HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject informationBath Fitter South Florida LLC 2701 Vista Parkway, TYPE. Contract BATH West Palm Beach, FL, 33411 DATE:2020-09-04 FITTER' - REF #:242-KE0L7VS8-RD0 Te1,561-214-7263 Fax: BFU242@bathfitter.com CUSTOMER BILLING ADDRESS SERVICE ADDRESS Elizabeth and Donald Magnuson 10 Lake Vista Trail, 107 10 Lake Vista Trail, 107 Port St Lucie, Florida, 34952 Port S1 Lucie, Florida, 34952 Tel: 772-340-7445 Tel: Email: rdiaz@bathlitter.com DESCRIPTION Shower / FSSB / Rectangle White marble 341N X 601N ' Center Drain i INCLUDED with Front Open Drains / Shower I Grate I C Organizational Items I Corner White marble Shelf 1 Oxford Corner Tower Shelf with Foot Rest Faucets I Moen Tub & Shower Chrome 12.5 GPM a0 Faucet Set / Chateau- y I y Positemp Faucets / Moen Valves / 1 NIA t mp Valve 2570 With i Shut Off Safety Options 1 Grab Bars / Chrome 1161N Knurled Grip Doors & Curtains / Doors / Chrome I Mislite I Elegance for Shower r I One Piece Seamless Wall 1 White marble Torino -Smooth Wall Miscellaneous Items PIu372 wall Preparation Wall prep Permit NA Shower NIA 601N I INCLUDED INCLUDED, t INCLUDED � INCLUDED 9 INCLUDED 1 INCLUDED 841N X 13214 (841N X 1321N) t INCLUDED 9 INCLUDED 1 INCLUDED t INCLUDED in Bath Fitter South Florida LLC 2701 Vista Parkway. TYPE: Contract BATH west Palm Beach, FL, 33411 DATE:2020-09-04 FITTER REF #:242-KE0L7VSB-RDO Tei:561-214-7263 Fax: BFU242@balhilitter.com DESCRIPTION a Miscellaneous Items Adhesive and supplies INCLUDED Miscellaneous Items Conversion SAME -DAY -PURCHASE MILITARY VA 1 INCLUDED $100.00 Sub Total $7,925.00 TOTAL $7,D25.00 Deposit/Payment $3r562.00 Balance due on completion $3,463.00 /Balance financed Cash and—tard that Beth Fitter and its representatives are not qualified to ad— me on mold datattion or clean-up.I have been offered a slip -resistant od,ding 25 an option for aneddltional cost -The talbaring Sattaohei terms and conditions establish my rights and obligations under this agreement, including those provided for by tray appitcable consumer protactian legislation. Estimate valid for 30 daye. i SIGNE by Diaz E-SIG nuson < . 1� — or 0 9 17: G T Raul Diaz Signature of Property Owner or Duly Authorized by Property Owner Bath Fitter South Florida LLC Bath Fitter South Florida LLC ("Bath FittarCJ") - Terms and Conditions — I lorida I. Contract Documents. The contract documents consist of this agreement (the ^ngr—ont"), the attached Order, all wnnen modiFcatians of the Agree..., or he Order pursuant to Section 6 below, any required notices end any separate warranty information provided by Bath Flttep6 (collcelively,'The Cmrraci Documents"). Scoye of Work. Bath FiueW agrees to provide all the labor and to do all the things necessary for she proper installation and completion of the project set forth in further detail on the anochcd Order (the "Pmjeci'). 3. Access.Owiteregrecs that Bath Fitlep$shail have complete useofand access to the Project Zocalion during reguiv business hours, upon reasonable advance notice to Owner. Owner shall remove all obstacles such ar rumituic and apphanccs from the installation area and Owner shall provide all heat and lighting for Bath Fiuenic to perform the Pr je 1. Dunng the installation, Bath Fillco& shall properly dispose afremnents and scrap matenal relating to the Project _ if a defect is alleged in either workmanship or product- iinmedia[r nolificauon must be made and Bath Filler& must he allowed ready access in orderro assess snit,'., make any repair of the alleged defects. 4. Existing Plumbing- It is expressly understood by the parties that neither Bath FitlWk or any Bath Tutting employee, agent or subcontractor is a licensed architect or professional engineer Bath FiherIC is not responsible for inspecting, servicing, or modifying your existing plumbing fixities and l"acilities_ Because the existing plumbing at the Project location may be old, corroded, or in need of repair or mplacemenl Bath Finem camial he responsible for damage to the cluvmc finish, blacked drains or plumbing below or behind the tub, including shut-otfralves, or farany, damage caused by faulty plumbing. Bath Fitter recommends replacing old fixtures when installing a new wall system- .- Contract Prim Owner agrees to pay Bath FincrR the amount tit term on the attached Order, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between the parties hereto by virtue of a wi men change order. 6. Chaaeg Orden. Any alteration or deviation from the above conumetual spionfica(ioos tbat results in a revision of the contract pace will be executed only upon the panics entering in to a written change order detailing such changes and the resulting change to the contract price. Each change order shall become part of the Contract Documents. All work shall be Performed order the same terms and wnditiom as specified herein unless mutually agreed in writing. 7, Method of Payment. The method of payment ofthe contract price shall be as set forth in the attached Order. Immediately upon completion of the Project, the Owner agrees to pay 1a Bath Fitter&the balance ofthe total agreed upon price, less the initial deposit Ifpayment is not nude. all d-oulas will be revenged and an adjusted invoice will be sent to Owner. Owuet shall indemnify and miminine Bath Fiun'l� for all reasonable costs of collection iissociturdt with late payment ornonpayment including bill t n.I limited to ..enable moincys' fees. A late ell ofl M per month shall be added to all overdue balances (nominal annual percentage rate of 18 % ). There will bea S25.00 fee for any remmed check. 9. ERYment Ootiops_ Bath Fttrerl}' offers third party financing far qualifted buyers. If you choose to finance your purchase and your application is approved, a thud party fmanec contract will prevail and may provide for a different monthly payment amount and tenu than shown in the Contract Documents. The option of financing tray only be selected at the time you place your order. 9. Permits. Owner shall famish and pay far. attheirown expense, taxeu. permits and licens- including without limitation, local and municipal permits and licenses. required by law or any, applicable regulations to perRum the work in accordance with these Contract Documents. You hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold Bath Fitter harmless, of. from and against any claims, beir[ity, suits. damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable artomey feesl, fines and penalties attributable to your failure to comply withthe above obligation. In all instances where Bath Fitter would detemline. in Is disemlion, it would provide any of the abbe eiricnrioneid permits or licenses. it will notify you and the permiLAiernse fee including reasonable administrative costs wA be added la the contract price. Bath Finery cannot be held responsible for any permil related delays, 10, Delays. Although Bath Fisho%makes everyeffort todo so, Bath Finerdc cannot guarantee that your installation will be completed in one day_ In addition, en occasion Bath FineA. will be forced to postpaner the start date of a project whether due to scheduling conflicts, labor or material shaeages. It is Bath Frucilt policy to notify the customer as scion as any change is known. You will be informed of the season for the delay and the revised installation date. If [he installation is delayed or takes more than tux day, Bath Fitterao cannot be held responsible for my reineursemait, discount, ur any other type of compensation to you for claims of inconvenience or any other hamrunnecessary detays experienced by our teeiusictan caused by Owner will result in an additional charge. I1. Force Maleure. Bath RaerT shall not be held liable for any less, damage or delay in connection with this agreement due todelays in narrsportarion ofmmonals, accidents, elicit, tire, labor disputes, insurrection, acts of Cod, or any other cause beyond Bath FittcrW's control_ 12. Removal of Existing Flatum Bath Fitter is not responsible for the removal andror reinstallation Of fixtures, including electrical Gxlures. Bath Filter will or remove andlnr reinstall any of your existing fixtures, including, without limitation, shower doors. In the event that the doors will no longer fit, Bath Fiacrk. cannot be held responsible for any eimbursement. discount, or any other type of compensation to you for rep(accmenl of these fixtures. 13. ✓ W. Moil Occurs naturally in almost all indoorenvinum ents. Mold spores enter homey through doorways, windows and a variety of other ways. A Bath Fitterck installation may include the removal of wee Inge, defective, discolored or odorous surfaces and the washing of remaining surfaces with a household bleach solution. Bath Fitlerm and its repreacntatives make no warraoly or representalfon of any kind, express or implied, regarding the presence or absence of mold, m regarding the effeetiveness of any biocide designed for reducing [he presr ci-, effect or growth of mold, and make ran warranty or representation With respect to, and cannot he held responsible for, the presence of mold in your home subsequent to the Bath Finer* installation. 14Installation. 11". during the installation phase, Bath Fitter,& is required to perform repairs to existing walls, additional charges will apply at the current service rates. Wall. floor or ceiling damages in or adjacent to the immediate work area may Occur during installation. Such damagescould include. without bmita[ion, the loosening orcracking ofadjacen0iles, paints otjoints, caused by the removal and repucement of existing materials. Bath Fitter* cannot be held respe nsVble for these damages should they appear. Moreover, in the case of bath Iineror wall only insullaticna, damage may oecu to the existing hathluborwall files; Bath Fiuerl9 is not responsible for minor damages, due to imperfections in any bathtub or wall tile that may result from the Bath Fftterlil insrallauen and Owner remains responsible to mainmtn the grouUsilicone on existing walls. Should Bath Fieeerig: be required to send a technician for a service call that is the result of inadequate maimenancc, Owner will be invoiced at the current service rates. )5. Colors, Marbled colors or panems may vary. Bath Fined( cannot guarantee the consistency ofthe color patterns lhmughout the rob, walls or ee;eswn. 16. Bath FRMr4t: Right to Suscend gr Terrolnate: Ll�SfatlaR o[ 1 bah itv Bath FVDerk is our responsible for legal cexttmbrarices, building/mning code violations, plumbing cr structural deficiencies, or thediscovery of or removal ofasbeslos, mold, lead point or other hazardous an toxic substances or materials. If Oo ner breaches the Contract Documents, or if Bath Filters; discovers any of the above. Bath Fiticr'8 may immediately temunare the Controcr Documents without further obligation to Omer or, entire discretin o. discontinue work on the Project pending proper cure of thebreach andlor applicable eorroctlon by properly qualified firms at Owner's expense Owner agrees be pay Bath FincrX the costs of materials, labor and services provided by Bath FinrOK through the dale/lime oftermmmon, plus any other Amounts allowed under applicable law. IF BAT] I FITTER& IS UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT FOR ANY REASON UNRELATED TO OWNER, BATH FrITL•R&S LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMLTED TO A REFUND OF OWNER'S DEPO:-1T. BATH FITTERK CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR CLAIMS OF rN( ON'VENIENCF. OR ANY OTHER HARM. 17. Cgnseauential DamaAp`. Bath Fitterlb will Out be liable to the Owner or any third party for special, indirect, con"lart fat. exec iplary or punitive damages or costs arising out of or related to the Pmject or these Contra, I Documents. even if the parties have knowledge of such damages or costs and whether m not such damages nr coals are foreseeable. 18- BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCF.I. TIIE OWNER MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY TIME PF fOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD (3an) BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATI OF THIS AGREEMENT. BECAUSE BATH FITTERQc PRODUCTS WILL BE CI STOM MADE FOR YOU. BATH FITTERS CANNOT REFUND YOUR DEPOSIT AFTER THE CANCELLATION PERIOD HAS EXPIRED. IF THIS AGREEMENT W %S SOLICITED AT YOUR RESIDENCE AND YOU DO NOT WANT THE 00013E OR SERVICES, YOU MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT BY MAILING A NOT[ "E TO BATH FITTER®. THE NOTICE MUST SAY THAT YOU DO NOT WANT CHE GOOD OR SERVICES AND MUST BE MAILED BEFORE MIDNIGHT ON T- IE THIRD (3anl BUSINESS DAY WHEN THE CANCELLATION RIGHT LAPSES. "HE NOTICE MUST BE MAILED TO BATH FiTFER'R'S AD➢RLSS SET FORTH O J THE ATTACHED ORDER. IF YOU CANCEL BY THIS DATE, BATH FTITERV9 RUM NOT KEEP ANY OF YOUR CASH DOWN PAYMENTS. IF THIS AGREEMENT REQUMS TILE BATH FITTER® TO AFFIX GOODS TO REAL ESTATE THEN 3ATH FITTERVi MAY NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL THE THIRD (3ao) BUSINESS DAY WHEN THE CANCELLATION RIGHT LAPSES. 14. Warranty. The only warranty offered, i the nuieria3 you purchased in accordance with the Contract Documents is the nume face rcr's warrenry. For silicone cir any like substance joints+scals a 12-month warranty from in tallation date is offered. The above warranties are not transferable and are for your person I benefit only. The warranliea Offered in relation to This Agreement and the remedies set orth therein are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, remedim and condtljons, wl ether oral, written, statutory, express or implied, Bath Finer disclaims all statutory and mplied warranties, including without limitation. legal warranties of quality and fimess for i panisular purpose and warranties against hidden or latent defects. Bath Fitter limits the luration and mmc tics of such warranties to the duration of the warranties conlamed Iher tin 2(I. Ulcerating mad Severabllity. The Cc rimer Documents contain the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersed all prior oral or written understandings. Should any pan of the Contract Documents fin, ny reason be found invalid, such a delenniaation shall not a11ect the validity of any rem imag portion of the Contract Documentsif the Order and this Agreement am in any way neonaistent with each other. this Agreement shall govern. 21. Applicable Law and DisRute Reaolutio I. The Contract Documents shall be governed and construed in aeeordanoc with the laws of the State of Florida. Any claims. dispute orother matter in coner—my arising cart of orne aced to this Contract Documents, or the breach of any provision themnf. shall be detemGn d by final and binding arbitration in accordance with the commercial arbitration mica of he Amvtcau Arhitralion A.—liun. The place of-bi-fi.n shall be Miami. Florida an I the nun -prevailing parry in the arbitration shall pay the prevailing party'y reasonable at arney fees, costa, and expenses, 22. Use of E-uratl for Customer Fecdbaek From time to time, Bath Fiber® (or any of its third party' strategic partners and set Ire providers] may wish to contact you at the mail Address set forth on the attach d Order. You hereby muthaP[ae Bath Finer (or any afire third part)' strategic par men and senice pmviders) to use your email to communicate with you for the pu pose of improving Bath FitterWir products, services and marketing, including obli ining your feedback and conducting customer research and satisfaction sur-eva, ✓ I agree with the use of my e-Ra I for Ihese purposes. 23. Right to Rcrnir. Any claims for consli tuition Jefects arc subject to the rondo and cum provisions of Chapter 558. Flonde Stamt s. 24. NOTICE Of ELORMA-S CON tUCT10N LIEN LAW,. ACCORDING TO FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN t.AW (SECTION'S 713-DOl-713.37, FLORIDA STATUTES), THOSE WHO WORT. ON YOUR PROPERTY OR PROVIDE MATERIALS AND SERVICES AND f RE NOT PAID IN FULL HAVE A RIGHT TO ENFORCE THEIR CLAIM FOR PAS MEW AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY. THIS CLAIM IS KNOWN AS A CONSTRUI TION LIEN, IF YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR FAILS TO PAY SUBCONTRACTORS, SUB - SUBCONTRACTORS, OR MATERIA- SUPPLIERS, THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE. OWED MONEY MAY LOOK TO YOU t PROPERTY FOR PAYMENT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID YOUR CON TRACTOR IN FULL IF YOU FAIL TO PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR, YOUR CON TRACTOR MAY ALSO HAVE A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY. THIS MEANS IF t LIEN IS FILED YOUR PROPERTY COULD BE SOLD AGAINST YOUR WILL TO PAY FOR LABOR, MATERIALS, OR OTHER SERVICES THAT YOUR CONTRAC OR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR MAY HAVE FAILED TO PAY. TO PROTECT YOL RSELF, YOU SHOULD STIPULATE IN THIS CONTRACT THAT BEFORE ANY PA YMENT IS MADE, YOUR CONTRACTOR IS REOUIRFD Try PROVIDE. YOU WITH A WRITTEN RELEASE. OF LrFK FROM ANY PERSON OR COMPANY THAT HAS P {OV IDED TO YOU A 'NOTICE TOO WNER." FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LDN LAW IS COMPLEX. AND IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CONSI LT AN ATTORNEY. 25 ELQRIDA HOMEOWNER'S CONSI R1,CTION REgOVEFIV FUND, PAYMENT MAY BE AVAILABLE. FROM THE F .ORfDA HOMEOWNERS' CONSTRUCTION RECOVERY FUND IF YOU LOSE MC NEY ON A PROJECT PERFORMED UNDER CONTRACT, WHERE THE LOSS RE;ULTS FROM SPECIFIED VIOLATIONS OF FLORIDA LAW BY A LICENSED Cc INTRACTOR. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE RECOVERY FUND AND FntJG A CLAIM, CONTACT THE FLORIDA CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LiCI LASING HOARD AT THE FOLLOWING TELEPHONE NUMBER AND ADDRF. ;S: Consrmpion Fndustry Licensing Board, 26M Blairslone Road Tallahassee, Fl 32299 Phone, 856-087-1395 Email: cal I.c en tart'.-dbrin sure. fl.us. I L'vDERSTAAUAND AGREE TOTBETIRM � AND CONDITIONS AnOv is INCLUDINC w7THOL7 LIMITATION 771E TERMS OF T11E ATTA'IED ORDER DATED �O20-d9-D4 AND ALL OTHER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS OFdAM DATE. Dated at Poi1 St Lucia Florida on be 04th day of September 2fin ES1G1V A 4�nusan a 0 1917: G T _ Signature of Property Owner or Duly .uthGriztd by Properly Owner Elizabeth and Dollard Magnuson Name of Property Owner or Duly Anti orisd by Property Owner (Please Print) 10 Lake Vista Trail. 107 Port St Lune. Fonda. 34952 AddMss or Properly Owner or Duly A. tharized by Pmperty Owner Bath Flier South Florida LLC SIGF E by Diaz Pcr Name of Committal Raul Dan -' CD (7 ill Z3 SQ G C7 CD 3 (D Q 0] 0 (D 0 (D Ti —0 {p (n 0 : ? s CD Q :�E CD CD (D Q (D Fe C CD Q (D 0 - . CAD r_- (D . to (n CD (bCD . ti In :3 ED CD "S.... -dui.,: i � � � Q rn c tc Y iL lV l 0 0 1 �.1 41. Y Cr ci 1I) 0 a yr CJ o 0 X G (D a to Q _a _ W BATH FITTER SCOTT ARNER CFC1426391 2701 VISTA PARKWAY SUITE A3 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33411 CONTACT; CHRISSY () 561-333.3101 MOEN Buy it for looks. Buy it for life DESCRIPTION Brass construction 1/2" CC, IPS, or PEX connections with 1/4 turn stops • Pressure balancing, four port, cycle valve OPERATION • Adjustable temperature limit stop to control maximum hot water temperature • Pressure balancing mechanism maintain selected discharge temperature to ± 3°F CARTRIDGE • 1222 cartridge design Nonmetallic/nonferrous and stainless steel materials Accommodates back to back installations STANDARDS • Third party certified to meet C5A B125.1, ASME Al 12.18.1, ASSE 1016, and all applicable requirements referenced therein • Moen's Posi-Temp® and Moentrol® valves with graphite composite spools combined with Moen's Eco-performance showerheads meet the performance requirements of pressure and temperature variation of ASSE1016 when tested as low as 1.5 gpm WARRANTY Lifetime limited warranty against leaks, drips and finish defects to the original consumer purchaser 5 year warranty if used in commercial installations 2" CC (51 mm) 1 718" IPS (48mm) MAX WALL 4-1/2" (1 f 4mm) PLASTER FINISHED WALL LINE GROUND SIZE AND WALL OPENING SHOWER I � 1 /2" CC SUPPLY TUB 2-5116" (59mm) C.C. BATH FITTER SCOTT ARNER CFC14216391 2701 VISTA PARKWAY SUITE A3 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33411 CONTACT; GHKISSY 0 $61-333-3101 FLOOR SPeci fications POST TEMP® VALVE Ilressure-Balancing Valve with 1 /4 Turn Stops Single Pack Models: ?570 (CC), 2590 (IPS), 2580 (PEX) Bulk Packed Models: 62370 (CC), 62390 (IPS) (Bulk packed 12 per carton) E OF STUD 7/8" MIN. CC & IPS (22mm) 3/16" (typ) (5mm) 3-1/2" 89mm)MAX. PLASTERGROUND 2-7/8" MAX. 2-1 /4" 57mm) MIN. 2-1/8" (73mm) Dit TER 1y L OIE ING #� (54mm) III t" (� m) 45" (1143mm)/ �(25mm) 48" (1219mm) - SHOWER 32" (913mm) - TUB OR - PLASTIC TUB SHOWER TUB/SHOWER FLOOR LINE SURROUND CRITICAL DIMENSIONS (DO NOT SCALE} Rev. 7/ 16 FOR MORE INFO IMATION CALL: 1-800-BUY-MOEN www.moen.com No Calk Shower Base Drain:: Uatey.cam rage t or z Home > Products Products FAQ What's New Submit New Ideas MSDS Sheets Submittal Sheets Technical Bulletins About Us Contact Us Link To Us How To Use Where To Buy Catalog Careers No Calk Shower Base Drain Text Search • Designed for use with preformed shower bases: fiberglass, acrylic, nylon or metal. Mechanically attaches over," Sch. 40 DWV pipe. f�rr Polished brass strainers hav � PVC lifetime finish. • The drain is fixed to the drail pipe from above the shower base. • ideal for slab construction. Other Drains — Shower Fiber and rubber gasket pros ides a tight seal to the base. • 4 1/4" snap -in strainer. Prod Size Description UPC PackQty Weight 42075 2" 101 PNC PVC NO-CALKTM shower drain w/ plastic 038753- 12 8 strainer 420752 42077 2" 101 PNC ABS NO -CALK TM shower drain w/ plastic 038753- 12 6 f strainer 420776 i 42080 101 PNC PVC NO-CALKTM shower drain wl polishe J 2" 038753 12 8 brass strainer— PVD finish 420806 42083 2" 101 PNC ABS NO -CALK T"".shower drain w/ polishe 1 038753- 12 8 brass strainer — PVD finish 420837 42084 2" 101 PNC ABS NO-CALKT"" shower drain wl stainle: s 038753- 12 7 steel strainer 420844 1i 42089 101 PNC PVC NO -CALK"" shower drain w/ stainle� s 2 038753- 12 8 steel strainer 420998 42150 2" 140 NC Brass NO-CALKT"° shower drain w/ stainless 038753- 12 20 steel strainer 421506 140 NC Brass NO-CALKT11 shower drain wl stainless 038753- 12 17 42153 2" steel strainer —DOMESTIC 421537 42154 140 NC Brass NO -CALK TM shower drain w/ polishe 1 2 038753- 12 18 brass strainer — PVD finish 421544 42156 Rubber Caulking Gasket to fit 2" Schedule 40 DWV 038753- 12 1 Drain Pipe in the No- CalkT"° shower drains 421568 42163 Rubber Caulking Gasket to fit 1 112" schedule 40 D' NV 038753- 12 1 drain pipe in the No-CalkT"° shower drains 421636 42243 Wrench 038753- 42243 1 1 BATH FITTER SCOTT ARNER CFC1426391 2701 VISTA PARKWAY SU1TE A3 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33411 CONTACT: CHR[SSY @) 561.333-3101 http://www.oatey.com/Channel/Shared/ProductGroupDetail/i 18/No_Calk Shorrer_Base—Drain.html 3/13/201: BATH FITTER SCOTT ARNER CFC1426391 2701 VISTA PARKWAY SUITE A3 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33411 r-OKTACTS CMfk15GY * 561.M,3191 BATH FITTER SCOTT ARNER CFC1426391 2701 VISTA PARKWAY SUITE A3 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33411 CONTACT:CHRISSY @3 561-333-3101 IAPMO RESEARCH AND TESTING, INC. 5001 East Philadelphia Street, Ontario, California 91761.2816 - USA • 909-472.4100. 309.472.4244 - www.iapmort.org s x Acrrrstws " CIS. i 1�l/s IM R& Itlott;c f reb� 0) peOdlttl CMrt;S-bn eody - • xr•aena CCH g7?07 CERTIFICATE OF LISTING PC IAPMO Research and Testing, Inc. is a product certification body which tests and inspects sample: taken from the supplier's stock or from the market or a combination of both to verify compliance to the requirements of applicable codes and standards. his activity is coupled with periodic surveillance of the supplier's factory and warehouses as well as the assessment of the supplier's Quality Assurance Sy stem. This listing is subject to the conditions set forth in the characteristics below and is not to be construed as any recommendation, assurance or guaran ee by IAi Research and Testing, i of the product accentance by Authnririuc Havinn iiri erli Minn This certificate is not evidence of current listing. To verify listing status, visit the IAPMO R&T Product Listing Directory at pld.iapmo.org Effective Date: June 2019 Void After: June 2024 Product: Showers (Plastic) File No. 10579 Issued To: 130355 Canada Inc (bain Magique/bath Fitter) 225 Roy Street St. Eustache, QC J7R 5R5 Canada Identification: Each fixture or fixture component shall be marked with the manufacturer's name or registered trademark or, in the case of private labeling, the name of the customer for whom the fixture was manufactured. Markings shall be permanent, legible, and visible after installation. Fixtures that do not comply with one or more of the dimensional regLirements shall be marked with an "N" to indicate the non-standard nature of the fixture. Product shall also bear the cUPCO certification mark. Packaging shall be marked with the manufacturer's name or registered trademark or, in the case of private labeling, the name of the customer for whom the fixture was manufactured; and the model number. Characteristics: Plastic shower units with or without walls manufactured integral with the shower; or as a multi -piece unit distributed as part of the shower unit. Showers intended for installation against a wall shall incorporate an Chairman, Product Certification C mince CEO. The lilli Group � This listing period is based upon the last date of the month indicated on the Effective Date and Void After Date shown above. Any .hange in material, manufacturing process, marking or design without having first obtained the approval of the Product Certification Committee, •.r any evidence of _ non-compliance with applicable codes and standards or of inferior workmanship, may be deemed sufficient cause for revoca ion of this listing. Production of or reference to this form for advertising purposes may be made only by specific written permission of IAPMO Resear h and Testing, Inc. - Any alteration of this certificate could be grounds for revocation of the listing. This document shall be reproduced in its entirety. - ��✓�-' ` CPC C O Product: Issued To: IAPMQ RESEARCH AND TESTING, INC. CERTIFICATE OF LISTING Showers (Plastic) 1.30355 Canada Inc (bain Magique/bath Fitter) Void After: June 2024 File No. 10579 integral nailing flange in accordance with the latest edition of CSA H45.5/IAPM0 Z124. Showers without nailing flances are listed as drop -in units only and are not to be installed against a wall. To be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction and the latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Products listed on this certificate have been tested by an IAPMO R&T recognized laboratory. This recognition has beEn granted based upon the laboratory's compliance to the applicable requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. Products are in compliance with the following code(s): Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC') National Plumbing Code of Canada Products are in compliance with the following standard(s): CSA B45.5-17/IAPMO Z124-2017 CPC C RO IAPMO RESEARCH AND TEST111G, INC. CERTIFICATE OF LISTING This certificate is not evidence of current listing. To verify listing status, visit the IAPMO R&T Product Listing Directory at pld.iapmo.org Product: Showers (Plastic) Issued To: 130355 Canada Inc (bain Magique/bath Fitter) MODELS Model No. Description FS3260L*-1 321NX60IN LEFT FS3260R*-1 321NX601N RIGHT FSLT3447C 34INX47IN SH0060 36INX60IN SH0061 36INX60IN SH0062 36INX60IN SH0063 32INX60IN SH0064 32INXECIN SHOO84 36INX48IN SHO095-1 34INX60IN SH0096 341NX60IN SH0105 36INX48IN 5HO106 36INX48IN SH0114 34INX54IN SH0115 34INX54IN SH0117 34INX60IN SHOI18 341NX601N SH0119 34INX60IN SH0126 36TNX60IN SH0127 36INX601N SH0128 34INX48IN SH0129 34INX48IN SH0130 34INX48IN SH0145 42INX60IN SH0147 42INX60IN SH0148 421NX60IN SH0156 42INX60IN SH0157 42INX60IN SH0158 48INX60IN SH0159 48INX6CIN SH0160 48INX60IN Model No. Description FSSB4242C** FSSB4248C* 42INx481N First "*" Color: w (white) P (pearl) I (ivory) M (white marble) Second "*" Opening: F (f ront ) Void After: June 2024 File No. 10579 Page 3 of 4