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Residential System Sizing Calculation PETER BRIDGET JACOBSON PALMETTO DRIVE FT PIERCE, FL Summary Project Title: SYNERGY JACOBSON RESIDENCE 9/29/2020 Location for weather data: Fort Pierce, FL - Defaults: Latitude(27.48) Altltude(25 ft.) Temp Range(L) Humidity data: Interior RH 50% Outdoor wet bulb 8 Humidity difference62 r. Window total 488 Winter design temperature(rMY3 99%) 40 F Summer design temperMure(TMY3 99%) 91 F Winter setpoint 70 F Summer setpoint 75 F Winter temperature difference 30 F Summer temperature difference 16 F Total heating load calculation 61377 Btuh Total cooling load calculation 43669 Btuh Submitted heating capacity % of calc Bluh Submitted cooling capacity % of calc Stuh o, iEie^?ric Strip H: a;i 5Q.3 3 t 10 Sensible (SHR = 0.75) 102.7 34125 51377 Latent 109.1 11375 cfm 0 Btuh Total 104.2 45500 WINTER CALCULATIONS Wintar H"finn 1 n d Ifnr 9441 snftl Load component Load Window total 488 sqft 3923 Btuh Wall total 2483 sqft 8460 Btuh Door total 60 sqft 828 Btuh Ceiling total 2551 sqft 3662 Btuh Floor total 2551 sqft 10797 Btuh Infiltration 96 cfm 3176 Btuh Dud loss 20531 Btuh Subtotal 51377 Btuh Ventilation 0 cfm 0 Btuh TOTAL HEAT LOSS 1 51377 Btuh Aummar (`'lion 1 nad Ifnr 9:481 enfh h=crs:2±Li. srs�'S 5" I SUMMER CALCULATIONS Load component Load Window total 488 sqft 7859 Btuh Wali total 2483 sqft 4512 Btuh Door total 60 sqft 856 Btuh Ceiling total 2551 sqft 3173 Btuh Floor total 0 Btuh Infiltration 72 cfm 1270 Btuh Internal gain 5780 Btuh Dud gain 9783 Btuh Sens. Ventilation 0 cfm 0 Btuh Blower Load 0 Btuh Total sensible gain 33233 Btuh Latent gain(duds) 6183 Stuh Latent gain(inftftration) 3043 Btuh Latent gain(ventilation) 0 Btuh Latent gain(intemal/oocupanWother) 1200 Btuh Total latent gain 10426 Btuh TOTAL HEAT GAIN 43659 Btuh +rte h MIHamm.).) � CC7r5:ZG^7 EnergyGauge® S e n PREPARED BY: DATE. Z EnwgyGaugelll)/ USRCZ8 v6.1.04 A -11,P �g!!RgsI-7- i LalH:f �Ri�Z;ii1 fctGaiciis 2°s. �- System Sizing Calculations - Summer Residential Load - Room by Room Component Details PETER BRIDGET JACOBSON Project Title: PALMETTO DRIVE SYNERGY JACOBSON RESIDENCE FT PIERCE, FL 9/29/2020 Reference City: Fort Pierce, FL Temperature Difference: 16.0F(TMY3 99%) Humidity difference: 62gr. This calculation Is for Worst Case. The house has been rotated 315 degrees. EnergpGxg96I USRCZB -6.1.04 Page 1 Type• Overhang WindowArea(sgft) HTM Load Window Panes SHGC u imsh is Omt Len ma Groes Shaded Shaded Unshaded l J 1 2NFRC 0.15,0.26 No No NW 1.08. 0.8R 50.7- 0.0 50.7 7 14 730 Btuh 2 2 NFRC 0.15,0-26 No No NE 1.08. 0.811. 21.3 0.0 21.3 7 14 307 Stuh 3 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No No NW 1.OIL 0.88. 33.3 0.0 33.3 9 19 636 Shdr 4 2 NFRC 019, 0.31 No No NE 32.01 O.ift. 33.3 0.0 33.3 11 25 i 623 Btuh 5 2 NFRC 0.24, 0.26 No No NW 1201 208. 33.0 0.0 33.0 9 21 676 Btuh 6 2 NFRC 0.15, 0.26 No No NW 12.Of 5.511. 101.3 0.0 101.3 7 14 1459 Stuh 7 2 NFRC 0.15, 0.26 No No NW 120f 5.56. 40.0 0.0 40.0 7 14 576 Blah 8 ' 2 NFRC 021,030 No No NE 1.O11. 0.88. 120 0.0 120 9 19 230 atuh 9 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No No NE 1.0@ 0.811- 4.7 0.0 4-7 9 19 90 Btuh 10 2 NERC 0.19, 0.31 No No SE 1-08. 0.88. 23.6 4.5 19.1 9 18 391 Blah 11 2 NFRC No No SE 7.011. 3.011. 16.6 16.6 0.0 9 18 150 811th 12 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No No SE 21.01 0.51L 8.0 6.0 0.0 9 20 74 811h /3 2 NFRC 0.24, 0.26 No No NE 7.08. 0.5ft. 16.6 0.0 16.6 9 21 342 Bluh 14 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No No SW 1.08. 0.&l.4.7 22 25 9 20 69 Btuh 15 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No No SW 1.08. 0.8R. 4.7 22 2.5 9 20 69 Bur 16 2 NFRC 0.19, 0.31 No No SW 1.08. 0.88. 16.6 3.2 13.4 9 18 275 Btuh 17 2 NFRC 0.19, 0.31 No No SW 1.08. 0.88. 16.6 3.2 13.4 9 18 275 Btuh 18 2 NFRC 0.01, 0.18 No No SE 21.Of 2.08. i 50.7 50.7 0.0 3 4 157 Rk1h Window Total I 488 (sgft) 7331 Btuh Walls Type U -Value R -Value Area(sgft) - - HTM Load Cavr 9math 1 Concrete SkHolaw- Eid 0.12 6.010.0 298.6 19 568 B" 2 Concrete 86t,HoNow - Ed 0.12 6.010.0 864.1 1.9 1607 Btuh 3 4 Concrete B1r,Holow - Eid Concrete BkHolow - Exl 0.12 0.12 6.010.0 6.010.0 150.4 928.0 1.9 19 280 Btuh 1726 Btuh 5 Frame- Wood -Adi 0.09 13.010.0 241.3 IA 343 Stuh Wall Total 2483 (sqR) 4512 Btuh Doors Type - - - - -_--- - - Area (sgtt) HTM Load 1 2 iUnLiBW - Exdrior Wood - Garage 40.0 20.0 14.3 14.3 570 Btuh 265 8" Door Total_ 60 ( 856 Btuh Ceilings Type/Color/Surface _ _ 1.1 -Value R -Value Area(9gft) HTM Load I 1 Unverded AmrlLW&Shingle 0.048 2551.0 1.24 3173 NO Ceiling Total 2551 (Sgft) 3173 Btuh Floors _ Type R -Value Size HTM Load 1 I Slab On Grade 0.0 2551 (ft -pander) 0.0 0 Stull Total - _ 2551.0 (SAID__ 0 Btuh _--�Floor - - -- - ^- Zone Envelope Subtotal: 15872 Btuh EnergpGxg96I USRCZB -6.1.04 Page 1 Manual J Summer Calculations Residential Load - Component Details (continued) PETER BRIDGET JACOBSON Project Title: Climate:FL_VERO_BEACH_MUNICIPAL_A PALMETTO DRIVE SYNERGY JACOBSON RESIDENCE FT PIERCE, FL 9129/2020 Infiltration Type WhoiehouseACH Volume(cuft) Wall Ratio CFM= Load 528 Btuh Natural 0.98 23724 1.00 72.2 1270 Bluh irKeroal Occupants Btuhloccupant Appliance Load asin B X 230 + 4400 5780 Btuh' Sensible Envelope Load: Avivapsexed, Supply(M-G Al ie), Reprn(R6.04ft) _ (DGM of 0.417) 22922 Btuh Duct load 9583 Btuh Sensible Zone Load 32"S Btuh Windows i July excursion for System 1 528 Btuh Excursion Subtotal: 528 Btuh Duct load -- -_---- �.------- - --- -----.-_-� Sensible Excursion Load l - . -. - --- -------1�- 220 Btuh I 748 Btuh - - -f ErwgyGetge0l USRCZB A.104 Pap 2 Manual J Summer Calculations Residential Load - Component Details (Continued) PETER BRIDGET JACOBSON Project Title: Climate:FL_VERO_BEACH_MUNICIPAL_A PALMETTO DRIVE SYNERGY JACOBSON RESIDENCE FT PIERCE, FL 9/29/2020 1. Central Unit # 45500 Btuh •icef W:4owtypes (Parks -Number and typo of panes of gam) (SHGC - Shadag Coefficient of glass as SHGC numerical value) (U - Widow u -Factor) pnSh - Irk" shading device: none(No). Birds(B). Draperies(D) or Roller Shodes(R)) - For Bids' Assune medium color. half closed For Draperies: Assume medaan weave. had closed For Roller shades: Assume Uarakxclt, hair rJoeed (IS - Insect spawn: nale(N), FuRF) or Half(%)) (orrt - Wrlpass orIartala m) HHWdRL I '�aair EnergyC,NgeS/ USRCZB v6.1.04 Fuge 3 Sensible Envelope Load All Zones 23450 Btuh Sensible Duct Load 9783 Btuh Total Sensible Zone Loads 33233 Btuh Sensible ventilation 0 Stuh Blower 0 Btuh Whole House Total sensible gain 33233 Stull Totals for Cooling Latent infiltration gain (tor 62 gr. humidity difference) 3043 Btuh Latent ventilation gain 0 Btuh Latent dud gain 6183 Btuh Latent occupant gain (6.0 people @ 200 Btuh per person) 1200 Btuh Latent other gain 0 Btuh Latent total gain 10426 Btuh TOTAL GAIN 43659 Btuh 1. Central Unit # 45500 Btuh •icef W:4owtypes (Parks -Number and typo of panes of gam) (SHGC - Shadag Coefficient of glass as SHGC numerical value) (U - Widow u -Factor) pnSh - Irk" shading device: none(No). Birds(B). Draperies(D) or Roller Shodes(R)) - For Bids' Assune medium color. half closed For Draperies: Assume medaan weave. had closed For Roller shades: Assume Uarakxclt, hair rJoeed (IS - Insect spawn: nale(N), FuRF) or Half(%)) (orrt - Wrlpass orIartala m) HHWdRL I '�aair EnergyC,NgeS/ USRCZB v6.1.04 Fuge 3