HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; Review ATI Test Report on Fiberglass• YOUR VISION OUR MIS 10. N' December 20, 2012 Mr. Floyd Johnson Style Crest Inc. 600 Hagerty Drive Fremont, OH 43420 Dear Mr. Johnson: A 0Cl�o RESOURCES e0co0d7 APPLICATIONS,1"7j'%e DESIGNS & CONTROLS, ,INC. 3220 E.59TH STREET LONG BEACH, CA 90805 Tel (562) 272=7231 Fax (562) 529-7513 :www.RADCOinc.com qmail:.info@RAbd6.inc..com RE: Review ATI test report.on fiberglass coated plywood steps for compliance with the most recent code versions We have received the test report, you submitted from Architecturaffesting (ATI), York, PA. The details are as follows: Report number: 01-3791104, dated 11/7/03 Title: Step Performance Test Report Products covered: 4-Tread, Dura-Grip II, Step Unit [A five riser, four tread step fabricated with pressure treated lu,mber.and fiberglass]. At your request, we have evaluated the test report against the building codes outlined below. cODE'.... 20081nternazi©naI Building Code (IBC) . Stairway Dimension Requirement Tested Value (2) Compliance Width (1) 36" minimum 38" Pass (1) Riser Height 7" maximum, 4"minimum 7" Pass Tread Depth 11" minimum 11-1/2" Pass Tread Leading Edge Radius 1/2" maximum Less than 1/2" 'Pass CODE" 2006 Intemat�onal Residential: Code (IRC) Stairway Dimension Requirement Tested Value (2) Compliance Width 36" minimum 38" Pass Riser Height 7-3/4" maximum 7" Pass Tread Depth 10" minimum 11-1/2" Pass Tread Leading Edge Radius 9/16" maximum Less than 1/2" Pass VINYL SIDING INSTITUTE. 0 r�s . ;l tttar��i-i �r ,,,>, LtEGBEfi Mr. Floyd Johnson Style Crest Inc. December 20, 2012 Page 2 CODE • . 2007 FioridaBuilding :Code (FBC) Stairway Dimension Requirement Tested Value (2) Compliance ,Width 36" minimum 38" Pass (1) Riser sleight 7" maximum, 4" minimum TO Pass Tread Depth 11" minimum 11-1/2" Pass Tread Leading Edge Radius 1/2" maximum Less than 112" Pass CO®E. , 2009 International,Buildinq Code (I113C) ; Stairway Dimension Requirement Tested Value (2) Compliance Width 36" minimum 38" Pass (1) Riser height 7" maximum, 4" minimum T' Pass Tread Depth 11" minimum 11-1/2" Pass Tread Leading Edge Radius 9/16" maximum Less than 1/2" Pass CODE 20®9 International Residential Code (IRC) Stairway Dimension Requirement Tested Value (2) Compliance Width 36" minimum 38" Pass Riser Height 7-3/4" maximum 7" Pass Tread Depth 10" minimum 11-1/2" Pass Tread Leading Edge Radius 9116" maximum Less than 1/2" Pass CODE , , =2010 Florida Building: Code (FBC) . Stairway Dimension Requirement Tested Value (2) Compliance Width 36" minimum 38" Pass (1) Riser Height 7" maximum, 4" minimum 7" Pass Tread Depth 11" minimum 11-1/2" Pass Tread Leading Edge Radius 9/16" maximum Less than 1/2" Pass CODE, 20121nternational Building Code (IBC) Stairway Dimension Requirement Tested Value (2) Compliance Width 36" minimum 38" Pass (1) Riser Height 7" maximum, 4" minimum 7" Pass Tread Depth 11" minimum 11-1/2" Pass Tread Leading Edge Radius 9/16" maximum Less than 1/2" Pass Mr. Floyd Johnson Style Crest Inc. December 20, 2012 Page 3 CODE . 2012 International -Residential Code (IRC) Stairway Dimension Requirement Tested Value (2) Compliance Width 36" minimum 38" Pass Kiser Height 7-314" maximum 7" Pass Tread Depth 10" minimum 11-1/2" Pass Tread Leading Edge Radius 9116" maximum Less than 1/2" Pass ?Votes: (1) 44" minimum or 36" if serving an occupant load less than 60. (2) The tested values have been taken from the referenced ATI test report, RADCO has not independently verified any of the actual dimensions, and is not responsible for the accuracy of these dimensions. CONCLUSION: There have either been no changes in the dimensional requirements in the IBC, IRC and the FBC or, as in the case of the Tread Leading Edge Radius, the requirements have been slightly relaxed, when compared to the requirements listed in the referenced"ATI test report number 01- 3701104, dated 11/7/03. The product is therefore in compliance with the dimensional requirements of all editions of the IBC, IRC and the FBC referenced above for the four (4) dimensions shown in the tables. Please call if you have, any questions. RADCO Sanjay "Jay" IVlishra, Vice President Testing Laboratories & Code Interface Services SM/sm RADCO WO No. C2482A C:1Data\Documents\Doc-121sty1e crest step code verificationlwpd