HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Plans l- a Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: D1 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectNarne: 8251 SOUTHER f11 Date: 6/14/2016 827:45AM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F1 34951 Component SolutionsTm COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Version:20165[Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PUES Spacing WGT/PLY 117-M 6/12 5 1-4-0 14-0 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 72lbs 1941-0 14-0 5-2-9 3-3-7 3-3-7 5-2-9 1�-0 rr2-9 8-6-0 11-9-7 17-0-0 i 4x4- 3 12 12 6F— -76 1x4 b 1x4/ 4 to? �Q N t 3x4- 3x4- 1 5 I 7 6 8 5x7- D-0-0 0-0-0 8-6-0 8-6-0 _ -- B-6-0 1741-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (Ioc) Allowed L®d (1n0 Bldg Cade: FDC 2014d TC: Q45(1.2) Vet 71- 02 in L/937 (6.1) L/240 Tt].L: 20 TPI)-711D7 BC: Q82(56) Wt U- nos in L/999 (6-1) L/360 TCDL: 10 RepMlrinc e: Yes Wb: QM(36) Haz TL: Us in 5 BOLL: 0 D.O.L: 12 % Clap Factor,Ku-1.5 BCDL: IO Plate OBsets(JntXYAngt (1:34.2-5.Q) (10Q3-15.36) (3:04-15,Q) (4:00-I5.36.) (533 -SQ) (6-M2$Q) Reaction Summary JTI Type BgCattle Btg Width Material Rqd Btg VJdth Max React Max Gmv Uplift Max W(nd Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz 1 Pin(14111) 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 812lbs - -361bs v-7511s -Albs 5 H Rdl(Vh11) 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 10)in 812lbs - -375lbs -3751ts Olbe Material Summary Bracing Summary 7C I SP(ALSMD13)h224 TC&acing Sheathed ar Ptdins at 4-7$Perlin design by Others. — BC SIP(ALSC&2DI.)02 N4 BC Racing Sheathed or Padins at 8-I-Q Patin design by Others. VNs SP(ALSC&2DS)1USted N4 Loads Summary 1)This toss has been designed for the effects die to 10 psf hxtan chord liw Ind Plus dead 1oods. 2)This toss has been dcsillo d for the effects of wind lads in aamlana with ASCE7-10 with the following userd:fined inpn:170 uVh tdtimate,Expatae C,Folly FndaeQ Cagr/Hin Building Chem B(I-1.00),0mall Bldg Dins 99 ft x S-ft,h-15 It,Not&tdZone Teas,Neither ed web ensidetd DOL=1.33,CC Zone Width 5.2 R 3)h1linirrtan storage attic loading in accordance with IBC Table IM7.1 has been applied \ Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Member ID,nax CSI,max adal flame,(oax cmgr.face if d ffeent runt nntaz t dal face) \ M1 / 7CI 7.1 Q.1'n 361bs 2-3 Q396 -9851hs 4-5 Q447 -I,�SJIIs \\ N•' 1-2 0.447 -1.25716s 3-0 0.39 A86ll: 5-8 GTTI 361Its \\ \Q•.' - •••,'1 eci 5-6 0.816 LWslbe (49611s) &I Qs16 Lmslh r�531be) Q.: ��GENSF ,♦��/, V� 21 Q1. 3 lb, (-374 Has) 3,6 QM1 616lb, (-31I 16s) 4fi QIM 3%Ibs (-374lbs) \ 6 Ngtts: Z t' PE 76051 r 1)When this hiss has been chosen for gnalityasstrance inspection,the Plate Plaeenctt Methadper TPl 1-2MA32shall be sled Cq-1.17. s ♦ — 2)listed wind ttplift teaaions based at MWFRS Only lodng t i i y0 FA Off• `` I N0T10EAorq/ofthis d=siga shall be finished to the erection txntrectm.The desigt ofthis individnl toss is Led en design criteria and nxltmeen mts sttpplled bybheThss Manulca—and tclia tgcn the accuracy Brian 14 Bluely and dot¢i.=s ofthe infatuation set forth tythe&ilding DesigomA seal on this Jawing indirffies mcepana ofpmfcssional engineering mponsibility solely for the buss cmgtmmt dcsiyrt sham.See:the— Stnxi EngKMIGI Page and the'7mpotartt Infmretion&Gencnil Nora"{'�for additional infamatitn.All connector plates shall be tnanufianed by S(miaon SnmgTe Car�ny,Inc in accordance with FSR ZM2.All connector 2NN.King;Hid).FL Piece FI 34951 Fixes—2D ptre,bolas the specified plate sim is followed b!a"-18"which indicates an 18 Satre plate,or'SH Ire',which indicates a high tension 18 page plate Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: D2 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 SOUTHSS ERN Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 827:45 AM Col onentSolutionsTM COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax page: 10£1 Truss Vecsi0n:20165[Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PUES Spacing WGT/PLY 117-0-0 6/12 5 0-M 1.4-0 0-" 0-M 1 24 in 70 Is 184-0 5-2-93v,_7 3-3-7 52-9 14-0 5-2-9 8.60 11-9-7 17-0-0 44- 3 Z 12 12 6F— ---16 1x41 IA/ 4 c� oar N 3x4- 3x4- 1 5 j 7 I 6 5x7- 0-0-0 0-0-0 8-6-0 B-6-0 8.6-0 17-M Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed L6d (pso BItcade: FBC2DW TC: Q50(1-2) VW 71-* 072in L/863 (6q L/240 TOLL: 20 TPI I-2W7 BC: Q82(61) Yet LU 0.05 in L/999 (61) L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mlrincreas Yes s N6b: 0.24(Q H—TL• Q03 in 5 BOLL: 0 DAL: 125% Creep Factor,Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(InCXYAng} (1i42-5.0.) (2:0Q3-1536) (3:043-1SQ) (4AQ3•I5.3&) (5:342d0.) (&00.2EQ) RI ction Summary IT Type Bptcombo Beg Hldth Material WIhg Nldh Max Rocs Max Gray Udift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz q pin(MI) 1 :in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 7711h -3071ts -39711s -115lbs 5I H Roll(VUI) 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 813 Os - -3'A Its -3`19lfs 01ts Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6-MI3)1220 TC Bracing Sheathed a Pulins at VK Puiin dsiph by Others. DC SP(ALSC62113)122t4 BC Bearing Sheathed or Puffins at 7-8-Q Pulin dedgr by Others. W. SP(AISC62113)f/35td 2z4 Loads Summary 1)This mars has been drsiped frr the effects do to 10psf bodarn chard live load pis dad fonds. 2)This toss has ben dsiped fa the effects ofvAnd foods in acm I cewith ASCE7-10 with the following rarer defined inpu: I70mphtdtimate,FN-=C,Fa1ly Fnclmeds Gab1cHp 130ding Categpy II a-1.a%Overall Bldg Dins 99 It x 52 ft,h-15 R,Nu End Zme Tnss,Neither end wcb considered DOL-1.33,CC Zone Width 5.2 It. 3)Ivlininam stoag attic loading in amxdance with BBC Table 1607.1 has been applied Member Forces Summary Table indcales:Marker ID,max CSI,max mdal face,(oar mope fax if different firm—dal fait) TC 1-2 0.5m -I,29lbs 34 Q392 -989Its 5-7 0371 36lbs \\\N\\ {vr'• ��Fjt �j�� 2.3 Q471 -990Its 4-5 0.453 -1.260lbs --- �^1 s BC Sb nVI 1.0781hs (-537lts) 61 Q821 L082 its (-5211s) /�\ • rC NHs 2fi 0.139 390its (-3A Its) 3d 0MA 660 lb; (-3)0Ih;)14S Q 136 377 lhs (-37411s) Notes: PE 76051 1)When this toss has boat chosen for gialiry assurance inspection,the Plate Placement Method per TPl 1-2007/A32 shall be heed Cq-1.17. ' _ 2)Listed wind hpiift reactions bars don MWFRS Only loading. .� s S ATE OF : Iq , ; i/2O ` F(OR�pF: \��!e /�S+s'ONA1-�O\\\\ a� NOTICEAcrgy aftbis dsigh shall is fimishd to the erection contractor.The design d'Ihis individual ones is lased an drip criteria andre¢merrrnts supplied by the Toss Manudagurel exu er e relies rpm the ary Brian M Bkal-s' and cmIirteness ofthe infiratiort set forth by the Building DesipeA seal on this Jawing indicate exepurnx dpmfessioral m®neeting responsibility solely for the mars mripment design shown.See the cove Sat En&9WI and the"Important Infomatim 8e General Notes"peg:fer adfiGonal infira nation.All connector plate shall b:rreda mcwred by Simpson Strong-Ter Cny,Inc in acoordance with ESR 278.All cainrdor 2590N.Kings Hiu.FL Pierce FI 34951 plates are 21 pug,unless the specified plate size is fella eel ly a"Ir which inflates an l8 pug plate,or•SP Ir,which indicates a high tonsiort I8 peg plalm i � Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: D3G OEM-': "` 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 SOUTHERN Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 827:46 AM ComponentSolutionsTM IRVSS Page: 1 of2 COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax V lion:2o16STluss(Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 17-0-0 6/12 1 1-4-0 14-0 0-M 0-M 1 12in 72lbs i 19-8-0 1-0-0 7-0-0 3-G-0 74)-0 1.4-0 7-M 10-0-0 17-0-0 5x5/ 4x10 HS 18- 2 3 T 1-2 12 61f -16 nA Q � 3x8/ 3x8I 1 4 I 8 B 7 6 5 6x6- 4x4- 2x6 j CJ7 J7 J7 CJ7 J7 0-0-0 0-0-0 7-M 3.0-0 7-M 7-0-0 10.0-0 17-M Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L! (loc) Allowed . food (Pat) Bldg Cal:: FBC 20141 TC: Q57(1-2) Vert M. 0.18in L/999 (45) L/240 TOLL: 20 TPI I-200/ BC: Q75(4-5) Vat 11-: Q W in L/999 1.1361) TCDL: 10 Rep Mhrinaease: No Va: Q25(2-7) H—TU Q08 in 4 BOIL: 0 D.O.L: 0% Cn pFaaa;Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OffseU(lneXY.An0' (1:441-13.13.) (2:0Q3.8.26.) (3:1-123-IQQ) (4A-0,1-13.13.) (5:1-123490.) WoA2-aa) (/383-4.0.) Reaction Summary JTi Type BgCuobo Brg Nldh Material RAJ Bg%kh Max React Max Grav Udift Max Nand Uplift Max Uplift Max Haiz 1 pin(VAII) 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 1,5A lb. - -781 lbs -78111s A lb. 4 H Roll(WI) 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3.0H. 1,99411s - -781 1h; -781 Its 0lls Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC6-2013)SS 2x4 TC Bracing Sheathed a Puffins at 3-544 Puffin design by Others. BC SP(AISC6.2013)Q N4 BC Bracing Sheathed or Puffins at 3-24 Puffin design by Others. RbJs SP(AISC6.206)#YStd 2x4 Loads Summary I)This teas has been c sipd for the effects Ae to 10 psf buttorn chord live load plus dad leads. ' 2)This toss bas been designed fa the effects of wind lads in accordance with ASCE7-10 with the fdlewing mu defined input:IA mph dtimate,E+gmue C,Fully aclme4 dabfeffip Building CateM 11(I-1.001 Overall Bldg Dins 97 R x 52 ft,It—15It,Not Find Zone Thss,Neither end web ansideted DOL—1.33,CC Zone NS@h 5.2 fL 3)Minim=storage attic leading in accordance with IBC Table 1607.1 has been applied Ioad Case Irl:Std live Load ���\\\1 I I I I r I . Po tLoads ���� N M•_BL , Member Location Direction Load Mil,Wmh Tsq Chd 7-00 Down 981hs �.•�GENSF Bot Chd 740 Dawn 170 ba `��• �,� T�Chd 74112 Dawn IIB Ibs 24 in : PE 76051 ' BotChd 7�12 Dew 17Ifs 24 in Tip Chd 8-60 Down IISIb: 24 in _� a "OF_ .. ButT Chd Bd0 Dawn 171hs MinTip Chd 9-114 Down 1181bs 24 in Bat Chd 9-ll4 Dew 17lbs 24 inSATapChd ID00 Dawn 70lbs ��" ` Bat Chd 1D110 Dew IA Rs t �• ' L&dCase DI:Std Dead Load ���0,'•�CORI�P%•� 4 PomtLceds / .. N Member Location Direction Load Tnb Nldth Tap Chd 7-0-0 Dawn 55lbs Sg10NAV- \\\\ Set Chd 70-0 Dew 231 lb; Top Chd 7412 Dew 70Its 24 in Bet Chd 7.0-12 Down 6/Ibs 24 in T4 Chd Bba Down 701 a 24 in Bat Chd 9" Dawn 61 Its 24 in *Chd ml,t Down 70IIs 24 in But Chd 9-114 Down 67 Ih: 24 in Tap Chd 10" Down 5511s Bat Chd 1D00 Down 2331 lbs l I i NOTICE Acopy ofthis design shall be funishd to the wectim contractor.The cksip ofthis individual tnes is 6sd to design criteria and reµirerrcnts svoid by the Trust Mamdaccuer and telits upon the actuary Brian M.Blnkly and anyleteness ofthe infatuation set forth by the Binding DesipmA sal on this drawing indicates acceptance cfpofmsimal engineering sespesiblliry solely fathe mas component design show.Sce the corer Strom.Fitg#>t5Q51 ixg:�and the"Important Infmmtion&General Notes"pug fa additional infan atim.All camraa plates shall be ma tufaccurd by Simpson SmmgTe Company,Inc in accordance with F5R2762.All cat0ecta 2590 N.Kings KE h.Ft.Pierre FI 34951 plates are 2D pug,tmless the specifd plate site is felavd by a"-187 which indicates an 18 get¢plate,a"S#19",which indates a high tension I8 pulp plate. I '- Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: D3G SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 Component SolutionsTM muss Fort Pierce,FI 34951 Page. 6/142 016 827.46 AM Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Version:20I6.5 u8d 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 17-M 6/12 1 1-4-0 1.4-0 0-M 0-M 1 12 in 72 lbs Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Member ID,nax CS4 max axial face,(matt coW.face if d flesent fiam man a)dal face) TC I&1 0000 is its 12-3' Q5% 3a 1231hs (-Z97111s)149 QIOD 1811s 1-2 QSB 3.403 lls (-3,201 Its) 34 Q513 13891hs (.3.147lb,) BC ! 4-5 0.752 -28QIt. 5.7 Q'M -29071Is 17-1 0.745 -Z92411s Webs 2-7 Q25I 699lhs (451 Rs) 3-7 QUii 89lh; (-8I IIs)3-5 11251 69811s (4751Is) 11vss-to-truss Connections Summary 6 CamedTrss Canyin Trtas CanyinROffset Angle TI29 07 D3G 740 315 deg TEA 17 D3G 7412 270 deg TM 17 D3G S" 270 deg 7730 J7 D30 9-I14 270 deg Tf29 07 D3G 100-0 225 deg Note: „ 1)whiers this tnss has hen chosen fargsality assurance inspection,the Plate Placement MethodperTPI 1-2=A3.2 shall be used Cq-1.17. 2)Provide adequate drainage to potent pmding 3)Listed wind t0ift rtsrliorts lased on MWFRS Only loading ENsF��`/��� 4(b; i PE 76051 Sq1xktrE0qF, 0"%PCOR19P% IONA`1 \\�\ I NOTICE Acepy ofthis design shallbefimishedtotheerectitn emtrapa•.'Ibedmigiofthis indioidalhtas isbasedondesign critcriaendregicmrrnts sWoiedbythe Teas Msntdar2uc asd relics Lpm theaavacy BrifflINLBleak1„ and'wnplReness ofthe infatuation set forth bythe 13ulding Dcsigtc.A seal on this drawing indicates acoq tance dpo(essitnal en@nedng respnsibllity solely for the Was ragmen design shwm.See the cote J mandthe"ITW-t lnfamatitn&General Notes"page faaMtimal infatuation.All cotcclo,oates shall be=tfictuedby Sinpon Strang-T.Cangmty,Inc in accordance with FSRZ7Q.All cmhetw strum B,&#` l plat ate 2D gsgr,unless the speified plate sim is fdlowd by "-IS"which indicates an 18 genre dine,a"S4 Ir,which indicates a higlt tension 18 getg plate. 2M N.Kings Hid.FL Pierce F134951 I Southern'truss Companies,Inc. Truss: D4G 2590 N.kings Highway PmojectName: 8251 SOUTHERN Fort Pierce,F134951 Date 6/14/2016 827:46AM Component Solutions"' COMRiuSES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 oft Truss Version:2016.5rBuM521 I " Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 17-0-0 6/12 1 1-0-0 0-" 0-" 0-0-0 2 12 in 124 ibs 18-0-0 ! 1-4-D 3-6,12 3-6-12 3-7-8 3.1-8 3-1 8 3-5-12 7-1-8 10-9-0 13-10-8 i7-0-0 4x5- 5x4- 6x7 1 4 5 6 12 6F— • 4x8/ 3 q�n 1x4% m 4 , 4x8 v I - 1 Z 1 8 7x8 I US HS 18- 7x91 4101 3x121 B5G ® B3 1B2 B7 0-04) 0-0-0 7-1-8 3-7-8 NI 3-1-8 7-1.8 10-M 1'..10-8 17-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ 0oc) Allowed Lucid (P-0 Bldg Code: FJ3C 2014/ 7C: -Q94(2.3) Ycd 71-1 0.28 in L/665 (1011) L/240 '1'CLL: 20 7P11-2MI I3C: D59(9.II) Mt LU all in L/999 (10-11) L/36D TtCDL: 10 Rep MF.Inmase: No Vkb: 092(3.11) H—T1- 005 in 7 BOLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Crcep Factor,Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(Jnt:l(,Y,An&... (1:56,1-S,D) (2:OQ3-15,21.) (3:1-12,3.1,26) (4:013- &) (5:1-R,3-Q0.) (OA3A .) (7:1-IZ6490.) (8:1-R5 %) (9:1.12.5I.) (IOOQ34Q) (II:1-124-0.90.) RI ction Summary JT -[pM ftCanbo Ben,Midh Material P4 Big Midh Max Read MUG—Uplift Max Mind Uplift Max Uplift Max Had. 1 Pin(Midl) I Bin Cmaete Masonry 10)in 5,026 its - -Z121 lbs -2,121 is 24211s H Roll(Mill I Sin Concrete Masonry 4.53 in 7,682N - -3,05511s -3,05511s 0lls Material Summary Bracing Summary - SP(AISC62D13)922x4 Tr-Bracing Sheathed 13C SP(ALSC6.20:3)SS N6 DC Bracing: Sheathed a Parlins at 6-24 Patin dsigr by Others. 13h� SP(AISCG2D3)MfSod 2x4 except: 68 SP(ALSC&2013)#22x4 Loads Summary 1)This toss has been desigted fa the effects de to 10 psf lxtto n chard lisp Icad p1m dad lords. 2)This mss has been designed for the effects ofwindlcads in acrosbnce with ASCE7-l0with the fdlo-ingwardefined inpat: 170,ryhrdtinatei Fa7m=C,Fully Enclosed Cratie/J6p,BuildngCategsy B O-1.0(&Overall Bdg Di—99 ft x 52 fL h-15 ft,Nd FndZme Thas,Neither and web mnsid..d DOL-IM,CC Zane Widh 5.2 fL ` J 3)Miniman stodge attic loading in auaaance with IBC Tale IM7.1 has ban applied \\ 6 I-� Lead Case Lrl:Std Live Load N - PointL.oads �\� -�3GE NSF W.bc L—tim Dinxtim I.cad Trib Midh \ ♦ , , Bd Chd 7-1-8 Down 1,6511bs PE 76051 ,x i Bar Chd 9412 Down 7881bs 24 in . , Bd Chd 114312 Davn 788Ibs 24 in t "OF_ ,. Bar Chd 15*42 Dom 7881ts 24 Lnliar Chd IS4L12 Dom 78811s 24 inLoadCase Dl:Std Dead Lead • S i PointLoads 0 •{Q•1 J ((/ Member I—im Diectim Load Trib Midh O�� \ Bdchar 718 Dawn 1,6%11s / :ciORID�,X\\\ Wt Chd 9412 Dom . 7881Is 24 in ffi Chd 11k12 Down 78811s 24 in / �,ONA�lice Chd 13h12 Down 788 is 24 inBar Chd 15412 Down 78811s 24 in �,!"'l l I I User-defined Lead Case Li:TTC Load Case / 1 PointL.aads Member location Di,.wn Load T.b Midth Bt Chd 11412 Dam 2251bs 24 in Bit Chd 13612 Down n Its 24 in Bat Chd I,.2 Down 29811s 24 in NOTICE Am .171his design shall be furnished tothe autim catau•la.The d_sigs ofthis individal nvu is laudm design criteria and cap nancnts supplied 6l the Tms Mantdact a and relies sgcn the anewary, Brian NL Bleakly andwrgdcteness afthe hafmratim set loth."c l3dlding Designer.A seat m this dawingindicates aarpance ofpdessimal engpineeringnspxnsitility solely lathe toss cong-1 design shovn.See the core Strsv.FngJ!)6051 peg ind ire"Impntmtt Infor atim d General Notes"page fwaditimal infanmtion.All cmnctor pates shall be mantdactored by Sim sm Strong-Tic Cmgnny,Inc in aaadanm with ESR-M.All connector 2590 N.King p6pfs.Ft Pierce F134951 plates ce 23 gain,mless the specified plate size is followed by a"1137 which indicates an 18 pp W plate.arms#Ir,which indicates a high teuim 18 goup plate I '- Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: D4G SOUTHEpN 2590 N.kings Highway ProjtxxName: 8251 'TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 8:27.46AM Component Solutions COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 2 oft I Truss Vers6:20165 iBu17d 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 17-M 6/12 1 14-0 0-M 0-M 0-M 2 12 in 124 lbs Load Combinations i K Load Canbo Factor Iced Duration Factor I DI 1.000 0.900 12 DI+LI 1.000 1.250 DI+LI LIUD 1.250, 4 DI+Q75 LI+Q75 L1 1.000 L250 - 5 DI+Q6 W3 1.000 1.330 6 D1+Q45 WI+Q75 L1+Q75 LA1.000 133D 7 DI+Q45 W2+Q75 L1+Q75 LAIAW 1.33D 8 DI+0.45 W3+Q75 L1+0.75 1x1 1•000 1.3309 D1+Q45 W4+a75 L1+0.75 L1 3.000 1330 10 DI+0.45 WS+0.75 L1+Q75 L1 LOW 1.330 I DI+0.45 Wes+0.75 LI+Q75 LI 1A00 1.330 12 .r D1+0.45 W7+0.75 L1+Q75 III1.ODD 1.330 13 DI+0.45 WS+Q75 L1+0.75 LA 1.000 1.330 14 DI+Q45 W9+0.75 LI+Q75 L1 1.00D 1.330 15 D1+Q45 WI0+Q75 L1+0.75 LI 1.000 1330 16 DI+Q45 WI+Q75 L1 LOOS LBO 17 D1+Q45%2+Q75 L1 1.000 1.330 Is D1+Q45 W3+Q75 LI 1.000 I.BD 19 DI+Q45 W4+Q75 LI I.00D 1.�70 2D D1+Q45 WS+Q75 LI 1.000 I. 21 DI+Q45 W6+0.75 LI 1.000 1330 22 DI+Q45 W7+Q75 L1 LODD 13M 23 DI+0.45 WS+0.75 L1 1.000 1330 24 DI+0.45W9+Q75L1 1.000 1.330 25 DI+Q45 Will+Q75 Lt 1.000 1.330 26 Q6Dl+Q6W1 1.000 1330 27 0.6DI+0.6 W2 10M I� 28 Q6D1+0.6 W4 1000 1330 19 0.6 D)+Q6 WB IOOD 1330 30 0.6DI+0.6W9 LOW 1330 31 D1+L10- 1000 1250 32 DI+UR1 1.000 1.250 33 DI+UR2 1.000 1.750 Member Forces Summary Tale indicates:Member m,coax CSL max adal face,coax cmpe force ifd8erent s,.n,corapal fa¢) iC I 12.1 QI07 911s 2,3 0.97 -5,438I1s 4-5 Um -3.06011s 1.2 Q915 -54881ts 3-4 Q544 -3,38811s 56 Q71 -1 .9311ts BC I 7.8 Q200 017s 9-11 Q59s 4,874Rs (533 3, 1bs) 8.9 Q362 1.941 l s (-1.1801ts) 11-1 Q454 4,923Ibs (-3.574It. Ubd 241 Q021 -691bs 4-9 Q510 1,4241hs (�S71fs) 647 Q846 3,9891hs (-Zffills) 3-9 Q875 -2,S21hs (-Z1771hs) 5-9 Q7gOLFA) Z3Wlbs (-1,6;D Ina) 6.7 Q7A -3,431h; ZW211s TYuss-to-truss Connections Summary I CamedTnss CanyingTms Canying ORsel Andre ITT3 B5G D4G 7-1-8 770 deg (7T4 B4 D4G 9412 270 tdeg �7T5 B3 D4G 11412 ZA deg I776 @ D4G 13J}I2 270 deg IT77 BI D4G 15412 2A deg Notes: 1)When this truss has been chosen fagalitymsmasoc inspection,the Plate Plawnent MethodpaTPI 1-20W4U2shall versed Cq-1.17. 2)PI&adegate drainage to prevent pmdng 3) ®Indeates contintas lateral restaint(CLR)regiired at the locetim(s)sham.Rows ofCLR must be adequately diagonally laced see D-WEBCLBBRACE For alternatives to CLRs anddagnal bracing see D-WEBREWFORCE 4)The race shown for this nedti-plytr ss are per ply andthe reactions are(m all plies.Two idtntieal tosses shall he hilt and atached as follows:TIC-1 row d lOd Nails or Gm Nails [rmri Ql20rda x27)r long 1Tac,DC-2staveedmws d'lOdNails aGm Nails[min Q)20rder.x27/8'Imgl(Qa4-Vae,HbW-1row 10d NailsorGm Nails loin aim" der z27/r long]Q 9"ac. In adfitim to the fasteningodlindabove,provide the felowingsupplementat fasteners within ZV ofthe location(s)listed below in lieu ofhsinghanger connectors that are eapatle of transferring the entire load between the plies: BC:7-1-4(IS)IOd Nails a Gm Nails[min Q 137'der x2718'long) 5)Where regum4 strident hangers shall be pr Wdd(ty dhers)to resist reactions shorn. 6)Install the screws/nails on me side,do not flip truss.Saewsfnails shall he installed in the same toss ply that the hangers are attached to 7)lateral bracingshall be attachd to each ply. 8)All fasteners minimmn 2-I2 long unless otherwise noted 9)Nails in 1st and2nd ply shall he stag ead lion srixessise pies by 12 the nail spscing 10) istd wind uplift reactions based at MWFRS Only loading t \ ��✓i PE 76051 � a a -q� SATE OF ; O OR1 p='���1:�* I I NOTICE Acapydhis sign shall be 6mishd tothe oration contactor.The design ofthis individual toss is lasedm dsigi criteria andm}dmrtents sgplied bythe Toss Maou&cft err and re listpmthencgxary andrmhpletetess ofthe infmratim set forth by the BuildngDesignmA seal on this drawingindicates noccptance dptofessional engineering rsponsilility solely fa the truss can went designshown.See the cover Brian M.Bleakly page;and the"hngtarnt Infarrarim&General Notes"page faaditimal infmrdtiort.All connector plates shall he rna ra5ctured bySirrpso n Stmtg-7B Cmr any,Inc in eoondtn¢with ESR 2752.All canasta SWi Fng,#W1 plates are 23 getgq unless the specified plate sire is followed by a"-18'which indicts an 18 gaugc One,or'Sll Ir,which indicates a hi tension 18 2590N.Kin Ni I high gauge Plata B E;h.Ft.Pi-F7 34951 i I 1' Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: El SOUTHERN Date: N.kings Highway PlujectNalne: 8251 Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 827:47 AM Collrtponent Solutions"^[ -muss Page: 1 of 1 Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Version:20165[Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PUES Spacing WGT/PLY 13-0-0 6/12 9 1-4-0 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 64 Is 144-0 14-0 6-6-0 6-" 6-6-0 13-D-0 1.541 4 12 6� 3x4/ 5A/ 3 ,r,o r M 4 3x4- 1 I 6 5 1 x4 l 6x6- A10G D-0-0 0-" 6-" 660 6-" 13-M Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L! (loc) Allowed Lid (1st) Bldg Code: FBC 2014/ TC: 0.92(1-2) Yet M. all in L/999 (6-1) L/240 TCIL: 21 TPI 1-2007 BC: n55(56) WI LL. a03 in L/999 (6-1) L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mbrinc-ne: Yes va: 0.81(2.5) H—TL: aGZ in 5 BOLL: 0 D.O.L.: 125% Creep Facto Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Othets(JntXYAnO (1:3-4.2-5a) (2•1$2-9.26.) (10-11".21) (4:1-124-0.90.) (5 $-r&a) (&Da3$903 RI ction Summary JT Type BigCmtbo 13g W1dh Material Rqd Btg Uidh Man React Max Gray Uplift Mu Wlnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hair 1 Pin(N211) 1 gin Cmaele Masonry 7,00in 5%its - -20311s -20311s 57711s 'H pall(Toss) I 1.5 in 3.00 in 6311k -3361hs -33611s 0 its Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6.2013)022x4 TC Bracing Sheathed or Pulins at 6.14 Puffin design by Others. BC SP(AISC6.2013)#22c4 BC Baring Sheathed m Puff ins at 7.100,Pulin design by Otherss. Nbk SP(AISC67013)Wind 2x4 Loads Summary 1)ibis tnas bus ken designed for the effects de to 10 p sf boam chard liw load plus dead lads. , 2)This buss hasarn b designed for the effects ofwind lords in acmdtnce with ASCE7-10 with the fallowing user defined inpa:170 mph nddmatr Elm=C,FWIy Freeland, G.Ne Hipp Building Categryll Q—1.00),Overall Bldg Dim 99 R x 52 ft,h—15 R Not pond Zone Tms,Neithaend web msid=d DOL=IM,CC Zone Wtdh 5.2 R 3)Minimun storage attic loading in accordance with IBC Table I607.1 has been applied \``,l' Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Member ID,man CSI,max t dal few,(tnax cater.fora if dffetent font trax add face) e\`\\N a371 361ts 1-2 a918 -76411s 2� a�.4 -Ibi lls 13c sb a5s4 7421k s1a1�)s1 sera 74zns (-status) \\ �P�- /r � 2-6 aH7 3Wlbs 2-s nBlo 63s11 as at6o 290lln (-19811) ` 'buss-to-truss Connections Summary ID CarriedTnas CenytngTnss CanyingOffset Anple PE 76051 r 7TI8 El AIOG B4+ U 90 deg = • a T378 EI A10G 2 90 deg TIl6. El � AIOG 7bh064-0 90 deg �Tri El AIOG V-74 90 deg o r r !TTIB EI AIOG 2974 90 deg STATE OF : Tr18 EI A100 31-7-4 90deg • �� t^y.r •�.\ TTIB El AIOG 337-0 90 deg / -tq't AJ ,r Trig El A100 35-7-4 90 deg �� 0' -� ,'�cO���PI r�� Trig E1 AIOG 37.7-a 90 deg s/ --OR ID \\\ Notes: ////SS��NA►- ���\ 1)When this toss has been chosen farpelity"surana inspection,the Plate Placen not Method pw'rP11-20anyA3.2 shall be used Cq—1.17. S7nss�otnas connection is fa gaphial intapetatim only Ahanger or other shuctual emrectim shall k pewidedta resist the rrax n®aim and uplift shavn in the Reaction Snooary 3)listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading NOTICEAccpy of'this deign shall k Cunishedto the erection rantactor.•Ile design ofthis individual toss is based on design criteria andtegttnrarnts supiiedbythe Tnas Mantsfacturr and relies upon Iheamrary Bpjapp Ni$ieaiCiy mod iurpinmess dtAe in(omatim set forth by the Hdldinglksiger.Asalm this Jawing indcata acceptance ofpmfessimdengineering tcspms3tiliry solelyferihe toss cartprrnont deign shown.Son the cane $tune[Fagf77HK1 page and the"Important Infmrntion&Geneal Notes"pug fir additional infatuation.All connector plates shall be snartu aclued try Simpson Sttmg•Te Caryeny,Inc in aaxsdence with FSR 2762.All cainertor 2M N.Kings High.Ft Pieta FI 34951 plate are 20 gunge,unless the specified plate sirs is ftila od by a"-llr which indicates an IS gauge plate,or"Shc Is",which indicates a high tension 19 pure plate. Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: E10G �.. 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectNalne: 8251 SOUTHERN Fort Pierce,FI 34951 Date: 6/14/2016 827.47AM ComponentSolutionsTm -muss Page: loft Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax V ion:20165(Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 13-0-0 6/12 1 14-0 0-M 0-M 0-M 2 12 in 62 lbs 144-0 14-0 3-M 24-0 2-0-0 2.4-0 3-M 3-0-0 54-0 7-0.0 10-0-0 13-M i JAB J36 4x7- 1x4 j 2x6 1x4 j 4x4- 12 2 3 4 5 6 � 6� 0 va i 3 A- x6- 10 4x7 N 1 13 12 6 7 3x4- 1.5x3 l 1.5x3 l 6x6- C.13 J3 J3A J3A J3 10G 0-0-0 1-M 1-0-0 0-0-0 3-0-0 2�-0 24-0 2.4-0 3-0-0 • 3-0-0 5-4-0 7-6-0 10-0-0 13-0.0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load (pat) Bldgcod=: FECMIa 7C: Q48(33-4) vrtT1: VA in L/426 a L/240 TCLL: 21 7PI I-= BC: Q65(10-11) rat U., 0.13in L/999 11 L/360 TCDL: 10 RepMhrinerease: No W:b: 0.76(5-9) H-7L• 0.12in 7 BOLL: 0 D.O.L; 125% Crap Facia,Kam 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(int:K,Y,An&r (13AMQ) (21-lZ348,Q) (3:1.12,3$9(1) (4:045-2,90.) (5:1-1Z341,90.) (63$3$0.) (7--%—$(L) (8:1-lZ3$90) (9:1-122-0.Q) (MM5-1.90.) (I1:1-IZ241(L) (12:1.12,3890.) (133$3$0L) Relaction Summary 1Ti live Brg Canbo Bra:SWdth Material Rod BrgWkh M.React Max Gray Uplift Max Wind Uplift M.Uplift Max Hai. 1 I Pin(V811) 1 Sin Concrete Masonryry 3.00 in 'rA;bs - -39316s -3431hs 12611s 7IH Roll(r—a) 1 1.5 in - 100 in 743bs - -363 lbs -361 lbs Olt. Material Summary Bracing Summary TC. SP(ALSC6-2013)#22s4 exepC 7C Bracing Sheathed a Pulins at 6.104 Pulin design by Others. 21 SP(ALSC67a13)SS Zx4 BC SP(AISC6.2113)Q 2x4 BC Bracing Sheathed or Pulins at 5741 Parlin desigt by Others. , I SP(ALSC621G)Mod 2x4 Loads Summary 1)This toss has been designed for the effects de to 10 psf latan chad liw load pus dead lam. 2)'Ihis bass has been designed fa the effects ofwinddhands in aecadana with ASCE7-10 with the following wer defined inpC 170mpholtinrate,EW=C,Fotly Enclmcd, GahldlRp Brdldng Categxy R 0-1.00 Overall BI Dins 99 ft x 52 B,h-15 0,N(A Etd Tme Tnss,Neither end web crosidocd DOL-1.33,CC Zme W9dh 5.2 R 3)Ivlinimrm storage attic loafing in accordance with IBC Table 16W.1 has been applied InadCaselrl:Stdl iv.load O\\`\``_ B` P uttLQads �\ \Q;.��C WENSc.!r`�� Member Location Direction Load Trib dth \ • Try�Chd 3t" Dawn MIles • '� Boa Chd 3" UP IIIs � � : PE 76051 ; s TTChd 3�12 Down 441t. 24 in Bat Clad 30-12 Dow Slls 24 in Tap Chd 54I2 Down 4911s 24 in Bot Chd .5.&12 Dow 11 Rs 24 in e Te�.Chd 7412 Down 60lbs 24 in ATE OF T�Chd �3-0 Down bolls 24 in �-$., S ,{q•t'}',, (/' T Chd 10412 Down 4911s 24 in � v Bat Chd 104I2 Dawn 11 Rs 24 in � O Tap Chd 12-0-12 Down 4416s 24 in c i : tOR1�P%G� Bct Chd 124-12 Down 5lbs 24 in S/ONAI'1 /lllllll NOTICE Aarpy ofthis dzigr shall befanished to the erection cmtracta.The desigo ofthis indwidal lass is lased at design criteria andmorertents sToied try the Toss Mant6duer and relies 1pn the aecvacy Brian K Bleakly andootalfctmas ofthe infil on set forth by the Buildng Desigta.A seal at this Jawing indicates aomptana ofpmfessimal engineering resparsibllirysolely fwthe toss caripment design shown.sec the cover start.EtgWMI fag:end the"Impatartt Infaamtim&Gonrsal Nola"Mfa additional infamatim.All connector plates shall be rrmttdactaxedlrysurges Strmg•Te Car4sray,Inc in a mr&rta with ESR.2762.All connector SON.King Hiet.FL Pierce F134951 flares are 20 gage,-less the specified plate sift is fdlossd by a--I87 which iodates an 18 gag plate,or"SO IV,which indcales a high tension 18 gug plate, i Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: E10G SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectNalne: 8251 YRUSS Fort Pierce,F1 34951 Date: 6/14/2016 827.47AM CoLllponent Solutions'ht COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Truss Vetsion:20I6S u8d 52 " Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 113-0-0 6/12 1 1-4-0 0-M 0-M 0-M 2 12in 62lbs Load Case D 1:Std Dead Load Point Loads Mcrnbr Location Direction Lord Tnb 131dh Tap Chd 34W Down 371b Bat Chd 340 Down 3811s Tip Chd 34I own 2 D 2211s 24 in Bat Chd 3-0-2 Down 27Ibs 24 in Tap Chd S0-12 Dawn 2911s 24 in Bat Chd 5412 Down 31 Its 24 in 7bp Chd 7�12 Down /Albs 24 in Tip Chd &34 Don 601bs 24 in Tap Chd 104-12 Down 2911. 24 in Bot Chd 104-12 Down 31 Its 24 in Top Chd � 12-4-12 Down 27 Bs 24 in Bat Chd 12-4-12 Down 271ts 24 in Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Mention to,teazCS4maxaxal force,(a=comer.force ifafletent lion nor axial face) TC I 14-1 0.107 9 the 2-3 Q464 1.-M Re (-1,526 Its) 4-5 0.417 1,970 lts (-1,692 lls) 1-2 0.314 78611s R20Its) 3-4 Q482 1.970 Its (-1.692Ibs) 5.6 0.396 1.721 Ib; R49Bs) BC I 7-8 O.OM -1391bs 10-11 0.657 -1,9701bs 13-1 0.166 .-721 Ibs 9.10 Q657 -1,9701be 12-13. Q048 -1091b; VJR 2-13 0.109 3(BBs (-209lb.) 11-12 Q494 23 is ((Albs) 69 0.548 -1,7581b; 2-1 1 0.355 -I,IB Ibs 4-10 0.039 I0511s (681bs) 9-7 QQ53 14811s (-127Ib:) I311 0.214 65811s 5-9 Q755 3S.Ib; (-272Ib;) 6-7 OLM 3941ls (-Albs) 3-11 0.494 106lbs (-A Its) 9S Q631 33 lb: (-3 Bs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary IID CameclTrss Caoying7hss CemdnFoffset Ande TTM 03 EIOG 340 45 d:g TT37 13 EIOG 3412 90 dig TM 13A EIOG 5fi•12 90 deg T139 33B EIOG 7412 90 deg TT19 13B EIl1G &34 908eg Tf38 13A EIOG 104-12 908g TI37 J3 EIOG I2412 90&g T M EIOG AIOG 47.7-4 90 deg Notes: I 1)When this was has been chosen for quality assurance inspection,the Plate Placrnrnt Method pet TPI 1-7002/A3.2 shall be teed Cq=1.17. 2)Tnas4otnas emnectim is fmgaphical inicgm- rim mlg Ahanger maher structural connection shall be povi&d to mist the n—reaction and uplift shown in the Reaction Survre p 3)Piv+id:adetpnate deinng to prehen[pmdng 4)Tlte fmzs shown fm m are this iti-plytnss perplyand the reactions are fmall plies.Two identical tossesdt shall be built and attaedas follow:TC-1 mx of I0d Nails crGm Nails [mini 0.Wda.x27/rimg)®ITae,BC-1 mwoQ0d Nails mGm Nails[min Ql2rdia.x271r long]@ITo.c,VJ-s-1 toy 10dNaih orGon Nails['mn QlW da.x27/r Img]@ sr ac.. 5)Where recpdred sufficient hangts shall be ptovid d(by others)to resist reactions shown. 6)Install the seevs/naik on we side;do not flip tms.Screws/nails shall be installed in the same mss ply that the hango ate attached to 7)Feral bracing shall he attached to each ply. 8)All Fasteners mpniman 2-1/r long unless ohowise noted 9)Nails in Ist and 21d ply shall be staggered Don naasise plies by 12 the nail spacing 10)�istd wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only lauding 11)At]cast me web ofthis tnss has bon dsigd with a panel print in the wch All panel points on such wets shall be hated laterally perpondcalarto the plane ofthe toss.lateral hours shall be installed within 6'of each web panel point \`�\\1111111//�/// PE 76051 S ATE OF ' 10 1IIN11 110 I � N0710E Aswpy ofthis design shall be fimishd to the mclice co nt odar.The design ofthis mdvidal bias is hued on design criteria andneggiren ecs supoied"a Tees Mantdacau and rdies upon the accae 7 Brian M Bleakly and tithe infmnation set forth bythe Rdtdng Design¢A seal on this Jawing indicates aaepance efpmfessional engineoing mosibitity solely fun the toss smnponent design shorn.Se;the co— SmcL Fing'#M1 p p andthe"lmpotant Infart Lion&General Nees"peg fun ad5tional infamation.All tennectm plates shall be non ared by Sim so n StmngTe Cmrpony,Inc in acco dance with FSR 2762.All conneom 25yp N.]Clog FG�h.Ft Piece F7 34951 plates are 20 gnge,mless the specified plate sirs is fdlowrdbya--IV which indicates an I8gaug plate,m'SN lr,which indicates a high tension 19 gauge plate Southern 1Yuss Companies,Inc. Truss: E2 " SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway PfojectNafne: 8251 Fort Pierce,F134951 Daze: 6/14/2016 827:48 AM Colnponent Truss utionsTM COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of l j Truss ---2016.5[Build 52 I Span pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 13-M 6/12 5 14-0 0-" 0-M 0-M 1 24 in 821bs 144-0 14-0 1-10-0 1-1D-0 4-0-0 4-0.0 14-0 1-10-0 3-8-0 7Z— 11. O 13-0-0 1.5x3 1 7 Z 1x4 l 6 12 6F 3x4/ 5 3x4/ 4 N ti 3x4/ 3 q 2x4/ 6 II ! 3x4- 2 11 1 1 x6/ 3x4- 5x7 Z 1 13 9 8 1.5x3 l 1.5x3 l 6x6- A10G 0-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 0-0-0 3-8-0 4-0-0 4-" 7-8-0 11-8-0 13-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ Qoc) Allowed I.ted (par) Bitcod: RIC 2Dl4/ TC: OL73(4-6) ValM a26 in L/560 (11-12) L/240 TtCLL: 20 TPI 1-2007 BC: OL48(13-1) VatLL al in L/999 13 L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep WrIncrase: Yes Va: a90(6.10) H—M a3 in 8 Btm: 0 D.O.L; W% CaapFedr Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Of--ts(3nt:X.Y,-& (1:34,245,13L) (2fi0,315,7.) (3:041.115,26) (4:1-IZ3-1,X) (5.013,1-9,25.) (6:1-IZ3.1,9a) (7:1-tZ4.13,90.) (8:3-8,3$a) (9.]-123$90L) (I0,.1-122-&O.) (11:1.123-&0.) (121-1ZI-0.) (13:1-12.3A%) Rleaction Summary 3T Type Bon Cmhbo Begwdh Material Rod Beg Wish Max Reset Mar fpnw Uplift Max%Mnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Haiz 1 Pin(11h11) 1 8in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 5%its - -2031ts -216 let sn 1h; 8 H Roll Gross) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 631 Iw - -M616s -B6let O Its Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC(,2013)922x4 TC Bracing Sheathed cr Puffins at 444 X Pullin desifn by Others. BC SP(ALSC&2013)#2 W BC Bracing Sheathed a Audios at 5.1-4 Puffin dsi®t try Others. NFIs SP(AISC6-2D13)NYSt d Dc4 oax(t: 313 SP(ALSC6.21li)SS 24 6-9 SP(ALSC6-20I3)f/2 Dc4 Loads Summary 1)ibis toss has loco desi@ud forthesffeds de to IO psfbottm chord lice load ples dad low. 2)'Ibis toss has been desigted for the effects ofwind loads in acemhnce with ASCE7-10 with the following user defined input: 170mphudtitrata,FVx=C,Ftdly Fncosed, / Crable/Hip Bolding Categxy H0-1.04 Oterall Bldg Dins 99 a x 52 ft,h-15ft,Not Fad Zone Tnas,Neither end web considered DOL-1-33,CC Zane Width 5.2 R 3)Minimun stonege attic hating in accadnce with IBC Table 1607.1 has been applied w / Member Forces Summary lade indicates:Member ID,max CSL roam anal fame,(max mnpn face if dfferatt fan max axial fax) ` ......... `\ 15J ` / TC 14-1 a3n 36I(s z-3 QYZ -1,249lbs 4-6 a730 -158its Q, EfV$ ��� /��j I-2 o518 425Its 3d 0.568 -7781Is 6.7 0.6% 1361w (-1221ts) BC 8-9 OL067 3181be (-2841h;) I1-12 a463 1,r Ids- (-1,28011s) v 10-11 a294 751Its -5371� Irl tlL. SW Its (426lbs) : PE 76051 ; Nf3a b12 a2% 71611s '4141bs) 4-11 0.131 34311a (-96 lbs) 10-8 a141 44]lbs a "OF_ ,'. 312 OLM0.'" In lw (-2611a)6-10 a4m -2i4 lbs 7-8 azsz i1z 11s12-13 a70J 8911s (-T,Its) 6-10 a89/ 2141hs (Ll lbs) 31I a445 -12451hs 109 0.9% 20]be'Ilruss-to-truss Connections SummaryAQV 0 CaniedTnas CanyingToss Canying Ofrset AnfJe / T�f17 Q, AIOOGG 15-412 9900 deg �i�•c�' ,�P_ mi Q' A]O�Cr 111.12 9900 ddegg //�� Ss��-�`G• \`\` TT17 E2 AIOG 21-0-12 90 deg Notes: 1)I When this tress has been chosen for qi dity assurance inspection,the Plate Placement Method per TP1 1-200VA32 shall be used Cq-1.17. 2)Toss-toinas cmnatim is for pphi®1 inlerpesatim mly Ahanger ec other stntoind cor maim shall be pwided to resist the max reacien and uplift shown in the Reaction ' S emery 3)Usted wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading 4)At least me web ofthis tnss has been designed with a pane pint in the weh All pause points ce such webs shell be load laterally papenderdarto the plane of the inns.Lateral Para shall be installed within 6'do ch web panel pinL I NOTICEAny/ofthis design shell befsnishedtothe erection contraction,The dsi®t ofthis individual was is based on desip,t criteria andregnments sypliedey the Tress Mantdactuer end relies upon lheamracy $ISaD M.Bleakly and�mrWleteness ofthe infomatice set forth by the BWd5ng DesigtetA seal co this dawingind®tes aaeptance dpsdessimal m8neering responsibility solely for we miss mnpmeol dsigh shown.See the eau SwR Fngt776051 pug and the'7mpnisnt mfmratim d General Ndes"peg fa addtimal infamadoe.All connector plates shall be mmet£aaued by Simpson SomgT'e Cm¢nny,Inc in accordance with ESR 2762.All connector 2MN.King High.Ft Piero F134951 plates are Mpuge,unless the specifiedplate size is followed tya"Ir which indicates an I8pug plate,a"SN IS',which indeams a hip)t tension 18"plate. Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: E3 Proj8251 SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Date: 6/14 Fort Pierce,F1 3495 1 Date: 6/14/2016 827:48 AM Component SolutionsTm COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-41.60 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 0£1 ' Tnlss Velsion:20165 ufld 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 13-0-0 6/12 1 1-4-0 0-M 0-" 0-" 1 24in 69lbs 14-4-0 1-0-0 5.6-0 5£-0 2-0-0 5-6-0 11-" 13-0-0 441 1.5x3i 3 4 12 6F- 1 x41 uno ao ' sn 3x4- Y T 6 5 3x4- 6x6- A10G D-M 0-0-0 6-M 6-6.0 13-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ 0oc) Allowed L,6d (-0 EldgCod:: FBC 2114 1L: Q61(2.3) Mt TL: 0.09 in L 1119 (6-1) L 7 241 WLL: 21 TPI I-2rr7 BC: Q54(6)) Wt lL Q03 in L7999 (6- L1360 TCDL: 10 RepMbrinaase: Yes Nbb: 0.41(36) H—TL• (101 in 5 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cap Factor,Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets Ont:)LYAna (1342-5.0.) (20A3-M68) (3:041&13.) (4:1.123$9(1) (5 -04a) (6:04X3$Q) RI ction Summary JT 75'pe Big Cmhbo Beg Wckh Material Rod Brg Nldh Max React Max Gray Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Haiz 11 Pin(11h11) 1 8 in Con-1.Masonry 3.00 in 598 Rs - -231 l s -231 l s 51411s I H Roll(rays) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 5V 1b - -309lbs -3W lbs 0lbs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6.2D13)92 14 TC Bmcing Sheathed orPtdins at 6-14 Ptdin design by Others. BC SP(ALSC6-2013)42 De4 BC Bracing Sheathed a Puiins at 7-SA Pu1in dmigt by Others. VJ!s SP(ALSC6.2113)M>Shd 2,4 Loads Summary 1)This toss has been designed fa the effects de to 10 p;f bottan chard live load plus dad Inds. 2)This buss has been designed for the effects ofwind lad in aemrtance with ASCE7-10 with the feloving user defined inpt: IA mph olth ate,Expesa C,Fully F-1-4 Gableffp,Uldng Categ y B(I-I.OD�Overall Bldg Dims 99 ft x 52 ft,h-15 0,Not End Zane Tnss,Neither end webexnsidaed DOL-1.33,CC Zone Widh 5.2 f. 3)Min 1 in staag attic ladngin accmbnmwith IBC TaUe 16W.1 has beau applied � 11111/�� Member Forces Summary Tale indata:Member m, ax CS1 r ax ordeal face(max co p.race if dffaent f am max edal rare) \ ` R / TC 7-1 Q3n 361bs 2-3 a609 -74211s \N M• I 1-2 Q599 -814I1s 34 0.540 0lhs C \\ (�\_ ` BC 56 0.4% -193lbs 61 Q545 'Mlb. (-6Wlhs) �\ E�S 11Hs 2-6 0.152 42611s (4101bs)3-5 Q389 621ls (-58711s) 3-6 Q409 7101hs (408Ibs)4-5 'QM5 4211s (41 IIs) \ • x Truss-to-truss Connections Summary PE 76051 ; n Carved Tnas CanA IOG nas Car 39-7-4 90 ele T779 E3 AIOG 39-7� 9V deg Notes: �_ r S 'ATE OF 1)When this inss has been chosen for galityassurance inspection,the Plate Plararrnt Method per IN 1-200VA3.2 shall be used Cq-1.17. i� -1q�1�- 2)�Tnas-tot—u emnectimisfwg bicalintapeta6mmly Abangeratxherstrhcnralcmhedim shall bepovi&dtomistthenaxreadimandtpliftshowninthe Reaaim 3)Provide adegeete dainag to prevent pndng I�O •;COR`D , \\ 4)Usted wind uplift maims based on MWFRS Only loading ���11111111\\ i NOTICE Aa>%ad'this design shall be f—ished to the erection contractor.The design ofthis indvidal toss is lased on desig criteria and mgirarents syplied"c Tess Mam£acarerard relies upon the.=.= Brian M.Bleakly and hm�leteness udthe infmretim sd forth b�the)3wldng baiyher.A salmthis Jawing iodates eorepan=ofpdessimal engineering responsibility solely for the toss mrgmmt dsigh show.Sce the me Sbuct FngKXIGI nag and the^Impntant Infmnation&General Notes"pag for akitimal inf—Wish.All cutmzterpiates shall be r antEddued by Simpson Strung-Tic Co rgany,Inc in a000alance with FSR 2767.All connector 25%N.King W.O.Ft.Pierce F134951 plates en,2)giuge,unless the specified plate sia is fdlovved bya-1117 which inflates an l8pyg0ate,wmS#1S,which indicates a high tension 19ghw plate. I Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: E4 ` SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectNarne: 8251 ColnponentSolutionsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 8:27.49 AM Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax � Version:20165[Build 52 " Span Pkch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PILES Spacing WGT/PLY 13-M 6/12 1 1-4-0 0-M 0-" 0-" 1 24in 87lbs - 14-4-0 14-0 1-to-D t-to-0 4 O-0 3-4 0 6 0 1-0-0 1-10-0 3-6-0 7-a-0 tt.o-o 1 13.0-0 4x6/2x6 1 1.5x3 1 Z 5 6 7 12 6F Ix4 n u,o 7'h 3x4/ � 3 2x4/ M g 3x4- 12 11 1 1 x6/ US- - 5x7 1 13 g B 1.5x3 j 1.5x3 j 6x6- A10G 0-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 0-0-D 4-D-0 1-0-0 3.8-0 17 Loading General CS1 Summary Deflection U plot) Allowed Lwd (ps0 SidgCole: FBC 29141 7C: n83(6-7) Vein M. IIS in L/591 12 L/24D TCLL: 29 TPI 1.2007 13C: n47(I3-1) Mot LL• nl in L/999 L L/360 7CDL: 10 Rep Mlr Increase: Yes Wh: 0.71(342) H=TL• 0.24 in 8 BCLL: 0 D.O.L; 125% Creep FadQ,Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Orects(Jat:X,YAngk 0:342-U.) (LK3-I,7.) (3:043-15,X) (4,DA3-1 (5AQ3.8,13.) (6.1-12,3-4,9n) (7:1-12,3A9a) (8:3-$3$n) 1 (9:1-123490.) (1a1.122-8.n) (11:00,34L0.1 (@:I-12147.) (D:1423$90.) _ RI ction Summary _11 Tye B2Cmhbo fay,Wdo Material Rod Bm Wdb Max React Max Grav Uplift Mu Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Mac Hoiz 1 Pm(Writ) 1 8 in Canaete Masonry 3.00 in 598 N - -231 fls -231 Ih; 514 this H Rdl(foots) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 5821ts - -309ls -30911s 0Its Material Summary Braciug Summary 7'C SP(ALSC6.20D)922x4 7C Bracing SheathedarPulins at 444 Pulin desi DC SP(ALSC6.2013)42 a4 BC B acing sheathed mPulins at 4*A Pulin design byMm. V.H. SP(ALSC67013)t!,✓Sthd 2x4 except: byOhers. 13 SP(ALSC6.2713)SS 2x4 6-9 SP(ALSC&2713)422t4 Loads Summary 1)ibis truss has Font desigud fo the effects due to 10 pf bottan thud live lend phs dad loads. 2)This trusshaz bsh dsigtedfa the effecs ofwindlo3d;in accordance with ASCE7-IOwith the fdlawinguser defined input: l•A rrgh dtimate,Fue C,Fully Enclosed, GableMip Building Categoy D(1-1.001 Overall BidgDim 99 fix 52 It,It-15 R,Not End Zone Tess,Neither endweb considered DOL-1.33,CC Tare Vidh rt2 fL / 3)MininaanstQ4F attic hatingin ammhnm with 1BC TaNe l607.1 has bent applied Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Member ID,motor CSL raac axial face,(man tangs face ifdffe ent fiun rant axial face) \\`� i 7C `1 0.371 361Is 14 a375 -76Its 6-7 Elm 0Its __11 1-2 0.520 -&0I1s 4-5 n411 -8181ts ���\ -'\GENS ` /i 2-3 0.611 -1.303 Lb, 5-6 0.733 4411s ` V ,, J- BC 10- 0.217 2011hs (-1791Is) 11-12 n474 2,0011Is (-L435lls) ` ' PE 76051 ' Ian a217 701 Its -I891fs lii n474 5761hs (4i51b) � . • ,� Rbls 2-12 n272 76011s (-599911s) 4.11 0.148 414IIs (-vl tls) 10,9 0.541 20 Its t 312 0.700 173 89ls (-3411s)540 a3gi 951 Its (fi4611s) 7-9 n089 •2AIIs �F ,-j 12-J3 0.7C10 891hs (-2511a)SIO n397 -9;111s 7-8n726 -3751Is341 0AB -LMlb. 6-10 n7112 7691ts (SAlls) S ATE OTruss-to-truss Connections Summary �j` ID CardedTnes CanyingTnss CanyingOtiset Angle • P TTI6 Fit A100 11412 9D oleg O/�• Notes: s/ONALe \\� i 1)When this truss has been haen fa•quality assuance inspection,the Plate Plaoxmeht Method per7Pf 1-2WA3.2 shall he teed Cq-L17. / 2)Tms4.4mstxnnmim is fw&*iml intepetatim mly Ahanger a other shirlool cmnxtim shall be provided to resist the natnactim and tpift shown in the Reaction sumery I 3)Provide adequate"nag:to p vent pending 4)Listed wind uplift maims based at MWFRS Only lending. 5)At least me web ofthis toss has been designed with a panel point in the weh All panel points at such webs shall he hexed laterally peFend enfarto the plane of the aces.tatcal laces shall be installed within 6'of each web panel pint I NOTICE Acopy ofthis design shall be furnished to the emim cnnrector.The dsigi ofthis indvidel tnss is lased on design criteria and regimnents supplied by the Tnas Manukaxer and relies tQm the amraty gp�pp Bleakly andorrgtetenasofthe infxnation ere forth"c BtildngDesigher.A seat en Jawing indicates atuptana:ofptdessimal eng)ncedng responsibility solely fa the tnas wrgxaent design sh—Sae the cover seam.Zone NMI peg and thePage,,WI Infmratim&General Notes"page for aditimal infomation.All connector plates shall be n¢rafhc uedby Simpson Strang-Te Cmquny,Inc in armdonce with FSR 2762.All connector platter are 20 Page, WI the sped8ed plate s-va is followed by a`-Ilr which indicates an 18 gew plate,or'S818',which indicates a high tension 19 geug plats 2590N.Kings bDglh.FL Pierce F13051 I Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: E5 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 SOUTHERN Date: 6/14/2016 827.49AM Component Solution"^ TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Page: 1 of 1 Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Veision:20165[Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 13-0-0 6/12 1 1-4-0 0-M 0-" 0-" 1 24 in 65 lbs 144-0 1-0-0 4-6-0 1 4-" 4-D-0 4-6-0 9-0-0 13-0-0 I I 4x6/ 1.5x3 l 3 4 12 6� 1x4 0 ,v N ' t+l 3x4- 1 7 6 5 3x4- 64- A10G 0-0-0 D-0-0 "_0 6-" ' 6.6-0 13-M Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L 00c) Allowed Lod (00 Bltg Cod:: FW 2014/ TIC: Q51(2--3) Vat TT.: Q09 in L/999 (56) L/240 WILL: 2D TPI 1-2007 BC: Q54(6-1) Vet IL Q@in L/999 (6-1) L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep MhrI—c: Yes Nbb: 0.37(3.5) H=TL• Q01 in 5 BOLL: 0 D.O.L p 125% CFwp Factor,Ka 1.3 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(Jnt:)LYAngk (1:3-4.2-5.11) (2;0431544.) (3:0438,13.) (4:1-123E90.) (5&38,Q) (6,.043-M) Reaction Summary JTI Type Btg Combo Big.Wdth Material F4ftWkh Max React Max Gray Uplift Max Nlnd Uplift Max Uplift Mu Haiz 11 Pin(N6II) 1 Bin Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 59811s -255 ft -255lba 4501ts 51H Roil(rsuss) I 1.5 in - 3.00 in 5411bs - -285Its -285lb: 011s . Material Summary Bracing Summary 7C SP(ALSC6-7013)f2 ZA TC Bracing: ShathedmPuffins at fi64 Puffin d:sigh by Others. BC SP(ALSC6-2013)911A DC Bracing Sheathed or Puffins at 6104 Puffin design by Others. Pbbs SP(ALSC6-2013)UStud 24 Loads Summary 1)This truss has been&signed for the e6Ws de to 10 psfbaron chard live lad pus dmd loads. 2)This n ss has been designed fir the effects ofwind lauds in acoe&ncc with ASCE7-10 with the following user defined input:I70 mph ultitrate,Eq-ure C,Fully Fnclosed, Gatl&fip,Building Categxxy D a-1.04 Overall Bldg Dims 99 ft x 52 R.It-15 ft.Not End Zone Tnas,Neither end web eensidmrd DOL-1.33,CC Zone Width 5.211. 3)kniman sttra(p attic ladngin acca&nm with IBC Title 15U7.1 has been applied e\,11 I I'I //// Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Membr m,max cSI,maratdal f�,(n cmgr.feoc ifdaeent st,m maxatdal fa,e) a\\����MI. BL�// TC 7-1 0.371 36Ibs 2-3 Q5 15 -6'R Its ___ 1-2 Q431 -F6111s 34 OAM 01� BC! 56 Q483 -352Its 6-1 0.542 814lbs -71311s, e NQ'-�'' �'� � vex 2-6 Q134 375Its (-3461bs) 3.5 0.373 54911s (-wlb;) �� �;: �.�GENSF` e�-/� 1 3-6 0.168 49 bs (-211 Ibs) 4.5 01W 133 lbs (4051b.) :- 7�-ttss-to-truss Connections Summary PE 76051 r1 Gained Truss Carrying Tnss Canyingt2fSet Anele s _ TTIS FS i AIOG 9.412 90&g ITn5 F3 AIOG 41.7-4 90&g t S ATE OF Notes: i' `• �'�q.1'} , t(/ 1)Whah this tnas has been chosen frgalityauuence inspaxim,the Plate Placement MethodperTPI 1-21M IA3.2 shall le used.Cq-1.17. / `, A .(�P \ S T��oboss emnecdm is fugaphital intapeutim mly Ahangermotherstnenrzl cmreaim shall be pmvi&d to mist the trex maim mduplift sham in the Reaction /�/O •;t O RID ' • ���� 3)"dea&gate"nar.topevc,tpo ding `SS�ONAL G��\ 4)Listed wind uplift factions based on M\VM Only 1® g din NOTTCEAapy afthis ofesigu shall be finished to the oaatim contractor.The olsigh of this individual truss is hued an&sigu txitaia endseyisrnrnts supplied by the Tnss Manufacnsv eed belies upon the aoarary BI'BI1 Ni B]ealCly andimpJaeness afthe f lbonatim set loth bythe Witing Designer,A seal an this dawing indatts acceptance ofpmfasional ahgncaing miatsibility solely fa the teas emgxnrnt dmigs shown.See the cpver Stnu Fngh776051 p and the"lmpaunt Infmratien&General Notts"paw for ad5Gmal infanatim.All cahnccta plates shall be nam�ctaed by Sinn soh Stmtg-Te Cmtpmry,Inc in acca&nce with FSR2762.Al anncta 2�0N.Kings Higu.Ft.Piave FI 34951 plats are 20 gmM unless the specified plate size is fehswed bya�18'which indicates an 18 gptg plate,a"S#Ir,which indata a high Imsim 19 pat¢plate Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Tivss: E6 UTHEpN 2590N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 SO UTHE Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 82750 AM ComponrntSotutionsT"' TRUNCOMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)46"160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 ofl Truss Version:20165[Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 13-0-0 6/12 1 14-0 0-" 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 61 Ibs 144-0 14-0 7-M 3-M 3-0 7-M 10-M 1343-0 I 45- 3x4- 1.5x3 i 2 3 4 12 6F n 0 nA v 4 3x4- 1 7 6 5 3.4 2x6- 0-0-0 0-0-0 7-M 6-0-0 7-M 13-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection I✓ (loc) Allowed I.md (At) Bldg Cade: FTC 701111 7C: Q42(2-3) Vert 7L• Q09 in L/IGO (6-1) L/240 . TCLL: 70 7711-2097 BC: Q34(bl) V tU-- aQi in L/999 (6.1) L/360 1CDL: 10 Rep Mlrinc—ac: Yea Vlb: Q09 H-1L• Oin 5 BOLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Facto,Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Ofrsets(Jnt:)LY.Ang} (BA2-5.0.) (2,0 i 0.) (3:0Q380 (4:1-123-&9Q) (5:383$Q) (6383-8.0.) R i ction Summary. IT, Type Bg Conbn BM Wdth Matcial Rod Bug Width Max React Max Gav Uplift Max Wlnd Udift Max uplift M.Hvix 1 Pin NII) I in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 184 lbs - -851h; -85 lbs 19311s 6IH Rill(MI) I in Concrete Masmry 3A0 in 2686s - -1171Is -1171bs 0lls 5H Rd1(rnas) 1 1.5 in - 100in 115lb; - fi811s -&lb. 0Ibs Material Summary Bracing Summary -I SP(ALSCS3D13)#2 N4 TC B=ing Sheathed or Purlins et 63A Puffin dsigt by Others. BC SP(AISC&3D)422s4 TC Bracing Sheathed a Pulins in 10a0,Puffin dsigt by Other. V!� SP(AISC6-2013)#fShd 24 Loads Summary 01*s Nos has been desimed for the effects de to IO psf bodes chard live load pus dad lads. 2)This tnss bas bent d,iped fir the effb is of wind loads in aocadance with ASCE7-10 with the felowinghaadrOned inpt: I70 mph ultirraJA Ev—C,FdIy fihcaed, Crablell-fip Bhdldng Categry 11(1-1.001Oserall Bldg Dins 99 ft x 52 ft,h-15ft,Nit find Zone Toss,Neither and web carsidsed DOL-133,CC Zone Widh 12R \\ 1111111!//I� 3)l�ma imn stag¢attic lm IB dng in arcadance with C Table 1607.1 has been applied \\\ / Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Member ID,max CSl,mazaxial farce,(trout caryr•face ifdfferent flan r ax areal face) \\ w`{V 5. �+`f�_ �S TCI 7-1 0.186 18 His 2-3 0.421 7516s (59Ins) \\ \_ �IGj P,.- - 1-2 am .160lba 34 Q095 0I� �� \ GEN3 BCI 5-6 nm fib its 6-1 Qv5 15211s (-1>a lb.) O �: �\ Vlh; 2fi QO1 253 Bs ((40 Rs) 3-5 UZI (A bs (-M bs) - �' PE 76051 36 Q019 S;Its (-0011s)45 Q@3 Mils (-061h;) \ r 1)When a t I)When this toss has been chonen fQ gality assuance inspection,the Plate Plaamnt Method per TPI 1-2002/A32 shall be used Cq=I.17. .� 2)Tnss-Io.Nss connection is fagatihical intespretatiun mly Ahanger a otha suatual cahRctim shall be provide dto mist the nax roctim and tplift shove in the Rartim suoar' $JATE OFF_ 3)Amin ada¢nte dainag to pesent pah&ng / x, iJ t� }-µr • ✓� 4)Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only hating / • -7 ` + l is FLORI�P•��� �� SS/ONAL \\ NOTICE Acu>Pyd'Nis dai®h shell lsfimished to the erection certoactm The ulsipp of this in&vidal Nos is based on desip criteria anduegirerrvha supplied by the Toss Manukdua and Lelia upon the acarary Brian MBleakly and imhpleteaws tithe infarnatim set forth by the Binding Daigur.A sat on this&awing inflates acceptance ofpudessional menraingresponsibility solely fa the bass cargment drip shown.Son the corer SUIM E.9 76051 :pag,and the"Impmar t Nfitmatim&General Nara"-pap fa ad5timal infanatim.All cmnodw plat shall he mmadactued by Simpm Sbmg-Te Cmgany.Inc in accordance with ESR272.All connector SON.KinV High.FL Pierte FI 34951 plates are 20 pg,unless the speci6cd plate sia is fdboved by a`-IS'which indicates an 18 gtg plate,a'S#Ir,whist indicates a high tension I8 gr¢plate. I` Southern IYuss Companies,Inc. Truss: E8 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectName: 8251 SOUTHERN Date: 6/14/2016 82750AM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Compon utionsT"t COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of f Truss Truss Version:20165[Build 52 " Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 13-0-0 6/12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-M 1 24 in 71 1bs 144-0 14-0 54-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 54-0 7-0-0 10-0-0 13-0-0 4x6/ 1 x41 24- 3 4 5 6[12 1x41 t' 0 N� u] Q l"a 3x4- B_ x - 1 1 10 7 6 1.Sx31 1.5x31 64- A10G 0-M 1-M 1-M 0-0-0 54-0 446-0 3-M ' 54-0 1040-0 13-M Loading General CSI Summary Deflection IJ (loc) Allowed Lmd (pt) Bldg Cade: FBC 20141 TC: 0.51(1.2) lbt TL• a22 in L/670 (K L/240 TCLL: 20 TPI I-2007 BC: a40(I0-I) %bi LL• a08 in L/999 9 L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mtrincmte: Yes Wh: H5(2.9) H—TL• a17 in 6 13CLL: 0 D.O.L. 125% Crap Factor,Kcr 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Ol@ets(Jnt:YY,Angb (13A2-5,a) (21-1Z4-13.90.) (30-434,13.) (4:1.123$90.) (5:34k3AR) (6.3-8,3$a) (7:14Z2 -8,9a) (ffiI-IZ2$a) I (9:0a348.0) (1014z3g90.) Reaction Summary 1T Type Bcg Cmdx, Bre Wdth Material Rqd Bra Wdth Max React Max Grev Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hai. II Pin MI) 1 sin Comet.Masonry 3.00 in 598lbs - -77416s -274 Has 3861be 6'H Roll(Ihas) I 1.5 in - 3.00 in 522Its - -266Ibe -266 lbs 0Ibe I Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC62013)i122t4 TC Bracing Sheathed w Purlins at 5.1-0 PMin design by Others. BC SP'(AISC62013)f22t4 BC Bradng Sheathcd or Purlins at 6-10A Pulin dai®h by0thea. Wds SP(AISC63D13)ID7Stud zx4 emept: 2 10 SP(ALSC6.2013)SS 2,4 Loads Summary ])ibis toss has been dsiAned for the efrcds de to 10 psf bdtan chard liw load plos dad loads. 2)This truss has been dcsiM d forthe effects d•wind lands in accordance with ASCE7-10 with the following uer defined input: IA trnph ultimate ETutre C,Fdly Fncl."A JJ Grabldl6p Bcdlding Catcgry B(1-1.001 Oserall Bldg Dins 99 ft x 52 ft,It-15 ft,Not Find Zone Teas,Neither end web mtsid red DOL=1.33,CC Zme Width 5.2 R 3)Minirmm storapF anic loading in accordance with IBC Table 1W7.1 has been applied e C Table indicates:Manta max ID, CSl,max eudal face,(etax c W.face ifdBaent from axial f � arce) \\ N _� TC I1-1 a3n 36Ila 2-3 0.355 -I,MlIbs 4-5 0131 -438 1hs �**%' Member Forces Summary 1-2 a53 .75411. 3.4 0.2M 4431b; /yam(�•� �r\ s� `•��, i BC 6.7 Q072 l2lbs (421ha) 0 a395 6601N .65lhs 10-1 a404 6Mlls (•fii0lbe) = `/•' PE 76051 Wds 2-9 aa55 5291ta (4E Ins) 38 a105 291 Ibe (-2Si Ra) 58 azo fID Its (-Mlbe) ' 9-10 a846 9411s 48 a- 2%Rs (-19511s) " a0a5 '13 Bs 39 0251 7171ta (dI511s) 8-7 a069 54Ibe Sfi 0.I78 4981hs (49/lls) `, r I 1 uss-to-truss Connections Summary 1 ID Carried Truss Canying`r s Carrying OBset Anfde r GTq E OF �TFA 62: AIOG 4}7d 90 rig � .•I]-, •/•. Notes: �i O• FC O 1)"this toss has been chosen for cgality assurance inspection,the Plate Placer ett Method per TPI I-BI@/A3.2 shall be used Cq-1.17. .(1 SToss-hostess annatim is for graphical intapelatim only Ahangeraothashhethral emReiim shell In pwid:dto resist lhetrax teadim and uplift shown in the Rmetim //Ali jONA� may 3)"d:adequate drainag to prevent pending 4)Listed wind uplift reactions lased at MWFRS Only loading '�/" 5)At least me web ofthis Inns has hcen desi©hed with a panel point in the web.All panel points on such webs shall be traced Ialaally pergndiaduto the plane of the truss.Lateral fasces shall be installed within 6'ofearh web panel point. NOTICE Ampy ofthis dsilp shall be furnished to the cnnim contractor.The drip ofthis individual teas is lased m design criteria and resporemmLs supplied by the Teas Manufacturer and relies Won the accuracy Brian MBleakl' and congidmess ofthe infmmtim set forth bj the Bd1ding Desighc.A seal m this drawing indicates acceptance afpafesimalengineeringresposibllitysoidy for the bus coopment design shown.Sce the ctrer sthuct.FingKJW Fa&,andthe"bmpatant lnfmratim&General Ndes"pageforad6tiahal infarratim.All cannedorplam shall be rnanafaauedor Sirtpsm Strong-Tic Cmgany,Inc in accordance with ESR7762.All emhactor 25W N.King Hida.Ft.Pierce F134951 plates are 20V.,g:,unless the spcified plate sin is fdlavedbya"-18'which indicates an 18 gtW.plate,or'S419',which indicates a high tension I8pV plate. Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: E9 SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectNalne: 8251 TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: I off 016 82751 AM Component SolutionsTx' Page: 1 of 1 Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464 4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Version:20165 uild 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 13 6/6/12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 6716s 144-0 1-4-0 21r0 2.6-0 445-0 3-0-0 2.6.0 5-0-0 111-0-0 13-0-0 1x4 I 5A- 1x4 J 2x6- 3 4 5 6 ZZ 12 6F- 3x4/ 0 rn 3x4- 0 _ _ z 1 I 1 12 11 6 3x4- 1.Sx3 J 1.5x3 i 6x6- A10G 0.0.0 14)-D 1-M 0-0-0 2b0 2-10-0 443-0 2-0-0 5-0-0 10-0-0 13.0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ 0oc) Allowed Load 0.0 Bldg Cod:: FBC 2014( TC: 0.97(4-5) Vert TL• 0.3 in L/494 10 L/240 7m: 20 TP11.2W7 BC: 0644(9.10) Yct LL• a12fa L/999 10 L/360 7CDL: 10 Rep Mlrinaease: Yes Wb: 039(69) Haz7L• a04 in 7 BOLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Factor,Ka=1.5 9CDL: 10 Plate Offsets(lnt:X,Y,Ang): (1'342-5,0L) (2:1-1ti 16) (3:00,i41,a) (4:0.13,3-119a) (5:1-12,$9a) (&3$3$a) (7:3-$3AO.) (8:1-IZ3A9a) (91-t22-0.a) (la1-1218.0.) (11:1.123$9II1 (121.1238a1 Reaction Summary JTi Tyne BM Cmbo ft Widh Material Rod Bug Hldh Max React Max Grav Udift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Haiz I Pin(%I[) 1 gin CmaCe Masonry 3.W in 598It. - -fills .210 ft 321 lbs 71iRdl(Toss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in Mlbs - .251 Ihs .251 lbs 011s Summary BracingSummary teri SP(ALUC6.20 at22,4 TC Bracing Sheathed or Pudns at 4-74 Putin daigi by Others. HC SP(ALSC620)3)#2 ZA BC Bracing SbeathodaPulins at 63Q Putin d:sipt by Others. NFJs SP(ALSC6AU•)OStu12<4 Loads Summary 1)This toss has hem dcsigtd fathe effects d,<to 1O psfbm chadlive loaddts dadloads. 2)Ibis tress has been designedfa the effects ofwind Imds in acmdtnce withASCE7-10 with the following user d:6.d inpa: IA mph titirrate,Exposure C,Fudly Erdoaed GablWjp Building CatemB0-1.00}Overall Bldg Dim 99 ft x 52 ft,h-15kNot End Zme Teas,Neither endwcb considered DOL-1.333,CC Zane Wfdh 5.2R \\\e`,1 II II' f//�i 3)Minimun storage attic loading in accordance with IBC Table 1607.1 has been led Member Forces Summary Table inflates:Memba To,reax CSl,max anal force,(rrax cm pr.fo ce ifdrfferent loom mmc axial furs Tcl 131 a3n 611s 2-3 a411 a,a4tta 4 a96 903Ib ) \\ �M•-BL �/�j 1-2 0.326 sorb; 3-4 a442 -0 IN 5.6 am ga41It �\/�\P.'�GEN$ �� BC1 7-8 a095 2911s (-27lls) 11-12 O.W4 311b; (-n 1bs) `��,. •'.,�- 9-10 a439 9W Bea 810lbs) 12-1 a206 974 is (-7781hs) y 116h; 2-12 a121 B716s (-280Ihs) 10-H a161 50I1s 9.7 0.010 -311hs % PE 76051 ,• 2-10 0.02 1891bs (-1011hs) 5A 03M 5121bs (-4Q lb,) 67 a163 4811(s ■ a r 12-10 am 901115 (-801 lbs) 98 a112 5411as ` ■ ■ 4-10 a2g4 39612s (-2431ts) 69 a388 1,0191bs (Al5lta) �- s Tivss-to-truss'Connections Summary SATE OF 1D CanidTnss Canyon;Toss CanyingOffset Angle Q ^r �T721 ID AIOG 457-4 90 deg 0 ,�� ■I i�� + • �'\ %�p 'c�OR�pP Notes: I),When this toss has been chosen fa quality assurance inspection,the Plate Placement Method per7Pl 1-2007/A32 shall be used Cq=1.17. !)T—s B .totnss cmnectim is fagaphial interpetatim only Ahangera cla atherstnl connection shall bcpvA&dtoresist themax—tim andoplift shown in the Ractim or /ONA'^`, \\ as y c 3)pmvld:adegete h ;to prevent pmdng 4)Ustd wind aplift reactions based on,MWFRS Only lending 5'Al least me web ofthis toss has been designedwith apanel print in the weh All panel pints on strh webs shall be tr perpendicular aced laterally perpadarto the plane ofthe tress.Lateral beasts shall be installed within @'oPeach web{snel pint 3� NO71CBAapy dthis desigr shall is funishd to the erstim cmtracla.The d:sipp dthis indvidnl Nos is lasdmdsign criteria andicgitarcnts syplidbfr the thToss Manudauueraod relies n.See tamrary BCHI1MBIe21C and,canplcteness ofthe infava0m set forth bythe)3ilflng DesiAuer.Aseal mthis dewing iodates eaeptance dp�dessimal enginedngrespmsidlity sdely fa the teas rartpmmt design shown.Son the mar SNCL as'N 51 prg-and the"Imp rtant Nfmmtim&General Notes"page faaditimal Nfamztion.All maneeta plates shall be rranulisa d by Shops String-Tre Coy sai Inc in accordance with FSR 2762.All connector 29J0N.King FBgh.Ft Piaoe F134951 plates are 20 Soot,unless the specified plate size is followed by a"-I8'which indicates an 18 purr-date,a'S0 IS,which inflates a high tensim 18"plate. I l � Southern Russ Companies,In7Fax Truss: GI SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings HighwayProject Name: 8251 Fort Pierce,F134951Date: 6/14/2016 82751 AM Ct nlponcntSotutions*M �OMluQN1ES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0Page: :1 oft Truss Version:20165[Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PL1ES Spacing WGT/PLY 6-8-0 6/12 1 14-0 1-4-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24in 27lbs s4-0 1-4-0 34-0 3-4-0 14-0 3-4-0 6-0.0 4x4- z � 1z 12 16 6F M 4 N N m N 2x6- 2 3- 1 Z 4 6 1x4 1 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-0-0 34-0 • 34-0 6-8-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection V floc) Allowed Llad (psf) Bldg code: FBC M141 TC: 037(36) V.d 71- 0.01 in L/999 (4-1) L/240 TCLL: 20 TPI I-2007 BC: 0.14(3-4) Yeri Ll_ Oin L/979 C31-Q L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mbrincrrase: Yes Vbb: 005(2-0 H—Ti- Oin 3 BOLL: 0 D.O.L: M% Creep Factor,Ka-1.5 BCDL: IO Plate Offsets(1ntXYAn (1 42-S0) a&0.3-5 n) (3342-10) (4:043k RI ction Summary 17' Type Brg Camel Brg H(drh Material Rod Brg Wdih Max React Max Gray Uplift Max N(nd Uplift Mu Uplift Max Hai. I Pin(N6ll) 1 8in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 34711s - -187ls -1971h; 5611s H Roll(MI) 1 8in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 3471b - -197Ibs -18716s 0lbs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC6-7013)9214 TC Bracing sheathed Pudins at 63Q Pulin dcsigt by Others. BC SP(ALSC6-2013)IR 20 BC Bracing Sheathedor Purlins at 1004 Patin d sipp by Others. Vl!!s SP(ALSC6-2013)AfSted 2,4 Loads Summary _.1)ibis tress has been designed for the effects de to 10 psf both=chad live led pits dead leads. 2)This truss has bore designed for the effects ofwind Imd:in arm&nce with ASCE7-10 with the following oner defined inpLt 170mphtdtirmc Evo C,Fully Enclmc4 GaNrJHip Bidlding Caieg y 110-1.00),Overall Bldg Dirns 99 R x 5211,It=15 ft,Na End Zme Tess,Neither end web carsick DOL-133,CC Zme Width 5.2 ft. 3)Miniman stodge attic loading in accordance with IBC Table I607.1 has been applied Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Member ID,rem CSI,max axial face,(max carp+.face if dif Brent fiern craw opal face)5-1 OL3n TC 2-3 31 18Is I I � \\\\,�,-._--_�•-,��/ �i/1h 7I1-2 0313 408hs 136 / 03n 36lbs (-431 ) 1 135 3111 (-T ll) �BC 34 0.135 \ N7 G NS Notes: . • % 1 I),When this tress has been ch fa qualitysuran assurance inspection,him,the Plate Placement Method per TPl 1-2007/A72 shell be used PE 7605 Cq-1.17. ` — 2)listed wind uplift maims chosen Jet M Only leading. s SATE OF ' �//0. FC OR1�P•������ �//lllliltl���\ zz I NOIICE Acopy ofthis design shall be furnished to the erection coetracia.The desigi ofthis individral tress is"based an design criteria and nxpdaments supplied bJ the Tress Manudam+er and relies upon the accuracy Brian MBIeakIy and axr0"'e ss ofthe infmratim set forth by the WhEng Designer.A seal m this drawing indicates acceptance ofprfessimal engineering ra}m fa the the tress component deign shown.See the came SuwL Fn99mi page and the"bnpabnt Infmeatiar&General Naes"page faadditional infomatim.AH.cmnector piate.shall be nortu acted by Simpson Strong-Tr Cargeny.Inc in a¢odanoe with FSR 2762.All connector 259DN.King IBgt.FL Pierce FI 34951 pdstes are 20 yptge,mless the specified plate size is followedbya"1137 which indicates an l8giu¢platq or"S9Ir,which indivaless.high tension 18 gno:plate .. i I , i Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: G2E Proi 8251 SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Date: Name: 6/14 Fort Pierce,Fl 34951 Date: I of] 016 82751 AM C omponent SolutionsTm COMPASNIIES (800)232-0509 (772)46"160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page l of] Truss I Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PILES Spacing WGT/PLY 6-8-0 6/12 1 1." 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-" 1 24 in 28 ibs i 1-" 3.4-0 34.0 1-4-0 34-0 GB-0 I 4x4- 3 X 112 12 61 16 1x4 j 1x4 m 4 0 lV � M ' N O 2xr5- 2XEi y 1 5 1 xx 9 x x x 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 6-8-0 6-8-0 Loading General CS1 Summary Deflection U (loc) Allowed Lwd (00 BItco3e: FBC 2I11N 7C: 0-9(9-1) *411- 0.0I is UP L1999 (5-5) L/240 TOLL: 20 TPI 1-2007 DC: a46(56) Vat W o in L/999 (5-5) L/360 TCDL: t0 Rep Wrinaease: Yes %b: 0.14(3.7) Hat TL• Oin 5 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% C.XPFacto;Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(Jat•XY,Angk (1:342 (3'06 Mal (53-4.t-S0.) Waction Summary JT Tyre Bra Cunba 13gWldh Matarial MUReacr Ae React Max Gray Udift Max Mod Udift Max Udift Max Hai. 11 Cmtintae 1 80 in Concrete Masonry Its 1360f - -143 lbs -143lla -551ts Ma terial Summary Bracing Summary TCI SP(ALSC(r2013)Q 2,4 TCBraetng Sheathed a Pulins at 6-9A Pulin design by Others. BC SP(ALSC62113)02 ZA BC Bracing Sheathed a Palins at 6-3-%Ptdindsigt by Others. Whir SP(AISC62013)GfStud24 Loads Summary I)7hs Ina,has been desip ed fa the effects de to 10 psfbW—chord liw load plus dead lards. 2)This Mss has been dsigied fa the effects ofwind leads in accordance with ASCE7-10 with the fdlowinguser defined inpm 170 mph ultimate,Ecpsue C,FrillyEnclaed, . Gal eip,Building CateM B O-1.001,Oseall Bldgns Di 99 ft x 52 0,h m 15 f4 Fnd Zone T,ms,Neithe and wcb=sidaed DOL-1.33,CC Zone Width S2 A Member Forces Summary Table Indicates:Member m,nax CS1,maxaxalfame,(maxcaryr.fame if'diflexart fian i axadal fore) `\`,�, 716 9-1 0.26 36ls 2-3 a140 87Its (-64Rs) 4s 0,457 -729 Ihs ` I 1.2 a457 -TSIb; 34 a140 871bs .641ts) 5-10 0.586 36Rs M gC 56 a4(p 931ta (191 Ifs) 7-8 41199 39!Ibs (-SZ ihsj �\\ ..,�ii •" I 67 a1W 3421bs 521ts S 1 0.448 9291bs (-19111s) `0�eP`� "A_�_- � Vkbs 12.9 a076 212I1s (-1011hs) 3-7 0.144 4021ts (182Ibs)46 son 21s Iles (101 Ile) Notes: 1 ` % i 1)CsHe momcontinras Iatan chord bearing PE 76051 2)Gable webs 0aved wcht w th .42 U.N.O. , r 3)pttarh g+de wets with Ix420pp plats,U.N.O. d'a SCSI-113. 4)IThis inSs has been desivn6d fa in-plane wind loading For bating m0amcns for out-eplane wind loading refer to the Constnxtim Doeotoents an _ 5)IWhen this toss has been chosen fmgatlityassuznce inspection,the Plate Placer eot MethedpaTPl 1-2/A3.2shall be wed Cq-1.17. e 6)listed wind a0ift=dims based art MWFRS Only lading iV. SATE OF vo IONAL N I I NOTICE Acapy of this desist,shall he famished to the erection conacta.7he dcsiM of this iaividel tnss is used at dsigt criteria and regirenena supplied by the Toss Manodacaeer ardrdis upon the accuracy 13r; Ad.B1gk1y and nanoeteness ofthe informatim set fnth by the Building Pesiglec A seal an this drawing indiats accepaax dpofasiona]engineering responsibility solely fm the hnss conVortent design sham.See the suer Sant Engd76051 pate and the"Important Intonation&General Notes"M faadditimal infamatim.All eannoaor plats shall he noaataduM by Simpson Strong-Tr Congany,Inc in amsdar ce.with FSR:2'762.All creuccta 2M K Kings HIO,.FL Pierce Ft 34951 plats are 20 grog,onlas the sprsifiedplate size is followed by a"err which indicates an I8 gng plate,or"Sr:18',which indicates a high tendon 18 Flw plate Southern'Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: G3G SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 82752 AM Compone Truss nt SolutionsTht COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax fie: 1 of 1 Version:20163[Build 52 " Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 6-8-0 6/12 1 0-M 0-" 0-M 0-M 1 12 in 23 Ibs 6-8-0 34-0 3-4-0 3A-0 6-B-o 4A- 12 2 12 6� �6 n 0 N T Y 2x6- jx6 z Z 4 1x4 j J3A 1 FJ-3—BJ98 0-0-0 0-0-0 34-0 34-0 34-0 6-6-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection IJ Qoc) Allowed Load (psi) Bldg Cod:: FBC 2DI4/ TIC: a30(2-3) vet Tr_• nOl in L/999 (al) 1./240 TOLL: 20 TPI I-20D7 BC: 025(4-1) Vert LL, a01 in L/999 (al) 1./360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mtrinaease: No Nib: all(2-4) H=TL- a01 in a BCIL: 0 D.014: 125% Creep Facto,Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsers(1nt:X.Y.Ang1 (1:342-10 (2.-OA3-I5-0.) (3:3-42-54) (4:OA3$9(1) RIeaction Summary JT Type ft Canbo Brg Wdth Material Rqd Big Wdh Max Read Max GmvUplift Max Wnd Uplift M.Uplift Max Haiz 1 Pin(MI) 1 Sin Cmaetc Masonry 3.00in 36811s - -1431bs -1431bs I9lb: 3 H Roll(NWl) I in Concrete Masmry 3.00 in 2731Its - -120Its -120IIts Oft Material Summary Bracing Summary 7C SP(ALSC6-2D13)62 ZA TC&acing Sheathed crPmlins at 6-3{(Patin desigi Iy Others. Bl7 SP(ALSC6-2DLi)822,4 BC Bracing Sheathed orPialins at 86A Pulin desigi by Offim. 51665 SP(ALSC6-Z113)#fStud 24 Loads Summary I)This hiss has been dsigied fa the effects de to 10 p;f hman shad live Imd pls dad leak, 2)This tnss has been desigted fa the effeas of wind Inds in a¢on dance with ASCE7-10 with the fdlowingmadcflned inpa: 170 mpb idtir=c;E pm=C,Fully F clw.e k G.HW,p,BuildingCatcM B 0-1.0010 verall BIcl;Dins 99 ft x 52 ft,h=15 ft,Not End Zone Toss,Neither end web carsidned DOL-IM,CC Zone Width 12 fl_ 3)Mininxm storage attic loading in a¢adance with IBC Table 1601.1 has beenapplied Load Case Irl:Std Live Load ��\`11 I I I I I r���/� PoinlL.oa� tee`` �M•_B�F�q //ii Mcnber Location Di ection Load Ttib Wdh Ba Chd 08-12 Down 6011s 24 in \."\GE Use Bet Chd 2-8-12 Down 6011a 24 in \ i �♦ Eki cna 3-1I4 Down 601ba za in :, PE 76051 Load Case DI:Std Dead Load . Porttt L oads v Memta Location Direction load Trib Wdth �. Bat Chd 0&12 Dawn 601Is 24 in r s SA"OF_ .,Bat Chd 3-&12 Dam 601b: 24 ina \ Htt Chd 311-0 Down 6011s 24 in Member Forces Summary TaN indicates:Mmd=ID,mac CSI,max ataal face,(max omhp.face if different flan nett ax al face) �� 7C 1-2 a29/ 54511s (460IN) 2-3 A29a 5481hs 465 lbs A --—' ,1c 3-0 nz6a 911s a z64 �391tal a Weds 124 aln5 -294lb, ,1Iss-to-truss Connections Summary ID CamedTmss CanyingToss Canying OfBd Angle I Yn J3A G3G 08-12 270 d:g 7T2 13B G30 24-12 ZA deg 772 J39 G30 3-114 27D deg Notes: 11%enthis tatas has boan chosen faspaliryassuanceinsperxica,the Plate Placrnxnt Method laTPI1-2007/A32 shall beused Cq-1.17. 2)fisted wind uplift maims based m MWFRS Only loading NOTICE Acopy ofthis dsi®u shell be furnished to the en)dim cmtrazta.The dsigu of this Ndvidd Nos is based m design criteria andtegdtertxnts supplied by the Toss Manudadoxec and olio upon theemrary Brian M.Bleakly andcanpleIasess-tithe infmtatim set loth by-the lidlflnglosi@her.A sea]mthis dtawinginflcates ¢acceptance anofpdasimal en hes®neeringpmsibilirysdcy fathe Ns �un s muent design sham.See the cat $h1LL Fngti/fifGl ' and the"Impxtant Infestation&General Notes"pap fa additional intimation.All connector re re mg plates shall he rnudacnd by Simpson Sh -Tic Casgeny,Inc in amdas¢ R 276L a with FS .All cmneca 2590 N.Kings Hies R Pierce F1 34951 plates ate gawe,mless the specified plate size is fdlaved by a"lr which inflates an 18 gnW plate,a'SN Jr.which indicates a high tension 18 par.plate. Southern 17uss Companies, Inc. Truss: HHV4 4 SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Pro1ectNarm: 8251 ColrlponentSolutionsn" -muss Fort Pierce,F134951 pate: 1/14/2016 8:2752AM Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax � of I Version-20165(Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PUES Spacing WGT/PLY 4-M 6/12 1 0-" 0-M 0-M 0-M 1 24 in 13 lbs 4-0-0 _ 3-6-0 0 04- 1.5x3 1 Z 2 3 12 6F- Li dr 2x4/ 1 4 T.5x3 j 0-D-0 0-0-0 4-0-0 4-0-0 Loading General CS1 Summary Deflection L/ (roe) Allowed Lord (ISO BItCcde: FEC 3114/ TC: a48(2-3) Vat M. QW in L/999 (1-]) L/240 TOLL: 37 TPI 1-2007 BC: a24(4-1) Yrit LL• 0 in UP L/999 (1-1) L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mbr]namse: Yes Pkb: Q62(3-4) Ham TL: 0in 4 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Carp Fads,Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 _Plate Offsets(1nt:X,YAnp,): (I:IO-IS 342d) (2:043EQ) (3:I-IZ3S9n) (4.1-IZ.3$9a) Reaction Summary _JT Tmy BteCmtbo Ba.Wdch Material Max Read Ave Read MaxGmvUpllft MuW dUdift Max Udift Max Haiz 11 Cmbmns 1 48m Concrete Masenty 223 lls 880f - -75 lbs -75Its 3151ba Material Summary Bracing Summary TIC SP(ALSC6-2D13)rdStud 3c4 TC anteing Sheathed a Ptdins at 63.4 Pubin desigi by Othets. BC SP(AISC6-2013)'H/Sttd N4 BC&acing Sheathed a Pulins at 6GA Pu1in design Try Others. W3a Sit(AL$C6-2013)VSted 2x4 Loads Summary 1)This ass has been dsigtted fa the effects die to)Opsf boaan chord rite load phs dad lords. 2)"This toss has been desisted fa the efltas of wind load:in accordance with ASCE7-10 with the fbllavingtser defined inpi:IA m fh dOnetc6 Expmure C,Fully Enclosed, GabldHiA Bdldng Category B Q-1.00),Osem11 BltF Dim 99 ft x 52 f4 h-15 t1,FndZme Teas,Neitha end webcrosidu.d IX)L-1.33,CC True Width 5.2 ft. Member Forces Summary Table indicator:Member m,max CST,t atdal ftnx(ttax cmgr.face if difetent flan max adal fa e)TC 41.2 (-78nett �417 -L122.3 n480 78I� (-28lls)t azw 1s BeeWba 134 Q619 291 lb; As) �c 'Llll_ Notes: S�`•�r 1)Gable tegires cmtindns haan t chord beating \� • � 2)Cable webs placed at 6(r Q,U.N.O. , 3)Attach gable webs with 1.54 20pp plates,U.N.O. ` • �E 76051 4)N7ten this Wshas been chosen fatpalityasstr cempertion,thePlate Placement Methodpa7Pl 1-200NA3.2sha11 betaed Cq-1.17. ` e "r 5) iwid wind 41e roactieta pmentpmdng , s- 6)Listed wind tp7ift t®etims based m MWFRS Only 1®dog a -q� S ATE OF to NOTICE Att,.17this desist shall he fimisbed to the ar iat conttada.The desist ofthis incWduad toss is based on desist aitetia and tegtinanents s4oied by the Teas ManuEtchm and relies tpm the aecaacy Brian MBle" mdwtgietmess oftheinfotmatiat set fath by the BuldingDesigna.A seal on this dtwinginddatcs aceapta ce ofpmfessiatal mgineeaing mpnsibility solely for the tttss cmgmmt desist sham.See the core page and the"impaant Infamatim&General Notes"page fa addtimal infmtatiat.All connectm plates shall be mantdarnam by Sim ttm psat Sg-T � FSR e Cont any,Inc in an6e with 2762.All connecconnectorconnectorSbtrt Fngl776051 plats rve 20gaage,unless the specified plate sim is fdiwvedby a"Ir which indicates an 18 gars plate,a'S#IS,which indicates a hiEh tension 18 WLW.plate. 2590N.King High.FL Pi=FI 3MI i Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J1 SOUTHER 2590 N.kings Highway ProjedNarne: 8251 ss Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 82753 AM Eio :201 ionsT^t COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: I of 1 u11d 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PIES Spacing WGT/PLY 1-0-0 5.999/12 14 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24in 5lbs 2.4-0 i 14-0 I 1-0-0 1 12 6F 2 0 1 �o 4 3 CJ7 CJS CJ3 CJ7 CJS CJ3 0-D-0 0-0-0 1-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection U (10c) Allowed Land (0) Bldgcah: FBC2011V TC: 07(41) Vat 7L: No- L/5'A 1 L/240 TOLL: 20 TPI 1-2D7 BC: n07Cl) Vert LL: 0in UP L/999 1 L/360 7t m: 10 Rep MKinaease: Yes va: n0D(1) Harz 1L' Oin 2 BOLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Ctcep Faclor,Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate ofBets(IntX.YAn0: 0:342-541 — Waction Summary 3Y Tm ft Cooft ftmth Material Rol BrxWdh Max React Mac Cmavudift MaxWndudift Macudift_ MaxHrxiz q Pin(VAII) I Bin Connge Masonry. 3.to in IT lhs - -131 lls UI lls 16711s s 3H Roll(fos) 1 ISin - 3.00 in 661t5 -12lb. -12lbs 0lbs 2H Rdl(fnss) 1 1.5 in - 30in 291ts -1 lb. -21ts -2 Rs 0l1s Material Summary Bracing Summary ,rc SP(ALSC6.2013)tf21A TC Bracing Sheathed or Puffins al VA Pvlin design W Others. BC SP(ALSC62113)#2 ZA DC Bracing Sheathed or Palins at)04D4 Puffin design by Others. Whs Loads Summary 1)This toss has been dsigned for the eft'eds de to 10 psf bottom chord live lotdphs had lot/ds. 2)ibis Ines has been designed for the effects d'wind Ireds in arradance with ASCE7-10 with the following men h8ned inpt: 170 mph trltitunte,F Tin=C,Fdly Escimed, Cxhle/hfip,BwllinSCatelt y,II 0-LODI Overall Bldg Dim 99 ft x 52(l,h o 15�Not Find Zone Toss,Neither end web censid-d DOL-1.33,CC Tine Widh 12 R 3)knirmen storai:attic lmdng in accordance with IBC 7§ble 16 07.I has hen applied 1 Member Forces Summary TaNeindrata:MatcID.maxCSl rezaoalf�ce(ecrmp foraifd6eentLornmaccoalface) ���� �M. BL e�y�i�� Bic lai n 7 a899)bs (-alla)1. l1a n2ffi 30I+ i oO��Q,�'�^ vGENs � � Vkbs •- I 'Truss-to-truss Connections Summary PE 76051 ID C nirdTms Carying Tnss Canyinx OKsct Angle '� TI31 A C17 Ibl 45 d$ r Tf3l 11•� 07 461 45 deg Tf34 J-1 05 Idl 315 ` TI34 33 Gs 161 asntg �,` S ATE OFl;%� TT40 11 G3 1-61 315 deg I t T TC40 31 G3 ILl 45 deg 1 l motes: :r�OR{flP•G���� 1)IN'hen this toss has Ken chosen fa'gwJityassrrance inspeetim,the Plate Placenrnt Method per TP]]•20fP/A3.2 shall h bored C9 2)Trss-totres casnedim is fixW*ical interPretatim only Ahanger or other structural canrmim shall be pavihd to resist the max react andt�liR shown in the Reanim // ss/ONAL` 3j Listed wind tQliR teaGims based on MVJFRS Only Imdng 140'S10E Aagl d'this design shall be funishedathe ehectim txnttacta.The design of Otis indvidnl toss is lasedm design aitedaand tapitarcnts sy¢iedblthe Toss Mantsfacttrc atdrelies t¢n the aortracy Brian[yj.$ V and mr�lacthess ofthe infamatim set forth by Desiper.A seal on this drawingindcates acceptance dpmfessimal enginadng rapnsibility solely toss cagmmt design shown.See the corer Smct 6hgk76051 le f and the Important Infer ration&General Notes^page for addtimnl infarretim.All connector plates shall be rtensdachred by Simism Smngkrc Caryeny,Inc in emur4na:with FSR.2M7.All coincta 2M N,King Hilt.FL Pierce Ft 34951 plates are 2lgatge,unless the specified plate sire is fdlowedby a"IS'which indmtm an IB gnW plate,or'SH 11r,which indrates a high tension 18"plate. i I ` Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J3 SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectNalne: 8251 Date: 6/14/2016 82753AM ' TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Component Solutiongm Page: 1 of I Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Version:20165[Build 52 i Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 3-0-0 6/12 14 1.4-0 0-M 0-" 0-" I 24 in 111hs 4-4-0 i 1-0-0 3-0-0 �T 3-M I 2 12 or� f N � 3 CJ7 CJS E10G CJ7 CJS 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-0-0 i 3-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (Ioc) Allowed load (psd) Bldg Cad:: FBC 2014f TC: 0.37(4-1) Mal Ti- a01 in L/999 (-1) L/240 TCIL: 20 TPI 1-2107 BC: 0.13(3-1) Wt IL: Oin L/999 (3.1) L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mbrinc—se: Yes Wb: a00(1) Hoa TL• 0in 2 BC1L: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Facto Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Of cts(1ntXY.Ano 0:3.4.2-5.et) Reaction Summary 17' Type B'g Corm. Bm Wdh Material Rqd lugWdh Max React Max Gray Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Rorie II Pin(Ml) 1 8in Cmaete Masonry 3.00in 21811s -114lbs -1141h; 287 Rs 3H Rd l cross) 1 15 in - 3.00 in 53 lb. - - 0lls 2 H Rdl(foss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 95Ihs - -9lh; 6711s O lhs Material Summary Bracing Summary TCI SP(Auc6-2113)72 De4 TC Bracing Sheathed a Pixlins az 63Q Purlin design by Others. BC SP(AISC62013)7224 BC Bracing Sheathed or Pulins at 1004 Puffin desip by Others. V-Lbs Loads Summary 1)'Ihis toss has been desiged forth:effects de to 10 psf bottorn chord liw load ha pi s d loads. 2)'Ihistnsshasbeen signedfathe efr=%ofwindloads in accordancewith ASC157-10with the followinguserdefinedinpLe Mm1hdtinmte,E-W=C,Fdly Fncimed Crable7Hp,ludidng Can ry0(1-LODI Overall Bldg Dins 99ftx52 R h-15ft,Net Fnd2me Tms,Neitherendwebcuhsided DOL-U3,CC 2me Width 5.2 ft. 3)knimun staapp attic loading in accordance with IBC Table IW7.1 has been alglied Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Memos m,max CSI,max axial fort{(max oorn r.face if dffemt f ern nox a)dal face) lab a33 29lb 11-z nos 41a1ba --I I \�N��P• GENS BC ^1 a13o I2glts (-nsusl Truss-to-truss Connections Summary _� PE 76051 m Carried Teas CanyingTrss Caring Offset Ande x T 1 C1 3 C17 440 —TM 3 7 44-0 3 315 15 do deg e = TI35 1 ' 13 GS 44-0 its deg i �T135 d3 05 44-0 45 deg s SATE OF i T 7 13 E100 34-12 90 deg t • _ T737 13 E100 1_'W-12 90 d-g �� 14-i Notes: 1)When this mas has been chosen fagnlityassaance inspection,the Plate Placment Method per TPl 1-20VA3.2shall be used Cq-1.17. I/ ` 2)Toss-tomsscmneYimisfagaphicalinterpewimmly structural a other connection shall be pwidedto mist the rax reaction shown and splift sho in the Reaction Stimaty / 3)listed wind uplift reactions wed on MWFItS Only loading NOTICEAwp/dthis desi@u shell be Punished tothe erection cmtrula.The design o(this indtidoal toss is based on design criteria andregiirarrnts sWplied by the Truss Menudamrererd¢lies upon the accuracy Brian lair,$kak»r end mr�letmas of the inforrration set forth b21he Building Designer.A seal on this drawing indicates acceptance ofpmfessiaral mgneaing responsibility solely fa the mss c-p mt design shown.See thew r StnR FngR'XOdI rag and the"Impmant Infmration&General Nam"pair fa additional infmrutim.All—actor dates shall be manufiaured by Siogsm StrmgTe Coogeny,Inc in accordance with ESR-ZM.All eonhocta 2g/0 N.King High.Ft Pierce Fl 34951 dates are 20pp.M-less the specified plate sire is followed by a`lr which indicates an 18 gum:date,or'S8 Ir,which indicates a hide tension 18 gang data i Southern'truss Companies,Inc. Truss: DA 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 SOUTHERN Date: 6/14/2016 82753 AM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Component SolutionsTM COMPAPAIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 T1vss Version:20165 rBugd 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 3-" 6/12 2 0-" 0-M 0-M 0-M 1 24 in 916s 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 12 61 2 M o n �o 1 - -r�c�4 3 E10G G3G 0-0-0 0-0-0 � M3-0.0o Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed LW (w9 i at Code: FBC 2014/ TC: am(1.2) Wn TL• a01 in L/999 (3-1) L/240 TOLL: 20 TPI 1-2007 BC: a1B(3.1) Vat LL: Oin L/999 CI) L/360 71CDL: 10 Rep Mbr I—e: Yes NEb: a00(1) Herz TL• Oin 2 BC[L: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Fads,Kam 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets Vnt•XY.Andb (1:3.42-5.0.) RI ction Summary JT Type BgCanbo Brg WdLb Material Rqd Big Wdtb Maxltad Max Oav Ud'ft Max Wnd Udift Max Udift Max Horiz I Pin(fnas) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 123lba - .31 lbs -311ts 1851hs 3 H Roll(foss) I 1.5 in - 3.00 in 56lb. - -31hs 3Its 011. H Ro11(foss) I 1.5 in - 300 in 991ts - .76lbs -76lbs 0lls Material Summary Bracing Summary TG SP(ALSC&2013)1224 TC Bracing Sheathed aPtxlins at 63A Pulin hsiga by Others. - BG SP(ALSC6.2DI3)1122x4 BC Bating Sheathed orPulins at 1004 Pulin ci sigt by Others. Vlbs Loads Summary 1)This toss has b—dsio d fa the effects de to IO psf baron chad lice load plus dad Imds. toss 2)This has been dnigied fa the effects of wind loads in accordance with ASCE7-10 with the fdloMng esa defined inpa:170 mph tdtimate,E4—C,Fully Fmclosed, CcableyHip BAding Category B 0-1.00),Overall Bldg Dim 99 ft x 52 ft,h=15ft,Not End lone Teas,Neither end web consid-ied DOL-1.33,CC Zone Width 5.2 A 3)Minimun storage attic loading in aowdance with IBC Table 1607.1 has bar applied Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Mamba m,oxvc CSI,tnax axial fast.(rtex caW.face if diffe cot flan max axial ftsm) •__ TC II-2 a216 161h N\�\ N 31 area 21916 o \,�C'ENSF�`�� Iliuss-to-truss Connections Summary PE 76051 ID Carved Tress CartyingTnss Cartving Offset 70d T17 J3A' G3G 0&12 2A rig � s TM BA EIOG Sh12 90 deg e TM J3A, EIOG 104-12 90 deg e S 'ATE OF Notes: , 1)When this tress has been chasm fa gihality assuance inspection,the Plate Placelmrt Method perTP11-2707/A3.2 shall be used Cq-1.17. � O`� 1 • \\ S,Tnss4ot n ms conection is fa{Taaphieal intetptrJatim only Ahanget or other str=md cmnectim p shall be ovi&dto mist the n%nt teactim and tplift shown in ilia Readim �i , O R1D uhmary 3)13sttd wind uplift maims based m MWFRSOMylmding �y NOTICEAsxQy otthis dsigi shall be funished lathe aedim.cmtrada.The desiph oCthis individml toss is basedm desiBt aiteria mdte¢ntements supplied by the Tnas Mantdactucr and relies t ce tpm the avry a Brian MBiealcly and—Odatess tithe information sea forth by the BiuldingDesipa.A seal on this lowing indicatesaceeptance ofpofessional engineering tesponsitility solely for the toss omTmmt dsio shown.See the care Street Fn&9=1 pope and the"Impxtant Infmiatim A`General Notes"page fa additional infanatim.All connector plates shall be manule aed by Sirtgsm shcngrc C.,p y,Inc in a—dace with FSR270.All cmheaor 2M N.King Hilt.Ft Piave FI 34951 plates are 20 puir,mless the specified plate size is fdlmtd by a"I which Indicates an 19 pptW.0ate,a•SN 18',which indicates a high Imsim 18 ppuM plate. i Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J3B SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 82754 AM Component Solatio',ISTM TRUSSTruss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 _ Version:20165 uf3d 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 3-" 0/12 2 0-M 0-" 0-M 0-" 1 24 in 141bs r 3-M 1�17-0 1-5-0 3 0-0 i EtOG to 2x6- 1x41 2x6 1 k, P d o �7 1 2 3 lro � �Yr�►�K �f�-�aaN�t��s U.4= - 7 6 1.Sx3i 2x6- G3G 0-0-0 1-0-0 140-0 Li-s-0 1-7.0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (Ioc) Allowed Load (port) Bldgcode: FBC 21141 7C: a22(2-3) Yert M. 0.02in L/939 6 L/240 TOLL: 20 7P1 I-2W7 BC: 0.03(4-5) Vert LL• 0.01 in L/999 5 L/360 7CDL: 10 RepMbrinaease: Yes Wb: a06(1-7) 14=TL- 0.02 in 3 BCLL: 0 D.O.L. US% Creep Factor,Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets Ont:XYAngk' (B-8.3-80.) (2:1-123-8.91) (3:1-12,411.90.) O:l-123-8.9a) (5:O41-12.a) (6i3-8380L) (7:1-123$9a) Reaction Summary JT Type Bg Cmdu Bp Wdth Material Rod BgWdh Max Read Max Grave Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift M.Hcriz 7 Pin(rues) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 120lbs - -55l s -551[s O Ibs H Roll(strut) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in IA IN - .55 IN -551ts 0I1. Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC62013)922x4 T'C&acing Shmthedor Pulins at 1004 Pudin design by Others. BC SP(ALSC6-2013)922e4 BC Bracing Sheadmd aPudins at 1044 Pulin design by Others. WAS SP(ArSC6-2013)trVSnd2x4 Loads Summary 1)'phis tags has been designed fa the effects de to 10 psf boom chud live load pis had lords. 2)]his truss hasbeen dsipted forthe effects ofwind loads in accordance with ASCE7-10 with the fdlowingusad:fined input: ITmphdtima1r EVcsme C,Flly&cJmc4 GaUtUip Building Category B 0-1.0))Overall Bldg Dims 99 It x 52 ft,It-15 fl,Nor End Zone Truss,Neither end web considered DOL-1.33,CC Zone VA kh 5.21L 3)1Nnirmm storage attic loading in a—Jance with IBC Table 1607.1 has been applied Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Member ID,max CSI,nax t dal free,(max corn r.lone if different from max axial face) 7C 1.2 a212 0It. a2z; am; \�� M• B[LC //�/ BC 45 0.031 Olds 6.7Vkh 0.015 0lbs \\ z-3 1.7 0.0% lmlbs (40616s) 2-5 ao20 54Rs 3-4 0.014 381Is 1.6 0. 01N 56 OLM 2211s Truss-to-truss Connections Summary PE 76051 ID CarriedTress Carving T—s Carryinp Odsd Angle r ; T J3B G3G 2-8.12 R ZA deg 772, 13D G3G 311-4 270 h8 ' j7T39 J3B EIOG 7�12 90 ft e + T139 ]38 E10G 8-3.4 god:g ATE OF 't(/Notes: 1)When Tms-this truuourruyss has limnchosen fagdintassewim Knly Ah,the Plate Placementicon Method per shall ll Ir pA3.2shall he mist Cq-I.17. /��Oj(�`rC OR1S % ,� \�\ S)T oNss cmnecOm is fa p;raphical interpdatim mlx Ahangtt a athastructusal connection shall he pxovihdforesist the ruax ncactim and shown in the Reaction // ^-`(•1----- 0- \\ 3)Tnas4ostreeb+e connection is lbrVaphical interpretation only Those crnneetions shall be as specified in the Construction Dccmients or per the BfldingDesigna. NA1�.. v\\\ 4)Provide adequate dainag:to p—t pending bVA ! 5)Listed wind uplift reactions hated m MAM Only I®ding 6)At least we webof this tnas has been dsigned with a{noel Print in the web All pand points an such webs shall be braced laterallypapmdcrdar to the plane of the taus.Leland bans shall be installed within ti ofeach web panel point i NO77CE Acopy dthis design shall be funished tothe erection contractor.The design d'this individd Ness is based m design criteria and reglternents supplied by the Truss Manudkturm and relies upan the accuracy Brian M Bleakly and—plesaness oftheinfmratimset forth"eBitding Desigua:A seal on this dawingindicates amepeanoerfpof6simal mgineaingrespmsibilitysddyfarrhem s--.car design shown.Seeth— Stna Fing#Wl page and the^Imponant Knfmn atim&General Noses"page for additional infctaaum.All connector plates shall he r®ndacturd by Simpson StrmgTe Caryany,Inc in accordance with ESR 2762.All euinector 25MN.Kings High.Ft Pierce F134951 plates are Zlgmge,onless the specified plate size is followed by a--IB'which indicates an 18 pug.-plate,a'SM 19%which indicates a high tmsim 18 gauge plate. i � Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J5 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectName: 8251 SOUTHERN 2590 6/14/2016 827S4AM ComponentSolutionsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Page: 1 of Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Version:20165[Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PILES Spacing WGT/PLY 5-0-0 6/12 19 1.4-0 0-M 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 171bs 64-0 1-0-0 5-0-0 5-D-0 I 2 Z 12 6� 0 A 2x6- yy 1 1� l 4 3 CJ7 0-0-0 0-0-0 5-M 5-M Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed L6d (psf) Bldg Code: FBC 2014 TC: a65(1.2) Vert T[.: a08 in L/656 (3.1) L/240 TOLL: 20 TPI I-207 BC: 0.43(FI) Vat LL• 0.02 in L/999 (3-1) L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mtrlsnaease: Yes %b: a00(1) H—Ti_ Oin 2 BOLL: 0 D.O.L; 125% Creep Factor•Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(1nt:)LY.An& (1 4.2-5.a) RI ction Summary JT Type Brg Coal. BF Wdh Material Rgd&gWdh Max React Max Gray Uplift Max Nand Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz 1 Pin(11611) I Sin Concme Masonry 3.00 in 29111s - -128Ila -128 lls 36411s 3 H Roll(foss) 1 I.5 in - 100 in T-Its - - - O Ibs 2 H Roll(Toss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 165lbs - -1241ts -124 Rs 0 Its Material Summary Bracing Summary 7rC SP(ALSC62013)922x4 M Bracing Sheathed aPulins at 634k Pudin&sipu by Others. ad SP(AISC620I3)N22x4 BC Bracing Sheathed a Palins at 1000,Pulin design by Other. Was Loads Summary 1)ihis tnas has been detipued fa the effects due to 10 psf 6ahan chord live load plus odd beds. 2)This toss has been deigned fa the effaxs ofwind loads in acwdmce with ASCE7-10 with the fdlwringuscr d6nrd input:170.ph udtimate,Evposae C,Fudly Euctosod, GabldHip 21ding Catepryll(I-1.001 Ovesa]I Bldg Dims 99ftx52ft,It-15ft,Not FAd7me Tnss,NeitherendwebcrosidenA DOL-1i3,CC Zme N5dh 5.21 �` ,�III�/f ,/ 3)Miniman storage attic loading in accordance with IBC T Ne IW7.1 has hen applied Member Forces Summary Table indtata:Member m,max CSI,max axial face,(n—cmgr.f�ifcifF=t float nnxa)dal face) e��\\ll`1 M•-BL�q //// TG a1 a371 361Is ]-z a6se -2121ts \\ ./� / BC 3.I a429 -2 it �� �..Q,-"c ENSF Nfts 1]-nss-to-truss Connections Summary PE 76051 11) CamedTnas CarryingTnss Carrying Onset Angle "OF_ ,. Tf26 ]5 � C2G 5412 90 d:gT726 15 C2G 7412 90 degTT25 15 C2G 9412 90 deg7T76 1s C2G 10" 90&g S ATT25 15 C2G 12-34 90 rig .\ TT26 15 ,434 90 deg TT29 1s C20 163d 90 de O ;�L O Rip Tr�3 is c1i 7iiis 13s�ag /// '•-- �\ \\\ " TM TM ;5 �x �z /// SS/ONA%-e TT28 is C5G 9&12 90 deg ����I1111111����\ TT28 1s C5G 11412 90 ft rT 128 1s C5G 13412 90 d g Notes: ]);When this toss has been chosen fir cpelity assurance inspection,the Plate Placemml Method per TPI I-2002IA12 shall be used Cq-1.17. 2)Tnss-to-trms emneaim is fapapltial intmpetatim mly Ahanger adher shuxLaal omsrctim shall be pwidedtoresist the ntax teactim anduplift sham in the Reaction S nauuay 3)Listedwind uplift reactions fasedon MWFRS Onlyloading �`n i Vr i NOTICE Acowafthis design shall be fixnishedtotheemotiat rxntracta.Thecisipu ofthis indvidel toss is basedort desipu critetiamdre oresnentssu4piiedbythe Tnss Mamdam,cadrelia upon theaccrary Brian KBleakly and conVieteness ofthe informatiau set forth by the BuildngDesiprer.A seal on this dewing indicates acceptance o l professional en®necting tespmsihlliry solely fa the mss cwgmmt design sham.Seq the tuner ShusL Eng.#M1 pal-andthe-Important Infmretion&General Ndct"pop:fir additional infmretiot.All connector plates shall be tranu6actured by Singsm Strong-Tic Car any,Inc in aacaidmce with ESR2762.All connara 2590 N.Kings Hiolt.FL Pierce F134951 plates are 20 puge,mless the specified plate size is f hawed by a"Ilr which inflates an 18 PptQ plate,a•SN I8•,which indicates a high tension 18 gawk plats ' I . +' Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: P SOUTHSAN 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectNacne: 8251 Component solutionsTM -TRUSS Fort Pierce,F1 3495 1 Date: 11 2 016 82755 AM Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax � Version:20165 ui! 52 " Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLIES Spacing W,GT/PLY 7-M 6/12 20 1-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-M 1 24in 23lbs i a-4-0 1-4-0 7-0-0 7-U 2 12— 61r d n Y 0 y1 1 4 3 B6G BSG D3G D3G 0-0-0 0_" 7-0-D 7-U Loading General CST Summary Deflection 1J (loc) Allowed Loed (pet) BIel;Cob: FBC D)IV TC: 0.61(I2) 14m 7L: am in L/259 (3-1) L/240 TCLL: 20 TP11-27(17 BC: 0.64(3-1) Yet I.I. 0.08 in L/ffiS (3-I) 1,/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mbinnmse: Yes NEb: Q00(1) Hoz7L• 0.01 in 2 BCLL: 0 ' DAL: 125% Cu P Fodor.Ka=1.5 BCDL: to — Plate Ofisets(1nt:XY.Anck (1:,) RI ction Summary _1T Type BrgCombo Erg)Mkh Material Rqt Btg Wdh Max Read MUG—Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hariz I Pm(Ull) 1 8m m m Concrete Masry 3.00 368Its - -14611s -146 Rs 42D lb, 3 H Bell(ri ss) I U in - 3.00in 1261hs - - - 0lb. H poll(foss) 1 1.5 in - 3.OD in 240 Ihs - -162Ins -18211s 0 Rs Material Summary Bracing Summary 7Ci SP(ALSC6-Ml,)SS NA TC Bruing Sheathed or Pulins at 6-34%Puffin dsipt b/Others. ad . SP(ALSC6.2113)422x4 BC Bracing sheathedaPufinsat 1004 Puffin dsfgu by0thers. 11b)s Toads Summary I)This nss has been desiged fwthe effects de to 10 psf bottom chard liw Imdphs dad Imds. 2)This mss has been designed for the effects ofwind loads in accordance with ASCE7-10 with the fdlowingmer defined input: [Mnghdtimate,Flgxsue C,Fdlyacimsd, G#I.H p,Bdldng Categoy B(1-1.001 Overall Bldg Dims 99 ft x 52 fl,,It-15 ft.Not End Zone Teas,Neitha end web ennsidemd DOL-133,CC Zone Width 5.2 R 3)Minimun starage attic loading in ao:adamce with IBC ThWe 16D/.1 has been applied b Member Form Summary Table indicates:14ember10,max CS4tmucaidalfbo6(maxmpcfarceifdffacntfrarnmaxaxialfa ) 7C 141 n17a 61b II-2 Q614 3MIIs I `` 13C 13.1 � 0.ti40 Sae lie (-�ihsJ TkIss-to-truss Connections Summary p�76051 ' 1D Camed Teas Carping Teas Currying Offset And. s f s I TM 37 135 -0.12 2A deg TTD 37 135C 4-0.12 ZA deg a` t TT23 ]7 B50 60.12 2A deg a �' TrJ3 J7 � 10�0 z zZiB� S ATE OFF TTM ]7 B<iG 124)-12 2A deg . .IQ.1 T7?3 J7 M 14412 270deg �/�^• P! TTZ 17 B50 160-12 270 deg �i 1✓ ��OR1� •' �� \ TT23 n 13sc lsalz 27oa$ / %SO . ___. �\ \�\ TM J7 B5GB50 36012 270deg l l!11111t TT23 17 B5G 38412 z10 deg =.a 37 D30 7-0.12 zm&g TI30 17 D3G &" 270 deg Tf30 J7 D3G %11.4 2A deg Notes: 1)When this toss has been chosen for q liry assurance insp.6on,the Plate Placement Method per7P11-200NA32 shall be used Cq=1.17. 2)Tmas4amssomnocdmisfagraphiralintcpddimmly Ahanger aarhasmental connection shall be pdsidedto resist the max reactim and q:tifl sham in the Readiou silvrmuary NOTICEAmpy d'this dsigu shall be fimished[o the erection txntractm 1fie dsigp dlhis indvidd toss is lasedm hsigu criteria andrtgnrements stSplied b/Ihe Teas Mantdactua erd relics upon the eearary Brian M Bleakly amd�rnry8deners o(theinfmaetim set fmh bathe lldldng DesignenAsealmthis drawing indicates acceptance dpofessimal engineering respmsitiliry sdelyfar the toss emipmentdesigu sham.See the coca Sb.=L Fog#Wl 'boas bo and the"Mpxtamt InfomaGm&General Nares^lag fo edLtimal infmmtim.All annectapiats sfiell m menudacnxed 67 Simlam ShmgTe Cmgeny,Inc in amodanx with FSIF2762.All cmhxta plates are 20grge,mless the spxified plate size is fdluwed by a"-Ig'which indimles m IB rpuLe plate,a"sM IB',whidu ind®tes a high tension I8 gig plate 2930N.King Hipp.Ft Piaui FI 34951 I i Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J7 2590 N.kin Highway SOUTHERN gh Y Project Name: 8251 CoiWonent SolutionsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 8:2735 AM Tnlss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 2of2 isio den:20165[Build 52 i Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 7-0-0 6/12 20 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24m 23lbs 3)listed wind tplift reactions hated an MWFn Only loading N\\ N M' BL�q /r PE 76051 t e S ATE OF ����111111111\��\ NO7CE AorWofthis dsigt shall he fanished to the ercdion convactm.The dsivi ofthis individal tnss 1 basal andzigt criteria and regiranents sipplied bathe Tess Mantfactetz and relics upon the accuracyF2.5% r MBleakly ian andrmplaeness of the infmratim sd forth irythe Belding DesiP�rer.A seal no this drawing indicates acceptance afFrofessimal engnceringrespmsidlitysddy,far the toss mrparm B t drip shown,Seethe corer pag and the"Imlatant Irdba ation&General Notes"pv.fir aditional intbanatim.All connector plates shall be nant6ct redly Sirnpon StsmgTe Cmgrny,Inc in aomdanee with FS1F27M.All connector Stn cL EogAWl Oates an,20 pig,unless the specified plate give is followed try a--18"which indicates an 18 pig plate,v'SK Jr,which indicates a hi¢t tension 18 p�plate N.Xing Hip),.FY.Pierce FI 34951 Southern 1Yuss Companies,Inc. Truss: J7C SOUTHER 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 Fort Pierce,F1 34951 Date: 6/14/2016 8:27S5AM TRUSS Component SolutionsTM COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)4644160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 ofl Truss Version-20165[Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 7-M 6/12 5 14-0 0-M 0-M 0-" 1 24 in 28 lbs 8-4-0 1-0-0 2-&0 2-2-0 2-2-0 248-0 4-10-0 7-" 4 Z 12 61 1A% 3 0 A d 4x6- N Q v 5 1.5X3\ _ B 7 1.5x3 1 B5G I t 0-0-0 1-M 1-0-0 2-8-0 4-" 243-0 7-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Li6d (psQ Bldg Co&: FBC 20147 TIC: 0.89(2--3) V tTL- az in L/373 6 L/240 TCLL: 20 TPI 1-2097 DC: 0.32(7-1) Vat LL- Q08 in L/909 7 L/36D a TCDL: 10 Rep Mhrinease: Yes Wbb: 0.61(G7) Hari Olin 5 iddLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Ctcep Facta,Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Ofiiets(IntXY,An&. (1 3-4 2-5.0.) (2:04560.) (3:0413.15.31.) (5:'>43g31.) WX2-13.Q) (7:1-1234190.) R I eaction Summary JT Type Bog Cmhbo Bog Wdh Material Rqi Big W doh Max Reaa Max Gray Uplift Max Mind Uplift M.Uplift Max Hoiz I Pin(VAIi) I sin C—deMasonry 3.00in 3681ts - -1461te -146lbs 420 Re 5 H Rdl(Toe) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 326lbs - -144lb. -144lbs 0 He H Roll(ritess) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 711s -T.Ih .30115 -30lbs 0Ilia Material Summary Bracing Summary TG SP(AISC6.2013)022e4 TC Bracing Sheathed aPulins at 63A Pulin design by Others. BC; Sp (AISC6-2013)#22,A BC Bracing Sheathed aPulins at 7-K Pulin design by Other. VJA. Sp(AISC6-2D13)Mad 2e4 Loads Summary 1)This toss has been designed for the efreas de to 10 psf bode n chord live load plus dad low. 2)This sass has been designed fa the effects of wind loads in amudance with ASCE7-10 with the following tea h p 6ned hops:: 170 mpb ultimate,Fjosue C,FdlyEncimed, Gable 1 BwldngCa1egayII0-1.040serall Bldg Ditty 99 ft x2 R,h-15R,Na End Zme Tres,Neithaend web considered DOL-133,CC Zone Wpdh 5.2Q 3)ritimun starapp attic loading in accordance;with IDC Made 1607.1 has been applied Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Mends m,trex CSI,max axial face,(max am[r.face ifdfknott fmn tmx axial face) `\\\\ w tt B/ J� TC I&1 0.1-2 Q371 361bs 2-3 0.8% -3m Itshs 7@ ill l br 34 aw -59I ! Bc 56 O2W -5811h 7-1 Q315 295ls Ral Ins \\,�\•'�\CENSF`.� 1tPh 2S O609 170 not (49lb.) 6-7 Q610 921hs (-46115) 3-5 (1242 6771ts (-5491h) \ • 4 Truss-to-truss Connections Summary PE 76051 t. ID Carved Tees Canyina Tnts Carrying Offset Angle e T124 17C B5G 24-0.12 270 deg Tr24 17C 135G 261-12 7M deg T724 37C 13513 2&0-12 270 deg e TTLt 17C BSG 30412 ZA deg r s S ATE OF �Ti24 17C 135G 32412 2A beg .00 i•j�',' \ Notes: ��i 0 C OR1�P ���� %When this ones has b=chosen f—Wityasstaance inspcaim,the Plate Pla¢trot Method pvMPl 1-NID?/A31 shall to teed Cq=1.17. � S`--�-- �G'``vG` \ S�T��o.u—connectiut is fa(Taplhid intapetatim only Ahanger aothastnatral aarectim sball be poid:dto gist the maim andiplift shown in the Reaction //�i// S/pNA� 3)'Listed wind uplift reactions based m MWFRS Only lmdng 4)'At least me web of this toss has been d"IMed with a panel punt in the weh All panel points on stich wets shall be traced laterally poti penailar to the plane of the ones.lateral braces shall be installed within 6'death web panel point i N07710E Acapy ofthis dsiplt shall be finished tothe eheaim emtoaaa.The design of this indd miss is•lased m design criteria and nxpimrc6 n stpTlied by the Tnas damzc Manh abed rel ies tpon the amrrya Brian A Ble" mdemopleteness ofthe infamatiat sec faith"a BLdldngl esigamA seal m this dawingiodmtes acceptance,ofpofessimal enlgnming tesparsidlity solely fa the tMs cmpment hsigt shown.See theca¢ Stnrt Fng#WI , end the"lmpmant Infmratim R General Naes"p g:fmaditimal infcemation.All cmnedaplates shall be mam�ctued1y Simpm Stamgrc Cmpany,Inc in aomdance with FSRZ762.All emnetla 299D N.Kings}R})h.Ft Pierre F13495] plates ale 20 p¢tge,mless the specified plate sits is fallo eel by a"-18"which indicates wig gain plate,a'S#IS',which indmtes a hi0i tension 18 Wa[p plate. t ' + Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: MV10 `'' '51 M 1` &S Highway 2590 N.kings � Y Project Name: 8251 C6mponentSolutionsTm TRUSS Fort Pierce,F1 34951 Date: 6/14/2016 82736AM Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Version:20165 P3ufld 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 10-M 6/12 1 0-M 0-" 0-" 0-M 1 24 in 37 lbs 10-0-0 I 10-0-0 10-D-0 2x6I 3 12 6� c IX4 1 0 to • 2x4/ 1 1x4 l 2x6 t 0-0-0 o-o-o 10-0-0 10-D-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed t®d flsn Bldg^Cade: FBC 2014' TC: a65(2-3) Vat TL: 0.03 in L/999 (4-5) L/240 TILL: 20 TPI 1-2W7 BC: It55(5,1) MALL• Din UP L/999 (1-1) L/W TCDL: 10 Rep Mtrincrmse: Yes Wb: Qm(..q) Nat TL• Oin q 13,CLL: 0 D.O.L.: 125% Creep Facia,Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Olfsets(Jnt:X.Y.Anak (1:10-153-M (3:1-IZ413.90) (4:1-IZ341.90) Reaction Summary _JT Type Bra C cb._ BM Wdh Material Max Read Ave P-ct Max Gnaw Uplift Maas Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Naiz Cmto— 1 120m Canape Masonry 5031hs 92pif - -2751h; _n Ila 6451tas Material Summary Bracing Summer TC SP(ALSC6-2013)8124 TC Bracing Sheathed vl''wlins at 6-34 Phdin drip hy0thers. Bd SP(ALSC6-2013)M.a ud2e4 BC Bracing sheathed or Palins at VA Ptetin design by Others. Wks SP(ALSC6.2B13)1R 2.4 ascpt: 2-5 SP(ALSC&201.)Mhd 24 Loads Summary I)This toss has been dmigtd for the erects de to 10 psf bottan chid live load plus dad Inds. 2)This nsss has been dzigad for the efreds d'wind loads in aomdance with ASCE7-10 with the fJlowing—dfir d inpl:170.0 JtimatS F4w—C,FJIy Fihdcsed• G IbidHiR Building Categiry B a-L00J Overall 0dg Dins 99 R x 52 R,h—15 R,End Zone Tess,Neither endweh carsidaed.DOL—1.33,CC True W dh 5.2 fL Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Member ID,ne CSI,tnax axial face,(n cwq.fatx if diR'e ent ran max anal fame) `111►1�'1!/!// TC 1-2 0.617 -51511s 2-3 a653 -178 Rs ` 13C 45 0405 _. Sl 0.546 9811s (-SO lls `\ W 25 0.276 7R Its (=,a841h;) 34 0.634 4261hs (4711hs, ��` NM•_B�F Notes: e`er�`P '��,L' 1)feeble reepires cantina s boom dh o d bearing m a �� ioe 2 2, pals placedat th a U.N.O. PE 76051 ;J'AftacAttarh gable weir with ixd 0ga plates,U.N.O. � r 4)NWhen this toss has been chosen fa gtality ass ce inspection,the Plate Piamtett Methd per TPl 1-20VA3.2 shall to and Cq—1.17. e 5)IListd windhpiiR reactions based on MWFRS Only 1®6ng a S ATE OF .0, 14 i O CORID '�� ����11111111��� 1 i NOTICE Acopy dthis dsign shall be Renishd to the arstiah contracton The drip of this individel toss is-based on chip criteria and monamtts supplied by the Toss Mantd==and relies upon the accuracy Bf3a11 M.B1ealCly and con¢ldeness ofthe infarction set forth bythe Lidding Desi@her.A seal on this drawing indicates acceptance ofprofessimd engineering rapnsibilitysolely fonthe firs alnixnent dsign shown.See the corer rim Fsgleak peps and the"ImpstanI Infamaron&General Notes"page fwadtional iofamatioh.All cmneaa plates shall be rnsou aatsd by Sirn son St ong-Te Catgany,Inc in asadance with FSR 2767.All connecter Strux.2590 N.Kings High.FL Pierce F13471 plates are 20 ptM unless the specified plate sin is fdiwvedby a"-18"which indcates an 18®tg plate,a•S#184,which indates a high tension 18 gw_m plate I I 1 _ Southern Truss Companies,.Inc. Truss: MV2 > 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 SOUTHERN Date: 6/14/2016 82736AM Component SolutionsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F1 34951 COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 ofl Truss Vesion:20165[Build 52 I Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 2-M 6/12 2 0-" 0-" 0-" 0-" 1 24 in 5 Ibs 241-0 2-0.0 2-0-0 i 12 6F 2 0 0 2x4/ 1 3 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-D-0 2-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Laed (Is0 &uig Cod:: FBC 201N TC: 0.40(1-2) Vat TL• Oin L/999 (1.1) L/240 7CIL: 20 TPI I-2007 BC: 0.25(34) VM IL O in UP L/999 (1.1) L/3W TCDL: 10 Rep Mtrinarase: Yes WEb: 0.00(1) H—n- Oin BCL.: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Factor,Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(1ntXYAngk (1:10453AX) R ction Summary JT Type Brg Canbo BcgW&h Material M.Recta Asa React Max Gmy Udift Max Wind Uplift Max Uplift Max Hai. 3� Cattinuas 1 24 in Cmaete Masmry 16611s 91 pif - -57lbs -57lb. 178lbs Material Summary Bracing Summary SP(ALSC6-2013)hYStud N4 TC Bracing Sheathed Pulins at 6-A Perlin design by Others. SP(AiSC6-71113)M.JSNd 2A 3C Bracing Sheathed a Pulins at 6-3.q Perlin desipr by0thm. V.P. Loads Summary 1)This tress has been dsipcd for the effects du:to 10 psf bxtan chad lice:had plus dad leads. 2)This tress has been dniped for the effects ofwind loads in acw&nm with ASCE7-IO with the following usa diefined inpu: 170moltdfinu1e,Fgrsue C,Fully FnclmeA Crablr/Hipp B dlding CateM B(1-1.001 Ouemll Bldg Dinner 99 ft x 52 ft,h-15 ft,End Zme Tess,Neither end web considered DOL-1.33,CC Zone WSu4h 5.2 ft. Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Menlo ID,rtnoxx CSI,n ax a)dal lope,(rax mrrpr.face if dflaett flan nraxx a,dal rape) 3-1 .251 I1111 Ihs (-49 it.) \\\ Wbba ��� N NI. E; Notes: \v\�NP;-�`�ENs� 1)Gable m#ms continuous bmarn chard baring 2)Cable webs 0acedst 60'ae \,U.N.O. \ 3)Anarh gable webs with 2e4 2%a plates,U.N.O. PE 76051 4)When this urns has been chmen for gialiryassuance insp aim,the Plate Plaurnrnt Method W7P1 1-200VA3.2 shall be toed Cq-1.17. 5)Listed wind uplift reactions based at MWFRS Only loafingOF ' s SATE ss70NAV- NCTCE Ampy ofthis drip shall be furnished to the eeetim contactor.The deigr ofthis indvsdal teas isbased err uksip criteria and regmertrna stFoied by the Tnss Manufacturer and relies upon the a :7 Brian?A Bleakh mdcm¢7etmess dthe infarmtim set forth bythe Building Designer.A seal m this drawingindcater acepance d'pdessimal engneedng responsibility solely fa the truss cargment d.ip sham.See the cater Stmct.FngN76051' ' pag;and tht"Imputant Infmuatim&Gareal Nux."pug fa ed5timd infitmatim.Ail cmnma plates shall be ruunudactuxcd by Sirrysm Shrug-7"e Cargeny,fret in aauufanrx with FSR-7762.All cmnsta 259DN.King Hidt.Ft.Pierce F1 MI plat.erne 20 ptge,mless the spedfied plate sine is followed b/a"-I8"which indicates an 18 pt4¢date,or"SN 11r,which indicates a high tension 18 gaup pate. Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: MV4 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectNafne: 8251 SOUTHERN Date: 6/14/2016 82756AM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Component SolutionsTM COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of1 Truss Version•20165[Build 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PUES Spacing WGT/PLY 4-M 6/12 2 0-M 0-" 0-M 0-" 1 24 in 1316s 4-M 4-" 4-0-0 1.5x3 i 2 12 Er- 0 4 N 2x4/ 1 3 1.5x3 i 0-0 0 0-0-0 4-0-0 4-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Ind _ (pst) Bldg Cade: FBC 2014 TC: Q43(I-2) Vert M. Q01 in L/999 (1-1) L/240 TOLL: 20 7P11-2007 BC: 027(3.1) Vat ILL. Oin UP L/999 (1-1) L/3fA TCDL: ID Rep Mbincrease: Yes VAb: Q61(2--3) 14—TL• Din 3 9CLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Factor,Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate ORsets(1ntXY.An& (1:10-IS3AX2 (21-12413.9a) (3:1-Mn%) Reaction Summary 1T Type 13re Cmhbo Btg Wdth Material Max Pzaa Ave React M.Gov Uplift M.Wad Udift Max Uplift Max Haiz I Continuos 1 48 in Concrete Masonry 220ls 91 Of - 421be 421b: 356lbs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC6-2013)NYStud 20 TC Bracing Sheathed or Ptdins at 6.34 Pulin dsi@t by Others. BC SP.(ALSCG2013)NYStui 2s4 BC Bracing Sheathed or Pulins at 6oA Phelin sign by Others. NF s SP(A7SC6-2013)rAtu12c4 Roads Summary 1)[ibis tnss has been designed fa the effects de to 10 psf tuttan chord live load phs dad Inds. 2)Pis tress has been dsigud for the eflecu of wind)ends in acco dtna:with ASCE7-10 with the fallwvingtsw defined inp:IA nigh ti mete,Eyq.=C Ftd]y Enclm,4 GaNdFlig Building Category Il P-LODI Overall Bldg Dins 99 ft x 52 ft,h-15 ft,End Zme Tnes,Neither end web ccrrsid ed DOL-1.33,CC Zone WiAh 52 ft. Member Forces Summary Table indrdtes:Martha m,nax CS1,maxa val fora:,(rtax amp.force ifd fferent Jim m axial fact) \\ ``�,I I I I!!!/ iTi 1-2 a4W -102lb; BC 3.1 0.269 111 lbs 16 Bs)) \ w R J / NFils 2-3 Q615 mills (-Uolts) \\\P_` 1. ✓`� /S/ ]Gabler gdres antin—hxtorn chord baring \�\Q�\;`•���GE NSL�� `//ii 2)Gable webs dead at fA'ne,U.N.O. - 3)lAttach rpCle webs with LW 3%1 dates,U.N.O. ` • PE 76051 • s 4)�Men this tress has been chosen faggaliryustcance inspection,the Plate Placanmt Method pa TPI 1-21@/A3.2 shall be head.Cq-1.17. s ,r 5)Listed wind tOift reactions lased on MWFRS Only loading s SATE OF �i�O ��pR�pP•�� G\\\\ ��Illlllllll\ L NOTICE Aapy ofthis design shall be funished to the a ction anoactm The dsigh ofthis individal tnm is•based on desigi criteria and reorerents supplied by the Teas Manufaciuer and relies h¢n the aaorary, Brian M.Bleakly and'amdaenessoftheinfamatiatsetforthb)the)3dldingDesiper.Asealonthisdrawingindicatesaceptanreofpofessionalco®nomingresponsibilitysolelyforthetnsscoriamentdesilpshon.Seethecover Str t.Fng876051 - -andthe"Important Ink-alion&General Noses"pw for ad itional infer atim.All connector d n ates shall be an dartucd b!Sings Strong-Te Corrgany,Inc in aaadana with FSR 2762.All camaxa 2590N.King;High.FL Pierce F134951 data are.gnW,unless the specified date sbe is followed by a"lr which inflates an 18 gatW.date,or'SN 18',which indicates a high tension 18 gaug date Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: MV6 SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway ProjectNarne: 8251 Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 82757AM Component Solutions'tM TRUSS Page: 1 of 1 Truss CGMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)4644160 (772)318-0016 Fax Version:20165[Build 52 Span Phch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 6-M 6/12 2 0-M 0-M 0-M 0-M 1 24 in 20 lbs 6-0-0 6-0-0 6-0-0 2x6 t 2 12 6F— d A W! 1 3 2x61 0-0-0 0-0-0 6-M 6-M Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L (loc) Allowed Lotd (raQ Blckcodc: FBC 2111v TC: 0.87(1.2) Vat M. aO6in Ll999 (3-1) L/240 TCLL: 2D TPI 1-2007 BC: a58(34) vied U- QOI in Ll999 (,1) Ll360 TCDL: 10 Rep MbrI crease: Yes R6b: a50(2-3) Hoe TL• Oin 3 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Factor;Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Off ets Urn X Y.Ang): (1:1045.3426.) (2]-I2,4-13.9(1) (3:1-12.349a) leaction Summary 3T Type Beg Canbo Beg Wdth Material Max Read Ave React Max GaVUplift Max Vdnd Udift MaxUdift Max Hail 1 Continuous 1 72 in Concrete Masonry 3DI lls 91 pif - -13611s -13611s 49711s Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC62I3)fQ 2c4 TC Bracing Sheathed or Pulins at 6.34 Pulin design by Others. BC SP(ALSC62113)922c4 BC Bracing Sheathed or Pudins at 6-14 Pu]in design bl Others. Wh SP(ALSC6-2113)SS 20 Loads Summary I)This trss has hmn d5ighed fa the effects ds to 10 gf baton find lice load ow dead loads. 2)This toss has been d5igned forth:effects ofwind]ondsI.accadance with ASCE7-10 with the following tsa defined inpuo 170 mph ultiroate,Exposure G Fully Enclosed GaIblerlGp Building Category B(I m 1.001 Oserall Bldg Dins 99 R x 52 R,It-15 ft.End Tme Toss,Neither end web considmd.DOL-1.33,CC Zone Widh 12 R Member Forces Summary 'fable indicate,:Membcr m,nax CSl,max a)dal face,(max cmgr.face if dff=t fmn max axial face) \\\``,`III TC I-2 a8M -1221h Bc 3-1 onl` -140Its Vra 2-3 a5m 49;Ih (ass ils> 0 Ni tes: \ems��Q,-��GENSF-,��� 1)Gable requires continues boom fiadboaring \ • • . 2)Gable wets placed at 60'ac.U.N.O. PE 76U51 ,• '_ 3)Attach Fable wets with 2 6 20gs plates,U.N.O. ` a s 4)iWnm this toss has been chased fa quality assurance ding.tim,the Plate Placement Method perTPl 1-21�/Ai2 shall be used Cq=1.17. = '� "OF_ ,. 5)Listed wind uplift rcaaims Tasedm MWFRS OnlyloadngS A� le- v. '�i/0,,c�:•:ctORID %CR `�� s/ONA`, \\\' 1111111 I NOTICE Arno ofthis design shall be furnished tothe emetion cmtada.The dsign ofthis ind%idal mss is)ased an design criteria and regdrerrenu suplied blthe Toss Mmndaduer and relies upon theamaary Brian MBleakl ardmrrpleteness ofthe infaneatim set forth blthe Building DesigimA sealm this drawing indicates acceptance ufpdessimal engineering respmsibility solely fa the toss cargmont wig shown.See thecrne StneL Eng4776a51 pe -dthe"Important Infarratim d Gareral Naes"peg:fa adfitimal infmratim.All cmneda plaza shell h manndachxed by Simpson Strang-Tic Cargany,Inc in accordance with ESR2162.All oathector 2590 N.King I6gth.FL Pierce FI 34951 plates are 21 gag,mIoss the spai6cl plate sic is fallowd bl a`-IS'which indicates an l8 purple glazes a'S#IS',which indicates a high tension l8 Fang plate. J . Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: MV8 SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 82757 AM Component Solutions,�, Page: I of 1 Tn1ss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Version:20165 Ruild 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 8-M 6/12 2 0-M 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 29 Ibs B-0-0 B-0-0 B-B-0 2X6I 3 12 6F— c 1 x4 l 2x4/ 1 4 1x4 i 2x6 l i 04)-0 0-0-0 8-0-0 B-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed I®d (;so BldgCode: FBC 201111 Tc: Q66(2-3) \kt M. 0. in L/4A (4-5) L/240 TOIL: 3D TPl I-= BC: 0.36(5-1) Vat I.L• 0 in L/999 (1-1) L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mbinaease: Yes Wb: 0.74(,4) Herz TL• 0in 4 BOLL: 0 DAL: 125% Deep Factor,K. 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate m is 9ntXY.An&. (1:10-W-8.26) (3:1-IM-13910 (4:1-12.3$90.) Reaction Summary 3T Type Bre Combo Bn;Wdth Mmedal Max React Ase F-d Max Grev Udift Max Wnd Udift Max Udift Max Haiz II Continuos 1 95 in Concede Masonry 41711s 103 p1f - -M911a -7191h; 569Its Material Summary Bracing Summary TC I SP(ALSC62013)f22x4 TC Bracing Sheathed aPusiins at 6-34X Puffin dsiga by Others. BC SP(ALSC62L113)lo/Stud 20 BC Bracing Sheathed or Pu:lins at 6.30,Puffin design by others. Men SP(ALSC620b)122x4 exxepu: 2-5 SP(ALSC6-2013)GfShd N4 Loads Summary 0 This toss has been daimcd fa the effects de to 10 psfbpttan chord live load plus dad loads. 2)This tress has hmhdsigned fa the effects ofwind loads in ecardancewith ASCU-10 with the following user&fined input:170mphhdtinmte,F,(;M=C,Fhdly Fndoae4 ' Gab I1.0p.ILdlding Category B(I-1.001 Oserall Bldg Di=97 ft x M 0,h-I5 tl,Fnd Zme Toss,Neitha end web crosidned DOL-l.33,CC Zme Whdh 52 ft. Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Member To.rtax CSI,max axial face,(nhax caqr.face if(iBarnt fian tax axial force) `�``\11 I I I//,,,/ -rc 1-2 0.606 -91 lls 2-3 Q662 -12 n BCC 4-5 0.363 -67lts SI Q361 103I1s fi711s) �\�\\ �i�i/ . 116ts z-s a2J2 78/1h; (=.x.xblls)34 a74o 44slls (47511s) \ \(�`,`�;G- Notes: �� `C-,• EMSF- � � . � % 1)Cable rt continuos bottom chord hearinga/ 2)Cabled Placed at ff ere.,U.N.O. :• PE 76051 or 3)Atudh gable webs with IA 2051 plates,U.N.O. 4)When this toss has been chosen fa quality assuance inspection,the Plate Plarurrnt Method Per TPI 1-20WJA3.2 shall be mcd Cq-1.17. 5)Listd ryind uplift xeactims based on MWFRS Only loading - • SATE OF FC0R1�p=����� �1//fiSs/00NAL \\\�\ ��Illlllllll\ i NOTICEAcepy ofthis&sip/h shall befimishdto theaMim cmtrzda The design ofihis individual toss isbasdm design criteria endneqLntemenis supplied by the Tress Menufacuer are¢Iles hpm the actuary Brian]yL Bleakly andtanpletentss oftheinfmxatim set forth bythe I3nlding DesighcA seal on this&awingindicate accepance ofpofessiahal engncering tespmsibility solely fa the mots caxgment 6sigh shown.S.the mser Stnct Fng476051 page end the"kapmant Inf—floe&General Notes"paw fa udlitimal infmuatiah.All ca necta limes shall be rnanu actued by Sings ShmgTe Ccapny,Inc in acmthnee with FSLF2762.All camata 2590 N.Kings High.FL Pierre FI 34951 plates axe7D pang,.less the specified punt she is followed by a"-IS"which indicates MIS gauge plate,a'SN 19,which indicates a high tension l8 pu.F plate. I i ' Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: PB 1 SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Nalne: 8251 -Buss Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 6/14/2016 82757ntv1 Component SolutionsTm COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: I of 1 Truss Version:20165 ulld 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 8-7-14 6/12 1 0-M 0-M 0-M 0-M 1 24 in 2616s B-7-14 3-11-3 0.9-8 3-11-3 3-11-3 4-8-11 8-7-14 4x4- 1x4 j 4x4- 2 3 4 Z 12 12 8� �6 0 2x4/ Ll ;F41 1,- 5 B-7-14 8-7-14 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection V (loc) Allowed Lead (psf) Bldg Cade: FBC 2014/ TC: 070(2-3) Vat TL• 001 in L/999 (6-1) 1.1240 7CLL: 20 TPI 1-2007 DC: 021(5.6) Val LL• 0 in UP L/999 (1.1) L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mbrincrease: Yes Wb: B09(� Horn TL- Oin 5 BOIL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Facto,Kam 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OfBets(1nt.)LY.Ano (1.1044.3826.) (•>4A3-se.) (4.043$0.) (5.10-15,3826.) Ieaction Summary 1T Type Eg Canbo Brg Wdth Material Max Read Ave React Max Grev Uplift Max Wnd Uplift MU Uplift Max Haiz 1 Contintaa 1 103.906 in Concrete Masonry 21811s 89 pif - .134lbs -134Its 4311s Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6-2013)KYStad2x4 TIC Bracing Sheathed a Ptdins at 6-34l,Pudin design by Others. BC SP(ALSC6.2013)f11/Sta12c4 BC Bracing Sheathed a Poplins as 6-A Ptdin desigt by0thers. Vas SP(AISC62013)OStud 2x4 Loads Summary t)-his trtbs has bem dsigned fb,tht c frxm de to 10 psf baton chord lice I®d pits dead lands. 2)This Ines has been dsigred for the.fleas ofwind loads in accordance with ASCE7-10 with the fdlmvtser de fined inpm 170 mplu dtinete,Expaae C,Fully Fnelaed GaIH.yHip Edldng Cmeg yBo-I.00),Overall Bldg Dims99ftx52fl,h-15ft,Fred ZmeTress,Neitbaendwebconsidered DOL-1.33,CCZwe Widh5.2ft. Member Forces Summary Table indcetcs:Mender ID,ttax CSl,max aced force,(max mtTc face ifdffaatt from recta et6d face) / 7C 1-2 0657 339 Rs (46211s) 34 O.20I 416lb, (4291ta) 12-3 O0.7D4.W9 110112 (1-9311s'l4-5 0.6A 3391b; ((Jr,Ibs) \\\\``\ w h -� BC Sfi 0209 1001is (-4311s) 61 0.209 IW Its Ih;) P - - _ 11Hs 3-6 0087 24316s (-I11s l 1 Notes: �� -•����GE(V3F •�`�- 1'Gable Its contintns boom chordb in % 2)Crable�placed at 601 ere,U.N.D. g PE 76051 4)AOaelt his u wets with n chose plates,U.N.O. "OF_ ,. 4)When this tress has been chosen Ca o}dity assurance inspxctim,the Plate Placement Mcthad per 7Pl I-20(V/A32 shill be used Cq-L17.Provide aobgtntdainartoprevent pmdng Listed wind uplift reactions lased m MWFRS Only IoadngS A 0'• F O RID P, N�\�� S/ONAL 5v1 114-13 Aeopy ofthis dsigt shall be furnished to the ataiat contractor.The dsigsofthis indvpJal toss is'basedm dmi@t criteria and terpumnents stfplieE by the Tnas Mantdtctuerard relies tlat the—cy Brian U Bleakly endmnplet ess ofthe infimtalim set forth by the Bdldng Desisner,A seal on this drawing indcrtes acceptance ofprofissional engineering responsibility solely fa the tress cargatent drip shown.See the txner Street FngKMOSI pugandthe"Irtrpestant rnfamatpm&Genaal Noes"pa�fa ed6limalin(artafim.All eatnezia plates shall to rrantdacturd by Simpam SlrmgMe Company,Inc in accordance with HSR27R.All camecta 2MN.Kings Hilt.FL Pierce F134951 platter are 2D l;a�,onI—the spttified ptdc sia is fdlowed by a"-18"which indicates an 18 gur.plate,a'SO Is',which indicates a high tension 19 pug plate. i s� Southern 1russ Companies,Inc. Truss: PB2 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 8251 SOUTHERN Fort Pierce,17134951 Date: 6/14/2016 82758 AM Component SolutionsT"d COMPAN5IES (800)232-0509 (772)464 4160 (772)318-0016 Fax fie: 10£1 Truss Version:2016.5 P3ui1d 52 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLIES Spacing WGT/PLY 8-7-14 6/12 2 0-M 0-M 0-" 0-M 1 24 in 24 ibs B-7-14 1-11-15 4-B-0 1-11-15 1-11-15 6.7-15 B-7-14 12 12 6F— 16 4x4- 1x4i 4x4- 2 3 4 0 0 2x4/ 2x41 Y 1 5 0-M 0-0-0 B-7-14 B-7-14 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Lmd (psf) Bldg Cad:: FBC 2014/ TC: a47(2-3) Vet Ti.: 0 in L/999 (&I) L/240 TCLL: 20 TPI I-2007 BC: a19(6-1) Vet LL• Oin L/999 (5-5) L/360 TCDL: 10 Rep Mbrincrease: Yes NFh: 0.14(3.6) H=TL• Oin 5 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Factor,Kam 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Ofets.(Jnt:X.Y.Ana (1:10.14.3-&26.) (2,01.3 0L) (4:043-g0.) (5:10.14.3-&X) Reaction Summary lT Type &g Canbo Brg Wdth _Material Max React Ave React MUG—Uplift Max Wad Uplift Max Udift Max Horiz 11 Cmtinixxs 1 103.906in Concrete Masonry 2441hs In Of -111 lbs .1110s 22lbs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6-211,i)rdShd 2x4 TC Bracing Sheathed aPudins at 6-34J,Patin design Fry Others. BC SP(ALSC&2013)0St d2x4 BC Bracing Sheathed orPadins al b-3A Pulin desigt by0thers. N%kU SP(ALSC6-2113)#YSted 2x4' I Loads Summary 1)This teas has been dsigied far the efforts de to IO p;f brti—chord lire load 0.dad loads. 2)Thistnas has been designed far the effects ofwind leads in accordance with ASCE7-10 with the fdlovvingtser defined inpae 170mphudtirrate,F�pm=C,Fully Fsclmed, Gable%g Bwlding Catelpy B 0=1.001 Oteatl Bldg Dina 99 ft x52 ft,h-15 ft,End Tone Tnas,Neither and web considered DOL-1.33,CC Zone Width 5.2 R Member Forces'Summary Tatie indimtm:Membw m,max CSL,max adal fora,(max emtp:face ifc iffermt five rrmc)dal form) / TC 1-2 0.461 300I1s (-I4911s)3-4 0.471 271 lbs (-1091bs) ec sec ai9i -27/,� (-dmlrs 6-1 u19i -�i� (-w91b \\\\`NM. � vrta 3� a1a1 39;1� (anlh) \P 1)Geble r*es cmtirn s haetan chord hearing ■ PE 76051 ,4 '2)Crable weds plead at CT o.c.,U.N.O. \ ■ ■ � ` 3)Aturh gable webs with Ix420ga plates,U.N.O. .^�■+�'f/�['�+.''� ■ 4)Whm this toss has been chosen fir quality assurance inspection,the Plate Placmeat Method perIM 1-2 0VA3.2 shall he used Cq-1.17. s — 5)Provide adequate dainar to present ponding .�. 6)Listed wind up]ift reactions based on MWFItS Only loading ■ g�AgOF � !� �. �-i� �•�CORI�P•" G ���Il l li l ll\1 NOTICE Acepy ofthis desigr shall be furnished to the erection cmtr .tor.The desiga ofthis individual tnss is used an design criteria and agnrments sgplied 67the Teas Manrdacne and relies upon the accuracy BrianMBlea4 anAcargietmess of the inforirativr set forth by the WidnilDesigur.A seal on this drawing indicates acceptance ofptafessional engineering responsibility solely for the toss emapodent design shown.See the mer Sma FngN I papp and the'Tmprtant'Infmiatim R G.—I Notes"paps for Mlimal infer atim.All carnector plates shall be a anudaetur�ed by Siro sat Shmg-Te Cmgany,Inc in acGadance with FSR 2762*.A11 connector MN.Kings FBgh.FL Pierce FI 34951 plates are 20page,unless the spvi6edplate sia is&11-rdbya"lr which'dndieates an ISpag plate,or"SP.Ir,which indicates a high tension 111Pu S:plate.