HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawingj Y WAT RW ENCROACHMENT OF -DOCK TO REMAIN THE SAME PROPERTY LINE SEAWALL RETURNS �f AS NEEDED A I 10, °i Ayi m� ! r I S ST, LUCIE CCANTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR COMPL REVIEWED BY DATE e PLANS AN PE IT , MUST BE KEPT O JOB OR E GPNP� Mp,N oo NUDE TH wM PLANS A14D ALL PROPOSED WG,'jI( ARE-ROJGC-T TO ANY CQp�REC i IONS `REQUIReD BY FIELD INSPECTORS TRAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORD01 TO CQ-P1,P Y WJTH ALL APPLt ; 11LE CCOE& .._.._.._.._. ..—i T 10' EXISTING SEAWALL IA I� iZ QUEENS COVE -UNIT 1- BLK 15 LOT C i PROPOSEDSEA WALL REPLACEMENT WITHIN 12" OF EXISTING SEAWALL FACE ARIA GNO jcrner &Associates, Inc. 124 QUEEN CATHERI NA COURT 37SEAl f Environmental Consulting 2537SEAlonsoAve. Port St. Lucie, FL34952 C �+ Ph.(772)283-2950 FT. PIERCE &-- E JERNER@BELLSOUTH.NET No 70878 OF i 0 ,cL < 1 1 " = 20' SHEET 3 Date: 92/2/16 co k a O n 6' m m o Q a� Z #3 Ties,-24"-O.C.,--3"from outside edge OBar. /n pvc S/er X` w 1 Z Bend@ Each E dfong PROPOSED SEAWALL WITHIN 12'li[i - OF EXISTING SEAWALL FACE OR LANDWARD OF SEAWALL WHERE MANGROVES OCCUR Minimum 6' penetration into sandy soil Deadman 10' 0. C. Max. ---- ---- -- 14"X 10" Concrete Cap / 5,0�, 18"+/-Below --•- --- — --- top of Cap . 92" 27 ti.. 6' V.- 24"X 24"X 12" w _.._.. #4 Bars@ 6" - _.._.._. _.._.._. _.._.._ ._.._.._ ._.._.._ ._.._.. .._.._.. .._. _. O.C. Each Way, SHOREGUARD 450 SERIES OR SIMILAF 10, O.C. SECTION THRU a '• 10, m 24„ U 0 #3 Stirrup BULKHEAD ELEVATION ifs , PLUS AND ALL PROPOSE® wcc, ARE SUBJECT TO ANY COMECT.1oN ? -REQUIRED BY FIELD WSPECTORS Til • MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORWA TO CO'9PLf V"?1T6-I -L1 A,'jW,',AME CG`Z)ES. ARIA GNO Jerner &Associates, Inc. 124 QUEEN CATHERI NA COURT 37SE Environmental Consulting T 2537SEAlfonsoAve. Port St. Lucie,FL34952 FT . PIERCE JERNER@BELLSOUTH.NET Date: 1212116 �l1t�HEET4 Deck- Dock -Section - - -- - Thru New Pilings jetted to a minimum depth of 6' and as necessary to provide adequate bearing and stability - - -- - -- -- --Deck/Dock-Plan View --- 7' +/ All Bolts 518" H.D. Galv. Or S. S. 2" x 6"SYP, .40 ACQ Decking #1 Grade w_ minimal spacing. Single 2" x 8" P. T. SYP, .40 ACQ treated stringers to be butt jointed, butt joints to be staggered. 2" x 8" P. T.- SYP, .40 ACQ treated bents •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•--1!...-•-•-•-•-•-•. - Stringers 24" O. C. !-! Min. 8" Dia. 2.5. CCA treated piles THESE PLANS AND ALL Sr OPOSED WO X ARE SUBJECT TO ANY OOPiJEC'S l,ONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT Mir BE NECESSARY IN 01UNEA TO CCMPLf 1411TH All. A,'2,r-1M „�� E ARIA GNO Jerner & Associates, Inc. 124 QUEEN CATHERINA COURT - 37SEA f Environmental Consulting 2537SEAl Alfonso Ave. PortSt. Lucie,FL34952 Ph.(772)283-2950 FT T . PIERCE JERNER@BELLSOUTH.NET Center Stringer(��slI�)11 toe Nailed w SS Ring Shalcsk� 114,IQPIfy�e 7 % S- T f 3tt P*1° ET5 Date: 12/2116 OLrV. v m gun=* vc e ` rAe6tc,. Hl1TC���s N9 I���i�5 AND ALLPROM �,,_ o N ARE SUBJIM-T TO ANY COPIRM Io�o$ZaONS 'REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS TI-lK o f PLAY BE I CESIGARY IN t�i A TO i �••• s� l� P i • H ALL AuFJ?1JR,'A9LE CCE)ES. LO 'P ARIAGNO Jerner'&Associates, Inc. SHEET 6 124 QUEEN CATHERI NA COURT Marine Environmental ConLucie, F 349 Date: 12/2/16 2537SEAlonsoAve. Port St. Lucie,FL34952 Ph.(772)283-2950 FT , PIERCE JERNERNELLSOUTH.NET R El" :D JAN 12 7J,7 St. Lucie County PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-1553 Design Certification for Wind Load Compliance This Certification must be completed by the project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted in duplicate with all applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single or multi- family), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no exterior structural walls, columns or other components are being affected) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection Office at (772)462-2172. Project Name Ariagno OO Ic Use OO 1, Street Address 124 Queen Cathe6na Ct Permit Number FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA OccupancyT e Construction Type Certification Statement: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Design Parameters and Assumptions Used: (Please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1 Florida Building Code 2014 Edition with 2010 Supplements and ASCE 7 -10 2. Building Design is: Enclosed: Partially Enclosed: Open Building: X 3. Mean Roof Height: N/A Roof Pitch: N/A Internal Pressure Coefficient: N/A 4. Width of End Zone:1' Wind Speed:165 (3 sec. gust) 5. Building Classification Table 1-1. ASCE 710 FBC Table 1604.5 1 6. Wind Exposure Classification: C Adjustment Factor for Exposure & Height: 1.21 7. Components & Cladding Wind Pressure on Roof Zone 1 N/A 2 N/A 3 N/A PSF 8. Components & Cladding Wind Pressure on Wall Zone 4 so.si 54.1 5 70.1/-74.5 PSF 9. Components & Cladding wind Pressure on Overhead Garage Door N/A PSF 10. Loads: Floor 40 PSF RooVdead N/A PSF Roof/live N/A PSF 11. Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes X No (if No, attach explanation) 12. Continuous Load Path provided? Yes X No (if No, attach explanation) 13. Are Component and Cladding Details Provided? Yes X No _ (if No, attach explanation) 14. Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: N/A Presumptive: By Test: PSF As witnessed by my seal, I hereby certify that the information included with this certification is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Name: BOWDOING.HUTCHINSON Cert#: PE#70878 G.. HUTCy��/��i 'DesignFirm: BENCHMARK ENGINEERINGTC Date: 1/10/17 ����p ,-'�GE�lS�'•, cP0 ii"" SLCCDV Form # 020-00 Revised 5/18/69 (CL)"�GPY 0 cathertna'I i urt Treasure Coast-' International St LuCi e, Business Park fillet -state P-10) .0 pon and St LULlk lKed r_ _ i 1 011 I Nolth ' I _ I J ARIAGNO 124 QUEEN CATHERINA COURT FT. PIERCE Jerner & Associates, Inc. j Marine & Environmental Consulting 2537 SE Alfonso Ave. Port St. Lucie,FL34952 Pli.(772)283-2950 _ -- JERNEMBELLSOUTH.NET /'/ tll9111�` SHEET I Date: 12/2/16 C ARIA GNO Jerner &Associates, Inc. 124 QUEEN CATHERI NA COURT 37SE f Environmental Consulting 2537SEAIonsoAve. Port St. Lucie,FL34952 Ph.(772)283-2950 FT. PIERCE JERNEMBELLSOUTH.NET �, m. , W- 1»= , II SHEET 2 Date: 1219116