HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationA II AIPPLIICABUS INRO MUST BE CCIMFICETUDI FOR APPLICATION TCI BE ACCEPTED Dates: 10d2'I/ACI20 Hermit Number: 97J ILUCC fl L2 I • "Kl__Building Kermit Appliciatian Plan r ing ar a Dein a1oA mem t Services Building and Code Reg&kiiion Divisuor Commercial X REsidElntlial 2-10 Virginia Aver uel, Fort Aiercie fIL 345182 Rhone:11313) 4IE12-133-3 Fai: ll—A2) 482-131E1 PERMIT A PPILICATIC N FOR: FEN C E PIRIOPCSED IIVPPCVEMENT LOCATION: AlccnEiss: 7790 USI ONES SOUTH, FORTI RIERCIE3, FL Property llaix ID #: 3414190'107104CICI21 9itEi Plan Name: VelEminaryl Medical Clenien of S1. Lucie Courfly ProjecitNamEi: VEl1CLINICI DETAIIJ [CI DIESCRIRT,IC N OF W CIRK: Inslall appraAmalely gym' of 8' galvanizec ch ain link feriae with gallEis as shown on survey New Electrical Messer Sleciaric Bledniaal Meter IS©MTRUCTION ENFORMATICN: Ac c itiorial worN to be performed under th is permit — ahEicik all th at arlrlly _Meth aniaal _ Gas Tank _ Gas Rirling _ Shutters _ Elleietric _ Rlu mt ing _ SpririklErns TO al Sq. Rt of CorlStllL ction: Cost of Carisl nL ation: $ 12,000.00 _ General tui Sq. Ht. of Ririst Rloor: Lot No.'10 BloaN Na. 3 Wiric aws/ Doors _ Rond Roof Ritah Utilities: -Sewer —Septic 801dirig Height: CNN E.R/LESS E9: NaimeNGSIGI HCILCIINGI LLC -CONTRACTOR: NamEi:Aldo ❑uguay Address:olam SW Ken11 Clirale Campany:13-FencEi City: Part El Lucie Stal El: _ A c c rEiss:2303 .IW KEN Tl CIIF CIL E Sip Cac a: 34953 RN/AI City: Port Si Lu aie . StatEi: HL Rh ariEi Na. 71712-62E1- 71053 Zip (kic Ei: 34 993 Rax: NA 8-Mail:N/A Phone NoA712-626-71C153 Fill in fee !iirn FIle Title Holden an next page Il if c iffererit E-MaildfenaeenlCa gmail.aom from the Clwrier listed Acne) State or Clau my UCEirisc • -�•. �..�• ....• �� •....�..... 1� iNVY VII IIIY�CI d n�iavnuou �� auaei or �ommerlCElmElrli Is rQlqulreC . If valu a of HAUC is $17.90CI or maaeA a RICICIRDID Naticei of Commencemi nt is required. SUPPIL'EIVIENTAL CCNSIT,RUCTIION LIEN LAW INFIGAUMICIN: DESIGNER) EING INREIR: x Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Nat Applicable Name: Namie: Address: Aldc renis: City: Stalte: City: Statle: Zip: Phone asp: Phone: FEE SIMPLE 111TES HOLDER: _ Not Appliaable BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name:MCISG Holding LLcI Names: A c dress:7521 9 INDIAN RIVER DR Ac c relss: City: Ft Pierco CI Zipl: 34950 RE one: Zips: Phone: CIA N E1 R/ CONTRACTOP ARE IDVIT: AFIp l ical ion is hereby made tc obtain a perimil la do th a work and installal ian as inc icai ec . I cera if} 1 hal ria work or installation has commenceic piniar to 1 he issuance) of a permit. Si. Lucie Cou rity makes no reiplrElseintation th at is granting a permit will auttl anize tH a permit halc er to b u ilc i hEI SIJk jeu 1 stru ctu ne wb ich is in cor flicl w it h any applicable Homes Owr Bins Association ru les, b ylavt s on ar dICCIVEirlarlts that may restrict or Flnoll ibit su cb stru ctL ne. Rlease Gansu It H H h you n F ame C h finers Associal ion aric ne%iew your c sec for any restrictions wh iab may apply. Ir canisid eration cit tH ei glranitirigl cif th is rEiquestec permit, I da h erEiby agree th at I will, in all nesplacts, pleirfarm the m ar1l in accorc ance wil h 1 hei apprciveid plans, th a Flonic a Bu ildir a Coc eis anic St. Lu Ciel Clou rity Amendmenil s. Th a followirig bu ilc irigl Flermit applications are Elxeimplt fnam a ndmigairig a fu II coricu nncr cy rEivieVt : roam additions, accessary struclures, swimminig Flciols, far ces, walls, signs, scneEini rooms aric accessory uses 1a anialheir rian-nesideintial uses WARNING 7 CI OWNER: Your failure to Reciond a Notice of Comm eriaemienit may resin It in paying twice tori imiprovemerd sl to your property. A Not ice of Clornirr encement must be recorded in th a trµ blic neaords of 9t. Lucie Caunty acrid posited an th a jobsitei bellare th a first irisipecition. If you intend to obtain finanaing, const. It with lender on an attorney before commericiing woA or recording; your Notiae of Commencement. SligniAl urd clf Owifer/ Lei/Ccintrador as Aglerii for Cwnein Sli riatu Clonbacton crise F older SlIA-18 OF FLORI A STAVE! OF FLORIDA C OU NTY OF St Lucie COU NTY OR St I ucie 9wiorr to (or affirmadI and sub scrill ad bcifora mel of SA am to 11 or afflirmeic ) and subscribEid bellorEi rriei of �,�R ysical PrelsenICEI ar C r line N atarization F sical Rresence or Online al arizal icin th i c ay cif cc oba r ,IC120 b y tb is c ay cls October 20210 by Name till plersari maNing staterr enit. Name of plerscin making statemerit. Flemsonially Kniawn x OR Miciduceid Icentificationi Perisonally Known x CR Praducec Ic Eintiflcalion lyplel of IdEiritificaticiri Ty per of Iceril iflcatior Miciducec Prod ucec i9ign to f># Floris ai signatu e,r"N61tkI:Iffilliff4f Flarida ; :;: •�+i Con>ma 11 Go Ii34051 Clcimmissi ;l1V#�) deal 2b2A28(- ) •+ koventber24.242:' Commis pari °�'` 8ottd�t lhul►elFemtlnnrnraa00•f8671111 �•••a..,.•. gppjfil PLAN51 VEIGEITATICN 5113,11 TUFTLB MANGROVE RRIEIW9 FRC NT ZONING SUFERVISCR COIL NI BR REVIEW REVIEIW REIVIEIW R8%IEW REVIEW 11E3VIEIW DA T8 RSCSIV E3D DA TE CIC IV R I -81E Cl ev. M ichelle Aranklin, CFA -- Sa int Lucie Cc unty Prope rty A ppraisE r -- All rights re serve d. Property) Ic enllificla tian Site A(dross: Parcel IM Accaunl A: Iv ap ID: Use Type: Zoniinpl: (IitN 'Caunty: Cwnersl• ip MGSG H a Iding LIIC 293 1 S Indian Riven DR For Pierce, AIL 14 950-5 911 Legal Description S71 LU(IIH CIAIF DENS 23 3 6 40 BIIK 3 Al 314 RT CIF HCITI 10 LYG SHY OFI DYER RD AND S 200 FT OH SHC 22 36 40 LYING H OF US 116 ,AICI - 12a,412 Sll) ilMAl134 21S: (OR 1100-33'19:3023-512:3044-3: 3il01-2781: 3913-940;942:3957-2503:4081-267:4087-269,271', Cur renil Values Rst(Markell Vhlue: $1,330,000 Assessec Value: $1,334,000 Exo rillllianis: $o Tangible '�lalue: $1,330,000 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all exemptions, assessment caps, and special classifications. t Taxes fair alis plarcel: SL(I Tax (lolleaton's Offlae Dowr laad TRIM fan this I alicel: Download RDF 7790 S US HIGHWAY 1 34 14-501 4 710- 00-2 4072`1 3423 S 1700 Comm Gonra Saint Llucie Count}) Sale H istorX Tollal Alread Finiished/Undeu Air (ISH): 14,574 Crciss Sketchec Asea (ISH): 16,336 Land Elize i laiciies): 2.76 Land Mize (SIF': 120,412 Dec: Jan 12, 2018 Baak/Pagle: 4087 0271 Sale Cade: 0111 Deed: UN TM G rar'l on: N GSCI Holding LII(I Brice: 10 Dade: Jan 12, 2018 Hack/Paige: 4017 r 0269 Sale Ccrc e: 0130 Deec : WD Granlcm: Geraghty Michaa I H Brice: $ l0(I Daile: Jan 12, 2018 Haak/Flape: 408;1 , 0267 Parmil No. Slate of Florida, Cou r ly of St. Lucie NOTICE OF CC MMENC EMENT Pnopelrty 'gax ID Na. 34'14501 CIir1104002 The Undcrsigneid hereby gives notice til ail improvelmcra will bei Inside to certain real Flrclnert3, scold in aeccikc anae with C haptelr 11131, Flaridsl Statutes, The fallowing information is plrclvidlec in Ibis Nalicicl of CommEmlcelmenit Legal D esclri fI icml cif nraperl y and ac d ness if vs ailgit is STI L UCI E GARC EN S L CIl13 BLOCK 1(I DY ER ROP D (M EITBIIS AND BC UN DS' C er elral c lescription of imp ravelmer b Relnce Clwnler/lessee Vellerinary N ec icsll Cerner of Sit Lucie County Addness 7790 USI CINE SCLTH, RCIRII PIERCE, FL Interest in flrclplerty: FEE SIN PLE Heel Simplc Til lei holder (if athelr than owrtin) MGSC HOLCIING LLC Ac a ress 28121 S INDIAN RIVER ❑RIVE Fll FIIERCE FL Can tractor 11 -Fence Enter rises Inc Ph cine AI 561.168-10WI A d dress 1301"1 SW KENT CIRCLE PSL FL 3419;13 Fax # NA Su rclty N jA Pb anc A A d dress Fax # ArrlcluntoflBonlc MA lAindcr N/AI Phor, e # Addrms Fax AI Pensonls m itfl i n flel Statc of Fl oric a de Is ignlsltcd by Owner upan % h om n(d icics or ott eir docu mclnft way be served sls plravideld by Seclianl 1131.13 Ila) 7., Florida Stall aes: Names Aldo Dugl,a)/D• Fence Endelrpiisas Ina PHcmle # 961-i138-'1(190 Acdress 2303 SVS KENT CIRCLE PORT ST LL CIS FL 34993 Fax # I` 11A Irl acldlitiorl tcI t imsell� owr em dlesignslles NSA of PHancl Al - Flslx # - to receive) a copy) elf ttlei Liemlor's Nolicc as plrolvided in Secdicn 7131.13 (1) (b;, Floridu Slate 11es. f Mpiralicunl date of n atice cif commcnlcelmcmlt is onlel yaar frami ttei dale oilrelcarcling ur leas a c if1'enerll dates is splceifiec. WARNING TO OWNER: ADN PAN M Er 7S MADE BY TIM OWNER AFI IER THEI E N PIRATI ON OF 11HE NOTICII OF CION MEAD CIEN BNT ARE (IOD SIDE]RE1D IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CIH.' 13.13, FI.S., AND CAA RESL L1 UI YOUR RAYING TW IKIE AOR IMF IRO'YEMEN7S 7O `r (IL R PF OPBRT� . A No TIICIIH OA COIN MFID GEMENT M 11 ST HE RECORDED AIN D FIC S1 E1D ON THE JOB SITE BEFC RE THE]I FIRSII INSPE 01 ION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSL L1 W 111H YOUR LEWDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING W)RK OR RECORDING N OL R NOTICE! OF COMMBNCMEN7 f.. [lWoeNi.assse, n Owoer' o esaee' Authorized r 41or/PirinenlManaga��I Signature A Cbvc Elignklan'a Tille/CMee Spate of Alarida. Cou nlq of SZI L L CIE IN A C alwl before r this day of OCTcIe9Ea ersonally know Inc ar HI a b as plraduced QE atu inc cif Noin ry 'Eyple or Prin t Title: Ncltary Public Cclmailssian Numbcr :jcl al , ty Gei-'�jn. / ` Notary p pMc state of Flor�ea 4Z AN Tammy Lynn Ouguay • My Co,nm�won GG 578695 0 �' Expires o8II 2024 -