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I RE1:E!`'_0 JAH . 7 7017 HIT# — ISSUE DATE I: z fi{ PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ~1 Building A Code Compliance Division a a BUMDING PERMTT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Co pany Name/Individual Name) the l�'c.7 s, z e % Sub-contractor for t/J-i,1 n t Qe°gl e— /u�/^ �.�%�o•�/� (Type of Trade) Contractor) \ (Primary For the project located at �� C__P__ (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County wi'11 be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) O RACTOR SIGNATURE-(Qualifier) PRINT NAME PRINT NAME �E��_ COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER' COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County(if V �,.� State of Florida,County of „i s ve_ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this �-day of The foregoing instrument was siggned,before me tbisy of 20 by C,���'C ,J�.HI� �s�`I.� 5rirss;0► 9 ,2013by l�Al1J��1I�C0 �� U who is personally known Y_or has produced a who is personally!mown\,--or has produced a as identification. as identification. � STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public `Signre of Nof _atuary Pablic I��32-21 6 u,61L jq Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public r i Notw. POW StateLAMA R.CU98EDCiE Kern BUdk �•A'v"'7'FjP1r6Sftb9r21' � Corrlmissiolr#GG022076 My commiWotl FF..878543 Revised 11/162016 '��o Expires 0512`�Z020 •+ 2020 „„,,,, eon►�anwtroyFao,u,;u�neeaooaesro�s RECU..'D AL 1-.? ?7 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES k A 7 Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT rV l c,e S n e, have agreed to be' Minpany Name/Individual Name) tl lumbln, CA )ub-contractor for Loq ryne- "'b�Y 2 D Yn e M CO.R P (Type of Trade) (Prim ry Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID ) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of,a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) UB-C (Qualifier) a �W L n-e_ obea �.0 d I M PRINII'NAME PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of$T.L.G e"• State of Florida,County of St•LL�.j The foregoing instrument was signed before me ihis�day of The foregoing instrument was sign d before me thi -�day of by` 0.Jc2+,.� 2k'l,by ©�t`� Ll(Gl It l Gam. who is personally known_or has produced a who is personally known has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP STAMP Signature o of f Not Public Signatu*ofNotary Publi �O kcr 14 1 A/V rJ 4slejf ri C . C Print Name of Notary Public 11riAt Name of Notary Public ''r�::ye•, WROTHY ANN BASKIN t,e MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 � ' = 's r ��<E EXP(RES:OCtober2,2020 tpPYP(g`, k HONDA ii AFFERTI Bonded Thru Notary Publi,Underwriters :«� * MY COMMISSION#EE854297 Rev I Q- �• EXPIRES January 08,2017 (407)3?8 0153 FloridallotaryService.cam r i RECER'._C. ,A ',,,] l.J d7 PERMIT# i ISSUE DATE PLANNING;& DEVMOPMENT•SE1tVgCES Widing&Cod Compi ance' Division - HMDII G PERIVITT St$-C'ONnUCT0R AGREEMENT Comfort Control o'f St. 'Lucie C(Yunty_, Inc. have agreed-to'be (Company NameltndiviauaJ.Natue) the HVA C Sub-obntractor for Wynne be v e l o vme nt Corp. ; (Type Of Trade) (Prim&W Contfaator) For the project located at `� G< (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) it is understood:that,if there is any change of status.regarding our par icipation with the above mentibned.. project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant.to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. I CONTUAC'rOR MWATURE(Qualifier). CD IGNAT'UILE(Qumer) M.aatbew Lyle Wynne B.a.r erman PRINT NAlVYEE PRINT NAME 08.898 8288 COUNTY CERTMCATION NUM ER COUNTY CERTIFICATI0N NUMBER State ofFlorida,Coamty of S i, c,F State of Florida:County of 21 c The foregoing ins&unient was s zaed before me this!L_' day of The foregoing instrument was slgaed before me twsLt`l y of 20C by'2�S! t ���ut+nn2CW1QC1 who is personally.known�r has ptad,tced a who is personally known✓r has produced a as identification. as identification, ST'AW STANi Signature ofNou" "liflc Signature Of Notary Vne o.u2o-M)1 env �ASKra �y. o`TK.`/ HNC SK.1.J_ Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public <rsi5;a�y., DOROTHYANN BASKIN, rRe• MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 E,' � DOROTHYANN BASKIN EXPIRES;October 2,2020. : . �'COMMISSIONGG 030145 %',Fq ;°P' Bonded ThN Notary.Pubfic Underwriters 'a:; EXPIRES:October2,2010 Bonded Thud Nota Pubfic UCF FI��.Revisedill16P101ti �����` N ndenvriters. ' L66-d M00/3000d tLO-i 999LKELL d-too Bu i p i i n8 auuAM -Wpaj g 6=Z L 9 6 60-Z I, I i RECER' ID BAN ? '17 • • PERMIT# ISSUE^;€}ATE': r� , , PLAN1�IIlY ;8i DEV +LOPMENT SUM.C.9 ...... .� � , gul><iding& Code Campl>lance Division , ..,�'•�-��.,..�^"�' BCJILDIZITG`r PER3VI]'!' SiJB=CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT i Treasure Goas:t Roofing.; �aveareedtobe (Go»pany:Nameltndtvidtial Name) the Ro`gfa ng Sub-oout�raetorfor wYnne Development Carp. (Type of Trade) {Primary Contractor) Foir the pFo3ect:laeated:at . (Pro jeet:Street:Addressor Property Ta�rID If is uttderstaod that,xfthere::is any ehallge:of status rega du g our party"' t orr Vn tea inen#Ien�d prrs,�ect,the Bu>i1+ ulg: d Cadeegulatlon Diulsian of St:Lucie County will be advised pursuant'ta the: fl�iiag of�a Ghang�of Subs cantractornot><ce . CONTRACTOR SIGiVATITRE;(Qnahfier). SUB:C .N RtS G`fQR:. NA. n lifter): 4le. Wynne. . .. ... . .. .. . Brian Mao;ney PRINT11jA1VIEPRINT YAME' CUU1V'1`Y C7ERTIFlCAT,rUlY�'iIl12BEIL : COUNTY�ER-'IFiCtf:TlOhf;.N[TMBER State oI Florida,Couniy of�TiLUC-C $tate of F7onda,County:of G I C �heforego�n&,hstm entwpss> ed_beloreatet5is '. dsyof T><e:toregoindrngtcnmentwas.signrdkeforemethiS d3yof. Otf\V 20 ,by..: ar v 4abyW\Qn wJio.is,gerspnally lcnowp_or Gas prodaceda: who is personalty la�owri=✓or lies produced a �as�idettif►.caton:, as identfcat'ro1f -STAMP griatore of Noffi .Pub)►c 5igiiature of:Notary uDlic: 1 nrr� A-SICt.iJ .. . �.2 a`rNy.. ivN Fndf.Nan*6fN6t9rv.PuGlie PriniName of?tititaryPubhe. DOROTHYANNBASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 zoS'A�'�a��; DOROTHYANN BALKN =�•, :;? 'EXPIRES:October 2,2020 =.. MY COMMISSION#G.• I�p Bonded-Thrti NOtzry.PubGc Underwriters = �c`3 EXPIRES:October2� . ..off.,•�:.. Bonded-Thru Notary Public u