VACANT) (VACANT) 6' WOOD FENCE 1.15' OUTSIDE PROPERTY LOT 16 I1,1.2-FND 1" IP X-NBLOCK 77 0. ID .38'S,0.18'E (UNDER CONSTRUCTION). LOT 35 BLOCK 77 (OCCUPIED) F.F.E.=20.42 l N90°00'00"E 1�9125.00' N N b 35.69' 0 o COVERED ENTRY c6 oa M U 9 0, 1 STORY CBS RESIDENCE Li F.F.E. 20.02 LO •��PS,P.K/FR-:; Digitally signed by Thomas P Kiernan ;E°F a Date:2020.10.21 ' ° a° 15:27:19-04'00' THOMAS P. KIERNAN DATE Professional Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certificate No. 6199 BENCHMARK SET MAG NAIL & DISK ELEV=16.66' N.A.V.D.1988 � SWALE l SET 5/8" IR&C_ LB 4286 4' CONC UL F WALK SEPTIC TANK FLIDS (2) 0 6.0 .1 3014' 12.13' 00 o M 0� CONC DRIVE CO N AC PAD g.2 47.85' i� N N N90°00'00"E 125.00' 6' WOOD FENCE 1.2' INSIDE PROPERTY LOT 37 BLOCK 77 (OCCUPIED) F.F.E.=19.44 ^0 0-0 2 DD �w 00 Z O 0 P O O Z —`— CULVERT PIPE N. INV. EL.=14.38' N S. INV. EL.=14.49' O WELL FND 5/8" IR&C AJP PSM 6330 0.28' S, 0.28' E FND 5/8" IR&C NO ID 0.30' E, 0.29' S O O 0 LO N Irq-�_ 1 4.8 \ 30.00' IW } I --I >cD I Q o� Q J I a afIL In W o Q (0-0 N o cn CoQ ^ m I O Z O Fy I Ow Iom 16.4 15 0 16 64 --- Z 30.00' WATER METER too oI 0 O O r- to REVISED AS —BUILT TOPOGRAPHY I GLM 110/21/2020 ADD AS —BUILT TOPOGRAPHY I JDJ 19/8/2020 STREET ADDRESS 5809 Spruce Drive LEGAL DESCRIPTION GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 (nNFEET ) 1. inch - 20 tt. Being all of Lot 36, Block 77, according to the plat of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT NINE, as recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 74, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Contains 0.230 acres more or less. GENERAL NOTES 1. The bearings shown hereon are referenced to the centerline of Spruce Drive having a bearing of N00°00'00"E, according to the Plat of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT NINE, Plat Book 10, Page 74, City of Port St. Lucie, St Lucie County, Florida. 2. All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. 3. Underground utilities and utility services have not been located on this survey. 4. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone "X", according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO281 J, effective date February 16, 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation certificate. No additional search of the public records has been preformed. There may be additional map Amendments affecting this property. 5. Reproductions of this map are not valid without the original signature and raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor & Mapper. 6. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights —of —way, easements of record, ownership, abandonment's deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. 7. The last date of field work was August 05, 2020. 8. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 9. Elevations shown hereon are referenced to the Indian River Estates Drainage Project C&T Project No. 15.038, Benchmark No. BM-17 having an elevation of 16.65 feet, North American Vertical Datum (N.A.V.D.) of 1988. LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS CONC. DENOTES CONCRETE IR&C P.C.P. DENOTES PERMENANT CONTROL POINT (P) DENOTES PLAT DATA F.F.E.F. (C) DENOTES CALCULATED FROM FIELD MEASUREMENTS DE (M) DENOTES MEASURED DATA U ID DENOTES IDENTIFICATION NUMBER _`.L.S --`� DENOTES FLOW LINE TOB FND. DENOTES TOP OF BANK DENOTES FOUND W.M.E. L.B. DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS 1 WMT N.A.V.D. DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT TRACTy DENOTES NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM Y (NR) DENOTES NON —RADIAL R/W DENOTES RIGHT WAY C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT S O O.R.B. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK LSE DENOTES LIFT STATION EASEMENT O BB DENOTES BEARING BASIS As —Built Final Survey Lot 36, Block 77 For: Jaar Enterprizes, LLC DENOTES IRON ROD & CAP DENOTES FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION DENOTES DRAINAGE EASEMENT DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DENOTES ELEVATION (TYPICAL) DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT DENOTES STREET LIGHT DENOTES WATER VALVE DENOTES WATER METER DENOTES SANITARY MANHOLE DENOTES DRAINAGE MANHOLE DENOTES AS —BUILT ELEVATION