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Subcontractor agreement
�i PERMIT# — ISSUE DATE ; ��j PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance DiAsion e. a BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 1 Cc.. have agreed to be parry Name/Individual.Name) the (Coclec.T.-, z e / Sub-contractor for &,L-)-i,i.7 t ,Ve e,e- f c ew,-- Cc s/o (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Q,C QJQNZ)� (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. i CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) S&W4CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) PRINT N� PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBERCOUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of Lv. State of Florida,County of- i •is-,- The foregoing instrument was\\si��gnAAed b\\efo..;re me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of vQ 20�,bY�1 �'c� l� s\`1 �a JG`�.1 .20q by W who is personally known or has produced a who is personally known_V_or has produced a as identification. as identification. 16 STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public Signature of Notary Pobtic i JG d u--6 PrintName of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public I N em POW State ot:Fbnda :�0'- LEIURA 013 K B dKa F.976543 .. �mmission#GG 022076 M commissiQA ''r Revised 11/162016 Q� E my 0512512020 "A,•Expires 0d0ber21;2020 BonQadThTMyF;b1Nurane 8W3S7619 j i i i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division ' BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT p� rV I Ce S c. have agreed to be oompany Name/Indivi&al Name) the m h ub-contractor for (Type of Trade) (Prim ry Contractor) I For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) i It is understood that, if therei is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of•a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-C CTOR SIG ATURE(Qualifier) D:U--h' eW LTI,`� nr,� PRINTEE LU d l nn COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of 5T. Gr B State of Florida,County of St-LLJLC.I e-- The foregoing instrument was signed before me thi�-1- day of The foregoing instrument was sign d before jme thiso� ' dary_of 20�,by'�"`�1 ��. 20 ©�r 1 ����1�- who is personally known_or has produced a who is personally known or has produced a as identification. as identification. i STAMP STAMP Signature of Not Public i Signature of Notary Publi I �oe2c'�Idy �4NrJ �j A•SKtr� c " C Print Name of Notary Public 11riAt Name of Notary Public DdROTHYANN BASKIN '? MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 „ •O;e EXPIRES:OCtober2,2020 RHC) DA LAF1 3�T1� i• �% i Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters MYCOMMISSIOIV#Ef=85a297 P Rev ire' EXPIRES January 08,2017 a '' ` (407)3?&0153 FloridallotaryServica.com L +•� ;.� s:r'�+.,�•�P>7.'4S�'z�:l;n•:^'v,3irPP,^�-°.:''16�`3RAT.i��oi_7,:,}:�_ PERMIT# ISSUE DATE ; pLANNI N`G DEVELOPMENTS RACES SU11ding&Ctide Compliance Division BDING'PIR1VIlT • . Sl B-CONTRACTOR AGREEMNT i j Comfort Control o'f St. Lucie County, Inc.. have agreed to'be (Company Namellndiviclual Nance) the H-VAC I Sub-contractor for WY.nne be v e t o n_me rat Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project Ideated at (Pmjmt street eiy Tax ID It is understood:that,if there is any change of status.regarding our participation with the above mentioned.. 'project,the Building and Cade Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised purswnt.to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualffier). =, - PRINTM i IrGNmr�aTn NAM UI ;E(Qualifier) PRINT NA1►;IE 08.898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM391 COUNTY C)ERTIBTC&TION NUMBER State o0norida,County of S i c,e, State of Florida:County of S—, cci The foregoing instr nadant was signed before me this�!' day of The foregoing iastrutnent was si9oetl before me thin � "day of who is personally known has produced a who is personally)mown✓r?has prodaeedtt as identuiication n as identification. STAMP- STAMP Signature of Notary "e 5igoature of Notary Slic 'n D I � n l o..u2or>r41:Lc!y �3ASKra y.�oTH.`/ HNnJ ,�ftSl�r.y PriWNamc ofNotaryPublia Print Name of Notary Pubne •<isiY?y ., DOROTHYANN BASKIN '��••. DOROTHYANN BASKIN _*A-0 MY COMMISSION#GG 0301454A., •vn� c` EXPIRES:October 2,2020. MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 +;of���R••• Bonded Thu Notary Pubrx Undeiwiiters ' EXPIRES:October 2,2020 Revised I I/16016 •$ °.'• Bonded Thnu Notary Pubra Underwriters. I L66-d ZOOO/ZOOOd VLO-1 999L8L83LL d.4o0 Suiplin8 euuAM -Wpaj 9 =Z6 96 -60-Z PERMIT#' ISSUE IJf1TE: i TT,AlYNIN+ DEVELUPMET`SERYIGFS o. & Code ,Omp khk Division - - -- `BI]ILDI11IGr.'PERiVI1T -. ... . ; . SUB=CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I i I Treasl�re Goasa Roafin:g'.: haveagreedtabe (C_ompany:Name%Indtvidaal Name): W nne Deyelome::nt Corp. the Ro`of� n:g: Sub:contractor for Y (Type of adi) (Primary Conttacrgr) For>he proodt:16cated:af: j :f Pr+o�ect Stc+eet:AddressorProperty�'a�r;�D�) tusegauguI is n d tha fr iyha rtiauon with' :the abovemloni ec pr sect,the Bu;iding-afld Code Regulation. Ivision of St:Lucie County wi11 be ad vised'.pvrsuant to fxie. fi i g of a Change f Stlb•contrsMr n tee . CONK•RArCTORSIG*fATURE:(Qaa6fiek'), SUBrCON1'RA;CTQR:. 11FA .. ,. u�liSexJ; . Matthew T;.ple. W�y.nn� , . .. .. ... _.. Brian .Ma3.dn.ey PRINT NAME )?RIN YANIE' COUl�'TY CERTI)�7CATXON.:NUMBER: C.O.UNTY CERT7FICi1T10NNUMBER State oiFlorida,County of ST�.uu C State of F7onda;Couaty'of Gf eg. s!goed.before me thisy o> The;;forego�ng;instrumeriYwas:sigueil keforemt.this -1' day.of. TLe for. o�nganstrnment was. 20,a by�, W t\ who;is;.etsonally known ✓or:6as:prodgsed:a;. who is:persoioal1-11WO n:_✓or'Iiss produced a• asidtntificas<on:, as:ideunficahons rST igiiatore of 1Vots PbbUc Signature of Dtotary utilic' Jo:►¢O�i?^1`� I�i'nfr� dJ�!5,�,.n� V�Je o�-w-Y..AIV A) /J.45Kt PriarNatiteofNotary.Public � Pnnt Name`of:NotayPnbfic ,•tom:?;a•• DOROTHYANN BASKIN ' `°•'s •< a• DOROTHYANNBASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ���o,.•••••.a�.,: ;T pP EXPIRES:October 2,2020 e,• •.? MY COMMISSION#GGL BondedThru Notary Public Underndters =; �c;: EXPIRES:October 2,Bonded Thnr Notary Public:U