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Building Permit Application
I Date: Z• %:V' Permit Numbe SEP 18 2020 pub C" l�L" S �'3'�. �Til�.L�Z j Rl9RRfR Lgn#99v9/9pflf9fft§,efi'19ge Pe1'111i.tti o: Dep' ar"Li(ent §Lgll£ ing 9Ry 69de #9#ff&f9ff Pjygf9ff S t • . L.0 Cl e Count FL . Phone: 772) 462-1-553: Fax: (772) 462-1578 . Commercial -Residential PERMIT AP,PL,ICf1TION FOR:uigj PROPOSE© j,MP,R'OVEM`ENT LOCATION Address: a 1ERDE V61§iF� .Legal Description:. ��i§T �/�'.Q� §f6i�tl9o►� ti� _ ��4�6�4� �4§= I�e�R� �� .. .. Property Tax ID #133.1tiLot No: Site Plan Name:l'�$�)LI-L - Block No. - Project Name: Setbacks Front 33'. Back: 2'' . Right Side: I L242. Lef� Left Side- 1.01' . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF -WO R K: NO B WAIL 9_1E BIJLT OFFREEAROF IHOMB CONSTRUCTION, LNFORMATION:,: Additional work to ba perfor.med . under this permit.— check _ a - app y: OHVAc _Gas TankGas.Piping _Shutters �� .Windows/Doors ® Electric . © Plumbing . Sprinklers Generator �✓ Roof Total Sq.,Ft of construction: .��tJ S Ft: of First Floor::��� Cost of Construction: $ RAW -Utilities:uSewer LSeptic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Nm'W'i< WOWING DFIPA,T EINT Ne: �� YLE iNNEL Address:6009SOSJif1HlU-Z�IHWYi-•1.,-SW;I171EAD Company: WYNNEDEVEICP:CORRORA ION City:' PORTIST.. WDIE _ Stater. Address:20` SOUTH W lhta1 y- a�VTE4D2 Zip Code:.�2 :.'. Fax- ((772) WS-70, 6 .. City: f�,ORT. T. IL�W . State: FL Phone-No:(772).87 13 Zip Code: 4; 2 .Fax: (112) V�8-71 E-Mail: Phone -No. ((172)87 5I3, 011 axe f, emple Totle IH61dex op -next line ti of eiffere& E-Mail:. from the DW, nerfisw abovi) State or County License: DSM if value (oficsonsmi c ion Is 5ZOD (or ffnom, a FMCS)MD INo ice mf Commennemnt ns it&gWve& SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIG.NER%ENl 1NEER - _ _Not Applicable . -Name :-:BRAQEN &BRADEN Address: 41a;cocoxULAve. IMiDRTGAIGECOMPAN Y.- - - Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: -City: ''STUART State: FL Zip:.Z4ssfi Phone: ,crcz)zaa=szse FEE SIMPLE TITLE HD,IUD.ER _ Not Applicable Name: Address:_ BUND1;NdCOMOWNY: Not Applicable Name: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of.a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder:to build the subject:structure. which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In considera.tion.of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work iin,accordance with the approved plans; the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structuees,.swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TOOWiNER: Your ifieilure to iRecaontl is [Native of Commencement imay amsidt Fin Vpur IpayirS itwiue.fo r improvements to .your property.A Notice of Commencement must be' recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first'inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencine work or recordine vour Notice of Commencement. Signature of Owner/ Lessee//Aigent Signature of Contractor/License Holder, STATE OF FLORIDA SiiATE mf !FWRIDA/ 'C'OU,Nry(+OF S-T k Ac. 1c, COUNTY OF _CT The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �ay of S'E7��7++Q�2 , 20 Eby this /Y day of 5 6 .2a XA) by y%i /� fTflEia L ` t G W y oy V lw1 4 riye-w L`, 4,6 GV Y/U M (Name of person acknowledging) (Name of person. acknowledging) (Signature of Not ry Public- State of Florida) . Personally Known IXOR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Commission No ;�•, DOROTHY KIN MY GOMMISSIO # G 030145 EXPIRES: October 2;2020. Revised (07/ (Signature of No a Public State of Florida ) Personally Known I -""OR Produced Identification .Type of Identification Produce ;,.�; DOROTHYANN BASKIN Commission No. = 2 E MY d5e*ON # GG 030145 o;F EXPIRES; October 2, 2020 Bonded Tf ru NoleryPublic Undetvmters REVIEWS. FRONT: ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION . SEATO RTLE MANGROVE - 000NTER. REVIEW REVIEW- REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE - !I:N,1TIAl5 11 . .. - .. If