HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubagreements PERMIT# — ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ' "' v �• ' Building""&Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I�s 6,J 6 Z lfc. ( r, c- X-4 e— have agreed to be (Co parry Name/Individual Name) the lec-ir ,z / Sub-contractor for titJ 4 -e ,De'ell (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change_of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier O RA CTo;R SIGNATURE(tualifier) O► ��� ".J�.t-cam .� �✓r,r�� v! rt� b hs PRINT NAME PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of t State of Florida Countyof i �� 1 e The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisl' day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this rt- day of ��nJQ 20\ bG��'CHtr2 r-` 1 .1 i1 2011 b who is personally known or has produced a who is personalty knowu_V or has produced a as identification. as identification. CZ k' STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public Signature of Notary Pubic Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public r Notary Public State of:Flonda .,, ;::G ;,,LAURA R.CUBBEDCiE Kern BtidKa F 97e543 ;; Commission:#GG 0220T1i • < My commissiofl F -�� Tres o5i2s�ao2o _+ �;lxpires Octgber2l 2020 Revised 11/16/2016 no Expires %��,?,;,�°.?••'Bo>lQedThTMyFaieltapraIt am arm i9 I PERMIT# ISSUE DATE a PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING G PERMI T SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT i It aNke N 1 C.e S e. have agreed to be Ompany Name/Individual Name) the m h I "ib--contractor for n (Type of Trade) (Prim ry Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of.a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SU"CTOR (Qualifier) W L ; bea--� l..0 d l M >u NAME IVRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of ST.L.C- 4 State of Florida,County of St.Lli La le-1 y The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was sign d before me this?�ay of ' nvG 20n by:i'\ � \R— .� �r�>� �Ac�`1Q ,200,1 �be6 �..1(A Iu-(f, who is personally known or has produced a who is personally known or has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP knip Rn LAP h STAMP Signature of Not(- Public Signature of Notary Publi i I Print Name of Notary Public PriAt Name of Notary Public •.;�?yeC., DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 t ����,IrRTY y EXPIRES:October2,2020 F." e � �'����'�"Bonded Thru Notary Public Ur�derwriiers *= ItliY COMMISSI()N#EE854297 i 57 EXPIRES January 08,2017L8A153 FloddallotaryService.com ;' i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNpgG& DEVELOPMENT SIERVICES VIM Building& Code Cdhi iamce Division � DYrTG`PERMIT • . SM-CONTRACTOR AGPEBEWNT Comfort Control o'f St.. Lucie County, Zntc.. 'have agreed-to'be (Company Nanze4ndividtial N=e) the HVAC Sub-contractor for Wy: ne beve]onment Corp (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project Ideated at '(Project Street A:ddress'or;Pfoperty Tax ID#) It is understo6d:that,if there is any change-of status.regarding our participation with the above mentibned.. -project,the?building and Code Replatio'n Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant,to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractounotice. r CONT"C'rOR SIGNATORE(QUa6ficr). Co IONA,TUJRE(QugHer) Matthew Lile Wynne 13ar .. .. erman PRINT NAME p'MT NAME 08.898 8288 COUNTY CERTWCATION NCA1MER COUNTY CERTMCATION NUNBER State or korida,County of ST, c,E State of Florida:County of SiQW C. The foregoing instrument was skned before me this day of The foregoing instrument was sighed before me tktus asy of � c�v 42 by` A&;:� who is personally known✓r has produced a who is personally known✓r bas produeed.a as ldehidicatian as identification. �p n STAW { Xi STAIYIP eG l Q GYP tom.. Signature ofNotar<y ..c - - Sig6atureofNot9ty tPe �ho.k'o-rAy 'Aiviy AASKta 4NN �&,4SK.' J Print Nairn of Notary PubEc Print Name of Notary PubHe `ir=`:YB•,,• DOROTHYANN BASIII q MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ;gi'i►�t= � DOROTHYANN BASKIN EXPIRES;October 2,2020. :.; •t MY COMMISSION#GG 030145• Idonded Thru-Notary Public Underwriters =;'; Q= EXPIRES:October2,2020 Revised I I/16/1016 ''•FOE F�?,•` Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters. L66-d ZOOO/ZOOOd tLO-1 999L8L8ZLL d.t00 Buiplin8 auuAM -Wo�j 9VZL 9L C60-ZL i • P£RMIT:#' C$S.UE:DATE. . � �y„� ,�,� �� '.� . :PLAN1�iIlYG:& DEVELOPMENT SE�VIGES ' ' � {� x�` w' $.u>lYdiag& Code Compliance Divisron $:JIIDINGr'PE'R�VIl'I' ` SUB=CONTRACTOR_AGREEMENT` Trea:sure Gaas:.t Roaf�ng: haveagreeclta`be (Company'NamellndtV-idyaLName) the Ro'of :Iig' Sub: traetor;for Wynne Dewel;opment Corp . ( YP. ) (Primaryonttactor.) T. a df Txade rr Fo thC.pFo�ect:lacated::at . . .. ... . :.. . ...... ... (Pro�estStreet:AddressrorProperty Tax;ID�) I.f is understoodthat,!f there'.is any change of status regarding.our participation with:the Above.men pr ,�ect,the$ulling:and Co cTe�Zegulation:D!�lsiail of St Lucie County will lie advised!purstaant to Elie. filing of:a Change of Sub coptractornotice I "3, j CUNTl2ACTO1tS(G YATURE;(Quai�fe j`. S COTRACT04.. NA .. uolifierj Nlatth.e:w;L.yl.e. Wwnne.. . .. .. ... Brian Maloney PRIITNAME ' ;PRINT vAME COIIl\TY CERTIFlCAT[O1V NUMBEt COUNTY CERMCA:TION>NUM EW 5tateof Florida,.Couniy0 cST Lu C State of Honda;Couaty-d G/C Tlie foregoingipstrnwnt was,y�gned.beforeme they of The foregojng iristrnmeutwas signed before'me:ttii' day.of tZ.Oby ��: Wl N� 20 by:e\Ql\ wha.u,personallytcnown, or hasproduc. a. wbo`is:persoualty owri:Z6irtiasprQiluced"a° asidentificatoa, asdeatGeatioba lNw,nIle.,. S7A1VlP G Q�li., STAMP ign�ture of:Nota Pab)►c S�grialure of Notary atilir. ` `la.►2oY1�11f /Y�nrr� f�AS��.N J��.2a'rNY.. NA) /JRSK� P.nntNarite ofNotary Public Pnfif Nam of:NotaryYublic: DOROTHY ANN BASKIN , .�� ,re MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ;zot'R'°•�e��.,: DOROTHYANN BASKIN �o; EXPIRES:October 2,2020 MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 �:;F*F o.••' Bonded Thru Notary U.ndervvriters = �o�c EXPIRES:October 2,2020 Revised 11116/20a6: %:Fodl.o Bonded Thru Notary Public:Undervritors I i I