HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Sub AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE A--- ---- - ------ .. .... ....... .. .. . ........ ......... .... . ..... . .... PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Code Compliance Divis*10111 'Cot U N T Y F L 0 R I D A e 6, t''IT ILDING PERM SUB-CONTR.ACTOR ACS REEMENT J A Taylor Roofing Co have wyreed to be the Roofing -contractor for Cosmopolitan Construction/Gustavo Alvarez S Llb ............. (Type of Trade) (Primary ontra4etor) For the pr( jeet located at 3026 NW Radclifffe Way, Palm City (Project 'Street Address or Property Tax ID it 1 V . - 1+ S tinderstood that, if i there+ s any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned .prQlect, the Builditi-g and Code ReOLdation Division oft. Lucie County vvill be advised pursciant tO t11C tn fiting ofa Change: of Sub -contractor notice. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 A(�71`0__ --- R -IS -k -s -NATURE (Qual&11f.. PRINT NAINJE AMBER NTY CERTIFICAT ION NU state or Florida., County of I ay of d The foregoing instrbefort nie thin 24ci uinent was signed L) L01 wh0i's persolially. knoW.11 orhis; rted t as iden it ioni ST A -%.I P ------------ - ----------- signa re 0 Notary Pubil k>a- & &t -w P (, v int Name of Notary Public lw WIW 'W W Notwy Public Stm of FWft Addana F Alvarez My Commission GG 345W OF Expires 07/09W42023 Revisee H/10"`.2010 S B CONTRACYOR S I G --NAT U R Fi (Qual ifi r) ........... :M�Nr� N A �N -ION JN-tr"%JB�:lt C(ANT1 CE.W171111CA] State or: Florida, Comity of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 245" a y 0f 1Z who is ver!"alty '11011'podt-d a U��Or hos rur "14' r idnical sus I . Ion iinatilre of Notarf 111-16 Priat'N"anle OUN.14 Public (.00 VALME J DELGADO 4 * J,* <4 k4y cCmAiSSION 4 GG 063270 EXP IRE& WY, 111, 2021 f Twided111MIJ BU*t NOWY swices