HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement 0 7017 1 _ PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Mal Building and Code Regulations Division BUILDING PERMIT suB-CONTRACTOR SUMMARY / 70 Sr -�Gve ® will be using the following sub-contractors for the (Company divi ual N e) �O project located at 7-1z '9 / A "T4-/�'/u A-1Z -Aa_; &4 (Street address or Property Tax ED#) It is understood that if there is any change of status regarding the participation of any of the sub-contractors listed below,I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St.Lucie County. St. Lucie County/ Trade Name of Company/Contractor State of Florida License Number `A Electrical �v 'f C ,�LaG I�( � e G C�f r GD 2 ,f9rv� e4w feI Plumbing �5�� Pkv it-19 1, ,7 HVAC/ / L 6 A) y't� � , c -e Mechanical Roofing Xo "1:71 Gas ®FFICE USE bNLY: PERMIT ISSUE DATE: NUMBER: Revised 07/29/2014 PERMIT ISSUE DATE Z 1c"LA1WkT1TNG &,, DE VELOPP/lE NT SERVICES Building &,Code Coinpl-knice Division if BUILDING PERMI'r SUB-CON'rRACII'0111 AGREEIVIE,NN' have agreed to he (Company Name/Individual Name) j— the Sub-Contractor 1701- 4 (Type of-I'l-ade) (Primary C0111riclor) For the project located at 0 (Project Street Address or Properivl"ax ID,11) It IS LIIIdCI'StOOd that, ifs there IS ally Chal'I'le OfStatLIS regarding 01.11- I)al-ficipation with the above mciltioned regarding project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of'St. Lucie County wil I be advised I)I.II-SLIaI11 to 0110 filinc) of a Change Of Sub-contractor notice. IGN. (Qty vilifier)C— L 6 C 0 TIC A C 7-0,0 e elo 0 2 COUNTY CERTIFICATION UNI1)I1,1111 COUNTY CERTIFICATION INUINIIII7.11 r Smic of Florida.County of kna2f:t:!N Suite or Florida,Comily of The foregiiiiig,instrument was signed before me ffiiss)i LNY of, The foregoill..'inswilinuill [whirr 111V Ibii2 S (Im.of Am-m—o 2n_0.Iw �'Ilo is pers(mall).Imoll-11 V— In.has III-1)(111cefla who is per.S4111:111Y known=TiF has produretla as identification. as idelifilicaligill. 2.- Signature.of Nolary lltiblic,� Si{iumire ormitary 111T u 5—1 AldlUcl frim Name of'Notary flulific frim mitur )nNipim-Y Public KENDALL TADLEY RUST COMMISSION it FF987105 W ,'XPNANCY AWAL OrIRES April 27,2020 4 TZ Y COM (407)393-011f.3 �::CriduNotarysorwmcgrn PUBLIC MISSION H FF 228330 Itc-viscd 1111612016 EXPIRES May 29,2019 SiAEO/'+ E OF FLORIDA.1 BONDED THROUGH Q(IlY RLI INSURANCE COMPANY. RECEIVED L"N17 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division � 4r BUILDING PERMIT SUIS-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT _Z_c„, C'C" l � Ir j,7 9 �' i have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the �4e 6 f 4`r ( _ Sub-contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 7 ' ' ;� ��, �'1�� '�'/ �4 ACJ- (Project SCJ(Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR NATURE(Qualifier) SUB-CON TOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) PRINT NAME hr, 0 e PRINT A :�G 7^i ME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION ' JM ER _ State of Florida,County of AA- A'9��� State of Florida,County of � The foregoing instrument was signed before me this rLJday of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this./ day of N&>���� 20 / by_ f[c-u� >�/l� ,2e) by who is personally known_or has produced a who is personally knownGhaced a as identification, as ide<' . _ STAMP STAMP Signature of otary Pu c Signature otary Public Print Name of Notary Public Print Nam of I' M;- blic STEVEN F DA � `- COMMISSION#FF 9825 NOT 'STATE OF PUBLIC 1 EXPIRES May 22;2017 NANCY AWAL i IDA FLORBONDEOTHROUGH RLI INSURANCE COMPANY NOTARY p COMMISSION#FF 228330 PUBLIC EXPIRES May 29,2019 Revised 11/16/2016 �STATE0 �FLOkIDA BOND_DTHROUGH RLI INSURANCE COMPANY. ° 1 R E C E I l >J °.,,W°, 3 ...�,o PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES '= ' Buildint, & Code Compliance Division �1 --- BUILDING 1'EtUMI " 03 SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMEN'1' 01 • 5 `9-e- Ic k el have agrees:] to be (Company Name/individual Name) the U fy' lj J 'k'ty Sub-contractor for �'� 1 t �� (Type of Trade) (Primary Cont(actor) For the project located at � � f� l �: 1-1 I� / >�� l t L ~r (Project Street Address or Property Tax 10 i,) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of'Sub-contractor notice. CONTRA(' S III-CON 't: C •Olt SIGNiVTU1fF.(Qualifier) 1.),n V l�j tom► �� t" �.1 PRINT NAME 1111IN\AME,•. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER cour ,CEItTll-'I 'A'I'ION NN'11i'i%lilEtt I / Slale,of Florida,County of K Pr t V Slate of l�lurida,County of—&-11-47 1'v The foregoing instrument%vas signed before me Ibis 7 day or The furegninl instrument Nyas signed before me this/-1D ['C ,2d C',by L.'z° _ ✓lam,zu 1,by who is Personally known or bus produced a who is persunally k00%vo m bns Produced a as identification. tl •id�calion. STAMP STAMP signature of N tan Public Signature of N la ry Pnlltl IV,9 N C/ � Al C/ 6J/q Print Name of Notary Public Prut Naive of Notary Public NANCY AWAL NANCY AWAL ? 'l NOTARY C COMMISSION#FF 228330 Z NOTARY C COMMISSION#FF 228330 Re�lscd 1 I/1G/_'OI16 ; PUBLIC EXPIRES May 29,2019 • PUBLIC EXPIRES May 29,2019 STATE OF STATE OF 1FL40,R BONDED THROUGH -(FLORIDA BONDED THROUGH RLI INSURANCE COMPANY RLI INSURANCE COMPANY, RECEIVED 2017 PERMIT ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERN111' SLIB-COWRACTOR AGREEMENT' and have agreed to be (Company Njame/Individual Name) the Gas PIPIA16- Sub-contractor('or W,m. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) Forthepro.jectlocatodat 7q(.7 Pi-,qA),-r,9--r/4A) I-A 95:5 'b2 - —Po p—T 5T, Loci E (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 11) It is tinderstood that, iPthere is any cilarlge of status I•egarding our participatiot7 With the above mentioned protect,the BUilding and Code Regulation Division of St. LLICiQ C01,111ty Will be advised PtIrSLIE111t to the filing ofa re Of tractor notice, CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(QunitrjcjSU(? A k 't I SIC'1 5 TIMIL(QuAIII1110r) C 149 >/ muwr NAME 240 7-- ' COUNlYrERTIFICATION NUNIHIM COIINTY CERTIFICATION NUINIIIAUI /w 'keh 0 state(it Florida,County or Sinfe of li'toritil,County orJ-07 7 `1 I tin tit The ramping.11w I'moctl0vos signed Wore me tlligl�z day of by jo Y who is porsonnily knowu�- or Shm Vrodrmcd It who Is persnomiky knom-witz.,has Produced 11 s identification. 131HICIIIIIII t1011, JAMEWPADGEn STAMP WON#FF 844018 My January 21,2020 Signature ol`Xotai�7110214f-� gaillure of Notory�tlbllc R" air gppdedThtuNoleryPu6(Icttnttetwriters V c 4/1 Print Name afNalary Public fNol:ll-%Public NANCY AWAL' Revised 11110/2016 NOTARY COMMISSION#FF 228330 SPUBLIC TATE OF EXPIRES May 29,2019 FLORIDA BONDED THROUGH RLI INSURANCE COMPANY,, PERMIT# ISSUE DATE ' PLANNING&DEVELOPAI ENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division o' �t - - BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT i / Cj l 7-7r CO /h(- . Have agreed to be (C inpany)iamc/Individual m le) ' the .� Sub-contractor for /Ch (Type of Trade) 0 (Primary Contractor For the project located at �(� 1"(4 /"Al60-h — 1,a &d- a� (Project Street Address or Properly Tax ID 11) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chang -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) t-C/''r y )r V .0 r?''of r. 410 ti PRINT NAME PRINT NAME aZc)92-� Qn�2 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER � / State of Florida,County of�Wg 7`— Stale of Florida,County or�• t 6 t/ iL� The foregoing instrument was signed before nu(W 2`S' day of The foregollun ua instrument was signed before me tkls)J]oda of ----KI'L ,2(1*1 7 by � `—b `_ �. t �!4(Af VI 1 r(J ,201gbe — -4 �n- lrlin Is personally known_Z_,vtF"has produced a who Is personalty known'�/or has produced a as identification. as identification. 11 Z:2e STAMP STAINn' Signature of Notary Pubr nature of Notary Public l 111A A r) I fi_�r h yi� Prhit'Nmoc of Notary Public Print Nmnc of Notary Public Notary Public State of Florida tl Jennifer Davis Revised 1111 i12 NANCY AWAL . �`. My Commission FF 966029 NOTARY COMMISSION H FF 228330 Of IV Expires 02/2912020 I STATE ' PUBLIC EXPIRES May 29,2019 (FLORIDA BONOEDTHROUG11 'Q(�}3'� RLI INSURANCE COMPANY PERMIT# ISSUE DATE J� _ lelio P LAI.qNING & DEVELOPME{NT SERVICES Buii);ding & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Company Nam /Individual Name) the A 7C Sub-contractor for 1/-)- G,. 19 W y� �T (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 7`f 7 �G' �> -'TO l 0 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding Our participation ,vith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucid County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change Sub-contractor notice. CON•rR, rOR SIGNATURE(Quali her) SUII•CONTRACTOR SIGN . RE(Qm irler) PRINT NA\9E PRINT NANIE �20,�� '7 � 295°x'4 COUN'ri,CERTIFICr1'rION NUb9I3ER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUr\1IIl;R State of Florida,County of ru } L State of Florida,County or 751 L�f The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 2 day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of ITZ ,2D1 ),by 20L?,I". �wG' ai � 11-110 is personll},Itnown_or has Produced a Tubo is Personally-known or has produced a aside tificition as idcntilicalion. • STANIP STAMP Signature of INt.ry Pu Ic Signature of Notary Public /V 1q �Jc X w/4 STEVEN F DAY Print Name of Notary Puhlic Print Name f l,9 1, 11 a CO—MMIbSIoN�r-9&25 PUBLIC EXPIRES May 22,2017 sWE OF BONDED THROUGH 'FLOFIOA ^aL RLI INSURANCE COMPANY NANCY AWAL ,r, �—,NOTARY COMMISS;ON H FF 228330 �SPUUBLIC ; EXPIRES May 29,2019 Revised II/ Gl2(T_FEbEoIDAll RBONDED THROUGH 1W RLI IMSURANCE COMPANY