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Subcontractor Agreement
� 1 PERMIT# "' ISSUE DATE PLANNING &DEVELUPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance Division - BMLDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I i cg— lec. r f, c- have agreed to be (Cgppany Name/Individual Name) the L le.-T ,z e. / Sub-contractor for Let..)vl.,7 -e ,©ee,e— ru ew-- c-o,,/ (Type of Trade) (P mn�Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St..Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. \CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) O RACTOR SIGNAT (Qualifier) PRINT NAME D- j �f�ra2 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMMER State of Florida,County of State of Florida,County of—iB xc ice. The foregoing instrument was signed before me this ay of The foregoing instrument was signed before me thiswllhay of 3Q l\13Ol 20\' , 2&-L by who is personally!mown-y—or has produced a .; who is personally known-V--or has produced a as identification. as identification. c k C STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public 4Satnre Notary Puhlie Print Name ofNotary Public Print Name ofNotary'Public ` Fbrida �'` • Kern BOO, E %.,LAURA R.CUBBEDGE M tl a' F 976543 :;.Commission#GG 022076 yCommisskul F �fOFa 512 �k*d7hTNyFainfnsoris funrtte1Da385*9 Revised 11/1620]6 o Expires 0512r` 2020 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANKING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT t'V i CE S �. have agreed to be Rpany Name/Individual Name) the rn b )ub-contractor for n£' jf (Type of Trade) (PPrimAry Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ED#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned. project,the Building and Code Regulation.Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of.a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-C CTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) PRINQ�NAME� r! _ W � nr%P r �())D)eLt r4 LQ d . 1 ti PRINTNAMIE reqci .. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER "COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of 91- kuCt State of Florida,County of_St-Lu c a e-,,, The foregoing instrument was signed before me this��y of The foregoing instrument was sign d before me this day of -ZS��r��,26, , Z,, ,a0f © f r4 Lu G1 u k-, who is personally known or has produced a who is personally known_or has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP I 1AAA. STAMP Signature of Not&Public 9Sgnature of Notary Publi t. 099-& �A-Sle�ry Print Name of Notary Publicrin�fNota Public Notary P bhe DOROTHYANNBASKIN �+. ..,�,�,. N ^i •, .-., ,._�s:,�_"'::.:::�".,........ t MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ^ & s •� �o; EXPIRES:October 2,2020 SoaY?Us% RHOP�DA LAFl=ER1l� bonded 7bru Notary Public Underwriters =�°` � r =*• *' ttY COMMISSION#EE854297 + 'e P Rev d -: o��,?• EXPIRES January 08,`1017 {d47j3?&0153 FloridallotaryServic�.com PERMIT4 ISSUE DATE DEVELOPMENTSERVICES ' A1` K u ldiiug&C6&�CoJ ipiiance Division $�jDl'iYG`P>R1VIIT • . Std-COI�TRACTIDR AGREZaWNT Comfort Control o'f St. "Lucie County, IAc.. haveagreed'to'be (Company Naineliadividtial Naive) the HVAC Sub-calitCdotorfor Wy-nne De4el.opment Corp. (Type of Trade) (may Co7ntraetor) For the project Ideated at (Project Street Addressor Pwpeity Tax ID#�) It is understood:that,if there its any change of status.regarding our participation with the above mentioned.. project,the wilding and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. r CQNT"CTO)t SIGNAT URE(QuBliSer). IGNAT'M(Qwmer) Matthew Lil-e Wynne =B-Ar— , rman PUNIT NANZ )PRINT NAM 08.898 . 8288 COUNTY CERTMCATION NU&M ER COUNT"Y CERTWCATION NUMBER State oJI Morida,County of 57, e E State of Florida;County of S cci The foregoing iastr�ient w ss skined Ibefore me tl&\' of s The forezoiep iustrutoent was Rued before me this)n%) y of X• who is personllay.known✓r has produced a who is personalty ltndwa✓r has prodaced.a as identification. as identification. f tJl.lJiG'C�r�.+ STAMP- STANi Sign-store of Notary "6lic Signature of Notary tre ,�o.�o-r.}►:X .��y �RSK�a a. o`er[.�l �i+�N ��Sk�.y ' Prim Namoo of Notary Pobuc Print Name of Notary Bubtie .M."k DOROTHYANN BASKIN. °'� Q`°'= ��� ��% DOROTHYANN BASKIN _ MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ;����� °�' MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 EXPIRES:October 2,2020, Bonded Thru Notary Public Undery+mters EXPIRES:October 2,2020 , Revised I l/16/2018 ''•F$; °•° Bonded Thru'Notary Pabr,c under tef L66-d 2040/ZOOOd tL4-i 999L8L8ZLL da o4 su i p l i n8 auuAM -WOMA g L=Z L 9L C 60-Z L :PERMIT TSSIJf=:DAIi , $ul�Xd>l�g&.Code CompY>tance Division. SU&C6l�1TRACT�DR.AGREEMENT ..'T.r.Feasure Goast Rocrf2ng:.: lave.agreecltabe (CQmpany:Name/nd><vidualMmne):.. the R" fzng Stib:t+�itt etorfor. Wynne Dewe opme:nt Corp,. {Type of:Trai�ej .tPriinary C'ontr�ctoz�) `O.r l.the pro3ea#:lata#ea4 . .. V �-Q- q .. (Project Street Adilress;or Property Taar ID n): If is understoadtha tf there•.is any°change of Status regaxd;<ng otic partlrpanori the above inen#cane .pro the Bu icl iig aiici Code egt al pn D�viStan of St Lucie"County`virili lie adv'sed.pursuarit to the. fi�ilg of:a Claan►ge�f Sub cin#ac#ornottce�. O1yTRACIURSIG1VAfURi;'.¢aah5er SUB-COI�1T1tAGTOR:. k. aliSet W.-Y a me . . .. .. ... . . Brian Ma3o:n.ey ERINTNAME . .. ,PR11VT Y91VIE . Og8gg• ('t'f 13'0 3. CO[IL\'TY CERTIFICt,T10cN^NLJM$ER:: ::. . CO,UNTY CER�'IFICA;TIUAE;NUMBER' $tatg oTFlorila,Googly of JT�cr C ``�� Statc;of Florida;Couoty:olE G!C The-to. instrument wassigned.before me tWs day of •The:foregoin;•owbipedtwas signed 6eforeipe tbis� yof. c\yG �l 20\2,1: wlio:is.pe�sunaltyknown�or6as:p pdacefda : -who is:person.atyknowu':,orliaspr'duced>s' ss iaentifc$tiog;. atideatifieatift Vti►^-r rl •. Sfe1NlP G eta ;srA w igtlature of Notalopobhc 5ieaatu�e of Notary ritilic: f-t'NN /5,4SK�a Priot'Nstlu•ofNotar.vPubHc PnutNameoffiotary blfi; •irQi:?;a'• DOROTHY ANN BASKIN ��°A_ T'= `° DOROTHYANNBAL cs� ? MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ,•�oS'h••f,zr-,EXPIRES:October 2,2020 MY COMMISSION#G2016 %oFt��. BondedThru Notary Puttic UnderwritersEXPIRES:October 2Bonded Thru Notary Public:U