HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Plansi I remove existing roofing and re -roof using Rlffe Metals LLC Versalok 1.5 Standing Seam Roofing installed per product approval FLU 13244.1 R-1 over Erglert HT self adhered roofing underlagment FL 11351.IR5 over existing 19/32" COX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan. Repair as needed using new COX pigwood thickness to match existing and install new fasteners to all plgwood as needed for compliance with sheeting diagram INDEX. OF SHEETS SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1. FRONT, 'REAR. AND LEFT ELEVATION 2. RIGHT ELEVATION AND DETAILS 3. FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4. SECOND FLOOR PLAN E-1 ELECTRICAL - FIRST FLOOR E-2 ELECTRICAL - SECOND FLOOR Adjustment factor for Exposure Heigght using Allowable Stress Design and Hardrplank siding see detail page Existing grade to remain Ewsting deck and pilings to remain Existing grade to PERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM 100) _ 40.4 Florida Building Code Residential: STH Edition and ASCE 1-10 for Wind Loading Buildin Design is: Enclosed Risk Categorg: 11 Wind Speed: I45 mph ultimate i/M � IrrbrYa Mean Roof Height: 25'-0' Roof Pitch: 4:2 Internal Pressure Coefficient: '±O_I8 - Subjectabilag to damage from. Weathering: Negligible Termites:Veru Heavu i/i' dw ehnbdt Width of Roof. End Zone: 5'-4" to Meeh Wel pletee Wind Exposure Classification: C Adjustment factor for Exposure Heigght using Allowable Stress Design and FLAT ROOF17i� en 2:1 1 Load Combination per ASCE 1-10 Section- 2.4 DL+LL; DL+0.4WL; 0.4DL+0.4WL %ITCH Exp Height Adj Factor: 1.35 x Load Combo Factor 0.4 = 0.81 applied below Add 2x4 Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Roof Zone: I. +24.0/-31.0 psf Roof Zone: 2. +24.0/-44.Opsf Roof Zone: 3. +24.0/-94.0 psf Components t Cladding Wall End Zone Width: 5'-b" Components it Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone; 4. +40.0/-44.0 pal' Wall Zone: 5.+40.0/-5,4.0 psf _JA --J----.--. Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) on Garage Door: +34.0/-42.Opsf Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes cdaeLE to LESS GABLE ROOF FROM Continuous Load Path Provided? ygs THAN 242 PITCH 112 TO 12%12 PITCH Are Components an Cladding Ole Provided? Yes Minimum Sod Bearing Pressure: 2.500 psi, Presumptive: X BU Test:— psi O . Root. Zone 1 ® r Root Zone 2 M = Corner Zones This Building Shall Have the Following: walls Zone 4 Walls Zone 5 Roof Zone 3 APPROVED SHUTTERS: IMPACT GLASS: X BOTH: NEITHER: END ZONE z IA EX TING SiDENCE O REMAIN prow. yr . v . /rt at"d plate en ..eh .d. of erre .FRONT Hardt-plank siding A see detail page a -I i/M � IrrbrYa havele b I/2• • 12' x I/�•t - eted phxe m each o" doervw i/i' dw ehnbdt fashord .Icer rewtrKe. i/Y to Meeh Wel pletee w�n ll do,bilooes (213/�'h' dr —� • oo - ieeMd two rrr rth (2) row ;1 !d a4 • 3' ac... Add 2x4 Hardt-plank siding A see detail page a -I �I File Copy I FAST4arry OR ATTACH 01 TNS f�SOF D MMV=AOFM ALL MANUFACTURE LABLES SH( U FACTORS AND I HGC COMPEL WITH FBC ENE GY CODE MU REMAIN ON ALL DC ORS AND WIN UNTIL INSPECTIO 4S ARE APPR( ' HtSE PLANS ANN H" PROPOSE ARE SUBJECT TOA 4Y CORREC' �'EQUIRED BYIFIELDlINSPECTOR MAY DE NEOESSApY:IN ORDEI 1 OMPLYWIt'H'ALLA PLICABLEC 5 e. L: (I I Y lei'^ % <r q}lll _;Ilrifn>b1VI9 slco� c 17 t lir G{g�rCE I r N11i TBEKEPT rt!: EE N!Anr., o I -6—i1 fa -w > 12 -I6 -Ib v� OC 11 -3 -Ib QN q� :i N 0 lY O U Q `, RECEIVED ;ilAR 02 217'll _I_ Sheet I . OF b. Comm # Ib-lq°I = i, PAA _JA --J----.--. - _ - .SII / / IDA1 --_��—�—�— i�l��ere�r1errer1ere�r ! u.._r _ _ ■I I11r_�.o_l, 1a.r.e '�rr'SerIe ■I_r I! irerrr.r■t ����e■'i.'�e o►lrlel�rnTllr.elrIli I�. l�II��'��I IIII_Il"iI_ II III LI �►' ➢I'� — ■I_ r_I rI_ rIrIrI_ rI rI ■_I -- . Ir �r_ _Ir _�—_�._ r _�--. - - r1■r_1lr :rr•rr•rr_.r.riIr •s' �siIII -------- r• e��r r�li�Ireini-_rLr..e,.rb,.rrr�_'�.� _r_r�I r■I.�rlrii.r'r :;rr •r.r�'� ��•iI_ w_ Ir rrw•r-r-r•�rL r•.w r•w•rer-r.er-r I;1s1.r�a� ■■ _ rp7 O �® —■Tirrr.■ ®' M�� �.rrrrr�rrrr■ ■rgr.r..lsiur■ I rri•�rrriidr■ I ■irrrraTiii�rr■ ■rrrrrrrrrrr rliirTir�iiTrrr■ ■.irrrr►.rTru■ — L,�I�! ('��I. a�ll I I I �� �ItII� ®.�"i® II �e,�l ll��'I. 'II�II� I•I. l�I�I• ��la�lll I I I. �Irlr !l��h lX.r,r I�II��oi�I I'll ���� 'nr lIreIr � (u���uI tIo IIr. IIrr �(nI 'lr lr'm Ir• Iu Ir�ulir�u�urrlu�le�.lr�rle�r l�.lr�lrl�..IIe�l11 lu��lle ,l�iw ll leI.rI1r ,r59, ►.I. r . . . . .: '.....+•moi if ` • - •. •-, iIirliali��r!i e n.r.uuIuInII'o�lurllIl�� �........ owl 'sell ►, u1g�ill �I File Copy I FAST4arry OR ATTACH 01 TNS f�SOF D MMV=AOFM ALL MANUFACTURE LABLES SH( U FACTORS AND I HGC COMPEL WITH FBC ENE GY CODE MU REMAIN ON ALL DC ORS AND WIN UNTIL INSPECTIO 4S ARE APPR( ' HtSE PLANS ANN H" PROPOSE ARE SUBJECT TOA 4Y CORREC' �'EQUIRED BYIFIELDlINSPECTOR MAY DE NEOESSApY:IN ORDEI 1 OMPLYWIt'H'ALLA PLICABLEC 5 e. L: (I I Y lei'^ % <r q}lll _;Ilrifn>b1VI9 slco� c 17 t lir G{g�rCE I r N11i TBEKEPT rt!: EE N!Anr., o I -6—i1 fa -w > 12 -I6 -Ib v� OC 11 -3 -Ib QN q� :i N 0 lY O U Q `, RECEIVED ;ilAR 02 217'll _I_ Sheet I . OF b. Comm # Ib-lq°I File r Cedar Return 19/32" COX Plywood D N K3 .' . . �� CY . Q � � — 0 «..Lvep.ru for rrot.i a I" x 4" Hardiplcnk Trim ryas re u 19/32" COX Plywoad remove existing roofing and re roof 19/32" COX PI wood aulk Window verify rough - Slog u R ff M l Cedar Return 19/32" COX Plywood CEDAR ' .' . C.dw bidsy snwkw t m,. . ..r s9.vatwro Drywall «..Lvep.ru for rrot.i fa oats ... ,. - (QD VN( I � = Hardt lank Siding .. - installed a product approval Vel �L IIRS O t- r J1J U Jamb x marble alu C.4r to .iesrul selfadheredpoofrng Underlayment PL32351 overover existing 1932° g a ---Door stop �Q .w senufsctu.r, �aa�u.a dawn 2"x studs - see section for sizes p yw t ed I ood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment Rep& wood 2"x stud& - see section for sizes „' >. Note:plan. diagram on roof r As needed using tss6 end" to apse flew . . ryw61 Drywall all doors to be prehung Casingr"!g new COX plywood thickness to match existing and install Drywau wood to be w fasteners to all I wood p y as needed for compliance with prehung casing. :.� s, Window. Header and- Slif detail Frame Ulan-� .:'., ... Attach door to wail _ A.dk Cw':t�.nA.etur yMtslkti Mteil. sh-eetimg- dlagrem - Attach :door to welt Scale I - 1/2" = 1'-O" ber product approval 1:u door manufacturer __. 1' x i' stud .sl - two studs 0rM.ed.r . rstrip tuw on auewE. Tnnirnl IlLnrinm lwmli'. Firma "Illell I" x 4" Hardiplcnk Trim ryas re u 19/32" COX Plywoad remove existing roofing and re roof 19/32" COX PI wood aulk Window verify rough - Slog u R ff M l X 4L D Cedar Return L!-_ opening size manufac urea ` OD m 0) 43 MOD I C eta s LLC Wersalok Lb Standen Seam Roofing . ig W I I (L CO Q1 (QD VN( I � = a --Door *top Jamb - .. - installed a product approval Vel �L IIRS O t- r J1J U Jamb x marble alu selfadheredpoofrng Underlayment PL32351 overover existing 1932° g a ---Door stop �Q .w senufsctu.r, �aa�u.a dawn 2"x studs - see section for sizes p yw t ed I ood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment Rep& 2"x stud& - see section for sizes „' >. Note:plan. diagram on roof r As needed using ryw61 Drywall all doors to be prehung new COX plywood thickness to match existing and install Drywau wood to be w fasteners to all I wood p y as needed for compliance with prehung casing. :.� s, Window. Header and- Slif detail Frame Ulan-� .:'., ... Attach door to wail _ sh-eetimg- dlagrem - Attach :door to welt Scale I - 1/2" = 1'-O" ber product approval 1:u door manufacturer X 4L D to remain Sheet 2. OF 4. Comm # ( _199 L!-_ "Q ` OD m 0) 43 MOD C C4 C4 OD0D ig W I I (L CO Q1 (QD VN( I � = O t- r J1J U x �Q to remain Sheet 2. OF 4. Comm # ( _199 3' alumn gat Replace existing garac�! door In existing opening Replace existing garage door In existing opening WALL SYMBOL LEGEND A/C #1 w.H. ankless gas O 0 00 EXTERIOR SIDING TO BE REPLACES WITH IX6 CEDAR TSG OVER IStt FELT AND 1/2)1EXISITING FLYWOOD Remove existing window EXISTING and Install new door SOFFIT TO BE REPLACED WITH HARDI-PLANK SIDING in existma opening WOOD DECK NEW METAL . ROOFING ON EXISTING FLYWOOD SHEETING patch and repair .with matching 'decking. O #2 I - raw m u= 0 N 30" PH Existing walls to remain - field verify sizes Maws = 20 ' x 4" bearing stud walls - see sections. Insulate with R -II batts at bathrooms t between A/C and Non -A/C spaces gym= 2" x 4" NON -bearing stud walls - see sections. Insulate with R -II Batts at bathrooms t between A/C and Non -A/C spaces f R S T L O O R TYPICAL NOTES: 1. Contractor to verify ALL notes and dimensions prior to proceeding with work. 2. Contractor to STRICTLY enforce ALL OSHA Requirements. 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam, Rafters, etc... to have a minimum 1,400 P.S.I. fiber stress. 4. No dissimilar metals to touch. 5. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be 2500 PSI concrete, and ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells, continuous. tie beams etc.. to shall be 3,000 P.S.I. concrete and/or 4,000 P.S.I. grout mix 6. Drywall at ceilings shall be leveled and attached to bottom chord of trusses with screws. 1. ALL wood In contact with concrete shall be pressure treated. 8. ALL wall dimensions are nominal and not finished wall or stud dimensions. 9. ALL plumbing fixtures to be low flow. 10. Contractor to Provide Pan t Drain at water heater in accordance with the Florida Plumbing Code current edition. 11. Contractor to Provide a 2'-8" wide door at one bathroom for handicap accessibility requirements. 13. Separation between residence and garage shall be per FBC R309.1 and 8309.2 14. Door between garage and residence shall be I-3/8" solid wood - 20 min. fire rated 15. The Garage shall be separated from residence and the attic area by 5/8" type "X" drywall applied to garage wall. 16. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated rrom all habitable rooms above by no less than 5/8" type "X drywall 11. ALL Floor to telling assemblies shall be protected bye 5/8" type "X" drywall 8. Wall and Ceding shall have a flame -spread classification of not greater than 200 9. Wall and ceiling finishes shall have a smoke -developed index of not greater than 450 all A I `l I / 5h be Reding Shall be owner specified color 20. All exposed attic insulation materials installed -on attic floors shall have.a critical radiant flux not less than 0.12 watt per square centimeter. Exposed foam plastic insulation materials exposed on the underside of the roof deck or on the attic walls shall tom I -2" Gripable Handrail 3" r'1ea"6rce Max. P y with F.B.C. Residential Section 8314 - see� permlt Info box of code edition details and shop drawings 21. G sum board material shall conform to ASTM C36, C19, C415. C514, C00, C931 details d b manufacturer C9q�0. C1002, C1041,C1111, C1118, C1218, C1395, or C1394 and shall be Installed P y according to the following: Drywall Thickness Location Orientation rramin9 Member Max. spacing of £aaaner. Nail amng optima for installation drywall - 3_ Detail spacing of into Nails screws - Mawmum wood fraimngg members 2' x min. thickness Ceiling. Perpendicular 24" 1^ 12" 139a 1 3/8' long doth 19/64' head � - - QC E 0.098" diameter x 11/4' t21 ngg y2„ a - annular -ringed or 5d coder nai4 0.080' dia, x 15/8' Ion mth 9 Walls Either - 'IL" 8" 16 Direction IS/64' hea OR Gypsum board nail 0.086' dia. x 15/8" with 9/32" head. Ceiling Perpendicular 24" 1' 12' 13ga 1 5/8.08 g.. with 19/64", head 0.098" diameter x 1 3/8" long �., " annular^ringed or bd cooler nail O 0.092" dia. x 1 1/8" long with walls Either 16" 8• 16" Direction I/4" head OR G pawn board nail '0.0915' die. x i/8 with 19/ 4 head. Aluminum _j 2ailinq 3_ Detail 4 22. ALL ceramic tile surfaces installed shall conform to ASTM A108.1 thru A108.4. A108.I, A118.1, A118.3, A136.1 and A1311 22. Cement, fiber -cement or glass mat g psum backers in accordance with A5TM C1288, C1325, OR CI118 and installed I.A.W. manufacturers recommendations shall be used as backer for the wall tile In tub areas and wall panels In shower areas. U_ i m c N X w 2" x 4" top plate 6/8" drgwah ceding on truss bottom cord 1/2" dreowall on 2" x 4' studs at 16" o.c. Finish to match existing New base -board to match existing profile 2" x 4" I.T. bottom plate I existing slab-, Interior Non -Bearing Partition Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" NTS 0 �O �O ao m O ao ao o 1 q I u tL q q M M tt �1 `' N �cr Mi m E LL d LL j � N Sheet 3. OF 4. Comm # 16_199 _j 3_ o 4 o � QC E a 0 �O �O ao m O ao ao o 1 q I u tL q q M M tt �1 `' N �cr Mi m E LL d LL j � N Sheet 3. OF 4. Comm # 16_199 O N 2 a minimum I,7vv r -:.7.I, ilDV[ sGi ® c=1 4. No dlsslrnatar metals to touch: S. ALL Concreteused for :slabs..shall ..be, '2500 PSI concrete. and ULD ALL -Concrete used for vertical,' filled: cells, cont: tie beams etc:: to sh 3,000 P::5.1. concrete and/or 4 000 P:S.I. grout mix` all be II b'' leveled. and attac ed to bottom. ah:or t d` . 61. Drywall.- aceilings Sha e . h Of trussed with ;screws. ADJUST ROUGH OPENING AS NEEDED BA D ON DOOR MFG SPECS. ADJUST -i: ALL ':wood In contact with concrete .shalC 'b:e pressure treated ° COLUMNS ACCORDINGLY.: BASED ON THIS. 8. ALL wall` .dimensions are nominal and not finished wall or stud dimensions.. 0 --- a I flow. q. ALL plumbing fixi.ures to b'e ow D 10. Contractor to: Provide Drain et water. heater in accordance - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - with the .1 lorlda Plumbing Code 2001 edition. --- r ll: Contractor to Provide a ;2'-8" wide .door' at one bathroom' for op Cs R E ,4 T R O O l" 1 toff er. up handicap accessibility requirements I ° I 12. Lowest finished floor to be set by'. Governing Building Department �J en residence' and garage ; shall. be, per .FBC R.30q.1 and R3Oq:2 I : 13;'. Separation betwe g g I I I 1-4.:- Door'betw.een garage and:.,. residence, shall be 1-3%�" solid. wood, steel, or Masonite. w.H Water Heater in Pan with Drain O I 15. Wali and 'Ceiling:shall have a flame -spread classification of not greater :than 200 L - _ _ - I REF I t6.. Wail and. ceiling, finishes shall Have asmoke-developed Index of not', greater than ':.450 11.>All exposed attic. insulation. materials' Installed on attic floors Shall :have. a critical radiant. . 4 s- 'w ) flux nop.less than 0;;12 watt per square ,centimeter. Exposed foam plastic Insulation.' 3 inat'erlals ex osed ` on': the underside of the roof deck or on the:.' ,attic walls; Shall comply F M0 P Cl�l with.: F.S.C. Residential Section 831.4 - see ermlt Info box of. code edition - I I w 1 18.' Gy sam board material shall conform to ASTM 'C36, C�(�. C'f�5, CSi�{; Cb30, C931 new ��ro I� I ; o C`ILo C1002 C-10-41 C1111, C1118;. C1216, .C1395, or C139L and shall be; Installed s ws II remove.t o N. its 11 b T !•-1 < / according .to the followlng .. . Drywall ` Thacknesa L'ocatlon Orientation Framing Member Max.. ;spacing o[ fasteners Nail` duan o tlona for g p nstallatw n of drywall into SINGLE.HUNG i. x 4'- " ' Spacing Maximum Series 110 Thermal Impact wood framing members SINGLE HUNG 'Screws x s'-3": SINGLEHUNG 5• 4.'-0" x 3'-2". Nails Horiiontal Roller , 2" x min. thickness SINGLE HUNG Ceiling Perpendicular 24" 1" 12.": 130 1. 3/8" long with 19/0" head = ' ALL windows :within 18" of finished: floor to .be .tempered •. unle'ss Im act rated. p - to ordering ver'If y all .masonry/rough.. opening sizes. priorg windows. .. . DOOr: ,Schedule. Mark Size Door Description A. 9'=0" X 4'-t3" SLIDING GLASS DOOR IMPACT GLASS. I -Ks 5'-0" X C-8" 0.098" diameter x 1 1/4" tong q-22-20 +.80.0 PSR `• •5. ,,-, FLtt 5248.13 teal Overhead Garage Door g 8100 Series Raised Panel - . annular -ringed or 5d cooler nail /2 Install55 pir product approval including .supplement and amdocurers recommendatiena., See husk doted on 4% plan or buck_ inatallaUon. Must have center pest see.approvel. ' + 44.0/-52 PSF aRx walls Either ib" all 14". 0.080" di 1 5/8" long with Model,'#. Manufacturer Direction Attachment Method EDxplratioa um Ulme of sign Ps as Tests 15/44" head OR Roof m1aml-da a 14-0520.04 Yersalok,LS li"w `x 1.5" Standing Seam 34 ga. Rdfe Metals LLC Gypsum board nail 0.084" dia. X 4-5-19 -159.25 perimeter. -91.5. sf corner Siding n8 - Hardi-Plank James Hardie: Product x 1 5/8" with 9/32" head. Ceiling Perpendicular 24". `I" ' 12- 13ga 15/8" long with 19/44" head - 83.0 PSF 0.098" diameter x 1 3/8" long T Lova ravi,*wpA the nhnve and anbroved it by mv:aeal below.. ( Architect .or Engineer of Record annular -ringed or 6d cooler nail '1/8" walls Either IL" 8' I4" 0.092" die. xR 1 long with Direction .' I/4" head OR Gypsum : board nail 0.0915"' dia. x l 1/8:' with 19/44" head. lU:fndow, schedule . Mark Size" Window Description . (L x 5'-3" SINGLE.HUNG i. x 4'- " ' SINGLE HUNG Series 110 Thermal Impact x 3'-2" SINGLE HUNG Conor te-. 1/4' dia.� Tapcena u/ Inn. 11/2" enetrsUon m N�A� #p rmeedtiaereus x s'-3": SINGLEHUNG 5• 4.'-0" x 3'-2". HORIZONTAL. ROLLER Horiiontal Roller 3' In. x 5'-3". SINGLE HUNG - ALL Windows, to be white 'frames windows with tint. Provide muntin's and structural; mullions per See ,elevations - product approval chart for .window; manufacturer .Information. - ALL windows to withstand 'Pressures stated . in Permit Information Box on these plans. - ALL windows . in bathrooms to be tempered = ' ALL windows :within 18" of finished: floor to .be .tempered •. unle'ss Im act rated. p - to ordering ver'If y all .masonry/rough.. opening sizes. priorg windows. .. . DOOr: ,Schedule. Mark Size Door Description A. 9'=0" X 4'-t3" SLIDING GLASS DOOR IMPACT GLASS. I -Ks 5'-0" X C-8" SINGLE LITE FRENCH S C C D L o �, "" Iq. ALL Geramlc tile' surfaces'. installed .shall conform to ,OSTM ,4108.1 thru A108.6, 8.1; A118.1, A118.3; A134,1 and. A1,31.1 SCALE 1/4." I' - O" 20 Cement, flber-cement or :glass inat :g psum backers in accordance with ASTM C1288 C1325, OR':.C11.18,- and. Installe i I.A.W. manufacturers recommendations shall be used as backer for the wall 'tile.`In. tub .areas and wall panels in shower areas. membrs._ 2 {nsJ�lation including fA �h�ghlrAeGhr asf'�re�tal„derARmblies. wall, crawl eabi srawl esbaces andnattics. PLACE DECKING WITH 5%�X 1lAkAE � a WALL SYMBOL LEGEND Existing. walls to remain field verify sizes I File Q) D Q rrV(l uct ,aYya yvtxa uLLU111141a31 ti111}aGl V4% (L Opening. 1,� _ --T"&-- Opening Schedule Swing Doors, Overhead Doors. Sliding Doois.` 111ndoM"s h hts Detl urs ; NNUM8ER _ ___Product Model if Manufacturer Gimes Attachment method 1, Dutton °a° , __--..,-_. e... _. - of-Approtrod Te i. 15-0512.10 Sat le Hun 9 g Series 110 Thermal Impact CGI Sentinel. Type "81" Conor te-. 1/4' dia.� Tapcena u/ Inn. 11/2" enetrsUon m N�A� #p rmeedtiaereus 9-2272.0 ± 15.0 PSF a/mAn.ai�tatsd ..woodspaccs oft "Iting reduirewnts statedp iny0aLoner te: 1/4" dm. Tapcona s/ min. 1 1/2' enetration aord r'testing re urements stated in N&A Z. IS -0929.43 Horiiontal Roller Series 120. Thermal Impact CGI Sentinel. Tgpe "St" 9-22-20 ± 80.0' PSF wend: a1Z mood .cram. m/ den. 1 VZ" pen r ion Brad er tesUn re ements e d i 3. 14-1015.04 Fiber lase 9 French SERIES 140 Thermal Impact CGl +A+ 1/4" die. tapcons w/ mid I I/4" enetraGon iC hii .pec d per product approval. C�pnereetor aholl edner� to min. rda• d.tancea apemhed m Product approval 8-8-18: '. + 80.0 PSF 4 ; 15-0419:04 ' Sliding . Glass 9., Series I50: gGD •' CGI .. .. 7". no /ec.dia. reP� qa m/ min. 1 I /1" peMtreUon o f w p p ooEuct approve. Cgitra�tor Malt a ors o 6m. q-22-20 +.80.0 PSR `• •5. ,,-, FLtt 5248.13 teal Overhead Garage Door g 8100 Series Raised Panel - . We ne. Dalton . Install55 pir product approval including .supplement and amdocurers recommendatiena., See husk doted on 4% plan or buck_ inatallaUon. Must have center pest see.approvel. ' + 44.0/-52 PSF Product ND,A/!L NUMBER Model,'#. Manufacturer Attachment Method EDxplratioa um Ulme of sign Ps as Tests Roof m1aml-da a 14-0520.04 Yersalok,LS li"w `x 1.5" Standing Seam 34 ga. Rdfe Metals LLC Riffs Metals. LLC Verseloc Roofing installed per appr over.Englert HT peel and stack underlayyment over 19 32" (CC sheeUnp nailed to truces ,per riaihng . pattern detail an pie X 4-5-19 -159.25 perimeter. -91.5. sf corner Siding n8 FL# 13192.2 Hardi-Plank James Hardie: Product nsta hardi-plaric efrng mallato T,9 A x s u s af, may. IL" o:e: with 2.5" Ion x: 0.09" shank die. x 0.22" HD ring shank mads at W o.c. field.:: and edges IAW product approval and manufacturers req. :over 19/32" plgwood - ,81.3 Pgi= Soffit FLtt 13265.1 Hardr-soffit James Hardie Product Install hardy soffit nailed to 2" x' 4" soffit .framing at max. 24" 'o.c. with IX long. x 0.083' shank die. x 0.. 81" HD ring shank mads at 8 o.c.;field and edges,IAW product a novas and manufacturers rag. . - 83.0 PSF ALL Product Testing bye Miami -Dade County' Building Code Compliance office / Product Control Division T Lova ravi,*wpA the nhnve and anbroved it by mv:aeal below.. ( Architect .or Engineer of Record File Q) D Sheet n4 OF 4. Comm 4 1(o-Iq9 Q (L w y {`1 � Q) c L 00 Cq N QI iiij .U1 CD ip CrNNU C v 0000 E Q- Q 00 00 1 'NN toM C `w u7 N, rr,o +A+ S M LV E Q Q1 til Sheet n4 OF 4. Comm 4 1(o-Iq9 existing meter PANEL "A" Pol es BR Electrical :sUmbol Legend Wire 5 Single Pole Switch circ# Recessed Can Light Wire Load Double .Pole Switch Poles Eyeball Recessed Can Light 40 Sp Dimmer Switch _1'r Exhaust ran 2 FB Push Button Switch Q Ceiling Mounted Light 2 ==E) Duplex Outlet Wait Mounted Light 1,000 Special Receptacle 1,200 Light with Pull Chain (attic). wall sections for notes Waterproof. grourid1ault interrupter @ Computer Connection Jack .4,500 Floor Duplex outlet Flood Light 810 2 Junction Box 7.0 kw Electrical actrical Pan . of 3o5 Ton A/C comp TQ Thermostat 8 Electrical Meter 3.6 kw 30 Central Vac AC DMC A/C Disconnect, 10,00 '0 11689 Electric Heat or A/C 10,000 $49% Smoke Detector. L, 0 Ceiling Pan Calculated Load Television Jack A,, act Ff Telephone Jack 2 x 4 Florescent Light iaht 8" hardi. plank -siding over 151b felt over 19/32" P14wood nailed I x.1 Florescent Light Provide I)tsconnects at ALL appliances (water heater,.A/Cunits, and Intercom FP K7R Speaker Hook -Up 0 , Ceiling Mounted Light Dome StUls 40 gal. water HTR 9 Pendant Light ® Motion Detector ( closet light 12.0 kw G[] Carbondd mono)amdai Detector - PANEL "A" Pol es BR Load Wire Description C11`0 circ# Description Wire Load SR Poles 2 40 1.0 kw 48 5.5 Tom A/C comp 1 2 AHU ttl0 3.5 kw 30 2 1,200 Tamper resistant AFCI recei;itacl&s. to; bel-instaIlled in 4 L L rooms 1,000 1,000 1 1,200 1,200 wall sections for notes 5,000 5,00 ALL bath and kitchen and: garage receptacles .to be GFC I protected...... .4,500 .4,500 2 810 2 40 7.0 kw #8 3o5 Ton A/C comp 5 6 AHU #10 3.6 kw 30 2 -1 1 10,000 0 MSO 10,00 '0 11689 Electric Heat or A/C 10,000 $49% 2 L, 0 13,000 Calculated Load Watts Watts A,, act rVoltage 2,40 Calculated Wattage Divided by Voltage = Total Amps 1144 Panel Size Required 150 AT;)s ALL A/C Equipment shall .be,15 SEER 8" hardi. plank -siding over 151b felt over 19/32" P14wood nailed 13. Provide I)tsconnects at ALL appliances (water heater,.A/Cunits, and 2. 30 4.5 kw #10 40 gal. water HTR 9 10 Rang' #4 12.0 kw so 2 on edges. Nail hardi to sheeting Class I duct or other approved material and shall have. no openings into the garage, 11 12 usin? 3*11, ga. x /,,,tlank. Ivanized 1�'l trizontalig I5. Smoke Alarms shall be installed in the following locations. roo I nq nails at O.C. and I o.c, vert. and shall be blind a) In eachsl Ing room., nailed until the 1inal bottom: attachment 1 20 I's kw #12 Range Hood 13 14 Dryer #10 5.0 kw 30 2 1 20 1.2 kw 3112 Clothes Washer Is 1 20 .81 kw #12 Garage Door Opener 11 IS Dishwasher #12. 1.2 kw 20 1 1 20 .81 kw #12 Garage Door opener 19 20 Refrigerator 912 1.2kw 20 1 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. 21 22 General Lighting #14 20 1 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. 23 24 General Lighting #14 - - 20 1 1 20 - 412 Receptacles 2 1 5 24 General Lighting #14 - 20 10 1 1 20 #12 Receptacles 21 28 General Lighting #14 - 20 1 1 20 #12 Receptacles 211 30 General Lighting #14 - 20 1 1 20 - 412 Receptacles 31 32 General Lighting #14 20 1 20 - #12 Receptacles 33 34 General Lighting #14 - 20 1 1 20 - #12 Receptacles 35 36 General Lighting #14 - 20 1 1 20 - #12. Receptacles 37 38 Bathroom GFI #12 - 20 1 11 120 - #12 Bathroom GFI I 40 spare I 20 #12 Whirlpool Tub Heater 1 - 41 42 ... spare PANEL "A" LOAD CALCULATION SHEET ac Prove le and wire. Z required smoke detectors. Load Description General Lighting watts ........ ..... . Small App ....... ... ... .Range I ......... ...... Range , H. pod ......... ,Refrigerator ....... .............. ......... Dish.. Washer............. .01'sposal Clothes, ,Washer............ Water Heater .......... ...... .................. Garage Door Opener. ......... ,Whirlpool Bathtub with. Heater. . ............ Qt . 2098 Watt . s 3 Total(Watts) 4.294 2 1,500 3,00 1 12.000 12,00) 1 1,100 1,100 -1 1,200 1,200 00 1,200 1,200 Tamper resistant AFCI recei;itacl&s. to; bel-instaIlled in 4 L L rooms 1,000 1,000 1 1,200 1,200 wall sections for notes 5,000 5,00 ALL bath and kitchen and: garage receptacles .to be GFC I protected...... .4,500 .4,500 2 810 I620 1 1,920 1,920 10. A/C Return Air Balance Must comply tu/F.B.C.*,Mecharical 2010 ed. and Total Watts 39,224 First 10000 Watts 9100% .Remainder 21,224 540% -1 1 10,000 0 MSO 10,00 '0 11689 Electric Heat or A/C 10,000 $49% 2 L, 0 13,000 Calculated Load Watts Watts A,, act rVoltage 2,40 Calculated Wattage Divided by Voltage = Total Amps 1144 Panel Size Required 150 AT;)s i. 2 . ac Prove le and wire. Z required smoke detectors. -1 LL 3. Contractor to verifg location of electrical service and provider 4. ALL paddle fans shall be on 6 rheostat. S. Recessed cans to be installed per. NFFA requirements. 4. ALL Branch Circuits that supply 12S,,/ single phase IS amp or 20 amp outlets E3 shall be protected bg Combiniitiont:Tgpe A5Cl Circuit Breakers. 1. Tamper resistant AFCI recei;itacl&s. to; bel-instaIlled in 4 L L rooms Stud Wall See Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Garage, wall sections for notes 8. ALL bath and kitchen and: garage receptacles .to be GFC I protected...... C proprotected.9. ALL exterior outlets to be ujp� GI= 10. A/C Return Air Balance Must comply tu/F.B.C.*,Mecharical 2010 ed. and current version of any supplements. :to. the* 2010 ed Il. A/C Refrigerant lines that :are:. run thru slabs must be sleeved in PVC 1.2. ALL A/C Equipment shall .be,15 SEER 8" hardi. plank -siding over 151b felt over 19/32" P14wood nailed 13. Provide I)tsconnects at ALL appliances (water heater,.A/Cunits, and to studs at 16"., o.c.. W/ . 12d ALL. other eiquipmerit, as required bg, N.E.C.).. nails 4" in. field and 1" o.c. 14. A/C [Ducts 'in Garage shall be metal or I" thick minimum rigid nonmetallic Class, 0 or, on edges. Nail hardi to sheeting Class I duct or other approved material and shall have. no openings into the garage, usin? 3*11, ga. x /,,,tlank. Ivanized 1�'l trizontalig I5. Smoke Alarms shall be installed in the following locations. roo I nq nails at O.C. and I o.c, vert. and shall be blind a) In eachsl Ing room., nailed until the 1inal bottom: attachment b) Outside each separate sleeping area in. the immediate Vtcinitg of the ae� bedrooms. which will be face nailed c) On each additional storg of the dwellin ALL Smoke Alarms Shall. be interconnected and hardwired -016rk Attd(:hM(6I1t Detail NT$ File C WW Sheet OF 6. Comm It 16_199 -1 LL U E3 WW Sheet OF 6. Comm It 16_199 EXISTING PORCH WP GPCI — --,_ -... _ - — — — _ — FCI — — — — — — _ - / ---- IREF Uri / FCI GFCI� / v I iII IFAN MASTER BED i Closet l SECOND FLOOR ELEC7RICAL FL/4N �r / �--. —. — — _ WPQECI I 1. I JJP GFC�I.:.. _ w q I N 06 W � ! m SCALE: 1/4", __ 1,_0 ELECTRIC NOTES: I. 2. Use copper wire only, no aluminum. Provide and wire ail required smoke detectors.: 3. Contractor to verifg. location of electrical service and provider 4. ALL paddle fans shall be on a rheostat. S. Recessed cans to be installed per NFPA requirements. 15 amp 20 amp outlets �p 6. ALL Branch Circuits that supply 125v single phase or NN ' shall be protected bg Combination -Type AFCI Circuit Breakers. 1. Tamper resistant AFCI receptacles to be installed in ALL rooms S. Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Garage. ALL bath and kitchen and garage receptacles to be GFCI protected. 9. ALL exterior outlets to be WP/GFCI protected. -4111111h. 10. A/C Return Air Balance Must compiy w/ F.B.C. Mechanical 2010 ed, and 11. current version of any supplements to the 2010 ed. A/C Refrigerant lines that are run thru slabs,-.ast be sleeved in PVC 12. ALL A/C Equipment shall be 15 SEER -v 13. Provide Disconnects at ALL appliances (water heater, A/C units, and p 14. ALL other equipment as required by N.E.C. A/C Ducts in Garage shall be metal or I" thick minimum rigid nonmetallic Class O or Class I duct or other approved material and shall have no openings into the garage. G. Smoke Alarms shall be installed in the following locations: a) In each sleeping room. b) Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. c) On each additional story of the dwelling ** ALL Smoke Alarms shall be interconnected and hardwired ** _� I Vile Copy ,I LL Sheet — 2 OF 6. Comm # 16-199 m �O �O rom v muyro N toO C ccvN vU �p Q0)00# NN ' # 7 N pNc4 m6 4j -4111111h. -C �tl W X ELL i Q ~u I ua -v fafa Sheet — 2 OF 6. Comm # 16-199 E'10 -XX See Steel Column Cap detail �� �- I „ E -10 -XX I/ +, on t.i s sheet l Simpson SP .strap at each stud Adjust size to match stud thickness see wall symbol legend and wall sections Simpson LSTA 24 strap at each stud with (18) IOd nails ,n each strap -c a�a SP strap at each stud size to match stud thickness symW legend and wall sections rovide Simpson LSTA 18 5t strap at each stud Floorfoists/trusses floor framing plan for size and spacing NTS Vile Copy SEAM I SCHEDULE c0 I Mark Ci Size and Description BI (2) 2" build as at 24" x 12" one o.c. SYP 42 with beam attaching staggered from 1/2" plywood plate between plies using (4 IOd nails each side. B2 (3) 2" build as at 2'f" x 12" one o,c. SYP #2 with beam attaching staggered from 1/2" plywood plate between each plies using (43 IOd nails each side. HI (2) 2" x 8" SYP 42 opening header Simpson SP .strap at each stud Adjust size to match stud thickness see wall symbol legend and wall sections Simpson LSTA 24 strap at each stud with (18) IOd nails ,n each strap -c a�a SP strap at each stud size to match stud thickness symW legend and wall sections rovide Simpson LSTA 18 5t strap at each stud Floorfoists/trusses floor framing plan for size and spacing NTS Vile Copy t I I c0 I !nL Ci v Q Q Q. Q Oro Oro Q t I c0 w OD ((I NO v OLnm QO C=NCVCfaMMEu C Q. Q Oro Oro Q a� � IQ 7NN C W pNN�6 tu 41 psi cV 1- E ILL 1L v� 4' -v 71f C�7 Sh set ED OF to. Comm 4 ��—Iqq