HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit AppAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date gii Planning and Development Services Building and Cade Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-157S PERMIT TYPE: Re -Roof Shingle PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 5712 Tulii)an Permit Number: Building Permit Application Commercial Residential X Property Tax ID #: 1306-500-0272-0004 Lot No. 19 Site Plan Name: Block No. 54 Project Name: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: I Re -Roof Shingle Underlayment - Pro Armor Synthetic Replace Ridge Vents CONSTRICTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit— check all that apply: Mechanical Electric Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Gas Tank Plumbing 2899 Gas Piping _Shutters _ Windows/Doors — Sprinklers _ Generator X Roof 5/1 2 Pitch Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction. $ — 11,250 Utilities: _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height: 20' OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name Miguel Mendoza Name: Robert Donovan Address: 6712 Tuli awn._ Company: Total Home Roofing city: Fort Pierce state: FL� Zip Code: 34951 Fax: Phone No. 954-501-9673 Address: 597 Haverty Court, Smite 40 City: Rockledge State: H Zip Code-- 32955 Fax: Phone No 321-452-9223 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) E-Mail Christa@throofing.com State or County License CCC1330489 11 Value aT cons ruction is yzsuu or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. :35 C13131diNO7 3ivG (13Al3D3U 31V(l M11AI2f M31ME M31AR] M31A3If M3 IA3d A1131AR 831NnO:) 3AOUDNVA 31J.2jniV3S NOLVI3)3A SNVld IdOSIM3dns INOW SMTA3b wo a DVM, WAMM77WX2 NOWIMOJIM91% I' -ON UOISSIWW vzq& ao 6 E)o N Z�- S6 !DE)'ON UOISSIWWO:) els -:)wa� AjeloN jo I ti,n eugil L . qnd AJL poj� jo aj�� 'ICN Jo WMUSIS) paonPOJd poonpD)d uopeDUjju,3pj to adAi uoile3ijiluap jo adAi uoile3giluapi pajnPOMHO um0u31 AlICUOUDd x m u011"Ipluopl Papoid �10 X UfAOUN AlleUOSJad 'luouieleis guislew uosiad 40 aweN -luawalels SuimEw uosiad to aweN U'QAOUOC[ I_jaqDd UL-AOUO(] ljiaqoH Aq oF' X-;, �J7�T— la At?p slqj I —ii�9 Aq 92oz fy?,rr-] j r) I o A e p ell, S! q I aw a-jojaq pi;gpa[moujon samivaLunilsui 2Ljwljooj;Dqj aw ojojaq poopalmoup juawwjm Sup joj aq lu� , jo q3eGS_MTUd___30 AlNno:) quuud Wlud dO AINnOZ) V(31HOI3 10 31VIS VGIUDIJ 30 RViS mo to aj nicuois . ,,-1N3N33N3MN03 AO 33110N M10A MIC121033i1 3UO339 A3rV21011V NY aD MUNalanol Him jL-inSNO:) '!)Nl:)NVNIJ NJV190 01aN31Nl MA :11 -NOIJL:13dS1NI LSaJ:J 3H1 3110339 311S oor 3H1 NO U31SGd UNY a3ci21033H 39 ISM lN3W33N3WW03 30 THION V 'Ald3d0Hd anoA oi S1N3N3AOUdNl HOJ THAAL ONIAVd anoA Ni 11nS38 AVW 1N3W33N3NWO3f 10 33110N v ammin oi 3anim-4 unoA :213NA40 01 f)NINUVA4. asn j2JjU@P!SaJ-U0U jayloue of sasn AjossaDoe pue swoo-, SujwLujms'sain4on)js Aiossame suoll!ppe LuOoj:maiAaj Aouajjn)uo:) Ilril e Ouio2japun wojj Idwaxa Rie suoilmildde j.iwjad Buippq lluipw[jo4 aL4_L 'sluaLupuawV Aluno:) aionj -j5 pue sapoD Ouippng ep[jolj aql'sueld PaAOjdde aqj qT!m az)uepjoDop ui liom aqj wioliad 'sjDadsaj l[e ui 'Ipm I jeL41 aajOp Aqajaq op 1'1!wjad pais@nb@j siqljo 2uijuej2 a4l jo uoijejap[suoo u' ALhu yD!qm suopaulsai Aue joj p@DpinoA MZ)lAaJ PULI U011el3DSSV SJOMO awOH anon ql!m iinsuo:) i3seald 'ampnils pas liqiqoid jo joijjsaj AeW Jkli SJUPUaAO) pue, jo smiRjAq 'sajnj uollu'30s'sV sJz)umO;DuJOH ajqeoj[dde Aue ql!m plipoD u[ si qDiqm l3jnj5t�jjs jDalqns,Byi plinq of jap]oq liwiad aqj azi)Ot4ne ll!m I!Lujacf t? �iulluej2 si ieq; uoijejuasajdaA OU SajeW A4unoj aionj -IS ,jpjad E? to amenssi ayl of �oijd PaDuawww seq uOile[le;sui io jAom ou lei4l /y1jai I -paleo1pui se Uollellelsul pue �Jom aqj op of jp_4ad e uiE!Iqo of apew Aqajaq si uopeai[ddv :1111 IATI HO-0-VNIA00 /M3NM0 :@UOqd :diz :DuOqd AZ :A;!D :ss,?Jppv :ssaippv :,3WEN :aweN alqeoilddV ION— :ANVdiAJO:) E)NICIN09 alqeDilddV ION :N3(310H 31111 3ldVYlS 333 :@UOHd :di z auoqd AZ :AI!D :Al!:) :ssaippv :ssaippv -@WEN :aweN alqeoilddv ION :ANVdVYO:) 3E)VE)INOIAJ olqe:)ilddV ION :d33N1E)N3/H3NE)153Q :N0liVtN'd03Nl AAVI N311 NOUDnaSNOD IViN3LN3]ddns 1 t312 020 Scan_202d1020.jpg W. Dood.jpg Prepared by and return ta: Nina L. Ferraro, Esq. President Nina L. Ferraro, PA, a Florida corporation 943 SE Central Parkway Stuart, FL 34994 772-324-2005 File Number; 3997 Will Cali No.: CONSIDERATION $83,000.00 fSpaca Above This Line For Recording Warranty Deed This 'Warranty Deed made this 14th day of t3ctoher, 2020 between Eugene Fernicola, an uuretnarried widower whose post office address is 30 Berkley Court, Wayne, NJ 07470, grantor, and Miguel A. Mendoza and Soraya M. Mcadoza, husband and wife whose post office address is 5712 Talipan, Fort Pierce, FL 34951, grantee: (whtnever %med hc4min the tCvm "gantoe and "granrve ioctude all die panics to this irstrmnent and tha hens, kgrit reFxesenlativra, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns orco"ratians, crusts and trastees) Witnessetlt, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the stun of TEN AND N01100 DOLLARS ($I0.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, tltt: following described land, situate, lying and being in Saint Lucie County, Mrida to -wit: Lot 19, Black 54, SPAmsH.. LAKES FAIRWAYS - NORTHEASTPHASE, according to the Fiat thereof, as recorded in Plat hook 35, Page 5, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Identficativn Number: 1306-500-0272-000-4 Together with all rite tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or its anywise appertaining. To Have and to Hold, die samz in fee simple forever. And the grantor hamby oovonants with said g—vm that the cantor is lawfully seined of said land in fee simpl% that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said Iand; that the grantor hcrcby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the saute against the lawful claims of ail persons whomsoever, and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 33, 2019. ont,eleTime* fittps:llrnail.google.com/mailfu(0/?tab=wm&ogbl#inboxlQgrcJHsHpgjgbJZZwhBBrv9FSdVtBmZL)NSv?projector-1 &mes5agePart1d=0.2 1l1 M 1'O=p;lJ9da6sssaw+R �:�o1aafoJd! 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Property Identification Site Address: 6712 TULIPAN ParcelID: 1306-500-0272-000-4 Account #: 138152 Map ID: 13106N Use Type: 0100 Zoning: Planned Un C4/County: Saint Lucie County Ownership ,, Eugene FemicoIa Catherine Femicola 51 Colonial RD Wayne, NI 07470 6 Legal Description SPAN7SE LAKES FATRWAYS BLK 54 LOT 19 (Olt 2201-2490) '":A Current Values Just/Market Value: $71,600 Assessed Value: $71,600 � �-��173 Exemptions: 50 _..-..-.......... a NAO Taxable Value: $71,600 ' ` Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • Past tuxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all exemptions, assessment caps, and special classifications. Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collator's Office Download TRIM for this pare el: Download PDF - Total Areas FinishediUnder Air (SF): 1,530 Gross Sketched Area (SF): 21223 Land Size (acres): 0.13 Land Size (SF): 5,610 All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. U Copyright 2020 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved.