HomeMy WebLinkAbout9504055 5000 Orange Ave4GI F.1. ICo x 1O ©• N. pcu�2. 12" DOWELS r A F Z exISTmk--7 4 r c G ,JC. '.. ! /?f, 76 9,5,14A - PE I I (TYP) 1sGsTIIJC S7,01VC-1,5 f3J4L,1114�, (596A/ -rO EX1S7-1^/Cj 94J&4;)1Ahj �r IAIIr� ROAM �R PZAAl AT IJOPTtu 11001Ti01) S"ALr.',V�.=Ir eit L ix I5T►rJ c � �, &IJ1w1a ail g�rc��„3 wAtL, n/r�/e •: AI OI?TH E-LF4T! a1,� ScAw5 : V6: = I:-p„ e` f"JIJTI.EQ-I � VJAu, PAr►�-S ICIEST CLNV T"IDIN-I AT MO (�I ADDITIar i ALL SECTION A -A 12'f; EXIST. 6AVI CABLE TRIM FOUNDATTON SCHEDTT' V. F-i 4'-10" x 4'-10" x 2'-0" DEEP 3000 PSI POURED CONCRETE FOOTING WITH 1 4 BARS @ 6" O.C. EACH WAY BOTTOM, AND WITH i 4 BARS @ 1'-0" O.C. EACH WAY TOP. HOOK ANCHOR BOLTS UNDER MAT @ BOTTOM. " F-2 1'-6" x V -O" DEEP 3000 PSI INTEGRAL POURED CONCRETE MUNnL7THIC FOOTING WITH 3 / 4 BARS CONTINOUS THROUGH ADJACENT FOOTINGS. F-3 2'-O" x 2'-0" DEEP 3000 PSI INTEGRAL POURED CONCRETE MONOLITHIC FOOTING WITH 3 1 7 BARS CONTTNOUS. ---2(o C-rA. AL'1J %Tl-l! F, C-Xq=' SYS, &A ei-e TV M Ra7F PUrcLW COLOMAI IV4 U, 6,12T PjUTL503 iAIALL FAtJ6L I �i3EY0Alr�� / +�-5 pDkIEL .E IUECESSA-2.( N.T• S. M5TAL ,gill U-1WC:i I i I 8 L L T = EXISTINC l0 , 6ANoP1' @ 4 �i E)'/ST//JC/ 1:1�j(fI II �,Q a J — �_ e6,YP / S IDCIUL)ATlo1�� F1_��2 /P44A/ S 6 Ty Eh' LOSZX 2Z E3UTLE121 f3 WALL PA►JF-LS EXlSTINC-T r%4UE STaVT To 86 951! f1,=:a i; , BoILE14 7yplaL PoojL Pa6T To _ PAVE STrzUT 06Ts4/1- pool -AVE STRUT F9f ERVE STRUT HOLES A _ IN IN cRVE STRUT 1 7/17/166 3' , CLIP ISBOI18) DOOR POST ! r t -- I op. Gbae A ssY. 3x3 WALL Lf 11/E/2S (�TYP. j F] M01'15: Cau1TEf2 ✓binlplSRI�IT� -ro orr ;Zgp�46rD I �T1o1�1 G � r1-t �lcc �e� 5 Aft ---- e-KISTIMS1 eWJOPr BF�LM - - r ExIST/nlc-) 4t1/LD1tiIC-r FR,4M� DoozAneOCT U IZA L 4" Conic. s4Aa- 3oc%=) Ps, - Dc�.eIEL l,UTo LrX"!ST/nIF� SLA>3 DOOR 181REcQG11fLF�— HIOTH USE (aI 1/2' X 1 1/4' HEX. BOLT (095085) AND 1/2' HEX. NUT (095032) OETflIL 0001 I DOOR POST TO BOTTOM OF ERVE STRUT .1111 • J s fit 1 3 •� 1 `' II �� o / GUN SECrlDi� fj-g Na Gca le 12' DOOR USE (4) 1/2' X 1 1/4' THIN HO. BOLT 1096636) AND 1/2 HEX. NUT (09,.0321 �I \(21 3/4' MJ75 (NOT BY BNCI I \ CLIP (543317) DETAIL 0033 I IP POST fExlSTlw'�� &jlLbPJ67 �IaST EL/,rIIQT0�l DDnAncrn Alnnr,l enn,-r,.„t _ PPDPoSEO SOIJTI-I 8AJCLOSURE --- OPZAA/67�F AVrAJCf- SITS PLA k I"= 601 O C� z Q o �. w w U Q Q w- Q � a w con �- x 00 O Q O [a, a: a DRAWN vl 4�--/ CHECKED DATE r/ 20 /9 5 SCALE /✓oT25% DRAWING NUMBER HIM mmuUm 00 G i `a3aEW c::) Q C:D 3 I rn N O w �w F- N QCrD Cr_ • o z Cl_ LL(_-) OVERHEAD POWER LINE (TYP ICALI, } m CONCRETE `7. 43' cONCRETF 76' 1. CONCRETES Ot. iB' w �z 0 ' m I 11 T/ L ASPHALT J;q, S CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT SURVEY prepared for David Turner N89' 47' 39' E 561. 31' � - 5-+a--Ya---~t-- I7. 94' j S O 37.64' CONCRETE Be' CON BETE -, IS.09' 20 1132. r c 52• 20 3fi' 9. 35' mil m B o 20. 57' 29.99' O CONCRETE 29. 90' 1/4-1/4 SECTION LINE _ 54. Or FENCE CORNER }S4. 15'. E4. 94' 1 I LQpI' j L-iL o2' ®. 21, - I PK NAIL AND OISK 1 9. 6p STAMPED RLS 2391 00 (ASSUMED) ROUGH DIRT \ and SHELL Y50 60 x50. 40 CONCRETE DRIVE A \ Limits of I Proposed Building 1�--- - ---- Proposed Finish 46. 00' _ _ _-_._ _ 50.29, Floor 50.96' 4L �. METAL BUILDING INISH FLOgA T 1. 30' ---- of (INISH FLOOR x LEVA IDN 0. 96 113 s0' a ELEVATION 50,96 METAL BUILDING m m 74 04 ( CONCRETE Id �m CONCRETE of J ~L- X50. 60 x50, 44 50. 16' I05. BE, y g7• 5. 82,m, �# f 19. 23' 45, e4' o : 220. 30' 1 x FINISI FLOOR SUPPORT POST-�❑ N ELEVATION 50 92 R May 3, 1995 30 0 30 60 90 SCALE: 1' - 30' NOTICE LEGEND ND CHAPTER 566, FLORIDA STATUTES, THE UNDERGROUND FACILITY DAMAGE PREVENTION AND SAFETY ACT, REQUIRES YOU TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY DIGGING OR EXCAVATIOA ACTIVITIES ON YOUR PROPERTY. POWER POLE CALL ATLEAST4gHOURS BEFORE YOU BIG: ANCHOR 1-800-432•4770 N CONCRETE STUB POLE FOR THE LOCATION OFUNUERGROUNDPOWER. TELEPHONE, C�] CATCH BASIN WATER, SFWF.RR99ANRI;ATVSERVICE LINES, 0 WATER METER 11i WATER VALVE N + FIRE HYDRANT ITYPICAU Q� n CONCRETE POWER POLE = I" ctil SIGN u i 112" IRON ROD WITH CAP RLS 2391 (FOUND) M MEASURED BRACE POST-', ❑ 'I m j; O 0 DEED 1 STORY METAL BUILDING of OPEN METAL BUILDING m (TYPICAL) 0 z 4680 ORANGE AVENUE EXTENSION of 3.739 ACRES± I Q 3 CONCRETE Q O I c- 1 201. 07' 1IE 22' __ _ _ _ _ _... _ - _ CD _ 10. 00' 13 98. 51' S1 Sr - _- E-- y I'I m' CONCRE-E Ir f -� M PROPOSED Itl' 120' ENCLOSURE N So U m ^ U t - 2492' 62. NB' CZ) 1 STORY 9E7AL BL77.23''LOINJ ,,; !4 -__._ ____.______ a E= ,n lO 19.76,69.8 I T.._-_ - I ICY) GATE / z (GRAss' I CERTIFICATE F SURVEYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached Map of Construction Layout Survey, depicting the proposed improvements, as shown hereon is True and Correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and is based on a Boundary Surv4 y as surveyed in the field under my direction. I further certify that this map meets Minimum Technical Standards as set forth in Rule 61G17-6 FAC adopted by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers, pursuant to Florida Statute 472.027E There are no above ground encroachments other than those shown hereon, subject to the qualifications noted hereon. Dated th s 9th day of May, 1995E mes A. Ki spy III Reg ered Land Su veyor Florida Registration Number 2391 Work Order dated 513195 Field Book 94-02 Pages 42-43 RE: Drawing •94-0016L Field Book 35-4016 Pages 6-7 Reference Drawing 83-023 (M) ASPHALT ASPHALT / o I CHAIN LINK FENCE (TYPICAL)-- I a p)_ / U o ^' I � /� arm ool DIRT I ti °j A` zz ry'L ti mom �- WESTERLY NIGHT -OF -MAY LINE ti ti I CANAL NO. 29 O-- - _ - - - B'_z4e0. Br55'N2'49It- ,89' 42' 05' W 532E 08' GRA SS NORTHERLY EXISTING NIGHT -OF -WAY LE -' GRAIL � i x51. 58 Io d VICINITY MAP 4 TO VERO BEACH I ■ z U ORANGE AVENUE I' ,� - TOWNSHIPR35FTHE SW 114 SOUTH, RANGEV40SEASTON T FIORII)ASTATIR, nD /� n G E n- E n-I E E - ---'-- --- ---- - - -- --- - --' I - - - - -- 1/4 ",ON LINE AND BASELINE OF SURVEY ORANGE AVENUE EXTENSION 2. 35 ___- 1 __ ;FA '' ``E"D"AOI ANI ALL UII 1 .. `18. A. 6B 0 0 T.1 -__ a __ IITILih NWi IDANYDIf1YIN� REXCAVA N89 42'05' E 664E 91' ( BO RIGHT-OF-WAY) OREXCAVATION UN YOUR pgOPERiY. SURVEYORS NOTES 1. Reproductions of this sketch are not valid unless embossed with the surveyors seal and original signature. 2. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted or researched by this office for Rights -of -ways. Easements of Record, Reservations, Ownership, Abandonments, Deed Restrictions, Zoning Regulations or Zoning Set -back Lines, Land Use Plan Designation, adjoining deeds or Murphy Act Deeds. This survey is not intended to delineate Wetlands, Local Areas of Concern or any other Jurisdictional Boundary Lines. 3. Legal Descriptions shown hereon was provided to this office by the client and/or their agent. 4. FLOOD ZONE: By graphic plotting only, this property is located in Flood Zone'x', of the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12111 C0175 F, effective August 19. 1991, and is not in a Special Flood Hazard. No field surveying was performed to determine this zone and the exact location can only be determined by an elevation certificate. 5. This Survey reflects the fact that the Deed in OR Bk. 525, at page 544 is ambiguous in it states 'less the North 15 Acres" in one part of the deed and the 'South 5 Acres" in another part of the deed. Therefore I interpreted the legal for the parent tract (E1/2 of the SE1/4 of the NWi/4) as being, in a perfect section, 20 Acres and to keep from creating a hiatus, I interpreted the North 15 Acres as the N3/4 of the parent parcel and the South 5 Acres as the S1/4 of the parent parcel. 6. Fence corners located only, unless otherwise shown. 7. Bearings shown hereon are based on a bearing of N89042'05"E, along the 1/4 Section Line. NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. GALL•; BH' RS BEFORE YOU DIG: 1-800.432-A'7170 I i LEGAL DESCRIPTION The East 112 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, less the North 15 cres and LESS the West 50 feet of the South 5 acres, andLESS road and canal rights of way, in Section 7, Township 35 South, Range 40 East, as recorded in the public records o Florida. � St. Lucie County, _ vTY jB B0„-, 310N EV1L''v )r.D FOR C0WUkWfW REVIEWED BY wIT JOB OR 9AMES A. IRBY III REGISTERED LPIND SURVEYOR 2660 S. Kings Highway P. 0. Box_ 1826 J!)< Ft. lerce, FL 3A954-1826 ( 07) 464-962f`Phons 407I\986r9328_Fax Drawlna No. 95-0048-CLS(Lli �xlSTirf{, t3Jlwr�..I G'7 v 1�/1• ) I 1211 DOWELS I I - ITyp.) l - -- - A �' I EXISTING STo.24C E F3J/� G�//•�', -Z(lST/!`lC7 4" c'c, JG . 4' 11�; Tc� REM.4 nJ _ �aT�nl�7S Jo.rl�i. /'Lrr Ater ' AT" 3o" v.c. 7b T/F_ /NTo �X/snf.l I I (TYP,) i `� --l/ Tv EXIST/n,ICI SGtI�l7/✓LI C-- C lrtlr�,�TiD�.I%rnn L(� � PZAk AT IVOPTI! ACDiTIo1v JALiC..A,�/: hrr 12 13�rc��zlr3 I Tura(. F'M✓F[.5 FOUNDATTON SCHEDT^ o; F-1 41-1011 x 4'-10" x 2'-0" DEEP 3000 PSI POURED CONCRETE FOOTING WITH @ 4 BARS @ _ 6" O.C. EACH WAY BOTTOM AND WITH # 4 BARS @ 1'-O" O.C. EACH WAY TOP. HOOK ANCHOR BOLTS UNDER MAT @ BOTTOM. F-2 1'-6" x 1'-0" DEEP 3030 PSI INTEGRAL POURED CONCRETE MUNnLTTHIC FOOTING WITH TGIZ 3 4 BARS CONTINOUS THROUGH ADJACENT FOOTINGS. L 601-L6Il-IF-3 2'-0" x 2'-011 DEEP 3000 PSI INTEGRAL WAtA pj?T1K{�5 POURED CONCRETE MONOLITHIC FOOTING WITH \ 3 1 7 BARS CONTTNOUS. ICIEST �LN4�\TIOH AT Cyu-t LC� �Q71 ,� 11-C711 MALL 5�CTIDH A= -A ?CD C-rA• AL'1J 5dTLF-2i?7, 00E- SYS. 12a7F pl1�u>.1 0oLGlM Aj W4uL (�712-r E70TL.45erl3 IA/AL-1— PA A,)61_ 'L / #� DOL(/EL GGyi�-E IEIECESSA'lL� KI-T S. -X/S15/a TL Fle 1414�'TAL 43/1/Z-4�1MAl 1 o V I I ✓Cta X l;d l�.h/ �C7l;jr�Z /O1a /O Of� O,/� /QX /O �� ,-.- F-2JY'f $ I EN; Lvs!iRE simp ra �� oiA-r EIZI f3 I WALL PA►JFI_S. I != X ISTItiI h &QUE STOUT To 8E �!-`PIAc-<";G $UTI r� TYPIM4 DOC4Z POST ToJi A;�4vE STN 7- Dg�r,411 pool F EAVE STRUT FIELD LOCATE EAVE STRUT 9/16" 01A. HOLES 1N EAVE STRUT Sn 1 7/1 6' „31— — — 1 4• CLIP 9° (s6ollw , 3u3 WALL LodVE/ZS (TYP.) II Ili — I ' CK�STINCa r^.iFMoPy gF.�+r�l B, V1 ��-Stand R.ci rc•,•� 6/., i 1 NO(E CauTT�f� tx�WNSPt1U t5 To i3 12>;P►�GED SCyfLZ �r'or I rqn �zISTlnIG7 /3L1/Ltil/IG-a FFZAM% �lIIS DOOR POST / j /211 Dnrly %C-f'RuC. f U )44 L 4" C,oA/c, SLAaa-'-sue- CLIP pow,5- /MTo eS iS7-/n/67 SL.A-ep -0THR ._ \ [5801181 I NO / USE (4) 1/2' X 1 1/4' 4.'#P� �3yx (p XfO HEX. BOLT (09SOBS) AND 1/2' HEX. NUT (D95032) f)ETAIL D001 DOOR POST TO BOTTOM IF EAVE STRUT _ Ja_ -a- — `--A II II _ , 3 k Fri — — ±s A'J.�.... -- a — o'er `t-__—' f-3 (Ty P.) Doh— Z{,• SECTlD�1- 12' DOOR POST -,,USE (4) 1/2" X 1 1/4' THIN HO. BOLT 10966361 AND 1/2- HEX. NUT (09S0321 1 S�c4"c5+;os" i ` (NOT BY BMC1 CLIP (5433171 \ OCCR POST BRSE CLIP CONNECTION DETAIL 0033 12' DOOR POST .. 8(ITGERIP� F.4-1/�l�`/ �I i I I 1, AEVIEWEDBY:-.---4.-.-.. -_ __DATE/.— oeaNCC7� 4v IL CO&PL1ANC = T0: I. N.F RA.1r�01 tCt pp 1f. n 2. I I HERN STANDARi� OUILDIIUG CC ES SITE PI A �1` �p1 3.L c1,E IREMXRSHALLRUL 4. S � t FIRE �AAI?SFIALL RULES i. ofZT N C- 7. P. 4. BqX 3030 PHONE: 407) 462-29 FT. PIERCE, FL 34950.3030 y , FAX: (409) 462-2325 tx O c Q p z Q oG a O � w W w U Ca Q w w I H a O CL' 0., MAY DRAWN CHECKED DATE L/ 20 /y 5 SCALE DRAWING NUMBER 1 mo mwk ST. LUCIE COUNTY - FT. PIERCE FIRE DISTRICT BUILDING PLAN REVIEW P.O. BOX 3030 TELEPHONE: ( 407) • 462-23 12 FT. PIERCE, FL. 34950-3030 FAX NO: ( 407 ) - 462-2325 JURISDICTION: St Lucie County F.P.B.NUMBER: 6485 PROJECT NAME: A-1 Metals BLDG DEPT. NO: 50967 CONTRACTOR: R K Davis Construction PHONE NO: ( 407) 461-8335 ARCHITECT: Paul Welch PHONE NO: ( ) 785-9888_ BLDG. OWNER: Esther Turner REVIEW DATE: 7-14-95 BLDG. LOCATION: 5000 Orange AV NO. OF STORIES: 1 OCCUPANCY TYPE: Industrial AUTO SPRINKLERS: Yes No Yes -- GROSS SQ. FT. 2548 sq ft NET SQ. FT. OCCUPANT LOAD: _ CONSTRUCTION TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION: N.F.P.A. # 220 _II TENANTIMP: BASED ON _ sq ft per person (000) S.B.C.C.I._IV_ (un ) RENOVATION: ADDITION: X SHELL ONLY: 1. Egress must be maintained. Two (2) means of egress must be maintained. 2. Provide a 2A-10BC rated fire extinguisher. REVIEWEC DATE: -7- SHEET OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY a DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENt1F, ROOM 201 FT. PIERCE, FL. 34962-5062 407-467.1653 DESIGN CERTIFICATION FOR WIND LOAD COMPLIANCE This Certification Is to be completed by the project design architect Or engineer. This Certlllr.9tion must be submitted with all applications for building permit Involving the construction of new residence (single or mudll-lamity), rostdential addition, any eawssory structure requiting n building permit, end arty nonresidential structure. This Certification eholl not apply to Interior ranovations (provided that no structural walls, ooluirme or other similar component Is being effoded) and certain other minor building permits. I or further assistance, please contact thM building Inspection Office of 402-1653 or 462-2172. PROJECT NAMEVal! ONLY STREET STREET ADDRESS L� + p C-K t , N G PR NUMDFJi F t . If %Lt` F L_ PERMIT NUMBER OCCP. TYPE CST- TYPE CERTIFICATION STgT�T: CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THESL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE BUILDING CODES CURRENTLY ADOPTED AND ENFORCED BY ST'. LUCIE COUNTY. I ALSO CERTIFY THAT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS PROVIDE ADEQUATE RESISTANCE TO THE WIND LOADS AND FORCES SPECIFIED BY CURRENT CODE PROVISIONS. pM�GN PARAMETERS AND AS8UMPTION8 USED' tnrosse dross or complete }h4�lgproP,islo�gt) ].. BUILDING CODE EDITION USED rrcARI IS. `(1 SDCCI / SCE 7-M OTHER (SPECIFY) a. BUILDING DESIGN 13 (CNEcrc oNE) ENCLOSED PARTAl1 Y ENCLOSED X OPEN BUILDING �. BUILDING HEIOHT: 19 - O it FT 4 WIND SPEED U5FD IN BUILDING DESIGN: /t t to MPH 6. VIAND EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION (RE)ER TO EXPOS(mE TABLES IN VMfANG Cot* rDC"F1ED IN LINE s1): el ¢ AVERAGE WIND VELOCTY PRESSURE ON EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE: r? PST, 7. PEAK WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE: PSF !. IMPORTANCFJUSE FACTOR (oaTmN mtou p(s(DING Coon a, LOADS: FLOOR O - A O P3F ROOF/DLAD: 4 P8F ROOFAJVE: L.• PSF 1Q. WERE SHEAR WALLS CONSIDERED FOR STRUCTURE (rn*cR CNLn YES X NO _ S NO, why? (attscln explanation) 13 A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH PROVIDED P*cK ow) YES NO If NO, why? (attach explanation) -- —_ 12. ARE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DETAILS PROVIDED (cruet oNE) YES NO N NO, why? (attach explarvetion) ia. MINIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURE: CI PSF A3 WITNESSED BY MY SEAL, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED WITH THIS CERTIFICATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. NAME: (�A. Lt L W t_ L (L H CERTIFICATION NO Z`i `l14 )ALL WC_C.0 l-t +r iC, DESIGN FIRM: DATE: ") / 17 ISEAL HERE► I q Comm LAI, ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE, ROOM 202 PORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 407-462-1553 FILLED LANDS AFFIDAVIT I, the undersigned, am the owner of the following described property, -17N ID # 2L417' qq "Cot oa.°Z SOC.0 �rzAa�/hE .�+iEcfJK" �2T /��`-� ,rzrae..o.4 3�1 `15L1 (tax ID/legal description/address) for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number . I acknowledge that as owner of the above described property, and in accordance with Section 7.04.01(D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. S t K N. L) /V V �E Property Owner Properly Owner Date (Print) (Signature) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ZIT _ t THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS L �DAY OF Qfl �'(� WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR WHO HAS PRODUCED !'na( Al)ow hi AS IDENTIFICATION. �/LP/XGt�CL �!• G%C; - RRENDA L. WHITE (aeaq SIGNATURE OF NOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY 33RENDA L. WHITE _ State of Florida NOTARYPUBUC TITLE COMMISSION NUMBER My Comm. •March 18, 1993 Comm. If CC 361855 ,il PERSONALLY KNOWN 6Y ME ❑ PRODUCED I.D. - SLCCDV FORM NO.: 011-00 PAUL IVOLCli INC. Mechanical • Electrical • Civil • Engineering 1984 S.W. Biltmore St. #114 Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Phone (407) 785-9888 FAX (407) 785-9933 July 07, 1995 Re: A-1 Metals To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that the existing unisex bathroom located in the Retail area of the above referenced project will be remodeled to provide handicapped accessibility in accordance with the attached detail. tted by: WELCH INC. Welch, P.E. PW:ns I EX/Sr/A/C /NDI/STR/AL Xi11PlKSToRAOF- MOPOSED 45'x V9' ADDITION I I EK/sT/NG He-rAL .fTonAC,E B✓/LDIAIC, -, 5V/S7-/,vc, I // MAG<l/Alm,- SNOP� EXISTING IZJ:TAILAIZF-A �-� NO' Go I_XISTIMq UMISEX OAT':ILraM 7b PF... tZ---MoDPLFP IM ACXOMDAMCE WITU — J (/%�EKISTII�Ej /O6VERIGtnI�S To B,E WGL�$>ep 1 PAUL WELCH INC. 1984 BlMwre Street Suite 114 PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34984 JUL 1995 r � = o go5s—^ter 0 4 i z 35: t yJ Cs w m ST. LUCIE COUNTY _ >� o UILDING DIVISION Q REVIEWED +a Q-a o ®s- FOR COMPUA E s 4u ="WE BY _ z w uL ?- NS AND PERMIT c� �O m m s . KEPT ON JOb �9 N IOm`J NlIL! F u, Nn _ S Z j U d Via- 1— V .�