HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy CodeFORM 60OA-2004R EnergyGauge® 4.5.2 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: Mod-305 Builder. Jacobsen Homes Address: 10701 South Ocean Drive Permitting Office: St. Lucie County City, State: Jensen Beach, FL 34957- Permit Number: Owner: Barbara Stahl Jurisdiction Number. Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing New _ 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family a. Central Unit APPROVED BY Cap: 20.5 kBtwhr 3. Number of units, ifmuld-family I _ _ SEER: 13.00 4. Number of Bedrooms 2 — b. N/A _ 5. Is this a worst case? No MAR 1 6 2007 — 6. Conditioned floor area (ft') 901 ft' c. NIA 7. Glass typel and area: (babel reqd. _ by 13-104.4.5 if not default) f47rp INC. _ a. U-factor: Description Area 13. Heating sysie (or Single or Double DEFAULT) 7a. (Dble, U=0.3) 133.3 W _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 14.2 kBUvhr _ b. SHGC: HSPF: 7.70 (or Clear or Tint DEFAULT) 7b. (Clear) 133.3 ft' _ b. NIA _ 8. Floor types _ a. Raised Wood, Post or Pier R=22.0, 901.0ft' _ c. N/A b. N/A c, N/A _ 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types a. Electric Resistance Cap: 30.0 gallons a. Frame, Wood, Exterior R=19.0,9083 ft= _ EF: 0,93 T_ b. NIA _ b, N/A c, N/A _ _ d. N/A _ c. Conservation credits e. N/A _ (HR-Heat recovery, Solar 10. Ceiling types _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R 30.0, 911.0 ft' 15, HVAC credits PT, CF, _ b. N/A _ (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, c. N/A _ HF-Whole house fan, 11. Ducts _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con_ AH: Interior Sup. R=6.0, 70.8 ft MZ-C-Multlzone cooling, b. N/A _ MZ-H-Multlzone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.15 Total as -built points: 11906 PASS Total base points: 12669 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are In compll ce with th lorida Energy Code, PREPARED BY: DATE: I hereby certify that t ' tiding, as designed, Is In compliance with the Florida E rgy C de. OWNER/AGE a.. DATE:3—}-7-OCr! Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation Indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction Is completed this building will be Inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. 11 i DATE: 1 Predominant glass type. For actual glass type and areas, see Summer & Winter Glass output an pages 2&4. IF EnergyGauge® (Version: FLRCSB v4.5.2) Summary Energy Code Results Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Barbara Stahl Project Title: Class 3 Rating 10701 South Ocean Drive Mod-305 Registration No. 0 Jensen Beach, FL 34957- Climate: Central 3/13/2007 Building Loads Base As -Built Summer: 17605 points Summer: 23144 points Winter: 3659 points Winter: 2029 points Hot Water: 4526 points Hot Water: 4526 points Total: 25791 points I Total: 29700 points Energy Use Base As -Built Cooling: 6722 points Cooling: 6065 points Heating: 2027 points Heating: 974 points Hot Water: 4920 points Hot Water: 4867 points Total: 12669 points Total: 11906 points PASS e-Ratio: 0.94 EnergyGauge®(Version: FLRCSB v4.5) APPROVED BY MAR 1 6 2007 INC. FORM 60OA-2004R EnergyGauge® 4.6.2 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: 10701 South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL, 34957- PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang FloorArea Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .18 901.0 24.35 3949.0 1.Double,U-0.35,Clear NE 0.8 5.4 15.3 43.69 0.98 652.0 2.Double,U=0.35,Clear NE 0.8 5.4 12.8 43.69 0.98 645.0 3.1)ouble,U=0.35,Clear NE 0.8 3.8 8.5 43.69 0.94 349.0 4.Double,U=0.35,CIear NW 1.1 7.8 12.8 38.2e 0.98 480.0 APPROVED BY 5,Double,U=0.35,CIear NW 1.1 5.4 12.8 38.26 0.95 463.0 6.0ouble,U=0.35,Clear NW 1.2 7.2 6.1 38.26 0.97 225.0 NW 1.2 8.1 6.1 38.28. 0.98 228.0 00orP7.Double,U=0.35,Clear MAR 1 6 2001 8 Double,u�.35,Clear SW 0.8 5.4 25.5 52.19 0.97 1297.0 9.Double,U--0.35,Claar SW 0.8 3.8 4.1 52.19 0.92 193,0 Iw ' �' I 10.Double,Ua0.35,Clear II.Double,U=0.35,Clear SE SE 1.1 5A 1.1 5.8 25.5 4.1 55.70 0.93 55.70 • 0.94 1322.0 212.0 As -Built Total: 133.3 5966.0 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 1. Frame, Wood, Exterior 19.0 908.3 1.00 908.3 Exterior 908.3 1.90 1725.8 Base Total: 908.3 1726.8 As -Built Total: 908.3 908.3 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 1.Extedor Insulated 43.4 4.80 208.3 Exterior 43.4 4.80 208.3 Base Total: 43.4 208.3 As -Built Total: 43A 208.3 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type ' R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 901.0 2.13 1919.1 1. Under Attic 30.0 911.0 2.13 X 1.00 1940A Base Total: 901.0 1919.1 As -Built Total: 911.0 1940.4 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 0.0(p) 0.0 0.0 1. Raised Wood, Post or Pier 22.0 901.0 1.30 1228.1 Raised 901.0 -3.43-3090.4 Base Total: -3090.4 As -Built Total: 901.0 1228.1 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM • = Points 901.0 14.31 12893.3 901.0 14.31 12893.3 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2004R EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2004R FLRCSB v4.5.2 I FORM 60OA-2004R EnergyGaugeO 4.5.2 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: 10701 South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL, 34957- PERMIT *: I BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 17605.1 Summer As -Built Points: 23144.4 Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (System - Points) (DM x DSM x AHU) (sp 1: Central UnH 20600btuh ,SEER/EFF(13.o) Duds:Umc S),Con(R),Int(AH),RO.O(INS) 231" 1.00 (1.08 x 1:150 x 0.90) 0.260 0.902 6065.0 17605.1 0.3250 5721.7 23144.4 1.00 1.117 0.260 0.902 6065.0 APPROVED BY w owrA . NMAR 1 6.z001 .INC.. EnergyGauge°" DCA Form 60OA-2004R EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2004R FLRCSB v4.5.2 FORM 60OA-2004R EnergyGauge® 4.5,2 . WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: 10701 South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL, 34957- PERMIT #: - BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BWPM = Points _ Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Polnt .18 901.0 9.11 1477.0 1.Double,U=0.35,Clear NE 0.8 5.4 16.3 3.88 1.00 59.0 2.Double,U=0.35,Clear NE 0.8 5.4 12.8 3.88 1.00 49.0 3.Double,U=0.35Clear NE 0.8 3.8 8.5 3.88 1.o0 33.0 4.Double,U=0.35,Clear NW 1.1 7.8 12.8 4.08 1.00 51.0 APPROVED 5.Double,U=0.35,Clear NW 1.1 5.4 12.8 4.08 1.00 51.0 BY 6.Double,U=0.36,CIaar NW 1.2 7.2 6.1 4.08 1.00 24.0 7.Double,Um0.35,Clear NW 1.2 8.1 6.1 4.08 1.00 24.0 R 6 Z Double,U=0.35,Clear . Double, U=0.35,Clear SW SW 0.8 5.4 0.8 3.8 25.6 4.1 1.45 1.45 1.01 1.02 37.0 5.0 10.13oubie,U=0.35,Clear SE 1A 5.4 25.5 0.69 1.03 18.0 C. I1.Double,U=0.35,CIear SE 1.1 5.8 4.1 0.69 1.03 2.0 As -Built Total: 133.3 363.0 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type ' R Value Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 1. Frame, Wood, Exterior 1910 908.3 1.10 999A Exterior 908.3 2.00 1816.6 Base Total: 908.3 1618.6 As -Built Total: 908.3 999.1 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Paints Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 1.Extedor Insulated 43.4 5.10 221.3 Exterior 43.4 5.10 221.3 Base Total: 43.4 221.3 As -Built Total: 43.4 221.3 CEILING TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 901.0 0.64 576.6 1. Under Attic 30.0 911.0 0.64 X 1.00 583.0 Base Total: 901.0 576.6 As -Built Total: 911.0 683.0 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = -Points Slab 0.0(p) 0.0 0.0 1. Raised Wood, Post or Pier 22.0 901.0 0.14 125.2 Raised 901.0 -0.20 -180.2 Base Total: -180.2 As -Built Total: 901.0 125.2 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 901.0 -0.28 -252.3 901.0 -0,28 -252.3 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2004R EnergyGaugeWlaREW2004R FLRCSB v4.5.2 FORM 60OA-2004R EnergyGauge® 4.5.2 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: 10701 South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL, 34957. PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 3659.1 Winter As -Built Points: 2029.6 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (System - Points) (DM x DSM x AHU) 1 (sys 1: Electric Heat Pump 14200 btuh ,EFF(7.7) Ducts:Unc(S),Con(R),int(AH),RB.O 2029.5 1.000 (1.066 x 1.160 x 0.92) 0.443 0.950 974.0 3669.1 0.5540 2027.1 2029.5 1.00 , 1.140 0.443 0.950 974.0 APPROVED BY 1 4004 NAMAR 1 6 �2007 INC. EnergyGaugeTM DCA Form 600A-2004R EnergyGaugeVFIaRES'2004R FLRCSB v4.5.2 I FORM 60OA-2004R EnergyGaugeG 4,5.2 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: 10701 South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL, 34957- PERMIT * BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X . Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 2 2460.00 4920.0 30.0 0.93 2 1.00 2433.55 1.00 4867.1 MmBuilt Total: 4867.1 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Hot Water Total Points points Points Points Cooling + Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points Points 5722 2027 4920 12669 ' 6065 974 4867 11906 PASS -- APPROVED BY 00or014 MAR 16 Z007 PINC. EnergyGaugeTM DCA Form 600A 2004R EnergyGauge®/FIaRES'200411 FLRCSB v4.5.2 APPLICATION ENGINEERING FOR HEATING AND COOLING JACOBSEN HOMES 001 4tr1 St. North Saloty Harbor, FL 2489E Manufaasttlror's Model 0: MCP-1631-306 HVAC Systern Typo: OVERHEAD RADIAL FLEX FOR EXT PACKAGE HIP Prepared By LaSalle-Alr Systome OV07107 {Method S Output C 2067) ;fit rlonts r#somld' ms tntompayAm er0/nl iry no Llla/lo Snare! Co. A. oltbga. Celowarrvns oa lets Pape Grp slow on d"tpn paranietera 401 long In ASHRAts end ACGA MAntlels 1 and 0. OestOn Gatculattons are based on worst cue ortemaflon. Room loads may vvy based on actual condttlorn. ENTIRE HOUSE VALUES - DESIGN ZONE: St Lucie, FL- CENTRAL ML.180 Law MIMI PUh 112e4d on outeids tong of 9a'F pith ineida tarp reduced to 75'F. MATDta 10ADt 14,9430 a7Uh hued ou outside teap of 036r nick ioaids sop rained co 701r. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS & U FACTORS (22.1WO) OVTRALL "t A126: 47.00 :t 21.88 16TAL FLOOR AARA: $90.DE I.T. AVC C9I1.I110 News MOO in. Roam 0.030 FLOOR DUCTBt 0.000 TRUG OUTSIDE P681616TEH: 137,33 Tt WALLS: 0,061 CEILIM DUCT$: 0.107 NET alALL AREA: 910.61 a.f. FLOM: 0.045 eXTERML DUCTS: 0,197 TOTAL WINDMI AAW 13$.0$ 11.1. WINM' 0,100 CLO DUCT AA$A: $6.7 W. TOTAL WIMM"ll AAM 0.04 e.4. w1Nn0a7t 0,400 EXT OUST ARMt 69.0 4.f. WINDOW, % oT door: 14.00% DOORS! 0,460 PEDaLE: a TOTAL DOOR AREA: 43.2E 11.1. LAT.GAIN: 2413.4 DUCT 0AT1{fL098;24E'I,2118/8.3 it161IWIN INFIL: 71.0I1A2.1 cTS ROOM BY ROOM VALUES Neat loss, heat gain and OFN regpireeelits lased on cooling equipawt daeign Standards. ROOM MANE HFATING COOLINl1 CPU • aTUh LOSS ATUh GRIN DIET ...................................................... Kitchen 1,210 1,77E $7 LSYind flocs 2,071 3,P70 140 8edroon all 3,710 5,088 203 •_"-Rath Al atal 1,060 34 1AT14 al 07a 1,080 as 9EIDROWA 112 1,740 2,401 91 DIN1110 R00N ...................................................... 2,804 4,882 178 TCliALB: 14,230 20,681 750 Divot daaign valuas when connaotid to 4011Mrd residential CA11bratall 8lowor To" squippant, 0 .30 in, W,C, COOLING COOLING Gird alulr cttl aTOh .................. 108 3,240 ...................... 117 3,900 210 0,400 213 7.100 210 8,30o 210 7,100 61 I'm 7a 2.800 as 2,470 a aril! 102 3,240 111 3,000 107 5,010 211 7,033 .................. 008 29,400 ...................... 1,040 34,Ea17 FArlura to /nalArl 11441040 or soolrno sgoMme/tr UTAt plodUees the To1N Dsalan CPM far fUlU 0ooaa mAy ►sattlf In art uhbatanced duet sysforn. • DUCT AIR FLOW AND SIZING WORKSHEET (MANUAL D) Manufacturer. JACOBSEN HOMES Model 0: MCP-1038.306 901 4th Street N, System Type: Overhead Radist Flex for Ext Package Safety Harbor. FL Design Zone: FL•Cemrsl Ptepmd by LaSalfe Air Syatomt 03t W007 A11dphte maNad 01a informtHen prepNatary to LaSa11a 94te/ Ca, and ellants. Calculefiona include factors tot duct sit•larnparature ohangs andpnssure dtcps through ducts. Adjointa are tightly frHad orsaded. 14231 btuh Total Meet Loss Blower CFM 788 Q 0.8 E.B.P. 20981 btuh Total Hat Oaln TEL- 272 FRO 0,107 (A/C Colf indudec0 Uaar Input ROOM -BY -ROOM ANALYSIS Final Final Trunk Metal K Om Flax Onto/ Total Eq. Heat Cod Heat Cool Design Round Pact Size RoundVa loclty 8 Duet (h)Duct (ft)Duet (h)Fhdnps(ft) Lanpth Btuh Ittuh cfm ch efm Slze (W.) x (l.d.) Size fpm M, BEDROOM 1 34 le0 104 3730 SW 94 212 212 6.25 0 6.0 600.3 M, BATH 2 39 170 209 075 1032 17 40 a0 3.98 0 e.0 203.1 LIVING ROOM 1 39 180 109 2073 $070 46 153 153 729 0 8.0 4302 KITCHEN 2 28 180 168 1219 157E 21 59 59 A.71 0 6.0 300.e DINING ROOM 2 40 170 210 2904 4862 46 t89 189 8.04 0 8.0 a96.9 BEDROOM 02 2 29 180 189 1740 2491 30 94 94 9.84 0 6.0 478.3 BATH ill 1 2b 180 189 "1 109 17 40 40 3.85 0 4.0 453.E APPROVED BY AR 16 NiINC. 14131 20581 ?all 766 796 TRUNK01 20 e5 115 7321 10569 404 0.32 0 10.0 741.1 TRUNKU2 20 93 11S 6216 9999 302 9.21 0 10.0 699.8 TRUNK oo 0 0 0 TRUNK04 0 0 0 TRUNK98 0 0 0 LONGEST RETURN DUCT 12 50 02 786 12.45 19 30 20.8 158.7 Homes Installed in wind -debris regions must have provisionstect the exterior glazing In windows and doors. Refer to Florida Building Code (FBC) figure 1609 for regions requiring this additional protection. Contact the local official to determine if your specific.area is located in wind -debris regions. The protection for exterior glazing may be provided by the following: Regions with 140 MPH max. wind speed (per 1609.1.4 of FBC): 7116" minimum APA rated sheathing for opening up to 8' maximum. Sheathing shall be precut so they shall be attached to the framing surrounding the opening containing the product with the glazed opening. Panel shall predrilled as required for the anchorage method and all required hardware shall be provided. Attachment in accordance with table 1609.1.4 (see below), with permanent corrosion resistant attachment hardware provided and anchors permanently installed on the building is permitted for buildings with a Mean roof height of 45 or less (140 mph max). Table 1601.9.4 Wind -Borne debris protection fastening schedule for wood structural panels 14" Fastener Fastener a cIn in. type Panel S an </= 2 ft 2'< Panel S an <4' 4'< Panel Span <6' 6'< Panel Span <8' Wood screws, 2" min. embedment* 16 16 10 8 screws, 2"min. embedment! 16 16 12 9 lag screws, 2" min. embedment* 16 16 16 16 Notes: 1. This table based on a maximum wind speed of 140 mph & mean roof height of 45' or less. 2. Fasteners shall be installed at opposing end of the wood structural panel. 3.` Where screws are attached to masonry or masonry/stucco. They shall be attached using vibration anchors having a 1500# withdrawal capacity. Regions with wind speed in excess of 140 MPH: Protection of exterior glazing In windborne debris regions with wind speed in excess of 140 mph must be provided per Florida Building . Check with local officials or a local professional engineer for required protection procedures and materials. Only In absence of Information from your local officials or a Florida professional engineer the following procedure may be followed. The protection for exterior glazing may be provided by APA rated sheathing,installed over the window and doors per table 1. All specffied•sheathing MUST be precut and prepared with all required fasteners. Sheathing is to be boned to the window frame with.a 0.19" dia, bolt with 5/8" washer, and a common nut. The bolts ere spaced 6" on center along the long sides of the window frame. Holes will have to be predrilled Into the window frame. Use sheathing listed In table below for the application of this type of window covering, For doors, sliding glass doors and windows without flange, remove mounting screws holding the door or window frame to exterior wail. Place the required plywood (from table below) over the door or window framing and fasten the plywood and framing back Into the wall studs through the same holes In the door or window frame, Use #84" screws 6" o.c. for windows, and #80" screws 4" c.c, for sliding glass doors, See Figure 1 for a typical application of this type of protective covering. TABLE 1 MAXIMUM WINDOW PLYWOOD TYPE REQUIREMENTS 30.5" 5/8" APA rated ply. 40/20 span rating 36.5" 7/8" APA rated ply. 48/24 span rating 40" 3/4" APA rated ply. 48124 span rating 46.5" 7/16" APA rated ply, w/wood framing 72" 7116" APA rated ply. w/wood framing • • See Figure next page for wood framing construction APPROVED BY 40" N A il, V �MA.`R 16 1W J C Jacobsen -Homes MEX-02-00tt,&11 Notes: 1. This table based on a maximum wind speed of 140 mph & mean roof height of 45' or less. 2. Fasteners shall be installed at opposing end of the wood structural panel. 3.` Where screws are attached to masonry or masonry/stucco. They shall be attached using vibration anchors having a 1500# withdrawal capacity. Regions with wind speed in excess of 140 MPH: Protection of exterior glazing In windborne debris regions with wind speed in excess of 140 mph must be provided per Florida Building . Check with local officials or a local professional engineer for required protection procedures and materials. Only In absence of Information from your local officials or a Florida professional engineer the following procedure may be followed. The protection for exterior glazing may be provided by APA rated sheathing,installed over the window and doors per table 1. All specffied•sheathing MUST be precut and prepared with all required fasteners. Sheathing is to be boned to the window frame with.a 0.19" dia, bolt with 5/8" washer, and a common nut. The bolts ere spaced 6" on center along the long sides of the window frame. Holes will have to be predrilled Into the window frame. Use sheathing listed In table below for the application of this type of window covering, For doors, sliding glass doors and windows without flange, remove mounting screws holding the door or window frame to exterior wail. Place the required plywood (from table below) over the door or window framing and fasten the plywood and framing back Into the wall studs through the same holes In the door or window frame, Use #84" screws 6" o.c. for windows, and #80" screws 4" c.c, for sliding glass doors, See Figure 1 for a typical application of this type of protective covering. TABLE 1 MAXIMUM WINDOW PLYWOOD TYPE REQUIREMENTS 30.5" 5/8" APA rated ply. 40/20 span rating 36.5" 7/8" APA rated ply. 48/24 span rating 40" 3/4" APA rated ply. 48124 span rating 46.5" 7/16" APA rated ply, w/wood framing 72" 7116" APA rated ply. w/wood framing • • See Figure next page for wood framing construction APPROVED BY 40" N A il, V �MA.`R 16 1W J C Jacobsen -Homes MEX-02-00tt,&11 APPROVED BY 40" N A il, V �MA.`R 16 1W J C Jacobsen -Homes MEX-02-00tt,&11 FIGURE 1 - PROTECTION OF WINDOWS AND SLIDING DOORS: ti MYWOODfAM Is LUMBER SHEATHING KR ISO mpn WNDOINSIMNO CHART Dwt am SPETABLa t. as a ]"WOOD SCRSWSl�6'O.C, 1, I . .19 dlaaetec bolt with 3!S" watber and eommaD nut. u 6" .. . . WW" ac4maxbnuma Place washer bdwsm be beid g I x lumber Window 4aae Plywood ue speciled spex.far Tablet. _ 1 x kmber(aaySrwkSPP) S=ON Be I x2 At4Y ORAD6. PASTENTD I x 4'S Wn-ed NABS �filCf t INTSRSHCRON pt�T 7x4A2SPYIVO.CLAMMATIUQUIUDPoR463" — MEMBER PLYWOWFACA DRAW . SEE NOTES BELOW 0009FRAM6 WALLSTUDS • -1 fax?"WOODSCREWS raja"o.0 XNOB 1RAMDtO . BOX OUT POIIANYPROD"10NBON D= SECTION AA Notes: l) 7/16" plywood APA rated exterior sheathing with 20/0 span rating 2) Locate plywood seam over 2 x 4 member 3) Fasten plywood to 2 x framing members with full PVA white glue and 6d nails or #8 x 2" screws @ 6" o.c. all around n APPROVED BY MAR 16 '1007 Jacobsen Homes --+e` /A - 62.— 00 1 (A) i