HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub AgreementPERMIT# { O j 0,/7S I ISSUE DATE PLANMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance division l3MDJXG> FJWT SMCOPi R ACTOR AGRLEMiNT Preferred AJC & Mechanical, Inc have agreed to be (Company Namellndivldual Name) the Meehanicat 1 HVAC Sub -contractor for Renar Builders, LLC (Type ofTrade) (Mrlmtup Coniraator) For the project located at It is understood that, if There is any ohauge..of status regarding our parti0pationwith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be adviged pursuant to the Piling of a Change of.Sub-contractor notice. f � Ct)NTRACTOR S[GNATIIRE (QuaUiur) suE-coNTR&croRRGNAT(FRF, (Qaailner) Gienn A Davis 11 P , , NAME CBG 1861228 couffry-CRaTIFTCATIONNUMBER stateottDrida,County o, Marfn Tho foregoing instramentwasstgue8before metkts � dayoP r3C ._,202i,) by c 15YV1 �,f�f�_®' wbofspemoaaUyrmdwa orbespr�dt.et;ca aeiden t[eattaa, gaature of NotaryPnblte I'rIat Namt 6f 1Votery PubUc PUg��c RHONDAS RGWE �olPaY Commission # GG 1 "4656 ttnenats Rav;sed19.2021 Q Expires May 19, 2021 N�9lB pp rvOQ' Bonded Thru Budgofttary Services Dohd1d Wayne O'Bryan T'IUNT NAME _ Y, 7 Couw'Y qEi TM(IATI0NNUMEft state 6P81oi38a'+Countyof niTBeaCh The roregotngias&uutauf tras slgaeii bolbre ate this„,;�dayot Wba t4 r12Ysol)any lille� �6Y ite6 grnd4tM1 a asidentUTretl�a. �M� STAMP 51gaain f 4-0- f N-01 'ry e Print Name of No"FabHe L-ww��_ :HOLLY GA®RIEL Notary public- StatB of Florida Commission * FF 926942 My Comm. Expires Jan 31, 2020 ,Ow Bot>dedthtatpi ulo,,,,Mar,Assn,