HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement I `` • PERMIT# _ ISSUE DATE PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division e • BUMDItNG PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Co pany Name/Individual Name) the `�� T r, z e. / Sub-contractor for =y ru�/� (Type of Trade) *Contractor) For the project located at ( 01- \Z—\S (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above]mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) ti F&DWOWRACTOR.SIGNAT (Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMB B"ER State of Florida,County of State State of Florida,County of 6A l C�i e The foregoing instrument was signed A�be;;fjore me tbis� Nay of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1L��'day of r 20n b C;i Y� �a��� t�L..�V.Q�., r�Cc'c11�3�I✓( r20�by 1`I.lVJd'2.1t�C0 V� �3 who is personally known—Kor has produced a who isersonall p y knownV__or has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMPSTAMP Signature of Notary Public Signatureof Notary Pubfic Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public e of; 4t• Notary Public Stat, ..Fbrida ��yu ';'1, ;,.LAUfiA R.CUBBED(iE KeM Bud Ka'.. My CommisaloCi FF s7s543 .;; ,=Cpmmissiorl#GG 022076 Revised]1/1620]6 o� Expires 0512512020 •± oa�� ,-Expires October2l;2020 „�„�. BondedThNTtoyFainlnlurencelOa3851019 . PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANlYEVG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ii Building& Code Compliance Division .'COUNTY I BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT t'i!f GE' S -Xn G have agreed to be ompany Namellndividual Name) the YY't k3 ub-contractor far � , 1e„ �f VQ- O� m Q,m Cp.(L. (Type of Trade) (PrimAry Contractor) P �f 1 For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of.a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-CW1dCTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) 'PAQaew �11� �nn-P— beer LU M PRINII•NAME _._�' F'RZNT NAME O"49 13 LDGx� COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County 0175" State of Florida,County of_,t~•L.Uu,P—,,, The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument wassign d before me this d( ` day of ,2k4 by*►"t �t. 1K1>'2, �,�Q20\A,by © L T a - who is personally known____or has produced a who is personally known.�has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP STAMP Signature of Not Public S2,mgnature of Notary Publi Print Name of Notary Public Pn�f N µ otary Pubk'e DOROTHYANNBASKIN *, ), MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 1 . s �. r EXPIRES:October 2,2020 129�1t9�9�t.� ,,f. ., by °s�_ iE1=ER 11` .odit4•` Iiondedlbru.NotaryPublicUnderMters ?* *: Rev N tee MY COMMISSION#EE854297 w { e� EXPIRES January 08,2017 (447)3?.&0153 .FlloorridatN'+otarySerVica.com .`) PERMIT# ISSUE DATE f.... PLANNING,& DEVELUPMENT,SERVICES Building & Code.Compliance Division liC• EM-DING PERMTT WS-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control o'f St. Lucie County, IAA. have agreed-to'be (Company NameAndividual Name) the HVAC Sub-cpntr ctorfor WY.nne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) \ (Primary Conttaetor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of statusregarding our participation with the above mentioned.. project,the 13uilding and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant,to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. . 1 . CONTPACrOR SIGNA'T'URE(Qualifier). CO iGNA,TURE(Qualifier) .Matthew Lyle Wynne Bar erman PRINT NAME PMT NAM 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM'RE22 COUNT"YY aPTTFICATION NUMBER State of)"orida,County of 5—ikA.,a State of Florida.County of E C. The foregoing instrument was signed before we this\`Ny of The foregoing indrument was sloped before me this d ay of 20by'�A �-g ,2l�l�w.n Qct` 200by ^I.�fC1X wba is person4y,known✓r has producod a who is personally known✓r has produced a as identification n as identification, STAW STAW Signature of Notary "blic Signature of Notary b6till -honeo-rx ..An,v AASKra --pa'.o-r}ty, AaN 16,49kj;o_ Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public yp% DOROTHY ANN BASKIN E,� MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 � °; , DOROTHYANN BASKIN PEXPIRES:October 2,2020 ;*: MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 •.Fov„°•• Bonded Thru Notary Public Undermters p= EXPIRES:October 2,2020 Revised I1/16/2016 ; °•P Bonded Thai Notary Public Ur�den liters. L66-d 3000/3000d VLO-i 999L8L83LL d,lo0 Suiplin8 GuuAM -Wo8j SL:ZL 9L -60-ZL l � PERMiT`#` TSSIfS-DATE: .. ,��. I'T,,AN3�II�IG`:� DEVELUFMEIW'I"SE1��G�S $ul�lc�m�&Code Camph�nce Drvsari „��•,�...�..F.. $UILDIIYC'P�RIVII`I SUB=C01�1TRACTOR.AGREEMENT .Treasure Gaas:t Roq:f�ng_.: kiaveagreetabe ( ompay'1Vamellndividual Namej: the Ro'gfa ng Sub-eaitxaetor:_forYnneDeve7 opment CorP,: (`Type of Trade) (Primary�`OntracCQT.j, : c :Foirthe proiect:,Iocnted::at; :: m�ect: te+eet..-ddress:or Propertq Tax„ID�) I..f is ut�derstood<hat,><f there. s azz cliange.o€ ST P9,VT Wour partdtpaion wlfh:the above:mentionecl pr ,iect,tie Buiiiiiig aiid Codegulaion.D�04sln of St.Lucie County will im-advsed'.pursuant:fo.flie. fil;<ag of:a Mange;of S�Ib-cpntia�torn�ttce . CUNsIRA 1 OR STGNA`fE]RE':(QaaUfiet): SUB-COO�ITRA(TQR:. . NA- U606Y. Wynne . .B:r an• Ma�:on.e:y PRINTNAME:' PRIfliTYA=1►� GO_iIL��Y CERTIItIG?KT,IOPi i•Ii7M$E)It :. .. CON N[fMBER, C 9? GC Stateo6Fforida Courit}(o G/C ;Statgofk7oarJufa;. guatyQ4` . Tlieforego�ae=rnstrnment,wps: gned:be oxemet6is ay of The:f Moinginstcument�vessiguca beforeme.tLis� y.uf 20 ,by wlio:is.persunaltylenown.✓or.hss produeeda: who is.persouajlrk0o-- Di::Iia praauceda' �us;ientifsation;.: us;ideurificariohs ign�toreofYota Pub>rc 'SigriatureofNotsry ublic: Print=Na►fiei 6motary.PubliC Print Nameof Notaiy Public- DOROTHYANN BASKIN "'AMY COMMISSION#GG 030145 �•�o'A°:a��.� DOROTHYANN BASKIN Q;i EXPIRES: 2,2020 :,; .: MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ••.;od2��.•' Bonded Thru Nota Pub0c Undenniters = 't, EXPIRES:October 2 Itevised'•TT/16/2016 Notary . •,...... P.•• ,2020 ... ��i�F F�QBonded Thru Notary Publk:Underwriters