HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information FLORIDA SOLAR.ENERGY GCENTE_1` Appro ed Solar. energy S� em Approval Date_ -April 1983 5SEC#.S1175 Revision Date. ;July•2U11 DISTRIBUTOR SYSTEM- Solar Hydronic&Corp. YSTEM-SolarHydronic&Corp. 0-8040 1423:Gunn`Highw4y Odessa;Florida,33556 This systerh .was.evaluated-by the Florida Solar Energy Center (PSEC) in accordance with the Plorida Standards Program 1'or Sol.a-r Domestic Water and Poal Heating Systems•(FSEC Standard 104-0' acid tivas totmd to:meet the rni.nimumi standards established by FSEC.. North. .Central. South The calculated.Floiida.Ener y'Factors.for fbis system are: 2-J. 2:2 2:2 DIES.CRtPTION . Collector Manufacturer ;kSKNumber Model Units, -- I. Alternate Chergy Technologies WOW AE-40 1 2: A1tetbate Energy Technologies ObZl 5N M$C-40 1 3. Solar'Hydronics'Co.p. 00333N SHC-10- l 4., Alternate Energy Technologies p.Op81N AE21 2 5. Altemate•Euergt Techliologtes- 00213N- MSC-M 2 6: So1&Fiydronics Corp. 004-44N SHC 21 Tank Manufacturer Model Number Capacity(gal) Type: Direct L .American Water.Healer SE-62/112=$014-045S 80 K 2, Any E,pivalent•M,Listed Tank. 80 � 3, Pump"anufactur-er Model Numbet. Power Or,9W: Vatts). Rated Power- L Taco 003-BC4 51.75 I1401-t.P. . I Solar Hydranics.Corp.. `003-BC4 51..75 1/40 Nsf. I Solar Hydronics Corp.; 003 VT.BC4.POV/Control 51,75 I%40 H.P. s. :I Controll..er-;Manufiaeturcr Madel.Nimbcr 'Type:"Differential. • L Independent-Energy/Goldline CM30/C-304OL-30LCO AC 2. Solar Hydconics,Coip., 81 IC.-30-LCO/GL-30LC0 AC --�� 3. Stecca TROtM1-1:-13-00 AC 4. IMC R SO1,R 2ELC 10. t, � fs 5. Resol Dcltasol BS•/l Freeze Protection i l 1. ManuaC&M— dawn 2. .'Freeze protection valve 3. Automatic Recirculation 1079 L t t +.t ai f R�+u+;(+t.+�1 i< ung 32922M103 a Tr-.i.3-21 W lt'W 1,..1,21-63d,1010 «<�nti l.�t,uct c�ht St.+ i`$1,;� ..•tl{r-3�- R.Fr.Wj,rf';',:,;tY.lfY/A t.3.lr'It`r37ti-�v!'.r3zr•t"tP.- nh_te ih_.t'J":�b Tncf.1!::'4tf�.�xt'aTC.e.dtk.V It+. .,..� ��- _ 1{. i :t"�+l.^ :t`C ^c.t�etiry{'1^ ,,��,,y� � �s''=i�^-e,T�^C i"+^� ,C�^'ty-�n,.^c`•£•--,�',�,���- ,k1'.k^tvS'r.��F`-`f'.c"�,e-�,n�:.,s"^C.� ���^t?,r.t�1�: ,r,^,�' a t n^,. ..cam ,,�(`,�,�n �c ,C ,•C� �,� �n"Y•:.�'"''�iit�-.ak 1'�7+-s' J..+tS' r.Y'�.r' r�}..)^�'�r,✓+,,1...':�":i?.�'i.?'J��'vb*fii^.Y„�'T .:>4�'t\','i'.y+1:3�'a;�✓-7'J�?"�,rv�f`i".T✓k",v\�T .It a,..r..^.:�,}..vjv�=7.�`"47;.;Y;�''.; . jlh :i CERTIFIED SOLAR COLLECTOR SUPPLIER: BRAND: AltemateEnergy c t; Alternate Energy Technologies 'aY 1345 Energy Cove Court MODEL: AE 40 ` •., Green Cove Springs,FL 32,043 USA COLLECTOR TYPE; Glazed,Fiat Plate J`' www.aetsolar.com CERTIFICATION#: 10001820 In Accordance with:. Original Certification: April 16,2013 , ._, SRCC Sfsndard 1004010-08 Expfration DateDecember 03,2024 Y The solar collector listed below has been evaluated by Solar Rating&Certification Corporation"'(SRCC'"),an ISOAEC 17065 accredited and EPA Y l,?. recognized Certification, In.accordance with:SRCC OG-100,Operating Guidelines and Minimum Standards for Certifying Solar Collectors,and has been ` 2 9 y. P g y .9 4 ; 2k certified by the-SRCC.This award'of certification is subject to all terms and conditions of the Program Agreement and the documentsincorporatedahetein by reference.This document must be reproduced in its'entirety. f h e� 4 rX3 COLLECTOR THERMAL PERFORMANCE RATING ti� Idlowatt-hours(thermal)Per'Panel"Per Day. Thousands of Btu Per PanelPer Day `h ` Climate High,Radiation Medium Radiation Low Radiation Climate-> High Radiation Medium Radiatiori Low Radiation g� Category (6.3 kWhlm'.day) (4.7 kWh/m'.day) (3.1 kWh/m'.day) Category (2000 Btu7fl'.day) (1500 BtullP.day) . (1000 Btulft'A y) f r` 7` (TI-Ta) (Ti-Ta) 4 A(-5'C) 17,5 13.2 9.0 A(-9'F) 59:6 45.1 30.8 �. &(5'C) 15.3 11.1 6.9 B.(9:°F) 524 37.9 23:6fh C(20'C) 12.2 8.1 4.0 1 IC(35'F) 41.7 27.5_. 13.6 D(60-'C) 6.3 2.7 0.1 `D(90-F 1 21.6 9:1 0.2 F%a" ti* E(80'C). 1.3 0.0 0.0 E(144°F)- 4.6 0.0 0:0 iY r K c`' X Pool Healing(Warm Climate)B-Pool Heating(Cool•Climate)C-Water Heating(Want Climate) y D-Space&Water Heating(Cool Cilmste)E-Commercial Hot Water 8 Cooling t ' Y � A'3 COLLECTOR'SPkIFICATIONS Gross Area: 3.G90 m' 39.72 ft' Dry Wa1ghC 89 kg 1531b 4 .. . %s.- Net Aperture Area: 3:875 m' 37:40 ft' Fluid Capacity:;; 4.6 liter, 1.2 gal `�y* .AbsorberArea: 3.385 m' 36.44 ft' Test Pressure: 1103.kPa 160 psi ;. TECHNICAL INFORMATION Tested in accordance with:ISO 9806:1994 z n ISO Efficiency Equation(NOTE:Based en gross area and'(P)=Ti-Ta) SI UNITS: rt=.0.755-5:22476(P!G)-„0,01950(PYG) Y Intercept 0.760- Slope: 6.21.5 W/m?,°C { IP UNITS: n=0.755-0.92081(PIG)-0.00191(P'!G) Y Intercept: 0.760 Slope: -1.095 Btulhr.ft'.`F Z IncIdent Angle Modifier Test Fluid: Watergo 6 10.. 20 90 40 50 60 70 Test Mass F16W Rate: D.01,94 kgl(s m 14.291b!(hr ft') Kra 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.97 0:93 0.79 Impai#Safety Rating:11 - ) REMARKS: `. { �5 1 x . ay Technical Director 007100 CERTIFIED. f Print Date,August,2015 Page 1 of 3 '. t Please verify certification is active on the SRCC website. Solar Rating&,Certification CorporationTM { "' www solar-rating.org♦400 High Point Drive,Suite 400 i Cocoa,Florida 32926 (321)213-6037 o Fax(321)821t0910 x �^c �A-°V?:4 't.-��-�C. _!v�_��L`�`�.4_Z,''�-_�''�'v '�.4�c�'.�_v�'CYpi�"E��`i�'iC-'�✓�..�'£C.� '.C'��MC A+�.`�./`v"� ?�'�4'�-�,-,��P�`-�_s,��r. x. 14' 00 L- ^rJ`3 .j��„> .;Y} J✓,,,'hi,?'" .} �� ,> ;T4 ^ ..:.�?�--w .. - '..d^x.Yt .'''' h'' CERTIFIED SOLAR COLLECTOR SUPPLIER: BRAND: AlternateEnergy- Alternate Energy Technologies MODEL: AE40 t 1345 Energy Cove Court — — — COLLECTOR TYPE: Glazed Flat Plate Green Cove Springs,FL 32043 USA S- f- www.aetsolar.com CERTIFICATION#: 10001820. X+ v in Accordance with: Original Certification: April 16,2013 Yt, SRCC Standard 100-2010-08 t : 1 Expiration.Date: December 03,2024 ? The sol*collector listed below has been evaluated by the Solar Rating&•Certification CorporationTu(SRCCTN),an ISO/IEC-17065 accredited t '> and EPA recognized Certification Body,in accordance.with SRCC OG-100,Operating Guidelines and Minimum Standards for Certifying Solar v-- ry,y Collectors,and has been certified,by the SRCC.This award of certification is subject to all terms and conditions of the Program.Agreement and g� 7 the documents incorporated.therein-by reference.This document must be reproduced in its entirety. ,+r� ADDITIONAL INFORMATION-(click here to return to the rating page) h Test Lab: Atlas Weathering Services Group , Test Date: December03,2012' 4 ; 'Test Report Number: R2 AT28423 Test Location: outdoors. f %`• SOLAR COLLECTOR CONSTRUCTION'DETAILS 4 � y _Gross Length: 3.078 m Gross Width: 1-.199M Gross Depth: 81.080 trim hkY .- COLLECTOR MATERIALS tf x' Outer Cover. Glass sheet Enclosure back: Aluminum Back Insulation. Foam,None Y Inner Cover. None Enclosure side: Aluminum Side Insulation: Foam,None, ;} Absorber Description: Tubes connected to Fins Flow Pattern: ParalieVHarp .. f Riser Tube Copper Fin: Copper o e; Absorber Coating: Selective Tube to fin connection Laser]Held > - f; ; ?.4 GLAZING Outer Cover Inner Cover �? Material:- Glass sheet None y , 4'- Surface Characteristics: Textured Thickness: 3.2 mm NIA ^ Kx- 46 s� TransmissiviHigh(equal to or greater than r''` / ' Length:. 3.027 m �y Width:, .1.148 m_ Tube Glazing to Header Enclosuie.Seal: EPDM gasket {? ', x ABSORBER: Absorber Coating: I Selective +� t Header Material: Copper Header OD: 28.6 mm Header:V4lalh' D.9 trim ; s V is LFinMatedal: e Material: Copper Riser Tube OD: 10.0 mm. Riser Tube Wali 0.6 mm Thkckness:, :. Copper Fin Thickness: 0.20 mm ti yLN nk TEN CERTIFIED Print Date August 2015 Page 2 of 3 < ?r.r Please verify certification is active on the SRCCwebsite. � ', ,!�+" ,�'�: ©Solar Rating&Ceiiificatlan CorporafionTM .- - *��' -. www solar-rabn or ♦400 Hi h Point Drive Suite 400�Cocoa Florida-32926 O 321:213 6037�Fax 321)821-0910 "� .�;;� rr'`: r-Y 7'rx.�-,.A a"j •Y'7. 7>r''�, Y,;.'r r�17?- " i N>-�r-`�"r r 'Y'1.'Y-rye Y�.r ,"'>�Y�., 'Y�.^`�'7. i� ^�'- r" C��:�[''"�,�,.2`�...�-.Lx:.c>v�;�.lr�eLc,�.�;Z`��y„c,�•ti'r�.^t`t ^��c.����.'.-Lac.�^�5.�``-=u��'�:,,�`;rs�c�i�:c; ;ff f rx � ftrYs� �rVSy�� S,tYSci�✓�y1 c �y^C �cS c }�f s "r C{ t`y ; 'r s :, ,, ,..''S-a°S��.a.?.. ��'J.. }-r ,pa.. :1 .�.:,1':N._.�t,A,..T.:,.+�':;:::,�..i-s,�>�_.'.�Sa=-_ '�,A�',•!r.>.?.�.:rt�iJ- }-,.•�`-f .✓�'�%,? r, .s:.e:.:�;.�1:.-'+:��;+;. �„Y r�"'.. ... Pte`+`{ ,ac�rtr�"�,pR,"f�s,�.�!'n '�y�l,•:rw'a�a �i' CERTIFIED.SOLAR COLLECTOR , ; SUPPLIER: BRAND: AlternateEnergy s Alternate Energy Technologies Z+� = 1345 Energy Cove Court MODEL: AE 40 . y.: Green Cove Spnngs,:FL 32043 USA COLLECTOR TYPE: Glazed Flat Plate www.aetsolar.com CERTIFICATION M 10001820 Lh x rf '� 1n Accordance.with: Original Certification: April 16 2013 sa`a SRCC Standard 1D0-2010-08 s Expiration Date: December 03,2024 ,, The solar collector listed below has been evaluated by the Solar Rating&Certification CorporationTM.(SRCC""),an ISO11EC.17065 accredited: r{ t and EPA recognized Certification Body,in accordance'with SRCC OG-100,Operating Guidelines and Minimum Standards for Certifying Solar,, Collectors;and has been certified by the SRCC.This award of certification is subject to all terms and conditions of the Program Agreement and � :. the documents incorporated therein by reference.This document must,be reproduced in its'entirety. " a . `y. Flow Patten: -_. Parallel/Harp Number of Riser. 10 Tube Spacing: 112.8 mm, Number of times Tubes: each riser crosses zh- the absorber. { Length of Flow Path: 2:96 m Riser to Fin/Plate Laser Weld �C a Bond:. *> INSULATION: " r Location Type Thickness Location Type Thickness,: T�?f Back=Top.:Layer. Foam 35.6 mm Sides=inner Layer. Foam 15:9 mm X r.. •: . sh {` Back'Bottbm Layer.- None Sides—Outer Layer. None r Q, Endosura Fastening Methods: Rivets r L ..: < Power Output per Collector(W) . [Ti Ta;G=;1600.W%m' r, .. 0 10 30 50 70 <^ 2786 2586 2143 1643 1084 { � . �kr� •`y } �t PRESSURE DROP -Flow AP Flow AP " Its Pa 9pm -in,1-14 T s g 20 0 0.32 Oro 4 50 0 0.79 0,0 ,,t s 80. 0 1.27 ; �{ 0.0 r l; M� s r� tieSr, e. t Print Date:Augusti 2015 Page.3 of 3 06:-in CERTIFIED �> �.'� Please.venfy certification is active on the SRGC website. s �>, ��. ©Solar Rating 8Certification CorporalionTM' U ,? �e�? www solar racing org�400 High Pomt Drive Suite 400 Y Cocoa Florida 32926�(32]}213-6p37�Fax(321j 821-09.10 �` tK'".y'�"ay-.�. r�5.ry�.y�`�Y'Yr,.. 'S- '} y4,->.� ��./-� "� '7y7.ry' x-,✓s"x-w-y`n.-f 'rrtayam' �j�` �Y n J tr��'"'L'�^C� `/yK"✓(,`l,._^fv��.A-��,i��v'�An�Y�-'f..�L'v� '��L�G�'ti YNR<�'C "�iT� L�'C�F���/���� �f'^' �'M'.[S.F Y��^� ��1` �V1'-'.s`�'. yt Ni\td t i1•�A'�A �� ��� 04 pw �� Sou ' !,MA ®® NOW ME muo I Lai it r4=IN Leffa �® � ♦ 7 ti•.� riy�,�.fry_ F+��(s'^�YPi�S°31! t ..��� r4Y s� . • `�'"��: �Yt�®� ����e a '• r �• iia �;rnv. • • ^ V: SOLARCOLLECTOR. SOLAR'COLLECTOR RETURN SUPPLY 120 VAC' COMPONENT LEGIND 1' .REm _ No.. I)MCR1PTION 5 4. 1 ARVerr 2 GALGVALVS-SO .RSLMY' 3 13AALL VALVE-SOLAR RERJFZ'J •, d SOUR MAIN(VALVE)-SOLAR SUPPLY 6 BOILER MIllJ(VALVE)-SOLAR RETURN � 4 • 6 NIOTQWED CHECK VALVE' • 6 7 CRd l AMN , 8 FREEZEPROIECMN VALVE 9 GATE'SHUTOFF'VALVE 10' RELIEEVALVE-FRE, SUREONLY' 11 RELIEFVALVE-TEtvP8FRESSLM o00 12, aFFEREM1ALTENPCONiROC HOT WATER 1 (Nt(I OUTLET O COLD WATER INLET' i SENSOR WIRE CHASE • `, 'r�� : ROQFfLtASHINQ i6kTHERMISTOR 1 � ` r •f. SENSOR _ a r 1 C006NE4T"LEGEND • t $ a �� - COOLtE '� .�• ti'1;M .. • � AESCRIPTION C i I AIR VENT. r °i.,, " `' • 2 BALL VALVE•SOLAR SUPPLY SALLVALVE-SOLAR RETURN A BOILER'OR'A(N'{VAI VEj 'SOLAR SUP.pLY r 5 BOILER GRAIN{VALUE}-:SOLAR RETURN 6 MOTORIZED CHECK VALVE 7 CIRCULATION PUMP 8: FV'REEZE.PROTECTIQN VALVE',. ' 9. GATE-SHUTOFF-VALVE: • 14 RELIEFYALVE-PRESSURE ONLY 17 J RELIEF VALVE-TEMP B PRESSURE 12 DIFFERENTIAL TEMP CONTROL ' Steca Elektronik GmbH 1 87700 Memmingen I Germany I Fon+49(0)8331 8558-0 Fax+49(0)8331 8558-132 1 wvvw.steca.com Steca TR 0301. U r 3inputs, _.:TRQ) The 1 output oaot u e _F_.. The Steca TR 0301 U controller was specially developed.for © —s the North American market based on the Steca TR 0301 basic �• controller.With its special certification(ETL label)from a Na- j .f...a tionally Recognized Testing Laboratory(NRTL)in the US,the controller meets the safety standards and minimum require ments of the North American market. A feature of the Steca TR 0301 series of controllers is the animated graphic display,which offers a complete visualisa- I �w"' `C TPUS tion of the solar energy system's operating status and solar r circuit. rrF The clearly arranged display ensures easy operation using pic- tograms.The controller was jointly designed with an inter- nationally renowned design centre.The controller is used for monitoring and controlling solar thermal systems with one s collector array and one storage tank.In addition,the control- ler performs important system monitoring and safety func- tions to ensure safe and long-lasting operation of the entire f '�mmts.31°ml system.The numerous additional functions of the Steca TR 0301 U also include a maximum storage tank temperature function,a tube collector function,an anti-freeze function, a holiday and storage recool function as well as a choice of ak temperature indications in either degrees Celsius('C)or Fah- renheit(°F).The operational safety of the system is supported E E by a sophisticated fault diagnosis.The multi-coloured LCD a backlighting ensures quick and safe location of occurring ertu - rors and facilitates quick troubleshooting. The Steca TR 0301 U controller is supplied with a pre-fitted _ 80 US mains connection cable and a preinstalled, pluggable tar mm[s4o am] ,3 pump output. s Product features '` TR 0301 u' ,. ■ Compact,multipart designer casing System voltage 120 V AC.60 Hz ■ Maximum storage tank temperature optional 240 V AC,60 Hz Own consumption <1 W[<0.001 HPI ■ High level of operational safety through fault diagnosis Inputs 3 r Temperature display'C/'F 3xtemperature(Pt1o00) ■ Collector overtemperature disconnection output 1 1 x switch output relay(111), v Spring clamp terminals allow rapid and easy installation max.400 W/0.5HP(120VAq or 800 W/1 HP(240 V AC) Line cord 75 inch,3 x 18 AWG at 221°F Displays Tum-on temperature difference 8 K[46.4°F] ■ Graphical LCD display with backlighting Tum-off temperature difference 4K[39.2'Fl ■ Animated representation of the systems and operating Ambient temperature 0°C[+32°FI...+45°C[+113*Fl states Degree of protection IP 20/DIN 40050 Dimensions(X x Y x Z) 160 x 157 x 47 mm [63 x 6.18 x 1.85 inch] Operation Weight 350 g 112.35 oz] ® Non-verbal menu navigation Temperature sensors 2 x Pt1000 Collector sensor.1.5 m 159 inch] ■ Side switch for manual,auto,off silicone cable with bushing (Measuring range up to+180'C[+356°F)); Storage tank sensor.0.3 m[11.8 inch] twisted single conductor flat surface Functions sensors with compression cable lug ■ Holiday(storage tank recooling) I (Measuring rangeupto+105°C[222°FJ) rccnamr lora ar zs°u rr°r ■ Interval/tube collector ® Anti-freeze ■ Display storage tank top System with'one storage tank 1 col]ectorarray.,!�, 't Internal heat exchanger,intelligent pump control [areas of application] [inputs/outputs] 3 9 , 1NSUL=TUBE@ 1 ' '1 { Flexible, Closed-Cell Pis — Insulation k I Designed ` _s DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION when installed on low temperature surfaces INSUL-TUBE®pipe insulation is an environ- With a factory-applied coating of talc on the that are exposed to continuous high humidity. mentally-friendly,CFC-free,flexible elastomeric smooth inner surface,INSUL-TUBE°slides FLAME AND SMOKE RATING thermal insulation.It is black in color and is easily over pipe or tubing for quick installation. available in unslit tubular form in wall thick- When applied to existing lines,tubing is slit INSUL-TUBE®in wall thicknesses of 2"(50 mm) nesses of 3/8",1/2",3/4",1", 1-1/4",1-1/2" lengthwise and fitted into place. (Slitting can and below has a flame spread rating of 25 or or 2"in sizes ranging from 3/8"I.D.to 8"IPS. be done on the job with a sharp knife or pre-slit less and a smoke development rating of 50 or (Available in 6'lengths and coils).INSUL- INSUL-TUBE®is available on request). All less as tested by ASTM E84,"Surface Burning TUBE®key physical properties are approved seams and butt joints should be sealed with an Characteristics of Building Materials". through supervision by Factory Mutual Research approved contact adhesive,making sure both INSUL-TUBE°is acceptable for duct/plenum Corporation. surfaces to be joined are coated with adhesive. applications,meeting the requirements of NFPA Fittings are fabricated from miter-cut tubular 9OA/B. INSUL-TUBE® is non-porous,fiber-free and sections,and cover,flanges,etc.,from INSUL- resists mold growth.An EPA-registered antimi- SHEET°.K-Fit®factory fabricated fittings are Numerical flammability ratings alone may not define the crobial agent is incorporated into the product also available.ASTM C1710,Installation Guide performance of products under actual fire conditions.They are provided only for use in the selection of products to providing additional protection against mold, for Flexible Closed Cell Foams,should be used meet limits specified when compared to a known standard. fungal and bacterial growth. as an installation guide. INSUL-TUBE®is GREENGUARD®certified as a OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS low VOC material,meeting the requirements of INSUL-TUBE®is made from a UV-resistant the "Children&Schools"and"Indoor Air Qual- elastomeric blend.For moderate UV exposure ity"classifications. (residential applications),no additional protec- tion is needed.For severe UV exposure(rooftop APPLICATIONS applications)or for optimum performance, 1 INSUL-TUBE®is used to retard heat gain and K-FLEX®374 Protective Coating,approved I I ASW D 105 prevent condensation or frost formation on jacketing or K-FLEX Clad®is required. New 1 ' M� , refrigerant lines,cold water plumbing,and -USDA ComptlaRt chilled water systems.It also retards heat flow UNDERGROUND for hot water plumbing,liquid heating,dual For buried lines above the water table,use a :.(Recopjtio No. , temperature piping,and many solar systems. clean fill such as sand(3"-5"layer)to protect26J50-tested INSUL-TUBE®is designed for the HVAC and INSUL-TUBE®before backfilling.It is recom- Refrigeration industry. mended that materials to be buried are properly I .o 1 . . sealed at all seams and butt joints with an ap- FMRC ApprovalI INSUL-TUBE°is recommended for applica- proved contact adhesive.For optimum perform- NFPA Noi 10:1 once,the lines should be encased in a conduit � • P °g • " tions ranging from-297°F to 2207(-182°C , , to 1040C).The expanded closed-cell structure to protect them from problems associated with I 1 makes INSUL-TUBE®an efficient insulator and ground water intrusion and compaction. •1 I I 1 1 °s provides effective moisture vapor resistance. INSUL-TUBE°can be used with heat tracing/ RESISTANCE TO MOISTURE ' heat tapes. VAPOR FLOW 10-90=10 1 1 1 The closed-cell structure and unique INSUL-TUBE°has a tough skin that withstands formulation of INSUL-TUBE®effectively retards "9 tearing,rough handling,and severe envi- the flow of moisture vapor,and is considered ronmental conditions,yet is flexible for easy a low transmittance vapor retarder.For most installation.INSUL-TUBE®has superior cold indoor applications,INSUL-TUBE®needs no weather flexibility. additional protection.Additional vapor barrier protection may be necessary for INSUL-TUBE® Made in USA UK FLEX USA (a wwmn W.E=M) FMContainsa Vrotemve � a� AntlmaabalAgenl GREENGUARD° INNOVATIXJ IN INSULATION y,myp�,„°i�,e,K,,,,m ppppo°I[O PHYSICAL PROPERTIES w TEST METHODS Thermal Conductivity(K) 90°F(32°C)Mean Temp 0.258(0.0372) ASTMS 177/C 518 BTU-in/hr-Ft'-°F(W/mK) 75°F,(24°C)Mean Temp 0.245(0.0353). ASTM C 177/C 518 Density 3-6 PCF ASTM D 1622/D 3575 Opeka(ingTemperature.Rahge(Flexibleto-407(-40°C))''' " -' `297°F(-182°C)to+220°F(104°C) Water Vapor Permeability Dry Cup.Perm-In 0.03 ASTM E 96 -Water Absorption%(Volume Change) 0 ASTM C 209 Flame Spread/Smoke Developed (up to 2"wall) <25/50 ASTM E 84 Ozone Resistance Pass ASTM D 1171 Chemical/Solverd Resistance Good ;Mlldew;Reslstance/AIr Erosion j Pass UL 181 UV Weather Resistance Pass QUV ChamberTest THICKNESS RECOMMENDATIONS 1 CONTROL CONDENSATION PIPE SIZE 0' •' •' • Normal Conditions(Max OFF.29"C-70%R.N.) 3/8"I.D.thru 1-3/8"I.D. 3/8"(10 mm) 1/2"(13 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 1"(25 mm) Over 1-378"thru 3"IPS 3/8"(10.mm) . 12"(13 mm) - 1"(25 mm), V(25 mm) Over 3"IPS thru 4"IPS 12"(13 mm) 12"(13 mm) 1"(25 mm) 1-1/2"(38 mm) Over 4"IPS - _ 12"(13 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 1"(25,mm) 1-12"(38 mm),..-. , Mild Conditions(Max BO"F,26"C-50%R.A.) 3/8"LD:thru 2-1/8"I.D. 3/8"(10 mm) 318"(lo mm) "12"(13 mm) U2"(13 mm) Over 2-1/8"thru 3"IPS 3/8"(10 mm) 3/8"(10 mm) 12"(13 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) Over 3",IPS thru'4"IPS 1/2"(13 mm) 12"(13 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) Over 4"IPS 12"(13 mm) 12"(13 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) Severe Conditions(Max 901,,32'C-80%Rlo 3/8"I.D.thru 1-1/8"I.D. 3/4"(19 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 1-1/2"(38 mm) 1-1/2"(38 mm) Over 1-1/8"I.D.thru 4"IPS 3/4"(19 mm) 1"(25 mm) 1-1/2"(38 mm) 1-1/2"(38 mm) Over 4"IPS 3/4"(19 mm) 1"(25 mm) 2"(50 mm) 2"(50 mm) INSUL-TUBE®in thickness noted within the specified temperature ranges will prevent condensation on indoor piping under design conditions defined below.Thickness recommendations above 2"can be sleeved to achieve thickness desired.Normal: Maximum severity of indoor conditions rarely exceed 857(29"C)and 70%R.H.in United States.Mild:Typical conditions are most air-conditioned spaces and and climates.Severe:Generally found in areas where excessive moisture is introduced or in poorly ventilated areas where the temperature maybe depressed below the ambient Under conditions of high humidity,additional thickness of insulation maybe required.NOTE Thickness recommendations calculated using 0.2575 K-factor (0145 plus 5%test error allowance). SQUAREPIPE"R"VALUES PER 11 NOMINALII.D. 318" 2.7 3.6 5.6 8.5 120 14.6 20.4 12" 2,5 3.4 5.4 7.9 11.1 13.5 18.9 518" 2.5 3.3 5.4 7.5 10.5 128 17.8 314" 23 3.1 5.4 7.5 9.9 121 16.8 7/8" 2.3 31 5.4 7.2 9.5 11.6 16.1 1-1/8" 2.3 3.1 5.5 7.1 8.9 10.8 15.8 1-318" 21 3.2 5.3 7.3 8.4 10.2 14.9 1'-5/8" 2.4 3.1 5.1 Tl 8.1 9.8 14.6 1-112"IPS 2.3 3.0 4.9 6.7 7.7 9.3 13.8 2-118" 2.3 ` 3.0 4.9 6:8 7.6` 9.2' 13:6 2"IPS 2.3 2.9 4.8 6.5 7.4 9.0 13.3 2-172"IPS 2.3 3.0 4.6 6.3 72 8.6 126 2-5/8" 2.3 3.1 4.7 6.4 7.3 8.8 12.9 34/8" 23 3.0 4.6 6.2 7.1 8.5 124 3"IPS 2.3 31 4.6 6.1 7.0 8.3 122 3-5/8" 2.3 31 4.6 6.1 6.9 8.3 17-1 4-1/8" 2.3 3.1 4.6 6.0 6.8 8.1 11.7 1°IPS" 2.3 3.2' „ 14.7 6.0 6.8 81. 11.6 5"IPS 3.2 4.5 5.9 6.6 7.8 11.1 6"IPS 3.1 4.5 5.8 6.5 , 7.6 10.9 B"IPS 3.1 4.4 5.6 7A - Note:"R"factors were calculated using a K factor of 0.245(at 757,,24%mean temp.)and nominal wall thickness is each case.Lower operating temperatures will result in improved R values.Contact Technical Services for specific recommendations. I /� K-FLEX USA-100 Nomaco Drive Youngsville,NC 27596-toll free 800-765-6475-fax 800-765-6471-www.kflexusa.com I�-FLEX USA ©May 2010 K-FLEX USA.INSUL-TUBE®is a registered trademark of K-FLEX USA.The GREENGUARD®INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED mark INNOVATION IN INSULATION is a registered certification mark used under license through the GREENGUARD®Environmental Institute. ' j INDS-0001-1211 Oateve �t�eii'sfy 1�ou,sG civ.ehrid,01119 .1135 321-9532 PLASTIC . Ph:.(E00} FOx.000)321-9535 WATER HEATER,PANS � •7 SUBMITTAL SPECIFICATION Engineering Specification: Oatey Plastic Water'Heater Pans can be-Installed under electricwater Job Reference heaters to=protect from water damage. Available with 1"PVC or 1"CPUC drain-fittings to allow for connection•to indirect drain. �m O (Ail-dimensions in inches) Manufactured from.0.0.625"plastic polymer ♦ 1"PVC or 1"CPVC.drain fitting provided Pre-cut side opening accommodates.drain fitting For use with Electric Water Heater Tanks e Meets Teguirements Of Southern Building Code Pan depth is 2.50" Vicat-Softening Temperature is 180° F V/' Product Description Qty Inside Ogtside No. Diameter 'Diameter A B . WATER HEATER PANS WITH 1"CPVC FITTING 34160 18"'Plastic Water Heater Pan-Bulk 12 18 18.75. 34161 20"Plastic Water Heater Pan-Bulk 12 20 21.25 34162 22"Plastic Water Heater Pan—Bulk 12 22 23.25 34163 24"Elastic Water Heater Pan-Bulk 12 24 24.50 34164- 26"Plastic-Water Heater Pan=Bulk '12 26:' 26.75 341% 28"Plastic Water Heater Pan-Bulk 12 28 29.75 34165 30"Plastic Water Heater Pan-Bulk 12 30 31.00 WATER HEATER PANS WITH 1"-PVC FITTING 34060 18"'Plastic•Water Heater Pan-Bulk 12 18 18.75 34061 20"Plastic Water Heater Pan-Bulk 12 20: 21.25 34Q62 22 Plastic Water Heater Pan Bulk 12 22 i 23.25 34063 24"Plastic Water Heater Pan-Bulk 12 24 2450 34058. 24"Plastic WaterHeater Pan-Bagged 6 24; 24.50 34064 26"Plastic Water Heater Pan=Bulk 12 26 26.75' 44072-. 28"Plastic Water Heater Pan Bulk 12 28, 29.75 34065 .30"Plastic Water Heater Pan-Bulk 12 30 31.00 WATER HEATER PAN-ADAPTERS 34086, 1-1h"PVC Adapter 12 34088. 1"PVC Adapter 12 34089 1"CPVC Adapter 12 i Data is subject to manufacturing tolerances. H-17 Visit•www.oatey:corn for updates -10/2005 "N- 031111111 • � �� , ��� Residential Electric W 'A 'T E R- H E A -F E: R. s. Direct Solar Water Heaters 'S. s :t -b`�i AWMf �u ' wed 7-1 � 6-Year Limited Tank/6-Year Limited Parts Warranty' American direct solar water heaters are designed for installation as a �'. part of a direct(open loop)solar water heating system or for use with external heat exchangers in closed loop systems.Available in 65,80 and 119-gallon capacities these models provide storage for the hot " water produced by the solar collectors and a supplementary electric t 3} heating element that maintains consistent water temperature during . periods when solar energy is not available. .: i Multiple Connection Options for Installation Flexibilityf • Side and top connections for open loop systems or closed loop systems using m ` T,vXr an external heat exchanger Electrical • 4500 watt heating element-long lasting low-watt density design spreads r w wattage over larger surface area to prolong element life and maximize efficiency • Pre-wired for surface mount temperature sensor(sensor supplied separately) , A Tank Construction • Glasslined Steel Tank—glasslining protects against corrosion to maximize tank life • 2-inch thick"Environmentally-Friendly"Non-CFC Foam insulation(1116 Value) reduces standby heat loss Anode Rod • Aluminum anode rod with stainless steel core protects tank against corrosion CSA Certified and ASME Rated T&P Relief Valve , Durable Tamper-Resistant Brass Drain Valve " Compliance � • Units are UL and cUL listed to UL 174 Standard for Household Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters and CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.110-M90;Complies with California legislation AB 1953 and Vermont legislation Act 193 that.limits the lead content in plumbing fixtures that come into contact with drinking water to a maximum �� of 0.25%. CID 0 Standard 6-Year Limited Tank and Parts Warranty L—Lead Cmrmt • Optional 10-year extension on tank warranty when used in a residential application Eligible for a 30%federal tax credit when installed as • 3-year tank and 1-year parts warranty when installed in a commercial part of a complete solar application water heating system. • For complete warranty information consult written warranty supplied with For more information visit the product,online at www.americanwaterheater.com,or call American Water www.americanwaterheater.com Heaters at 800.456.9805 Copyright(D by America nO Water Heaters 2012.All rights reserved. NCESS00708 R January 2012 No part of thiswork maybe reproduced ortansmitted in any form or by any means,electronicormechanical,indading photocopying and recording,orbyany information storage retrieval system,without permission in uniting from American WaterNeatem Residential Electric W A T E R H E A r F R a Direct Solar Water Heaters UPPERACCESSHOT COLD T&P PANEL 4500 WATT LOCATION HEATING ELEMENT OO OO A O O ANODE COLD RETURN--a- !�O f—HOT SUPPLY FROM SOLARTO ® SOLAR COLLECTORS COLLECTORS 0 A------ B HOT SUPPLY FROM FLOW SOLAR COLLECTORS COLD RETURN LOWER ACCESS PANEL TO SOLAR TEMPERATURE SENSOR FLOW COLLECTORS ® MOUNTING STUD t) DRAIN VALVE "SE62-65PH41S 65 1 4500 21 16 60 1/4 22 59 1/4 20 1/27-1/2 80 1 4500 21 16 60-1/4 24 59-1/4 20-1/2 7-1/2 191 119 1 4500 21 16 62 28 61-1/2 20-1/2 7-1/2 278 *Limited warranty on tank and parts See written warranty supplied with the water heater for complete details **All solar loop and domestic water connections are 3/4"NPL Top solar loop and domestic water connections are male NPT with factory-installed dielectric pipe nipples.Side solar loop connections are female NPT and are plugged from the factory. Specification Furnish and install,where indicated,in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and in compliance with all rules and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. Storage tank(s)shall be American"Model as manufactured by American Water Heaters or equivalent.Storage tank(s)shall have a nominal storage capacity of gallons,recovery of GPH at *F temperature rise and supplied with auxiliary heating elements rated at 4.S KW, volt Storage tank(s)are hydrostatic tested at 300 PSI having a working pressure of 150 PSI and shall have a Fused Ceramic Shield internally lined tank applied under pressure and fired at 1600°F allowing for maximum protection.Storage tank(s)shall be equipped with an approved pressure and temperature relief valve.The outer jacketing shall have a baked enamel finish.The tank shall be foam insulated with an EPA-approved,non-CFC material 2"in thickness.Storage tank(s)shall have a 6-year limited warranty against corrosion as outlined in the written warranty. Distributed By: Order Entry and Sales Warranty and Service 500 Princeton Road(FEDEX,UPS) 500 Princeton Road(FEDEX,UPS) Johnson City,TN 37601-2030 Johnson City,TN 37601-2030 P.O.Box 4808(Mailing) PO.Box 1597(Mailing) Johnson City,TN 37602-4808 Johnson City,TN 37605-1597 (800)937-1037 (800)456-9805 FAX(800)581-7224 FAX(800)999-5210. NCESS00708 R Jarwary 2012 No part ofthisworkmay be reproduced ortran:mitted in anyform or by any means,electronic or medranid,mduffing photocopying and recording,orbyany information storage retrieval system,without permission in wising from Amedmn Waterfleatem Submittal Data Information 101-066 Ivaco Plumb `n' Plug® Domestic Hot Water Circulators EFFECTIVE:February 14,2014 SUPERSEDES: March 1,2011 JOB ENGINEER CONTRACTOR REP. ITEM NO. MODEL NO. General Product Information: Performance Data: Taco Plumb n' Plug® (PNP) Circulators periodically recirculate Flow Range: 0-7 GPM(003), 0-19.5 GPM(005) hot water through the domestic water piping system to decrease 0-11.5 GPM(006) the delivery time to outlet fixtures and reduce wasted water. Head Range: 0-4.5 Feet(003), 0-8.5 Feet(005) These UL-listed units feature quiet, efficient operation and low 0-9.5 Feet(006) power consumption. Self lubricating, with no mechanical seal Minimum Fluid Temperature:40°F(4°C) and Taco's unique replaceable cartridge design, Plumb n' Plug® Maximum Fluid Temperature:220°F(104°C) circulators are field serviceable and maintenance free. An Maximum Working Pressure: 125 PSI optional Aquastat is available for constant circulation applica- tions to maintain temperature between 95°F and 115°F. Features: Materials of Construction: • UL Listed CIRCULATOR: • Optional 95°F-1150F Aquastat Available Casing (Volute): Bronze or Stainless Steel •Standard High Capacity Output Stator Housing:Steel • Compact Design •Quiet, Efficient Operation Cartridge:Stainless Steel • Direct Drive-Low Power Consumption Impeller:Non-Metallic Shaft: Ceramic • Unique Replaceable Cartridge Design-Field Serviceable Bearings:Carbon •Self'Lubricating O-Ring&Gaskets: EPDM •No Mechanical Seal • Unmatched Reliability-Maintenance Free INTEGRAL FLOW CHECK(IFCG): •Sweat Connections-Bronze Body&Plunger.Acetal •Union&Threaded Connections-Stainless'Steel Spring:Stainless Steel •Flanged-Stainless Steel O-Ring: EPDM Model Nomenclature: Mounting Positions: BC — Bronze,1/2" Sweat B — Bronze,3/4"Sweat ST — Stainless Steel,3/4" FNPT SC — Stainless Steel, Union Connection ° SF — Stainless Steel, Flanged El a PNP — Plumb n' Plug® STANDARD OPTIONAL OK IF OVER 20 PSI Electrical Data: MODEL VOLTS Hz Ph AMPS RPM HP 003-PNP 0.45 005-PNP 115 60 1 0.54 3250 1/4o 006-PNP 0.52 006-PNP(IFC) 1 1 0.57 Motor Type Permanent Split Capacitor,Impedance Protected NSF �=;smart., w c uL us NSF/ANS1372 usTED A Taco resource—saving product .ANALOG TIMER OPTION: Application: Analog Features: The Plumb n' Plug with analog timer will cycle the circulator dur- .24 Hour Analog Timer ing peak usage periods such as early morning or early evening.An . 15 Minute ON/OFF intervals optional aquastat is available for constant circulation applications to maintain temperature between 95°F and 115°F The Taco 003 • Easy-to-Use Clock Timer PNP is ideal for recirculation loops.Its design operating condition •Factory installed 6' line cord of 3 gpm at 3 feet of head helps to reduce erosion,corrosion and noise in system piping. Use the 003 PNP for systems up to 200 total feet(supply and return)of 3/a" pipe.The Taco 005 and 006 PNP is designed for systems using 200-400 feet of 3/a" pipe. Installation of isolation valves, pipe insulation and flow checks are recommended. Pump Dimensions&Weights: MODELS 003-PNP and 006-PNP MODEL 005-PNP A A C—•� B D p i C o o I E E — 0 - MALE FF - F Eft.CORD THREAD 6ft.CORD ANALOG TIMER MODEL CONNECTION A B C D E F SHIP WGT. IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm LBS. KG 003-BC4-PNP 12"Sweat 2% 54 003-B4-PNP 3/a"Sweat 23/is 56 5'/4 134 7'/a 184 3'/is 77.8 3s/is 84 003-ST4-PNP 3/4" FNPT 2 51 003-SC4-1 PNP Union 231/32 76 6 152 005-SF2-PNP SS Flanged 8% 205 11''/16 49 35/32 80 33/32 78.6 4% 121 6% 162 7.0 3.2 006-BC4-PNP 12"Sweat 2% 54 006-B4-PNP 3/a"Sweat 23/16 56 51/4 134 71/4 184 3116 77.8 35/is 84 006-ST4-PNP 3/4"FNPT 2 51 006-SC4-1 PNP Union 231/22 76 6152 ANALOG TIMER with INTEGRAL FLOW CHECK(IFC)® MODEL CONNECTION A B C D E F SHIP WGT. IN. mm IN. mmV35/32 mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm LBS. KG 003-BC4-3PNP 1/2"Sweat 003-BC4-2PNP 3/4"Sweat 56 3'/s 77.8 5'/a 134 35/,s 84 005-SF2-1 PNP SS Flanged 8'/s 205 115/1s 49 80 33/32 78.6 43/4 121 63/s 162 7.0 3.2 006-BC7-1 PNP 1/2"Sweat 134 35 23 006-BC7-PNP 3/a"Sweat /1s 77.8 5 56 3Y�s 13 /,s 84 DIGITAL TIMER OPTION: Application: Digital Features: The Plumb n' Plug with Digital Timer allows ON/OFF program .Digital Timer-7 Day Programmable settings to fit any homeowner's schedule.Multiple settings allow .Large LCD Display for different weekday/weekend run times.Run time intervals can . Easy-to-Use Program Buttons be set as short as 1 minute to maximize energy savings. Easy- .ON/OFF Intervals as short as 1 Minute to-Use clockface and large LCD display make settings a snap. .2,500 Hour Capacitor Backup, Saves Settings Its onboard capacitor retains settings in memory for up to 2,500 hours during power outages. An optional Aquastat is available for constant circulation applications to maintain temperature between 95°F and 115°F.Taco 003 PNP is ideal for recirculation loops. Its design operating condition of 3 gpm at 3 feet of head helps to reduce erosion and noise in system piping.Use the 003 PNP for systems up to 200 total feet (supply and return) of W pipe. Installation of isolation valves pipe insulation and flow checks are recommended. Pump Dimensions&Weights: MODELS 003-PNP and 006-PNP A D E 0 0 %"MALE F 6ft.CORD THREAD DIGITAL TIMER MODEL CONNECTION A B C D E F SHIP WGT. IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm LBS. KG 003-BC4-8PNP '/2"Sweat 2% 54 003-84-2PNP 3/a"Sweat 23/16 56 5Ya 134 003-ST4-2PNP 3/a" FNPT 2 51 003-SC4-3PNP Union 184 1231/32 76 6 152 7'/a 15/16 49 31/,6 78 36/+s 84 7.0 3.2 006-BC4-4PNP 1/2"Sweat 2% 54 006-B4-2PNP 3/a"Sweat 23/16 56 5'/a 134 006-ST4-2PNP 3/a" FNPT 2 51 006-SC4-3PNP Union 231/32 76 6 152 DIGITAL TIMER with INTEGRAL FLOW CHECK(IFC)® MODEL CONNECTION A B C D E F SHIP WGT. IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm LBS. KG 003-BC4-11 PNP '/2"Sweat 003-BC4-10PNP 3/a"Sweat 81/a 205 115/ts 49 23/is 56 3'/is 78 5'/a 134 36/�s 84 7.0 3.2 006-BC7-5PNP 1/2"Sweat 006-BC7-4PNP 1 3/a"Sweat -LINE CORD ONLY OPTION: Application: For recirculation systems setup for constant circulation or with an optional aquastat control, use Plumb n' Plug®with line cord only.Simply plumb it in and plug it in.Taco 003 PNP is ideal for recirculation loops. Its design operating condition of 3 gpm at 3 feet of head helps to reduce erosion and noise in system piping. Use the 003 PNP for systems up to 200 total feet (supply and return)of 3/a" pipe. Installation of isolation valves, pipe insulation and flow checks are recommended. Pump Dimensions&Weights: MODELS 003-PNP and 006-PNP with LINE CORD ONLY A B� rr4i 71 – — E I I -- 0 0 F LINE CORD ONLY MODEL CONNECTION A B C D E F SHIP-WGT. IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm LBS. KG 003-BC4-4PNP 112"Sweat 5% 130 4'/s 105 23/16 56 413/32 112 003-B4-1 PNP 3/a"Sweat 51/8 130 41/s 105 2Ye 54 41/4 108 003-ST4-IPNP 3/a"FNPT 5% - 143 47/8 124 2 51 4 102 003-SC4-2PNP Union 55/az 131 411/32 110 231/32 76 515/16 151 31/16 78 35/is 84 6.5 2.9 006-BC4-2PNP 1/z"Sweat 5% 130 41/8 105 23/16 56 413/32 112 006-B4-1 PNP 3/a"Sweat. 5% 130 41%8 105 2% 54 41/4 108 006-ST4-1 PNP 3/a" FNPT 55/3 143 47/8 124 2 51 4 102 006-Sr4-2PNP Union 55/32 131 411/32 110 231/32 76 151 LINE CORD ONLY with INTEGRAL FLOW CHECK(IFC)® MODEL CONNECTION A B C D E F SHIP WGT. IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm IN. mm LBS. KG 003-BC4-IPNP 1/2"Sweat 003-BC4-6PNP 3/a"Sweat 006-BC7-3PNP 1/2"Sweat 6 152 4'/e 124 23/,656 215/,6 75 43/8 111 35/,s 84 6.5 2.9 006-BC7-2PNP 3/a"Sweat • PERFORMANCE FIELD INFORMATION (60 Hz) DOMESTIC WATER RECIRCULATION MODELS(STD) FLOW-M'/H 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 12 11 -Q-003 3.5 10 005 0068 3.0 9 2 8 2.5 y W w Iwl 7 W 0 2.0 6 J = O5 1.5 FaJ- F 4 3 1.0 2 0.5 1 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200.0 FLOW-GPM DOMESTIC WATER RECIRCULATION MODELS(/FC) FLOW-M'/H 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 10 3.0 9 003-IFC -Q-005-IFC 8 006B-IFC 2-5 2 7 w �yw UL. 6 2.0 lu = 5 a = p 4 1 1.5 FQ- F. O t- 3 2 1.0 Sk 1 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0.5 X FLOW-GPM Do your best work.® Printed in USA TACO,INC., 1160 Cranston Street,Cranston,RI 02920 Telephone:(401)942-8000 FAX:(401)942-2360. Copyright 2014 TACO(Canada),Ltd.,8450 Lawson Road,Unit#3,Milton,Ontario L9T 0J8. Telephone:905/564-9422. FAX:905/564-9436. TACO,inG Visit our web site at:http://www.taco-hvac.com