HomeMy WebLinkAboutASTM 30 # Felt Product approvalFTadEERErzffiREREEffEREEREHELREREERE Product Approval USER: Public User FL# Applicatlon Type Code Version Appllcation Status Comments Arch`veid Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Emall Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Testing Lab Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By FL2346-R7 Revision 2017 Approved Warrior Roofing Manufacturing 3050 Warrior Road Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 (205) 553-1734 Ext 115 Steven@WarriorRoofing.net Steven Crew Steven@WarriorRooflng.net Steven Crew 3050 Warrior Road Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 (205) 553-1734 Ext 1024 Steven@WarriorRoofing.net Steven Crew 3050 Warrior Road Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 (205)553-1734 Ext 1024 Steven@WarrlorRoofing.net ROofino Underfayments Test Report PRI Construction Materlals Technologles, LLC Keystone Certlfications, Irre. 10/05/2021 Jesus Gonzalez, P.E. + Valldatlon Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL2346 R7 Col PRI CMT cert of Independence.Ddf Standard AS" D226 AS" D4869 Approved Testing Lab FL2346 R7 Eaujv FBC 2017 Standards Equlvalencv.Ddf Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Va ljdated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summa of Products Method 1 Option a 01/17/2018 01/17/2018 01/17/2018 04/10/2018 FL#Model, Number or Name Descr[pt[on 2346.1 #15 and #30 roofing felt ASTM D 226 Tested Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use in H VHZ: Yes F12346 R711 Installationlnstructions,Ddf Approved for use otJt slde HVHZ: Yes Verified By : PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC Impact Registant: N/A Teat Reports Design Preggure: N/A FL2346 R7 TR 15ATest ReDort.Ddf Other: Primary roof co verlng should be installed FL2346 R7 TR 30ATest ReDort.Ddf lmmedlately after felt. Rooflng felt is not intended to be an u nprotected weathering surface. 2346.2 15w and 30w roofing felt ASTM D 4869 Tested Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use in 11 VHZ: No FL2346 R7 11 Installationlnstructions.Ddf Approved for Lise outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC Impact Resistant: N/A Test Reports Design Pressure: N/A FL2346 R7 TR 15w Test ReDort.Ddf Other: Primary roof covering should be installed FL2346 R7 TR 30w Test ReDort.Ddf immediately after felt. Rooflng felt ls riot intended to be an unprotected weathering surface. 11 Contact Us : : 2601 Blair Stone Road lallehassee FL 32399 Phone` 850-487-1824 The State Of FlorJda is an AA/EEO employer. CoDynaht 2oo7-2ol 3 State Of Florida. .. ; Pnvac`/ Statement .... Accesslblllt`/ Statement .. : Refund Statement Under Florlda lew, emall addresses are publlc records. If you do not want your e.mall address released in response to a pubHc-records request, do not send electronlc mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.139S. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F5. must provlde the Departrrient with en emait address if they have one. The emaiis provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are publre record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provlde the Department with an email address whlch can be made avaHal]le to the publlc. To determine if you are a Hcensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please clicl( h£!g. Prodtlct Appro\rl] I Accepts: in RE RE rna E= Credi.{ CarclSate WARRIOR® ROOFING MANUFACTURING p. a. Box coi85 . Tu8cALoesA, AL 35404 . pi"E (205) §53-1 734 . FAx (205) 553-1 755 ig3 LERoy ANDERsON 8Oro . tioNFioE. OA 3065§ . PHONE (770) aero695 . FAx (770) 207.0775 323 DEVEicipMENi. AVINUE . cHAMBERs8iiae, pA 17201 . PHONE ¢i7) 709.0323 . FAx (7i7} 709un27 Roofing Felt Installation Recommendations Be aware that roofing felt should not be walked upon prior to fastening into position. Proper saftry equipment is recommended for all installations. Also, the roof dedking should be clear of debris and moisture prior to installation of the roofing felt. Roofing felt should be installed from the bottom of the roof in horizontal layers to increase the water shedding ability of the felt. The initial foyer of felt should be installed to cover the bottom edge of the decking, from edge to edge. Overhang is not required. Anchor the top comer of the felt after it has been properly positioned and roll the felt out across the roof. Pay careful attention to roll the felt out smoothly, avoiding wrinkles as you move across the roof. The top edge of the felt should be fastened no less than every eigivt inches. The middle and bottom edge should also be fastened no less than every eight inches. Fasteners should be applied no less than every eight inches along the eaves. The next course of felt should also be aligned with the roof edge and should overlap the previous course two inches (sometines refened to as head lap). In the event you get to the end 9f a roll prior to getting to the opposite edge of the roof, begin a new roll with a four inch overlap over the end of the prior roll (sometines refemed to as end lap). The same fastening patterri used on the middle and bottom df the initial course should be used for each subsequent course. For the top of each subsequent course, fasten intemittently to hold the top edge in place until the next course is applied. The fasteners in the bottom of the next course will hold the top of the .previous course securely. Continue up the roof in this manner. Be sure to firmly fasten the top of the fmal corse if it terminates at the top edge of the roof. Otherwise, overlap the felt over the ridge and secure then begin at the bottom of the other side of the ridge and repeat the process. In valleys, lay a vertical section of roofing felt the length of the valley prior to the installation of the horizontal runs of roofing felt. If you use more than one section of roofing felt in a valley, be certain to start at the bottom and overlap each su.bsquuent ll _-_ _I,I ,.` .,., I-. .`..',.._I,, .? -,,,... `,J`"length a minimum of two inches as you move up the valley shedding. h the event some wrinkles are created while fastening down a course of felt, slice the wrinkles and fasten them flat to the deck. Then seal the cuts with waterproofrog cement. hstallation of the primary roof covering (ex. Shingles) is recommended immediately after felt installation. NOTE: LOCAL BUILDING CODES MAY REQUIRE A DIFFERENT FASTENING PATTERN AND/OR SPECIFIC FASTENER TYPES THAN RECOMMENDED BY THESE INSTRUCTIONS. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BUILDING CODE ADMINISTRATOR FOR TIRE EXISTENCE 0F REGIONALLY SPECIFIC FASTENING REQUIREMENTS.