HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct approvals, underlayments 5112l2020 <Mfami=bade County Mamtipade Comfy Building Prod4ctjnfonm4tion orico-k19-082002 NOA ,g-0az$.o2 ([e�rylproyabtoozitrai({{ija/r9os29o2:daf 1,: Superseded.By FIte:Status, Fila Approved Fits Classification. Migh:ve[ooity hurcicone zone Category: Roofing, $ubcaiegory. Undeiayments Mateital: Poiypropylene Applicant WPoot dq Nemaurs,Ind.f' (l Mail enn.asn7aep,_0169 1032051 Ecpiration_Da[e' Janu2.ryl23I2025 dmpact_Rale Unselaoted L Unknown. Maxiinum_1]esign�,P.ressute�Positive: :4. Nlaxtmurs t)esign_pressiire Nogative .0 Description OuFont Tyvek.Pfak,voi Qupbiit Tyvek ProTec 16t1 DuPont Tyvgk pmTeo200 E1e6 S itteInable_Attdbutes NONE. Fora detMed desdoo.066.on the:f da ttatu6;dick life A OA File Stetb Key_(R,uildirigi c ie ut ketTarig a v_j Page U.4Edhd:Wed aam25 2dV M40i27 AU MIAMI w)vw."0FTtilade,SpA4ildinglpCresult app.asp?IIdNOA=1g-0828;0286a5ieSearcryi-Go&claesilkaGbn=O%2CUnWgwn+%2FfUrisel0aed 2tla8 ppli.. Ill e F�1 PY I I ViiA N4 M 1111iCM1 DADE:COUNTI.' PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPMITMES pF:RECULATORY AND:Et ONO�t]CRESOURCE3.(4ER) m305 SW 26 8t 04 Rovm208 go 11tb:AN1TGUAE Ap 1tINISTR.ATIOY DIVISiOY 2 mm—!FlofiW 175=2474 Tt796)3t5y2390 F.Q$ 315:2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE% NOA): �+vp•tnlamidwde eov/economy 06rit De Nemours;laic: 974 Centre Road' Citostnut Run Map 721.-2246 WiLningtbn,DE:19iJ05. SCOPE:. This NOA:is being issued under the applieatile rules.and regulationS governiog:t. ose of cocistmction mtiterutJs.The docuincntahon sutiaiittad ligs.becn revictved aniT.acceptcd:by iVirami=Dade Couttty RER-Product Coiiuol Scctiiinto be used in Mianii Dada.County and other the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ) IUh NO l:shall:got be valld after the expiration,datc stated below;TheMlami=Dade County ProdaGt,Control Section (ia Miami-Dade County)andlor theMJ(1n areas other thatiMiaml Dade County)rescri!e rho rtghlto have this.product or material tested forquality a ssurauco:purpos.0 4 thus product or material failsto performm theaeeepted naaDner;the manufacturer will incur the expense ofsuch testing and the:AhlJ Ma.y►mmedlately revokes modify,or suspend the:use o'f such product or m:teriat within their}unsdicdbii. RERreserves.the.nght to re6oke tfis:acceptance;tf it is ct C n 'io t t ttt s roduct.or taterial faitsto meet there uitenieats determined by Mtami Dade ofthe applicable butldmg code. Thts product is approved asdesenbed:hcretn and'fias been:design comply�VIW:the Florida BuiIdmg Code tnetgding the High yc[ocity Iiurric�me Zone of,,the'Florida Building Code.. 1)9$CRlP 'ION .:DuPonf"Tvveks PrnTW"120;DuPont"Tyvelst 4. ProTec'"160'D.uPont"'Tyvcic'P 1'�07ec 20U; LAAEUNG.)~acktitit shalt:beara per manent:l bal with the manufucturet's]iam.e.or logo,at state and following statement:"Mtnmt=Dade County Prbthiof:Contml`Approved' unless.otherwise noted'Jierein: RENEWAL of this NO.A.shall bo:cotiWered..46-k a renewaF appltcotion has liecn.fcicd:and thete:tiasbeen"an iti the applicablebuildmg code negaiively Air, iig.the poriotmance:Of. tl s product: TERMINATTON of this TOA will.oceur after tlib expiration date or if themlias been;a revuton'or;change mafii. materials:use apd/nr manufnCture of'the product of proces4-Micusa o.4his NOA.as an endorsement ofaay pcadisa,for sales,ativeittstng or any other.purposcs:$halt:automattciil `temtivatb.tlits NOA Faiiure.to comply t thanyscotion of: thts NOAshall because for terinmahon:and removal of NOA• ADVERT1SEi<'IENT:.fhe NOA number preceded by the:words Migni Dade:County;Florida;and followed by the expiration date may be displayed to ad*rtistng:liferatuie. lf.any portion of tha>NOA.is displayed,.then 1 shut!be done in its ctitirety. II SI'ECT[ON:.A copy o£tliis entue'I�JOA.shalUbe provided to the:user by rile inatiufaeturer or ifs distributors and shall be available for mspecfiiirt at the jtib site at rile request of the'Building Official: This NpA revlsesNOA 19-6109.07 consists of pages l thrbugJi.:4: The submitted documentation was reviewcd;by Freddy Seimio NOA Noam 19-0928.62' IaHwnnEcoutrry Expiration Date 01/23/25 ' • ' .' Approval Date;..01/23/20' , Pnge'tof 4 I I i I i AOUFING:Ct3MP0 'AN P APPRQVAL cnta o c Roofing Sub-Csteearv. Undutaymcnt eetal PolyproPpicnc: SCOP.EI This approves EhIN "°°Cy,&V PeoTee—120,DuPdfie!yvelcQb`Priffie"164,DuNjW'Tvvek"ProTec`"2t10:;as described in tlns.Nodec of Aeccptnnce;dcs�gued to:comply�vith:thc F16r a;Buildwg Code:including the High;VeIocity Hurrtcane'Zone Qf fire Florida Bwidttig.Cod0: TAADE;NAMMOP PAdkI TS'MAiWFACTUAED'QR LABELED.BX APPLICANT: Test Product- Product, glmensions Speclficatian Description DuPont"Tyvelc° 48"Y250'rgils ASTMD226, ype 1Vovensynttiehcpolynierunderlaymentwithi<vb Pr4lec`"1I0 261bs..per roll.. I&II. sides coated-with iN protected and sltp resistant polymer stabilizedpolypropylene.on botllsides: DuPont Tyvek 48"x 250'rolls. .ASTM 0226-`[';ape Woven synthetic polymerundeclayment with nvo ProTec' i6ti.. 32bs por roll I&ii sides coated with UV protected.atd slip resistant. polymer stalii[zed polypropylene on both sides.: D t T.ek 49.x 25iYrolls ASTM b226.'T e.Woven thetk of ertundeila. ent With two upon. yv Yp. SXx! P. Y� Ym ProTec'":1Ut1 35'Ibs. :er:roil: I:&IL sides coated.withUV miected and slt resistant P p P :. polyineT stabilized polypropylene:on:.both shies. 11'MANUFAC!'UIiINCr I,OCAT :: L :Qindao,China EVIDENCE Si7 MITT'Em TestAmncy 1'est:Identifier Test ltir+►rielRenort Date Infortgk:TestmgScMces 101:$6600SCOQ-002A PhysioalFropertics. 11110114' i01866009C0Q•001 A5"I`MD:22fi I37171.14. Nemofeic:. 4j:Dits-i9-ssudwl-A: ASTMD.226 491itilt9: NQA_io,..I9-oSZ8102' Mt ®u Ezpirittap Date- OIJ13125. Approval Datc.0IIZ3/Z0 Pige 3 6f 4 I I i I I I INSTAI LATtO,-4 SPECIFICATIONS.tSinele Layer;gloves of 242 ar.ag erl BuPoni'"7 jek�:t!m 1 ec"`12b;,�uPont"'Tyvc0.T•rdfec'"160E DuPont'"Tyvek ;l'raTec"20aRoof t7nsterlai.tnCu! I:. DuPont"':TyvdV Prdfe67 t.ZO.DuPouf"`Cyti ek .ProTec'"1.60 DUPone Tyvekg ProTee"'200of 8o Underlaymcnts shall.be instaltccl In strict cnmplatce with applicable 13tilding:Cod�. I 2 DuPont'tyvek-PrbT 124,:DuPonr"Tyvek9 PmTec`"160 DuPanie*TyVcV Pro7ec'16 P.00f Underlay-m,ents shall be installed with u'ininimum 4 inch horizontal lap and fi inch 6ttical(bps in.a shingle, er fashin t Vertical!aps in.a gicceeding caarse:shalFbe staggered.from those in precciting cotirse:bjr: lev animmtun.d�£eet; ; 3.. 'DuPont Tyvek ProTec 12t3;buPonk `Cyvek ProTec 1:6f1,DuPont Tyvelc�ProTec ZOR Rozi€ ; Underlayo.ients shall lie fastenerl.�wvt pproved roofing nails and tui-Gaps spaced b o.e.at nil laps slid.Hires staggered rows faateiied!?"bG in the_field of the poll: 4 .DuPont"'1 yuek�PruTec`"120 DaPoat T yvefr9D ProTeG'":164,DuPflnt"'Tyvck'wo-Tee`-20 l Da Underlaytiiegts may'be t;sed Evith Asphat{c stungies,iVgod shoes and sSsi icsi Non sic Nc al metai:roofing;. arsd quzrly. atc ! S For fire classifieatioa of spegiftc cool:assemblies Using.IiU,opt"7 yveO Pibtee 124 DuPont'"Tyvek°i'` ProTec" .164, A�il4iit'"Tyvek Prolee'"2oR idof Undetlaymettts tefer to:H ctmettt tgpproved.Itoofin Iaterials;Directoyfor firerntitigs of this:produet, *ILDINGPERMITRe,QUIREMENTS: Application for building permit shall be Accompanied by copies o£the following:. I, This Noticeb£Acce lance.. I II p. 2. Ady other:dacunlents requireil:by.the Auilding OtlMod or appl cable intilding e0clo h ordsrto properly eyaltiate: .thetaliacion ins af.this material;: LIMITATIONS 1. Fire classification is not parrofthis acceptance;refer to a eurrent Approved Roofing Matcia is. Directory for fie ratings:of this produtat; . This lcceptaiice is for.prepared roafing:applteatioiiq;;Miu irium deck rcgw_ cements shalt.6e.;in COOV auce with 00licalik btiddingcode 3. DiilsonE'"1'+zek pro'Cee 120;;17uPortt'°fyvek'�PrgTec'"166,DuPont"Tyvek�ProTec"20O R66 Under}aytnettis shall lie appliedto a smogth elean:and dry surface with:deek frec_oi irreguimities AlTiiatls m the deck s6ail be carefully.checked:forpcotrudiag hcods.Re-fasten any loose decking panels: Sweep tie:dtcFc tt orottghly'to rcmor any dust and dctirispnofto upplie4,6M d.. AuPoiit"`T}Rvels Pro Gee 12t),:DuPont'Tyv.iV P oTe6`160,I)uPone Tprck`Prd1`ee"`:106 o£ Jnderlayrrietits sh#1 A be Pint inopped,wfler to ru"'a hcturer?s published literature for product compatibility,. 5. Dupont"Tyveki9PiaTce'"1�0;:DuPon&Tyvek PrdT 160,UuPont"`Tyvelc ProTec .204Roof Underlaymgnts shall not be applied aver an existing toof mcribranc as.arecoyet system. +&, DUPontTyvekeP;oTec 124DuFgnt"Tyveki'toTec'"1do;DuPont'"'TysekProToa'"2(MRoaf thtderlayments:sUatlsot bi 1i It exposed as a temporary roof for longer:than 30'days of application , i I NO k"40 to-d 8 02: ntaHtaanaeouN ExpiatitionDate 01123. �`�i� approval Dale.:0112312t1. Pageld 4 I ! I I ! I i I 7. DOW*'T" yVeV ProTec 120;I?uPont"'Tyvek*ProTec'".160;Di.Pont"'lyvek'P ProTce 200 Roof Underlaymeitts are components'.tised m ro0f.sys, ma Roof system assembltes:are;�pprove 1,under a specific Notice of Acceptance'.ltefer:fo Prepared Rgotingsyslem Pioiiucf Cotitrol,I3otice:ofAccepi ce for listed approval oftNis produci with spedi 5c prepareilroo ng'.prodgcts. 8, DOont"''Tyyek Pr6fcc 120,-DuPont".ryvok flix Tec 160,:DuPorit".`Ty ek ProTec 200 Roof.. V derlayments may tie used\Wil any.app6o ed roof covering:Notice of ticceptat t a Lsting;DuPont"`fyveir� .ProT e"120,DO nt'�Tyvek�P:roTee" (b0;DuPont"'Tyvcls°'ProTec`",200:.RoofUndedayments as_a componentipatbofiin:ass embly`ipiheNoticeof:Acceptance;If.DuPonf"Ty�ek ProTecW 12t? DuPonf" I yvck Pro l co"160,;puPanY'"lyvek AroTeq' 206 Roof.Underlaytnents are not:liked,'a-request maybe: tnade to tlio,Authority liat iig,funsdccftori(E.M. or.tltc Miaau-Dade County Product Coiittot bepa*ent for approval pirovtded fhaf appropriate documentation islirbvrdcd.to detail compatibility of tfie:produets avind: uplift res►staiice and_fire testing;resutts_ 9;. A1lproducts.l>sted hen in shall bate a qual tyassurancc audit.in accordaticetixith:ibe Florida:BuildmgCode and Rule 61026-3 ofthe Florida minit6ttat ve.Code, joe AU membranes orpac..agtng sha11 bear the;imprutt.rir idennt3uble in of the manufacturer's nanworlogo,. eity,state and the;folloj"ng.statement,'Yvliamt Dade;County:Product:Control Approved"o .ihe Miami=Dade. County Product Co»ttol Seal as;showitbelow. C.M41. E COUNtY 11uftht T ye,�' atec 120 RfiROr+4U.?7EWanalM ltoas�uktpa".r1d1�0asepam ttR�laO - k;fi9l'7tt6R�w�.ltq 7A7i11tL�1PaYt.iirH 7�.l NtA74,VM'1,... . DuPo>!t-Tyvek Prate l+�0 6UPont�'pOk.PrO6 AOati9GLLPos4lYle2i7';7aanscautiaW*t�Zl6ns:Parafc[Im3. ROOtfJG UH➢CAL{YbSHf jSa�F<oc[6Mp6rt031�1•iSl Mi�►Kdt4 ,ii-�f.Y�'noy.s:.iriyM1 ».a.irr..�fr.i.7-mina MLti+`I-. .ca::rasa•itos�r».c►7f�aiaY42.pQ.t�ryaiA mi7/:ia�a9 . i. END OF TWS:ACCEPTANCE NOA No 19 0818 02 twu+wuw corm Ezpiratian Dale;O1/Z3/Z5 1� ppprovalD.ate_01123126 Page 4 of 4 I