HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct approvals, metal, underlayment acts Home Login User Registration Hot Topics; r Submit Surcharge j Stets B Fects Publications kaUonS i,Contact Us BCIS Sie MaP Links Search Florida r QsAw ct ApprovalUSeR:PuhUc User Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Apylication Llst>Application Detail ` FL# FL16646-R2 Application type Revision Cade Version 2017 Application Status Approved ;> Comments :r Archived as , Product Manufacturer Gulf Coast Supply&Manufacturing,LLC. a � .#t� Address/Pfione/Email 4020 S.W.449th Street { Horseshoe Beach,Fl-32648 I (352)498-0778 info@gulfcoastsupply.com x Authorized Signature Eng David info@gulfcoastsupply.com 1 r Technical Representative David Eng Address/Phone/Email 14429 SW 2nd PI [� Ste G30 i Newberry,FL 32669 (352)498-0778 Info@gulfcoastsupply.com m Quality Assurance Representative David Eng `>4 a Address/Phone/Email 14429 SW 2nd PI Ste G30 Newberry,FL 32669 <; (352)498-0778 ( david.eng@gulfcoastsupply.com Category Roofing 4., � .. Subcategory Metal Roofing f �Yp�,�9lr rc Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida s Professional Engineer yy Evaluation Report.-Hardcopy Received t Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Daniel S Kuhn Evaluation Report �,,• � Florida License PE-75519 4 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications,Inc. q Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/12/2024 ' Validated By Locke Bowden P.E. :-. ' Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL16646 R2 COI Cert oflndeoendence 2017-10-09.Ddf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year FM 4471 1992 TAS 100 1995 TAS 110 2000 TAG 17S 7n117 I I owln lde (;fop L I UL 580 2006 ` Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Ff (f Date Submitted 10/10/2017 Date Validated 10/12/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/17/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 i,. FL# Model;:Number or Name Description L_ _ 16646 1 1)Min 29 Ga.GuifRlb Min 29 Ga.GulfRib over 15/32"Plywood,Fasteners in Rib � Limits of Use Installation Instructions — Approved for use to HVHZ:No FL16646.R2 II FL 16646 1_R2 29ga GUIfRib over IS- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32 plywood Detail-sig0gO,pdf Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By:Dan S.Kuhn,PE 75519 Design.Pressure:+NA/-101 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other:56 psf Lai 24"o:c.fastener spacing.-101 psf @ 12 Evaluation Reports �f.fas ene�cing.Install per manufacturer's details Not for FL16646 R2 AE FL 16646 1 R2 29ga GulfRlb over 15- use in HVHZ Zones. 32 D1vmss (9n f ! Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 16646.2 2)Min'.032 Alum 18 GulfSeam Min 032".Alum 18"GulfSeam-over 15/32 Plywood i Limits of use Installation Instructions �^ Approved.for use in;HVHZ No FL16646 RY.ti FL 16646.2:R2 0 y Approved for use outside.HVH2 Yes 032 Aluminum GulfSeam'18in over 15 32 olywood-Detail- I noact Resistant.N/A gned.odf Design Pressure .+NA/86 Verified:By Dan S.Kuhn PE 75519 s l Other 86-psf @ 18"::o c.dip spacing Install per Created by Independent Third Party Yes � t manufacturer's;details.Not for use KHVHZ Zones Evaluation Reports, y # �• F1.16646 112 AE FL 16646:2 R2 0 }{ 032 Aluminum GulfSeam 18in over 15 32 Rywood a 5igned.odf : Created.by Independent.Thiid Party Yes s -- t 16646.3 3)Min.032"Alum 16"GulfSeam Min.032".Alum 16"Gulf Seam over 15/32"Plywood j Limits of Use Installation Instructions r Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16646 R2 It FL 16646.3 R2 0 ' Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 032 Aluminum GulfSeam 16in over 15-32 gjywgod Detail- Impact Resistant:N/A Sj9RgLl.gdf t + Design Pressure:+NA/-138.5 Verified By:Dan S.Kuhn,PE 75519 pv Other:-86 psf @ 18"o.c.clip spacing.-138.5 psf @ 6"o.c. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes r-� clip spacing.Install per manufacturer's details.Not for use in Evaluation Reports E.. HVHZ Zones. FL16646 R2 AE FL16646.3 R2 0 032 Aluminum GulfSeam 16in over 15-32 pjywood_ t slg a RAf flip 4S Created by Independent Third Party:Yes [, 16646.4 — 4)_MIn;26 Ga.GulfWave Min 26 Ga.GulfWave overly/32 Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions.': k� - Approved for use to HVHZ:No,:":: FLi6646 R2 II FL 16646'4 R2 26ga''GulfWave over 15-' 4 Approved for use outside HVHZ Yes 32 Ply wood Detail-sfgp�, ! Impact Resistant:NIA Verified:BY:Dan-S.Kuhn;PE 75519 Design Pressure +NA/78 5 Created by Independent Third Party Yes t Other 78 5 psf.@ 24 o.c.'fastener spacing Install per Evaluation Reports ( in details:_Not for use in HVHZ Zones FL`16646.R2'AE'FL 16646.4 R2 26ga GulfWave over 15+ 32 Plywood-sign9 Pdf Created by.Independent Third Party Yes f _. ..: .. __—.— [,€ X 16646.5 5)Min 24 Ga.Gulf Seam Min 24 Ga.Gulf Seam over 1x4 purlins over 15/32"Plywood i I i —sPx Approved for use outslde HVHZ:Yes epproval petail-stgrpgj Impact Resistant:N/A Verif(ed By:Dan S.Kuhn,PE 7SS19 Design Pressure:+NA/-159 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other:-114 psf @ 24"o.c.dip spacing.-159 psf @ 12"O.C. Evaluation Reports dip spacing.Install per manufacturer's details.Not for use in FI 16646 R AE FL 16646.5 R2 GulfSeam FL Product t v - I n df HVHZ Zones ARP��1�.9�P Created by Independent Third Party:Yes s - Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850.487-1824 l The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privary Statement:;Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement i Under Florida law,email addresses.are public records.It you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a pubGc•recgrds request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.It you have any questions,please contact 850.487,1395.'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1) -- Florida Statutes,effective October1.2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S..must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emalis .. provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses arc public record.If you do not wLsh to supply a personal address,please 4 y a provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine if you are a Iicensee under chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card ,J Safe i i I I i i i • o . D, . oP APPROVAL, Gulfcoa�t S U.P PLY & MANUFACTURIIJG PLYWOODG U L F�R H M2 FLORIDA PRODUC1 APPROVAL Product Evaluation Report GULF COAST SUPPLY&MANUFACTURING,LLC. 29 Ga. GulfRibTm Roof Panel over 15132"Plywood , Florida Product Approval#16646.1 R2 Florida Building Code 2017 Per Rule 61 G20-3 Method: 1 -D Category:Roofing Subcategory:Metal Roofing Compliance Method:61G20-3.005(1)(d) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer: Gulf Coast Supply&Manufacturing, LLC. 14429 SW 2nd Place,Suite G30 Newberry,FL 32669 ` .OPN18L..�� .k� Engineer Evaluator: NSF Dan Kuhn,P.E.#75519 ,.,E: No.75519 Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 10743 ��•, STATE OF Q� .t` .Validator: •�. Loc 9450 Ay 9704 sbury Place vNAL ENG�`',` 10/05/1 Montgomery,AL 36117 /1 11, Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1-5 FL#16646.1 R2•OCTOBER 5,2017 . 9 , ® ® . • I I r I R-GRIDA PRGr ROVAL SUPPLY 6 MANUFACTURIUG Im - , GULFIRHB PLYWOOD FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. 16646.1 R2 TTT Compliance Statement: The product as described in this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2017,Sections 1504.3.2. Product Description: GulfRibTM,3/"Rib Roof Panel,Minimum 29 Ga.Steel,36"Coverage, through fastened roof panel over minimum 1%z"Plywood Decking.Non Structural application. Panel Material/Standards: Material:Minimum 29 Ga.Steel,ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 conforming to Florida Building Code 2017 Section 1507.4.3. Paint Finish Optional Yield Strength:Min.80.0ksi Corrosion Resistance:Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017,Section 1507.4.3. Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 0.0142"Minimum Width: 36"Coverage Rib Height: 3/"Major Rib at 9"O.C. Panel Fastener: #9-15x2"HWH with sealing washing or approved equal 1/4"minimum penetration through plywood. Corrosion Resistance:Per Florida Building Code 2017,Section 1506.6,1507.4.4 Substrate Description: Minimum 1sIn"thick,APA Rated plywood over supports at maximum 24"O.C. Design of plywood and plywood supports are outside the scope of this evaluation.Must be designed in accordance w/Florida Building Code 2017. Design Uplift Pressures: Table"Pi" Maximum Total Uplift DesignYPiessure 56hpsf; Fastener Pattern 9"-9"-9"-9" 9"-9"-9"-9" Faster ematternSpacing Design Pressure includes a Safety Factor=2.0. FL#16646.1 R2.OCTOBER 5,2017 • • r • • I 1200 CLINT •• • I I F G61�CM�4t SUPPLY & M.ANUFACTURIUG TIVI GULFE D 29 GUAGE GULFRISTIA PANEL OVER PLYWOOD H 113 Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2017,Sections 1504.3.2. Evaluation Report Scope: The product evaluation is limited to compliance with the structural wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code 2017,as relates to Rule 61 G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: • UL 580-06-Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies e UL 1897-12-Uplift Test for Roof Covering Systems. Reference Data: I. UL 580-06/1897-04 Uplift Test Architectural Testing,Inc.(FBC Organization#TST-1527) Report No.D1692.01-450-44 2. Certificate of Independence By Dan Kuhn,P.E.(FL#7SS19)@ Kuhn Engineering,LLC (FBC Organization#ANE ID:10743) Test Standard Equivalence: 1. The UL 1897-04 test standard is equivalent to the UL 1897-12 test standard. Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3.005(3)for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity. Minimum Slope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017,including Section 1507.4.2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations.For slopes less than 3:12,lap sealant must be used in the panel side laps. Installation: Install per Manufacturer's recommended details. Underlayment: Shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017 section 1507.1.1. FLO 16646.1 R2•OCTOBER S,2017 "PRODUCT EVALUATION i i i, I Gulf X , . . , . . . 00, SUPPLY 6 MANU FA CTURIr1G I GULFREW OVER •• FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL • 16646.1 Roof Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear Diaphragm: Shear Diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. j Design Procedure: For roofs within the parameters listed on the load table,fastening pattern must at a minimum meet those listed for the applicable wind zone.For all roofs outside the parameters listed on the load table,design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with FBC 2017 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design.The maximum fastener spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded.This evaluation report is not applicable in High Velocity Hurricane Zone.Refer to current NOA or HVHZ evaluation report for use of this product in High Velocity Hurricane Zone. i RY 16646.1 R2.00TOBER 5,2017 • + !IJU EVAWAM-OiN REPOR i I © : . Gulf SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING J ENGINEER LOAD TABLE:29 Ga.GuI1Rib*"±Panel.over 15/32"Plywood 8ui(tltngs havingAa Roof Mean Heights 20 0 Roof Slope 2(12 12"./:12"Gatiie or H1p Roof>Wlnd 5peed5.120- 17Qmph,Exposure C,:Rfsk Category tl;Enelgsed,8,uilding,based on$Flonda-Bwld)n R!, a 2017 9C 120 130 140 150. 166 170 FASTENER SUBSTRATE WIND SPEED (MIN. IN.15/321 ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER Penetration) SPACING SPACING SPACING` 'SPACING SPACING SPACING ZONE 1 N9-15x2" Plywood 24" 24" 24' 24" 24• 24" ';20NE 2 119 15x2 Plywood 24 :aa 4e " j 24 1z" T2 ZONE 3 ..49715x2" Plywood 24• 24" 12, 12" 1a" 12" i)'PAANEL'DESCRIPTION GULFR18tM'MIN 29MGA,GRADE SOt 36SCO;FgX -GEo 4 TA`Zl. 2)PANEL FASTENER tt9 15X2 ova-ma NG WASHEft OWAPPROVED EQUAL M- 1 3)MAXIMUMALLQWABLE PANEL UPUFT,PRESSURE,56°PSF®24' 0 C FASTENER SPACI 1D1.D PSF®'12 O C FASTENER,>; SPACING BASED OIV UL`'58QN1 1897 TESTING%' S4:):LYWt70D DECRING:`MIN Wss pTHICK PLYWOOD MUST BE DESIGNEDA AECORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 201 T.i 5)HOOF SLOPE ON RODFSLOPES LESS THAN 312t�P SEALANT MUST�BF USED!IN PfWEC SIDE LAFS' 1 6)LOAD TABLE BASED ON WIIfD PRESSURES"CALCULATED PERI/�SCE 7 10(KD=0 85)» P6 P W A BUILDING CODE 2017 s.. "IZONEZ nr?ROOF 2aiE3 1 a Note:Dimension(a)is defined as 10%of the minimum width of the building or 40%of the mean height.of the roof,whichever is smaller,however(a)'cannot be -- less than either 4%of the minimum width of the building or 3 feet. RIDGE FASTENEn DAT 2 -y Er ..ZONE L • CAN.iep•ecN iw keen Sopw tanaewo:tz •a.s zduprkI**laTtl maa2P•peC,q per.mlaletlma m,r•wnaCupLl.,am roTt.rox. EIM 20 Z GABLE ROOF a• -RtoGE i ZONE 1 ZONES ••.__rAVE I FLN 16646.1 R2 OCTOBER 5,2017 XV orpp ♦ Q ID I I I I L I METAL " ® o Gulf SUPPLY d MANUFACTURING GULFIRM i OVER ••D FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. 16646.1 R2 --{--- FASTENER PATTERN Cant.Tape Seal for use cn Slopes less than 3:12 #9.15 x 2"w/Sealer Washer @ max 24"spacing per calculations for required uplift,refer to Table'A'. ,,��rirlrrrrrrr EL SSTATE OF Q.Z , kG� NO.75519 :b. 01 0"•0101VAL to%1" 'r�rrrr l rl"'±0/05/17 i FL#16646.1 R2•OCTOBER 5,2017 + " i I 930464 i $112./2.02Q -.Miami=OadeCounty Mam;�IRade County Buflalfng. Produot.infcimAlonldr,N 6.:A::14.0628,02 NQA ' � ry�p e�udtodtirro!/,;oarr9oazaoz.ttdr): 5uperseded_Sy. fJle:Status File AppEifued FIIe.Clas iftcation: High velocity huRicarie zone Cefegory Rooting. Sutc6tegory. /nderiaynients Material; Polypropylene Appflcanl t)ttPont de ours tnc;(g2 rosuff dofail-opo;asj�app abas=t03205) EWiratiop_Dafo Januar.312025- Irripact Rate Un8 atected L tliiknoyan Maximum Desgn�,Presauca,�Posltive 0 Maximurr�,Design Pros§ura.Mogative'D Desorption DuPonfTyvek ProTee 120;OiiPanfTyvek ProTec 1fiU DuAont:TyvekPfoTec200.? Green_Sus..lainabta,Attrihutes NONE Fore detailed description oil the:Fite Status dick.t.6 NOA File$tBtUs'KeYs(obi if 7n a�result keY AAp;�gp_j Page LasEEdited N1ed Jad.25, 0t710 AD27 AM I MIAM AVWYmiemic.ade,g-p--Idinocp reselt_app.asp?RdNO/1-19:0828,02&BasicSsarch=Go8Ctataiicaftn=O Q2CUnkmvWA2F*Unsetected°r6 1UP 0.: 1/9 I I I (t1;MFDIAD i 11ilAMI DhOE GOUy7'1` '`. PROI2UCT CONTROL SECTION 06"'MENT OF:RECULkTORV AND ECONMUC RESOURCES(RER) t1805 SW 26 Strec,Raoai 208 aOARD:ANn CODE AD�UNISTRATION l)IVISI.0 Miactii F1ondi 3317542474 T.(786)315-2390 F(786)315.2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE`MA): �vwir,nlamiaaae eovfeconnmv. T3uPoritAe Nemours,Inc:': 974 Cotitre Rood :Chest 11t Run Piiin 7Ti-;tw Wiltitlilgton,DE logo. SCOPE: This NOPi is being issued under the applicable Hiles_and rcgplauong°gnvcrning ttte use of construction materwis'The documcntstionsubmitted)ias:bceti revii wed d'.2cc anepted by:Mtatni-Dade County RER:Product Control Section to be used in ktitini mde.Cquuty and other:arias,.vhere:allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ) This NOA shall not lie-valid afteilh .tipiratiop date stated below::The.Miam Dade:County Prodiict Section (u►Miami=Dade County)andlor the AHJ(in tlretis;other thau.Mtatni=Dario County}reserve tho right to have tliis:prodtict armateriakirstedforquality Ass tuauco:putposcs.Ifthisproducta'rmaterii failstoperfonninthencceptcdmamr.itic tnattufacturer wtll incur the:expense ufsuch testing'and Lbe;AHJ may:immediately revoke;modify,or:suspend theme afsuch;prodact or tnatertal w'ttlun their junsdicuon:RERreserves thp:nght to revoke thts:iicceptance tf tt is detetinined by Miami-DAda.:Coniity pioducl Ct Wol Seetio►i that this:pioduet.or materiafi faitsto mt et*mg9irements ofthe applicable build(ng code; This product is approyed as described:hebein,and.hi s becn designed:id eomply:w tb the Florida Building Code iiiciudtng Ehe High Vc[ocity.Hurricane Zone:of the:Flonda:Bbilding:Cody: bESCBIPTION: .DoPont".T}M1eks'l"ruTec"`120.13uPaut"`Tyvek1D ProTec'"160,DnPent""!'yvelr�'1'rgTec .20Q: L,46ELINGZ Each utut shall_boat a peripanentlabel with the manufacturer's n4nie:or logo;city;state and following statement "MtamtUudeCountyI'roduet ntrol.Approved'.unless:atherwise.noted:Uerein:: RENEWAL of this-NQA shalt be:considend-after:axerimal application has been filed:and the6 been n hah age: in Uie:applcable building,code.itegatixely affcc[iiig:the.performance of:Uus:producC TERMINP►TTON.b(.W8 NOA�viil occur aift tlie:expirntion date or if there:has been:a revtsion or:ch=ge m the tnatenals use and/ 1. or..mahufaChtre of the productor process;Misuse ofah NO 4.as an eni3orsementrof aHy product;for. sales advcrttsing ar Any other p..Wses:shalt'autoinatically'tcmnnato:this NOA,:Failure:to complyvvithany sccpon:of j this.NOA shall:be cause for feimtnahari and ieinovat of,NOA, ADYERT[SEMENT The:NOA aurnlier preceded by the words M..iatm Dade:Counry .Florida;ttnd follasved by the expimbondatc may bo displayed to advertising literature, if.any portion of the:I+IbA.is displayed;.t&en it s14 be done W its entirety; INSPECTION::A copy b provided to the user by the manufacturer:or:jis distr►butb#:and shall be niii able formspection atthe; b 3ttc at ttie request of the Building Official:. ThisNOAyetiidesNOA.19i1104:47conststsofpages.lt. topgli:4., The subtAitted docutrientation:was.reviewed,by Fre,"y 5ommo tNoA No;: IM918.02 MtAMt•DADEcotrNTY -Expii'attton Date Ol/2312.5 . Pegg hof a` i file Co I I I ROOKNOtOZV POIYENT A�PROVAt Gam: Roofing -sub-co ow* Undcrlaymcrq Ma ai., .... pOt)`1�foPYiCnC;. I SHOP fbps approves puPont'"Fyve[ ProTec"'224,DgPont""Tyveko PcoTec"'t60,DUPgt t"'TvvACO P cl e"200 as clesenbed in this Not ee of tacceptance;dcsrg�tcd to comply with.the Plondal#u lding Gode:includtnO:Ehe Fltgh Veloc%ty Httmcane 7.one gftiie FlafldaBuilcUnp:Code. I I F1iAL1E NAl.MS O PRO L`CTS 1NI,E 1C FARED t)1r 4. 8ELED$Y APPL[EANT j Test Pradnct: Producf. Dimensions. Stieclfieattan T)escrtntlon Ilupont1`Tyvelt 48 x 250'rolls A3.TM D226 Type Woven syntiictic polyrtier underlaytnent wrath wo ProTea 1211 26:lbs.per toll, 14111. sides+coated with U1?protected and slip resistant: polymei stabilised polypropylene;on both sides: D11l�aAt"Tgcek 48":x2S4'rtils ASItvfD226-type Woven synthtticpolyntcrnnderiaymentanthtivo: ProTec'"t60 32`lbs per,i%tl I&ii stdes:coated wiflt UV protected:sort slip reSistauE, polymer stabilized polypropyleae;on boWsides. i DupontTyveli $"x 250':roIts A§tM D226 Type Woven synthetic polymer underlaymew av th:two' ProTee.200 -55 Ibs.per:enil: I&It sides coated with UV protected ante slip resistant . polymer stabilized polypropylene on both:shies, 11UNUFACTU1tING�OCaTFOl�I EYIDENGE SI18MI'i'Tt� I Tatdentf TestxaAje `.-Date:A e o InfertckTe$iingServi cF Lo1866©D9COQM2A PhYKIcalPropertics. 1.1/14i14 101866009COW.I. AS'fM1 D 226 111 711:4. Netnolcic:: 4j:DP8 40.-nudl-0E& ASTM D:226 09116ft9: i i I I NOA vo Ill-t►$28.02', i c Expiruttou Date 01/23/25. AporovA Dater-01/2312i, Pogo 2:of 4 I i I I I I I ' I 4 , Ii ULLAT10N$PEC-IEICATIONSt aSinWe Layer;Slopes of 2,12'or:ameater) Dupont"'Iy�tek�ProTec"120;Dupont'"TyveO.PioTee160;AuPoni'"Tyw0l oTee"'2061toof..(laderlaymept 1. Dupont,Tyveks'ProTec"`120 Dufontn'`Ey 6V ProTec'"160;DuFoiit"'Tyvek�P oTec"'.2QORoof Underfayipenii shall tic irmallcdin strict comptiaiice:ttinth applicable Bµtiding code. L DuPont'"TyvdeProTec'"120,.DuPonOFTyvek hri'ice160,DuPont'.Tyvek'-ProTec'".200Roof Underlays ienis sball.be histaileil with dfuinimum 4inah horizon 4-4,and 6 h6h vertical;laos to a:shipgW . layer fashion: unties).laps in:a.sueeeeding course shallbe staggered,from thoso in precod rig eotus-by: mintrnum..d=feet; .3. DuPont"'Ty.YA- ProTec'"120' Dupdfi 'Tyvckx. ProTec*'1:6%.DuPone"Twok"ProTec"'200RW Underlayments shall`be fastened with dpproved robfipg nails and tui,caps.S-Md 6"O.C.at alllaps,atidthrec staggered`rows f tened 1�"o 1. the field ofthe roll 4. DuPont°Tjti eke ProTec`"120,IjupbaCI' vek'°prooTec l60,DuPont'"TyveV Ptotcc'"200 Rogf Underlaynicnts maybe:used,v6 Asphaltic shingles;;Wood:shakes anil'slungles;Non shucttirai metitl roofing, sand quart)shte; 5: For Fire,classification of specific roof:assemblies using Dupont"'Tyveke ProTec I20*Dupont"'Tyvci&. ProTec'":160, DuPbd'Tyvek .EroTec'"200:Itonf Underlaymen[3:refer to:a`current Approved Roofing Materials Difectoy for.fine'iatirigs.ot'thi5:�produckr $UILDING PERM ITIREQU1RENIEN'cs: Application.for building pernuE:shall be ncco.1hpanied by copies of the following:. I, This Notice of Acceptance 2. Any other documents;requurdbythe Building dtTciai or applicable building cgde in ordcr4d:propedy.evaluate the installa[ion of fhis:inatcral. 041TATIO.NS 1, Fire class3fica€ton is imt:part aftliis acceptanec,Yofer to a eurietit Approved Roofing Matcuals:Directo y for fito ratings of this product: 2: -This-acceptance is forpmpaied roofing applications:Aiuitnum:deck requirci Tents:shall be.in:Co.Mpl,aiice with applicabtc building code._ 3, DuPont-Tyvek ProTec 120 l7uPont Tyvekx ProTec" 160,DuPont"''lyvek"PtoTec"'3QU Roof Under"YmentS shall tie;appited to'a smooth;clepn:and dry surface wtdr:deok flee of irregularities All.hails iii' tite:ileck shall be carefully checked for protruding heads Re-fasten any loose decking panels:.Sweep the deck thgroughly to remove any dust and.debris prior to application_ 4. puPont'"Tyvek Profiec ]20 DuPont"Cyveka PioTec" IfiO,DuPont"Tyvek ProTec".200Root Underlayments shall:noi be hotmopped;refer to manufacturer's'pubhshed itteratuty for product compatibility, $; DuPont'"TyvgV P.xo`fec"'120;:DuPont!Tyvcle PioTc.c"'160,DuPbnf"'Tyvek".ProTcc.: 200Roof 7n4erlaym6ts shall notbe applied aver an:extsting roof membrane as a,rccover system 6, DuPont'"lyvek PrdTec'"1�0,IDuPb t"Tyveka.Protee"'160;WPont!"`Pytick'&ProTcc'"20IJRoof Und daytncnts slialk:not be leR exposed as a temporary rodtfor longer:than 30'days:of appl cotton NOkNo.::19.08J8.02 M tanoae irenx ExplrationDatc-bW11i5 ' ApproyaiDnte -.610120 P:agc3.of 4 i I i DuPont'"Ty"ck*proTec'"12t)Aupont Tyvek'�ProTec'"1.60;DuPont`"Tyvck�ProTec"'1001toaf ilnderlayments aze components used m roof systetn tissetnblies:.Roof system assemb►tes are approved under'a: specif"140 ce of Acci prance Refcrto Prepared Roofing system Brecltiot Control.Nonce ofAcceptuiice for ►fisted.approval otthis<product with specific;prepereii'roofing,products. $. Dupant"1 yvek ProTec 120.,DuPont'Tyvek PrciTec"'l bO DuPont'`Tyvekm Protec"'206 Roof. Underlayinerrts may be used Ivith anyapproved roof covertog,Notice of-Accep i.ke shttg'DuPont`Tyvek PrbTec"'122Q:DuPont T'yvek P.mTec14 1h0,DuPone"TyvektP6Tec`2DD.Roof''Underlayitents;as;a c6niponeitt:part666assembiy?in the Notice of Acceptance:'1f:DuPont"'Ty�ck Proles" 120 DuPont I yvciCr Prot aG" 160;:DuPonf"T'yvek ProTee" 20O Roof UndeAaynients are not,li$ted'a:request mgy`be:- made to the Audranty Having Jutlsdiction(AIIJ)ortlic Miami Dade Caunfy Product Controt llepattiitent for approval provided Spat appmpriatc doe mcfitatton is proVnded to detail c jtnpatl Hity.of thc:products wind uplift resisfpUce,and fire;testing;resuli& 9 Ali:productsaistcd herein shall have a qualityassurance audit,in;accordanr ewith 3beFl_oridaBuildang;Codc and. Rule 61G20=3 of the Flonda AdminiSfrtitve:Codc:. 10. Aflmembranes or packaging shall bear tlie;imprmt.or idennfable markiuig of the manufacturer`s name:or logo,. city;state and the fQ}lotvtngatefement "Miami-Dade:.County`ProductCoptrol Approved"of Effie Miami Dade. County Prbdi3ct Cantrot Seal'as shown below,. MIAMMADE COUMY i tz� i DuPoat t►ek<Protec-.1M ' �RAUtIp$USJtRtAYtddllr tfbas��diSFdpac�lal/Luepmattxtwy .__ drraarnRa.wnOaw »a+tu•w7rW x7Kaalo7o 1- DuPont-iyvrr Pratoi 16o D PonirFyveEr:> R0U7WC4NAIIFJt1AY�d.J'1}';/sau•[untliop�F[c»2/67siPaT81et6cs.. (t00ik�G UbDCRlA'R..tfft/loUi� tFSQpWrrLit(.")M.64!atd - ail ! ?N`'tl�M+....ifuY,bsfL'fMNX•RyfS.yM 7C.a A�,*a'1 - M.:kii�'{L644'�+►/1J WRA'17.�•Y110.►�911.74x7R.ia!{1Y1:gq. - . END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA Flo I9-08Z8 02 ntnM eou Erpiiation Date :01/23/l5: 40t'ovat Dnte..:Ot/Zwl2o' Pa e:4of 4: i i I i i