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R-ECEIVr—T-JAIN 2 7 9 I7 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE l �. II PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES . . Pudding&Code Compliance Divislo' n BUILDING PERmi1T SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT i if c r f, e- have agreed to be (Co parry Name/Individual Name) the _l c,T t, z e / Sub-coritractor for t L—) Qe e,,e f c (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qaali6er), 4TA-CONTRACTOR.SIGNATURE'(Qualifier) PRINT N PRINT NAME ZYZ-4;z COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of State of EYorida,County ofs LiajC,e. The foregoing instrum1en�t7was signed_b\efo,re me this�1 day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me tbis� `' day of 20n byVJ� who is personally known or has produced a who is personally known_V_or has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Pa6Gc i Signature of Notary Public JG Print Name of Notary Public i Print Name of Notary Public I i Plotary Public Sale ai:Fbn� +��:•',4 ;,-LAW A R.CU98EDGE g .. Keni BU00 _ • Cpmmisslon#GG 02Q076 My CommYsakMF 878543 Revised`11/10016 o� Expires 05t2�129P0, :+ o"` , Expirfas Oft hr21�2020 !�•: �„„,,,� BondedThrilTroyFainlnsur�nisl9438�10f9 II RECEI"'D Jf'J'1 ? PERMIT# ISSUE DATE i i PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT a -hken I on,,% Ll m n r v1 c.e S c, have agreed to be Mmpany Name/Individual Name) the m h ub-contractor for 1�t, �� e, p m e'm Co.R. (Type of Trade) (Prim ry Contractor) P For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be.advised pursuant to the filing of,a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-C CTOR SIG ATURE(Qualifier) aQ:Uzb L ' n-�- obi W d l4 Nt PRIM NAME PRINT NAME o 1912p% COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of 5T.L.Gt State of Florida,County of S�- ,I C,j e— r The foregoing instrument was signed before me this Z 'day of The foregoing instrument was sign d before me this Bay of Q Al by`M0.�c e}� �•2 � r>� a 21 by ©bPr Lu Gam. -11 who is personally known—or has produced a who is personally known,or has produced a as identification. as identification. RA � nn Ot STAMP STAMP Signature of Not Public . Signature of Notary PubG �otQc3i 1(`1 Nt�3 kJI SK�rJ C C r Print Name of Notary Public riot Name of Notary Public DOROTHYANNBASKIN MY COMMISSION#GO 030145 t F EXPIRES:October2,2020 ,•t Yes@-, RHONDA LAFFERTY " Bonded Thru Note Public Underwriters Rev Notary I, MY COMMISSION#EES54297 I ocP;' EXPIRES January 08,2017 (407)3i?&0153 FlonlallolaryServica.com 1 .1 • s �. ...�P�."R�,`:':i.C.`.:t7;FiP^;"�4�..i.`iw:bic7�'il:i;;.,"`,.,r. ,;.�� 31 Il REC'E:I\,'rD iANi ? '" al PERMIT* ISSUE DATE i PLANNI Nt&DRVE-OPMENT SE-AVTCES Building& Code Complianco Divisiolt $UZ'DNG PERNITP SM-CONTRACTOR AGREEWNY' Comfort Control of St. Lucie Caunty_, _Inc. have agreed to'be (Company Nameltndividual N=e) the HVAC Sub-cbnttactorfor Wynne Development Cori). (Type of'Tmde) 1 — \ Oti nary Conttutor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or PropaW Tax ID#) It is understood:that,if there is any change of status,regarding our participation with the above mentibned.. -project,the building and Code Regalatidn Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant,to the tiling a of Chan`e of Sub-contractor-notice. l� .. CONTXACTOR SYGNAnME(Qualifier). IGNATUIiE(Qualifier) Matthew L¢le Wynne =Bar. : rman PRIMP NANS PRINT NAM 08.898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMER COUNTY CERTMCATXON NUMBER State of Florida,County of S T, e r F State of Florida.County of siLLA C. ' The fercgoing instrument was*.hed Ibctore me ae ay of The forezoing instrument was signed before me thi3day of G 2,Qa bye r 20�bI —ACC 1X ��1�ty�2CVv1�(, who is personally known has ptalnced a who is personally knew,✓r has produced a6 ideatrfiicatian as ideati6caSon. STAMP �lX. f�... • STAMId Signature of Notary we Signature of Notary fac `Id o. : .X y ASKla .�o—n-1 y ffNN w4skl'o print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public ;,Q.:P:a�•,, DOROTHYANN BASKIN , : •, DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ,�4 EXPIRES October 2,2020. MY COMMISSION#GG 030145' �FOfF��.�`•••Bonded ThN Notary.Pubf�c Underwriters � p' EXPIRES:October 2,2020 " •, Bonded Thni Nola Public U q,GF F��•• ' Revised I1!]6/101ti �,���� ry ndenvrite[s. ' L66-d 3000/3000d tLO-i 999L8L83LL d.4o0 suipjin8 auuAM -Wo�j gL:ZL 96 -60-ZI a7 RErEIp 1; �Jr I� PERMII:#' ISSUE SATE; ,I n Neva 4wvx �'�P k: .PiJD�\�: Da(� il1tf 'SGS - u>Illcing&Coax Comp lance'I3rvisroia' !' - `BUILDINC:PERIVIIT SUB=CONTRACTOR.AGREEMEN T` Treasure Coast Roofing; have agreed to be (Cgmpany'Name/nd><vidt►al Namej:: W a" .Devel;opme_nt Corp.. the R o g f Ts"g: Sub-cointractor for y (Type of:Trade) (primary Conttactor) Foi~the pro�ect.:Ioeated:at . � .. �..CQ.\. (pro&ctStreet.Address.m . ,operiyTazrID }: It's ut�derstaod that,ifthere` s any'°change,Of-status rega duxg our participation►wig the above>inentTonecl prc�,�ect,*Building cCuny p eR > nSu twae ah . f*9 of.a Gliange of Sub cc ntractor_;notice;. CUiV�ITLACTUT2STGATA'fi]ItT::(tZaaLfier' S[JI C011RA(.�Qt:. NfA Wiser): j Matth.e:w L,p1e Wynne.. . . .. ... B.rYan -Mala:ney j - PRINTNAM£', T'RI1NT. *4 CUtILVTY CETiTIFlCtITXON NUMIiF,R : COUNTY CERITFICA TTOri-NUM ER State of Flos..'ila,Cougty of�T�'G C ... State:of F7onda�Goudty:"oi• G/C dayrof Tbe£oreQoin nstrpipentwas s� `ed beforeme:tlds: Ttie faregwng!instrnmept wps s?gned beforeate:.this: r g gq y. f. 4y ►��1..1� ` aL�-e�.e - who-is. .rsona known p. p P Fr. .. uY. a/or:bas rode ed a: wha is: er offs.)3mown.✓ or;U reduced l 'ns ideatiiFcafioe;, as deutfeatiod igaatureofivota Puti4C ! S7AMP Sigrialureof:Notary dblir: ��` STAW �I A-5,�;.iJ V /J.4SKt O.'►2o`i'F�� J`i'�� PridtN9vhCdfNotary.Public i Pr 4Mnie o£NofaryFnbtic i DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 �,zo'A°:9L�.: DOROTHYANN BASKIN EXPIRES:October 2,2020 MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 i:'. •• +r.....P.• :.: r5 '•.;oFF„�.• Bonded Thru Notary Public Undenniters :,,, Fo,. EXPIRES:October 2,2020 Revised f tli6/2OY6' FOF F�q.•' Bonded Thru Notary Publio:Underwntem I I I