HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs �._ 615 SW Biltmore Street Y Port St.Lucie,Florida 34983 Sig ut�11� -- E. `m 772-408-1050 Toll Free:877-{NIJTTIRI(a(688-8464) _ Fax:772-408-1049 k Palm Beach 561-736-4900 `k Broward 954-941-8700 of Florida Inc. Established 1967 Miami=Dade 305-557-3083 Your Project is our Commitment ww�rraaaae�6uege�a�d�aeeg�.e®� April 4, 2017 QJ juN 0 7 2C: Pools by Greg PER"1171N 8886 South Federal Highway St. Lucie coon: c Port St-. Lucie, Florida 34952 O Re: Pool'Backfill Evaluation . -Rinicella Residence 100.1sland.Dune Cove 0 Jensen Beach, FL Permit No.: 1701 0200 Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. has performed geotechnical engineering services for the referenced project. The area between the house and the proposed pool was ra, probed with a Static Cone Penetrometer to determine the level of compaction of the 4� backfill material. Three probes were performed at the following locations: Ln ~ 1) East side of pool, 5' from house. 2) South side of pool, 18' from house. ai 3) North side of pool, 10' from house. It is our opinion that the pool backfill as indicated by the above test locations has - been compacted to a density of the order of 95 percent modified Proctor. V7 We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions, please contact our office at your convenience. o Respe Submitted, N ING E GINEERS F F ORIDA, INC. c o U ich I si, P'.E. #_ 42 Jject Engineer ra Pools by Greg=Rinicella u N O N OFFICES Palm Beach Miami-Dade St.' Lucie 04/07/2017 14:27 7723379287 POOLS BY GREG INC PAGE 02/03 61S SW Biitmore Street Port St,Lucie,Florida 34993 Nutting TT2�40B-1050 Tall Free:877-rlUT7'ING(688-S464) Fax:772-409-1049 Palm Beath 561 7364900 40 9 Broward 954-941-8700 of Florida Inc,.1 QstablIshed 1967 Mlaml•Dade 305-557-3053 Your Project Js OurcCominitmenrtA wrnnv.>n�ardngsrrgfineurs.aem I v L April 4, 2017 Ln Pools by Greg 8886 South Federal Highway oPort St, Lucie, Florida 34962 L Re: Pool Backfill Evaluation Rinicella Residence tn 100.Island Dune Cove e Jensen beach, FL U Permit No., 1701-0;200 c Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc, has performed geotechnical engineering services for the referenced project. The area between the house and the proposed pool was probed with a Static Cone Penetrometer to determine the level of compaction of the c backfill material. Three probes were performed at the following locations; r 1) East side of pool, 8'from house. 2) South side of pool, 18'from house. 3) North side of pool, 14'from house. It is our opinion that the pool backfill as indicated by the above test locations has "_` been compacted to a density of the order of 95 percent modified Proctor_ a We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Should you have-any questions, 41 please contact our office at your convenience. o aRespeSubmitted, INEERS F F GRIDA, INC, u i, P.E. #4 tect Engineer u Pools by Greg—Rhicalls V Ul V O N l7 OFFICE5 Palm Beach RECEIVED APR 101017 Miami-Dade St. Lucle i I 04/07/2017 14:27 77233792371_,, POOLS BY GREG INC .--, PAGE 03/03 Bi 5 sw alltv"ore street Port SL Lucia.Florida 34983 AN Nu � 773-reo-a 50 Tots Pre¢: 77-NiJ r1 iNG(6e8-$464) Foginlavin Pafm Beadh561-736.4900 8roward 954-941-8700 of Florida Inc,(Established 1967 Mlaml,Dade 305-557-3083 vourProjectIs our Commitment �v✓urnuttk etfgLrQers.cmnl N n, •2 March 31, 2017 "' Pools by Greg 8886 South Federal Highway Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952 Re: Pool Backfill Evaluation Bourbonniere Residence 3808 Promenade Way Ft. Pierce, FL Permit No.: 1612-0072 a kA Nutting Engineers sneers of Florida, Inc. has performed geotechnical engineering services for the referenced project. The area between the house and the proposed pool was ro probed with a Static Cone Penetrometer to determine the level of campaution of the backfill material. Three probes were performed at the following locations: 1) North side of pool, 10'from house, a, 2) East side of pool, 15'from house. .a 3) West side of pool, 15,from house. c It is our opinion that; the pool backfill as indicated by the above test locations has ,C been compacted to a density of the order of 95 percent modified Proctor. We appreciate this opportunity to bb of service. Should you have any questions, Yplease contact our crfice at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, o gNUTTGINEERS F FLORIDA,•INC. ss!, P.E. #42603 Ts eer c _ to Fools by Greg—0ourbonnIere u c L u N O o, 0FFiCEs Palm Beach Miami-Dade St. Lucie Pentair TDH Calculator of 2 V PENTAIRI TDH CALCULATOR PBG-RINICELLA-LOW SPEED Pool Information Pool Volume: 10700 Gal Total Piping Lengths: Turn Over Time: 3.75 Hrs Inlet Side: 20 Ft Suction Lift: 2 Ft Discharge Side: 84 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 2.052 in Branch Piping: 6 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 2.052 In Inlet Piping: 8 Ft/Sec Sec Discharge Piping: 8 Ft/ piping Head Loss at 47.56Gal/Min: i (not incuding fittings or valves) Inlet Piping: 0.73 Ft Discharge Piping: 3.08 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 47.56 Gal/Min Branch Piping: 2.0 In Your Head Loss: 29.03 Ft Inlet Piping: 1.5 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 1.5 In at Maximum RPM: 69.48 Gal/Min Ensure the drain cover max flow rating is not exceeded. f` Head Loss at 51.33 Ft 7p Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve 50 40 O I E30 Pi�ofessaonal;Eit� ll��er,PE=32831 t - 10 Pert St Lucie',. L 34952-32'112 SuperFlo VS-2600 rpm` (772� 4 .30 Clean System —. Desired Operation Point 0 20 40 60 ._. �r g a ' = y.aT� Volumetric Flow Rate(GPM)- https://www.pentairpartners.c'om/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 12/8/2016 Pentair TDH Calculator Page 2 of 2 Selected Components n Gs• Components Head Loss at ame uantity 47.56GaI/Min IntelliChlor IC-20 1 0.77 2 x 2.5 3 way valve 3 0.80 Main Drain 1 0.67 Clean and Clear 1 1.37 ItraTemp 1 15.01 1 inch Return 4 0.41 Piping Inlet Discharge Head Loss at ame uantity uantity 47.56Gal/Min 90 degree elow 4 13 3.55 45 degree elow 0 0 0.00 Tee Through 0 5 0.73 Pumps ame uantity SuperFlo VS 1 All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair,Inc.Intell/FIoO,IntelliCommO,EasyTouch@,InteNTouchO,SunTouchO and Eco Se/ectTh1 are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries.Unless expressly noted,names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those third parties.Because we are continuously improving our products and services,Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. �l https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 12/8/2016' Pentair TDH Calculator Page 1 of 2 FILE COPI PENTAIR, TDH CALCULATOR PBG-RINICELLA-HIGH SPEED Pool Information Flow Rate: 69.48 GPM Total Piping Lengths: Suction Lift: 2 Ft Inlet Side: 20 Ft Discharge Side: 84 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 2.052 In Branch Piping: 6 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 2.052 In Inlet Piping: 8 FUSec Discharge Piping: 8 FUSec piping Head Loss at 69.48Ga1/Min: (not incuding fittings or valves) Inlet Piping: 1.48 Ft Discharge Piping: 6.21 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 69.48 Gal/Min Branch Piping: 2.5 In Your Head Loss: 51.33 Ft Inlet Piping: 2.0 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 2.0 In at Maximum RPM: 69.48 Gal/Min Ensure the drain cover max flow rating is not exceeded. Head Loss at 51.33 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve 60 E I o _ 40 ._ ......-.. r - - - l 'ARVEY E. KOEHNEH Proessmoroal Ene narPE-32831 20 . 7205 E. d•,,Cl cle: P®rt;St. cia Lu ; F 349a2-�G�2 SuperFlo VS-3450 rpm :6" 9=3035 Clean System Desired Operation Point - 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 f •^ �; Volumetric Flow Rate(GPM) :� s https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 12/8/2016 Pentair TDH Calculator Page 2 of 2 r ' Selected Components Components Head Loss at ame uantity 69.48GaI/Min IntelliChlor IC-20 1 1.42 2 x 2.5 3 way valve 3 2.36 Main Drain 1 0.99 Clean and Clear 1 3.0 ItraTemp 1 24.38 1 inch Return 4 0.8 Piping Inlet Discharge Head Loss at ame uantity uantity 69.48Gal/Min 90 degree elow 4 13 .16 45 degree elow 0 0 0.00 Tee Through 0 5 1.48 Pumps ame uantity SuperFlo VS 1 All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair,Inc.IntelliFlo@,IntelliComm®,EasyTouch®,IntelliTouch®,SunTouch®,and Eco Select", are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries.Unless expressly noted,names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those third parties.Because we are continuously improving our products and services,Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. W https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 12/8/2016 06/01/2017 01:41 770 �. JMGM PAGE 01 11F 30Q Vlrginla Avefi Plercer FIL 3498277x-42172 Fax 772»4fi2-5443 ERTIFICATOF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRTION SOIL MEATMENT PERMIT #: ti U " JOB 17DRESS: l - .�1L1 �- Cave. BUILDER/CONT CTOR: . PEST CONTROL C NTRACTOR: PEST CONTROL L CENSE #: - d We, the undersigned, ereby certify that we ave pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites i accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area trea ed: Chemicals used: nsi pew 4T, Percentage of solution: Total gallons used; k4,c;* Date of Treatment: i t Time of Treatment: Footing Slab 1"Treat nt 11t Treatment > -Re-Treat _Re-Treat 9 Driveway Pools - . r!. 1"Treatm nt 1n Treatment Re-Treat - t Other erimate for In 1 Treatm nt -Re-Treat signatur o rminator Note• 777ere must be a m pfeted Form for each r quired treatment or re-treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by th lnspector at time of eac h Inspection or the scheduled Inspection w111 fall and a re-inspectlor: fe I charged, F8C104.2.6 Cert/frcate a Protective 7"reatment fo pr'evention of term/tes A weather resistant jobsite posting board shall ba provided to rece/v duplicate Treatment C Ivt7cates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the p on the permit is issue to and another copy for the building permit tiles The Treatment Certiricate shall provlde th product used, identity i f the app/icaW., time and date vfthe treatment site location, area tredtLd, chemical used, pe cent concentration and Fwmber of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of pri rect/ve treatment: IF th soil chemical barrier ethod for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall bed cramp/aced prior to final uilding approva/. St,Lucie County requi es for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed can the el0ctri l cove listin 11 he treatments and dates of a licatlans.